xt7g7940s934 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g7940s934/data/mets.xml Clarke, firm, booksellers (Cincinnati) 1876-1893.  books b92-261-31827007v4 English Robert Clarke & Co., : Cincinnati, Ohio : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. America Bibliography Catalogs. Catalogs, Booksellers'. Bibliotheca Americana  : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 4) text Bibliotheca Americana  : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 4) 1876 1876-1893. 2002 true xt7g7940s934 section xt7g7940s934 

: iblint pra Smrrrna


!',vice.. F'Iftil Crelits.

A                          I
 ObFpf Club 4 Co., O'Brinflati.


                BOOK IMPORTING.

    We would call the attention of Librarians and private buyers to cur facil.
fties for the importation of Books, Maps, Prints, Music, Autographs, etc. We
have now, as our London Agent, a gentleman of large experience. bttlt in
this country and in England, who gives special attention to the colfection, of
Old Rare Works, such Modern Works as are "out of print," Works on Special
Subjects, etc. Orders are carefully and promptly filled at the lowest rates.
    ,Foreign Jfagazines, Newspapers, Transactions of Societies and all
other periodical publications supiplied with promptness and regularitv.
    Books, etc., for Public Institutions imported free of duty.
    The Priced Catalogues of the Foreign second-hand Booksellers afford an
excellent means of procuring books not usually found in stock in this country.
at very reasonable prices. They embrace not only Old, Rare and Curious
Books, but the best of Modern Works, desirable editions of Standard Authors,
Finely-illustrated Works, etc., mostly purchased at the sales of private libraries,
which are constantly taking place.

    We receive these Catalogues regularly, and will take pleasure in sending
copies to any of our customers who desire them, and import selections made
from them. As, however, our orders can not reach the bookseller till about a
month after the catalogue was issued, some of the books selected maly be sold,
as in most cases they have only single copies, but we usually obtain about
three-fourths of all we or ler.
                                ROBERT CLARKE & CO.,
                            PVULIsHlERs, BOOKSVLLERS AND IMPORTERS.I
                                            6i, 63, 65 Jest Fart/, Sari.f.
                                                           ClJitX;.' TI, 0.

 This page in the original text is blank.


     "The most important Americana lists at present issued by American dealers
are those of Robert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, which are admirable specimens
of such lists. "-Jusfin IVznsor, Narrative and Cri.aai aHistory of Anefriva, I'M. I
pagt xv.






            RELATING TO


             WITH A



 This page in the original text is blank.


   We have at last the pleasure of offering to our patrons our
new AMERICANA CATALOGUE, which has been so long delayed.
   This one, of course, cancels all former Catalogues as to prices.
It represents in a measure the general character and variety of
our usual stock in this department. There Mare a large number
of works which we aim to keep constantly on hand, but these
necessarily vary somewhat in price, according to their condition,
increasing scarcity, etc. Our stock is constantly changing; many
books which pass through our hands are never catalogued, being
disposed of as soon as received, or taken to fill standing orders.
   While we have in many cases duplicates, yet, of a large num-
ber, we have only single copies; to secure these early orders are
   We have left in this Catalogue the titles of some- rare works,
unpriced, which we have not in hand, but which we occasionally
have. Librarians and private buyers will find it to their advan-
tage to send us, from time to time, lists of books wanted, whether
on this catalogue or not, as we have special facilities for the col-
lection of rare or out of print works of this class.
   Letters of inquiry meet with prompt attention.
                                 ROBERT CLARKE & CO.
   CINCINNATI, April, 1893.

 This page in the original text is blank.



WatoF 1812 ................ .   .................  30
MIXICAN WIAR ............,. 3 3
REBELI.IO.W.. ......................................  34
CONEEDERATE PUBI.ICATIONS ..................      60
ALASAM .................. . ......................  61
AILASKA ...................... .....................  62
ARtIZONxA .........................    .........  6.3
A      ..... ..............................63
I  AIPIRNIA . ......J...............................  64
4'ESTOAI. WEST ...................6....... 7.....  6
'"lORADI .74..............................       14
ISANDTICUT ........................74.............  7
DIF TAN N(IRTE AND SOUTH................7f,
DIS   T   IIIr OF COLUMBIA ........... . ...........  77
ft o LOFA0 ....... ,,,......................  ...,X. .

IDE  w ;.X..... ,.................. .. .   .........  ..... 8
fIr   lol ...... ................ .......................... 8 g1
]h u.ts0....................................  8jF

RAXBATI3r   .... . .. ............................  87s
i":;T IS '  ........ ... . .. ..........,,,.,,,,.  918

11A.rflSACHSEIS....................  94
311C IA S   ... .................... ......  .................  925

    5(eI.... , ...  ..........  .......  ........ ,....  106

]l.FI     ..I..I..      .         108
)11SSOURI ..............  ...... ... ..............  108
3[0"TAIqAz ............  .6efi,...........  . ................ .  109
'5EBRAS A............... ............109
NIVAD........................ ....  110
XtWt E.'(IA'I ........... .......... ,, 10

Nagw  IiAMPSHIRE .................. 113
NEw JzRszy ........... 114
NF:w MfEXICO ........... 115
NEW YO       RKK........... 116
NORTH CAROLINA ...       ............... 123
OHIO. :                             124
OJREGoN ........... 134
PENNSYL.VANIA .....   ............. 135
RHODE ISLAND .................. 140
SoUTii  CAROLINA ................................  141
SOUTHERN STATES ..................     143
TENNESSEE...        ............... 145
TEXAS .........................1..................... 46
UTAH AND THE IfoaxoS ..................... 148
VERM1N1T .     ............................... 151
VIRGWIIA ...............................   152
WASHINGTO ............. ........................ 155
WEST VIRGINIA ................................. 155
wVisCoX ........................................ 155
WYoMIN ......................................... 158
ARCTIC ...................... ......................  159
BRITISH AMERICA ............................... 161
MEXICO......                        173
CENTRAL AMERICA ......... . ................... 177
WEST INDIES ....................... ............ 179
SOUTH AMERICA ............................... 181
TIRAVELS ........................................... 187
BIOGRAPHY ....................................... 203
GENEALOGY ........................... ........... 231
RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES ....................... 236
SLAVERY AND THE NeRGo .................... 240
POETRY ...............................   246
FINANCE, CoISS, AND CURRENiCY ............ . 249
INDIAN LANGUAGES ............................. 271



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                             RELATING TO


                FOR SALE BY


              CINCINNATI, OHIO

 1 Anderson (R. B.) America not discov-
 ere'l b! Columbus. Aln historical sketch
 4 the discovery of America by the Norse-
 mea in the tenth century. With a bibli-
 .s-rrlnhv of the pre-t'olunibian dlis-overers
 Anmerica by Paul B. Watson. l2ino. pp.
 1A4. (Chicago 1891.             1 00
 2 Antiquites Americaines d'apres les
 Mantnii,-ntllliistoriqu.s d es Islandais et
 1-, Ancieris Scandimlnve,. Publiees Sots
 les auspices de Ia Societe Rovale des Anti-
 uslire- lu Nord, par Charlas Christian Ratn.
 Contailnligarticles in Danish, Latin, French
 andl English on the discovery of America
 by the .Scaisdinavian-s in the tenth century,
 etc. 17 plates and maps. Large 4to. pp.
 42+4719+6. halfcalf. llafniae, 1845. 10 00
 :; Beamish (N. L.) The Dicovery of
 America by the Northmen in the tenth
century, and notices of tbe early settle-
ments of tile Irish ill thle western hemi-
sphere. Maps.   8vo. Ipp 239   London,
1841                            5 00
4 A-,Ither copy. Half caif.    6 00
5 Brown (Marie A.) The Islandic Dis-
coverer of America. Illustrated. 12mo.
p. 2I3.Boston, 1888.             T5
;  De Costa (Re,. B. F.) The Nortbmen
n raine: a critical examination of the
Views Of Dr. J. H. Kohl. 8wo. pp. 146.
Albany, 1870.                   1 28 p
d 7 De Cost& (B. F.) The Pre-Columbian
dscovery of America by the Northmen,

with translations from the Icelandic Sagas.
8vo. pp. 196. Albany, 1890.      3 Wi
  8 Horsford (Eben N.) The Defences of
Norunmbegs, and a review of the reconnais-
sances of Col T. w. Higginson, Prof. Henry
W. Haynes. Dr. Justin Winsor, Dr. Francis
Parkman. and Rev. Dr. E. F. Shafter. Nu-
merous maps and heliotypes. 4to. pp. 84.
Boston. 189J1. Net.              7 50
9 Horsford (Eben N.)    Discovery of
America by Northmen. Address at the
unveiling of the statue of Leif Eriksen,
Faneuil Hall, Oct. 29, 1887. With maps
arnd illustrations. 4to. pp. 113. Boston.
1888. Net.                        . 00
  10 Horsford(Eben -N.) The Discoveryof
the ancient city of Norumbega. Map and
phototypes. 4to. Boston, 1890. Net. 2 50
  11 Horsford (Eben N.) John Cabot's
Landfall in 1497 allnl tile site of Norumbega.
Plates and maps. 4to. pp. 42, paper. Bos-
ton, 1886. Net.                  2 00
  12 torsford (Eben N.) The Problem of
the Northmen. A letter to Judge Daly on
the opinion of .lustin Winsor that " though
Scandinavians may have reached the shores
of Labrador, the soil of the United States
has not one vestige of their presence."
Illustrations and maps. 4to. pp. 23. Bos-
toll, 1890. Net.                  I 00
  13 Ingram (Robert). Account of the
Ten Tribes of Israel being iia America, orig-
inally published by R. M. M anasseh Ben
Israel, and their return from thence about
the time of the return of the Jews. 8vo.
pp. 56. Colchester, 1792.        2 50


Robert Clarke J Co., Cincinnati.

  14 Jones (George). History of Ancient
America anterior to the time of Colunmbus:
proving the identity of the aborigines with
the 'T'yrians Dnd Israelites, and the intro-
duction of Christianity into the western
hemisphere by the Apostle St. Thomas,
Part 1: The Tyrian Bra. 8vo. pp. 461.
London, 1843.                      3 (o  
  1S Leland (Chas. G.) Fusang; or, the
Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist
priests in the filth century. 12mo. pp. 241.
New York, 1875.                    1 75
  16 Ran (Charles Christian). MXmoire
sur la DFcouveste de l'Am6rique aux dix-
teme siicle. Publi6 par la SocietA Roval
des Antiquaires du Nord. 8vo. pp. 52.
Copenhague, 1843.                   1 25
  17 Reeves (Arthur M.) The Finding of
Wineland. the Good. The history of the
Icelandic discovery of America. With pho-
totype plates of the vellum MSS. of the
Sagas. Edited and translated from the
earliest records.  4to. pp. 205. London,
1890.                             11 00
  18 Smith (J. Toulmin). The Discovery
of America by the Northmen in the tenth
century. Maps and plates. 12mo. pp. 344.
London, 1839.                      3 50
  19 Another copy, under the title of The
Northmen in Nevw England; or, America
in the tenth century.   Ilimo. pp. 364.
Boston, 1839.                      2 50
  20 Torfason (Thormod). The History
of Ancient Vinland. I'ranslated from the
Latin of 1705 by Prof. C. G. Herbermann.
With an introduction by John (Gilmary
Shea. 8vo. pp. 83, paper. New York,
1891.                              2 00
  21 Vining (Edward P.) An Inglorious
Columbus; or, evidence that Hwui Shan
and a party of Buddhist monks from Af-
ghanistan discovered Amnerica in the fifth
century A. D. 8vo. pp. 788. New York,
1885.                              4 00
  22 Weine (Arthur J.) The Discoveries
of America to the year 152.5. Maps. 8vo.
pp. 380. Half morocco, neat. New York,
1I84.                              5  00
  23 Williams (John). An Inquiry into
the Truth of the Tradition concerning the
discovery of America by Prince Madog sb
Owen Gwynedd about the year 1170. Svy.
pp. 85, half morocco. London, 1791. 3 25
  24 The same. With further observations
on the discovery of America by Prince
Madog, with an account by Gen. Bowles
and several others of a Welch tribe or
tribes of Indians now living in the western
parts of North America. pp. 51,2 vols. in 1.
8vo. half calf. London, 1791.     6 50

           (T'; ITED STATES.
  25 Abbott (11. L.) Defense of the Cos't
of the United States. Svo. pp. 167. \,
York, 1888.                       2 i.j
  26 Abbott (Jacob).    American lusts0
I. Aboriginal America.    II. Discover, of
America.   III. The Southern Colo,,ie,
IV. The Northern Colonies     V. WVars of
the Colonies.   VI. Rtevoblt of the ('olotj
VII. Warof the Revolution. VIII. Wa47
ington. 8 vols in 4, I2nio.    New York,
n. d.                             6 1ij
  27 Abingdon (Earl of). Thoughts on the
letter of Edn-nd Burke on the affairs of
Ameria.80.vo. pp. 91+60, paper. oxford,
n. d. (1780).                      1 8
  28 Account (An) of the society lor the
encouragement of the British troops in Ger-
many and North America. 8vo. pp. 91+55,
old calf. London, 1760.           1 50
  29 Adams (Henry).      History of the
United States of America. Vols. 1-4, Ad-
ministration of Jefferson. 1801-1809, vol.
5-9, Administration of Madison. 1809-1817.
With an index to the entire work. 9vols
12mo. New York, IS90-1.          18 Jo
  30 Adams (John). A Defense of the
Constitution of Government of the United
States of America.    3 vols. 8vo. old calf.
London, 1794.                     4 (oi
  31 Adams (John). Suppressed History
of the Administration of John Adams.
from 1797-1801, as printed and suppressed
in 1802.  By John Wood.     Now repu-
lished, with notes and appendix, by John
H. Sherburne. 12mo. pp. 391. Phillade1-
phia, 1846.                       1 25
  32 Adams (J. Q.) The Duplicate lAt-
ter', the Fisheries, and the Mississippi.
Document relating to transactions at the
negotiation of Ghent. svo. pp. 259, board.
Washington, 1822.                 1 5
  33 Adams (J. Q ) A Letter to the Hot.
Harrison Gray Otis, on the present state i.f
our national affairs. With remarks upion
Mr. Pickering's letter to the governor of
Massachusetts. 12mo. pp. 24, boards. 125
pole. N. Ii., 1808.
  34 Adams (P. Q.) Twelve Messages frot
the Spirit of John Quincy Adams. thrut1ai
Jog. D. Stiles, medium, to Josiah Brigham
Svo. pp. 459. Boston, 18.59.
35 Address (An) to the People of tie
U7nited States on the policy of maintaiOtp
a permanent navy. By an American ct'-
zen.  8vo. pp- 51, paper.  PhilaltP)s
  36 Advice to the Officers of the Britb
Army. With introduction and notes



America in General and the United States.

printed b) the Agathinian Club. [By Cat-
tain Francis (lose.]  8vo. pp. xx+136+.
New York, 1It;T.                  2 25
  37 Alcedo (Col. Don Antonio de). Geo-
graphical and II istorical Dictionary of
America sind the WVest Imidies. With large
additions and compilations from modern
vsoages and travels, by G. A. Thompson.
5,Sols 4to. half calf. Lon., 1812-15. 10 00
38 American Almanac (The) and Re-
plaitorv ot Useful Knowledge, for the
years 1830 to 1861, inclusive.  32 vols.
Limo. Boston, 1830-61.
   QSome odd volumes can be supplied to
complete sets.
39 American Archives. Consisting of
authentic records, state papers, etc., the
whole forming a documentary history of
the origin and  progress of the North
American  colonies.  Fourth  and  filth
series. All published, 9 vol.. Folio, half
ranis.  Washington, 1837-53.     30 00
40 American Gazetteer. Containing a
distinct account of all the parts of the
Ne, WXorld. Maps. 3 vol8. 16mo. calf.
London, 1762.                     3 75
41 American's Guide (The). Compris-
ing the Declaration of Independence; the
Article of Confederation; the Constitution
of United States and the Constitution of
the several States composing the Union.
12mo. pp. 419. Philadelphia, 1843.  60
42 American Ristorical Record and
Repertory (o Note-s and Queries. Edited
by Benson .J. Lossing. Vol. 1. 8vo. half
morocco Philadelphia, 1872.       3 00
43 American Independence. Consola-
tory thoughts on. Bv a merchant. 8vo.
pp 68. Edinburgh. 1782.             50
44 American Magazine and Monthly
Chronicle Iol the British Colonies. Bv a
society of gentlemen (1tev. Win. Smith)
No. 8, fav, to No. 13, October, 1758. 8vo.
old sheep.  Philadelphia.  Printed  by
Wm. Bradfordl                     5 00
45 American Oratory; or, Selections
from tile otpe,-Je, of eniinent Americans.
vo. pp. 531, oldi sheep. Phila., 1836. 1 25
4p American Republics.    Hand-book.
Plate- a,,,l Maps.  8vo. pp. 486, paper.
Washington 1x91.                  1 50
47 American Review (The) of Ilistory
and Pottics, and general repository of liter-
ature ani state papers. 4 vols. 8vo., half
hound. London 1811-12.
                                  5 00
 Hj4s American  Revolution.  Pictorial
 istory, with a sketch of the early history
 f the country, the constitution of the
,s3I Staotnes, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. pp.
           B o s t o nn.d.                 15 0

  49 American State Papers and Publick
Documents, 1789-1815.   Including  the
Confidential Documents. Second edition.
1t vole. 8vo. old sheep. Boston, 1817. 8 V5
  50 American State Papers.    Foreign
Relations, 6 vols.; Indian Affairs, 2 vole.;
Finance, 5 vols.; Commerce and Naviga-
tion, 2 vols.; Military Affairs, 7 vols.; Naval
Affairs. 4 vols.; Post Office, 1 vol.; Public
Lands, 8 vole.; Claims, 1 vol.; Miscellaneous,
2 vols.; together, 38 vols. Folio, half rus-
sia. Washington, v. d.
  51 Ames (Nathaniel).     The Essays,
lHunmor, and Poems of Nathaniel Ames,
father and son, of Dedham, Mass., from
their Almanacks, 1726-1775. With notes
and comments by Sam Briggs. Fac-similes.
8vo. pp. 490. Cleveland, 1891.    4 00
  52 Anderson (Alex. D.) The Silver
Country; or, The Great South West, A
review of the mineral and other wealth,
the attractions and material development
of the former Kingdom of -New Spain, com-
prising Mexico and the Mexican cessions
to the United States, in 1848 and 1853.
Map. l2mo. pp. 221. N. Y., 1877.  1 75
  53 Andrews (1. W.)    Manual of the
Constitution of the United States. 8vo.
pp. 348+57. Cincinnati, 1887.     1 25
  54 Application of some political rules
to the present state of Great Britain and
America. 12mo. pp. 86. London, 1766. 50
  55 Ammen (Rear Admiral Daniel). The
Old Navy and the New, with an appendix
of personal letters from General Grant.
8vo. pp. 553. Philadelphia, 1891.  3 00
  56 Aristocracy in America, from the
sketch book of a Uerman       nobleman.
Edited by F. J. Grund. 2 vols. 12mo.
London, 1839.                       2 00
  57 Army of the United State.. Regu-
lations for 1857. l2mo. pp. 479. Newv
York, 1857.                           7a
  58 Aaother diftion, revised, for 1861. 8vo.
pp. 559. Philadelphia.              1 00
  59 Arnold (Matthew). Civilization in
the United States; first and last impres-
sions of America. Limo. pp. 192. Boston,
1888.                               1 2.5
  60 Atlantic Telegraph Published on
board the ' Great Eastern," July 29 to
August 17, 1865. Lithographed. With por-
traits and illustrations. Folio, pp. 24. 3 (10
  61 Atlas. Historical, Chronological, and
Geographical American Atlas: being a
guide to the history of North and South
America and the West Indies, exhibiting
an accurate account of the discovery, set-
tlement, and progress of their various
states, provinces, etc., with the wars, cele-



Robert Clarke i Co., Cincinnati.

brated battles, and remarkable events to
the year 1822. 53 colored maps. Folio.
Carey and Lea. Philadelphia, 1822. 5 00
  62 Baldwin (S. D.) Armageddon; or,
The Overthrow of Romanism and Mon-
archy; the existence of the United States
foretold in the Bible, etc. l2mo. pp. 484).
Cincinnati, 1854.                   1 25
  63 Bagenal (Pbilip H.) The American
Irish and their Influence on Irish Politics.
12mo. pp. 252. London, 1882.      1 2;
  64 Baker (J. F.) The Federal Constitu-
tion. An essay. 12mo. pp. 126. New
York, 1887.                          I 00
  65 Balch (Thomas). The French in
America during the War of Independence
of the United States, 1777-1783. Trans-
lated by Thos. W. Balch. Protrait and two
maps. 8vo. pp. 243. Phila., 1891.  2 54)
  66 Bancroft (Charles). The Footprints
of Time; and a complete analysis of our
American System of Government, estab-
lishment an. growth of the English Colo-
nies and the United States of America.
Svo. pp. 737, sheep. Burlington, 1885. 2 50
  67 Bancroft (George). History of the
United States, from the discovery of the
continent to the establishment of the con-
stitution in 1789. A new edition, partly
rewritten and thoroughly revised. 6 vols.
8vo. New York, 1,86.               15 00
  68 Bancroft (George). History of the
formation ot the Constitution of   the
United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo.
New York, 1882.                     5 00
  69 The same, in 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 49.5. New
York, 188.5.                        2 50
  70 Bancroft (George). A Plea for the
Constitution of the United States, wounded
in the house of its guardians. 32mo. pp.
95, paper. New York, 1886.            25
  71 Barber (J. W.) Incidents in Ameri-
can History. l2mo. pp. 354+94. Boston,
n. d.                               1 25
  72 Barber (J. W. and E. G.) Historical,
Poetical, and Pictorial American Scenes.
Being a selection of interesting incidents
in American History. Map. 12mo. pp.
190. New Haven, 1853.                 75
  73 Barber (J. W.) and Howe (Henry).
Our Whole Country; or, The past and
present of the United States, historical
and descriptive. 600 engravings. 2 vole.
8vo. Cincinnati, 1861.              3 00
  74 Baring (Alexander). In Inquiry into
the causes and consequences of the Orders
in Council; and an examination of the
conduct of Great Britain toward the neu-
tral commerce of America. 8vo. pp. 179,
paper. London, 1808.                  75

  75 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 104, pie
New York, 1808.                        Z
  76 Barlow (Joel). The Political Writ.
ings of.  16mo. pp. 28. sheep. New York
1796.                              15
  77 Barnes(W. H.) HistoryoftheThirtr.
ninth Congress. 8vo. pp. 613. Indianapoli,
1867.                              I 7i
  78 Barrows (W.) The United Staceoof
yesterday and to-morrow.    12mo. pp. 431
Boston, 1888                       l I5
  79 Bartlett (.Johts). Dictionar- of Amer
icanisms A glossary of words and phrias
usually regarded as peculiar to the United
States.  Fourth  edition.  8vo. pp. 813.
Boston, 1889.                      4 1t
  80 The sam-. First edition. Svo. pp. Be)
interleaved, halfcalf. New York, 1848. 2 50
  81 Bartlett (WV. H.)     history of the
American Kevolution. Plates. vo. pp.5A.
New York, 1881.                    3(8
  82 Bates (Edward, Attorney-general).
Opinion on Citizenship. 8vo. pp. 27. Wash-
ington, 1862.                        s5
  83 Bayard (.Jas.) Brief Exposition of
the Cons.titution of the United States, with
the Declaration of Independence andl the
Articles of (onfederation and Index. l2mn
pp. 166. Philadelphia, 1833.        50
  84 Bean (Theo. W.) Washington anI
Valley Forge; or, foot-prints of the Revo-
lution. Maps and plates. 8vo. pp. 63. Nor-
ristown, 1876.                     1 (0
  85 Beecher (Lyman). A Plea for Col-
leges.  limo. pp. 95. Cin'ti, 1836.    40
  86 Benton (Thomas H.) Thirty Years'
View; or, a history of the working of the
American government for thirty years.
from 1820 to 18;0. 2 vols. 8vo. New York,
1856-58. Cloth, 6.00; sheep,     S 
  87 Bernard (.,ohn). Retrospections of
America, 1797-1811. Edited from the man-
uscript by Mrs. Bayle Bernard, with intro
duction, notes, and index by L. Hutton
and B. Matthews.    Portraits. I-aWo. PP
380. New York, 1887.               150
  88 Bishop (J. L.) A History of Amer-
ican Manufactures, from 1608 to 1860, ex-
hibiting the origin and grow th of the
principal mechanic arts and manufactures,
with a notice of important inventionf
tariff, etc., with  statistics.  2 vole. o
Philadelphia, 1864.               4 (
  x9 The sa-e. extendled to 1867. 3 10
8vo. Philadelphia, 1868.             7
  90 Blaine (James G-) Twenty Yeas
in Congress, from Lincoln to Garfield With
a review of the events which led to the
political revolution of 1860. 2 1011 8V
Norwich, 1884.



America in General and the United States.

91 Bleeker (Capt. Leonard). The Order
Book of. Major of brigade in the early
part of the expedition under General
James Clinton against the Indian settle-
ments of Western New York, in the cam-
paign of 1779. 4to. pp. 138, paper. New
York 1865.                        2 25
92 Blennerhassett Papers. Embody-
ing the private journal of H arman Blenner-
bassett. anid the hitherto unpublished cor-
resondence of Burr, A lston, Comfort Tyler,
Devereaux. Dayton, Adair. Miro, Emmett,
Theodo-ia Burr Alston, Mrs. Blennerhas-
sett, and others, their contemporaries; de-
velopilIg the purposes and ainms of those
engaged in the attempted Wilkinson and
Burr revolution; embracing also the first
account of the ' Spanish Association of
Kentucky," and a memoir of Blenner-
bassett. By William H. Safford. Svo. pp.
665. Cincinnati, 1891.             300
  93 Bliss (F. C.) Our Country and Gov-
ernment for one hundred years.    Illus-
trated.  16mo. pp. 224.  Newark, N. J.,
ls76.                                75
  94 Boardman (Timothy).     Log Book
kept on board the privateer " Oliver Crom-
well " during a cruise from London, Ct., to
Charleston, S. C., and return, ill 1778, with
biographical sketch of the author by Rev.
S A. PFoardman. Small 4to. pp. 88. Al-
baur, IlF.',.                     2 00
  95 Bogart (W. H.) Who Goes There
or, mtin and events-Washington, Lafay-
ette, Ilzitnilton, Webster, and others. I6ino.
pp 2'.8New York, 1866.               75
  96 Bolles (Albert -S.) Financial History
of ta-t Utwited States, 1774-1885. 3 vols.
8o"  N-ew York. 188.              9 50
  97 Bolles (Albett S.) Industrial History
of the l`ltite-l States. A complete survey
of Am.ricttt industries.  Illustrated. Svo.
PPy Ai.:Norwich, 1881.             4 75
  98 Bonynge   (Francis).  The Future
Wealth t' Atut-rics. Beittg a glance at the
resoure-s rif the ['. S. and the commercial
aol agricultural advantages; with a review
of the. Citinam trade. 12mo. pp. 242. New
York 1852.                           75
  9" Botta (Charles). Historv of the War
of tte ltI leldettldence of the United States
of America. T'ranslated by (i. A. 4 Otis.
2 vol. 8vo. sheep.  New  Haven, n. d.
[18:37 ]                           2 .50
  ](0 Bouquet (Col. Ilenry) and his (Camn-
  paigns ill 1763-4.  By Rev. Cryus Cort.
  luma,. pp. 96. Lancaster, 1883.      30
  101 Boynton (Henry).     The World's
  Greatest Conflict Review of France and
  America, 1788-18t0. and history of America

and Europe, 1800-1804.   12mo. pp. 325.
Boston, 1890.                        1 50
  102 Brackenridge (H. H.) Modern
Chivalry; nr, tte adventures of Captain
Farrago and Teague O' Regan. 4 vols. in 2,
12mo. Philadelphia, n. d.            3 00
  103 Another edition.  l6mo. pp. 252, old
sheep. Wilmington, 1825.             1 25
  104 Bradford (Alden). History of the
Federal Government for fifty years, 1789-
1839. Avo. pp. 480. Boston, 1840.  1 50
  105 Bremer (Fredrika). The Homes of
the New World: impressions of America.
Translated by Mary ltowitt. 3 vols. 12mo.
Binding of vol. 3 broken. Lon., 1853. 3 00
  106 Brief Outline of the Rise, Progress,
and Failure of the revolutionary scheme
of the nineteen Van Burent electors of the
State of Maryland in 1836.  8vo. pp. 90,
paper. Baltimore. 1837.                75
  107 Bristed (John). The Resources of
the United States of America; or, a view of
the agricultural, commercial, manufactur-
ing, financial, political, literary, toral, and
religious capacity of thle American people.
8vo. pp. 505, boards, uncut.  New York,
1818.                                1 50
  108 British Dominions in North Amer-
ica (Hlistory of the) frrti the first discovery
by Sebastian Cabot, itt 1497, to 1763. Each
province treated separately. 4to. rp. 297+
275, old calf ctacked. London, 177;3. 3 00
  109 Bromwell (Willism J.) Ilistoiry of
Imtnigratiot to the tnite't States, exhibit-
ing the number, sex, age, occupation, etc.
8vo. pp. 225. New York, 1851i.     1 00
  110 Brooks (E. S.) The Story of the
American Soldier in War anid in Peace.
Illustrated. Svo. pp 350. Bostoi, 1889. 2 50
  111 Brotherhe&a (Wim.)   The Centen-
ttial Book oh the Signers. Being fac-simile
letters of each signer of the Declaration of
Independence.  Illustrated with one hun-
dred engravings of portraits, views, etc., in-
cluding thirteen original designs, colored
by hand. With a historical monograph
and a history of the C etntennial Exhibition.
Folio, pp. 295. full turkey morocco, gilt
edges. Philadelphlia. 1876.       12 00
  112 Brougham(Hetry,,Jr.) An Inquiry
into the Cotoloial Poliev of the European
Powers. 2v.,ls.. htalfrussin, Svo. Edinburgh.
1892. (Lorld Broughlana's fiest work.) 4 50
   113 Brown (Alexander).   The Genesis
of the United States. A narrative of the
movement in England, 1605-16 which re-
suited in the plantation of North America
by Englishmeit, disclosing the contest be-
tween England and Spain for the possession
of the soil now occupied by the United



Robert Clarke it Co., Cincinnati.

States; set forth through a series of histori-
cal manuscripts, now first published, to-
gether with a reissue of rare contemporane-
ous tracts, accompanied by bibliographical
memoranda, notes, and brief biographies.
100 portraits, maps, and plans. 2 vols. 8vo.
Boston, 1890. Net.                 15 00
  114 Bryce (James). The American Com-
monwealth: The national government, the
state government, the party system, public
opinion, illustrations and reflections, social
institutions.  2 vols. 12mo.  New York,
1892.                               3 00
  115 Bucazueer. History of the Buc-
caneers of America. Exploits and adven-
tures of Lefrand, Lolonois. Bat Morgan,
Sharp, Watlin, Sawkins, and others, etc.
Maps and plates. 2 vols. 16mo. old calf.
London. 1774.                       6 00
  116 Buccaneers (The) and Marooners of
America: being an account of the famous
adventures and daring deeds of certain
notorious freebooters of the Spanish Main.
12mo. pp. 40)3. London, 1892.       1 50
  117 Buckingham   (J. Silk).  America.
historical, statistical, and descriptive. 2
vols. 8vo. New York, 1841.          2 00
Bunker Hill-
  118 DaAKI(Sam'l A.) Bunker Hill: the
story told in letters from the battle-field by
British officers engaged, with introduction,
etc. 8vo. pp. 76. Boston, 1875.    1 00
  119 EL.IS (George E.) The Story of the
Battle of Bonker [Breed's] Hil