xt7g4f1mkk4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mkk4w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-05-07 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 32, May 7, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 32, May 7, 1914 1914 1914-05-07 2015 true xt7g4f1mkk4w section xt7g4f1mkk4w t
  .._._.._._ __________#___ __ --1--
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University of Kentucky
  A. i ‘ i i ‘ e -
{ VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MAY 7, 1914. No. 32.
' ' .-..~..".1;I..._ LT Ti.?} iIiZ1‘2TZ‘;.`  
*’·—· " l .
Int•rcoII•g|•t• D•b•t• and Champion-l       I   T0      
•hIp For Two Y•|d•.     Appointed by United Staten Govern- Part of Proceeds to Ric to "Unlv•r•ity
··-—— Wn Enjoyed by 1 Large Number of _—*"-" ment as Tobacco Expert. Loan Fund" to Aid 8tud•nt•.
(Tho Canto.) Sunni. and Fnamn Team Breaks Even In Six Gamu ___ __
The annual intercolleglsto debate _r_ W Played South of Mason and J. A. Hatter, it Senior ln the Agrlrul- Mrs. Stout, of Frankfort, Physical
held under the auspices of the Kon- May 1st. was u joyous day for DIxon'• Lina. trual College-, has just, received an hlructor of Women at the University
tucky Orntorlcsl Association was held lunlors and others The time for thol appointment from the l`nit+·d *!t·tt» · of Kentucky is
. . ._——. , , . . ·~ . , . preparing an elabo-
ill H10 Chapel Frldsy nI|ht, April 24, long expected dance finally becamel mc LEAGUE BALL ONE DAY• Government to go to Manila. He doeslrute performance of "Pygmullan and
with the State University. A thing present. Some time after 9 o'clock  ACK LOT BALL THE NEXT not go as an embassy of war or p¢·u¢·•-,\*}ulat+·a," with classic dances in
tht! IGM. tmunull iutorolt to the 0c- on that evening, the class of fifteen The wndmtg-;;·urnPd Saturday but as st tobacco expert to direct the Greek costume, to be given Saturday
_ CIIIOD WAS the fact that this debate marched ln the Phoenix ball room mgm from wen qmnheh mar with native in their tolls of producing n evening, May ltith, at u local theatre,
{ docldvd the state championship for to begin the real dance of their col- A tm) record of 300 The tem;] was weed of better quality and quantity. in honor of the Henry Claggett (`hup-
_ IWO Yell'!. WB htvlul defeated George- lege life. Nearly every Junior and given 8 érdml récexguon an the way "Jack" is from Franklin county and ter of the Daughters of the American
i0W|1 Bild State Transylvania last year. Senior, who dance, were present with has had various e• ttie pt; it ut 1 ties sic dance as a mw an and 8, form of
-.. .. ............. :2.0 . ' ' > S· ·.
Romer was Sta.w’s next man. He ,_ , , . la ama In Cu eq n tw mu [Meh spiritual expression cherished by the
contended that six years was thai HW mst *‘*`***u“kY ****€*`Sc**°***¤**c Park and Reed; Smith and Wells. \\'hen the Hyllesby people took over] I ie { tl [ mé mtr cmm Offered
, uic n, so ia a
proper length Ot term and that mel *`0***`********‘*** “'*** be **9*** **6** 0** April 30. Alabama bunched hits on the gas and electric business fronilu bu ‘ m be Mmu nm;
, l ¤ u c v ‘ u e an ·-
change was entirely in h my with Thursday. brlduy and Saturday. \\'0odgon, and defeated Kentucky 5 to me city or Louisville at a purchase; I D tl { I b tyre )
arm nn·· nu. nas one e 0 .
About ww hundred high school sw- 2. price or about ten million dollars, * g
our present principles of government. _ _ The Henry Ulaggett Chapter, D. A.
. _ **9****** **0*** ***1 1*****8 of ***0 5**1*9 will R. H. E. they brought General Hnrries on from
· 'lhe lust and probably one of the . lt., being anxious to do an educational
'¢0***€ to L€X***g*0** *0 d€*€*`******8 ***6 Kentucky ............ 2 6 3 Washington (`ity to take entire charge
best speeches ot the evening was , . :<: <: .- A V i
****~9*`S€**0***$***' €*******l**0**$***D *** m**¤**`» Alabama ............. 5 7 0 of their part of the transfer with the (Continued on Page Six)
made by Bethurum. He emphasized ,
the (act that usix years are too long l***b**€ Bl*€**k***S and track 8****8***% \Voodson and Reed; Stevenson and countless details incident thereto.l -. . ...•.......
,'*`1¤<> following irish ¤<·*w<>1s will be \Vells. ues. llurrles’ resiuelwe in Louisville BOARD ELECTS
for a bad President and too short for _ \   E T
a good Pmsidcntn H8 also Bhowedl *`€P*`€*=*€***€d¥ L°***$V***€ $****9. [0***5* May 1. Parks kept 'I`ennessee's hits is but temporary und he retains com-I W    
that Federal Gmc; holdem do not ex-; V*|*€ Mulillul. *’HdU¢‘8h. 0W€¤1¤b0!`0. well scattered, and ills teammates mund of the District Brigade. I Stonewall Jggkmniuign After
amiga 8. smut power H6 than t00k`SP*`***S**€*d» E**Za**€*****·*“'**» $**9***3+ run wild on buses, which resulted in u General Harries is at native ol`] Nearly Yun work
up the om of me` vm pmsidemy ville. *·¤wr¢>¤¤¤<**>urs. Maysville. Mays- to to 1 victory for Kentucky. miles, unit moe touutry so noted me ____
lick, Uyllthiuilll, Nl. Swflillg. Stull- R, H, E. its righting stock. lle ctune to Amer- Lust Nlonduy 'l`he IDEA Board of
under the proposed system. _ _
*0*”d» A¤***¤**¢*· U***6**S*****`K- L<>‘X***S· Kentucky ............ 10 8 2 ica when about 14 years old, und while Uontrol inet ut noon in chapel and uc-
The rebuttals were delivered by ,_ ` _
Swope and Roomer *0** *4-**** l**'0***¤****>' 0***€*`¤· ***9 P*`0· Tennessee ........... I 4 1 ill his teens enlisted in the 'l`hlrd U. ceptctl the resignation of Mr. Stone-
l ¤*'***** *5 **¤ folluwsr I Parks und Parks; lluwson und S. llegnl.u· t‘ni’;tlry. This was ill the wull Jackson, who hus been edit0r·in·
_ The judges than gave their decision _ _ _ _ _ _ M _
Thursday, May 7. Keith. seventies and his service was under chiet ot lhe llJl¤A since lust October.
unanimously ln favor of the atlirmu- _ , _
uva 1- R“*’·i“u`***“"* uf high School May 2. The Volunteers hopped on Foster. l‘ztnby. und other heroes ofthe Nlr. Jackson resigned at this time,
A•g0°d crowd heard the arguments $**l**‘*`*****‘**d<‘***S 1***** P*'***€*D¤*¤· UY*1*· Parks in the early rounds and sewed frontier xxhen lndiun righting was u since he was crowded with much
and interest was Somewhat enhanced **¤S****** ******4***%- *‘ *·*· ****2 P· *¥*· up the game by hunched hits. Wood- stcrnn reality. ile was promoted to\ work und bringing to u close his many
by the presence of a number or K C 2· S¢*****·*******S *** *****5*** U****'6*`· son tinlshed u creditable session on at lieutcnnncy, but when frontier duty duties of u. brilliant college career.
W girls I .   the hill, but Kentucky lacked the ‘ (V {mu d I Pu P qi`) \ Xlr. Ulyde 'l`u.ylor, who has been
. . in n e ot ·· . .
punch to lund the decision. ( L latssistunt editor with Mr. Jackson, was
R. H. E. Wright ........... 6 26 T .269 chosen cditor»ln—chlcf by the Board to
· ............ .2 5 6 .‘l °1l" .......,.. ‘ lei 7. .263 ;k· tl · k, l dit tl
•••••••·••·•··•·•·••··•··•··•··•··•··•··••··•·•··•··•··•·•·•·••·• :"'"“°"" 6 9 I ;l""`i °; { I _)___l;_`_`_l""fl;"\`;°”__V‘T‘;` "M_ ;;`r";"’;”)”
· * ` * ennasseé ............ ltlllltlh ........   ....• I Ul it o 0\ lll. _tti,. A so ..,.
• `     * Park, Woodson and Park; Hutt-hin· t`. l'nrk .......... 4 lll 3 .234ii llcynolds, a Junior ln the College of
· . * ........... ` 24 5 .2 U l.; , ’a.· ·l .‘~ ·. tsfsz t d' ‘.
O Luck consists in ulways tnuking preparations for every alter- Q wu and Kem] Hmwn if _ mi N “ B ` MMU M H" lm 9 mn
· native * Trip Batting Average;. \\'uters ........... »» \.» 3 .2•¤o \|r. Reynolds hus been at contributor
I t‘. A.ll. ll. l’.(`.'I`. ‘· .......... .. 1 23 4 .l74\· tl — · · f tllu r td
  , (lun; t t> l¤.pd[N.l‘0l‘l110l‘0 ll&yt‘l1tl\
.l. Park ............ ti 25 8 .320 llecd ......... . . 6 23 4 .174b l*|`Ulll\$t‘Pi lo become very yuluuble in
I ’l`uttle ............ 6 21 ti .285 Woodson ......... 3 ti 0 .00t)_pnttln;.; out our college weekly.

3 ‘ T H E ID E A
- WMW“_ mwl T   _ - .-5-* ..  
MEET Admission l0c 1
Children 5c
FIRITCLAII IN (VERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. OTAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mannpr. OPIN 10 A. M. T0 11 P. M. I,
·E~ ALI THEATER I,-_ H_ KENNEDV NEXT vumw there nre just lots ol' thlmzs to! lf the apple- blossomed, vnn the tree •
p p _____ { y_ M_ c_ A_ PRESIDENT he done. And you talk about fun, the Ienrn? No, but the saw would.
Kellh Vlvd0Vl|l¢- · __ _ "Pollege Widow" won‘t rome nenr the ___ ,.,,, ,
Tndmwg "mHn......w wm SM the hm". Anqcmuon Electo New 0ff|¤¢r|· cirzlzlmmlohq Mp mw under wav Pntrnmza our Adv•|’titef•.
nuratlon of the half week of Keith At the revent huslness meetlng of wlgh mp mmgmnml 700 and mp Ch;
vaudeville, whlvh promises to he the the Young M•·n`s Fhrlstlnn Assooln- _ I `   R S i
· · l)(‘SI !l() far 5194*]] hP]‘(A4 'I`h(‘· [](·[y4 nrp M()]]_ [hp rpth-ing prpgidpnh (¤.   iiag;) l:?I)D0(:I:;)"`:• {ro"` ‘“'hlI(.h   · I
oa, ·¢· w . w
BI     B all good and some new features that lllevlns, appointed a vommlttee of (rms nn "mq W        
borrowed. We will not montlon what ._ {
are rnrely seen outside of larger eltles. Seniors to nominate the new nftlvere mmr kmdq of mm? anim I “(` “m ,
· . s · · ,
The- n4—¤m|m~npp wm show u new of the orpmnizntlon for the year Imp but H r Mn h il ( { Save m0;N*y by ordermg ;
_ n · . ae e · e a sor s n rom us
' · , ‘ · Ti, . I- 1114-1.».
Thursday. Friday, Saturday lmlunl 11 hp Tmlilk 8:1 r Y rm] nflwof •'\`hi·¤ r·mnn1ltteepr<¤ented the nnmpq animals' both rm! and Oumrwiga ___ ·
vn ang ng com nn on 0 me y o . ·. .
· Jl ml. tlIlllt·~,I.
(Only Mlunee) the Four Rlanos, will he heard with of l·`rnnk ll. Kennedy for President; mgslsepngssgnagllf T;) L5'; th; rpxlssl    
' . _ ) .
pIe;asu;·e. T;;eill¢>|1kl|1sdil1ls;`ers;, :1:; ;x;1r:P?¢;r:';;s;. zo); :;::0:-(;·;:l g e es a 0-
· • · * - , f I ' bl d -
Nlght Pnces loc, 25c, 50c ville stage and has been highly com meeting or tw new ca net an com bam: Mt: $15 to me best Individual Ender, Keen Cutter,
mended by the press wherever seen. mlttee force, where the various forms
T v nd Norman in a comedy sin - of work to be undertaken next year Mmbauc act; $10 to the best mdlvi- and Ever Ready
400         immt lilo d I tri d in Et re discussed Fach chairman sub ldual comedy ML and Sm for the best JUST WHAT You NEED
r, n cen <· anc a a . . , . -
m` 8 ng a ec g _ side show. ln aerobatlv acts see Prof.
are In a class by themselves. Lough- mlts a written pohcy for his particular Rasmussen or Dave Barrow for com ·   &  
_— ln‘s comedy dogs, a troupe of twelve committee which is altered gr ap- ' ’ _
T"°’h°”' as canines are said to be the best trained proved before being voted upon. 9:y acm Se; Szndglslxassr 3]; 81:: MMN  
s ws s o . . . .
        dogg ever seen here and close a really These meetings are held from 1:15 Wan mf as {O the, Zmmaloacts Bae    
a ., ,
tz t high class vaudeville show. to 2:30 every Saturday afternoon. , j
° 1,1, . 0 1 , P r. F
.1...•....._.... On next Saturday, Mr. J. 0. Van q 2: n'“uA(;_n um Om trqtgsr HT       {
. m . e o o s e
    ETC.     l\l6tPl‘, of Nlrldlah, MlSSlSSlDDl. Wlll B a V y g 5 0 Incorporated E
occupv part of the session with the one else Mn the money' M*”“"°'“"“ °' l
' ° ‘ l ` ` -—-·-•·-—— HAND-MADE CIGARS
Pipes R’cpa“‘ed'   K. E. A.   subject of "Soclal Service, or Boy’s        
LIXINGTON, · · KENTUCKY   Work." He is an expert on this sub- '
ject, and has won for himself a nation-  
-—··-··l·  I LUNCH ST D w... R., .... .,..., ., E..,,c...,,. ..... ¤· -p···¤··»··. »¤». vm Mm we QUEENR{¤)U(§I!}SESCENT Fon PENS me 1>1:Ncu,s
_ f m rly B y’· Secretary of tle Lex-
Cahn •xcIu•Iv•Iy to •tud•nt• Teach". °f the anu or Q 0 S I i--   and F 
·”d '.cu"y of su`. unwuwny Tl I T { th K lngton (Ylty Y. M. (`. A. and is an old To cINc'NNA.n  
ne annua mee ng 0 e en- State Student
A FI . '
A• B•   tucky Educational Association closed ,_,,.,,;._... nd num      
COR. I. LIHEBTONE AND COLFAX nam Saturday morning with the ele<··       SUNDAY, MAY 10th. —#·- --
  HOU of officers after B. fO\Il` d8,yS     ___ B .   D c
YES cease1essz¤11. mr. w. P. xmg, super- A"] Qnxonjgjtle mmsed The first ¤><<*¤rSi¤¤ 0f the ¤¤¤S¤¤       un
am , s 1, > ,
W as I ' 1.20 intendont of the Bellevue public g l l given by the Queen and (/rescem WM. E. STAGG, Successor.
O N" sm. P"•“|”G Un W`. circus to be held during <·ommence— R vm b M 10 T I
_lt_ schools, was chosen as president. Out? “ 9 KY · he tran        
ment week are fast taking shape, and _ , _ ,
        The meeting was yyell attended   l t f t t   t leaves I4€xlngt,0n Ht, 7.3·» B. nl., and   *  
you nave any sor 0 a. s un a
d ltl * , t tl the regular excursion rate of one dol-
AM) may CLEANING WORKS an w I mam more preset] um you would like to put on you had bet- . _  
I6! South Llmutone Phonc 621-y at any previous gathering or the K, l ` _ H lar and fltty cents will be the fare for • ,
._....j...._._.. E, A. ‘°' “"" ’°""* °' "‘°*“"_ “ °‘“"g"· °’ the mum: mp. rms as an excexnem (.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
·I~,,,.,,,. ,,,,,,,,,(.,0,S and ,,,,,],,6.,,, of Y°‘; ;‘°“"’ ‘""‘ ‘°t“‘*“‘“‘l :“ ;‘°""’H:"“’ opportunity rm smue-ms m me umm- DOROTHY DODD SHOES
* .· ,. · . ~ .1} ,
C• A•   the minds of the States youths are Timf 1:26 nosmn QMS (du u O"] nutl and vlclnlty. FOR WOMEN {
. · · r, er 1 m n, 1
mm you wm Md mmhmg _ working rm- u greater stm by edu- Hm ‘;“‘“"‘“ ’ m‘;"_ r“_ml “l:[ _ ,2 $3.50 to $5.00 s
vw ·rr¤·eus o·,»-
COMPLETE. DRUG STORE cation and advocate many fine prlncl- w` A u Ig ` ‘ P."°m.° mw Adv°""e"‘ RALSTON HEALTH SHOES 2
~A$:°“:|N:.v;At;Uc;°.8;°:EkT8 Ipuls which will put Kentucky in u FQR MEN
I standard position. • ‘4_00 to $5_00 l
I Some of the things which they em-    
    C0, lphaslzed was higher salaries for For the
Anthracite and Bituminous teachers, thus insuring better lnstruc- C   B ‘
GOALS “"”° """°' ’°“"*· ""‘g""°"‘°°" °‘“"S Tuesday and Friday evenings at U. C. T. Hall, by 0 We WS Smoker
- · and an extensive course in agricul- G0 to
  me "¤**·*··#=¢ SM and M**·m* M Miss Spurr and wm. wamaa. Admission 50 cms. The Lewin cam co. l
for establishment of vocational 0 N. Ph I Y
W S   scho0ls·· increased effort for safe- _ ML * Nan  
• • ' . _ Special appomtmcnts made for teaching the Tango, i
guarding the home as a relignous instl-  
The sanitary Grocer tutlon; submission of educational and _ _ _   F ·
PHONE 720 moral problems to the masses; night MaxIx€* H°S*tat'°“ and One Step'  
- · · · lectures in rural schools and earn- T8k$ [CSS Sh0I'[¢IIlII§ l
Cor. S- Lime and Vlrgmm Ave. l¤¤ll·i¤ Wallis! llllleravv and a speedy   _”“°d° by_ ‘
S       Flltillgé lll OUP system of taxation.   K In wd S 0., l
The program ended Saturday, whleh  
TW ·°UT_H UPPER BT- _ represented the four days' work, and     &   I       Prop r •
Fresh Candles Made DalIy· u tinal plea for greater endeavor was & c     l
P0D Corn FrltterS• suhmltted. The last speakers were: ` r  
L,Exm°T°N’ ` ` KENTUCKY Dr. M. U. Adams, president of rse·   I   ‘ O 107 8¤uth_LIm••t¤n• St., opp. Ph¤•nlx nom
  twon (‘ollege; Dr. E. E. Wood, presl- ` ` ° F||\31’.cLAgg www qunuyugp ° ‘
C|.·nin" P'•··in'. Ah•rin" dent of (wulnberlund (yuuegp; Prof   INLONPORATLU  
Rcpamng <·. ummm, of now1mg Green; pr. A. "' °"° ‘55°`Y V In s' L°'““°°"‘
S, Mackenzie, of the Vniverslty, und -;,,]:3; I;. R()l’·‘\l{l)S
E , "' ‘
W, H. StCV€HSOn the llev. l·`. M. Thomas, of louisville. l {   I U I N   S     C E Bvjvayn 'l`AII4(  
[_-i_*-C? V A   CI|||1I|\°, Pf|||||\° |||d |\|p||p|||¤
1adie8' Work a (‘ount |iItton~—"Mary accepted me A:P:::::::::::.3lV|:|::rl;a:::'.Y:l|¤r:n:
· last night and l just stopped ln to w ‘ » · PWIY
Svecwlrv _ , . , , COLLECI; WORK A SPl;CIAL1`Y
ask, Mr. llrown, it theres any in-   --
· sanity in the l'arnlly." . I
son s. um. rn•»•1s1z-¤ *"‘ "‘ ""“"“ '"““‘ *"" DENTIST
··—·—•·•*· ··e·- · . . Q
•••••••••••••••• Patronizc our Aummm. .;..-%........_...; __ - e or   c">' N"'- ”•”* W1-

 O .
I I l     I   I   Money Loancd on all goodsof Value. lcan save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
` Dnamonds. Watches, jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
_     For the dual purpose of thoroughly    
    _____ crlisvumslng the question of thru elevtion    
Sonior Glrla at a Lovely R•c•ptlon atjnf tlwew Lruswns, In order to ·nabl¢> "_
_ _ _ ‘ With Extampornmous 8p••ch•• Ind
,,,, ,.- ..... --....... at A¤¤m¤• H¤••- "" "’ """‘ ""’ ""’ "'”“‘ "‘°“ 'h"° D , ,
.. . . _ ec amn one.
who Alumni haw pmprvd the Hem of _______ nm he prmnred from the Association,
J° L     M-mvpy fn mp d,w,,|,,pm,.,,, of tha Ther Senmr girls nr smm \?¤|w~|-Huy MM! also uf fukin: up many othvr Sun TM H \;—~»--H q
I     "“*"""**¥Y NW? wmm·4+—· WM`? guests of honor Sgmrdgy ,,_m.r.‘j•·<·t>< whivh urn uf vital innpnrmmzq I °"""` ‘ """ ‘°°"”·"Y ‘ "°*°tY
` " _ _ V , _ Iwlrl its annual vontvst Monday nhzht
L T dw I / A i ti umm {mm 4 tn; at H kwply rpppptlnn both tn tho I nhnrsity and Ln mo `
i I . I I ’“*"m . { me Alumni "   "‘”   "“°" "’ ` •M........ it h1~nh<· .I,I ....(.i...... ,,,   ., ·<» ~··— ·»»·~<·~r ·~»···¤··»·.
I .. . ,y e, pres en 0 th,. hqgywst ,.m,,y,.m.,. fm. N,,rv|m for givvn for them hy the members of the · » ·· · '
I Aessupiatinn of State Univnnlty, has tm, U"h.,,,·,,“y_ Alumnae (mlb at Alumni Hu". rvunlrm hy ull {hp Alumni during (mn- Fun priuw xw-pp zu`.m.d,,d and Mn
5 { Ismu-ei a vlrvnlur letter to the Alumul 2_ To mm? an Mm,0 pan In the Tm. hun was u,.,mh.aHy d,.(.m-m,.,| m¤·m~•·nwm wm-k, »\. P2, \\'h:¤·rt won uw trophy gwgrqlnd
and has included u small folder din- DOIN), and (h_v`_|Umm_m OI. uw l,nh,m,_ gn |"M.,_ pu,[,|,_, and whm,_ which had Wv hope m r•»1i4·»,-•· mp (i0mm4»m·... in thr· winner of the ext,<·|npnram;0u.q
cunning the new plan of the Assovia- Sul gm.,] ur,-m,g,,d by ,1 ,,I,,,cml (.(,mmme,, mvm nf uu- I'uiv•·ry·;i\y of mlm. uf ps ¤s»•·•·r·h nn gx-uw. Aim; Len Ruberu-g »\
» “""· wm"h is t" °°`°"“"°t° uw Mu"' 3. To bring mm vlmmr rvlgtlnnghlp 0f Whivln Mrs. Maurice Well was chair- *`*¤¤"¥'*‘¤| 8Hv¢*<·t by injvvving inm in u “‘**** *¤“‘¤*`d**<| Mw vfilv for the but
X ties ofthe Alumni, the faculty and thv and activ? c0_0m_mu0n the trustees mam little lif•~_ run and p|.·m,ur,._ ;;pSm,., ·l<···lmnatinn¤_
‘ U'\|Bt€€B and unite H-H in the d9V*’I0P‘ the [Hpulty and the Alumni and md The r(¤¢·9p[i(m wm-; 3 pretty cgmpli-IW K"n"¥`B‘ ¥`*‘\|¥\*0U nf 8] tlw Alllllllli, '|`h+· r~2\|h->u|hj•·r·ts for gxmmporgn.
ment of the University and Smw_ Students for the greater development mmlt to the Outgoing class and was an we are having reunions of all tlw •-ous spvaking were "The Economic
It IB tue purpose of   Organized of   lvniverxity, that Bu [nay \N()|‘k innovation as the   hRB never Cn- (`IHSHPH and the int/Frost "]Hn‘f"Htf‘(l *74 Pllaphli ()f [[][(.)rna[‘0n8'l Ppa(£'   A- `
Alumni to bring former graduates into mgethpr for the Same pm_p08€__m€ mrmmed fora Senior class before nnpre-<·¢>d¢·nte·d. \\e hope nlso lu PZ. \\'i;:e·rt; "!nt0rnati0nul Peace In
touch with an the other graduates, growth (md prospemyy of the Univer. The hours were Spent deughuumx transact important <:0nstru¢·titv•· busn- Iivgurrl to Man‘s Developmentf by
members of the faculty, Board of my mss Grace Ammermun furnished E ness mr thv Association uml the I ni- \\'. U. \\'ill¢=u, und "Tha Humanitarian
Trustees of the lyniverslty and to   _   To develop th? State bv develop- prograrn of instrumental selections VPrS“,y. $ia Ride Against
old students in every part of the State Secure adequate funds fm. Such work WMS S6¥'V0d· will be seated according w classes, I’<‘=¤¤|¤." by NNN hm Darnell; "'|`h0
and country, and the whole into a 6_ To establish Scholarship loan Miss Mary Rcdes, president of the [hg gndgvggp being to gjyp one mph. Uld I)rnm," by Miss |,p|| Rgbgrgg_ gud
strong and effective central organiza- funds fm. worthy boys and gmB_ Club. WHS 8·¤¤iSi0d in ¥'€€€iVi¤8 by no each class. We want you to c0nml"“'h°'S A¥`¤¤i<¥." by NHSH Marie
u0¤_ Au of them things wm be accom Miss Cleo Gillis, secrtary—tr~easurer,|baCk and be with u,,_ we are going H, xIi<·|mr.
Until recently very Mme has been p plished by: **“" M"”· H- S· B'“"°'· huve ¤ svvd ¢i¤¤<>· We have r¤¤1¤¤¤- .._. ··——""·····—‘
done by the Alumni to develop the` 1. By becoming active and €mhuB_ A committee composed of Mrs. J. H. imxss to U-anSact_
Association or the University but it isguggiq members of me Aggogigtlon and husug MrS‘ W' T‘ L°“€rty’ M"' Hm" Alumni Headquarters will be in or ,4  -··  
t not too late and they are united and Home club "iS°“ G"m""· M"' (" W‘ M°th€WS· near me Main Building. As soon as  ‘·  
A active in that direction. 2, By giving our financial as well and MN" J' T' (" Noe from the you arrive, be sure to register so your    
{ Through recent efforts of the Alum- gg our moral support to me associ;. “'°m°‘"S (mg °f the Umv€rShy’ friends will know you are un hand. f 7.3;    
E ni, u number of things for the better- non, Dean Am H'°““m°"* Mrs R' 1* S°°"°· We can guarantee than you will en- ` ___ .  .r"“  
1 ment of the University have been uc- 3, By seeing {hat, me very bes; Miss Imzabeth Kl"k€°’d* Miss Mary joy the va.ca.ti0n and the program that    _ _ ‘
· · Y :¢ · ~.
_ complished. the most noteworthy be- mon available are enacted on me *"· b“"""°y· Miss Aubyn Cm""· Miss has been arranged for you. Make your _ ye-»_€ I
D ’ lng the following: Board of Trustees. Margaret L°wry’ Miss Ruby Buckmam arrangements now to come. You will  E QB. J}
, 1. The impl‘0V€Il16I1t of COHGHJOIIS 4, By being one of the "ginger Miss Sue D` Mccumh Miss Sarah miss [hi? 8¥`€8Y·€$t €V€m·i¤ Y·h€hi$t0¥`Y I G9   » `
1 f' `
in the dormitories. jars" and the "g0-get-it-y0urself" in (/I‘"r"* Miss Beatrice Terrell and Miss of the Association and the University  
2. The building of walks on the the association, Margaret King °f the Umv°rslty’ and if you do not -attend—besides, you  C,-*'
campus.   ny standing for right ideals and Mm Sh"lby T" H”"bl°°"’ °f th°' Owe it us a duty · · s`
3. The €SI&bHShm€Ilt of EH &d€- right gctjgn in [he association, “ Omans Club of Central K"“‘““kY· \\'ith DQSL \\'ish€S, / I A
quate business system at the Univer- 6, By mined effort and team work “'°r° invited t° m°°’t uw members Ot Sincerely yours.  I `
sity. on the part of every graduate. me class' Miss Ruth Mc('h€Sn€y' Miss J. I. LYLE, / lj  
4. The riddunce of saloons and _____,_,_,__._. Pauline H°‘“k· Mary Euzabem Vim°m’ President. °p.,cm¤
other objectionable mms rn me sm- Lzxmcrron c•.us ·r0 MEET. A““" E"“‘b""‘ “"“""· MMV K· J. n. Trnxmn, Secretary.
, mediate vicinity of the Un“,€rS“y_ Venable, Elsie Sheldon, Mabel Pollitt, Emi
'   5. Alumni representation on the An important meeting of the Lexing- Sally P€"°°‘ Sue Ma'me“LS‘ Katherine N0M|NA1·|Ng ¢,gMM|·r·r55
{ Board of Trustees, through which the ton Alumni Club will be held Wednes- I‘°g°n’ Lune '\Y°Sc°n‘ Lmolfn “ ab 5U5M|·r3 NAMES `
Alumni will be able to take part in the day afternoon, May 13, at the Phoenix kim" ma Lee lumen Mum lack and
` development of the University. Hotel, at 4 o'cl0ck, for the purpose of Puhmn MC('uir€' The nominating committee of the
Heretoforc the activities of the completing arrangements for me re- Hm m€"‘b"S °f uw Cl"?) prtjswt Mumui AS,;0(-mmm of sum; Umwp.
Alumnl have been looked upon by the union of Alumni to be held ut State w°r°: Misses Mary R°d€S"( l°° mms' sity huye Mm out me fouogying
authorities of [IIB University with IYl1i\'(%I‘si[y (]\lI`iI\}.Z` the HPS! week of b?"?'h Marsha"' burah `trargelx limi names from which [hg Officers for [he
more or less disfuvor but now that June, ("u‘“· Hume Noland bum em dm Couling ygar wm be elected at me bus.
· _ Annu Wallis, Lucy Hutchcraft, . . . _
H I H h R b xness meeting wluch xs ill be held
• P T . T Frances ughes, rene ug es, o er-‘“,E_dm_€duv June 3
(       ta Newman Maymi Dixlakiéu al; President—\\'. L. Bronaugh, `E)9; H.
4 R d g“'°‘ K‘“g· D°“’ ‘“““ °· “ · P.1ng1es,‘os. the NEW SPRING
» ‘ re   y Porter, Eloise Ginn, Anna Simrall. ,, , , , ,
` l _ Wwe lres1dent·—)la.r1ous la. John-      
Q x Y   ‘ Marguerite 1\[CL21llgllllll, Sarah Chorn, _ , _   \ __ , “_La '
, Q   Lexingtonss   S M C Beatrice Terrell wu`- mn, am, M1»». .[t\l`§,ll€I`l[€ . L ugh.
Q K., U" ‘°  “""‘ _ _ ‘A‘b‘W uu, ··»;;. SERVING OF YOUR
%   StOr€• garet King' Mary     eifwbuu su Secnwtany-'1‘reusurer—'1‘ R. Bryant,  
(‘hinn, Mrs. \\'. S. 'e , . rs. `nures _ _ ,_ . .
6 `~ ‘ The College Man’s Shop Smith Mm wen Mrs P. 1-*. xml- m' `]` U` lumen M
i .,-*;A. ° ’ I ' ’ ‘ There are only two vuuuxwies on
I `* A   { pf \¤' emwr and Mm' J` H' Kumi?. Itlw l‘:Xt‘(‘llli\'t' l‘o1nn1ittw. 'fhercforv w ·_ ·
ni p — ~ » \ Come and see the new ,,, _.... _ _ _ . . Lnzlwh · rut Surts,
' ` / Fashions for young men I TO ALUMNI OF STATE ll \\‘1llb•·only possxble tor two ot the ` ` O
I V Shown at   Store t`ullnwi11g six mum·s to be selcctedi bmilrt LngllSh OVER`-
¥ I The ronmwmg is the circular xemq- MM i·¤¤<·> Huu·l¤··¤·:¤f¤. ‘<·•¤: Miss Mary wuts class Neckwear
` We make a Study of mm-nl has uml issued to me Alumni *1 S~*~·~·¤¤•·>» ‘··~i: 1·<>ui¤ Hil1—·¤¤¤¤¤··>’~·r. ° y ’
‘ ’ . - . ,   _ _ . ' w * • .
n I young men S wants   ·3I`€ lot Sum, l·m“,,.Sny_ prmmmng un iu, •n, und \\. l·.. l·x•.un.m, 04. Shlftb, Et?. btyhbh