xt7g4f1mkt83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mkt83/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 2007 2007 2007-08-29 2020 true xt7g4f1mkt83 section xt7g4f1mkt83 Position PrevieW: Li ndley, secondary seek
more turnovers in upcoming season



\’V:l l)NlSl)/\Y


l Spons
Page 6


AUGUST 29, 2007


Suit likely to resume against Ragland

1y Juliann Vachon

1vachon®kykernel com

Shane Ragland may have only
two days left of home incarceration
before he is free. but after admitting
Monday that he killed Trent DiGiuro.
Ragland will likely face a wrongful
death civil suit from the family of the
fomier UK football player.

Ragland was awaiting his second
murder trial when he pleaded guilty to
second-degree manslaughter of
DiGiuro Monday moming.

The guilty plea came tnore than
l3 years after the former offensive
lineman died from a gunshot to the
head on July I7. 1994 while celebrat-

ing his binhday on the front porch of
his Woodland Avenue home

ln exchange for the plea. prose—
cutors recommended that Ragland
serve an eight—year sentence.
Ragland will receive credit for more
than four and a half years served in
prison as well as 14 months of home

incarceration while he was out of

prison on bond. He will finish his
sentence Thursday.

With the criminal case finished.

the DiGiuro family can now revisit a
civil suit filed after Ragland‘s first
conviction in April 2002 when he was
sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The Kentucky Supreme Court
overtumed the conviction arid ordered

a new trial in March 2006 after re—
search indicated that bullet lead tests
that connected Ragland to the
crime in the original trial were

Trent's father. Mike
DiGiuro. said he hasn‘t dis-
cussed the lawsuit with his
lawyers yet but will probably
revisit with the wrongful death
suit now that the case has been

While Ragland might not
have the tnoney to pay for

potential damages. DiGiuro said he

could at least try and stop the UK
graduate from getting a large inheri—
tance from his father Jerry Ragland.


“The main reason we would do
this is to keep Shane Ragland from
getting his father‘s money."
DiGiuro said. "I don‘t expect
to get any money out of this.
But I don‘t want him to have
it. And I can‘t say that his
lawyers aren‘t smart enough
to find ways around it. But
we can at least make his fa—
ther give (the money) to
someone else."

Ragland‘s attorney. Steve
Romines. said his client will
probably not defend the suit. The
case has never been about money.


See Ragland on page 4



\\ ednesday ey ening.



.4111». i?

1 rom sun up to sun down and all through
the night the words of the Bible were heard
around the Student (Icnter.
L i1i\ crsity ( hiistian l cllow ship decided on a
w him to read the Bible to L Ks campus com-
munity and h tve been doing so since IO p 111.
Sunday. By the time the last words are SPU-
ken over .to diflerent readers will It be taken a
turn at the i11icrophone. lwo readers switch
back and forth every fifteen minutes and after
an hour two new readers take the stand.

\ly throat got a lot drier than I thought it
would said Bethany Scales. a senior Spanish

major and group member.
that reading from cover to cover should take
around 70 h()lll‘S \\ lilCll “ill end sometime on Brittany Brithanan a seeial work iunior reads from rho Bible hyiandle and Newman last

Students 111 the

1 hey estimated


Betl hany Sta ales a seniorSpar11sh rriainr takes a shift readi rig the B1 ble yesterday 111 front 01 the Student Center Scales lS a member oft 1hr.- U111ver31ty Cl iristian Fe!
low/ship which has been reading the B1ble straight through Since Sunday r11ght

Three days and three nights

night in the in e speech area in front of the Student Center



Students buy record number of football

3T1 ravis Waldron and

increased from 3.|0(l last



season tickets cost

Sept. 15. are still available accord


Pflytie 38.";
ksaltz@kykernel corn

Student Government plans to spend
less money this year, but President Nick
Phelps doesn‘t think the Senate will have
any problems approving the 2007-08
proposed operational budget when it
votes at its first full senate meeting

"There's less money to go around.
but we worked hard to find more."
Phelps said. “I don‘t think there can be
too much negative response. "

lhe organization s overall budget is
3110000 less than last year. but there
were tew drastic changes Phelps said.

The budget proposal passed unani-
mously at the Appropriations and Rev-
enue Committee meeting Monday night.
and Senate President Tyler Montell said
he does not expect there to be any serious

“This is an SG budget we‘re all really
happy with." Montell said. "I don‘t see
anyone walking away opposed to it."

A&R Chaimtan Jesse Parrish showed
concem at Monday night‘s meeting over
the proposal to remove salaries for chairs
of S(i committees,

Phelps said the decision of cutting the
salaries has been made but was still being
worked out Monday.

The budget Is a process that is con-
stantly being changed. Montell said.

“It‘s a refining process to make the
budget as good as it can be." Montell
said. "We want a dialogue to be had with

See 86 on page 4

Staff, students
with Blazer

Bi. Bréfluflre"

:1h.ttre wkvker net tort:

Cecil Wiggins carefully placed a ham
and bacon sandwich into .1 new Lincoln
lmpingcr pilltl oven and turned to begin
the next order when he saw a group of
students heading for the exit.

“Goodbye ladies." said the dining
ser\ ices employee of 22 years "You all
have a good evening."

Some dining employ ecs have experi»
enced a new pride this year because of
the remodeled Bla/er Cafe on north cam—

“I love it." said Doris (‘owatL
his worked tor l'K Dining Services for
22 years 1 makes me look forward to
coming to work."

After 1.4 million dollars 111 renova-
tions this summer. Cow an looks forward
to an abundance of changes in the catctca

New cooking stations. or "display
cooking." let students watch their food
being prepared.

It also lets ciistomcrs know that the
food they eat is fresh. said Roger Sidney.
assistant director ot dining sers ices.

The stations include a new charbroil
grill. a pi/la and international area with
new pi/la ovens and a deli

w ho

See Renovations 1111 page 10

season tickets

For tickets

twaldron@kvkerne| com

The UK Athletics Ticket Of-
fice announced yesterday that it
had sold a record number of stu—
dent season tickets for the 2007
football season.

As of 3 pm. yesterday. stu»
dents had bought over 4.800 sea-
son tickets. a number that was
"still rising." said Joe Sharpe. an
assistant athletic director who
heads the ticket office.

Sales shattered the previous
record of 3.549 tickets in 2005


Deputy Director of Athletics
Rob Mullens said he expected the
increase in student ticket sales to
help provide a more imposing
crowd at Commonwealth Stadium
this fall.

“In college sports, students
play a leading role in creating
home~ficld advantage.” Mullens
Silld. “We‘ve had Tillil'dSlK student
support, We need them to show up
and create that home field advan-
tage now. We just need them to
come out on Saturdays and be

Flnt luau lru. Subsequent luau 15 cents.

Education senior Kyle Board.
a four-year season ticket holder.

said a schedule full of quality
teams and higher expectations
were responsible for the increase.

“It's a combo of both." Board
said, "But after the bowl season
(in 20061 it‘s obvious that the pro-
gram is going in the right direc

General admission season
ticket sales also increased this sea—
son, UK sold over 5|.000 season
tickets. about H.000 more than
2006 sales.

$40 and are available for sale until
(1 pm. Friday. which is also the
deadline for students to pick up
their tickets for Saturday 's contest
against liastcm Kentucky.
Students can purchase single
game tickets at the [K Athletics
Ticket Office 111 the Joe ('nift Cen-
ter at $5 each. limit one per stir
dent. Season llLlsClS can be pur-
chased at the ticket office as well.
Single game student tickets for
UK's first three home games
against EKU on Sept. 1. Kent
State on Sept. 8 and Louisville on

log to l'K Athletics.

Student guest tickets will go
on sale today for the first three
games lliKl' Sill. Kent State 330,
Louisville S701. Fans can also pur
chase tickets online at
w w w .ukathlcticscom. ww w ,tickv
etmastercom and 'l‘icketMaster
outlets statewide.

Any student or guest ticket for
the UK—Louisville game not
claimed by (1 pm. today will be
available to the general public for
$70. with a limit of two tickets per


Students can purchase
tickets for all UK home
football games at the
ilt‘kEl office 111 the Joe
Craft Center

Tickets are $5 for
students, limit one
per student ID

Guest tickets are $30
tor the EKU and Kent
State games and $70
for the Loursville game

Newsroom: 257-1915: Mantel”: 257-2872


 PAGEZI Wednesday, August 29 2007

. your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Ql

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By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70 is the eaSiest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is an 8 w Don’t secondeguess your
orders, Just make sure you know
what they are Conditions are
changing quickly Be watching you”
six and your twelve

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 — The controversy rages You
don't have to get involved in the ac
tual conflict Listen to all Sides and
learn a lot Don't make your decismn

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 — You don't have to take the
very first thing that comes along
The choice that's best for you wrll

mwwsw. «.M..ssc..,,..ms- .mw» °

be very obyiuus Keep the faith,
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 -— You're impatient to go but
one thing or another gets in the
way Don't be frustrated Better to
be delayed in a familiar place

Leo (July 23 —— Aug. H) Today is a
7 It's not a good time to gamble
Postpone a romantic interlude Don't
even buy yourself a treat Exercise

Virgo (Aug. 23 —- Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 m» The situation looks difficult
now but it vyon't be this way torey
er Don't stress about the costs,
start thinking of ways to earn the

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today as
a 5 - You'll have to come up With
a tow tlillerent ways of doing
things to succeed Several methods
you try won't work, even it you
found them in books Adaptation
Wlll be reunited

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 . You'd like to do everything
for everybody but you can't Tell


4puz com

them you'll think it over and duck
out of the meeting early
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Today is a 5 , You'll have to be
creative to prolit during this confur
Sltll'l Luckily, you are You do some
of your best work under pressure
Get on it

Capricorn (Dec. n « Jan. 19) To-
day IS an 8 ,.,_ You're in a tough Sit-
uation but you're also up for this
You re Quick, imaginative, and you
refuse to be intimidated. You'll do

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day :s a 5 The money’s coming in
but it's not reliable You need some
you can depend upon And, mean-
while, don't waste what you have
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To
day is a 7 ~ As you illllSlT one job,
you should start planning out the
next list what worked and what
didn't so you can make all new mis»
takes next time


4 fl - ‘r‘ ,v ~ ij
L's “‘1‘AK’RAN' 6. 5'0". (IUHL


Matt Damon gets personal

file Di8I-I

Matt Damon jcttcd to Lon»
don for The Bournc Ultima—
tum’s August IS l'.K. prcnucrc.
and hc told [is he was L‘ch‘l‘lr
cncing the city quitc diffcrcntly
than hc did in his bachclor days.
“In 2002. I Iiycd iii an apartnicnt
[in thc Soho arcal. and cycry
night I was out at thc I'd/l
clubs." confessed thc fathcr to
I4»month—old daughtcr lsabclla.
with wife Luciana. XI. "But this
timc I had to curb my ways. I'm
a dad now? I thought. Hcy. no
morc. not until my child can get
into the music." Btit that docsn't
mean the couple hayc just been
sitting at home. Before hitting
the English capital. thc actor. 36.
and his girls indulgcd in a little
R&R in Malaga on Spain's (‘os-
ta ch $01. "I was told bcforc Is<
abcllu was born to makc sure
you get enough slccp." says the
star. "And. my goodness. that
was good adsicc." Though. hc
iokcs. aging has still taken a toll:
"I have way more gray hair than
Brad Pitt!"

Scarlett & Ryan's Reunion
in Spain

"It‘s important not to Iosc
who you arc just bccausc it's
nicc to cuddlc with somebody."
Scarlctt .lohunsson has said of
dating. “You have to constantly
ask. ‘Docs this person niakc inc
happy 1’ Am I comfortable with
who I am in this relationship?”
Thc answers sccm to bc a re—
sounding "Yes?" about thc Nan-
ny Diaries star's tiamc of five
months. Ryan Rcynolds‘. Maybe
because Reynolds. 30 incxt up
in the August 31 drama The

Nincs). is gatuc to gnc his tiiiic
to w hatc\ cr proicct .lohansson.
22. has in thc works Ii\hibtt .\’
Hc spcnl two wccks \isiting hcr
in Louisiana this summer wIiiIc
shc Ioggcd I3 hour days i‘ccord

ing an album of Tom Waits coy

ct's. Soon -aftcr. Itc ycttcd all tlic
w ay to Spain to hang with hcr
on thc Barcclona sct of thc Billlts'
Woody Allcn flick shc‘s filming
with I’cnclopc (fruz.

Jimmy Fallon's Getting


thn Jimmy Fallon filmcd
3005‘s Fever Pitch. hc con~
fussed. "My dating cxpcricncc is
so sad. , . . This ntoyic makcs
me want to be more romantic in
rcal Iifc.” Mission accom-
plishcd: The weekend of Augmt
II. the actor. 32. proposcd (at
sunset. no Icssl) to love Nancy
Jtno ncn. 4(l , who produced
the flick and is business -part—
ncrs with its other star. Drew ~
Barrymore -— at her family‘s
home in New Hampshire. “He‘s
had the ring for a while." says a
pal. “But he was waiting for the
perfect moment."

Keira's Friend, Indeed!

()nc hot summer for two hot
stars! For thc last few months.
couplc of a year and a half Kcira
Ktiightlcy and Rupert Friend
hayc bccn glucd to catch othcr‘s
sides in the UK. whcrc hc‘s
filming The Young Victoria.
What is it that makcs the actor
such a line fit for Knightlcy. 221’
"I want someone I can talk to
about anything." shc's said of

hcr romantic rcquiicmcnts,
"Soinconc who's going to make
nic laugh a lot

Kelis & Nas' Birthday

What bcttcr way to cclcbratc
a siiigci“s birthday than with a
scrcnadc" That‘s cxactly what
"Milkshakc" crooner Kclis‘ hub
by of two and a halt ycars. rapv
pcr Nas. did to ring in hcr 28th
at Miami Hcach club (‘amco on
August I7. While his wifc
downed Smirnoff Source cock»
tails. Nas. 33 (w ho also prescnt~
cd her with a Miami Ink tattoo
gift ccmficatci. bcltcd oiit "Hap
py Birthday" as (‘isco Adler
spun music on the turntable.
"Kclis danced all night." says a
sourcc. “She didn‘t leave until
4:30 a.m.l"

Sacha 8r Isla's Prebaby
Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron
Cohen aren‘t expecting their
baby until winter. but they‘re al-
ready busy nesting! During
brunch at Chccbo in Hollywood
August Its. an onlookcr tclls Us
the funny fianccs spent most of
the meal talking about house—
hunting and held hands the en-
tire time. “They were very
oncy-doycy." says thc witness.
“He was feeding her breakfast?"
Thc parcnts-to-bc tour continued
the ncxt day. too. when the Hot
Rod star. 3 I . and actor. 35. went
shoc shopping at I...»\.’s Lindc~
fcatcd. A source says. "They
wcrc totally cutc together."


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Mandatory restrictions force UK
to cutback on outdoor watering

1!! 8J1" Than”
bthomas®kykernel com

UK cut back on watering the
campus lawns and tlower beds
after restrictions were put on
l.e\ington‘s water supply yesterr
day afterntmn.

'I‘he (irounds Department
cut nearly Illtl percent of lawn
watering and will only tend to
newer plant beds. said (ieorge
Riddle. superintendent of the
(irounds Department.

“We‘ll lows on new shrub
beds and those plants that were
planted since last fall." Riddle
said. “We have been abiding by
the recommended restrictions
even before they became

Kentucky American Water
(‘o.. which owns Lexington‘s
water supply. declared a water

shortage partial alert yesterday
due to Iong~range weather fore»
casts showing little precipitation
and declining ri\er flows. said
Kentucky American spokesper-
son Valeria Cummings Swope.

The ayerage amount of wa-
ter flowing into the Kentucky
Pner pool this week. where
the company gets iiiosi of its
water. was 77.5 million gallons
per day. down about 350 mil-
lion gallons from the Usual w a—
ter flow at this time. Swope

The last time the Lexington
area was under a mandatory w a;
ter restriction was in I‘N‘) when
outdoor watering was banned

The restriction asks Lexing»
ton residents to limit their out-
door watering to hours between
(i am. to Ill a.m. and (a pm. to

In pm. on designated day's.
Swope said.

Addresses ending in Odd
numbers are permitted to water
on Tuesday. Thursday and Sat—
urday. Addresses ending in even

- numbers are permitted to water

on Wednesday. Friday and Sun-

I‘K divided campus build-
ings into numbered areas that it
will be watered in accordance
with the restrictions.

The Grounds Department
plans to use wastew'ater from
L'K‘s cooling plants in an effort
to cut down on its water use.

“This wastewater is used at
the cooling plants for chilling
purposes and is perfect for our
uses." Riddle said,

"We‘re really cutting back
on the areas that we’re water~
ing." Riddle said. "Most build»

ings don't hate new plants so
they won't get watered."

Those who want 'to be ex-
empted from the restrictions can
appeal to a board made up of
the mayor. vice mayor. Ken-
tucky American president. po-
lice chief and the commission-
ers of health and public works.
Swope said.

Riddle said UK has no rea-
son to ask for an exemption.

“Water conservation is as
important on campus as it is in
the community." Riddle said.
“We want to keep our flower
beds looking good. but we are
looking at plans to do that with
the water supply we already

More infonnation on the re-
strictions is ay'ailable at the Ken—
tucky American Water Co. Web
site (w wwzkawccomi.




‘I am not gay,’ Idaho senator insists

31.9'91H9I‘J! W518! 995‘“
McClatehy Newspapers

BOISE. Idaho 77 Sen. Larry
('raig insisted Tuesday "I am
not gay" and lashed out at the
Idaho Statesman newspaper for
a ”witchhunt" that he said led
him to plead guilty to a disor-
derly conduct charge a plea he
hoped would make the charge
go away.

Meanwhile. newly released
police records of the bathroom
incident that led to Craig‘s arrest
show that Craig reyisited the
Minneapolis airport II days latr
er to complain about how he
had been treated by police. He
said he wanted information so
his lawyer could speak to some
one. according to a police re—

Craig. an Idaho Republican.
said Monday that he did not
seek legal counsel before decid-
ing to plead guilty to disorderly
conduct. Tuesday. Craig said he
has hired a lawyer to advise him
what to do next.

Craig was arrested .Iune II

by an undercm er police officer
who said Craig made a sexual
advance toward him in an air-
port men's room near Min—

He held a nationally tele—
vised news conference Tuesday
in lioise. but did not talk specif-
ically about what happened in
the men's room and did not take

"I oyen‘eacted and made a
poor decision." Craig said,

Craig said he still planned to
announce nest month his decision
on whether to run again in 2008

“Please let me apologi/e to
my family friends and staff. and
fellow Idahoans. for the cloud
placed oyer Idaho." he said. ”I
did nothing wrong and I regret
the decision to plead guilty and
the sadness that decision has
brought on my family. friends.
staff and fellow Idahoans. and
for that I apologize."

“I chose to plead guilty to a
lesser charge in hopes of making
it go aw ay." he said. Not seek—
ing counsel was "a mistake and
I deeply regret it."

(‘raig said his state of mind
w as troubled then because of an
Idaho Statesman investigation
into rumors circulated by a
blogger and published by many
other papers in the state. The
newspaper. which is owned by
The McCIatchy Company. print—
ed nothing until news of Craig‘s
zurest became public Monday.

(‘raig said he and his family
"haye been relentlessly and \i~
ciously harassed by the Idaho
Statesman." He called the
Statesman inyestigation a “witch

“Let me be clear." he said.
“I am not gay. I ney er have been

"I love my wife. my family.
I care about friends and staff
and Idaho. I loye serving this
great state." he said. "There are
.still goals I would like to ac~
complish and I believe I can still
be an effective leader for this

He said he had made a mis—
take when he pleaded guilty to a
disorderly conduct charge earli»
er this month. "I was not in-


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\‘olved in any inappropriate con—
duct." he said,

Craig also apologized to his
family. friends. staff and Ida—
hoans Tuesday aftemoon re-
garding his disorderly conduct
charges. '

In response to Craig‘s re-
marks. Bill Manny. the States—
man‘s managing editor. released
the following statement:

”As our story today demon
strated. We followed leads and
asked questions. We worked
hard and behaved responsibly.
not publishing a story until it
was ready. We didn't print any—
thing until the senator pleaded
guilty. Our story outlined what
we've done and it speaks for it-

“After his June II arrest.
(‘raig rey'isited the Minneapolis
airport June 22 to complain
about how he had been treated
by police. His spokesman said
he was on his way to Idaho from
Washington D.C.. a trip he takes
through the Minneapolis airport
most Friday's when Congress is
in session."

7 , PAQEEJ Wednesday, August 29, 2007

t'll/‘l i! ii! "9:"!



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 Priest | Wednesday, August 33.727097”



Continued from page 1


many people."

Several different people worked with 50 on
the budget. Phelps said. including leaders from
many student organizations.

“We worked on club funding. organization
funding and special projects," Phelps oaid. "The
executive and legislative (branches) are pretty

The budget currently includes cuts in
funding for some campus services including
money given to the Peer Tutoring Program
and the Violence. Intervention. and Preven—
tion Center. The Senate will discuss these
changes tonight.

Phelps said this budget covers a diverse ini—
tiative because it still includes a high number of
student organizations.

“We met with dozens of organizations."
Phelps said. “Hopefully they can receive fund—
ing on Thursday moming."

The first budget meeting is exciting for
Phelps. he said. and this year he hopes to to
cus on furthering two projects funded by SC.
DanceBlue. a 24-hour charity dance
marathon. and Channel 50. a student-run TV

The full Senate meeting is tonight at 8 in the
Student Center Small Ballroom and the budget
is the only item on the agenda.

"We’re going to keep it simple and do the
budget," Phelps said. “It‘s not going to be easy
but by the end of the night SG will have a bud-
get for the school year." -



Continued from page 1


Romines said. but rather making sure his client
was not in prison the rest of his life.

By admitting guilt in his criminal case.
Romines said Ragland established liabilities that
would be difficult to defend in a wrongful death

“The only thing to defend the civil suit
would be to say that Trent DiGiuro's life wasn‘t
worth anything." Romines said. "And we're not
going to take that position."

The criminal case went unsolved for five
years after DiGiuro‘s death until Ragland‘s for—
mer girlfriend. Aimee Lloyd. came forward
telling police that Ragland confessed to her in
1995 that he haol shot DiGiuro.

Ragland has maintained that he is innocent
since he was arrested in 2000. and if asked.
would still say that he did not kill DiGiuro.
Romines told the Kernel Monday.

But under the strong advisement of his attor-
ney. Ragland admitted to the sniper-like shoot—
ing of DiGiuro to avoid another trial. Romines

“l advised him very strongly (to plead
guiltyi." Romines said. "If he would have lost.
he would have gotten life in the penitentiary."





UK Police reports from Aug. 22 to Aug. 27.

Aug. n Theft reported irorn Agricultural North SCI-
ence Center at 6 30 p m.

Aug. n Terroristic threatening reported from the
Seaton Center at 9 am.

Aug. 23 Theft reported from Agricultural North Sci-
ence Center at 9.10 am.

Aug. 23 Theft reported from Parking Structure No 3
at 11 30 a in.

Aug. 23 Theft reported from UK Hospital at 1 55
p m

Aug. 23 Theft reported from WT Young Library at
2 45 p in

Aug. 23 Theft of bicycles reported from Common-
wealth Village at 12.30 pm.

Aug. 23 Theft of bicycles reported from Kinivan Tow
at at 6.05 p in.

Aug. 23 Theft of bicycles reported from Nutter Footv
ball Training Facility at 4.05 pm.

Aug. 23 Theft reported from Dickey Hall at 4:35 p m.

Aug. 23 Theft reported from Whitehall Classroom
Building at 6:26 pm.

Aug. 23 Burglary reported from the Sigma Chi House
5:15 pm

Aug. 24 Burglary reported from Greg Page Apart-
ments at 3:55 am.

Aug. 24 Theft of bicycles reported from Kirwan Tow-
er at 845 am.

Aug 24 Theft of bicycles reported from Kirwan | at. 11.30

Aug 24 Arrest for possession of marijuana on Elizabeth
Street at 11:43 pm.

Aug. 25 Possesspn of a destructive device reported on
Virginia Avenue at 11:31 pm.

Aug 5 Theft of bicycles reportai from Greg Page Apan»
ments at 2 55 pm

Aug. 26 Theft reported from WT. Young Library at 3:15

Aug 26 Theft from a car reported from Parking Garage
No. 4 at 7:30 pm. .

Aug. 25 Drug and marijuana use reported from Greg Page
Apartments at 10:48 pm.

Aug. 27 Terroristic threatening reported from Funkhouser
Building at 7 15am.

nunpiied by sort Meier Nice Raymond.

E-mail ahaymond@kyltemel.eom






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August 29.
Page 6


Enc Lindsey
Asst Sports Editor

Phone 25771915
elindsey@kykernel corn


Posi'i‘iox PREVIEW: l)l£l<‘li._\'Sl\'l£ BACKS


Lindley grows with UK defense

2! Kenny Colston

kcolstoanykernel com

For a defense that ranked
second to worst in Division I
last year. there is always room
for improvement.

But for a secondary that re-
turns all but one starte