xt7g4f1mkk5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mkk5g/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1941 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; vii, 23 leaves, 27 cm; Included bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81cc/2 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Brunswick Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Brunswick Association 1941 1941 2015 true xt7g4f1mkk5g section xt7g4f1mkk5g l fEi??%¤E=?$¤iY2?x€fE‘?i?? 
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  l A t Q Inventory of the Church Archives
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3; · l Southern Baptist Convention _
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S v   V Work Projects Administration
_ Q ° ry  ~, Eialeigh, ET. C.
{fj] FU it  January, 1.941
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5 WTA Yistoricel Records Survey Program 1
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1 Sargent v. Cmilo, Director 1
' Ziltom.W. Jleetom, Regional Supervisor A
.. ·‘ · ' - . . . - S
4 Coloert F. Crutchfielc, State Supervisor Q
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1 1*
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1 Division of Protessional and Service Projects 1
1 i1
1 T1
‘ 1 11
Q Florerce Kerr, Assistant Commissioner 1
Q TlemcLe I. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor 1
Q Kay E. Campbell, State Director E
i I
? L
1 1
i Howird O. Hunter Actirk Commissioner l
s ., J
Malcolm J. Hiller Reqioral Director »
: A o
1 C. C. icG1nnis, State Administrator 1
1 ~  
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2 QV
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Syowsor d bv the Iorth Carolina Historical Commission g
. J  
. . 'Q
. Q
{ V M. C. S. Noble, Chairman i
N C. C. Crittenden, Secretary 1
· E
1 @$1

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W TIG L1StOTlG?l AOOOTLS Suxvey p.oQ;am is one of the manv valuatle and
‘ ;¤;·>· - · . ·,·· -1 · *. 1 _“·.,_ · _ •_ _ . . . . U ..
J pc mahent UHQ?su&hlHgS of the Wcih Pzogecis Administration. One division
k OI THiS work is toe Chuy0k_k@COydS Suyvg-_ Tha Fedgyal GOTGPim€n+ cas
` I ’ ,·.' .. ·l—`|· ' H- l-,~, -5** _ = —.._: .;, __ vw . N" T4 Ml
l F€¢Og£lZGd »A&¤ IJ t-e ilelc of uLSoO1y clurches and their orgauizstioms
'¤ »‘7 . · .; ‘ ‘·’+' ~? 7 -. ·. --'- », ,,. .` r - 4 .
W occnpy in inpoxtauo plucc. Uhdez the grouram_es planred the work will
% €~@©Hd ~O every religious cody of every creed in ell the states in the
w L-- 1 •
t Of perticrlar irterest to °~rt*¤+~ ic t¤~t - ~ ¤ ·
  ’· *· ·· ~» ·» 4·..,.· .»¤ vn} ..; lic, ’;'%,l‘“[j WI ·j· Q rr ~ ~ ·rg
é concerns the Baptist associations ahd chxrches ot North ;s;ol?g;rMhThQ;Ch
9 v rk ' ( ~~.H- ’ » s~ new : s an J ` '*+TL° `
jr 29 n1is aliceay in picaiess ucc wlll be cxcssed toward completion. Uhder
é ae eirection of an cole supervisory stuff, locoted in Releigh, one or
" e ‘ “*—·" oa · —¢.l~ n '-.·. 1 .
g Toro wcircrs is ossigrcd to €¢Cu association. Toesc workers maxe u care-
li lcl and incuscrious search for all church records, printed or ih merm-
Q script, minutes of associations, and any other materials that may serve
3, the purpose ox the Survey. With this materiel in hard the editorial
{Z stuff prepares e short sketch of the association and its constituent
· i churches, which is published in a seperate volume.
X Those who are interested in church historr will firl t eee volrmes
. -V -7- . -. .-.- I ;,rn,,: ·\ .¤.n xx)
Yf most valuable. For hott tre sssooioriou ~~H o l 1 · ·
gl · ‘ =— *   —— ~··-~-·-=-   A ’€iC:1 -ocz1l ·3l’1UI'ch is river:
ll ~ — +. *4 r “ N .».. . . ,. er "
U A complete list oi all iecords t-nt have ecex ciscovered and from which
l tht? Sl'§@`hCL'l€i}S hC;V@ XDGEEH. COil,fj'l3l"U_C tmpl, 1/,"j_‘{`,T_§ Q_ 5‘!_¢_’?;;;·j]g;;;’¥j gf q_;Ywgl··{¤ ·[·l~@wr yn-xr
it be found. For the sssecistiou the liwe oro ~l~r f ’* l v·· &
- ‘ ’ " “‘*’ “**·· =   —· ~·’ =·-» A   G   OZ‘iT·;”..1 [/‘ ll
, 9_l'°€   '{v·J'j   an   rp?. Of; j-_!_Q C-an ·F,_f` L" ~ T ,` ‘ Q t Q {M, .  
i . °’ , ` ` {__' ‘°“ ‘ °““ *·‘**“"’I` C--—~·-l‘l~’€=¤• ¤€>¤`1’€F G.GCC>Lmt is also
: E}V€¥ of tJ€ O?l1¤€F$, €SD€Gi¤l}$ Che Tiff? ehd those of the present
Y time. vcr econ church a like care is exercised in ejejpw g3gp~h€3]
4; H1SuOllC&l dats, such ss the tins ggd olggg O? gn~q+i{v{jOy {mn CqpS+j
g tutlhg officers, the location and character of tle houses of wor¤hjo
g and the growth or decrease in ru ber of mehbers. · ttl,
is This Work is comoreLerslvo had will he Lyv;lwq?]¤_ TJ pypecrvcs
3 iicm loss essential lects :covt .s·4 err churcges. Eve; ·*.* ore who is intercst~
E ed lh our religious historywvill jrxetly aftreciote lt, It will bg m,St
Q celpful also in creating ar lyispggt in pygsgyviyx Chuych TGCOTJS, as
‘} emphasis is placed on locating ord irventoryimg the old sud rauidlv dis-
? igp€&TlH§.T@CO?CS O? tue churches. EO Feeder of these s%etche* com fail
5 o recognize tse greet Sl;DDY1ChTC€ of or;etizei ‘_‘, rilieious Lodies ix the
y life of the nation. J M
li “ T P“°"`]*
  YT. J • Y1.cl.·il-.¤
E Author of History of forth Carolina
  ¢¤p‘l>¤.S’kS MH <>1‘j;i;;*zox·;* or ;‘,·‘·=,1»;§";·‘-wee—;
l` Collcce V **"_`M"`*""
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'¥ `foke Forest College
Q "Ueke Forest, 7. F,
fl Lhrch QQ, lQiQ

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Q The Eistoricsl Records Survey was created in the winter of 1935-56
ji as a usticn—xide *·;= Yorks Progress Administration project for the "discovery,
i3 pgeiirvatiou ahd list&§g of basic nsteriels for research in the history
VE 2Qr§ée Uhitei btstes. cheer the cirection or Dr. Luther H. Evans, the
ri U J uumer ooh an extensive grogrsm lor the insontcry of state and
ii locul archives, early American imprints, church srchives, and collections
il of manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act
j{ passed June BO, l959, the existence of the Survey ns s single nation-wioe
Q; project sponsored by Wl%.itself was terminated August Sl, 1939; and the
% work of the Survey was continued within the ihsividusl Sts+es by locally
gi sponsored projects opcrstiné sithin the national WPA Iistoricul Records
@5 surrey krcgrum wuicm continued umcer the direction of Dr. Evans until his
§} resignation and the subsequent up sintmczt of Sargent B. Child or Murch 1,
Q   1   O O
ti The Forth Csrolirs Projsct of thc national Historical Records Survey
ji was established February l, 1936, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
>£ the North Carolina Historical Commission, as Director. Until November
t 1936 the Survey operated as su autonomous unit of the Federal Writers'
‘; Project directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman. Dr. Crittenden
gv resigned as State Director Juue EO, l957, sud was succeeded by Dan Lacy,
it who had previously served as Assistant State Director. lk. Lacy resigned
»i April 2, l940, to accept the position of Assistnmt to the Director of
t@ Historical Records Survey Projects iu Washington, and was succeeded by
ig Colbert F. Crutchfield as State Supervisor. The work oF the Forth
2; garolina unit oi the historical Records Survey has oeow continued by the
It north Carolirs historical Records Survey Project established September l,
;% 1939, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission,
Q TM §;ss;*;¤;>;1; 25     .·€»;<2£;s2s si   szrslm is Om Of ¤
ig number of bibliographies of historical mmteriuls beirg-Erepurcd through-
Q out the United States by workcrs on the Listoricul Records Survey Program.
§ A separate section of the inventory will be devoted to each denomination,
Q or to each subdivision of u dcnomiwatior which affords s putlisheble unit
Q within itself, The publication h rnuith presented, an inventory of the
l records of the Hrunswick Association, is such e urit of the Southern Bap-
Q tist Convemtioa, with which dcrcmiwstiomsl body the Qrurswick Association
? is affiliated. Field work for the inventory was dere by lhs. Eleanor S,
*1 Niernsee. Entries were written by Mrs. Lucy F. Hartsfield. The inventory
;; was prepared under the supervision of Mr. Joseph T. Chcsnutt and was read
g for the sponsor by Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Sccrotury of the Forth Carolina
uh Historical Commissioh, Editorial comments ani criticism have boon fur-
t nished by Donald A, Thompson, Assistant Archivist in charge of Church Ar-
%  chives Iyvemtories. The Survcy is indehtcd to thc North Carolina Baptist
L; State Convention for supplies uses in this puhlicstion; to lr. Ik A. Hug-
gf gins, Sccrstsry—Tressurer of that boiy, for interest im and supyort of the
ig 1. g;§;s2Pr§§r;ss Administration, Operutivg Procedure Ho. W¤2, Revised
  ._ , o .

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;.V; me 1..m.z-.*001;,*, {md *50 c>.f..L0...@l¤ aand ;ue:.;.>m·s of the ;;ru;1sw.a.cl: A.E£SOCl&`t1OZ(l,
  W?10 ,?3L”·.€1"OUi3Ij' CO—Op®I‘S¥5€C} in ‘{;}2·2 *:;‘0x‘k,
¥  TPS SU.1“V€Q.’ jI‘f&”C<3f\2lly •E‘< e;·‘¤rt1.::or zz;. isle ..©scm¢ch and giecorvis Scciizicm
  of ’cl*a0 Di'V].S1OIl of P1`Oi`€5J£Ji¤1‘I"€\.].  ki i;1c1·i J.c?
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LY 1. The Yoko Forcst Collcgc Ljbrnrv,`ToLo yorcst, Q, ·`_` C_, has Loon dos-
’t . _ _, _ _ , . . .” G , - » A
»$ l&sstsd ss thc OfflCl&l ociosmtvff mor non—currsut records or the
It associations and chnrchos sffilistcd vith »··. thc Icrth Carolina Baptist
ll Stcto Comvcxtlon.
g§ 2. Tho fvll namos of pcrsoms moctioncc in this ipvnntory sro givin if
tw this infor Qtlon was u"olloolc.
yj 5. Tho in7ormatiom appearing in this yubliomtiou his toon ottniucd
§‘ chiefly by Survey workers tLr-ugt werscnol ;nt,rviows·with yustcrs
T ,_,__ ·_,_* _ ~_ J.·__ ·, Y   » . . ·:· ¤
l; ord cnorcl clcrrs. lu mos noon sw,;lomou.od w;sn gosaaclo uy
'g· rcsonrch it available Uriitci ord mn;Mscvlp» sources. Cowputabions
QZ of nmmborship and dotxs of cqvstitmtion of ohurclgs have been ob"
{f tclncd whom pcssiblo from print d ninotc: of this cmd other ossoc~
lj' lotions to wPich thc purtlcxl r clurcl has Vclocgco.
F; T . ,_.. . .
, 4. OOC&SlOlCl roicrctocs wsj bo HQAC LR thc cutricz to whurchos not
{5 jnclvdod in the invohtory. In such ccsos an entry for tho church
Wn mcntjonod normally will bc $0unG in the Forthcoming volume for tho
2 denomination or denominational unit to which that church ot prcsont
§ belongs.
I 5. UQPS in tho rccnrds llstod for somc churches orc Quo either to thc
Q fact that they wore not kipt,‘wors dostroyci, or Jar; slmylv not
{ £oum0 after c ocroful sooroh by workors.
g 6. Yo pcrtiowlor ofjort hss boon mods to locrto xl? Surdrr fchéol
3 rocords as tloy are usually of tcmQ~rury chart tor. T2 cas ly
Q available, thoy have boon listoo.
jr 7. Associations ycfcrrcd to ir; affillrtcc with thc Ycrth Carolina
E Sivtc Tpptjst Comvcptiou wultss o*lcr;i@* incicut d.
W .w . . ,.
Q 8, _; dxgh (-~) wlpgod ggsor w dyln wnogc tos CwyllMU;TGL to prcsoxt
  ({::1 1}         ,3   FLC (1  S '[v` ]i"*'·L·;; by .
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. r .¤,,_A '.,._. ,, _· LV, ·. ,___\ y. yr _ · "_ . _. _ .
·`{  U 'b..C €»1!?Y*1.€} 1 S·2..{;1f 31 .·.¤.¥.¤ 114.. E OL Ju.? 8.53.. i.:C‘H.&1..]. C11. .;.1.1. IHHLIYBS HTG
Q32-  1.i.si;<»·:E in i'¤n1.1. 11; ·€.l.#:· bib] 1 c> ··~m>?··<,r) , ‘
 .L iw. ’ " " ;‘*._.‘ **1.*.,
  2 •        1.911 { G10)   TU" S3Tr‘.’§-C1T _{`;,SL5OC1P.'1j.1f>1L, pp, 7 , 8.
Y ` —-*• .[*.‘l’=.• , ;_·“• 1.].. ’
2*  / 1* ·»°4"·'.~ . C . - .   ,   ,...-= .-   . ·». . · · — »·
M . 1, , .-.. .111 nr.; , .%%.1. I.; .».. o 11.; 1 5+...   , Cm;.-o ;¤:r1.V j_Sf¥’)Cl‘E).J{ll.O11_, 1;, 12; . ;e_;·;u·i;·_=;g _,
LV L   £;Tti}¥§.2;. .;T.£E.£f.;   ;E-.&;;‘·· CY?·’·;’*·   ’V‘”'*   ——€*°C1;=*°lO¤ » PP- E 9-
 }*; Fs. 1`Y11';'l.1°;.TGJf¢ , jE·`;Z.1·:; 1; .*.1.2112;:.1 Jo? :1*; Liavsc ion , {Tags? 1 1‘1./ [.1.*-·Co11.§?Q?`;Es oc5.»;tjOp_,
J ;. G. j ’_].Il\..{1L(jff‘ _, _.·`]_]'C`1L 1_Y1}T`1fl.]. NCIX;} I *.*11., _' ·1"I7.1‘.FWZLC1’j [;SSC1C[1.$`— 1LLL 011, 1).7 . 1 , 2 ,  
 .1. 7. __-1.u111i.> , Ta 11.:.1 1k.=!`!a.UfE..}. S#·.S·..l.Ol’l, $1 U.**.a,..1.C1C .L.SFl_=*·..Z`·i;c;:.12*Tth mauzzuo.1 $12::.: mg., ;<1*1u:s2.*1cY: [.s:r:c1o.’c;<>n, wu. b.
`  V rw ' '?*’T""77`I"T ?*-"'7"".C'T”L"°’T"~·T*"7"'TS .""""'~'Z."'· ,'““""?—*'“7T"T"“I'T·"""*’°°"""*‘T`".- `
  1.-.». . .... m1.·..:,, .;‘I..11Ly·-IF. Joie. ...2¢z..1..©.1. So..s1.>1v, 1 r.1»·:>..n.c`t _,SSC>O1.(.;`%I1.011, p, 8,
  11. . ...21*.11.or. of 1.12;: Fw. L;-.?..1 al ;;.....·.;ue.1. Sr-smog of tm =1*u~1::1.1c1; ;.g;:0e;_r;t;_O;;
f f }:.o.vC: not Enoozv. 7;:r*:i11*.1;od .
··  e . .. . 4. . . Y .   . .
  M. .. ;1n1u‘1:·i;:= {?w:c1;`1;I1 ;-:1m¤.:—:»1 Sosstmirx .;I“1.Q1`S`L.`1C1“ .L.T`SO~"l8.}1l-D2` on 5  
  ...,...-- -..-..’ -......--~,..... ....,-..,.-.- ....-..-.....’ ....-.-.......... ---. ......3 1 1 ‘ 9 '
"  r? ‘ J - -~'-- r. ·`1‘·..Q   .. ..'-`- -.- .. . »,. . '   · ·   ·. J ` V —:·i”- ,.5 J. ‘     r·'
l . lm. _ _J.21Li=..u.;_, .;.14.; .*:u%?;·..11. .·.L.·l'\..D.1 S':..;5»1(»;J, ?l".11LS..J.C.. ;;£,SO<.4 T. @10.1, L2, lj;.
  .4 ""?`TZ’T"".'.' '>T"Z‘7"T7T".T"‘7’”"T"."""‘7"`7T   'I`*"""“°"'Z"'T'.·"*T""' """¥"‘*‘»   -
    • .~.1;1•.11.G;;.._, {L .5.:11 L;. -$L¤*.‘·1>11C: 1,,174 .*..1}.1. EUS? .1 CUL, 31*.4}   JC;. ..’.s:2oc1.¢:.·z1¤;-_, I}, C ,
  *2 '¥TE"“"Z"""‘ "?:".'Z'T."‘..TTT".°`°`7Z7-"1'“°“"""Z" "'*"' TT`"' *7..   """?’T’STT”"""
i.  . lo. 4 .1.111.2:,CS, 1;,. ;}.Lc·...U. .,.n;1.1·r.1 S·.s:1c>.;., .>.ur.;. .... cc .’.::·0c.1.·.L1o1·;, gn, 2,
J   *`

 · X
 1  was crcatco bv thc out-ip·~ -0   ¤~ — ~ r -»
u, »» J I i. -.r ol Loy; lrancs and nogan churches. All ctacr
tl churches admittod to thc association cans from tho Capo rcor~C¤1umhuS
MQ Association. Thess churches, with thc datcs of thcir admission, wore
§% antioch, Camp franch, Chapcl Fill, Lobanon, Littlc Zoar, jyrtlo Pranch,
Hg how Lifc, how zrittign, Southport, fcthol, Shilo*,lG Lon, Nr nch, and
yl Town Crook in l900;lf Scvcn Cro Main lQOJ;l8 and Coshon in 1932.15
Q, Sincc its organization thc association has lost twolvc churchcs,
K} cightqop which unitod with Dock gssooiition, rzmclv, How Life, around
yl 1916;°O Polly's Iridgc and Boron Crooks in 1Ql€;21 Qcw Writiian in
E; lQ21;22 Happy Hons and Soldicr Ray, l°22;25 and Camp *rl1S'1Y—Zl`i`.l"1§QlO?fl in thc lQ>2C
lr minutcs carrios no such prohibition. ?csscn;srs from ncighbcrin; assoc-
5 _'
la ...,..n...-.n.”ci-...
ifi 16. Shiloh Church was diszissod from Capo Roar Association in 1899, but
LQ, did not officially join Qrunxwick Association u til 1900,
,Nj 17. Tinutos, Soccnd Annual Scsrior, Trrnswich Association, pp. 5, 4.
2 , 18.  , TFT llY1E¥lEéT"s7`§T%7E?iT*',` i3¥?Q€€ 7??,·.»l`c7}T 6éTHG<`€T?i1T p. E%E ;iE·f`l” s?7::E?T`&·f,"`Ti*1i3 r~``s T~Fi.`éT*S`1llET€fcc*:~.b;&.on, p. lo.
  ELO. 1%"`;EBT"1L  ?:3Gi?Tc?EE.?~E* ljs`:=`6§é~T2"§Ti°F$BH a1‘4.:o1·
rs lfllg is listcd in oarlirst amuileble miwutos of Dock gsscclcilon,
yi Kiuutos, S cond Annual Scssion, Dock Association, p. 9,
  21.  'l'iE`too"?}T“§·¤.,Z'G.E`5;TcEll""·1<7?TlTc s`YF“i;?TQEE'i;¥E`c1:'REEoc;1s+;:3.o¤ or-tm- l¥?lC-;
lay is listod in tts statistllyl tatlos ot tht carlicst avail ‘`~. ,,·. Elo ninuhcg‘
LH? of Dock Asscciction, ;jrut2s, Siioni gyrus} Ejssioo, Dock Association,
li ‘s``   Po Q•
Xé§ B2. Uinutcs, Sixth Annual Scriioa, Uoch Association, p. 3.
;,¥ <& 222.;  ,   ?;`3s`él`¤;·§` liBcT€Z>EE`¤`éT€?F3”}»;», p. za.
  24 .   ,  sEEél'oh"f D`&Tc7`·*"`;;EE`5c1?}1712%;`   :5. ‘
I  25.     YEHZTS»2lYE»i·U11T7}?E*`r?°1€El? 1t.V5??O@1?l'1Z1<1?`*., 'p. fi.
  26.   ?*ébT%Y§h`1`f`13-ZETIa`l"'Zs'éE`s`iBE~Y,`"?§?.?nc?fiE?""lE`§T§c?iY¤¥IE?7T`§T"s,
  27 .  `?§¥·-.r,i%$T  T1  c7E`K*"oT`;;Z'??~T? 
it 28. Constitution of “runsxick Association, 19EC~~.

lf iations are received as guesis and accorded every privilege of regular
§; delegetes except the right to vote. The elected officers of the associa-
gl blon are a mooerator, a clerk, and a treasurer. The original constitution
gl prov1ded only For che annual @l@Ct1OB of the moCevetoy. The treasurer
Q, and the clork of the association were to hold office at the oleasure of
py the association; however, tho constifutlon of 1926 provides for tue three
ié officers to bo elected annually ly ballot and to cogtinue in office until
li their successors are eleotod.29 It is the duty of the goderetor ko pre-
Qé side at meetings, appolni oem ittees, and perform such oiher duties ms
&} are usually required of presiding officers. The clerk has been paid for
@; his services since the OT;&@iZ&€lOD of the association, but oll other of-
i$§ Tioeys serve without rommxerotion. The duty of the clork is to keep e
QQ record of tho proceedings of the association and to see that the minutes
Fg are printed end distributed anon; the churches. The treasurer has coario
gé E? ollnffods of toe essoclitjon end ?s?,pay them out only under lhe dir§o—
zwi vloo ol coe oseoc;otlon. oe muse Soujlb onouol reports of all d1sourse·
53 ·.p»  mono;. Commxlteos are Fswally oopoxntcdlvo enoourego suoocrlpoions bo
H? Tol?¥;ouo ?er;oo;ools; oo sol;o;e svpjoro for nlooloms one verlous denou-
QN 1nom1on&l lHStlVUtlUDS; to excouroée uttondcwoo to denominational schools;
Q5 to stimulate Sunday Schools; mud to select the Goto, plone, and prcocher
3Q for the annual évoting. A; execukivo oomnitfoe supervises the gemcrol
QQ offojro of the association ami oovotoo i%silf omlocjmlly to the provision
igi of adequate mjmis%eriol and nisnionary work in the croc of the asxoclation.
W5 A promotion oomdiitee works in oon;ec%ion with ile Shel? Qjssiou Qoard in
my mabtoge pertolning to general deuoniwationol imfereshs within fho associa-
?Q? tion.°O
F ;
lil The records of fhe association are preservod only in The form of
RY Prinled minutes of the omyual sessions which iwclude lists of deloQetcS»
EQ, oo Lihleos and ministers; e Teo rd of proceedings; zoporto of committees;
oy finogeinl reports; ood slmtistjcal rogorim owvoriwq nexborship, property,
Qfg Sunday Schools, Foptist Young Pooflos Tlions, and Yomon's Uisslonory
fo Societies of the oorstifuent cEurchcs. No official sot ol these minutes
Q. exists, other than the so? at ble Ukle Forest College Liorary, Woke Forest,
ski Y. C., which is wot entirely comgle4e.
ll "
l#i Sixoe foo organization of the associaiiou +3e following nep have
QM  served as ;.1ofler2vi:ors;$l
Q ]?
{E Lev. J. A. iimiz, Bcmsido, F. C.. ........ lU9Q—l905
lll I. H. Iorrolsoo ................ lJO&-5
jj Qev. J. A. Tixiz, Gh®ll0€io, Q. C. . . . . . . .lGO€—7
,§€ lov. O. 3. Sollors, Swpfli, I. C. . . . . . . . l¢CS ‘
hg D. l. Thosoz, Sovihjorf, Y. C. ........ .l¤$Q-10
QQ; CLAS. L. Phillips . . . . . . . ...... . . lFll
gil D. I. Uotson, Soubhgori, Y. C. . . . ...... lCl2
fj D, L, Howett, Shcllotte, H.;C ......... .1915
Lei ?9. Coisfltukion Wok irclu&od in njmufos of Trunsriok ·sl· Angoojg#j¤n for
{lf some yours prior ho lCL6 and it wey have bo;u rv lsed prior to that
w v; ‘ owe.
lll  ,·l UU. Tluutes, Yrumoujcl Association, pxsrio.
)  Y
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 { - 5 —
Q; 1. 1T. PISSAH BAPQISISCQEECH, 1762--. 9 miles from Supply,
rf §THHSW1Ck\COUDUy {Lockwood's Folly heating house, " ` -
lg 762-1800 .
lg Constituted 1762 as an arm of [ew River Baptist Church by Rev. Tzericl
yi ,nunter, gho was at that time pastor of Few River Baptist Church (Onslow
;; County).~6 A nwrbcr of Sandy Creek Association around l775;$4 received
yl into Kchukec Association, l78Q;Z5 a member of Cape Fear Association,
tg 185S-98; of Cape Fear—Columbus Association, 1899; and of Rrunswick Assoc-
5; iation, 1899--. In 1800 a part of the congregation withdrew and organ-
gg ized _ill Creek Church (see entry 2), and the remaining part of the
ii congregation changed the church name to Xt. Fisgah. First building,
gg lice-1800, a log hut 1OC&t€Q 2 miles from Supply on the bank of Lock-
yg wood's Folly River. Second building, 1800-1875, a frame structure 5
inf miles from Supply on Chimney Rock Road. Third building, 1575-1915, a
g" {rams structure located across the road from the present structure.
Q, rresent building, 1915--, a frame structure with bell, plain—;lass win-
ié dows, and Sunday School rooms; dedicated 1913; Sunday School rooms added
yi 1938. rirst resident clergyman, Rev. James Turner, 1762-72. The church
Q, has reported a Sunday School since 1693. Church membership in 1859, 77;
il in 1319, 10C; in 1859, 16Q; in lC70, 171; in 1880, 179; in lh90, 186;
yl in 1900, 135; in 1910, 15G; in 1920, 234; in 1950, 195; and in 1959, 200.
§g Record hooks, 1510-23; 1CSS--. 3 vols. Includes minutes of church com-
ug fcrences; membership rolls; and record of uenhcrs received, dismissed,
V; or excluded. Includes also financial records, 1slB-25; 1502-1928. 2
yl vols. 1818-25, lS08—1S08, in custody of hr. J I Lancaster; 1 vol.
1Q; 1908--, in custody of church clerk. * ~
QQ Financial records, 1929--, 1 vol. Includes record of receipts and dis-
msg bursements. In custody of church treasurer.
@1 Sunday School records, 1C50—-. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls; names
hg of teachers; and record of attendance, visitors, and collections. Kept
Fg at church.
lil Eissionary Snion records, 1909--. 1 vol. Includes ncmborduip rolls;
my minutes Ol the meetings; and record cf visitors, attendance, and collec-
lgg tions. In custody of‘secretary of the society.
All Lancaster, Yrs. J. N., "Kt. Pisgah, the Oldest Baptist Church in Bruns-
Q1 wick County". Eihlical Recorder, June 28, 19