xt7g4f1mj761 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mj761/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1992 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Kickoff Magazine, Vol. 6, No. FB-4, University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 24, 1992 text Kickoff Magazine, Vol. 6, No. FB-4, University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 24, 1992 1992 1992 2014 true xt7g4f1mj761 section xt7g4f1mj761 . . ‘*·»·~  ,..;.;'*'{ `"  r   0
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  Oficial magazine ofthe University of Kentucky   _! s  
2  Football games at Commonwealth Stadium _ _,»’    s  
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  3 FROM THE PRESS BOX   g yy _   gg _ pf; . -E ·-  
 . Associate Sports Communications Director foe]! Howarcl *L__     V s V    7 ` gy} V  
  rn/ees a behind the scenes loo/e at the Kentuc/ey Iwldcats   . _; T lf 4.·  J _  °
  I I _` ` · ~ .1* ' I ,
  4 PRESS BOX PREVIEW V are     ,4   _ M  
  The Whlilcats and Bulldogs meet this evening renewing _‘ p ` - stsz 7 . V! { t- s   _· _ » {
  an age-oltl tangle in Conznzontuealth Staclium J   _ i if  I
  6 AS ALL-AINIERICAN AS...   I , is  
  Recorcl-settingplacehicher Doug Pehizy is living a i ·   °
  tlreayn, anti the increclible thing is its all true 1 ‘ e¤ A   I  ij
  8 TAILOR-MADE TIGHT END * g     ses .  1_ &_
  Senior tight entl Neil Page is a pezfectfit in the   _ _;;; —,A  V; Elvtg   /3 .,  Z I
  Kentucky starting lineup {  E       `=;_  " ‘~-
V   12 BEHIND THE SCENES: sj ¤ ·  Q > j        
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=·.     Game Statistics 9 Athletics Administration 32 Opponent Roster 60 Retired jerseys 78  
i n Swuting The Opponent 10 Football Support StaH` 34 UK Managers 62 Football Records 83  
  ;' Meet The Opponent I I Graduate Assistants 36 Kentucky Network 65 All·Sl£C Selections 88 ,
  UK In The News I4 Commonwealth Stadium 58 Practice Facilities 66 All-Americans 90 i
. Opponent Schedules 16 Meet The Wildcats 40 Academic All-Americans 68 UK Songs 9]  
T   Bill Cllffy 18 Alumni Notes 49 CATS 70 Cheerleaders {Si Band 92  
  University Profile 20 UK Roster 52 AD’s Honor Roll 7I UK ln The Pros 94 j
U 3  UK Administration 22 Meet The Newcomers 54 Cridiron History 73 Blue & Wlnite Donors 96
    CM- Newton 24 I\Ieet The Wlallc,-Ons S5 Coaches Records 74
    A   l\SSistant Coaches 26 UK Trainers 58 Football Traditions 76 .
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I Fhe University oF Kentucky would like to thank the Following advertisers For their The I992 KCIIIIICIIII FIIOIIIIIII I,mgI_Im II IIIIIIIISIICII by IIII
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Brown 8c RXAIIIIQIITISOII .... IFC Hilliard Lyons ..........,....... 62 Randalls .......................... 25 iu auI;}ZIIIIEHIIIIIIILYQVIIIIICJFin  
Cardinal Office Supply .... 48 Hilton Suites ................... I3 Saratoga ........................, 103    
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. Commerce National .... ....84 john Deere ................. 42-43 Timex .............................. 31 OI-IIC   EEIILIIITQOH ag
Computer Color .............. 45 Kentucky Farm Bureau .... 39 TMC .........................,..... 79 305 Madison Aw. Suite 711 Cm
I II I __ I I New York, NY 10165  
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Disc jockey ...................... 30 Logan°s Roadhouse ..... . ..... 32 Wendyls ........................... I6 Cl‘{°“g9 pat
iaitvico ........................... sa Marriott ....................,.... 104 \>» 1160602 Pla
·· » · - 2 -t 2
_ I l·tIth Quarter ..,................ 83 McDonalds ..................... 41 Zip Express ...................... 87 lim Ol 300 mn
I. Fischer ............................. 89 McNay ..................... . ...... 36 Lexington Wh
I 546 East Main St. _
I Lexington. KY 40502 UIC
1 (606) 253-3230
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I ’ V" `   ’ I5; Q Fig"? ° I`'’ I      _,  .._· I I _._, · I.   ~   KENTUCKY STAFF abc
I     (Fa A P, I I           {-..   V ‘     "   Publisher: CNL Ncwton.A1hleties Director SOI
I   (T7'? I  r_       I;    II   '   I   A I Associate Publisher: Chris Cameron, Assistant Athletics {IO]
I V V V     j   »·       Ji { VI   I   i`v   I` · I     I Director — Communications
I ~( :        · ii     ` ‘   Y".  Yi      I wi - ~·V , I Program Editor: _Ioey I·Ioward C10
I E I   I`I""i·*$ 5   I ‘ I IfT`V '_      Vf   A _   I     I   SI _·   I     Editorial Staff`: Rena Vicini, Gail Dent, joyce Baxter. Sandy II
I \; Y I I "EI   I = III l ‘     "   il ` "   ·   I'       ' 2,III  Boyken, Btttch Cope, Susan Hauard, julie \`{/atson UM
` ’ [ _`" II   V_ I if ·II·· **3   'I           Photography: David Coyle, UK Sports Commttnications
 ·- .V t*· ·‘ · V IA J ‘ . < HCI PUBLISHING STAFF
  fi IV· * { I I _ . I V I   VI./VI
.I i [ sf  ’     I V · ·     Q Publisher: Richard A. Ford
I V IIII II . I ` T' ’ .,. A `JI i I   Associate Publisher: john R. (j.D.) Rutledge qui
    = I I ` . - I ’ ‘ ~ i ew Manavin Editors: Eric Barnhart. Dave Ste »henson
., _ I / ·., _. ¤ S I
· I < , ’ I I . ,. _ *30* Program Editor: Fd Kromer
  I I ` V ’: " ‘·   ' Sr. Editor: Pat Henderson
· ._ _ , I ` I   I I. Associate Editors: Erin Anderson, jon Vaden. Dan Peters
.IIIIVI;ii_I ·*` \ I   A " Assistant Editors: Craig Baroncelli, Matt Mason. jai Gimn
, ·· . V V IMI   :;_   ., Stag Assistants: David Ka vlan, I\:larl< Buereer
, V  gx ,   I ~
' Q __   _ _. ’  I ``:_ I  ,0;   Editorial Assistance: j.P Bryant, Mary Beth Forester, Brant
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_ -; V,_ ,   an     Art Department: jamie Barker. Nanci Lamar (design), [
. .» V. :‘.~. me   —·¢  ‘     ,   . '
t I   fg   "Q Vs  {Ia . VI Irish Not
I I I   "·`—     \_     I, I  Advertising Coordinator: Marv Parks S
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    1  V,. ¢° It _    _I ,Ii'  _I = Direct Marlaeting Director: Kevin Halstead "
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I ` _. I II Q    {III   I 1 I To order this or any Kentucky home game program, send II
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  Kentuclqys Leadershzp Commzttee .
T V_:r=_  W V.__({__   ,\!._ _, ne of the most controver- ; ·4—· y--yr-; —V—V I   --_·, , -V»V,,r     pq;-;j;;···;·; »V·,r· py   _—,,;   already installed the same line of communi-  
  *~· *   sia] Subjects to enter mm   vr_'_v_     y   '   cation with his players in the middle 1960s. l
    E,.) _ _ _ gx.;      ~· v· . i   _ _ _ _ .
.     ET? D1V1S1011 I-!) f00fl>21ll Suf-   ,r’_   _··:j_   ‘·‘-· i ,_ y., ·’-_·_ ;   Then as president of the National leootball V
PQ   ji _-i°   faced at Mem his State and   V···.   Z           i··_   Pla rers` Association 1973-75), Curry
·, -;,2:*; {3*,;   . }  :.2-.·     ;, _:·.. Nj ) ·
,.,_     klll   South Carohml Within [hc   Iltz_     ,~· ‘"   gerved as the "voice" of the association in Q
1 i»``   ,...t   ‘ivi‘   .=s· . '¤ .   ·t‘ii   .. -* ··¤ —   · - ·
t _,»_,     V.`t   last month. ; ‘‘»’‘‘  > ‘’.»,     ··_·     j ··   matters with the NPL and its owners. *
A   '‘’·   -       · -  
To refresh your memo- ,·,6; »  yi je ·‘·t‘ ~   Ar Kentucky, the Leadership Commit- j
ry, student athletes at both institutions  V _V_»   l____ .  V_'_V g N I'_I_   tee is made up of two players from each ‘
sta ed a bo cott of vractice. The news 7 i"`i” A ```'i `   '`'ii'i`i`ii”' 7 i`````'   `J''   iiiiiii i iii`"i` i ’``ii''``i " V rear to vo alone with two walk-on re re- t
S Y o ¤
accounts which appeared in Lexington “The Leadership Committee.” sentatives. The representatives are selected 4
cited two main reasons for the boycotts — You see, the University of Kentucky by their teammates. The VC/ildcats` fifth- {
1.) Frustrations due to winless seasons and football program implemented the year representatives on the committee are
2.) Internal problems directed toward the Leadership Committee during Currys ini- strike Dean \X’ells and linebacker Reggie
particular coaching staffs. tial season as the Wildcats, head coach in Smith. Others include linebacker Marty
Suddenly, each Division T-A football- 1990. It serves as the pulse of the entire Moore (fourth-year), flanker Troy Hobbs
la tinv institution had to look in the mir- team, not only scholarshi layers, but (fourth-vear , uarterback Pookie ones l
P 2 az . P . . fi y
ror. Every head coach had to wonder just walk-ons as well. (third-year), cornerback Don Robinson
what could have been done to detect such “The leadership committee provides a (third-year), split end Leon Smith (second-
incidents. strong, positive influence on our team,” year), bandit David Snardon (second-year), i
ln the last few weeks, questions have said Curry, who had similar committees at safety Leman Boyd (first-year), strike
been thrown at Kentucky Coach Bill Curry Georgia Tech and Alabama. °`lt is a direct Howard Carter (first—year), snapper/holder y
about the situations at Mem his State and line ofcommunication from our la ters to Travis Powers (walk-on and winvback
} e¤
South Carolina. And always, the one ques- the head coach. We meet once a week dur- Matt Riazzi (walk-on).
:5 tion to always came up — “What can you ing the season. The sole purpose of this No, the \Y/ildcatsi Leadership Commit-
do as a head coach to predict player frus- committee is to bring matters of concern tee does not make Kentucky immune to
·, i. . . ., . . , .
lm`) trations or internal team roblems?) from the team directl r to me. ’ roblems that vractically every other I
1 P l . . I
ms Whether it was at his weekly press con- The first time Curry was involved with Division I-A team might encounter. But to {
— ~ J - - · tr ss — . l
ference or on the weekly Southeastern such a committee was during his first two measure the true pulse of the team. is =`
Conference teleconference, Curry met the years in the National Football League. there a better way than Kentuekyis  
. . A . . . a . l`
uestion head-on. His answer was sim le: Levendar * Coach Vince Lombardi had Leadershi Lommittee? l
D P it
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A m Hzmcbz and the College F00fhdllASSOCld¢Z07Z_/0171 Hands to Support Yerzcbzng 121 America ll
li: 1 tr . . . .
rm \Y]1[l7OL1lC teachers there would be no sc1en— Tom0rrow” scholarshi . A $5,000 check will of tomorrow.
. ust, doctors, lawyers, dentists or any teachers,`° be awarded to a deserving senior or graduate The rewards of a program such as this are
says Lindsay Elston, a fifth-grader at Albert student football player, manager or trainer as great as our childrenls future. ln the words `
Farine Elementar r School in lvin , Texas. who is utsuinv studies in education. A total of 7- tear-old Peter Wootls. a first-vrader at the
lr g P e> 1 e»
W1IllOL1[ teachers we would be nothin . of $335,000 in teachin scholarshi s will be Bronxvrlle School in New York: M Y teacher
S 3 P g )
A world without teachers is unthinkable. given during the 1992-1993 academic year, made me realize life is the joy of learning], E
But a lin erin recession, cuts in financial aid makin this the lar est cor 01'8[C su orted The thou hrs of our children on the value »
_ d S g S P PP S .
iii; and uncertain career prospects have caused a scholarship program associated with college of a great teacher in society are mirrored in
itlwav, shorta e of students enterin the teachin football. the words of the American historian Henry
. S g .
1’l“"“ rofcssion. There is an ur ent need to recruit The ro ram, develo ed bv the CFA and Adams, who said: "A teacher affects eternity;
_ S P E P . .
highly skilled educators. Hitachi and the underwritten by Hitachi, Ltd., is based on the he can never tell where his infiuence stops.` l
Colle e Football Association are challenvin belief that both football and education strive lt is with this sense of vision that "Hitachi l
I ew g 1
Americas talented student-athletes to help for excellence. Both require leadership, team- Promise of fomorrow" is endowed. The tal-
reverse this trend. work and discipline. Nowhere are these quali- ented young people who choose to go from ,
At toda `s half-time celebration, a tribute ties more evident than on the ulayin field vlayin > field to classroom will have the o not- i
_ l . g 1 . in Pl 1
will be aid to the mer ina ofs.orts and edu- todar. And nowhere could these same uali— tunitv to vuide the next reneration of stu- ,
I g ¤ P } fi . a 1-»
‘ cation by announcing the `“Hitachi Promise of ties be put to better use than in the classrooms dents in realizing the promise of tomorrow. E
. . ·. 4-.. ·, .
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H \Vheu Wildcats and Bulldogs mee; well, you can expect u fight  
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  V; .   ". V   A     V       , From one of the ,
'  ,’’, V A ,       V ·       f   y  
‘  »’’`     KV r          .1 ~.··   coachs dreams,  
  »»c’ · A 1 N   .  V'   V 1  
} 1   3  V, V /·_4      A ', ,V~ VV Aj   A   , ’ _ AA,   ,.,t .. ’ Kentuckys orfense  
  1   I   I/I I     I  lll             W°“ IM AAI Md  
          /,»    ( " AA A   ’ A     ~=; A  _' ‘·V,_ , ,    A H what if the much-  
  ¢'r      I. I I A A   g l   V>;;‘ Y  A   '‘‘A Q'   A     improved defense
          ,   VV  .     ecl
          -;fA V.lAA   ’5v;t   ‘AA   A*~’·   had 3 l><¢l<>W-¤v¤rA- ,
    V` €‘`          5 I  ·   .....r   age outing? LSU du
' ' A   A'*’¤rZE:?;   · ‘ V ! ,· ‘ `z  '`A“i``  
lj .   I V     only had the ball EE
r xi 2   ‘ A      QII   19 minutes, hardly C
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, . ·-   $*2  . ,· t —  V  ·‘· ;   ..v, ·   » Ear
Ar ‘ V VV   ·V A A5?    ‘`V‘           Kentuckys back- `
,   I ·. V   i·· A  I   . ,,V~  A 3      - —·   ) »rl   A . IM -   V mt
s V .   V   s     A<   A       > A r AAA °I“II“€‘I   1
  ~ ` ‘ .     A‘s‘l         l'l     244 Y¤f I yl];
     A    ean lmasr lr rs singular _
1 vision, his blue vrint lor the 6 , s Y , , W V 1 , , , , .
V _ _ . V _ I l992 I\I2N'l`[Cl(\ SCIIILDULIL 1992 Gl10RGl1\SCllhl)ULh Er-
1 proerarns lnrtrrnes.       ( I 0 H
I 1A`xAerr rlre rnosr optirnistre o1` lirns some- _ _ ( 7 - ) (,7 - A A I
1 V V . A AV 4 A A Sept. D CENTRAL MICH. 21-14 Sept. 5 at South Carolina 28-6 HN
, time lrrrtl rlrerr srsron tlorrded bv events Q 12 F1 _d 1 S 12 TENNESSEE 1 4
~ V V V ‘ t * . t ; - . 4 - HU
g llls&`lL`11$_Q1l1\`\l1`l11§Sl\1 road lrrssesor‘rnar1gv TIN qt OH I 9 3% CIN 5 5
’ rr ral tr Va our rrr- 1 rrr rrr X ar sraair *€P‘· I9 INDIANA 37* SEPA I9 CAL $I·AIAIIII· 56'O “`
. sk t` Q {Ct .
R (Vlmlim H lwmu Sept. 26 SOUTH CAROLINA 13-9 Sept. 26 OLE l\/1lSS 37-11 YG
I 1, V AA A A . A . . A Oct. 3 at Ole Miss 14-24 Oct. 3 at Arkansas 27-3 gf)
A srrr ( rrrrr remarrrs rrnelrangetl rn his O 17 L __ S 27 ZS O 10 GA SOUTHERN 34 7
. . . r . . ; t ouisrana tate - ct. . -
_A resrrlve. the l'.1n`1`l1.ll llame ol lxenrrrekv CI A ' `
  .   _ A _ _ .V ‘ Oct. 24 CEORGIA Oct. 17 VANDERBILT 30-20 OF
lrrorlxrll. \\ rn or loss. trpls or bearrtrltrl, A___
. ._A. _ I . .A Oct. 31 l\11lSS1SS1P1’l STATE (HC) Oct. 24 at Kentucky an
rrarl-hrrer or lrlossorrr, hrs rrsrun rs alsvavs A A A
Um ll AIMIA W) W ‘ Nov. 7 VANDERBILT Oct. 31 atPlor1da(]acksonv1lle) {QV
 _1·.— · K r .. '... .
. . . Nov. 14 at Cincinnati Nov. 14 at Auburn SI1
llrrs sveels esVerAsAr¤rre has sornerhrng to ,.,
I l V __ . V . A A. . Nov. 21 at lennessee Nov. 28 GEORGIA TECH CAI
roast alrorrr - rlre lrrst srt road ssrn rn
` rrrrire r spell. .r r 2 reeortl. .r rAeal ehariee to , _ A . _
¤ . pO
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    ·  ~   .  if » ‘  - _ i
 A :: -r   G A     s   TONIGHT S GAME NOTES 1
  »r_-’ " W   .,.    
  Yr . _   . Q   1  · ._ gi g THE SERIES · THE coacnns 1
        1   L  L A   ‘: - 3     Series Record: Georgia leads, 34-9-2 Kentucky: Bill Curry (Georgia Tech ’65)  
  _· 1     Wg  T   H :  V`__   First Meeting: 1939, in Louisville; Career Record; 68-70-4 (13th year)  
    »_·_     ii`i     Kentucky Won, 13-6 Record at UK: 11-17-0 (3rd year) 1
TTZTTTTT   _       _   ‘_‘.   _·  In I-€XiUgtOU? Georgia leads, 16-5-0 GCOl'g13Z Ray GDH (Georgia   '
_   _; _ " _     ln Athens: Geogia leads, 17-3-2 Career Record: 25-17-0 (4th year)  
AS if   O     ` T L   “`.‘r I   Neutfal Sites: Tied, 1-1-O Record at UGA; 25-17-0 (4th yea;)  
Lili;     `'~_      it cit,   THE LAST MEETTNG PLAYERS TO WATCH  
1 {Rinse     1991 in Athens. Georgia won, 49-27 Kentucky Ojzense 1
E And   Game Recap: 8 Kurt johnson, FL (5-7, 147, Sr.) ,
much-     Georgia’s freshman quarterback Eric 21 Doug Pelfreyg PK (5-1 1, 183, Sr.) T
€{€nS€ Zeier threw for 302 yards and two 16 Pookie jones, QB (6-1, 192, So.)
Y_aV€1__ echelon in th; Egst   touchdowns go §;qldthe Bullldogsl to 68 Todd Perry; OG (6-5, 292, Sr.)
, , division o t e   victory over t e i cats in t eir ast 1
1€LbSa11 SEQ, and that will   meeting. After a topsy-tuwy first half Kentucky Defwe
hmdlv be tough.°°   Georgia sat down with a 35-20 advan- 4 Sterling V/ard, Rov (5-1 1, 182, Sr.) 1
1 {O dg The baddest   tage. Kentucky sliced the lead to 8 in 42 Dean \We1ls, Str (6-3, 243,1511) ‘
Bulldog in the   the third quarter behind Pookie jones, 45 Marty Moore, LB (6-1, 239, jr.) 1
S back East invapgs giorcp- h h I who hit 110 of 112 passes on thqg day f1pr 1 Brad Armstead, FS (6-0, 188, Sr.) 1 1
Ed Om monwea t ta ium tonig t wit teetr 120 yar s an two scores. ut t e · 1
. gleaming and gums salivating over the Wildcats would get no closer, and Geargiu Oyjfknse t
2;;; division crown which is within its grasp. finally fell, 49-27. 5 Garrison Hearst, SB (5-11, 202, jr.) 1 1
kl And Georgiafhaj falleq on1y once thi? year alnd THE STO INE 10   Zeier, QB (6\jX}2, .220, So.) J ) 1  
can’t afor anot 1er oss, as tigit as tris RYL 1 re Hastings, R -3, 180, r. r
iidslfli seasons race has proved to be. Kentucky (4-2) has been energized 71 Alec Millen, OL (6-7, 278, Sr.) 1 1
fmmh Ray Goff `s team has reason to believe by its road win against LSU last week, 1  
mmim that won’t happen. A renaissance of sorts and needs an upset today to step to the Georgia Dtfrizre 1  
S has occurred in Athens, and the confidence front of the SEC East division race. 58 Mitch Davis, OLB (6-3, 237, jr.) 1
back]. of a rejuvenated offense and crunching Georgia (6-1) is well on its way to a 54 Greg jackson, DT (6-2, 246, Sr.) 1  
1/Cd` WC defense has won over players and fans alike. major bowl bid and cannotlafford a 24 Greg Tremble, ES (5-11, 185, jr.) 1 p
bccmm I The Bullqogs 11avel11unkered doxgn in stumble this evening. 42 Randall Godfrey 1LB (6-3, 218, Fr.)  
As wt Ei.-1ii§g°,`E§Laii§° r.»Z,$,.§      1
Scatback Garrison Hearst, quarterback
E Eric Zeier and wide receiver Andre is the meager 11.6 points it surrenders per have Georgia`s number in Commonwealth (_
Hastings have been Georgia°s prime game. Outside linebacker Mitch Davis, stadium over the past few years, if you T
28-6 movers. Hearst has lit up the conference, tackle Greg jackson and free safety Greg believe in that sort of thing. Two years ago, 1
31-34 and the nation, for 1,061 yards through Tremble lead the pulverizing defensive Doug Pelfrey hit a 32-yard field goal with
56-0 seven games. More impressive is his 8.2 squad. seven seconds remaining to snatch a 26-24 1
37-11 yards-per-carry average while rushing a This is a team that leaves precious little win over Georgia. ln 1988, Kentucky came A
27-3 grueling 19 times per outing. margin for error. from behind to topple the 1 lth-ranked
34-7 Zeier runs the attack with the aplomb “(Georgia has) really picked it up a lot Bulldogs, 16-10.
30-20 ofa senior, though he is only a sophomore, in the last couple of years and they gave us Nice memories, to be sure. But even
and has passed for almost 1,400 yards thus a terrible time last year so we better work Curry the idealist gives way to Curry the
1 far. His favorite target, Hastings, has hard,” said Curry. realist in these matters. Yesterdayls win  
snagged 27 tosses for nearly 19 yards a That shouldn°t be a problem consider- doesnlt ensure a win today, heid tell you.  
catch. ing the magnitude of tonightls game. Performance does, and execution, and 1
1fGeorgia’s scoring average — 34.7 And, one might argue, there is one heart.  
points per game — is scary, more daunting other factor at work. Kentucky seems to Thats the vision, win or lose. i
Kentucky Fonllmll   5

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    ··~· ’            
i» .} oy ' '·.·’ I? J '· "   Yi
  ei: er .>’ /   .1      
·         ’’*.·· 2  
I   S - €l‘lC&lll S
r   V·>·   ’ ’ ’
, ‘ V*A=   Place/zzc/zer Daug Pelfrey zs Zzvmg a dream, but 1ts all true
` v
` M RK BUERGER uate work in `ust three-and-a-half ears. as much as I felt like I should. I was `ust
i Y 1
Hm, C0mmu”imti0m- Pelfrey and his widely acclaimed foot kind of bitter about the whole situation,
literally exploded onto the SEC scene in but I was excited to be here, because it had
  ,   . ,     ,,_, ,_.,   ommitment -— the life of 1990 when he booted a 32- arder in the been a childhood dream to la for UK,"
    er  ¥,;'w r :     F f%?;"¥’i4 =( Y P y
  ··,rt~ r   ·*r·*= ’   any college athlete is filled final seconds to beat Georgia, 26-24, in said Pelfrey, who considered baseball his
  ,i<,.4.»’=,,   _ _ _ , . .
ig? ,’-‘’Q     with it. Commitment to Commonwealth Stadium. The kick also best sport.
  ·.._.   ‘,.     the team, to conditioning, earned htm a scholarship. The Edgewood, Ky., native abandoned
Q     to the classwork. An ath- fhat day against Georgia may have his baseball career after that disappointing
: »r `‘:r`     » · · ·
,   letes level of commitment, been the true beginning of Pelfreyis story- 1989 season to concentrate on football. He
  crit        _ _ _ . . . .
_ and ability to live up to book career in Kentucky Blue. Certainly he was voted best defensive walk-on in the
that commitment, determine the athletes had written a significant introduction, spring of 1990. Oh, did I say defense?
sticcess — both on and off the field. launchinv a 50- ard field oal on his first Pelfre ori inall intended to lar defen-
er Y Y P 1
· Ilow about playing one of the most college attempt, but the Georgia game sive back for the Wildcats. Oddly enough,
uressure— nacked vositions in s norts » trul started Pelfre on his walkon-makes- it was his success as a kicker that ended
l I l l Y Y
placekicker 4 and changing classwork to good-and-beco