xt7g4f1mjh48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mjh48/data/mets.xml Kentucky Byers, Gardner K. 1923 books  English Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  Byers on Kentucky corporations containing the laws of the State of Kentucky pertaining to private corporations generally, banks, railroads and various miscellaneous companies, excepting insurance, as amended to January 1, 1923, together with decisions, commentaries, forms and precedents text Byers on Kentucky corporations containing the laws of the State of Kentucky pertaining to private corporations generally, banks, railroads and various miscellaneous companies, excepting insurance, as amended to January 1, 1923, together with decisions, commentaries, forms and precedents 1923 1923 2015 true xt7g4f1mjh48 section xt7g4f1mjh48 couranmuo
The Laws of the State of Kentucky pertaining to
private corporations generally, banks, railroads
and various miscellaneous companies,
excepting insurance, as amended
to january 1, 1923
Tocmman wrru
Decisions, Commentaries, Forms and Preceqlents
GARDNER K. BYERS 1   -· ·»
Of the Louisville Bar M "L li ·
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Byers, Gardner K. eil
Byers on Kentucky corporation \:‘
KFK1410 .B93 1923
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C01>Yn1cH·1·, 1923 g_
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F The laws of Kentucky relating to private corporations have
{ , not hitherto been codified or grouped together. The governing
' } _, idea in the preparation of this volume has been to assemble the
provisions of the Constitution, Statutes and Civil Code, relating
{5 to private corporations, and to collate the authorities, insofar
  as possible, firstly under the main subject of corporations gen-
  erally and, secondly under the various subdivisions of corpo-
Q rate law. All of the statutory law in Kentucky, on private cor-
porations, excepting insurance companies, will be found in
Q these pages, together with full annotations, including both
  State and Federal cases construing the statutes, and tax laws.
  It must be remembered that Kentucky has not been a predom-
  inately industrial state, and that therefore many provisions of
  corporation law have not been adjudicated and that further-
  more a large portion of private company law in this State is
lL of such recent origin that the courts have not been given the
·‘ opportunity of construction and interpretation. The recent
  acts, however, concern only particular classes of companies,
i· and not business companies generally. I have therefore, in
2 some measure, drawn upon authorities from other jurisdictions
‘ ’ and the standard works on corporation law, cited by the Court
fi of Appeals. Counsel are almost wholly dependent upon the
‘ standard works, encyclopediae and authorities outside of our
jurisdiction, for treatment of such subjects as the issual of
' ` bonds secured by deeds of trust, and voting trusts. These mat-
ters are given attention in this volume. The book is also
X  designed as a hand book for organization and management of
1 E corporations. Forms have been inserted throughout the work
i   at convenient places for this purpose. I am indebted to Fred
 F P. Caldwell, Esq., of the Louisville Bar, not only for permis-
 -? _ sion to use a few of the forms published in Caldwell’s Com-
ii iii

iv Pmamcn.  
plete Kentucky Form Book, but for his generous counsel and ·
advice in the preparation of the book. If there are any errors
in the text it is because a long and diligent revision of the
proof has failed to note them. I respectfully desire, above all
else, that the book will meet with the approval of the Bar,
and in some degree assist the members, in this ever increasing
field of professional endeavor. My grateful acknowledgment
for their generous assistance and suggestions is due to Arthur
E. Hopkins, Esq., former State Revenue Agent and expert tax
attorney; to the Hon. Augustus E. Willson, former Governor of
Kentucky; Messrs. Richard P. Dietzman and E. P. Baker, all
of the Louisville Bar; to Mrs. Byers for her untiring interest
and assistance in the revision of the proof and the preparation
of the indices; to Miss Susan Fleming, the efficient librarian
of the Louisville Law Library, and to Walter MoHat, Esq., of
the New York Bar, and John Gilroy, Esq., of the Philadelphia
Bar, both able corporation lawyers.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 1, 1923.

I. General Principles of the Law .............................. 1
II. Provisions of the Kentucky Constitution Relative to Private
Corporations . ............................................ 17
III. General Provisions of the Kentucky Statutes Relative to Pri-
vate Corporations ........................................ 49
IV. Provisions of the Kentucky Statutes Relative to Banks and
Banking . ...................... . ......................... 141
V. Provisions of the Constitution and Statutes of Kentucky Rela-
tive to Railroad Corporations .................. . ......... 201
VI. Provisions of the Kentucky Statutes Relative to Miscellane-
ous Corporations ................... . .................. 251
VII. Corporation Tax Law ...................................... 372
VIII. Provisions of the Civil Code of Practice and Certain Related
Statutes Affecting Corporations .......................... 395
IX. Monopolies and Combinations in Restraint of Trade .......... 422
' Appendix A.—Federal Stamp Tax on Bonds and Stock ........ 431
Appendix B.——Federa1 Stamp Tax on Proxies and Powers of
Attorney . ............................................... 434
Appendix C.-—Kentucky Workmen’s Compensation Act ...... 435
Appendix D.——Form for Acknowledgment ................... 436
Appendix E.—Form for Voting Trust Agreement ............ 437
/ Appendix F.-Inheritance Tax Law ......................... 443
Appendix G.—Miscellaneous Tax Provisions with Schedules of
( Taxes, Rates and Exemptions .......... . .................. 460


Acme Mills Elevator Co. v. Rives, 141 Ky. 786, 133 S. W. 786 .......... 37
Acrogen ads. Castle's Admr., 145 Ky. 591, 104 S. W. 1034 ............ 114
Adam  v. Sengel, 175 Ky. 395, 194 S. W. 380 ........................ 47
Adams Express Co. ads. Com., 123 Ky. 720. 97 S. W. 386 ..... ......... 397
Adams Express Co, v. Cook, 162 Ky. 593, 172 S. W. 1096 .............. 37
Adams Express Co. v. Crenshaw, 78 Ky. 136 ......................... 409
Adams Express Co. v. Croninger, 226 U. S. 491 ....................... 37
Adams Express Co. v. Kentucky, 166 U. S. 171 .................... 29, 377
Adams Express Co. v. Schofield, 111 Ky. 832, 64 S. W. 903 ......... 45, 414
Aetna Insurance Co. v. Com., 106 Ky. 864, 57 S, W. 624 ............... 404
Ainslie ads. Haldeman, 82 Ky. 395 ....................... . .......... 86
Akers ads. Guthrie, 157 Ky. 649, 163 S. W. 1117 .................... . 161
Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Co. ads. Corbus, 187 U. S. 455 ........ 70
Albany, etc., ads. Delaware & Hudson Co., 213 U. S. 435 .............. 70
Albany Mill Co. v, Huff Bros., 24 Ky. L. R. 2037. 72 S. W. 820 ........ 50
Albin Co. v. Com., 33 Ky. L. R. 367, 108 S. W. 299 ..................... 126
Alger v. Thacher, 19 Pick. (Mass.) 51 ............... . .............. 423
Allen v. Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. R. Co., 143 Ky. 724 ................ 415
Allen ads. Louisville & N. R. Co., 152 Ky. 145, 153 S. W. 198 .......... 206
Allen v. Neale; 134 Ky. 690, 121 S. W. 612 ........................ 65, 93
Allen ads. Sandy Valley Hardware Co., 175 Ky. 433, 194 S. W. 351 ..... 100
Altenberg v. Grant, 85 Fed. 345 ............................... 34, 68, 87
Alves ads. Henderson National Bank, 91 Ky. 142, 15 S. W. 132 ........ 413
American Brick Co. ads. Easton Nat. Bank, 70 N. J. Eq. 732, 64 Atl. 917 86
American Finance Co. v. Bostwick, 151 Mass. 19, 23 N. E. 656 ........ 405
American Nat. Ins. Co, v, Brown, 179 Ky. 717, 201 S. W. 326 .......... 397
American Patriots v. Kincaid, 144 Ky. 662, 139 S. W. 834 ......... 294, 399
American Railway Exp. Co, v. Com., 190 Ky. 636, 228 S. W. 433. . .105, 119
American Snuff Co. ads. Com., 30 Ky. L. R. 1373, 101 S. W. 364 ....... 133
American Southern Nat. Bank v. Smith, 170 Ky. 512, 186 S. W. 482. .52, 125
American Surety Co. ads. Hager, 121 Ky. 791, 90 S. W. 550 ........... 378
American Surety Co. ads, James, 133 Ky. 313, 117 S. W. 411 .......... 379
American Tobacco Co. ads. Com., 167 Ky. 157 ........................ 428
American Wire & Nail Co. v. Bayless, 91 Ky. 94, 15 S. W. 10 ...... 73, 78
American Wire & Nail Co. v. Gedge, 96 Ky. 513. 29 S. W. 353 ......... 161
Ammerman ads. City of Georgetown, 143 Ky. 209, 136 S. W. 202 ...... 47
Anderson v, Com., 117 S. VV. 364 ......................... . .......... 154
Anderson v. Com., 142 Ky. 663, 134 S. VV. 477 ........................ 381
Anderson’s Trustee ads. Hyatt, 25 Ky. L. R. 132, 74 S. W. 1094 ........ 85
Appalachian Gas Co. ads. Jasper, 152 Ky. 68. 153 S. W. 50 ...... 69, 95
Armitage v. Mt. Sterling, etc., Co., 25 Ky_ L. R. 2262, 80 S. W. 177 .... 339
Armstrong ads. Brooklyn Park Commrs., 45 N. Y. 234 ................ 47
Armstrong v. Illinois Cent. R. Co., 162 Ky, 539, 172 S. W. 947 ......... 37
Arnold v. Covington Bridge Co., 1 Duv. 372 ......................... 47
Arnold ads. Simpson Co. Court., 7 Bush 353 .............. . .......... 20
, Arthur v. Griswold, 55 N. Y. 406 .................................... 90
' Arthur ads. Warring, 98 Ky. 35, 32 S. W. 221 ........................ 66
Artman Lumber Co. v. Bogard, 191 Ky. 392, 230 S. W. 953 ............ 401
Ashby ads. Germania Ins. Co., 23 Ky. L. R. 1564. 65 S. W. 611 ........ 404
Ashford ads. Homer, 3 Bing. 323 .................................... 423
Ashland Street Ry. Co. ads. Elizabethtown Ry. Co., 96 Ky. 347, 26
S. W. 181 ...................................................... 207
1 For full titles and citations see pages of text referred to.

Pages {
Associated Press v. Com., 22 Ky. L. R. 1229, 60 S. W. 295 ............. 399  
Atlantic Terra-Cotta Co. ads. Bond, 137 A. D. (N.Y.) 671 ............ 100  
Attorney General v. Bay State Min. Co., 99 Mass. 148, 96 Am. Dec. 717. 400 »
Attorney General v. Boston, etc., Ry. Co., 109 Mass, 99 ..... . ......... 40 .
Aubrey v. Stimson, 160 Ky. 563, 169 S. W. 991 ................ ... ...... 93  
Avery Building Assn. v. Com., 166 Ky. 199, 179 S. W. 39 .............. 62 C
Avey ads. Southern Ry. Co., 173 Ky. 598, 191 S. W. 460 ..... . ........ 407  
Avritt ads, Cumberland Tel. Co., 120 Ky. 35, 85 S. W. 204 ............. 345  
Babcock v. Weston, 1 Gall. 168 ............... . .... . .......... . ...... 405 j
Bachelor ads. Colgate, 1 Croke Rep. 872 ...................... ...... 423 ·
Backer ads. Beckett Iseman Oil Co., 165 Ky. 518, 178 S. W. 1084...... 339
Bailey v. Southern Ry. Co., 110 Ky. 231, 61 S. W. 31 .............. .... 43 `K
Baker v. Baker, Eccles & Co., 162 Ky. 683 .................... . ...... 410 `
Baker v. Louisville & N. R. Co., 67 Ky. (4 Bush) 619 ................. 413
Baker, Eccles & Co. ads. Baker, 162 Ky. 683 ............... . ........ 410
Ballard C0. Bank ads. Randolph, 142 Ky. 145, 134 S. W. 165 ..... . .... 93
B. & O. S. R. Co. v. Com., 177 Ky. 566, 198 S. W. 35 ............. 27, 227, 376
Bank v_ Lockw0od's Admr., 2 Har. 8 ............................... 113
Bank Lick Turnpike Co. ads. Kenton, Co. Ct., 10 Bush 529 ........... 108
Bank of America v. McNeil, 73 Ky. 55 ...................... . ....... 77
Bank of British Columbia ads. Semple, 5 Sawyer 88 .......... H. ... . . 400
Bank of Columbus ads. LaRue, 165 Ky. 670, 178 S. W. 1033.. .......96, 105
Bank of Gallipolis v. Trimble, 6 B. Mon. 601 ............. .......124. 126
Bank of Gallipolis ads. VVoodson, 4 B, Mon. 203................ ..... 124
Bank of Ky. v. Bonnie Bros., 102 Ky. 343 ..................... ....76, 145
Bank of Ky. ads. Blitz & Co,. 21 Ky. L. R. 1554, 55 S. W. 697... ....... 126
Bank of Ky. v. Com., 32 Ky. L. R. 1087, 107 S. W. 812 ........... ..... 386
Bank of Lewisport ads. House, 178 Ky. 281, 198 S. W. 760 .... ........ 398
Bank of Shepherdsville ads, Fitzhugh. 3 T. B. Mon. 126 .............. 76
Bank of Somerset ads. Hughes. 5 Littcll (Ky.) 46 ................... 89
Bank of Tennessee ads. Jones, 8 B. Mon. 123 ............. . ....... 124, 126
Bank of the U. S. v. Dallam, 4 Dana. 574 ....................... . ..... 85
Barnard ads, Clark. 108 U. S. 436 ................ . ............ ...... 40
Barnes v. Maxwell Motor Sales Corp., 172 Ky. 410, 189 S. W. 444.... .. 409
Barnes v. Scott, 168 Ky. 121, 181 S. W. 984 .................... ....78, 87
Barnes v. Union Cent. Life Ins. Co., 168 Ky. 253, 182 S. W. 169,
397, 404. 407. 413
Barrall v. Quick, 74 S. W. (Ky.) 214 ....................... ..... .... 246
Barren Co, ads. Chesapeake & O. R. Co., 10 Bush 604 ......... . ...... 135
Barren Co. Ct. ads. Cumberland & O. R. C0., 10 Bush 602 ............. 20
B·arrett ads, Louisville, St. L. & T. R. Co., 91 Ky. 487, 16 S. W. 278 .... 239
Barron v. Burnside, 121 U. S. 186 ............................. . ..... 405
Bastin Tel. Co. v_ Davidson, 176 Ky. 25, 195 S. W. 148 ............ 23, 344
Bate ads. Cincinnati Cooperage Co., 96 Ky. 356, 26 S. W. 538 ......... 52
Bates Machine Co. v. Norton Iron Wks., 113 Ky. 372, 68 S. W. 423 .... 412
Batman ads. McChesney, 28 Ky. L. R. 281, 89 S. XV. 198 .............. 52
Bavarian Brewing Co. ads, Com., 112 Ky. 925 ....................... 425
Bay State Mining Co. ads. Atty. Gen., 99 Mass. 148, 96 Am. Dec. 717.. . 400 ·
Bay State Petroleum Co. v. Penn. Lubricating Co., 121 Ky. 637, 87
S. NV. 1102 ........................................... Q ........ 339
Bayer Blower Co. ads. Louis. Trust Co., 166 Ky. 745, 197 S, W. 1034. .. 398
Bayless ads. American Wire & Nail Co., 91 Ky. 94, 15 S. W. 10 ...... 73, 78
Beatty v. Louisville & N. R. Co., 176 Ky. 102, 195 S. W. 487 ...... 213, 215
Becker ads. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. P. R, Co., 32 Fed. 849 ......... 405
Beckett—lseman Oil Co. v. Backer, 165 Ky. 518, 178 S. W. 1084 ........ 339
Bcha v. Martin, 161 Ky. 383, 171 S. W. 393 ........................ 64, 65
Bell City Mfg. Co. ads. Pennebaker Bros., 130 Ky. 502, 113 S. W. 829,
399. 414
Bell Co. Coke & Imp. Co_ ads. Chilton, 153 Ky. 775, 156 S. W. 889 ...... 69
Bell Point Lumber Co. ads. Johnson, 196 Ky. 436 .................. 32. 127
Bell & Coggeshall Co. v. Ky. Glass Wks., 20 Ky. L. R. 1089, 48 S. W. 44 67
Bennett v. Howard, 175 Ky. 797, 195 S. W. 117 ....................... 339
Bennett v. Stewart, 161 Ky. 264, 170 S. W. 642 ....................... 34

 i Tum or Casas ix
2 Lentler v. C., C. & Erlanger R. Co., 180 Ky. 497, 203 S. W. 199,
. 22, 108, 210, 211
, Bentley ads. Sandy Valley & E. R. Co., 161 Ky. 555, 171 S. W. 178. .240, 241
  Benton Hotel Co. ads. Com., 145 Ky. 76, 140 S. W. 38 ................ 399
y Berea College ads. Gott, 156 Ky. 376, 161 S. W. 204 ................... 292
  Bergman v. Evans, 158 Pac. 961 .................................... 34
  Bernheim v. Lou. Property Co., 185 Ky. 63, 214 S. W. 801 ........ 66, 68, 95
*5 Bernheim v. Wallace, J., 186 Ky. 459, 217 S. W. 917 ............. 68, 95
  Berry v. Frisbie, 120 Ky, 337, 86 S. W. 558 ........................... 339
.5 Bethel Grove Camp Meeting Assn. ads. Cronlnger, 156 Ky. 356, 161
  S. W. 230 ................................................ 51, 52. 93
3 Bevis v. Vanceburg Tel. Co., 121 Ky. 177, 89 S. W, 126 ............... 345
~ Bibb v. Montjoy. 2 Bibb 1 .......................................... 47
Bickett Coal & Coke Co. ads. Detroit-Ky. Coal Co., 251 Fed. 542 ...... 35
`T Big Sandy R. Co, v. Dils, 120 Ky. 563, 87 S. W. 310 ................... 242
‘ Big Sandy & Ky, Riv. R. Co. ads. Music, 163 Ky. 628, 174 S. W. 44 ..... 245
Bigelow v. Nickerson, 70 Fed. 113 ....................... . .......... 405
Black ads. VVells, 48 Pac. 1090, 37 L. R. A. (N.S.) 619 ................. 86
Blitz & Co. v. Bank of Ky., 21 Ky. L. R. 1554, 55 S. W. 697 ............ 126
Blaine ads. Simpson, 191 Ky. 465, 230 S, W. 934 ..................... 75
Bland v. Cumberland Tel. Co., 33 Ky. L. R. 399, 109 S. W. 1180 ....... 22
Board of Church Extension v. Taylor Co., 152 Ky. 518, 153 S. W. 747. . 414
Board of Drainage Commrs. ads, Louisville & N. R. Co., 183 Ky, 282,
209 S. W. 15 ............................................. . ...... 46
Board of Drainage Commrs. ads. Yewell, 187 Ky. 434, 219 S. W. 1049. . 400
Board of Education ads. Bryan, 90 Ky. 323, 13 S. W. 276 ............. 20
Board of Education ads. City of Louisville, 154 Ky. 316, 157 S. W. 379 24
Board of Supervisors ads. Raydure. 183 Ky, 84, 209 S. W. 19 ..... 338, 375
Board of Trustees v. Chesaneake, O. & S. R. C0., 94 Ky. 377, 22 S. W. 609 117
Bobb ads. Portland, G. T. P. Co,. 88 Ky. 226, 10 S. W. 794 ............. 238
Bogard ads. Artman Lumber Co., 191 Ky. 392, 230 S. W. 953 ......... 401
Bogert ads. Southern Pacific Co., 250 U. S. 483 .................. 68, 73
Bohannan ads. Eminence Building & Loan Assn., 21 Ky. L, R. 1589. . . 112
Bond v. Atlantic Terra Cotta Co., 137 A. D. (N.Y.) 671 ............... 100
Bondurant v. Dahnke-Walker Mill. Co., 175 Ky. 774, 195 S. W. 139 .... 398
Bondurant ads. Dahnke-Walker Mill. Co.. 42 U. S. Sup. Ct. R. 106 .... 402
Bonnie Bros. ads. Bank of Kentucky, 102 Ky. 343 .................. 76, 145
Boston & Maine Ry. v. Hooker 233 U. S. 97 ......................... 38
Boston, etc., R. Co. ads. Attorney General. 109 Mass. 99 ............. 40
Bostwick ads. American Finance Co., 151 Mass. 19, 23 N, E. 656 ....... 405
Bostwick v. Chapman, 60 Conn. 553, 24 Atl. 32 ...................... 98
Bosworth v. Evansville & B. G. Packet Co.. 178 Ky. 716, 199 S. W. 1059 376
Bosworth v. Kentucky Highland R. Co., 183 Ky. 749, 210 S. W. 671 .... 381
Bosworth ads. Louisville Gas & El Co., 169 Ky. 824, 185 S. W. 125,
62, 67, 106, 218
Bosworth ads. Louisville & N. R. Co., 209 Fed. 381 ............. 381, 383
Boulware-Allen Shoe Co.’s Trustee v. Morris, 168 Ky. 426, 182 S. W. 225 84
Bowling Green Coal Co. ads. Sou. Coal & Coke Co., 161 Ky. 477 ...... 413
Bowling Green Ry. Co. ads. L. & N_ R. Co., 110 Ky. 789, 63 S. W. 4,
23. 207. 213
' Bowman ads. First National Bank. 168 Ky. 433, 182 S. W. 195 ........ 77
Bowman ads. Jones, 181 Ky. 722, 205 S. W. 923 .................. 34, 35, 87
Bowman ads. Kenton Ins. Co., 84 Ky. 430, 1 S. W. 717 .............. 76, 77
Bozon v. Farlow, 1 Meriv_ 459 .................. . ................... 423
Bracken v. Nicol, 124 Ky. 628, 99 S. W. 920 .......................... 78
Bracken Co. ads. Orr. 81 Ky. 395 ........... . ........................ 395
Bradley v. McAtee, 7 Bush 667 .......................... . .......... 20
Bramlette v. L. & N. R. Co., 113 Ky. 300, 68 S. W. 145 ................. 46
Brannin v. Loving, 82 Ky. 370 .............................. 94, 160, 163
Braumback ads. Owen Co. Burley T. Assn., 128 Ky. 137, 170 S. W. 710. 18
Brent ads. Gay, 166 Ky. 833, 179 S. W. 1051 ............ 38, 422, 424, 427, 428
Brent ads. Scobee, 188 Ky. 735 ...................................... 429
Bridgers v. First National Bank, 152 N. C. 293, 31 L. R. A. (N.S.) 1199. 98
Broadway Coal Mining Co. v. Smith, 136 Ky. 725, 125 S W. 157 ........ 242
Broadway & Newport Bridge Co, v. Com., 173 Ky. 165, 190 S. W. 715.
252. 253
Brooklyn Park Commrs. v. Armstrong, 45 N. Y. 234 ................. 47

Pages _
Brown ads. American Nat. Ins. Co., 179 Ky. 717, 201 S. W. 326 ....... 397 ,
Brown ads. L. & N. R. Co., 186 Ky. 435, 217 S. W. 686 ................ 38
Brown v. Threlkeld’s Guardian, 154 Ky, 835, 159 S. W. 595 ........ 51, 169 '
Bruner ads. Cheney, 141 Ky. 32, 132 S. W. 167 ....................... 51
Bruner v. Citizens’ Bank of Shelbyville, 134 Ky. 283, 120 S. W. 345,
. 65, 66, 143
Bruner ads. Home Building Assn., 134 Ky. 361, 120 S. W. 306 ......... 109 K
Bruner v. Louisville Packing C0., 144 Ky. 471, 139 S. W. 764 ......... 51 ‘
Bruner ads. Ohio Valley Tie Co., 148 Ky. 358, 146 S. W. 749 ........... 51 .
Bryan v. Board of Education, 90 Ky. 323. 13 S. W. 276 ............... 20 L
Bryan Co. State Bank ads. Eubank, 216 Fed. 833 .................... 78
Buckner ads. Gainesboro Tel. Co., 160 Ky. 604, 169 S. W. 1000 ..... 413, 415 ‘·
Buffalo German Ins. Co, v. Third Nat. Bank, 162 N. Y. 163, 48 L. R. 1
A. 107 ......................................................... 145 *
Bullock v. Falmouth & C. H. Turnpike R. Co., 85 Ky. 184, 3 S. W. 129. . 73  
Burley Tobacco Co. v. Best, 165 Ky. 762. 178 S. W. 1102 .............. 69 y
Burnett ads. VVester6eld-Bonte C0., 176 Ky. 189, 195 S. W. 477 ........ 123 i
Burnside ads, Barron, 121 U. S. 186 .................................. 405  
Burton ads. Marion Nat. Bank, 121 Ky. 876, 90 S. W. 944 ............ 29 `
Bush v. Robinson, 95 Ky. 492, 26 S. VV. 178 ........................... 86 ;
Bushart v. County of Fulton, 183 Ky. 471, 209 S. W. 499 .............. 19 3
Busseyville Oil & Gas Co. ads. Hughes, 180 Ky. 545, 203 S. W. 515 .... 339 ?
Byllesby—H. M. & C0, ads. Gathright, 154 Ky. 106, 157 S. W. 45 ....... 42 :
C .
Caddy Oil Co. v. Sommer. 186 Ky. 843, 218 S. W. 288 .................. 95 ·
Cahille v. Perrine, 105 Ky. 531, 49 S. W. 344 ......................... 30
Caldwell v. City of Franklin, 123 Ky. 528, 96 S. W. 605 ......... 90, 161, 163
Caldwell ads. Green, 170 Ky. 581, 186 S. W. 648 ...................... 37
Calor Oil & Gas Co. v, Franzell. 128 Ky. 715, 109 S. W. 328 .......... 7, 328
Calor Oil & Gas Co. ads. Ky. Heating Co., 146 Ky. 414, 142 S. W. 728... 328
Calor Oil & Gas Co. v. Franzell, 122 S. W. 188 ........................ 328
Calor Oil & Gas Co. ads. Paines’ Guardian, 133 Ky. 614, 103 S. W. 309.. 328
Calor Oil & Gas Co. v. Withers, 141 Ky. 489, 133 S. W. 210 ............ 329 _
Calvary Baptist Church v. Milliken, 148 Ky. 580, 147 S. W. 12 ......... 24
Campbell v. Males Co., 152 Ky. 802 ................................. 410
Campbell v. City of Newport, 174 Ky. 713, 193 S. VV. 1 ............... 29
Caperton ads. Savings Bank of Louisv., 87 Ky. 306, 8 S. W. 885 ....... 164
Capital Gas & El. L, Co. v. Peoples Electric L. Co., 116 Ky. 76 ....... 23
Carman v. Hickman Co., 185 Ky. 640. 215 S. W. 408 .................. 18
(‘arric0 ads. Nashville. C. & St. L. R. C0., 14 Ky. L. R. 431 ............ 111
Carrollton Furniture Mft?. Co. v. City of Carrollton. 104 Ky. 525 ...... 43
Carrollton Sav. & Loan Assn, ads. Credelius, 167 Ky. 817 .......... 62. 101
Carrollton Tel. Ex_ C0. v. Spicer, 177 Ky. 345, 197 S. W. 827 ....... 39, 344
Cartee ads. Cincinnati Gas Trans. Co., 149 Ky. 89, 147 S. W. 925 ...... 245
Cartmell v. Commercial Bank, 153 Ky. 798 ......................... 178
CastYe's Aclmr. v. Acrogen Coal C0., 145 Ky. 591, 104 S, W. 1034 ...... 114
Castleman v. Holmes, 14 J. J. M. 1 ................................... 86
Caudil v. Wagoner. 184 Ky. 381, 212 S. W. 422 . ..................... 337
Central Stock Yards Co. v. L. & N. R. C0., 192 U. S. 586 ............ 205, 223 4
Central Stock Yards Co, v. L. & N. R. Co., 212 U. S. 132 ............ 205, 223
Central Transportation Co. v. Pullman’s P. Car C0., 139 U. S. 24 .... 127
Central University of Ky. v. Walters, Exrs., 122 Ky. 65. 90 S. W. 1066 135
Chamberlain ads. Vvilliam. Exr., 29 Ky. L. R. 606, 94 S. W. 29 ......... 86
Chapman ads. Bostwick. 60 Conn, 553, 24 Atl. 32 ..................... 98 \
Chappel v. Rockaway, 21 Wend. (N.Y.) 157 ......................... 424
Charles ads. Daniels. 172 Ky. 238, 189 S. W. 192 ...................... 339
Chatteroi R. Co v. Kinner, 81 Ky. 221 .............................. 242
Chatteroi R. Co. ads. Lawrence Co., 81 Ky. 225 ..................... 242
Chatterson ads. Fruin-Colnon Contr. C0., 146 Ky. 504. 143 S. W. 6, l
125, 126. 398
Cheney v. Bruner, 141 Ky. 32. 132 S. W. 167 ........................ 51
Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Barren C0., 10 Bush 604 ................... 135
Chesapeake & O. R. Co, ads. Clinger's Adms., 128 Ky. 742. 109 S. W. 315 131
Chesapeake & O. R_ C0. ads. Com., 24 Ky. L. R. 1886, 72 S. W. 360 ..... 206

 i TABLE or Ciisms xi
_ Pages
_ Chesapeake & 0. R. Co. ads. Com., 115 Ky. 57, 72 S. W. 758 ............ 206
Chesapeake & 0. R. Co. ads. Com., 120 Ky. 678, 87 S. W. 1077 .......... 378
·` Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads, Co·m., 170 Ky. 489, 186 S. W. 164 ......... 376
5 Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Com., 190 Ky. 552, 228 S. W. 15 ............ 379
i Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads. Com., 28 Ky. L. R. 1110, 91 S. W. 672 .... 377
“ Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Cowherd, 96 Ky. 113, 27 S. W. 990 .......... 407
1. Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v, Cowherd, 16 Ky, L. R. 373 ................. 415
6 Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads. Davis, 122 Ky. 528, 92 S. W. 339 ......... 37
Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads. Griffin, 169 Ky. 522, 184 S. W. 888 ........ 215
‘ Chesapeake & O. R. Co, v. May, 157 Ky. 708, 163 S. W. 1112 ........... 47
Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Maysville Brick Co., 132 Ky. 643, 116 S.
, W. 1183 ....................................................... 206
. Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads. Plummer, 143 Ky. 102, 136 S. W. 162.
g 203, 212, 247
  Chesapeake & O. R. Co. ads. Pugh, 101 Ky. 77, 39 S. W. 695 .......... 46
  Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Rosskamp, 179 Ky. 175. 200 S. W. 496 ...... 31
  Chesapeake & O. R. Co. v. Vaughan’s Admx., 159 Ky. 436, 167 S. W. 141 43
Q Chesapeake, O. & Sou. Ry. Co, ads. Bd. of Trustees, 94 Ky. 377, 22 S.
‘* W. 609 ........................................................ 117
. Chesapeake, O & Sou. Ry. Co. v. Griest, 85 Ky. 619, 4 S. W. 323,
{ 105, 112, 117
= Chicago ads. Ducat, 10 Wall. 410 .................................. 400
g Chicago Life Ins. Co. v. Robertson, 147 Ky. 61, 143 S. W. 740 ...... 404
  Chicago, Milwaukee & St. P. R. Co. v. Becker, 32 Fed. 849 ........... 405
3 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. v. Maucher, 248 U. S. 359 .... 37
Chicago, St. L. & N. O. R. Co. v. L. & N. R. Co., 22 K. L. R. 658, 58 S. W.
799 ........................................................... 213
Chicago, St. L. & N. O. R. Co. v, Rottgering, 26 K. L. R. 1167, 83 S. W.
584 ............................................................ 241
Chilton v. Bell Co. Coke & Improvement Co., 153 Ky. 775, 156 S. W.
889 ........................................................... 69
Christian Todd Tel. Co. v. Com., 156 Ky. 557, 161 S. W. 543 ...... 23, 345
Cincinnati Cooperage Co. v_ Bate, 96 Ky. 356, 22 S. W. 538 ......... 52
Cincinnati Gas Transportation Co. v. Cartee, 149 Ky. 89, 147 S. W. 925. 245
Cincinnati etc. R. Co. ads. City of Covington, 144 Ky. 646. 139 S. W.
_ 854 ........................................................... 377
Cincinnati, C. & E. R_ Co. ads. Bentler, 180 Ky. 497, 203 S. W. 199
22, 108, 210, 211
Cincinnati, C. & E. R. Co. ads. Devon, 128 Ky. 768 ............ 238, 248. 249
Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. R. Co, ads. Allen, 143 Ky. 724 ............ 415
Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. R. Co. v. Com., 119 Ky. 196, 83 S. W. 562
211, 212, 247
Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P, R. Co. v. Dugan. 162 Ky, 36, 171 S. W. 1070.. 216
Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. R. Co. v. Rankin, 153 Ky. 730 ............. 36
Citizen’s Bank of Shelbyville ads. Bruner, 134 Ky. 283 ....... 65, 66. 143
Citizen’s Development Co. v. Kypawva Oil Co., 191 Ky. 183 .... 69, 93 95
Citizen’s Oil Co. ads. Taylor, 182 Ky. 350. 206 S. W. 644 ...... 34, 87, 339
Citizen’s Savings Bank v. Owensboro. 173 U. S. 644 ................. 135
Citizen’s Trust Co. v. Hays, 167 Ky. 561, 180 S. W. 811 .............. 397
Citizen’s Trust & Guaranty Co. of W`. Va. ads. Commercial Banking
& Trust Co., 153 Ky. 567, 156 S. W. 160 ........................ 143
City of Calhoun ads. Cumberland Tel, Co., 151 Ky. 241, 151 S. W. 659
22, 27. 377
City of Carrollton ads. Carrollton Furniture Mfg. Co., 104 Ky. 525... 43
City of Covington v. Cincinnati etc. R. Co., 144 Ky. 646, 139 S. W.
854 .......................................................... 377
* City of Covington v. Cov. & C. Bridge Co., 10 Bush. 76 .............. 108
City of Covington ads. L. & N. R. Co., 81 Ky. 87, 203 S. W. 1060 ...... 216
City ot Covington v. L. & N. R. Co., 158 Ky. 136, 164 S. W. 321
22, 215, 217
City of Covington v. Standard Oil Co., 137 Ky. 807, 127 S. W. 480 .... 377
I City of Dayton v. Rewald, 168 Ky. 398. ............................ 47
City of Frankfort ads. Com., 76 Ky. (13 Bush.) 186 .................. 419
City of Franklin v. Caldwell, 123 Ky. 528. 96 S. W. 605 ........ 90, 161, 163
City of Georgetown v. Ammerman, 143 Ky. 209, 136 S. W. 202 ...... 47
City of Harper ads. State, 94 Kan. 478, 146 Pac. 1169 .............. 421
City of Henderson ads. Henderson Trac. Co., 178 Ky. 124, 198 S. W. 730. 19

Pages ;
City of Henderson ads. L. & N. R. C0., 154 Ky. 575, 157 S. W. 1105 .... 377  
City of Henderson ads. Ohio Valley B. & T. Co., 180 Ky. 21 ........ 175 ?
City of Hopkinsville ads. Tandy & Farley Tob. Co., 174 Ky. 189, 192  
S. W. 46 ...................................................... 29 F
City of LaGrange ads, Schaff & Co., 176 Ky. 549, 195 S. W. 1097 ...... 22  
City of Louisville v. Bd. of Education, 154 Ky. 316, 157 S, VV. 379 .... 24  
City of Louisville ads. Continental Tobacco Co., 29 Ky. L. R. 616, 94 §
S. VV. 11 ...................................................... 24 i
City of 1.ouisvi1le ads. Ewald’s Exr., 145 Ky. 591, 140 S. W. 1034 .... 112 S;
City of Louisville ads. Ewald’s Exr., 192 Ky. 279, 232 S. VV. 389 ...... 384 3
City of Louisville v, Hehman, 161 Ky. 523, 171 S. W. 165 ............ 47 $
City of Louisville ads. Jones Bros., 142 Ky. 759, 135 S. W. 301 ........ 24  
City of Louisville ads. Kirch, 125 Ky. 398. 101 S. W. 373 ............ 419 g
City of Louisville ads. Ky. Heating Co., 174 Ky. 152, 192 S. VV. 4 .... 376 5
City of Louisville v. Louisville Tin & Stove Co., 170 Ky. 557, 186  
s. W. 124 ..................................................... 24  
City of Louisville ads_ Mengel Box Co., 117 Ky. 735, 79 S. W. 255 .... 24  
City of Louisville ads. North Vernon Lumber Co., 163 Ky. 467, 172 F
S. XV. 1120 .................................................... 24 A
City of Louisville v. Pooley, 136 Ky. 286, 124 S. W. 315 ............ 29 i
City of Louisville v. Sagalowski, 136 Ky. 324. 124 S. W. 339 .......... 29 ;
City of Louisville v. University of Louisville, 15 B. M. 642 ...... 20, 294 ’
City of Middlesboro v. Coal & Iron Bank, 108 Ky. 680, 57 S. W. 497.. 176 6
City of Middlesboro v. New South Brewing Co., 108 Ky. 351, 56
S. VV. 427 ................................................... 24 r
City of Mt. Sterling ads. Hancock Co., 170 Ky. 207, 185 S. W. 856 .... 76  
City of Newport ads. Campbell Co., 174 Ky. 713, 193 S. W. 1 ........ 29 ’
City of Newport v. French Bros., 169 Ky. 175, 83 S. W. 532 .......... 18
City of Newport v. Masonic Temple Assn., 103 Ky, 592, 45 S. W. 881.. 135
City of Newport v. South Covington & C. R. Co., 156 Ky. 403, 161
S. VR'. 222 ................................................... 377, 383
City of Owensboro ads. Owensboro VVater Works, 24 Ky. L. R. 2530,
74 S. VV. 685 ................................................. 378
City of Owensboro ads, Sperry & Hutchinson Co., 151 Ky. 389, 151
S. VV. 932 ..................................................... 29
City of Princeton v_ Electric Light Co., 166 Ky. 730, 179 S. W. 1074... 22
City of Providence v. Providence Electric Light Co., 122 Ky. 237, 91
S. VV. 664 ......................... . ........................... 23
City of Russellville ads. East Tennessee Tel. Co., 106 Ky. 667, 51
S. VV. 308 ..................................................... 23
City of Somerset v. Smith, 105 Ky. 678, 49 S. W. 456 ................. 22
City of Vvinchester ads. McCormick Lumber C0., 155 Ky. 494, 159
S. YV. 997 ..................................................... 24
Clark v_ Barnard_ 108 U. S. 436 .................................... 40
Clark ads. Job Iron & Steel Co., 150 Ky. 246, 150 S. W. 367 .......... 414
Clark v. \Vallace, 155 Ky. 837, 160 S. VV. 506 ....................... 93
Clark Co. Nat. Bank ads. Com., 187 Kv. 151, 219 S. W. 175 ........ 31. 146
Clay. C·»mm'r v. Dixie Fire Ins. Co., 168 Ky. 315_ 181 S. VV. 1123 ...... 29
Clay, Comm‘r v. Employer’s Indemnity Co., 157 Ky. 232, 162 S. YV.
1122 .......................................................... 42
Clay. (`oinnrr .   Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 158 Ky. 192, 164 S. W.
968 ........................................................... 42
Clay, Coinm`r aus. National Benefit Assn, 162 Ky. 409. 172 S; VV. 922.. 42
Coal & Iron Bank ads City of Middlesboro, 108 Ky. 680, 57 S. W. 497. 176
Coffey ads. Shackelford, 4 J. J. Marsh 40 ........................... 47
Coleman v. Freeman. 160