xt7g4f1mh94f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g4f1mh94f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1959 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 30, 1959 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 30, 1959 1959 1959 2012 true xt7g4f1mh94f section xt7g4f1mh94f I V  ·ms;?;> -=    »   ‘   ;    4   *» IZ  ¢ -éVV ‘  
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VOIume XXX May, I959 Number 2    

 I .
1 I
I l
  , 1718 Kentucky Alumnus L.
ii    --.;      .
I .2 ·
Ii The Kentucky Alumnus I
‘ 1 Published quarterly by the University of  
II Kentucky on the campus of the Univergity,  
. I at Lexington. Subscrintions to non-mem ers, . V.
Y J { $5.00. Membership (Type A1 _in_tne Ainrnni COI1l'€l1l'S U I  
Ii Association includes subscrrption to the
  Alumnus. 4
E Member oi National Editorial Association. NIAY 1959 a
nl Kentucky Press Associatwn, American t _
- Alumni Council.  
I -———  ; . } - N _ 
ii Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post ‘ .,  <,~  =v» ·w= I
=1 Office at Lexington, Ky., May 1. 1952. under
  me net or Ang. 24. 1912. Edited by the Alum- ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NEWS ..... . ..,.,................,....,......,............. . .... . $1 _.
ni Association. l__,..`» aa 1
I I ·I ·7""*—· 7·’*·—‘7r’r·-···—*_T—   y  
I 1   Betty Bowen Vlliggs ................. Editor  
y   Hein G_ King ___________ Managing Editor ABOUT THE ALUMNI ......,.............. . ....,. . ..........,............... . .......,.. . .... .. 7 y   ___ _ . 
_ 1; Marguente McLaughlin .... Associate Editor   3;
y i Il Ken Kuhn .................... Sports Editor _;  ji  
1 i Ii in - . . iaia W;.-fl- UNIVERSITY STAFF NEWS __._.__,,...__,_._,_,..___,..___..___,...i_,.._ . ,,._,__,__,_.,,__. __ 13 Ia. »:,i_;;,_;a —
` I A 1 }r;—'i{'a_¥a: ,
i ·Ii· n..1§.$“G_ {§..g_€}si..,.n,. nf A1......n Arran., srours Mews - .. ......_,......... . ..... . .... . ....... . ......   ....   ............... . ..___ 1,  
I] 522 Sayre Ave., Lexington XA}; _ rh}
' I B. A. Shively, Treasurer, Department of Atl1- }·i5.}_p‘l}j,q{§
I ` 1 I I t' ·., U ' s'ty of Kentucky · . v · ~ , . .- j ,~»~..
` A y   R. f’Is2.i-{iii;] }_;$iIasRf§Ig'§;’"d Rd" IQ08, issue ol the Mechanical 2lI`l(l'"r I~*"l'lII%I"l‘» IW- IB"*“`°I "I Lizzie Bell Harclesty. Rhoda Virginia Class. lnez \\’are Luten. Helen
V I 1 ··» 1 S ('   . . , , . I
g Q1 ` ]. Stephen Watkins, 251 E. High, Lexington l)au<·‘l1erLy I-lazeIr1<>‘1.1jr];:::fg1:f¤n]?;1‘, gyaiyzrexxnlm (iliarley (Happy) Perknis. (Fourth row`1 l—Iarrv l;arl Eilort, Chzirles ll. l_ `
:2 . .. a , ‘ · , . ‘ , . ' . . ' . ’ . . - » '.
_ . li honorary) \\’Clls. Philip Lee Blunienthal. Roy \’\IlllI,llll{Cl` Sinarr. Harry ladiranl _ IIIII ‘lIIl¢I
V i {             Taylor and VIIIIOIIIZIS Frederick Hndgi11s.·(Filtl1 row) \'YlllI2\]I1 Onsley Stack- II`€I1‘ is still
f   1 orary) house, Leonard I)eLong \'VZlllIl(`C. \’Vllll1lIll l)2lll(lI`l(lS;C Reddish. lolm [III(l Iririoiii
. I i I a .. . . , . _ ` . ‘
i   APPOINTIVE MEMBER _I2llllCS ligert, \\Illll2l]Tl Redman (iornish, (il2ll`Cll(TC Sanson Btriincll. ii-C iiahlm
I 1   }1n&$;nIa. gak?éli;;iiiiyili&eyCcmcnt C0., 501 S. niiideiitified and Harry Lee Rankin. (Sixth row) Beiijaniiir Ellis \\Y1Il`I`CII l]m_,\_é gmy
A ' I wnirnrn R. 'Elack, ;;co’ N, 'satn st., pedneen 5l<>IIl. Lewis 'lliornton Marks, Willard (lrawlord Bewlay. Hrter 1-1. l,o\\`I`}'. _H_4_  
I I I Rigiad E Cooper Somerset K`,   Gus B. Ricdel. Robert Lytton Maddox, Miirray Raney; `IUI111 Sl1Cl`Illl|lI h ·\l\I¢b5
1   L..`Bcrkley Davis,,I624 Alderson Cc., Owens- Horine, Charles \\’hite. I-Ial Eubank Townsend, Robert Scliuylcr Hull. Illlll the I
  Eiiirzlobliii Paris Pike, Lexington, Ky,. (}II¢lI`l€§ $\\'il`L Parrish, Charles .\sI1ley johns and Otto 1;, (jl1isl1<1l111. 1I1i—mi.aPO
_   Wgliglxllg gI`fC°l‘“€II· ZIIIS S· Mmm H°I" (Standing) Marshall \1\Iood Shanklin. Newton Stout Taylor. jesse VIAIIIIIIIIII nic UK U
f   I N. W. Neel, City Engineefs Office, Henderson, NCIQIIIJOYS. l*`l`C·— 
ls A Revises By-Laws 3
Two important changes in the by-  
T   V . i laws of the UK _»\lumni Association .
  _       f   Q were 111ade by the executive commit- `
  IA''      ,.   .V  v·V  V l tee in their _];muai—y meeting.
     i" i¢i;2§;2>i;§¥¥‘i?%/*  W  ip     .   · . .. · .
    ·,<. ,;_:;-_;;l-gigy;.gy    ///{4)/   V A   Lilc mcmbctslnps ducs in thc
V 4 3   {     V ’   A     University of Kentucky Alunnn.   .
  ’  Y, {)V·   ll"4    Vj "‘#   . o   VV 4 I an ?_ sociation were raised to $200 for indi- .
I     V Vg /4;,   Va      ;y.» ~ ¤  jp.?   V_     X,   A   V   ~   vitlnal nieniberships and $300 lUl` lllls- _
    ,           f v        A           bitnd-wife memberslnps when both are ·
``”_ ~ gl `   . yl  C?        l         a umni.
. if A            _,    HV   .,;_         Because the Alumni Association is
1959 L;     ,.   I   I I,·   V»/,     i,/       making a strenuous effort to institute I
  (S;.   f .     .`::A   Q; {fa       IV__§  . v_   a plan of annual contribution, the
  ....    v f        *       .   . V. V;.   . * 4     yxetiultivelcomnnttpi felt tha; liife 1l](i;l1· .
. ‘’»v *?> “      ? ¢"4ji     ’       4 . . }»;,     >ers n > cues mus ie raisec rom ie
  3 . A   el     ··__ ._   _     A   ,__W   old Hhure of S50. i\[oney collected
      .     =·‘=v~ "        =l'         "l`““'``   from the life membership is invested L
  7 .   ·` ·       :,¢ p    5.  '   ..__   ___V   by your .—\lumni Association and the
 » ¤ ? ¥%      llnl   li   4   ‘’‘‘   ’ -g Association uses only the income from
_>__ 13   , _V j.,V  ..   -V ·-,    .`‘v   ··-- I It this investnient_ ·Uiitl€r the- oltl clues
    —   ` `I     J;  V. ; (‘»‘i I plan the Association received only
_           gg;  »   ty ’ l cr  ’  _A    Sl.1;1 income from each hle member-
  10     E    -:__V_       I  A VL-   `l l     ship, lt is apparent that this ainount
   V?           does not even cover the cost of your
  l7 is" ,     r ie tg;    copies of Tina ttrxruczitv ,xLust.
 · (   _;   __‘·= i   ‘‘·ii  . NUS magazine. The higher dues will
,,., 18 i‘i(’°:B:i‘%il"   if  wi"“;1`0§l`illll$-
Tennessee rivalry. Kentucky cheerleaders who conducted the half-time cere- (Q) The ]]U]]]l)Q1*O[ Clctiotl momlsoi-S
V moiiy are: John R. Bullock, Cincinnati (third from left); james Augustus, o[ the Alumni A\gg()t·i;i[i0]] ljxgyntiytg i
'l"x)°"· Louisville (fourth from left); Oscar john Stocsser, Brecksvillc, Ohio, (center). (Lommittee was increased from nine to  
lll_’C"” Ou the right is Frank Brown of Madisonville who brought the picture to {][lCon_  
SHISII Ihcnlumm Office' The elected membership of the ex- `
(Mil ecntive committee was enlarged so tlie  
Emm group could more easily handle the in-  
’ilN)l{l creaysetllprogram ol algtnnn activities  
VICH       N U   mitiatec in recent mont is. S
lpliicw · The revised by-laws provide for the I
\. Hm] \   _ Q __ V_ v_ _ _ I _ following changes: The elected 1ne1n— Q
lcs D. .- visit to the Alumni Office front paign. lhe unmet will be announced hers 0[ thc CXC(.mi\.C mlmumcc to bc  
ld“.m.(l IlIlCS quickly convinced tis that the and a prize awarded at the Kentucky- ;m—1·o;lSC(l [rom tllyoo to {leo oayli to Q
smelt- I\`ill` is still being waged and at a fast Tennessee basketball game in the serve a three-year term on a staggered ·
_lolm smtl furious pace. KlLNTUC1i\’ alumni spring of 1960. basis; That in 1000 the new president `
Zllllcu llt hghting with almost everything \\’on`t you join the team against of the .\1umni .\ssociation appoint I
  V IIlUl'l\'€ got—but apparently, the enemy Tennessee and help your Alunmi .\s- thirteen members of the board to serve
lC1.mH’n 1`lZNNl§5$E]g is Pouring fyosli troops sociation give your university another one year terms instead of the original V
· Hall. I Illlll the battle, There has been no victory over Tennessee? nine and in 1902 to appoint eleven
isholni. llircct report from Tennessee, however. You can boost our total number of members. dropping back to the or-  
Imlml} ·IIl€ UK command staff is hopeful that contributing members if you will send iginal nine in 1963.  
CSS2, IIN Kentucky team will score a smash- us $5.00 or more on or before june 1, This is done to balance the board  
g(.(.m.`l.C lll!;\‘ictory, You who are already members can and to provide appomtive members 1
Il`s a Hght to 1960 between the give your association an added boost for the two year interim period until  
` illlllllll of 1{entnclcy and the alumni when you renew your contribution such time as the total of fifteen would I I g
rilfcnnessee in a fund raising cam- membership _]une 1. be in effect. _ V

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$111111: ol 1l11· S[)C2II.—Gul[ Bltl r., Pitts-
,1 1 1 1-, _ l 1 _ l E;
  h·y112i\'C in1ple1ne11ted programs to and —l·l0 (Zedar Street, New York (1, burgh 30, Pa,
Z  hirher education by matching the N. Y. Yom].- & ]{u|,j(-mm h,(;__’1‘hc xjouur ·,
*2 · ' ‘ , . . 5 · . . · 1-, '
it  t*0i1l\`1bUU0¤$ 01 1110% €¥“l’10YC€$ who Tl1e B. 1·`. Goodrich (Jo.—rl`11e B. 1*. & Rubicatn 1‘OUll(12ll1OI1, (jorporate _
  l1a\‘€ gi`i*(1U¥*l€<1 {mm im i*€€l`€(1*[€d 1*1* Goodrich l·`nnd, lnc., Aid to Hi ther (Jontribution Pro *1*:1111, 285 Mad-
»,, . . , . . . _ 5 _ _ 8
T3 »till1U0¤· (·¤`**¤1U**[€$ oi me UIUWYSIIY liducation. l)ept. I006, 500 S. Main ison Avenue, New York, N, Y.
°‘ l‘“‘.“'“k" "'h" ‘“`° °‘“!j°"°‘l by “‘° 5*-· Akmn 18~ Ohio '1`hc joitasml rotmtiatatm-1t...,1.W,
mms hijtcd b°1‘{;‘l Hwy ‘u ;hCl;\lAlm‘l Godfrey L. (Iabot. lne,—(Jahot Foundav \\'iseonsin.
Mmm 1 Umtilmtmg [Oi lc .umm UML IHC-. 77 F1`i\11i<1l¤l Sh P»<>Sl<>¤¤ The National Lead Co.—The National
Frmd a11d their contributions will be 10 Miss Iclld Foumhtion H1 B_ _ 1 __
_ _1]1;1[C1`1C(l by their firm up to a stip- i , . -. _ ’. ° , ‘ , ,’ l°‘l(“°`1’
. . _. ()\\'C]lS·(1O1`l11llg liherglas (,orp.—Com- l\ew York 6, l\, Y
ulated amount. 'Ihe General Electric UC [ \. ll Ll t. I O US )
_ Company smiled the Progrmn and Over tgt;]   ;Jf   fj] C lil lg)! T(;lidO loytcts, )1cr11r1, lor>tc1)k (,l()Sl)y, Inc.
. , . _, ` ‘ `(` Q _` ` U 1* _ 1 ` · ` . , `.
50 graduates ol Ulx have contributed 1 )8llll‘§’ 1 clb is 011 )3 lkml (*€mC1> ]h‘l"(1°1l’l“" L
this year. 1[ you are employed by ’ m' ]"·
my 01 these hl-,hS_ hm,] your Check Stott 1·l1>€Y_(·<>111]>·¤¤}—SC0ii Palm! UL Burlington 1Il(lllS[l”lCS—Bl.1l`llIlg[Ol1 ln-
totlay to the UK .-\lu1nni Fund, Student 1·<>¤¤d=¤¤<>¤¤. Chester, Penn- <1USll`i€S F0l1Hdali<>n, Box L—1.
Union Bldg., Room 124, U. of ]{y__ Phelps Dodge Foundation—300 Park Greensboro, N. C.
Lexington. Ky., along with tl1e "match- .r\venne, New York 22, New York. The \\’arner Bros. Co.—\\’arner Fund, _
ing (`m`l)"1`**lC "lummlsn lotta. “’hl(`1l 1‘lill`I`iS·111[CI'[\'1)€ (Zorp.-l—larris-Inter- I“‘i·¤ Thc W¤¤‘¤¢r BYUUICYS C0-,
may be secured from your personnel or type 1·`oumlatio11. 55 Public Square, 325 L"[“Y°“c SV B*`idS€l’O“ 11
public relations office. and the amount (jloyohmrl ]3_ ()hjO_ l (·0im· W t U `
  l"“ Send will bc matched br Your The Glidden Go—Secretary l)()Il'lliOIlS ('lcvclnml Llct-LHC Ulmmmumg (;()`*
"““l’*m1" In this WHY UK Tccclvcs (Ionnnittee '1`he ciiaaétl (Zompany (immuiucc Ou SubSU`iI)timlS' 75
*¢ l><*¤¤*·t W ¤*¤¢_¤¤<>¤¤>’ wu ::·_~‘¤- mm ttaaa.1 (1011l11l€l`(`C mag- (Ileve- (_H)'l;;"’,Q"]3°l;;"‘f* $"“l§”€l"",‘li $_)"¥f’· S _
.\meru*an business is dentonstratmg l;m(l ]4_ ()h{1,_ ' _· _ ' · v“‘·_ Ulm} ‘·""·‘ ·*·"
L ¤1¤*<>¤gl¤ the Matvltitig C<>¤‘1><>¤‘=¤t¢ The (·r·a¤1—·.1 imotis ihmtl 2Gti l’·trk mm Mw Mrk lv N` Y` i
g humhhs Pmgmm hs mmmsl m M_ \\_CImC New York 17 New York ltnn>alt (1l1Cl]1l(E.llS lound.1t1on—l’t1· V
yixting higher education. You can help .1.hL “,llliIl yl. nd Sud (_ “,lll. Smmcl R¤1=·¤··>¤» DCl’l·· 1)Cm1$i‘l1  
~ . · z ·t· .·· .1.- ;1n··*- ·.   : .· ·. .
mh h`, Scmhhg Yom. (.hc(.k Und the _ y B ‘ o (»llL11l1(¢llS loundatton, Pl1tl.1tlcl— 1
_' . ' 10111, (1411111. )hi.l o 111
neres>ary lor1n today. _ _ · 1 · —» ·-
Thc l.0h()“_im__ (_OmP_miC` (_m_Pm_ Smith lihne ik French 1:()llll(l1lllOll— Russell. Burdsall tk \\`ard Bolt kk Nut I
U ‘ ·• - » · · · ` ~ _ . · 1 _ . _ ~ . 1
. . . .. S tlll ·l··; . o. <·.·t· z· . ·.·.—  · ·
mg m this Pmgmm: ` pt cw \lIl1lll`S ot,1 tm _ _] j     oip nu oi ,
. ‘ Spring Garden St.. Philadelphia ol Organization Planning. Jones k s
 V Name Address l, Pa. Laughlin Steel (Zorp.. 3 Gateway ?
hw C, Tl U _ _u_._ C) CCH _l__l 111»mt·a *1‘e1to—-1>it·mm—, 11t»mt~atTC11o—  1’¤¤s13¤rgh 50. Pa- _
2 ` Llcttatlilm lthillllf uui(éE;lit;i)TC .\ltnnna Progrant. Bonwit Teller. D*`**1><>¤`¤¤01¤—C<>1l€%<>(i<>¤¤`il>¤· j
»·`i· *; 2;   -.. ‘, , ,. ·   ..  . . ·
_ ) I _ __ _ Q hhh __\\.chhC_ hc". yo]-h_ ]\_ \_ tion Ptogtain. Dtapct (101])., llopc— i
l·und 1 () Box /*11 Ossininv V
· ir i i ` 1 U l \\'il*y Q Sms ln` \lr 1:l"lll`l` dum` Mass' i
hc". york _]o1n cl .. tt .. t.—l `. . t > H` vl` _P' kl _1 C “O_r P W N _ll
V _ _ . _ Lobdell VICC-1)l`CS. and 'lreasurer. (" Ul "( du '°_‘ ji`) _ag° *h i
ll. *1. Grant (10111l)2lIlY—l)ll1)ll(T Rela— Iolm “·ilc\, Q ooh; Im. _1_l()If()lll.lll Rib 1*2110 r\1l0, (·1\1li01`I1lil.
tions Ofliee, \\'. 'l`_ Grant Co., l¢l~ll `\\.C N(,“,'Ym.`k 16, N Y The National Supply (lo.—Public Re— I
llroz l ·: *. N· ·Y.rk 18. Ne ·Y ·k. A M . . i. i __ lations De 1t.. The National Su 1 ily 2
N 'K “ I1 L" U “ wm McGraw-Hill Publishing (1o.. Inc.- (IU,. 2 CH£c“_;“_ (;c;um_ Piusblgrgli 1
h lite (.hase Manhattan 1i2lll1i——bC(`I`C· _·\(l1]1i11l$[l`11[Ol`. Gilt—Matching Pro- hl ‘ i i ·
tary, il`he Donations Committee, gl~;hh_ y[(—(;m“·,Hj]] puhhghihh $],,__ _I_ck[g`;miX· lm_~__l_Cku_(mix Fomldw
lhe (1111lSC Manhattan Bank 1·oun- 1111;, 33411 \\'e5t —121l(l St., New \()1`l·§ li H 1, O B N Q,.] l,m__l_ I 7 ‘ t
tlation, IS Pine St., New York 15, 36 N_ \'_ U ` ` ' L (J ` "UK ’
:T N Y _ * A _ ‘ V _ ` ()re.
I ` Nm-1""i‘1_D'$UH€1`$ jk (·h€“1“ii‘1*_ (**1* 'l`I1e l)ow (lheniical ('Io.—Dow Matel1—
retloi Ul h (Ginn & (111...190 li, (Lay Stn (joltimbus l)Ol`2l110.11-(lOlll1ll·l[LCC lor .\l(l to ghg (;l~;,hl ph,h_ The Dm`. Chcmhh] l
t·111i¤t1¤W*l lli, Ohio, lidneahtion. National Distillers & (;(,__ Mhihhhh Mh»hihhh_
!‘j$QQ'ljfQj_  ttm.-start(;...—,,.-1t..1.c.—Stal(:..1,... Q';f{‘Qj;fk§·;;"gL_`fT‘Q,(Q;§L"k ·""""*`· 1*=·····*`=·<*¤··j·*¤*`~ 'F`¤·~L C$·;-*T<‘¥$<·¤·¤9* ;
°)_ ` hm .\itl—to—liducation Committee, 1921 L \ " ` V D°]’l·‘ Ldu°“U_‘°" uml, l1`*{'"'"g Dr 1
***}· ·_('  lh·0ud“.h},v Oahhmd ]2_ Cnhl—m.hh,_ (lampbell Soup (iO.—(i2lll1(lCl1 l, l\ew yistona Nlanulatiturers lrust; Co.,
the WJ-1 _ * ersey . New \0rk. l\ew Xork. ,
. l·€ill h l)O1`11'1]1(l (jement (`0—‘\ll(‘Il- ` ' K- · · · · ~ —
ta |lt*1¤ 1 `%g ;1;j ;A l_A t i§ ‘   A C I
. , . €·*;_,_>s*     , JW “>·5 
l_ I1:1sketI1:1lI (’l)l\('ll l‘l`}\l]li AI(`(¤lll\`C gave   _-V  1-;;jA  AAA   . S O
I the I)'Il](llI(`l (`l`()\\`(l ol 11111·1‘ `IIIII 1»11111I   ‘ <} Ez 
A ‘ A 1 A A ` ¤ ‘1   5,, ~   .  V ' D1`. O. _
1 11<·:1so11 Io11 l)l`l(l(` 111 Ill(`IllSCl\`L`S \\'I1(‘lI     ie.  XA' };    ’ (lem .m(l
. . z - - -=,:· .1  1 rm    .1 ‘
h1· 1111111l1I1n1en1eA1IA lll(` |:111s (` . ,        *1   Q?   A l;lmlllll. (
l Il`Ci\[Ill()lll ol \'I$IIIIl’ l(‘1lIIlS 111 Mu *¤- {   **7* w - . . .
. A _ Ia A · T 1 111111111lI1 1
AA \ll()l`l2ll (j11I1se1A1111. hl('(IlllI`C also 111111-   A   .   ll.gc_ l`Oll(
' }{l`IIllIl}ll(f(I UI1 (111:111h 1\(l()ll)l1 Rlll)l) i _ `     _v_,   _   ___v__   { A H (·lll~l·m.
· - .5     ..~~— » --··-·—··»»1_.; · . ' '
AI and lllS l)I2I}'Cl`S on il SlI(`(`CSSIlIl season.         ·_‘‘   A A Ill \. g 1 ll`. lA
I ‘ 1 ‘ . _ A    ‘i_ __.,   ._;_     -·—- ~ --·--»»-—»··- »»—· — ~-- A- Am . ‘ ‘ 1 AA
_ ll (1o:111h l{lIl)l), 11111, (QOl1ll)llIIlCIllC(l the { *1-A EAA A   A A l»_V A A   1; A - D1`. \\ 1
Q Ians 1111 thei11 I1eh:111io11 l.O\\’2ll`(l visiting Q I `             . AA l1:1s lilllglll
l 1ea111s 2ll](l 11o:111hes and IIILIIIILCKI tI1e111 “   `         J 4 °  . II`III* ·II ·I
I lor ll1Cll` lo11:1I11·. l{1I)) also th:1nke1l ‘·1· A =   . v 1 -1 ‘   1 _1,_   1A    $1. 1611 ye-Us
1I A 1 »A I   A - _ , A 1   , A · z   .  ._ .     1
the Uh te:1111 lor then l>erIor111a1111e  1; _ *   . · "·,_ ifl ‘¢ 11—·-.» ; -.-·»- .; —_,;   11._     ’_   ··=1   1 ,._,,_..     III? l’III’II
, _ _ _       · , `2   — ,_ AA     » I.  ,,,_,_ ’_ - 1_   A   A _
. and hIIl(l. ` .-\ 2*1-5 record IS good enough ·-me ___v   V__v 1 __-.: A ·_—__V-   AT;  _._._11, A   ____ A _=_v A {Q;} »,11¥   ___;     ___» -AA-;.A; ·11--. = gg.; f..;__Ag A>;'__v__   1.111gI11 M
I-(n_ IHC Alnyliluclyy 4   .1». x_._.s :.1   ·- _AA_   _,11,.;j"I’__1;=;z¤:-     A .. A l1"l\,t,l.slll
  (llmlll Rum) was lulm. glwll ll Officers of tl1e UKA]eIle11s011 County Alumni Club recently n1et :1tA the lmmq 111   (l
» llrllmlc when llc was l)l.l,s(,mC(l ll (Cl, Rodney Beck, l)1`€Sl(l€lll. Shown are (lelt to rnght) Sammy Lee, 111110 l111esi1le111;   ‘
A llllmlc lll, UHllC(l press llllcrmlllmllll lieek, $:1111 Blythe, dtreetor and john Harralson, SCCYCUIl`}`·ll`€2lSlll`Cl`. Not $11111111] AA AA l:lmA
A. lAlmlS\.lllC l)lm,"u (lllcl Alolm l)lCll.l(.ll rs John R. Croekett, :1 dnrectoni. The Jelltrsonn C()\lllly Club meets at ll()()ll 1111  
  Us -·(:lml.ll Ul the \,·(,All.~· lu ll lll1l Poll xlle hrst and ll'lll`(l Th11rsdayA0I each lnonth at the Henry Clay Hotel in L1111i1. A'_IIlIAI”'AIl
, lnlmm, (bx mls llmscll lll lllmllm. v1lle. Alumnn illld lIl`l€ll(lS ol the Untverstty are lll\'llC(l to Alum the gl'()lll)_ X11 "A:A‘;A(;€;l
A ‘ .‘ . . .   ‘ .. ., .   .. 11 * ,1
~ l)()II lor 2\Il-.\IllCl`l(`2\ ll<)ll()l`S and was I€*€I"“I°“* ‘“'~ “c'~°”‘“l· AAAAllA AAA A]
. . , 1 1
lj ll gl\'('Il :1 UPI (`€‘l`llIl(`&llC. AMAA gmt
I‘ 'lIll(j l11·1111-il1;11 :1111:1111I given :11 the TO APPEAR ON TELEVISION MEDLEY APPOINTED 11111-aug
I1:1111 ll(’l was tl1e .\II>e1‘t BCIIIIIHIIII . , 11*111*1l ar
_ I _ , A ._4_ .A I A ()11 S11111I:111, May lt), :1 te:1111 ol col- \V2\ll1Cl1 Medley, 3l, ()\\'CllSI)Ol`1), 11:11 `I _ `
. 1 (1l1:111dle1—\\\I.l\ ll()l)lI\, gnen 1lIl— 1 . . . . . 1111 the 1
. ( , , 1 , lege students lrom Uh \\`lll I1e seen on been :1l1l>111nted il n1e111I11·r 111 1l11~ . . .
1 1 1111:1Il11 s111111: l.I;1I. (¤()\'Cl`l]()l` (1l1:1111IIe1‘ . . , . __ , .._. . ,, lll\`I$l1)Il.
1 1 “ . the ll2lll()ll2Ill\’ televxsed (1155 C1olle>1c 1;XC(`lll1\'C Connntttee 11l 1l1e II1 . -
I 1 1
1 l)1`(‘S(‘lll(T(l 11112 ll`()l)ll\' to SCllI()l` lohnny ,   _ ‘ _ A 1 J YIII . Aj A. . A , 111 l,I~I;1 1
A (A A A_ HAA/AAAAAA AAA LAACAL AA\CAAA~)AAl_AAiAAAA_ howl show \\ll(1l LIL) meet tl team 1\lum111 .-\sso<.1:1t1on to se1‘1e lllllll NI;11 AAAAAAIAAAA EAA
A , A Mx U A _“ ’“ A   A AAA°A   AA IAA A1A A ° Il`()lll another college in :1 battle of 31, 1961. lAA_A`AidcA
' l III'~