xt7g4f1mj59p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mj59p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals 019 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.19 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.19 1939 1939 2014 true xt7g4f1mj59p section xt7g4f1mj59p ` REGULATORY siamrzs, BULLETIN No. 19 JULY, 1939 <
I I l
1 Kentucky Agncultural Expenment y ;
· I
Stat10n y
lnspection, Certification, and Transportation of Nursery
~ Stock in Kentucky with a Brief Report for the
Year Ended June 30, 1939
w. A. PRICE and HOWARD G. T|LsoN l
p Many inquiries are received each yeur from nurserymen
and ethers interested in the sule of plants. To unsxver these
questions, the Kentucky Agricultural. Experiinentz Station thru
its Enttnnelogist publishes eueh yeur un intiernnul bulletin. lt
contains infornmtion 1'Cg'&l1'(lillg the interstate ll]<)\'(}1]lQll'[ of
nursery stock; procedure necessary te ebtuin licenses; discus- ·
sums of some recently introclueetl insect; pests und diseases; und
hsts the lieenserl `t]lll'S("l`}'lllt‘ll. tleulers, uml ugents.
Notice to Nurserymen
3 lf youiunanne, eultlress, zu·reu;;·e, aunt kind el' sleek are not
· *‘<>¤‘F@ctly or completely printed in this bulletin, pleuse lN>iil`)' l
us in tmlcr that we muy huve the proper dutu ‘l’<>r future pub- l
hcutrens and for our office recertls. All Kentucky certilieutes  
aml P€‘1‘11lits zmtoiiniticznlly expire {lime ijtlth of eueh )'eHi‘. I
Renewals shenhl be ineule prenrptly it? ]l12lXlllllllll benefits are  
to be received. E

 l J
2 Kentztekzj .·lgr1`<·ulturol E.rperz`n1e1at Statler: I
Inspection and Certification of Nurseries, Dealers, and Agents l Him
' The Nursery Inspection Iiaw of Kentucky provides author-» . YOU
ity for inspecting nurseries and tor issuing perniits to nursery- f stm
stock dealers and agents. In order to sell or oti’er for sale ` pm
nursery stock in Kentucky every nursery or grower ot nursery   limi
Y stock must ohtain a eertiitieate ol’ inspeetion. These eertitieates A . mill
I are issueml only to those nurserynien whose stock is tountl   hgh
l V apparently free t`roin tlangerous pests or to those who take the » TM
necessary steps to clean up pests aeeortling to the rewnninentla- I  
tions ot? the State Entoinologist. Any person not. regularly wil
receiving inspection and who anticipates offering nursery steel: ‘ (IN
_ for sale shoultl apply tor inspeetion to the State lCllIOlll0l(i{IlNl, li
‘ Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. Ken- y ll (1
tueky, not later than June lst. All dealers who huy inn·sery  V dm
stock and offer it for resale anal all agents who otiter tor sale  .
nursery stoek of sonie partieular nursery or stoek on eousiuu-  I mu
· ment should apply for the neeessary hlanks to ohtain a tlealerli » lm
or agent `s permit. Sinee the Nursery Inspeetion llaw i# Sm
tlesignetl to prevent the spreatl ot tlangerons pests within the  _ ml
State as well as to prevent the introtluetion of pests into the I  All
State. it is just as essential to ohtain inspeetion tor lilll`N•‘l°}l lic
‘ stoel< that is to he given away or soltl loeally as tor that wlwirlt  ’ (li
is to he ot`ferea<·<·<·1h l°_°
perennial plants anli·  I at
annual flowering plants, greenhouse. antl honseholal potted   re:
plants. antl garelen vegretahle plants are not elassetl as ll\ll`Nt‘l`l. .
I stoek. Sweet potato slips Iieretot`ore eonsitleretl as nursery stutli ·
and suhjeet to regulation are now reniovetl l`roin this list. ¤i
Postal Regulations Relating to Nursery Stock by Pafcel l
i POSt. Ivn€GttlVc state ; i
n·s<·i‘}‘ ~ Alebulna Iowa Missouri ,
qtorli — Arkansas Kansas Nebraska I
‘ ` ‘ C0ml€<‘tl<¢nt Kentucky New Jersey .
_ mall? Louisiana New Mexico l
, ,Iil0l`1(¥t¢1t‘tI ll1I111<‘tIl2t1"<*I}' 1)]'l()l‘ to SIllp111Ql113. I 1I9r
. . . . . . . . . . J';
In adthtion to tihne; dnplteate inspeetiion (‘t¥l.‘I1IIlCtl1B$, titu · “·“
` EOIIOWIIIQQ 1'0<11lI1'(’11l01l1S 2l1‘Q S1.ll1]1l12l1'IZC(I: Y WM
 _ Wis
 {*4’ . Wy
` ( ) L1 ,_·1_ _: · Fx? Agent'; Taos ]'tet1ti11't>tI 011 — __
btate 1 I tgtsti ttion It 1 Fee r— Shlpmém
 ___;f7 -V i·
I _ I 1 has
Alabania I $10.00-31.00 for 1
' 1 strawberry growers: $1.00 ‘ Alabania permit tai; st;]1
I _ I Ky. inspection ee1·tit1e;nt·
Arkansas 1 51i5.00—lieoiprot;a1 it` I *‘ mn;
1 no agents 1 $1.00 ’ Arkansas ia;:s—2e1t~arI1 1
Arizona None 1 None 1 Ky. inspection eei·t1t1e:1t·- _
California None 1 None 1 Ky. inspection t·ei·tit1t·:tI~ {
` Colorado None 1Nono Ky. inspection ('t*I'I1I1t‘iII*‘ »
Connectient 1 None 1 None I Ky. inspection eertit1ctn··
Delaware ‘ None I None 1 Ky. inspection eertit1t·:n~-
_ Florida None 1 None 1Ky. inspeetion <‘é*I`IIII*`?II' _
Georgia $5.00 1 fiil.00 ' tieorgia tags $2.00 gw
__ 1 _ I per 100 ,
Idaho 1 5$o.tI0 to $15.00 II` 1   » na
1 sales exeeeti $200 I $1.00 I Ky. inspection <·ol‘t1I1*¤1I" 1
Illinois 1None 1 None 1Ky. inspeetioii eert1l}~·20=` 1 1:11
Indiana I None 1 $1.00 I Ky. inspeetion eertti1v·0··  ·
Iowa 1 Reeiproeal 1 None 1 Ky. inspeetion eert1t1¤‘é0·‘ 11
Kansas .ILeeipro<·:tI 1 lieeiproenl I Kansas permit tn;:L__ 1  ‘
I _   I IK)'. 111S])O<:t,io11et·1‘t1I1t`I\0 til]
Kentucky 1 $$.00 1 ‘ $5.00 1 Ky. inspeetion t·et‘ItII¤‘¤I11" ·
Louisiana Noneiftii,000 bond 1 None 1 Louisiana tag~.»0 10* ml
1 1 Gite ‘
Maine ’ None 1 $5.00 1Maino permit tag'- ‘ N1
1 1 No eost v_ _ ‘ ’
I\Iass;te1insetig Iteeiproeal 1I{eoiproeaI 1Ky. inspoetion t*<‘1`I1I1*`·‘_‘  
Maryland 1 None _ None 1 Ky. inspeetion t·t·1‘I11I*`*‘1’ ‘
Michigan 5510.00 (Only when ‘ _ 1 1   1 Q im
iI§l‘Il1S) 1 $1.00 ‘Ky. inspeetion ¤·<·1`I|I]{‘·**‘  ’
Minnesota .Ii<·t:tp1‘o¤·aI 1 None | Ky. inspoetion <·el`III1j`i‘I'
Mississippi I Re<·i1n‘ot·al 1 Ileeiproeal 1 Miss. permit tagrrrl 0*
1 1   2e.   .  f
1 Missouri I None 1 None 1 Ky. inspeetion ¤‘t·¤`I1II"1‘1' _ F(
Montana 1 $23.00 1 None* 1 Ky. inspeetion <‘t·I`\1IE"jI;  -
Nebraska $t0.002· 1 $1.00 ‘ Ky. inspeetion ·‘<·t‘1_III*·1_f4 ¤ II0
New l\1exit·o 1 $10_oo 1 $23.00 ‘ New Mexico pernnt 1.1. 1
I 1 1 -x¤ mst; ,._1 , i 00
1 1 I KY. inspeetioii t·ei‘11I}*1·1;11 1
Nevada None 1 None 1'Ky. inspeetion t¢•·Y11‘I‘··f1 · of
* NcwI,Ian1psIiire1 None 1 None Ky, inspeetion e•‘1'1}I}"j111
, New Jersey 1 None 1 None 1 Ky. inspection <‘··1`I!I1‘“*_ · I`0
Q? N¤°\\' YO1`I{ 1 Nolte 1 None 1 1{y_ i1is11(—{·1io11 ¤‘•·|'IIII‘·‘ 1
· I

 ‘ Inst cation o` Niurscri Stock 1938-1939 5
. I _
- · · Agent’s Tags Required on
State I Registration Fee   Fee I Shipment
. I I I I
North Carolina! Reciprocal I None I Ky. inspection certificate
North Dakota I Reciprocal I None I Ky. inspection certificate
Ohio I None I $1.00 IKy. inspection certificate ;
_I Oklahoma I $10.00 I $1.00 I Oklahoma permit tag— = I
I I I No cost: _ _ .
md _ I I I ky._1nspection certificate
Oregon I None I $1.00 I Ky. inspection certificate
I , Pennsylvania None I $1.00 I Ky. inspection certificate · I
I Rhode Island I None I $1.00 IKy. inspection certificate
I South Carolinal None I $1.00 I S.C. tag—1 to 5, 5c each;
— ’ °· z · ; 0.
I I I   :10, oC euch 10 I
I South Dakota I $1.00 I $1.00 Ky. inspection certificate
Tennessee I Reciprocal I Reciprocal Ky. inspection certificate
Texas I $5.00 I None Texas permit tag.
\\‘2ls I I Ky. inspection certificate
lftah I $10.00 I None Ky. inspection certificate
Vermont I None I None Ky. inspection certificate
Virginia I $10.001 I $1.00 I Ky. inspection certificate
IIII "’¤$I¤¤gf¤¤ Iraoo nurse.-ymém I I _ _
» . I $10.00 dealers INone IKy. inspection certificate
West Virginia I $20.00 ‘None W.2\I§I:$r. permit; tag, 100,
. I $ .
- Wisconsin I Reciprocal I None I Ky. inspection certificate
-—J Wyoming I $15.00—$500 bond INone \Vyoming permit tag.
(III I I I Ky. inspection certificate
.J/ ` *M0ntana—No agent’s fee if nursery holds license. $25.00 if nursery ~
has no license. ‘
INehraska—Registration fee $10.00 from states charging fees. Other
Lg`; $tP`li€S ll() {66.
lih<~:1tr· 1Virginia—-After September 1, 1030. this fee is abolished. Virginia tag
II ~ must he attached to all nursery stock coming into the state.
lifit‘HI·· I
tificxifr -. _
IIIIIIII. Federal and State Quarantmes
li lcillr
  ` Every state in the United States as well as the Federal
> government has the authorit I to estahlisli t uarantines and desig-
.IIII,.III,. ` mt? fl-HY area in this country or any other country as the regu-
  liltctl :11%*21 or ttrctls ztguilist \\’l1iCll tllc (Il1211'2l11tlll€ is p1'01ll11lga.tI*(l. _
;I_‘iI"m`I I li IS the usual practice for thc antliorifies setting np the quaran-
    ml? to ll%llU(’ the plant pcst agrainst which protection is desired
" m` I01II_ ]°loI‘1stS alitl 0tl1Gl'S \\'ll0 CON-  
•·1·IIIII.I . . a I
I ' * ..
. `*. ’

6 .Kentuc7r·y Ayrir:ulim·ul Eayperiiment Station ,
template shipment of plants or plant materials interstate should Mk
‘ l CO1ISl1ll3 tilt) PYOPGF HIlIllOl‘lty l)€£O1`€ SllClI Slllpll1€lll2   lllzltlc, . Mi]
Failure to do so may result in delay of delivery, return of ship- · Mig
ment at expense of shipper, or even complete destruction of the ·
shipment when it is found to have been shipped in violation of ` Mh
' the quarantine regulations of the state of destination. For the » Mo
. convenience of shippers of plant materials, a list of officers in  ° Ne.
> , charge of inspection and regulations in the various states is
given below. I Ne.
Alabama G. L. Harris, Acting Chief, Division of Plant
Industry, Department of Agriculture, Mont· NB
· Arizona Oscar C. Bartlett, State Entomologist, Commis- N
sion of Agriculture and Horticulture, . B
' Phoenix. N
Arkansas Paul H. Millar, Inspector, State Plant Board, Q 8
Little Rock. ° N
California A. C. Fleury, Chief, Bureau of Plant Quarantine, ` · 0
. Department of Agriculture, Sacramento.
Colorado F. Herbert Gates, State Entomologist, 20 State y
· Museum Building, Denver. . NO
. Connecticut Roger B. French, State Entomologist, Agricul- _
tural Experiment Station, New Haven. N0
Delaware Ralph C. VVilson, Secretary, State Board of -
, Agriculture, Dover. ~ Oh
Florida J. C. Goodwin, Nursery Inspector, State Plant
Board, Gainesville. , Ok
I Georgia M. S. Yeomans, State Entomologist, State 1
Capitol, Atlanta. ~
Idaho VV. T. Callender, Director, Bureau of Plant Or
~ Industry, Department of Agriculture, Boise. ,
Illinois H. F. Seifert, Chief Plant Inspector, Room 300. Pe
Glen Ellyn State Bank Building, Glen
Ellyn. Rh
Indiana Frank N. \Vallace, State Entomologist, Depart _
ment of Conservation, Indianapolis. ‘ S0
Iowa Carl J. Drake, State Entomologist, Ames.
Kansas George A. Dean, State Entomologist, Kansas S0
Entomological Commission, Manhattan. T9
Kentucky \\'. A. Price. State Entomologist. Agricultural
Experiment Station, Lexington. ` TQ
Louisiana Vt'. E. Anderson, State Entomologist, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Baton Rouge. U
Maine Stanley L. Painter, Horticulturist, DGD2ll’im€ut · t
A of Agriculture, Augusta.
Maryland E. N. Cory, State Entomologist, Board of ASW . V
culture, College Park. . E
MZ1SS21ChllSettS R. Harold Allen, Directoig Division of llliml Yi
, Pest Control, Department of .—\gl‘i€¤l““""
l Statehouse, Boston.
t .
| . .
» ` -

   Ioizspccfzon of Nursery Stock, 1938-1939 7
dd Michigan C. A. Boyer, Orchard and Nursery Inspector,
Department of Agricultu1·e, Lansing. ,
de. _ Minnesota A. G. Ruggles, State Entomologist, University
ip_ _ _ _ Farm, St. Paul. '
Mississippi R. P. Colmer, Chief Inspector, State Plant
the _ Board, State College P. O. ;
Of · Missouri J. Carl Dawson, State Entomologist, Depart-   ‘
_ _ ment of Agriculture, Jefferson City. ,
the Montana George L. Knight, Chief, Horticultural Division, , ,
in Department of Agriculture, Missoula. ‘ '
Nebraska L. M. Gates. Inspector, Plant Industry, Depart-
is ment of Agriculture and Inspection, 1
Lincoln .
- Nevada George G. Schweis, Director, Division of Plant
Industry, Department of Agriculture, Box
my 1027, Reno.
m' New Hampshire W. C. O’Kane, State Nursery Inspector, State
ms Department of Agriculture, Durham. ` ·
me New Jersey Hairy BDW`eists, Clriefé Eureairtof Plant Indus-
' ~ ry, epar men o gricu ure, ren on.
Md · New Mexico R. F. Crawford, Nursery Inspection and Licens-
' ing, State College P. O.
im, ` New York Dr. A. B. Buchholz, Director, Bureau of Plant
_ Industry, Department of Agriculture. _ ‘
tam Albany.
North Carolina C. H. Brannon, State Entomologist, Department
mi. of Agriculture, Raleigh.
North Dakota J. A. Munro. Entomologist, North Dakota Col-
l Or lege of Agriculture, Fargo.
» Ohlo Walter J. Marion, Chief, Plant Industry, Depart-
lant ment of Agl`lCllltHl'€, Columbus.
Oklahoma R. E. l\lontgomery, Orchard and Nursery
tate Inspector, State Board of Agriculture,
Oklahoma City.
lant Oregon Frank Mcliennon, Chief, Division of Plant
gise. Industry, Department of Agriculture, Salem.
300, Pémlsylvania R. H. Bell, Di1·ector, Bureau of Plant Industry, `
Glen Department of Agriculture, Harrisbur .
Rhode Island A. E. Stene, State Entomologist, Departmgent
part- of Agriculture, Providence.
South Carolina Franklin Sl`1B1'lll2111, State Entomologist, Crop
Pest Commission, Clemson College P. O.
nsas South Dakota C. A. Russell, Secretary of Agriculture, Pierre.
1. I Tennessee G. M. Bentley, State Entomologist, Department
;ura of Agriculture, Knoxville.
Texas J. M. Del Curto, Chief, Horticultural Inspection
part- and Quarantines, Department of Agricul- I
ture, Austin. s
nent Utah Earl Hutchings, Supervising Inspector and I
` Plant Quarantine Officer, Board of Agri-  
AEV? , culture, Salt Lake City. 1
\€I`mOIlt M_ B, Cummings, Nursery Inspector, State [
Ham vi_'_ _ Department of Agriculture, Burlington. i
ture. , Igima G. T. French, State Entomologist. Department I
of Agriculture, Richmond. 1
- Q

 Y ,
8 Kenfzurky Agricultiirezl Experiment Stat·i0·n `_
Washington J. I. Griner, Supervisor of Horticulture, Depart-
~ ment of Agriculture, Olympia.
t West Virginia J, B, McLaughlin, Commissioner of Agriculture,
VVisconsin E. L. Chambers, State Entomologist, Depart- -
ment of Agriculture, Madison. -
Wyoming C. L. Corkins, State Entomologist, Department ._
of Agriculture, Powell. -
, Dominion of Canada L. S. McLaine, Secretary,] Destructive Insect `
; and Pest Act, Department of Agriculture,  .
Ottawa. `
Warning to Buyers of Nursery Stock
A valid certificate of inspection or permit issued by the
State Entomologist of Kentucky is your best assurance that
A the nursery stock you contemplate buying is free of insects and
· diseases and that you will not only be protecting yourself but
your neighbors as well by not bringing into your community ,
some new plant pest. This applies to nurserymen and home
owners alike. If purchases of nursery stock from other states  
, are contemplated, it is well to investigate the locality from ’
J which the stock is to be shipped to be sure no new pest is \
involved and that the vicinity in which the nursery is located  p
, is free from state or federal quarantine. An inquiry to your _
State Entomologist or to the proper official in charge of inspee _
· tion and regulation in the state in question should bring the “
desired information. This is doubly important if the nursery
stock is to be shipped with roots in soil. It is strongly urged  —
that peddlers of nursery stock who cannot show a permit issued *
by the State Entomologist of Kentucky be treated with suspicion
because the favorite way of disposing of nursery stock whidi
will not pass inspection or stock from nurseries located in see- A
tions under quarantine is to load it on trucks and ship to other .
sta-tes to be peddled to unsuspecting home owners at greatly  
reduced prices.
Japanese Beetle  .
The third season of trapping for Japanese beetle has been ~
completed in Kentucky. with the following catches: _
1936. Two beetles in Louisville and one in Lexington.
‘ 1937. Ten beetles in Louisville and one in Lexington. ~
3 1938. Sixt.y·two beetles in Louisville and one in Lexington.

 `- Inspection of Nursery Stock, 1938-1.939 9
t· .
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10 Kentucky Agrz`calt1n·<1l E;rpcrim0¢zt Station, ‘
Traps were also placed in several other cities in the state
A i during these three years but with negative results. The ten
beetles caught in Louisville during the summer of 1937 were `
sufficient to warrant the treatment of that area as an established ,
infestation. .
, Since no agency had the legal. authority to enter private -
* property for the purpose of inspecting or treating for this pest,  A
, A it was necessary to have proper legislation passed. The Ken-
. tucky Nll1`S€1'}'1l1€117S Association sponsored a bill. which was
passed by the General Assembly late in February, 1938, giving
such authority to the State Entomologist or his agents. The
bill did not provide an appropriation ; consequently, the sum of
_ ’ $700 was obtained from the emergency fund with which to pur-
chase lead arsenate. \Vit.h the assistance of the Bureau of
Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the City of
Louisville, treatment of five acres declared to be the infested
area was completed in May, 1938. Lead arsenate was applied at F
I the rate of 1,000 pounds pe1· acre.
The trapping records of 1938 indicated that our treatment
had been applied too late to be most effective, since a number of
A larvae evidently had already pupated. After the trapping?
V results were tabulated and the extent of the infestation deter-
mined to be approximately thirty-five acres, the Jefferson County
Fiscal Court provided $4,500 for the purchase of an insecticide Q 
to combat the pest. Following the same methods of application p
as previously used, lead arsenate was applied, in water, to the
surface of the ground, followed by clear water under high
pressure to wash the arsenate oif the foliage and force it into the
ground where it would reach the larvae of the Japanese beetle
feeding on the grass roots. This work was begun September 3(lth `
and completed November 2nd, using a. total of 35,000 pounds of ,
lead arsenate. The effectiveness of this treatment should be
. revealed in the trapping record of the summer of 1939.
The timely completion of these Japanese beetle control I
measures is an example of cooperative effort. The cooperating ;
3 agencies are the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
g thru its Entomologist and Extension service; the Bureau of `
a ` -

  9 Inspection
of Nurse .
Ty Stock, 1938-1939 A
B 11
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 I .
I 12 Kentucky A.{]I'I·(fllH`lL7’(l[ E;I)])€f`li’}'IlCllt' Station  .
l Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the U. S. Department of LC
Agriculture, which furnished spraying equipment, operators,   im
' and supervisors; the Kentucky Nurseryrnen’s Association, whose ` T1`
committee members spent many hours and traveled ma11y miles _
in securing legislation and funds; the Louisville Board of Trade, - an
whose secretary rendered invaluable service as coordinator; the — eg
v City of Louisville, thru its Mayor, Park Board, and Fire Depart- ‘ pf
ment, furnished labor, equipment, and valuable advice; the Ott
l i . Louisville W&l`€1‘ Company, which furnished water without cost K Tl
and gave permission to use fire hydrants; and last but not least. te
the (Yourier-Journal. and Louisville Times, which helped secure ca
public cooperation so essential. to the satisfactory completion of re
such an undertaking. th
I V Phony Peach Disease »  
Since iinding the lirst phony peach diseased tree in Ken- 2 E;
tucky, in l5)35, the recommeiidations of the Central Plant Board H,
U have been followed. They prescribe inspections of all premises R,
growing peach trees within one mile of the commercial nursery fl)
offering peach nursery stock for sale. The incubation period of To
the disease is eighteen months to two years, so it is impossible te he
determine infected peach stock in the nursery row. since niost t hr
. peach trees are sold before they reach two years of age; hence  g °
these rect>nnnendations, Not a single infected tree has been th
found within this mile radius area. Also, the principal com-  ` lh
mercial peach orchards have been inspected at least two yew 1**
in succession, since 1935; and a total of nine infected trees l12l\‘•‘ m
been discovered in these orchards, All infected trees have heell Nl
removed and destroyed b_v burning. No new infections were
found during the past year, altho four weeks were spent by tilt - HI
nursery inspector and a representative from the Bureau el ‘ H,
Entomology and Plant Quarantine in an intensive search tut · H
diseased trees. my
t White Fringed Beetle * I,.
A destructive insect known to occur in South America. p li
made its first appearance in tlkaloosa Count); l<`lorida_ in ltl7ili· · .\
and since has spread to limited areas in Alabama. Mississippi. ; se
l .
i ` ·

  r [inspection of Nursery Stock, 1938-1939 13
l Of Louisiana, and Florida. The principal damage is from the feed-
V°l`S· , ing of the legless larvae at or below the surface of the ground. ,
lim The host plants include a wide variety of iield crops, vegetables, T
Ellis ·_ and ornamentals. Since each female lays an average of 790 l ,
thé l eggs per season, their reproduction 1S extremely rapid. Com-
mt- , plete destruction of corn, cotto11, potatoes, peas, beans, and ‘ i
the other crops has been reported from the heavily infested areas. ,
COS, The adults cannot fly and must depend on artificial transporta- ‘
east, tion or crawling, so efforts are being made to completely eradi-
cure cate tl1e pest before it becomes widespread. State and federal
H of regulations l1ave been set up in an effort to check the spread of _
this pest. However, before the complete limits of infestation
were known, a few nurseries in an area later found to be infested
A made shipments of plants into Kentucky. The Bureau of
KU"' , Entomology furnished a list of shipments made by three such ,
Otml iuirseries in New Orleans, namely; Gentilly Terrace Nursery; V
MSS lleuter Seed Company; and Newsham Florist. Approximately
    forty. such shipments were reported and the property of each
le to · recipient has been inspected for tl1e presence of white fringed
mos,   beetle. Fortunately, the distance made the cost of shipping
mm héllled plants so expensive that all shipments were without soil,
bw, thereby lessening the danger of importing the insect. To date,
0,,,,, there has been no indication that a single white fringed beetle
{cars has become established in our state. Another check will be
lmw . made of the premises where any of the above mentioned ship-
been S ments have been received.
wm The adult belongs to the group of snout beetles and is
lglflg _ ;1It>Cl>i‘<{xiii1ately* one-half inch in length and one-sixth inch across
1 M HW Tull  n. The color is dairl: giay with llgllt