xt7g4f1mhp6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mhp6p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-08-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  9, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  9, 1946 1946 1946-08-09 2013 true xt7g4f1mhp6p section xt7g4f1mhp6p The Kentucky Kernel

500 Women Will Be

Out For Sorority Rushing

Are You Going To Be
The First Traffic Casualty?





118 Counties Are

Sororities Release
Fall Rush Order

Represented At UK

500 Girls Expected

Dean Haselden Says; Library Has It All
TAP Goes National From Soup To Nuts
Dead-Ey- e
"About 500 women will 'go out' lor And
tororitles when rushing begins Sep"The deadly rifle spoke and
tember 20," Miss Jane Haselden, as- then another redskin bit the dustl"
women and Women's
sistant dean of
Although this dramatic sentence
Panhellenic Association adviser, hardly seems to represent source
stated yesterday.
material of the type used in institutions of higher learning, the
Rush lists will be divided alphalibrary maintains a
betically and each sorority will have University
two general teas instead of the us- valuable collection of rare old dime
ual one, she said, in order that sor- novels in which many a sentence
of a similar nature appears.
ority houses will not be crowded.
"Few students," Miss Margaret
No new sororities will be installed
on the campus this fall. Miss Hasel- I. King, University librarian, exden said. It had been rumored that plains, "have anything but a faint
t least one and perhaps two soror- conception of what dime novels
ities would colonize here at that are. The first dime novel series

some 86 years ago
and the last of this type of literature went out of existence as
such soon after the turn of the
They were very popular tales of
adventure, combat,
love, history,
and similar subjects, according to
Miss King.
While popular, they
also were regarded with suspicion
of being sensational, if not Immoral,
and often earned their
youthful readers trips to the woodshed.
the dime novel
survived to bring us vivid pictures
of the life of the times. Miss King
said. "They reflect a great deal
of the history of our early days
and afford an excellent means of
the colloquial language
and customs of the period."
The University collection, valued
at several hundred dollars monetarily and much more historically,
was acquired from a southern book
company in 1944 and includes 33
dime novels in seven different
series published from 1861 to 1909.
Among the collection, which Is
generally stored in the library's
fireproof vault but is now on display in a locked case in the lobby
of the University library building,
are three prized selections of the
original dime novel series brought
j out by the Beadle brothers around
was published

TAP National
Miss Haselden also announced
that Tau Alpha Pi, local sorority for
girls of the Jewish faith, has affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau, national
Jewish sorority. The chapter will be
Installed at the beginning of the
fall quarter.

Kappas May Rush In SI B
Members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority have been given permission to hold rushing parties in
the Carnegie music room if they do
not obtain possession of their house
by September, Miss Haselden said.
Possession of only two pedrootns in
the newly purchased house at 232
East Maxwell street, is assured by
that time, she said.
Other sororities will entertain
rushees at their respective houses.
The rush schedule as released by the
Panhellenic association follows:
Rash Schedule
Thursday, September 20: 4 p.m.
Meeting of all sorority members at
Memorial hall so that rushing regulations may be explained to them.
4:30 p.m. Meeting of all prospective

rushees at Memorial hall so that
rushing rules may be explained to
them. All women to be eligible for
rushing must pay a fee of $1 which
covers expenses of the Panhellenic
association) at this time. Presidents
and rush chairmen of the sororities
be Introduced at this time.
Rush Parties
Friday, September 20 :
p.m. General teas; Alpha Gamma

All Kentucky counties except Lyon and Metcalfe, are represented
in the geographical distribution of
students attending the University
during the current second summer
term, Miss Maple Moores, assistant
registrar, reported today.
In addition,
the University's
record, 2.908 students come from
33 other
states, the District of
three United States'
territories and four foreign countries.
Fayette county, with a total of
635 student representatives,
lead the list among the 118 counties. Jefferson county was second
with 181, and Franklin county
third with 66 students.
most distant county from the University, is represented by 16 students.
enrollLeading the
ment totaling 366 students this
term is West Virginia having 57,
and Ohio, having 50. New York
state is third with 38 and Indiana
having 57, and Ohio, having 50. New
York state is third with 38 and
Indiana a close fourth with 31.
Washington and California, most
distant states from the University,
are represented by four and two
students respectively. Three District of Columbia residents are
enrolled at UK this term. The

These earliest types of dime
els, referred to as "yellow backs"
because of the yellowish-orang- e
color of the cover, had such en- gaging titles at "The Trailhunters,"
"The Hunted Life," and "Queen
of the Woods." The first title is No.
24 of the series which eventually
reached 381 numbers. Such titles
have brought prices ranging from
$5 to $22.50 per copy at auctions.
It was these dime novels that
originated such colorful characters
Bob, Long Bob
as Lantern-Jawe- d
of Kentucky, Ben Bramble,
Honesty, Hunter Ham, and Star-fathe Slayer.
"Few libraries In the country
have so complete a collection of
source material dealing with the
pioneer wilderness section
is now the
United States area," Miss
King declared.
"A better understanding of the
history of Kentucky and the whole
area can be gained from these
simple forerunners of American
literature and journalism, called
the dime novels."



Delta, Alpha XI Delta, Delta Delta
Delta. Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha

Saturday. September 21:
pjn. General teas; Alpha Delta Pi,
Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega.

Sunday, September 22:
p.m. General teas: same group as
general teas;
same group as Saturday.
Monday, September 23 :
p.m. Parties; Alpha Gamma Delta,
Alpha Xi Delta. Delta Delta Delta,
Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Tuesday, September 24:
p.m. Parties; Alpha Delta Pi. Zeta
Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta, Kappa
Kappa Gamma. Chi Omega.
Wednesday, September 25:
pjn. Parties; Alpha Gamma
Delta. Alpha Xi Delta. Delta Delta
Delta, Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha

8:00-10:0- 0;




Thursday. September 26:
p.m. Parties; Alpha Delta Pi,
Zeta Tau A'pha. Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega.
Friday, September 27: 9 p.m.
Preference parties; all sororities.
Saturday, September 28: 4 p.m.
Memorial hall, bids are received.
Rush schedule for Tau Alpha Pi.
which does not rush in a group
with the other sororities, was not


Detailed plans for parties have
not been completed by all sororities.

Warren Resigns
Prof. Arthur B. Warren, assisprofessor of psychology at the
University, has been named to the
staff of Northwestern university, at
Boston, Mass.
Prof. Warren is a graduate of
Clark University, Worchester.
Mass.. and served during the war
as research associate in the Of
fice of Scientific research and Development at Harvard University.


Warburton Resigns
Dr. F. W. Warburton. associate
professor of physics at the University and faculty member for the
past 15 years, has resigned to take
professorship in physics at the
University of Redlands, Redlands.
California. He will begin his duties
at the University September 15th.
Dr. Warburton is a native of New
York and received his A. B. and
PhJJ. degrees from Cornell university at Ithaca, N. Y.

Veterans Meeting


Dr. Robert Deily
Appointed To Faculty
Dr. Robert Deily has recently
arrived in Lexington to assume the
position as head of the department
of library science at the University. Now on terminal leave with
the rank of captain, D Deily has
been stationed at Oak Ridge, Tenn.,
in the intelligence division of the
Manhattan District project.
Dr. Deily was formerly branch
librarian in Brooklyn Public library. He is the author of bibli
in English
and of important studies of public
library service. He holds the de
gree of Ph.D. from the Graduate
Library School at the University
of Chicago, the B.LJ3. from the
School of Library Service at Co
lumbia, and Master's Degrees in
English and Library Science from
Lehigh University and the Univer
sity of Chicago.
Dr. Deily's wife and young son
will join him in Lexington this

Dr. Sanders Speaks
Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, head of
the University department of sociology, spoke on the subject "Into
the Balkins" at the final program
of the current "Invitation to Reading" series Tuesday at the library.
Dr. Sanders will address the
Farm Bureau Federation of Madison county tonight at Richmond.
His subject will be: "Russians
the Balkans."




enrollment represents
12 per cent of the

Four students, listing U. S. territories as their homes, are from
Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone. Foreign students,
numbering five this term,
from Argentina,
ca and Cuba.

Canada, Costa


Extension Library
Adds New Films
New films have been added to
the library of the bureau of audiovisual materials, which is maintained by the extension department.
available in the fields of academic
studies, drama, and sports.
Among the newer additions are
what was done to the children of
films presenting an account of
Europe, nd wnat I toeing- uune o
help them. Two of the films are
entitled "Suffer Little Children"
and "Freedom and Famine."
A professional actress is seen in
the "sleepwalking
Macbeth, one of the bureau's educational - entertainment features.
"The Food Store," a film for young
children, was produced with children acting the scenes, and learning principles of buying and selling.
The films and projectors
available to any Kentucky schools
and community groups. Their use
throughout the state has prompted
many churches, schools, and other
to buy
community organizations
their own projectors. It is estim
ated that there are about 600 projectors in use now for educational
The University buys many of the
films from commercial producers,
loans of
and obtains indefinite
others from United States government agencies.

Whipple Will Speak
At August Seminar

An Important meeting of all

veterans attending the Unlver-sia- y
under Public Laws 346 or

will be held Wednesday,
August 14, at 4 p. m. in Memorial hall. Dr. A. B. Crawford of the Veterans' Administration will be present to explain the policy concerning
payments between the summer
and fall quarters. Dr. L. K.
Henry, director of University
announced yesterday. Dr. Henry urged that all
veterans attend the meeting.
Veterans who do not plan to
return to the University in September, should come to room
204, Administration building, at
once. Dr. Henry stated.

Johnson Appointed
Nation's First Labor


Keen Johnson, a graduate of the
University journalism department,
president of Reynolds Metal company and former governor of Kentucky, was chosen
by President
Truman Friday as this country's
of labor.
He was elected governor In 1939
after serving as lieutenant governor under the A. B. Chandler adunder-secreta-


A native of Lynn county. Ken
tucky, Johnson went into the newspaper field after graduating from
the University. Before his gradu
ation he established a newspaper
at Elizabethtown and during his
college days was a reporter on the
Lexington Herald. Later he became
of a weekly newspaper
Lawrenceburg and
Louisvillian Provides at Richmond where inbecame went
of The Register.
itor and
Johnson served overseas during
A trust fund for
World War I and was discharged
students has been established by in 1919 as a lieutenant.
the will of the late Mrs. Leila


Calhoun of Louisville.
Her will, probated in Louisville
Wednesday, provided that the income from her $44,000 estate is to
go to a sister for her lifetime. After that sister's death, the income
is to go to another sister.
Upon the death of both sisters,
90 per cent of the income is to
interest to
be loaned
"worthy" University
students to
help them complete their educations. The remaining 10 per cent
will be added each year to the
principal to build a larger loan

Agriculture Report
Stresses Need
Of Hay, Pasture
Stressing the need of hay and
pasture, the annual report of the
Director of Agricultural Extension
of the University says that "next
to soil conservation and improvement, the most important agricul-

tural prahlgmW Ttllf.k"
and maintain good pastures."
Much land in Kentucky is too
rolling for cultivation, but by keeping it in good pasture it can be made
to increase farm ihcomei the report

added: "Naturally, therefore, much
effort is spent by the extension division to educate farmers as to the
importance of good pastures and
how to produce them."
One method in increasing returns
from old pastures is seeding small
grains in fall or spring. This has
been advocated by the Extension
Service for several years and as a
result the practice has greatly increased 90.000 acres being sown
last year.
The Extension Service has for
years stressed the value of alfalfa
hay. The report says results have
been gratifying, about 70,000 acres
being sown In one year.
Strip sowings of grasses and legumes to demonstrate their rela
tive value have been made on about
50 farms, and similar tests are
planned in every county. Crops
used include bromegrass, Ky. 31
fescue, orchard grass, timothy, Kentucky and Canadian bluegrass. seri- cea lespedeza, black medic, alfalfa,
sweet clover, ladino clover, Kentucky
white clover and several strains of
red clover.
The Extension Service conducted
tests in 85 counties to acquaint
fanners with the value of ammonium nitrate on small grains, grasses
and other crops.

Horton Appointed
To Transy Faculty
Lewis Henry Horton, member of
the University music faculty for
the past four years, will become
assistant professor of voice at
Transylvania college beginning with
the fall quarter. Dr. Raymond
Transylvania president, anMc-Lai-

nounced Sunday.
Mr. Horton, who received an A. B.
degree from
Oberlin college in
1923 and his
M. A. from .Ohio
State university in 1938, is a com
with more than 100
and arranger with more than 100 published compositions and arrangements to his credit. These include
two ' choral anthologies and the
"The White Pilgrim,"
which was first sung by the University glee club last year. In 1938
he won the first prize in a competition for an original song held
by the Kentucky
Federation of
Music Clubs.
Mr. Horton taught voice in a
studio at Dayton. Ohio,
from 1923 to 1930, and was head
of the music department at More-hea- d
State Teachers college from
1930 to 1942. Since coming to Lexington, he has directed the choirs
at Calvary Baptist and Maxwell
Street Presbyterian churches.



Mrs. Lok) Robinson, studio program director, has returned after
a vacation. She is assuming direction of aU the studio's WHAS
shows, as well as the planned
Plans for a new 1.000 watt transmitter, designed by James Hisle,
have been completed and submitted
to the Federal Communications
Commission for approval and construction permit.
of Lexington
Tom Underwood
has been appointed transmitter
engineer, following the resignation
of James Hisle. Underwood holds
a first class engineer's license.
WBKY Broadcast


Agriculture (WHAS)
WBKY Dinner Club
(music and news)
7:30 Time Out (medical series)
7:45 World, state and local
7:55 Woman's Page with Mar
tha Lindsey
8:00 Music
8:15 Princeton Preceptorial
8:45 Jive Jamboree


Mr. Clayton Whipple, chief of
the European and Near Eastern
division Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations of the United
States Department of Agriculture,
will be the guest of the social sciMr.
ence seminar August
Whipple has spent nine years in
the Balkans, and is qualified to
discuss conditions there.
August 15, he will speak to the
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
social science seminar and agri1 :30
Operations Music (WHAS)
cultural groups on "Problems of
1:45 Animal Experts Dr. Funk- the Balkans; Agriculture and Rurt.hp nnfctanHino nrnsnpet.
al Life." He will lecture the next in the tryout
camp being held here Monday:
day and the meetings will be open at Lesion
narlr vmrn .Tnnps. who
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
to discussion and question.
finished his collegiate baseball ca
7:00 Round Table on Current
reer at the University last spring,
7:30 Lullabies of Broadway
has been signed to a contract with
with Jo Ann Talley
the Columbus, Ohio baseball team
7:45 World, state and local
of the Class AAA American Assocnews
7:55 Woman's Page with Mar
Two graduate assistants will be
Walter Pattee, St. Louis Cardinal
tha Lindsey
added to the sociology depart- scout, who along
with W. H. (Bud8:00 Carnegie Room
ment this fall. Edward E. Gother- - dy) Lewis,
two- has
8:45 Tempos in Pastelle Jack
man, Jr, of Lexington, is a grad- dav CamD hprA conducted the
ealrl It mi Rplrlnm
university a
uate of Transylvania
boy was signed to such a high Tuesday:
with one year of graduate work
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
in sociology at the University of ciassincauon from a tryout
Jones, 23, a
pitcher, Wednesday:
Miss Sybil Wilson, a is
scheduled to graduate from the
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
graduate of Winthrop college, Rock-hil- l, University
at the end of the summer
7:00 Hello Marjorie
Carolina, has also been
term and will report to the ColumHawkins
accepted as a graduate assistant. bus
training camp next spring.
7:15 Marge
BlaisdeU's Piano
7:30 World, state and local
W. H. "Pop" McHatton 83, famil7:40 Story of the Night
The condition of Mrs. Phillip
7:45 The Symphony Hour
iar figure and vender of candy and Boden, Cooperstown polio victim,
8:30 Listen, the Vet
fruit for many years on the cam- was reported improved yesterday
pus and on South Limestone, suf- by authorities at Good Samaritan
8:45 Musical Nightcap with
8:45 Musical Nightcap with
fered the possible fracture of both hospital.
WBKY orchestra
rhon he was knocked to X,.Q Ti J will .be movea iu
the street by a passing truck last Louisville hospital the latter part Thursday:
12:35 Agriculture (WHAS)
of the week for further treatment.
15-1- 6.

Jones Signs To Play
With Columbus Club

Assistants Named
In Sociology


"Pop" McHatton Hurt Polio Victim Improved


Veterans' Club Takes Lead
In Off Campus Housing Drive;
Canvass Started

Even At Best

Morehead Regents
Name Baird Head
Dr. William Jesse Baird, graduate
student at the University in 1930
and veteran educator, was chosen
fifth president of Morehead State
Teacher's college Tuesday succeed
ing Dr. William H. Vaughn.
The Morehead board of regents,
in a special meeting at the Lafay
ette hotel, said the former pres
ident of the Berry Schools and College, Rome, Ga., had been appoint
ed to serve a four-yeterm at
$5,000 a year, effective last Tuesday.
Dr. Baird said. "I accepted the
job in lieu of three others offered
me, because of my love for mountain people."
Formerly on the staff of the
Berea schools. Dr. Baird traveled
in Europe and in this country representing Berea Interests. During a leave of absence from Berea
In 1940, he appeared on 56 college
campuses in this country doing advisory work with student and teacher organizations as representative
of the Danforth Foundation.
was awarded a doctor's degree by
Berea in 1942.

Shropshire Chosen
Alumni Treasurer
The University

Alumni Associacommittee,
at its
meeting Tuesannual
day evening at the Ashland golf
club, named James S. Shropshire
of Lexington as new treasurer of
the association, it was announced
A graduate of the University in
1929 with the degree of Bachelor
of Science In agriculture,
Shropshire served four years
World War H, fourteen months of
which were in the Pacific theater,
and rose to the rank, of Lieutenant Colonel In the infantry.


Interfraternity Mag
issue of the
The first post-wKentucky Fraternity Man. Interfraternity Council yearly publication, will be ready for distribution
September 7, according to Jim Don
ovan editor.
booklet Is published
annually by the Interfraternity
Council to acquaint freshmen and
new students with fraternity activities on the campus. The last issue was published in 1940.
Member of the staff include, in
addition to Donovan, Elbert
managing editor; Paul
Combs, business manager, and Pete
Manos, assistant business manager.


Poultry Short Course
Eighty-On- e

men and women from
Kentucky counties and from
Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania registered for the 22nd annual poultry short course at the Experiment
Station Monday.
According to Dean L. J.
professor of animal husbandry, who welcomed the visitors, this is the oldest continuous
short course offered by the University.




SGA Assembly Meets

Monday In SUB At


All members of the Student Government Association who are now
attending school or who now are in
Lexington are requested to attend
a meeting of the association at 4
p.m. Monday in room 128 of the

Union building. President Howard
Stephenson announced yesterday.
Important business will be brought
before the Assembly, Stephenson


Acute, Bowles Says

Pay For Training

Student veterans of the Universicity-wi- de
ty yesterday began a two-dacanvass of some 4.000 Lexington housing establishments seeking
to find rooms and apartments to
relieve a critical housing shortage.
The city has been mapoed out
into 18 different sections with sc-ti- o
nleaders and from five to 10 men
assigned to each. Every house or
commercial housing establishment
in the section will be contacted b7
students wh3
will be armed with printed information cards and facts about th
housing situation.
Canvassers will Identify themselves as representating the University Veterans' club, sponsors of ths
survey and will ask such questions as
number of room available, type of
roomer desired, number of occupants per room, apartment spacs
ard number, rooms per apartment,
facilities for cocking, when avail- able, and if children will be allowed.
Informat'n obtained from the
survey whitu v.v. run through today will be recorded ai.d placed in
files to aid in placing veterans
needing housing. Howard C. Bowles,
president of the Veterans' club,
said. Persons having space to rent
who are not contacted during tha
survey for some, reason, he added,
should call the University
and ask for the office of the Dean of
Men or call the Veterans' club office (6578).
"There Is already a waiting list
of over 400 married veterans who
are unable to find family living

and Marine corps
personnel formerly attached to
the Naval and Marine corps
now have an opportunity to
get paid for reserve training.
All Naval


Navy Air Reserve base Is
being established in Louisville,
whiqh will be open to all Interested personnel in this area.
Any former Navy or Marine
personnel, ground officers or
pilots who are Interested
this training and pay are requested to contact Tom R.
Gregory. PO box 2477, U. of
Ky. Be sure to state your
name, address, branch of service, rate of rank, and the line
of work in which you are Interested.


Education College
Will Offer Course
In Store Training

A special
store employment
and training
methods will be held at the University July 29 to Aug. 10, Dr. W.
S. Taylor, dean of the college of
education, announced today.
Miss Mildred Kremer. personnel
specialist for the A lms-Dpice department store at Cincinnati, will
teach the class. Instruction will
cover employment methods, including testing and interviewing of applicants; training methods for store
of testing
follow-u- p
Instruction on the job.
and ways to organize and present quarters at the present time and
the list is expected to reach 700 by
training material.
The class will be limited to vo- the beginning of the fall quarter.
cational teachers engaged In retail September 23. unless 1 housing can
- i pl .twv,
K fcwrf,"
tr- - Inirvo
employees who may profit by the lng the critical si:uation with regard to student veteran housing.
"Single veterans are equally bad
off," he said. "There will be an aggravated shortage for between 750
and 1500 single men by fall even if
administration approval is given to
Dates for the five programs In a plan to establish a veterans' prefseries of the Central erence list in University dormitories,
the 1946-4- 7
Kentucky Concert Association have and the various housing projects ars
been set. Prof. R. D. Mclntyre re- completed."
"According to the present outlook.
ported yesterday. The concerts will
high school auditorium before aud-b- e 310 units of the barracks for sing's
presented in the Henry Clay men will be completed by Septemlences of 1.425 Lexington and Cen- ber 23 and Shawnee town for married veterans will have from 80 to
tral Kentucky subscribers.
Series membership is sold out 140 units ready." Bowles said. "But
and a waiting list of more than even if both of these projects are
100 already has been filed. Mrs. L completely finished, there still will
D. Best, executive secretary of the be a tremendous shortage." he declared, "and that is why this survey
ship cards will be mailed to sub- has been undertaken as the last
about October 10, two best hope."
program o expeA three-poiweeks before the opening concert.
The opening concert will be pre- dite construction of th e .erency
sented Thursday, October 24. by housing projects for student veterTossy Spivakovsky, Russian violin- ans was approved Monday niht at a
concerts in the meeting of representatives of local
ist. Subsequent
building and trades
series include Gladys Swarthout, contractors,
Metropolitan soprano, Tuesday. No- unions, and the Veterans' club.
The program calls for the recruitvember 12; Eugent List. American
pianist and
Tuesday. Jan- ing of 25 or 30 carpenters from various
construction projuary 28; Fox Hole Ballet, Wednesday, February
26; and Charles ects, employment of student veterKullman. Metropolitan tenor, Mon- ans as carpenters, and a move to get
approval for a
work week
day, April 28.
on the University projects.
Both Bowles and Leslie Hammonds, chairman of the Coopers-tocouncil, declared that they
anticipated no trouble in reaching
the temporary quota of 100 student
UniBill Chambers.
versity sophomore and son of Dr. veterans to work as carpenters on
J. S. Chambers, head of the Uni- the University housing projects as
versity health service,
last week planned.
Single veterans as well as married
swam the straits of Mackinac, a
veterans are applying for part t'me
feat never before accomplished.
Dr. Chambers
said yesterday work effective immediately and thev
that his family had vacationed mill be able to work part time until
annually at Mackinac for 14 years the end of the current term August
and each year his son had repeat- 24, it was indicated. After this date,
edly expressed desire to swim the and until the opening of the fall
t.trip of water quarter September 23. it is
that separates Lake Michigan from that most student veterans will work
Lake Huron. However, it wasn't full time in an effort to coinplets
until thU year that the attempt
opening of fall quarter.
units by
was made.
Harry Richman, Federal Housing
recently discharged
from the merchant marine, is ma- Administration expediter in Lexingjoring in political science, and is ton, announced Tuesday afternoon
a member of the University track that he had not yet receded u reply
team. This spring he participated to his request to Wasi.incton for
permission to place University emer- in the javelin throw.

Dates Announced
In Concert Series

To Be Published
On September 7


Shortage Will Be

Reservists To Get


ex-G- I.,

non-housi- ng


Chambers Scores
Swimming Feat





week scale and an additional allocation of funds. The plan was suggested by both union and contractors at the housing meeting MonSGA . . . will meet at 4 p. m.
Monday in room 128 of the UnA contract which calls for the day evening and was approved b7
ion building.
"blacktopping" of streets In Coop- the Veterans' club which immedierstown has been awarded to the ately dispatched a telegram to that
Baptist Student Union . . . Noon- Lehman-Robercompany. Comp- effect to Wilson Wyatt. F P H A. adday devotionals,
troller Frank D. Peterson an- ministrator in Washington-Mr- .
through Friday, room 128, Union nounced Wednesday.
Richman stated that only IS
The work Is expected to be com- carpenters new are being employed
BSU vespers . . . 6:15 Wednespleted In 30 days at a cost of on the housing projects and that at
day, Union building roof.
(.Continued oa Page Three)
$10,087, Peterson said.

Cooperstown Streets
Contract Awarded



The Kernel Editorial Page




KnUra at tba Pool Offlo at Lexington, BTentacry,
second clus awtwt ander tt Act ot March t, 17.














1H On
M Oh Quarter

Xews Editor
Rewrite Editor
Sports Editor
Society Editor




Tom Crfcorv


c- -


Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Prra Association
National Editorial AsaorlaUon

Tm Pinned' Means Any thing 'Quote

From Engagement To Hobby

Business Manager

(From the Bee Gee News,
mg Green, owo.)

N. V.
AB fir
emulous o tA wrtfert
rejlwl tin opinio o


re Kernel.


are to bt mildml t)l
do not neceuonUy

Speed Limit Isn't Enough









without the'scieech of tires indicating a close only 70 per cent of college girls
call near the coiner of the main road and exit accepting iraiem.ty do ins remain- to the altar. Why
lrom the parking area.
ing 30 per cent not do so?
Two other jiotential accident spots are the Everyone has a standardized
meaning for an engagement ring,
"blind" corners near the tennis courts and Kas- - hut t.h Kvmhnl of hp fraternitv
tie hall on the library road and at Graham pin
not so clearly defined. This
avenue near the Highway Research and Home lack of standardization is prabably
Economics buildings. Neither of these streets lne Ioremof'1 caube 01 nusunuerstanaing rjetween coupies. more
is projKiiy marked because it is assumed the than 1100 college women were asked
rule. Mere as- - to answer the following question:
driver knows the
."What does accepting a fraternity
pin mean to you?" These, in the
The following suggestions are offered as de- - main, were the answers: Engage'
373 : ,Bing teady.
sirable corrective measures:
ijo, urtuiatiuii iui
11; and "addition
(I) Remark the paikintr area iust west of garments
McVey hall, leaving sufficient room at the exit my c0"6"10"




ailiiouku uie ihsl lwu xcomiis
may not apply to Bee Gee coeds.
sign on the roadway at the exit near the Home we did find a deflated fraternity
man in the Nest once mnttpr
Economics building.
Women are the wine of life, with
(2) Install a STOP sign at the junction of bitters added;








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uLtrnf his
uvea nut











that time

o.a wc iviiiiiiw




... .
aiu, .1

ment of
Relations is scrap
keeper, reporter, "morgue,"
and sometimes host for the school.