xt7g4f1mkm51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mkm51/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1994 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters ChemNews, Fall 1994 text ChemNews, Fall 1994 1994 1994 2019 true xt7g4f1mkm51 section xt7g4f1mkm51 m
Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Fall 1994
MESSAGE FORM THE NEW I failed to elicit a promise of allegiance from our business
CHAIRPERSON, DON SANDS manager, though, and Larry Scheurich left us in December to help
the Chancellor manage his vast resources. Larry, one of our own
WW On July 1, 1993 Bob Guthrie went on graduates, had served us for nearly twenty years, and things ran so
-.~ V,a*‘**“>f’f1 to a well-deserved sabbatical at Oak smoothly under his gentle direction that we just took him for
fixigwg Ridge National Laboratory, and I suc- granted. It is reassuring, though, that the Chancellor’s affairs will
swi‘sx; ceeded him as chairperson. Bob, as be In such good hands. And we were fortunate in having a capable
.jafi you may recall, chaired the Department replacement for Larry on our staff; Debra Shambro had been our
QM V from 1983 to 1987; it was Dave Watt’s computer analyst for three years, and she has been adapting to the
§§>3§$§ 33% . turn from 1987 to 1991, then Bob came business manager’s job with the speed of light.
§’ .4 back for another two years. I have
RE followed Bob’s wise example of agree- Other staff departures in the past few months were chief store-
§é V ing to sit in this office for only two keeper Ramon Smith and laboratory supervisor Darla Hood (di-
w“ ’ z“: ‘ '* years, so someone else’s sentence will rector of freshman labs). Ted Jenkins became our chief Storekeeper;
begin July 1, 1995. Greg Blanchard took over temporarily for Darla, and Francois
Botha became the permanent laboratory supervisor in August.
I came into this office under a cloud of impending budget
cuts. The University had already withheld 2 percent of what we A big relief for me (and for everyone else) is that Nancy
were supposed to get, and we were bracing for an additional cut of Stafford, the Department’s housemother, is providing continuity
as much as 6 percent in the budget we were already spending. in the musical chairs of the chairman’s office. Nancy was recog-
Fortunately, the Governor found money buried in his backyard, flized recently With a (3011686 0f Arts and Sciences staff award.
and we were spared the trauma of massive layoffs and termination
of programs. Relief over averting what could have happened made TWO faculty members left the University since the last news-
the actual decrease of 2 percent seem like a ray of sunshine. letter. Tom Guarr is seeking his fortune in industry, and John
Richard was recruited away by another university whose name we
Why would anyone agree to chair a department under such a shall never mention. We have, though, been able to add five truly
dismal financial outlook? Psychiatrists have a name for that. But, outstanding assistant professors to our department. Roger Grev
really, the Department of Chemistry has incredible strength and (theoretical chemistry) and Robert Toreki (inorganic) came in Fall
almost unlimited promise. Stan Smith and I arrived together in 1993. Sylvia Daunert (analytical) moved from a research appoint-
1962, and we have seen many changes. Financial stringencies are ment into a regular faculty position in January 1994- This fall W6
nothing new to UK and to this Department, but somehow they were joined by Haibin Deng (inorganic) and Robert Grossman (or-
have not been allowed to cripple our basic missions. The two ganic).
years I spent at the National Science Foundation gave me great
appreciation of how well the University of Kentucky is managed. Other articles in this newsletter describe some of the schol-
In spite of the budget problems, and the departures of good cot- arly accomplishments of the faculty, and we are proud of the con-
‘ leagues, and the vagaries of Kentucky politics, this University and tributions these colleagues are making to the science of chemistry.
this Department have continued to get better! We have outstand- We are equally DTOUd 0f the high standard 0f teaching and concern
ing faculty, wonderful staff, and excellent students, and altogether for students exemplified by our faculty. This fall we are offering
this is a great environment in which to work and study. two experimental sections of general chemistry, incorporating reci-
tation and laboratory experience along with the lectures; if you
Before I consented to chair the Department, I checked with graduated a long time ago, you will be comforted by this return to
Jim O’Reilly and Bob Kiser and made sure that they would con- the practices of the past. In another project, the Department is
tinue in their respective roles of Director of Graduate Studies and cooperating with the other colleges and universities of Kentucky
Director of General Chemistry, Their acquiescence made the job to bring about systemic change in undergraduate chemistry educa-
of chairman seem possible, and their dedication to quality is re- tion; this will involve examining just what all the people who take
vealed every day in everything they do.

 chemistry courses ought to learn, and restructuring our courses _ _ gggwrerr:35higfigzgggehr, and the Ph.D. in BioAnalytical Chem—
and curriculum for the twenty-first century. gigg'ggggghggiif istry from the University of Barcelona
in 1991. She came to Lexington in
It is important to us to hear what you are doing, so please stay 1986 with her husband, Leonidas
in touch with the Department. And, if possible, come to visit. A Vt...” Bachas, and served as Research Asso-
disruptive renovation of the air-handling system, still underway, V ciate, Research Fellow and Assistant
has added six chimneys to the building, giving the appearance of a °‘ Research Professor until her current
steamship departing from the Port of Lexington. Inside, you will appointment. They are the parents of
find a remodeled library, a computer lab containing more than 40 Stephanie, 5, and Philip, 3. Sylvia is l
state-of-the-art computers for everyone’s use, and lots of activity. a member of the executive committees ’
,. of two national ACS committees, the
Younger Chemists Committee and the International Activities Com-
NE W FACULTY mittee. She is the author of almost thirty research publications. In (
. _ 1992 her research was recognized by the Juan Abello Pascual Award
\ system Roger Grev. @110ng hls 'gradua- in Biochemistry from the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors and
_,, ' Xe? ho" from the Umversrty 0f Minnesota the Van Slyke Society Research Award. Her research group, al-
l I at Morris, Roger left for California ready at five, is using recombinant DNA technology to develop
.. ’ é where he received the PhD- Whh P’O' new bioanalytical techniques.
cw fessor H. F. Schaefer, noted theoreti-
fessor Schaefor moved to the Univer- no n he fallof1994. renewing his
5% sity Of Georgia, Roger moved With him get " I 4! undergraduate education at Fudan Uni-
. e as a hogthoaoral feuow‘ Roger Fame 3; versity in Shanghai. he joined ProfeS-
to U-K- to August 19,93 ,es Asssstsnt .. . scr shcidcrr shores research group a:
e. ...........,,... meessor, and is continuing IeSCBICh 2,, Ohio State University, where he earned
“1 mammal ChemiStrY- His interests imlude ab—U—Qini ' quantum the Ph.D. in 1991 with an award-win-
mechanical studies, theoretical thermochemistry, silicon and ger- , ning dissertation on lanthanide
men“? chm” “am °rblta1.based WWW“ mfigu- g. heterometallic complexes. At Comell
ration interaction methods, chemical bonding models, and core W University where he wasaPostdoctoral
correlation effects. Roger’s productivity may be gauged by the 5 ='tW’it‘s“:5=5:h*‘5‘5iz515zifihh Fellow, he worked with Professors
forty-four research publications of which he is author, by the fact Roald Hoffmann and Frank DiSalvo. The breadth of his educa-
that he is Assistant Editor Of The Journal'of Computational Chem- tion and experience in inorganic chemistry is reflected in his re-
istry, and by the fa“ that he (and hls w1fe 0f eight years, Donna search interests: solid state materials, organometallic chemistry
Toft) are the parents of son, Casey, age 4 and daughter Celie (pro- and molecular orbital calculations.
nounced Selegue), age 2.
. _ .,,,;,.W. M» w Robert B. Grossman. Bob joined our
Rom“ Toreki- R01) Jomed our file“ '7 faculty in the fall of 1994. Bob gradu-
ulty in June. 1993 as an Assistant Pro- s: ated magna cum laude from Princeton
e fssr His research career started or h 1987. He earned the Ph.D. from
“me" unwemy’ Where h‘? med g M-I-T- in 1992 on an NSF Fellowship-
tn AB-r stems test lessee m,1987~ His disrercchcr under Professor
t the year 1“ which his bathe“ S [“tr Stephen Buchwald was ouch “Organic
. Sis Wlth Proms“ Peter WOICWSKI . Synthesis via Group 4 Metallocene ‘ i
set Amman Chem?“ Sm”- HF Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor *
o 1 earned the PhD- Wlth Professor Rl- Steven Ley at Cambridge University .
_ h _ chard SCthk at M'I'T' 1“ 1991 work- working on the total synthesis of azadirachtin. His interest in \
mg on rhemum-based olefin metathesis catalysts. He was a Na— synthetic methodology will be continued at UK as he works on
tional Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow with Professor Ken— developing novel reagents (with and without metals) and new re- ?
neth Poeppelrneier at Northwestern University, where he worked actions. ‘
on superconducting materials, before joining the faculty at UK.
His current research is centered on the study of three-dimensional ,
inorganic and organometallic framework polymers. Rob brings ,
exceptional strength in the area of materials science to the depart- YATES WINS MULTIPLE HONORS
ment. Steve Yates was featured in the last ChemNews for his activi-
ties outside the Department. Steve has now won the equivalent of “
Sylvia Daunert. Sylvia was appointed Assistant Professor of the Triple Crown on the UK campus. In 1992 he was the recipient i
Chemistry atUK in January, 1994. She was awarded the Pharm.D. of the Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, which car- .
degree in 1982 from the University of Barcelona, the MS. degree ries a permanent salary increase of $3000 per annum, and a Uni-
in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Michigan in 1985 versity Research Professorship, which provided a year’s research A
2 l

 x“, \ leave. Last year the faculty of the Col- cations for Analytical Chemistry”, which was published in May of
$ . ”I, lege of Arts and Sciences elected him 1994.
§< Distinguished Professor of the College
for 1993—94. This honor, the highest Jim has been instrumental in introducing computer and video
this professional recognition offered by the technology into the large lecture classes. His request to the Dean
W"; College, is bestowed on the basis of brought us a large-screen video projector and a computer for use
if threecriteria; unusually effective teach- in the large lecture hall, room 139. The equipment is used to
% ing, outstanding scholarship, and ser- project demonstrations, video tape and video disk images, and com-
1 3s vice to the University and profession. puter graphics so that all students can see them. Jim played a
‘7 _ Steve delivered the Distinguished Pro- major role in the establishment of the library’s computer lab in
' “h "f’t'h’i‘i‘i ‘ ' fessor Lecture on “Nuclear Shapes: room 148 of the Chemistry-Physics Building.
From the Mundane to the Exotic” in February 1994 and will take
(- the semester’s research leave that comes with the award in the Jim has inaugurated several new courses in the department.
spring semester of 1995. The list of Distinguished Professors goes Chemical Instrumentation, CHE 524, a laboratory course designed
back to 1944 and includes Lyle Dawson and Bill Ehmann of this to teach chemical instrumentation, electronics, and computers,was
Department. set up by Jim and has become a popular staple in our course offer-
ings. He has taught this course as a short course at several ACS
At the University commencement in May, Steve received the national meetings as well as at the Pittsburgh Conference. The
1994 William B. Sturgill Award from President Wethington. This response to his special topics course for high school teachers, CHE
$2000 prize annually recognizes the member of the faculty who 602, has been enthusiastic.
has made the most outstanding contributions to graduate educa-
tion at UK. In the classroom, Jim’s greatness becomes apparent. He makes
special efforts to reduce the impersonal nature of his large lecture
Steve Yates has now won all the top prizes on campus in teach- classes in general chemistry by requiring a brief personal appoint-
ing, research and all around excellence. The Chemistry Depart- ment with each student after the first examination in the course.
ment is proud to claim this outstanding teacher-scholar. Often during the first one or two class meetings in a course, he
will ask the students to step before a video camcorder, tell their
name, where they are from, and something about themselves.
JIM HOL LE R, GREAT TEACHER Throughout the semester, he regularly views the tape to learn the
' students’ names and to recall any special circumstances that they
fives TthKAlumni Association each year may have. Jim’s classroom manner is characterized by humor,
s selects two or three faculty members great competency, and caring. An undergraduate columnist in the
§‘; from the Lexington Campus as Great Kentucky Kernel had the following to say about his experience in
i3 t. s Teachers. Jim HOUCF 0f the chemistry Holler’s General Chemistry course. “Professor Holler may be
:fii:31§¥:3-t‘--;3réf faculty was named a Great Teacher in the best professor I have ever had. He took a difficult subject and
is» the spring Of 1993- This award derives explained it in a way that was easier to understand —— and he made
3»: its prestige from the fact that it is the learning fun_”
is: oldest award on campus and the only
one based on nominations by students.
. Thewinntfssfestltttedbvecommit- RETIREMENTS
tee of students and members of the
Alumni Association. Jim joins the group of previous award win- With the retirement of John Patterson, Audrey Companion
‘ . ners from the department, perhaps the most of any department of and Claude Dungan in May of 1993, the department lost almost
i campus: Dave Watt (1991), Paul Sears (1980), and Joe Wilson 70 years of experience at the university.
a (1975).
. _ , , . . John Patterson came to UK. in 1954
\ Jim’s strengths as a master teacher are many. He is author or 5 '{j j after doctoral and post-doctoral work
co—author of six textbooks on analytical chemistry. The first, “Ex- fife: ff? at Northwestern University, He was
. periments in Electronics, Instrumentation, and Microcomputers, r I promoted to full Professor in 1967. In
’ by Holler, Avery, Crouch, and Enke, appeared in 1982 and was his almost forty years at UK. he pub-
based on laboratory experiments developed at UK. In 1988, Holler T mgr," -_3 ' lished 75 papers dealing with the
joined Doug Skoog of Stanford University and Don West of San “95° {ff chemistry of nitro and heterocyclic
f Jose State University to update their classic text for undergraduate «Q compounds, high temperature reac-
analytical chemistry: “Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry”, :flsfiftw tions of organic molecules, and pho-
flfth (1988) and sixth (1992) editions, and “Analytical Chemistry: s*§\ tochemical reactions in solution. Sev-
. An Introduction”, fifth (1990) and sixth (1994) editions. Favor- 25“:“z::3“;’:5:=:2hkz’z::‘z‘*5”:=i‘:‘55‘”:“‘:“‘°“:5‘:‘:‘Wi enteen students received graduate de-
i able reviews and adoptions by more than five hundred colleges grees under his supervision in that period. John was a popular
‘ and universities across the country testify to the effectiveness of teacher in the basic organic courses; thousands enjoyed studying
‘ the books. Jim is the sole author of his latest text “Mathcad Appli- CHE 230, 232 and 236 with him. Most of John’s students didn’t
1 know that he lived in the fast lane. His interest in fast cars, motor-
1 3

 cycles and small airplanes continues from high school days to the academic research led to well over 100 publications. He is perhaps
present. Much of his time in retirement is devoted to restoring best known for his work on the structure-activity relationships in
and flying old planes. He also does some gardening, an indication carcinogenic azo dyes, but he also did significant work on the
that he may no longer be living quite as close to the edge as he mechanisms of the Willgerodt and Meisenheimer reactions. He
. once did. was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science and the New York Academy of Sciences.
gift; “W In 1975 Audrey companion moved
$<fifigz to UK. from Chicago where she had A native of Montreal and a 1930 graduate of the University of
Netti” taught at Illinois Institute of Technol- Illinois, Ellis received a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at lowa State
figsiggg‘ Ogy for fifteen years. She earned B.S., in 1936. After one year as an instructor at Iowa State, he joined s-
infirm: MS. and Ph.D. degrees and was 3 Charles Pfizer& Co.asaresearch chemist and group leader. While
%\33 postdoctoral fellow with Professor R. at Pfizer, he played an important role in the structural studies and ‘
3‘: G. Parr at the Carnegie Institute of commercial development of penicillin. His work at Pfizer also f
KN: Technology (now Carnegie Mellon resulted in a number of patents related to glucose and riboflavin
g‘m‘o‘efi‘ University). A full Professor since derivatives. In 1947, Brown left Pfizer to serve as Associate Pro-
e’f‘m‘ea’: 1976, Audrey has published almost 50 fessor at Fordham University, New York City, until 1953, when he
‘ "‘3355555m‘5 4’ papers dealing with theoretical chem- became Professor and Head of the Chemistry Department at Seton
istry in the solid state. Her book, “Chemical Bonding" , which Hall University, South Orange, NJ. Survivors include his wife,
was issued in a second edition by McGraw Hill in 1979 and trans- the former Dorothy Cheek of Nicholasville; three daughters and a
lated to three languages, won an award for its record sales. In son, a sister, and five grandchildren.
1988 she won the ACS Stone Award sponsored by the North-Caro-
lina-Piedmont Section in recognition of outstanding achievement Rodney E. Black, 76, Professor Emeritus, died in February
in chemistry. Although retired, Audrey is still actively involved in of 1993. Rodney, earned the BS. degree from Oklahoma State
research with students and visiting scientists. Her two snauzers University in 1938, and MS. (1940) and Ph.D. (1942) degrees
appreciate the increased attention they get now that she no longer from the University of Wisconsin. He worked as a research chem- ‘
must meet classes. ist for Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation and Phillips Petro-
leum Company before entering the teaching profession at
553153535E555233535EESE525335955E5E353333555555555555E3EEEEEEEEEEE55555553535333 Claude Dungan, research analyst, I'C’ Momingside COUCgC in SIOUX Clty, Iowa in 1947. H6 cal'ne t0
tired in May, 1993 after twelve years UK. as Associate Professor in 1951. Trained as a physical chem-
of service to the department in two ist, Rodney taught physical and general chemistry to many gen-
separate installments. Claude was erations of students until his retirement in 1981. To some stu-
imflg“ raised in Pennsylvania and majored in dents, among them the best, he was a stimulus to work to their full
ski: agriculture at Pennsylvania State Uni- potential. His curiosity about the world around him was bound-
ate/g versity. After working for two years less. In retirement he often attended seminars and prowled the
3”" 33' with a small manufacturing company library. His daughter, Rhodora, lives in Lexington.
-- in Pittsburgh, he joined the Monsanto
. Company in Dayton in 1959. In 1960 William A. O’Brien died in September, 1993. Bill was re-
‘ 2225222 53555335335355 he moved to the Central Research Di- tired from two jobs. He retired from the Celanese Corporation
; vision of Monsanto in St. Louis, where he worked as an NMR after working for them for 26 years as a chemist specializing in
i spectroscopist with Dr. John Van Wazer. During that fruitful pe- microscopy and quality control. From 1975 until he retired again
. riod he published several papers and co-authored two books. His in 1985, he was the department’s computer specialist. His wife,
‘ Kentucky heritage brought him back to central Kentucky in 1969 Anne, resides in Lexington.
to join the Chemistry Department as full-time research analyst ‘
and part-time farmer. He was in charge first of the Mass Spec-
trometry Center, and then of the NMR center. The 240-acre farm EHM A NN HERTY MED A L [ST
finally squeezed out chemistry and Claude returned to full-time ,
farming in 1974. Chemistry was glad [O g6! hrm back again in ”\ng’w . In Atlanta on May 12 Bill Ehmann i
1986, when he returned to the NMR center. Parkinson’s disease gt?“ delivered the award lecture and re- ' i
finally led to his retirement in 1993. Claude’s wealth of knowl— s ceived the 1994 gold Herty Medal of .
i edge, his gentle firmness and his patience with all who needed his 3 :2 the Georgia Section Of the ACS- The i
help are missed. He has returned to the home that he built on the Herty Medal gives “public 1' ecognrtron 1
family farm. In June of 1993 his outstanding service to the Uni— 41%,: 10 the work and service 0f outstanding ‘
. versity was recognized with an A&S Outstanding Staff Award. €% chemists Who have contributed to their i
“7% , chosen field”. “All men and women
i ' in academic. governmental or indus- 3
trial laboratories in VA, wv. KY. TN. .
i OBITUARIES fiegknfififit': $2319"‘Ftiirif-IifiF MS, L A, AL, G A, FL, NC, and SC are 3
Ellis V. Brown, 83, Professor Emeritus, died in May of 1992. eligible.” Charles Herty was chairman 0f the chemistry depart-
i In 1959, Ellis became Professor and Director of General Chemis- ment at the University Of North Carolina, first president 0f the ‘
3 try at UK, where he worked until his retirement in 1975. His AC5, editor 0f the Journal Of Industrial and Engineering Chemiso 3

 try, president of the Synthetic Chemical Manufacturers Associa- energy available can be even greater. Cases of stabilization in a
tion and was involved with F. P. Garvin in founding the National crystal of a higher-energy molecular conformation are usually ob-
Institutes of Health. vious; e.g., PhSSb is found to have square-pyramidal geometry

while a number of other ArsM, M=P, As, Sb molecules have the

Ehmann, a native of Madison, Ms, received bachelor’s and expected trigonal-bipyramidal geometry.‘ But Carol demonstrated l
master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin and a doctorate that crystal-packing effects can sometimes be systematic.2 Biphe-
from the Carnegie Institute of Technology. He came to UK in nyl derivatives with H atoms in all four ortho positions are ex-

1958. In the 19603, Ehmann was one of the first people to get pected to be twisted (as they are in solution and in the gas phase)
lunar samples to study. In more recent years, Ehmann’s research because the H...H repulsions are more important than the conjuga- f

5" has focused on the possible relationships between trace elements tion energy, but biphenyl fragments are much more likely to be |
and disease, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. He is studying the planar or nearly planar in the crystal than would be expected on I

> relationship of dental amalgam exposure, brain mercury levels and the basis of energy considerations.

3‘ Alzheimer’s disease pathology in a group of nuns who are mem- I
bers of Sisters of Notre Dame. (Excerpted from the Lexington As crystallographic databases were developed it became pos- l
Herald-Leader.) sible to address more general questions of crystal packing. There ‘

has been a long-standing belief, quoted in some organic textbooks,
that racemic compounds (e.g., D,L-alanine) are denser and more
FA C UL TY PROFILES stable (larger DHM) than their chiral counterparts (e.g., L-alanine).
An examination’ of 129 matched chiral/racemic pairs retrieved
a . D’- Carob’f’ P- B’f’c" from the Cambridge Structural Database led to the conclusion that
received the B'A’ in chemistry from this rule, while true, has no predictive power; rather, it is a conse-
"1:. Wellesley College and'the P.h'D' from quence of the circumstances necessary for isolation of both mem-
w jfif _,,,,,.,_,,jg.us§:1 Northwestern Unrversrty-wrth Profes- bers of the pair. If a specific compound does not follow the rule, '
”(2%!” :(ltrngfnthse Igiiislerssiftl; 321123313643; then the racemic compound will not be isolable, and the compound
‘ ‘3 Assistant professor in 1972 and is new WI“ "0‘ be fwd 0“ ”1611““ Pa“-
‘iz-zaazirié:-:2;E§E:§;555335£32;35£ -
$ 3‘} ““6553; "L ‘1“; lfigpt‘tgne“; 0‘ neeenu, Carol and her group discovered that meneneuneu
as It “138%“ a: ma: vaissvlfe‘defal “i1; CnHmOH are much more likely to crystallize in high-symmetry (es-
; u -y W f h 1 . z - h d pecially trigonal and tetragonal) Space grows than are molecules
' . " . strtute 0 Tec no ogy rn uric an at in general.‘ This unexpected result is a direct consequence of the
Northwestern Unrversrty and several leadership posrtrons m the geometric relationships between 0 atoms that are necessary for
American Crystallographic Assocration and the U'S' National Com- hydrogen-bond formation. Because space-groups without inver-
mrttee for Crystallography. Carol has been chosen to receive a sion centers are much more common in high-symmetry groups,
Wellesley Alumnae Achievement Award. She thus becomes a this result suggests an approach for increasing the probability of
member of a very distinguished group of Wellesley alumnae whose discovering molecular nonlinear optical (NLO) materials.
achievements warrant high honor and recognition.
ff f m l cular mme on c stal ackin is an-

Since arriving at the University Of Kentucky twenty—two years omefgse:fi:frtucirderci:vestigjtion intrCyarol’srgroup? The fymme— g
ago, Carol Brock’s research “is focused on questions involvrng tries of molecular crystals are usually low while the symmetries of
the arrangements 0f ”1016011168 in crystals. How do molecules or- inorganic solids and metals are usually high. This difference may ;
ganrzethemselves to form crystals? How does the molecular sym- not, however, reflect any basic difference in the rules that govern l

_ metry influence the symmetry of the crystal? To what “tent can crystal packing in the two kinds of solids, but may rather be a l
the crystalhne envrronment affect the observed geometry Of "101' consequence of the symmetries of the constituent molecules and
““163? Can the arrangements 0f molecules in crystals .be pre- ions. Most molecules are asymmetric while most inorganic mate- 9
dicted? Can crystals be sucessfully desrgned? The main tech- rials are composed of at least moderately symmetric ions. More- I
‘ niques used to investigate these questions have been single-crystal over, molecular solids composed of very regular molecules like
i X-ray diffraction, semi-empirical energy calculations, and manipu- a da m antan e, cubane, dod e cah e drane, and Buckminsterfullerene l
' l latrons 0f crystallographic databases. crystallize in trigonal, tetragonal, or cubic groups while complex a

‘ _ _ , , , , inor anic materials often c stallize in low-symmetry groups. Carol

1T C301 began by rnvestrgatrng rn stances m Whmh the crystal- has Eddressed these types 2f questions in a review article on space- i

l line environment apparently stabrhzes a molecular conformation, f . 5

i . . . . group requencres.
or even a linkage isomer, that would not be found in substantral ‘

If concentrations in solution. Most information about molecular ge— 1 C, P, Brock, “Lattice Energy Calculations for (C6H5)5M.1/ ’

, ometry has come from crystal-structure determinations, but how 2C6Hn, M=P, As, and Sb: Towards an Understanding of CryS- '

5‘ reliable is that information if the crystalline environment can in- tal Packing in the Pentaphenyl Group V Compounds”, Acta

1 fluence molecular structure? A number of different lines of rea- Cryst_ 1977, A33, 898-902.

1 soning lead to the conclusion that favorable intermolecular inter- 2 C. P, Brock and R, P, Minton, “SyStematic Effects of Crystal-

‘ actions in a crystal can provide up to ca. 20 kJ/mol to offset the Packing ForceS: Biphenyl Fragments with H Atoms in All

% energy required to hold a molecule in an unfavorable conforma- Four Ortho Positions”, J, Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, II], 4586-

; tion. If ions or intermolecular hydrogen bonds are present the 4593_


 3 C. P. Brock, W. B. Schweizer and J. D. Dunitz, “On the Valid- studying the trace-element composition of bone tissue from
ity of Wallach’s Rule: On the Density and Stability of Race- AD patients. Because bone tissue acts as a “repository" _
mic Crystals Compared with Their Chiral Counterparts”, J. for many of the trace elements that have been implicated
Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 9811-9820. in AD, these analyses provide information on the long-
‘ C. P. Brock and L. L. Duncan, “Anomalous Space-Group Fre- term trace-element status of an individual. Preliminary
quencies for Monoalcohols CnHmOH”, submitted to Chem. results from 16 control and 15 AD patients indicate that
Mater. (special issue on organic solid-state chemistry). Mg, P, Zn, Br, Rb, and Sr may be imbalanced in the bone
5 C. P. Brock and J. D. Dunitz, “Towards a Grammar of Crystal tissue of AD subjects.
Packing”, submitted to Chem. Mater. (special issue on organic
solid-state chemistry). Investigate the environmental impact of the by-product 2‘
. from the Coolside dry flue gas desulfurization process for
Dr. 1' Davui Robertson . removal of SO2 from coal fired power plant emissions.
. was appornted Assrstant Professor 1“ The Coolside technology is an attractive option as it can u
(so the Department Of Chemistry at UK be readily implemented as a retrofit to existing power
,4 _ s 1" 1989' He was educated at the Uh" plants. However, before the process can be employed com-
\%§\, 3;“: versrty oerssourr (B'S' 1982) and the mercially, the environmental impact of the disposal of
(as University Of Maryland (Ph-D- With Coolside waste must be assessed. As part of this assess-
if?“ .1 . Professor W. B. Walters, 1986)- He ment, the Robertson group is studying both the chemical
airways. was a postdoctoral fellow at the composition and field and laboratory leaching properties
‘ Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory from of the Coolside solid waste.
i2 1937439. “‘6 Chemim Department
, was delighted to 'leam 0f hls promo- Investigate high-temperature reactions on graphite sub-
mm to Assocrate Professor Whh tenure 1“ May, 1994' strates. Heated graphite substrates are used in numerous
. . disciplines including analytical chemistry, combustion
, Dave’s research 1s focused on the development of radtonuclear chemistry, and catalysis. The nature and extent of reac-
methods of analysis and the subsequent application of these tech- tions on the surface of heated graphite substrates are, how-
niques, in a multidisciplinary fashion, to fundamental problems in ever, not fully understood. For example, graphite fur-
h variety 0f areas. The COhthh theme that links research projects nace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) is one of
miareas as diverse as materials scrence, envrronmental chemistry, the most commonly used techniques for ultra-trace el-
‘ hhhihg engineenng, and pharmacology is the use Of the unique emental analysis. This technique is. however, often
properties of the nucleus to investigate problems that frequently plagued by various matrix interferences. These interfer-
cannot be addressed 1" any other way. ences are generally minimized by the addition of matrix
, _ _ _ _ modifiers such as ascorbic acid, nickel, palladium, and
The majority of hrs work rs centered around ion beam analy- ammonium hydrogen phosphate. While these matrix
sis (IBA). In “high-energy” ion beam analysis, the atomic and modifiers greatly improve the detection limits, the chem-
nuclear reactions that occur when a mega-electron-volt ion beam istry involved in the signal enhancement process is un-
strikes a target are utilized to perform both material composition clear. Prior investigations into the gas phase chemistry
and spatial distribution studies. The IBA facility that h