xt7g4f1mkn3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mkn3d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1999 Vol.70 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1999 Vol.70 No.3 1999 1999 2019 true xt7g4f1mkn3d section xt7g4f1mkn3d F (UK) LEX 405 RECORDS I
i Volume 70, Number 3 - March, 1999
_ Six Kentucky journalists, five of three occasions. 3" » ,. IF—II I» _ . ,. . II II I I II
them newspaper professionals, will 0 Walt Dear. former owner of , ‘3; ”are _ I . .. ‘ 3 -‘
be inducted into the Kentucky The Gleaner in Henderson. Dear had , ’- f I I ,I g I; . .
Journalism Hall of Fame next month. an extraordinary eye for budding ' I ,. I _ _ _ 4 I I i I mI‘I— '
lhe Hall of l‘ame is housed in Journalists. hiring two who went on .- . a , ‘3; a; A % I 3 .- 235;;- i
the Liiivei'sity of Kentucky School of to Win or share Pulitzer Prices. and . «.3 l g I J “ i 3 a...
. Journalism and Telectimmunications one who became a managing editor ”I ,- 5 I“: I : “I I ’
I and the induction ceremony is spon— for The Associated Press. He was 3 -, . II ’53 I ..
sored by the school's alumni associa— president of the Kentucky Press I' ' j a? 4,; i g 6 . I IV“
tion. Association in 1980. w .‘ I ——I-J Firm .-_._.- 'I L. ‘ I ' ' ‘
This year’s inductees are: ° Joe Dorris, former editor. COX Dear DOI‘I‘IS Wilson
I ° Earl (70X. Louisville. Spm‘th' columnist and publisher of Th0 and has distinguished himself during his death in 19:30. A Memphis. Tenn.
0011"]th {0" The V()‘C"‘Tnbun" and Kentucky New Era. Hf’PkmSVIHO- four decades with the (‘--l with his native. (‘ole started the newspaper
. former executive sports editor for The Dorris had a profound impact on complete, accurate and fair accounts with $950 and became recognized as a _
Courier-Journal and Louisville western Kentucky through outstand— of'events and issues in education and publisher and business and civic . .
Times. Cox helped form the ing contributions as a writer and edi— political issues. leader. In 1091. the National Black
. Associated Press Sports Editors tor. ° The late l. Willis (‘ole. former Press Hall of Fame at Howard -
'~ ' group, serving as its president and 0 Richard (Dick) Wilson, owner. editor and publisher of The University inducted (‘ole, and a his— :
writing its code of ethics. Before Lexington bureau chief and higher- LOUISVlllt’ LO'ddPl'. an African- UH'IICHI marker in lllS honor “HS (’l‘OCI- /’
" becoming an editor, Cox was named education reporter for The Courier- American 1003] newspaper that ( “I" "d 1“ URN-WI“? 1“ 1991- /-I
Kentucky Sportswriter of the Year on Journal. Wilson is a UK graduate launched 1“ 1917 and Pllbl‘Sth until See JOURNALISM, page 7
KHS J A State C ti t KPA ad contest breaks records "
. I , . The 1999 KPA S rin r Ad Winners will he announced at
‘ By LISA CARNAHAN ‘The event was so large, it 1 . p E” ‘ _. z
., I . . . Contest set records for the number an awards banquet dui ing the
. ~ KPA News Bureau Director baSically outgrew Lexmgton so we . . . ( t . ., .
. . . . . of entries submitted and revenue 19J9 Spring Ad Seminar at the - .
The second annual Kentucky started looking for locations in . , a . . .
. . . . generated from the contest. (xalt House East in Louisville May
. High School Journalism LouiSVille that could hold a larger Sixt two news a ers submit 6 7
Association State Convention will crowd,” said KPA Executive 2 y . :p p ‘ ‘ . ‘ .
_ . - - . - . ted 2,550 entries for a revenue of The contest was ludged by the
be held March 31 in Louisvdle Director Dav1d T. Thompson. ‘ , '. . ‘
- . , a - . - - $10,912. Alabama Press AssoCiation.
w1th hopes of topping last years This years Site, the Holiday Inn
turnout of student journalists and South on Fern Valley Road, can ' ‘ . 3 I : , " ' _;;.
their teachers. accommodate nearly 1,000 so we a.._-,,,,A.A__, _fiv _..,,a. “ '- ~. ~
The first KHSJA state conven- should be in good shape.” ‘ ' I‘ . " = " ' . i” -. ,2
, tion, held last March in The convention will feature a 3 ' . , , 5; .~t II"?
II I' . I' Lexington. was the largest gather- variety of sessions for both the » I . I 3' I'i‘»II3I’: .3 *2
' , ing of its kind in Kentucky histo- students and advisers, ranging . ~ '_ . I ' 1,
. ry, with 720 students and teach- from newspaper and yearbook lay- - ‘ II .- -1. -
I ers from schools across the state. See KHSJA, page 7 . j - . . . . ' , - , :1; I‘Iff;"f; 5 I a; ..;I.‘
. 3 , ; Circu ation seminar p anne or Apri , .. . ,, .. . , - . ., >
- - I The 1999 KP A Spring include automation. Second , 5 3 ‘ "" " figégggsflgswfifi
t t ( irculation Seminar is scheduled (‘lass/ Periodicals ( lass mailing «3 «a». , .,~; 3 ’II' ’T$:;‘I§I§IZ§ .
i for April 22 at the Holiday Inn WimrvnwntS and problem-s With «e3 - .3. as. r
. - . ~ 3~«*‘«3swzws«m rafieewm
‘ I N ‘ "1h 1" Lexmgton. ”(‘WWHPPF dt‘llVPrV- Mtxérttaeirsrafie“ :3?«;§;§z ‘
, i . . . . . ‘ . gem “fix~««“r'2«w“a3i§wfis’s‘@thsgbgawf“is
~ ‘ 5 This vear s seminar features Alter lunch. members of the ., Win»; weir» ,-
kev Uh. Postal SerVice officials Kentucky Network for Newspaper .. 5’Hwfigj . Igmmwwgfi: “st; -:_
- ‘ . " . . ~ . . r v ‘ ~ 3 2“ «:‘rfifws‘EWN’s'Wcfi’
' from Kentucky Including Peggy 1" I‘Aducfltmn ‘kNMl‘A' WI” shew , * *“~ww“*§§e€5§3~3§3§§% ~ "
r I I Mann, chmgtom and Bl” Needy. newspapers how l” nurture future : _ -~ . 3 ~I§III§W£§:%‘§*%§§§P§§I ~
, I Louisville. The discussion will See CIRCULATION, page 7 L . _ if: ,. A 33::
.. . . .
, I i - ~ -
s‘ . I . , ._... 1 . . . . ._. .- ‘w ..,,,_,.,.. ,.-,. ~ 3 .» ~o- —+.- ;.-":a,“‘I fII !‘ 4’ .
3 _ ‘ . . . y ‘ 1 - I- n I . . . ‘ ‘ 3 .
. . i , I.I / ~. '. f A ;/ . . ._ . I" .I tIII . t: '. “II .I . II ‘3 ., I

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Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. March. 1999 E
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K ‘
entuc ky people papers 1n the news
9 l
“Inherspoon IILIIIICd t‘r} stal Rinvr, Fla , where she held ate ot‘the I'nix'ersity ot'Kentueky. reporter/phritographer. assistant f
Various editorial positions during . a editor, (‘ll‘t'ultltlttn manager and :
CdItOI. at Burds[0\yn her six years on statt NC\V ad dlfCCtOI‘. Mflb advertising representative.
.Ian Vz'itherspppn [has mu Adams hack on stuff named tor CNHI papers Burns to cover news
named et itor ot' ie 'entueky , ‘ ’ . v 4 i U , i\, I, t ‘
Standard m Bardstowu . at Mountain Eagle mnfiffl’ fif“:,‘i‘r’f;lt‘f)‘r' l}; “‘T‘h'j tor Bath County paper
_ A graduate ”l ,_ “(film-H Sam Adams has reioined the Mort-head News, The (iravson Anthony Burns has joined the
I\entuel\'\ {”‘V‘T‘In-‘V‘ “”h‘I-‘lm‘m stat‘t’ ot. the Mountain I-Zagle iu Journal-Iinquirer. The Olive IIill staff ot~ the Bath (‘ounty News—
l-“ Iht‘ ”Fm” ”HUM-"WA “WHY “I. \\'hm.,[,m-u ‘h a ppnpml assign Times. The (Ireenup (‘ouuty News (lutlook as a writer and photogra-
IA‘I.‘ TM” AHN’HUL i‘ *IlWlill‘U' ”ii-”I reporter ,it'ter working at 'I‘imes. The (‘arlisle Mercury. and pher.
puhlication ”l Th“ KVMUVkV other papers tor the past six \‘ears two accompanying shoppers 'I‘he Burns is a 195)? journalism
Standard lit!" m“ :IY‘t‘UP ”’4‘“ ”MI" Adams worked at the Mountain Shopping News and The Mereury graduate of Morehead State
ket \Vl‘tlL‘ll teased puhlieation on l‘laule {mm 19st; to 19.9.“) as a gen- Plus All Illipers are owned by I'niversitit He is currently attends
Dee til She has heen employed hy pr“ assignment “1,“er During (‘ommunity Newspaper Holdings ing‘ MSI'. working on his master's
Landmark (‘ominuniti hie- ;liHHH-p trim] [mu-h” (‘ouuty Im- {(‘Nllll. degree in journalism While in l
Newspapers. Inc . ‘I.(“\'I the Adume worked “5 a reporter Jr the Whittinghill comes to the news- Mort-head. he worked on the eam— l
Hardstown newspapers parent eom- Aammul Ilail} Independent and ‘15 papers from another (‘NIII paper in pus newspaper. The Trail Blazer. :
pan). suite moo dn assistant my Minor {or the Lumbertoii. .\'.(‘. Her husband. and at l'nivvrsrty ('mnmunit'uttom ‘
Before coming to Bardstown. HweiislioroMessengerInquirer 'I‘liomas Whittingliill has heen for three semesters as 21 staff
she worked for the ('itrus (‘ounty A natii'e ot' Lett‘hei‘ (‘ountix Hitlm‘d managing editor of The WFW'!‘ “P has ‘lUm‘ Pllllllt‘ ri'lli‘
(‘hronit'ltn an I.(‘NI paper in Adams is a erimmunit'ations grast» “”55“”1 JournalEnquirer and Th" “”"S W‘Wk h” 1h“ National
()live IIills'I‘imes. He previously was l'nderground Railroad Museum‘
Th K k P sports editor for The Robesonian. lh“ National l’ém'nt‘llt'nlt' (V‘mm'll
—— e entuc y ress —-— also in Lumberton. NC and Ill“ (‘UN'HHNU Bengals
_ , _ H Partnership,
The kemut‘kv Pressil&H\stu)B-o124i is pub- Distriet 1? BOIIII JOInS news Stall, He comes to the newspaper
hshtd monthly by the lxeutut‘ki I‘ress (.lennhmy .\1.inchesterliuterpnse alter working with the Student
\ssm‘iation KL'IltULlKV l‘ress \‘i’Xlte, Int Plllnkfilt pI.()I]]()th Activities ()ffiei- at MSI" Where he
I‘erimlieal—class )osta'eis \udatl‘ranktort \ . ., , | ' x . . ‘
M 4mm \betflpmiLPHIWh Shin-near Liiut‘rrittilixipwn ill Journal—Enterprise plrpdui:it‘lquliiitt:tditt d lHtttlillH s tor
Limitii?inter:iif:Ernixffi3:11.“l Tm mn'rml WIN” \“W’ l‘mm‘” (ixx'en Bolin has ioiiied the stall Sh 1 .d I . _ ) , V . . . .
lixiokrert M tone} 3i": ills-KS; “Mrht 1,." -\ (pt Ihie .Iournalsltititterprise II} » L” dn IIILd (15 Std“
, ll. "'l.“i5i ‘5‘ ‘2‘ ' '
it ‘\HH\ F),:(,:(I;,;;I;j,§(,,.l ‘ 1‘ ‘ ”t” ““ writer in Murray
km‘m‘l“ lir““’\““"“l““‘ “Mme 1;,” A (‘aldwell (‘ounty resident. Edward Sheridan has heen
I’resideiit It‘lllt\t‘l\tti‘i ltant'illeAdi»Kate—Meswnger “Ml” hi” \Vl’rkl‘ll ‘15 1‘ hookkeeper lllrt‘d 115 it Sléllil. writer at the
hm ( AWL iflzmml “WM “mp r for oxer 20 years. hut tor the past Murray Ledger & 'I‘imes
\tate at l .irge two ~rears has done treolamw- writ- A graduate ol Murray State
IthNIJL‘IiYIilt‘t" l‘mimt‘liorr The(«Him-rlourml ing t'or The I’rint'eton Times- I'niversiti', he has written tor the
hemlimlt'" \HNM “Him \W‘ Leader. lIer heat at The .Iournal~ magazine Welt-time Home and
' V “1"” “1‘“l‘""‘l'll“"“l"” Enterprise will include the ret‘eiVed honors at 3181' for his no
“it ”was“: _‘ V , “I‘m“ “I‘lmr” I’rovidenee ('itV ('ouneil. ('lav (‘itv ative writing.
tat. llatfindl iti/eii \Hlkt' A; I!!‘.lt‘\ ‘ , ‘ . ,‘ t ‘
“n“ “mm!“ mm“ ”In“ (. ()llnt'll. \‘Kehster Water District. . '
2'M,pr,._\1d‘.,it feature stories and photographs Bennett ndInCd IICVV dd
\1arthaclois -\"“.Iliixllltili \eixsl,‘ ms» , . , , _ . Kristie l’lunkett has been iro- . -,
I} } hilflrHa'H “mm“ \m I“ moted to assistant news editoi A lap at EIIZLIbCIhIOWII
Treasurer . . AWNMM [,mwm resident of I’rovtdent‘e. she‘s been a Jan Bennett has joined the
l)a‘.id(.rwr Tr‘iel-xeiitutm \ttuidartt ‘ . ~~ , - ‘ - . .. . ‘ V ‘ ,
liartt‘stown Id \lastreaii, Nd“ \\ Fltt‘F/[tlittltwJPIH‘I It” ”)0 statt of the Itlizahethtown New.»
Ext-ninth Educational felt-Vision paper since _|t)lnlli,L' the stall in Enterprise as an advertising sales
Dismal “NHNWHHMHI All‘n’U-‘l 1997- in‘Tsisltailit. She is a resident ot~ ‘
J sNiliiam \Iitthell I‘Ulit‘ll larder larix mm)“ Lexington Herald-leader S'glndelur muffled J iza )(t ittmn. _ . ;
, , ., ) ,
lhdtlrlilliii ham Dix “\WI'U sI’r r s \‘lwth‘rMI ”FINN” news Cdit()r at Harlan Cdmpbe“ Jtnns Stilt/5 ;
t’ ’ ,t‘vst) i' t)'k‘\ /" ._, " ~“ ' ‘
s h i )1 5 Mark Milerk'kmtmh [mt Ramona Sandet'ur has been Staff dt Bdrd‘SIOWIH
[Mme-H t ”width,““mm,“ lured as news editor at the IIarlan Melinda (.‘amphell has been
Ed Riney, ()wensboro Messenger Inquirer have 1 “mm“, '05“an Iournal “”ll‘l' Emprpnsp hired at The Keiitilt'ky Standard.
‘ Sandi-tun a iiati\'e ot' Ilawson Bardstown. as an amount repre
[Mmd‘l . V , lourmlism [Jam-.mUr Springs moved to Southern Illinois sentative.
Lharhe Portmann, I‘I‘dnklln lax onte , . ‘ '
Itt'AIiIlIIlllf'All‘lt'rN as a L'lill(l She reeeix'ed several (‘amphell has Worked in sales
. D‘bmdg “WIN” K‘WUL‘M’I “““NU' degrees from Sout hern Illinois with the newspaper‘s former maga
[)avrd Greer,TheKentuckyStandard, l'niversityl‘arhondalo including zine, Let's 'I‘our Ameriea, and also
Bardstown i (""l‘fml(“””“'l* , _ journalism She's Worked at papers with Your Ki'lilllt‘kV' ('oiiueetioii
Jon I'lt‘htlldlki’r and IKHD(:I'(‘('H(‘ , V w , ’
, , throughout Illinois as a and Iours I‘or \ou.
District 6 [)uismore 8; Shohl
Dorothy Abemathy,()ldham Ezra P 1 ' 31 w ‘ d KPA B , I d
[)1 m‘t7 KentuuyI’rt-ssAssotiation Lnnlngt()n (.1 CCte {0 ()(Ir
K318; Wamick GallannCountvNews K"“m‘ll‘"[,r“”‘ *‘r‘l‘l'f'fildll Jerry l’eniungtou. editor of the l’ikeville 'I‘he distriet vaeant‘v was
i i ’ D‘WldT Thompson, I‘M‘Cmm’“mum Big Sandy News in Louisa has created when Backus was eleeted
, Bonnie Howard ( ontroller ‘ ' . ‘ ' I
Districts-9 ‘ . (“”11”“le ALIIVt‘rllfilli’Iltt’t'ttt'r heeu eleeted to the ht‘lllllt‘k)‘ I’ress vuopresident ot~ Kl’A/KI’S during
Km Mew"BathcuumyM'WSOUHWk Lint g'tiriitiliziii NewsllufireauDirt-Ltor "\"""‘i'”l"”“yKHl‘W'kN l’rt'fis the 1999 KI'A Winter ('ouventiou
Distnct 10-1] RebaIA'Wis,Restn'irt‘h/Marketmg( rxirduiator NTHH.‘ [hard ”1 “HAHN." ”l RUMSHHI' ‘ .
IerTyPenningttm,BIgSandy New) SueLammmk, Adntlnlfslrdtnt'Asslsldtil A *l”“""‘1 ””11”” ““5 h‘M ”1 “MINIMUM! -" ”"1“ 1-‘ ”WWW“
Buffyfiams,litmkkeepmgAssistant Ilistriet 10/1] to till the unexpired lltlllit’tlltllt'lV and eontiiiues
Distnct 12 Rachel Mit‘arty, Advertising Assistant term ot Martv Harkus puhlisher of through the January. 20”]. Winter
StephenBowlingjarkson Tunes Kristie’IolesflearsheetCoordinator the Appalai'hiau News l‘lxpress Ill (‘oiix'eiitioii
\ ‘ l I,
V , .
. .‘ 1 ,
* l
. ‘ /; i

 A? .
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‘ l
l .
l .
i The Kentucky Press. March, 1999 - Page 3 .
l . .
; Good C1681 gn must first have a good framework
l ”V‘» . 7 kinds of content. It just doesn't make sense, for example, to use a
*’ D ’ ' ’M'" l" six-column grid for a scoreboard package. ()r for stock listings.
L‘ e819,! ls ' 3’” Some key points about working With grids:
~ 0 i 0 ()n a features cover (without ads), consider a four- or five-col-
Eve’ythlng 1-: 5'“ umn grid This grid will allow you to set your text type a bit wider,
I gr N\ and research shows that wider type allows us to read more slowly u
—_——____ K :; I just right for features.
. "I ~' ' A four— or five—column grid also works Well for your Opinion I
By Edward F. Henmnger a ‘1 . Pitt!“-
The grid. .0 Avoid a three~column grid: text type set’too wide las it Would -.
. . . . be iii three columns across the page) becomes difficult to read.
Those two Words embody a critical element of your design . A. 'rid Ct! bl r ”m ”1' 1 st C l \ W l .1 . \ .. _‘ _ .
You cannot expect to create a well-structured design without - i L H 2 III ‘_ ‘II‘ '1' ‘0 “m,” I_Im( puptr. can “M d
.. . . . . ‘ nine-column giid home tan use a grid with as many as 1.2 columns .
first haying a framework upon which to drape that design 'Ihe grid No. ,th'l wouldn't run yam. text that narrow. but you mit‘ht want t“ '.
”I your framework the Sk'IliIllm ”l “H” design, , allow tor a grid with that any columns to allow quu tor a column i '
For most ot us. tlt‘lt riniiiing which L'l‘ltl to use is easy. we use a (li::“*l-‘- liriets or teasers I I
six~coltiiun grid because well, that‘s what we‘ve always used' The . thhwm. the ;’l‘l(l M,“ “WW“ \,“.k I... it '13“, “lg“.i; (“M ”I,“ -
l siiecoluiiiti grid is the standard ~ It allows tor standard adw-rtisine ”I“, l.‘~l"‘ “H ’, lJ-tt‘" ”and,” mansion l‘nr 'ux ”Vina [ l‘t-t‘tillilli‘ nil
I widths. it s the workhorse of newspaper do stifii that ”U“ 11”,. story llt‘l' their M, n: {mi -« 'l'tn “W! m)“: 4“. “up“:
1 But it‘s a workhorse that does only one thing will 'l‘h» si\ ml the \lemrv tonic viral“; . ’
utiin grid probablx because ll :s se unnersal . tensl- te l .' a . [\Iiir-gi‘,‘i!§!‘,\}ltt13l;‘ti'lisisii-[il \,‘;l;..vp..,r an.” ’i.ii;,.,~ .e “mi
Pitt!“ lllill l5 llllllllt'l't"ltti! [.v nuts or t'wt Ire pt-Liiis oz more _ traint :lli that inter lol iii::. s; .i _
The advantage of the ~t‘ twp?“ liawli-x' ‘ r. the “MM ,1 past and their litestyles‘.’ How can we liudge the accuracy of these 3
I is published mornings seyeii ilii‘ectois oi Il‘lll lli;;li l’oiiit SUUN‘V"?
days a week. It has ayerasti- l‘Iiiterprise. lli\' '
. daily circulation of Ittrtltltl and “We are ‘»'t*l’_\' pleased \\llll W'ho’s In the News?
l average Sunday circulation of NIH :ilIllliélth with the vomim (.‘l‘ioose someone in the news and write down tive facts about
. 32.0”“. ln addition. The High 1W Il‘llt' ”Milt “HIM Em“Fl” |~\'t‘ the person without using his or her name or title Ask someone to
. l’oint Enterprise. Inc. publish l5 it” “((‘t‘llt‘lll “““T‘llitllt‘r 5““ play a guessing game with you. Read your facts one at a time and
. t‘h’ 'lIlH' Thumitfl'tllt' 'l‘ltltt‘h- 1‘ ”m “ H'r-V ‘I'Hr‘lm'w' “um“ “”‘l see whether your partner can correctly name the newsmaker you
7.000 circulation tliree—timesea ll r“lift“‘t‘lll‘ “” (‘Sl’ffl‘llly 3“” selected. How many clues did it take? Then ask your partner to /. I
[week 'lt“"~“l)itl“'r ftTVlllfl ill sinful)“artirililal’l‘h'; 15:12:, (3]??? choose a newsmaker and write down clues so you can guess. How
TliiI’IiIXitliId‘IiIli \FIrIiriiiIt: 22:11.31“; (:(‘W‘uti‘Yf‘ ”whim 0‘?! ““11?” many clues did it take? How could you. make this guessing game .
5.000 circulation weekly m:\;vs“ Media (iroup. easier? How could you make it more. difficult? Try it. l
paper serving the communities “0”” ”I I“ li‘m‘l-‘I ”“I'lli‘l
ofArchdale and Trinity and two newspaper company. and as we Treasure _Ad-Land . , . . ‘
busimess/entertainmeInt ”Hum? have grown we have sought to Us‘ing items found in a newspapers display and claSSified ads,
Zines serving High Point. t'tinlliliit' the best elements ot overcome five obstacles to a fabulous treasure. Demde for yourself 3
“n“,“sbm.” and Winston Salem, local, family ownership with the what the treasure Will be, but it must be something found in
l’axton Media “rm”, :lf'lV‘iHltiisc-f ”ml HtH‘t‘Htltlti t‘ltl today’s newspaper. Draw a treasure map, showing the obstacles, '
acquired the shares from a trust ‘I,“'”‘I“"‘I "l ” “”3“" ””1””1“ what you used from the ads to get by each one, and the treasure.
benefiting members of the “U”, . , , ‘ To get the treasure. you must 1) cross 100 miles of desert, 2) climb
Rawlev family, who have owned “HI ””‘Ih 1mm 1"”“I'IlWI’I‘I‘ a 20-foot brick wall, 3) wade through a swamp full of alligators, 4)
the shares since 191% when .l P In.“ W” mn‘tmlwt t” I)!" 1‘ Emil“ cut through a six-:t'oot wide hedge of thorn bushes, and 5t distract a
Rawley, an edit or at the Kill; (Il:(l’l::l::l::l‘\t‘“Lin": ”‘1‘ 11ml”? giant guard at the treasure cave, Tell briefly why this treasure is
(irt‘t‘tislitit‘ii Ne ws, lH‘('illllt' [)lili H‘H” W” li ‘ Iflrtillfip I”, Ill-'iI ”I! iiiI't‘ worth so much truublo to you‘ .-
llt‘llt‘r ”15 “”1. “A “It“ lt'N ‘lmiv m “ >ltdltt'l'7" I“ at“! (Reprinted from the Minnesota Newspaper Association
later served .is‘ co publisher ' Bit/letml
ll'tllll lflIlT It) lflTIl See pAXTON. page 11 ‘ ‘
, t , .. . . , . , ., . . .
. I l l . .,
‘ , I1 ‘ . .

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Page 4 - The KentUCKy Press. March. 1999 ;
["1617le Leade ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ l
" ' I" ‘ ’7 ()fiCHQC 01‘ defense onllne 7 I
I Are you playing t ~ t . ,
o ' L
no nn " I———~——~— —————~—-—————~ — - - - ‘
aInO W1 erg ". ' \‘\l\l' i'llt‘tllll'AILt‘ their hest advertisers to lind f
c Interactlve V ”3" other solutions ‘llotJohs Autohytel. Realtort'oiii." I
o o o . ' « o l
t t f] I . t?- 9 the llt‘\\.\‘[)11]l(‘l‘> are saying here they are, our best ,
,‘t .. A. . .i '
m m ema 10H InSIder z »- l eustoiiiers tilllllt‘ and get em I
/ ‘- ' You Ill:l\' think that it vou re in a small market, I"
. ——————-——— I. , I ~ , . l
deSIUn contegt I By Peter M. Zollman ' that wont happen But it can. it Wlll and it should. ,
c " I ‘ Alter all. you have always eiiroiii‘aged your eus~ I
I ‘ toiiiers to use the iieu'inaper‘ heeause it provided ,-
. . 4 . V I
Pa er also honored ,t the hest nan;v lor their £l(l\'t’rll.\‘lll;{ luick I‘he day l
ll lllt‘ old .‘Iltlrlb L'llkll!‘ l.~ true ”it lit-st l‘ I .' l' l ,‘ l . l l . m . l
, . .i I . l I It , l . I H 111‘) ie Iirmii er. “lit a ietter a ternatne ~ ant
f I t dtli ll>t is a \ho-u oth um .i ot of no \stitiIu is . .. I
Ol’ l eraCy program - . that (hit nia\' not he tar oft shouldn t, theV use
doiit ha\e lllllt'll ot :i tlt‘lt‘llM‘ ., , ~ I » -
The LQXIntrtIin Herald IMHIW 'l‘liex n, \Illl “Ikm‘, .IIWII it “ouldnt ~\ou do the same the minute you had :1
_-~ '» ' ‘ r‘ ' .. ..‘ "I . . . a)
was among 1. newspapers “TH“ Iir‘mflm: ”I” ”HIKIH“, hetter tllllltr tor muinrint ()i dtlmi} hag.» ()r
ly named the “orld < Best heelutm our advertisers troiii going, son“. \xhiitmer goods or strxius you lluy. bhouldnt
Designed." in the Soon-t): tor Neus where (le- vou" I
Des‘ign's annual "Best of Hangingr onto our classified :id\'ertisiii: '
Newspaper Design" eoiiipetition It you re not r'iiretul. you “out haw Ll "t‘iniii (‘ontent and e-commerce
Tht‘ “CW-\‘pdpk‘r Won 1“ Tllt‘ t’hise” an_\ more. advertisers Will lu'.itl\‘r‘rll>lli;1i£l:< ('ontent I)i‘o\'ides similar threats and opportu-
;'i0.0(,l0-174.999 circulation (”Alt'fll' they .llV\;t\.\ haw-r wherever they get the lies: nities Alter all. you're the only plate in your niar—
ry along With the (LiiiiesVillt- nun return on their iiix‘estiiu-iit. and «lassil'ierl .Hth‘l‘lh km to get, comprehensive obituaries daily. You ("an
LU bolell‘ ( :m‘ddd. ltl ( Hrrv'r. in: in _\'our neuspiiper \\'lll he £1 distant iiieiiiorx k9”) them otl‘vour VIII) 5”“. protemnll your print
‘« ~.'.\‘. ‘.-.~ )I t ' IIr. ‘ V I . . , .
bPM” Th} -\‘ "‘ *\ ”I“ "l‘ ’- l’tlr’ ( authorn "I ll“ A'II‘Wd 5“” “WI '7 ”W“ t'irt'ulation hase ilor now». or voii ean see them as
.i ‘ ,g,I-.\-_ 4 \.l . ,\, ,
SAM lflh‘ ‘\ \(\'h "It“ ‘ lI l“ Iil'm ”1““ “w H “I“ “’1‘" and 't‘ "m‘ ”I“ ["1 ' ”“I an oliliortunit)‘ to develop additional readers and a
‘V (WV t.‘ _ i, ‘n'il\. ‘: “'; ‘i _ ‘ 4'\\ I‘ ‘ .’ 4",; . 'H " . ' , ' ' . ‘
\fdll ' T 1k 1R ”‘ l '-) ‘ I “ ”’5 I”””‘}“"‘I\“”I‘ ‘1 '} I‘l‘mP "If” ~ I“ ‘9‘ I' ”‘ \kHlt'!‘ audience -~ \kltllt' lindiugr a sponsor like a
. e e \‘a. 'uiis ‘. ussia. tint i l" is , . > ' a ' u t« t: .. -\ ;\\‘a\’ -
. ' t l I (I ‘1 H” m” l” ' H“ ”Mm ‘ - tlorist or funeral home to make them a money—
\\oche. hernianv from them ~ - -
. ‘ ,) , I maker online, ill vou dont put vour ohits online,
There Were more than loom, _ t . .
I _ _ , . . . how long before soiiieone else in vour market heats
L‘ntrlt‘> in the contest troiii 1hr. lhreats and opportunities t 't” ‘
_ . . , \‘(lL oi .i
newspapers in .31 countries In most ol niy Workshops and })t‘l\"dll' seminars - I” R' l d b
For the “World's Best" eateL'orV. for media clients. we look at "threats and prtlrlll‘ ”I” “Ulmmvrul' ”I,” now‘ no ou t‘ n" r—
Judges looked at 391 entries troni iiities' Because online classifieds. for t’XlllllItlt‘. ‘h‘mt’ m “’1” area are trxing t” figure out what t”
27 countries tor three «law. evalu- prox'ide hoth. ()nline display ilth‘TIlSlllg Iirox'ides d” about electronic coinmeree You have two
atintl writing \torfi'tellinp use of both (lnline Content otters hoth. “WWW" 3“” can “Wk your head 1“ th“ sand. 1”
resourees. eXet‘ution. l)hoto}Ji'.‘ilih_\. Your mindset and your ultimate «time» in your merchants WWW about e~eommeree and PW"
headlinesas \k‘t'll asox'erall design liu>iness will depend in some measure on whieh haps find :1 ft‘W solutions, and 5‘10le hut surely
Heraldrlieader liditor l’aiii \‘(lu focus on watch them migrate to other forms of advertising
Lueeke was one of ii >[Jt‘t l;ll panel Tllkt‘cllififilllt‘d:1(l\'(‘rllSlIl;i and sales models. Or. your newspaper can become
of t'iVe lI'lU‘rnélIlHlldl ‘Iiidlues in the With classifieds making up anywhere lroii‘. ill) the leading: e—commert'e expert in your market. and
C(llllvfit It) 7:“ pi‘r('(‘nt lll nlllsl (Lilly pliIK‘rFI rt‘Vt'llUt‘i (lllllnt‘ partner erth your traditional rptaj] and ”Ut-s”.tra.
Literaevau'ard Vl"-‘-“ll”“l ”(l‘jt‘rll‘mfl P05” it *lélll‘fl‘V‘m ”WW” ditional advertisers to make evr-omiiieree Work for
, ‘ It s eheaper taster and it Works hetter than news them
The Lexmgton Herald Leader I _ l\ t r l . ll 1 l tl -
‘ r i 'i 5 I ,._, i" :I; ' . 'l ~ .- r , I . . _ ,. I
took home first place honors in the ”1’ ll “ (l‘ r l m” H'” “I 3 If ”I“ L ”r“ l Fhe Clltllt't' is yours. Delense’ ()r offenses)
. . . «M o Aw.- . e s o , , \ -
>.\l’;\ Literatx' Awards t'lllllllt'll . m ~pap r it“) m (Peter M. Zoi’lniun rpm/luluHalon/mom, 4-1011
> 0 home do it right lheV dew-lop online classr —. 9-,: f V ~
tion . * zHH-_/8()l is ,(Hlllt/I/lg [inner/ml of Advanced
‘ . .. lied programs that serve their hest eustoiners —« , . -
'Ihe iii-uspaIit-r s entrx. A Interaeni'e Media (zror/p, L L ( ._ (1 ('(HIsIl/flllg
.‘ t .. * auto dealers. real estate agents and eiiiplovment .
Storvhook ( hristiiias. was indeed ‘ ‘ group based near ()r/urido that works (err/z media
I . ‘ . ___ H .idVertisers ~v Wllh new Ilrodtuts and serVit'i-s that I
h”! "\"I "(J-H” UmIiHII-‘lmlm (“H strengthen their relationships Not t‘tllllt‘lilt‘lltdllV (“ml““l’” "’1 PHI‘IH'UZ (IF/”(NIH)” t" (1"""/"/”’1A’
sion‘ in tie . ews anr ornn‘unitx' ‘ " ’ l ,- i t. .. » ... , , , .. ,.
\‘ Tl l 1t l ”Mm of those new l)r(lllll(‘[> and seerr't-s‘ llli‘f'l‘ilSt‘ pro/rmblc ”m'mnu M” ”L" H‘ ”flak" ”f k”
. ~ -. ~- .r - . Ir - . . ‘
"(“1“ MNLW.‘ H "(M ‘ f H print advertisinu as Well as onlirir :irl‘w'l‘lhlng ”Hill-""7“ ""”/"r"’1(""‘* [’1“/’/(/1’UI I’IU’NU'HW’
program 1‘ I“ lth'Hlll- Del“ hook~ . (ltliers do it “Will" 'I'hev raise their ”I” I,“ Newspapers, New ."lledrri World and ('onneefrrnis, I
It” lln‘ll“rl’rl“PIl“¥“‘l ‘Rl‘d-r‘“. ”l t”l.’l>’.\lilt‘(l.\'. put ”WHIV the ”liners" ”“1””. don't and offers xemrnurs. training and strritegre busr- i I
. ;ar ..;~'('t ‘l”\' ~ . I I , .
Tgntr‘ n 11 I? lllnlt 1”; Alli)“ additional leatures. functions or capabilities ”USS p/(INNUUI M’N'H't’h' [Of All” (”011!) (WWII-S‘- I I
e ro rram as as era r - rear er . , -~ , . .
> p l‘ like searehinu lthe thinus that make online :ltlH‘P [rd/mun is (1 filiriied ii'rth Pile/)8. (utler (S; I
h h I
readers to donate new hooks or i . , . v ‘
Ilslnfi so tonipellingv. and _, intentionally or other. Assor'rai'es. ( o/isu/lants to Newspapers.) l
cash to buy books I .
- ‘ O O
lfl‘ ‘I “'0 D {‘III \"I‘ I Vfllll' '1“
‘ A ‘ O
V . o ‘ v ‘ o , o
' 5 "0“ 0“ "IPIII N‘I' S‘I‘I'VII'P {’0“ 1 ‘ “Q
A L '1 L z b
\Vh'l‘ ‘III‘ 'ICN'HDI' "I'di‘I'I‘d' ’
‘ I . m ‘ O i
, " I Hotline numbers: I
I I It Available Monday ~ Friday, 8 a m to 12 noon and 1 I
. 1/ l pm tofipm. (Eastern) I
I l I'lO I ‘I‘oll - (606) 623-3880 (use between 8 am. and 10 am) I
:9 «l 3/ ° - (60b‘l 624-3767 (Parts Plus orrice in Richmond)
' 5’ "v; o - (606) 624 9893 (use this number to tax a question
_ , fl__.
Q «A ,r- mige . ll"‘ III". or problem to Fun Jones)
”w/ J 0 email 7 lIones‘169?@aol (tom
M o (606; 8792349 (cellular number; use it Tim is not
2) available at other numbers listed above) l
w \i I l
‘ I

i The Kentucky Press. February. 1999 - Page 5
_.g,.w__._,.,,.__,,._..--m..-..._ _ A. ,, . , ,. ., , . ._ ., , _. . ,. .. . . 1 . . O
‘ I ° l R63] talent ll€§ In $661“
i w o
. ask force. Color COHSistency i . . g
; o o o I l o 1 I
i ‘ ' l t l ’ dd ‘ d C 6 e
. possible 1fqud 1 y is a resse . 0 r S] 0 6 1C ur
l l
; (‘olor management prot'iling [em in providing consistent color; t t 'l f tl
. . . . l‘t‘l\ll‘>’ i >“‘ . ["5 lil l t‘
l technologv can provide consistencv qualitv. : l 1’ l l H 1’" l n I
i' . ‘ ‘ ‘ . .- . I " _ . ‘ : _ , .. 0 “e other side of the table In realitv.
it in newspaper rt‘pHKllHIlUlL but onlx 0 ( oloi space transfoiinationsv «
' .. . . ._ . ‘ , . - 1 this is it s‘viiiptoui ot l.t/.\. self l‘t'll
,_ if standard printing specilications could cause problems while it is; A 1 _ l tl k \\'l l . .
I are adopted and quality control pro possible for color management soft? M '7‘: "‘ ' l‘; 1'1”“ ”‘11 H H l‘" 5“ Tl“ ’V
. . . J \‘: . '41s t 5 t "l. .' i 'IH‘
, cedures are iii place. according to ware to accuratelv transform colors; ,3 , l n 1‘ .. H ”H H" l ”H H)
l . . .. . . ‘ . ‘ . . i i “I are \H‘oiii’ ~ll)l’l'li£ltll trouble is on ‘
i interim findings trom the from one color space to another. it is; -—_—— ‘ , . tl l ‘ ' '
Newspaper Association of America's not possible to change them back to? By John Faust ""f H 1?!” NJ”) > .1 ‘ l t
(‘olor Re iroduction ( ualitv Task their ori rinal color ramut. Based onl Ralei h. N.C. , H H i " 9 I)” " 'H“ “ man
I ’ L L . , g A \"t i) decided tr liiIV‘ llllll tl‘il'fl to
Force's (‘olor Management Work where the conversion takes place “it ‘ p . ‘ l ’ fl 1 ‘ ‘
Group. the production process this couldl “”0 “l ”l" “”31““ ””‘tz‘kw 1‘ ”llwrtw' l“? ”him.“ Ami" 51.”. ‘
The task force is charged with cause problems for achieving mater~l PW-“W C11” make is to assume that lillsli Nothing the map of avail
‘ - V V i ' l I " ‘ ' 'b I' It ‘ \u
‘ finding ways to achieve consistent. ial, re-use of materials for differentl PW‘FYUIH‘ has the same \'lt'\\' oi the dim li’hitlelh- llwilvlllL ‘1 Mill - Mil
l high-quality color reproduction printing processes and Internet pub-l world. All“ 1131199” "W‘" “Wt" [ want ”“11”!”
throughoutthenewspaperindustrv. lishing l about tW” PWPl“ “"ng ”'1 "PP” H)" l”‘”“