xt7g4f1mj09x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mj09x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1984-11-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 30, 1984, no. 444 text The Green Bean, November 30, 1984, no. 444 1984 1984-11-30 2014 true xt7g4f1mj09x section xt7g4f1mj09x /   cri
ll-30-8M g A No., MMU.
November 30 King Fire Alarm System Check
Purchasing Procedures
December 7 Library Faculty Meeting,
‘ King North Gallery, 8:30 a.m. A
· Gallery Series  
December 12 Conducting Performance Appraisals
December 13-1U Seminar for Secretaries and ·
Administrative Assistants
L December 18-19 CPR Classes
December 19 Communication Feedback
I ' December 20 Supervisory Luncheon
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, December l", l98U
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, December 10, 198M
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
Rob Aken (Editor)

Staff Publications
= Vivian S. Hall, Geology Librarian, has recently published a new
book, ·A Bibliogra h of the Geolog of Kentuck Coal 1835-1983
(Wlllowood Press, Ig8U5. The main source listing contains-
complete citations for monographs, maps, reports, journal
· articles, professional society meetings and guidebooks, theses
and. dissertations, government agency reports, and privately
published papers. __
Vivian also oc-authored (with Mary R. Spencer, Assistant Geology _
Librarian) the Oryx Press publication, Salt, Evaporites, and
Brinesz an Annotated Bibliography (198M). `
United Way · Thank. You for Caring and Sharing   A
Congratulations to the Library Staff! The UK Librar1es' goal was
exceeded by $50.0U (with a total of $6,¤73.52).
As United Way Coordinator for the UK Libraries, I want to express
my deep ‘apprec1ation to the solicitors who made my job easy:
Trudy Day, Joyce Gilmore, Sandy Hardwick, Patty Hornback, Kim
Knight, Michael Markiw, Susan Osborn, Judy Sackett, Pam Sogge,
Betty Sutton, Terry Warth, and Joyce Welch. ‘
And a very special THANK YOU to each member of the staff who made l
a pledge or donation. (Norma Jean Gibson)
_ Library Associates Dinner
James MacGregor Burns, the well-known political scientist and
historian, ’w1ll be the dinner speaker at Spindletop, Tuesday,
March l2, 1985. —
Gallery Series P . _.
I The following program will be presented at noon in the King North
Friday, December 7 "The Songs of Carl Nielsen"
Performed by Dr. Keith MacAdam,
tenor; and Dr. Mina Miller, piano.

 ,/ ‘ Mmr ··"** #r“·‘* e iif~»~ee·"~———»—*~ »·»—»» —»——»———#»—-~-meal- .»~. M- ...»»...  1-- . ..A -“1--lll-.- . . A _ 
I Fire Alarm System Check
2 » The King fire alarm system will be checked between 7:35 and 8:00
i a.m. on Tuesday, December N. It is not necessary to leave the .
{ buildings at that time.
{ Coleman, William E. Grants in the Humanities: a Scholar•s Guide
E to Fundin Sources, 2nd ed. New York: Neal-Schuman, 198H.
I ‘T§T7"27e A §¤77.”·§H"c /l98Ll) y
i Garwood, Alfred N., ed. 199 American Cities Compared: Basic
I Data Profiles for the Nation's Largest Cities. ur ing on,
Z VT: Tnformation Publications, 19BH.
g (Ready Ref./HA/2lN/.A13/198M)
é SPEC Kit #108 A
Q SPEC Kit #108, Strategic Planning in ARL Libraries, contains one
I university plan, four library environmental assessments, five
long-range planning documents, and a two-page listing of selected
readings. SPEC Kits are available in the Reference Department.
% The following is another in a series of descriptive articles
j concerning various aspects of the UK Library System.
{ Mathematical Sciences Library .
H The Mathematical Sciences Library was established in l9l¤ with
3 approximately 300 books. The library moved from McVey Hall to
, the basement of Patterson Office Tower, its current home, in
I August 1970. There are now 15,300 books and ll,700 bound
§ journals in the collection, which serves the teaching and V
g research needs of the Departments of Mathematics, Computer
i Science, and Statistics.
’ Information about computer science software may be found in the
, Mathematical Sciences Library, while the Engineering Library
i concentrates on computer science hardware. The mathematics
, collection is one of the finest in the country, containing
complete runs of a number of journals which began publishing in
the 1800s.
g The Mathematical Sciences Library currently receives over M50
‘ journals and serials. Byte and Creative Computing bring people
l from many disciplines into the Mathematical ciences Library. A
\ i .

small textbook collection serves as a resource for those locking
for basic information about algebra, finite mathematics,
= trigonometry and calculus. Karen Croneis, the Mathematical
Sciences Librarian, is also a part-time instructor in the
Mathematics Department, For more information about the library
collections and services, contact Ms. Croneis at the Mathematical
Sciences Library, OB-9 Patterson Office Tower, 257-8365.
(Karen Croneis) ,
The following training programs are available to UK non-faculty {
employees. Programs are held in room 15 (basement) of Memorial I
Hall (unless otherwise noted). To enroll, contact Rosemary Veach Q
(7-1851). I
Purchasing Procedures December M, l0 a.m. - noon I
Conducted by Tom Fields, Director of Purchasing, this workshop ;
shows how to use DAV's, requisitions, purchase orders, and
receiving reports to make departmental purchases within E
University guidelines. i
Conducting Performance Appraisals December l2, 6:30 a.m.-noon i
How does one conduct a professional, fair, honest performance (
appraisal and see employee performance improve over the coming I
year? This workshop will show you how.
Seminar for Secretaries December l3-IU, 8 a.m. - noon !
and Administrative Assistants 1
In this two session group-study audiocassette seminar, you will Q
learn what makes people tick, how to help others understand you, §
how to deal with people in challenging situations, how to give e
peak performance under pressure, how to eliminate self-defeating “ ‘
attitudes, and how to grasp the principles of time management. j
CPR Classes December 18-19, 8 a.m. — noon Q
» 236 Service Building §
This workshop will help you give and get feedback by starting it, l
sustaining it, and using emergency measures. You'll plan I
specific feedback sessions relating to your work situation. g
Supervisory Luncheon: December 20, ll a.m. - noon g
Christmas Doesn't Have to Be Stressful 0R noon - l p.m. {

 q .
j (For more information, see the Director's Office.)
i California
E Government Publications Librarian, University of California at
Q Irvine. Salary: $21,02U-$26,892. Deadline: December 31.
i Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, University of
1 California at Irvine. Salary: $35,0o0-$56,u00. Deadline:
{ March 1.
i Head Librarian, Undergraduate Library, University of California
I at San Diego. Salary: $25,692-$¤7,880. Deadline: January 18.
L Indiana
Reference Librarian, Indiana State University. Salary: $17,000
minimum. Deadline: January 18.
Data Conversion Project Cataloger, Eastern Kentucky University.
, Salary: $17,000. Deadline: December 15.
Director of Public Services and Collection Development,
Washington University in St. Louis. Salary: $30,9UB minimum.
Deadline: January 31.
Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian (with emphasis on maps
and geography), University of Nebraska Lincoln. Salary: c.
$17,000 minimum. Deadline: January 15.
New York
Head, Information Services Department - Health Sciences Library,
SUNY at Buffalo. Salary: $2M,000 minimum. Deadline: not
Head, Interlibrary Loan Department, SUNY at Buffalo. Salary:
$2¤,000. Deadline: not specified.

 J '\
_ `A
North Carolina
= Systems Librarian, Duke University. Salary: $17,000-$20,000.
Deadline: December 15.
Director of Library Technical Services, University of Oklahoma.
Salary: $33.000 minimum. Deadline: January 15.
Coordinator of Computerized Information Retrieval Services,
University of Texas. Salary: $18,500-$23,500. Deadline:
January 31.
Serials Department Head, University of Houston. Salary:
c. $25,000 minimum. Deadline: January 31. 1
I Washington
Manuscripts-Archives Librarian, washington State University.
Salary: not specified. Deadline: February 15. J