xt7g1j979g29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j979g29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1971 1971 1971-02-04 2020 true xt7g1j979g29 section xt7g1j979g29 ,4 f 4 '
I ,. . .
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an E ates rep or res: en an ace '
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B.‘ FRANK 5- (ZUUTS I” kill" RUN ”.\\VK!\5 \Vt‘iitlelstloil .tittl \ltholl ll.t\t’ lit't n lill Ming, Willi . ti 1,44 “.1. :9 i . 4 , i 4 . , . .-. .4. “1-; ‘.
kernel lzdlloi's tutt'h ()lllt'l ()\t'l lllt' p.tst t\\o \tmls in .m .tttrinpt pl up 4.4, p1 :4 in 54.44 i.“ . l , . 4 44 , . ,‘ 4 . ’. I I.

lhe Stlitlt'iit (Lovei'nineiit t'lt't'tioiis tti't- o\t~i‘ t\\o to \\()t'l\ out .tii .tL’lt't‘lHt'ltl \\lit‘lt‘l»\ thn txto ‘4\tit|l(l \ltlmtt hl4 1.4.,6 l4,4. t . 4 . , "‘
months il\\‘tt)'. hut the presidential t‘.tlt(ll(ltltt'\ :ti‘e .tl tint on the s.tin4- [It‘lxt'l in Ultlt'i to lllill\ lllt' lllti‘lJl 44in Hi kl'Iitlitl‘. ,' 'é'.
i'ettdy int-keying for position. \ott-. \t-itht-t' Althott oi \\'4-ndtvlsdoit hone-wt \toold \lrl...ii 4L4. ,4 4,4,4 .. 4 4 , - 4 4 , '5‘: 'L ‘

o ‘ At this tune it tlppt'ul'S tllt‘t't' \\ill he loin pi't-sitlenti.tl (‘Ulht'lll to running,» th4- otheis \ltt' pitsidt-m 44.4] 4-4 4.4,.- mi tl,: 4 4 41. ~ ., . 1'" ..
t‘tlll(ll(l;lt(‘\2 Skip \lthott. t‘lll't't'llll\ SH \lt‘t‘ pit-siilt-tit. 'I'ht‘st- int-Minus. held .tt :\ltl.ott \ “minim 4,4. “4 twp: 4., m, i,.,, 4. 4 , ,. . .'_,."' ~' '.

llen l'lett'ht-i' tl nitinlit‘i‘ ol the 8(5 :\S\t'tlil)l\. Ilt'll\ (lest-tilted ln .v\lthotl 4ts 4t “pirliniiimn nouns in 4,4,. pipmp, H. ,7 4 ; 4 4 ', 4 . I”
[411.0112:tlol'llit‘l’\pt'ul'x't'l'nl theS(§ .\sseinlil\..tnd St-ot lore .tn elm tion." \ltholiuh \Vt-ndt-lsdoit 44nd rim. 4!...” , 4.,4 ,t . ,l 4 .. , . '1 4? ‘ 4 ,

' \\'t‘n(lt'lstloi'l. editor of lllt‘ Kt‘tllllt'lx\ ('oiniiit-ntatoi'. .t "('ollld IH'H'I HHIH' to 4m JL’H'i'Im'Ht UH lush twin-V 1144.! illilll‘il41 .44 7"", 3: L‘-
l)lll)ll(‘;ttl()lt oi the l.l\\ school. he no“ (lt'\t'lll)t'\ then it-l.ttionship .44 “tm m'l: .441 \,\4 .d. in .43 ,, 4 , . , E 3“: ,'

'l'his t'.tiiip.tiuii hits the potential to he liltlt‘ll liltnt' \ei's4ti'it-s." 14.4, H, .' . , >,‘ ,L
ltlt‘t)lt)!lt'tlllI\ ()lit'litt'tl tli.tn those in lllt' p4tst. l)l".tl\ Lllit‘it- ls .dw wine 4p“ 4(1444. 444 t , it tl .. \hi .4 4. 4 , 24‘ . , . . . -_,- “IJ ,

', int; on l't‘lttll\t‘lI\ (‘tilth'lN4lll\t"lll)l‘l’.ll lll!t‘\. .\ltlioll .tiitl oi \\t‘lt(lt‘l\(ltlll toiihl \ll on thn limntl d i i'is'ii 4 4,? ( 4 , “124]" "I.

- t . . 4 . 4 , 4 l l I I r ‘4. '. ' " ’. .
\\t‘ii(lt'lstloi’l (‘Ullltl l)t' t()i|\](lt'lt‘ll lilit'i.tl \\itli \\t'll(lt'l\ ('lt‘tlt'tl. lo sit on the ln.4ti 0. 4t ‘ “‘Ill“ 3 )lll‘u" ‘L. '
t‘tllltl‘d\t‘ltt‘(tlitllll(,(iltlt lti1‘\’ '-“'-' ""‘l‘ i“"“"‘ ‘ 'l‘\‘ "H " j ” l i \ v ' 5'1 "2~
' , _ 't‘ ‘ :',.t:i ,i ,’ .4 ‘ I.
(ltt). Knit: .tlsti liiotluht tlntlflt“ “ ”V“ l‘” \‘ll' "‘ ‘” ii‘wl‘“ Wt“ "-444- l.' ~L ‘31 L ' L h 4 l l ll: - 4 $4 = L' .4 v
_ 4 44 i . ' l 4 \; . '4 . , . Watzl'w. pith ,n'i‘iwh 1' 4 ,' ’:.
titttiinst Di, l’hilip(.iwsst-iituttiM ”<1“! “til“ ”“11 “HM nth-UH 1' t “'1‘ \ 41' 4 . 4 4 i l‘ l 4‘ .4 7:'- . ‘,.

mil a iotlt lL'Nll\4tl on his lttllli 4-“ “"“l‘ll‘dW‘th“1U li‘F-lmm' llii' ~-'.l: 4? =‘~ "- ‘ ~ .' ‘lmk il nil/d; “mi H L. “3-5:". ;' 'C ‘4

list seinestei notinteineiit l)\ l’resi lent \i\on \ Nifli \ .41- 4t": 4 1 '4 ..'. ' .4- lliltrflull m in ill‘ll tum“ ' "l ' ”‘1. '» - '

4 . . . ' . 4 4')” 5;;4.‘ 0.4,“. .4; 4.4 A _ I-;I‘~ . ‘,\I.I,HI.III._ .‘

L'itdt-ntootl [we pm.” ,hkmt p, in \pril ml .idditiwiml t ltthtlxs giwn t-4 M4 suit I 4 ‘. 4\-- ‘ II'I “ "'K'u H'l( lHl rmm i4I . . f. .c’
(“le5 “hetht'i the imulwnpnp heyond those .ilie.itly (listlosed Hll\\t'tl .tti\llilltL: th44t \i-iiil‘l till“ ‘ll'lIlU;r,lI’,“,' )l' '0 “ ”ml . ”4,I-,. 4. I. ';
inent peit'eives the “Hap,” as 4,1 cheis s.t\\' the tllH\t' \llillll\ d.tiii_[tr the \\tlliil|.t\\ il . t ‘- ‘~ In)!" pro M," ”H" dl l)” tent .. , Li}, f,‘ ‘4‘. '.
4 . 4 .. 4 .4 4 4 ,3" .I - I, ., .‘

threat :is .iii opportunity lot I t. (-en. troops. \(l( 3“ ,mmllldllig “n (”"1”rr;“;' 4,4 '4 , ,4 . '-. 4.); .. -: ..
L ‘ 4 4 - - t s‘ ‘..:. , . 4 .:.' "* ' > ‘ - v.44, .-."
“33"” Charles “'11”. \vastilso Ho ( .to lll. tttl Aggressive held In tomiimnds the 43rd litllt ’0" n ( ‘ p m, “h l 4 .4, . .. . . , 4'4“! ,4 4,-
invited. hut deplmfit (UltlllttllHlt r. to (ltlitttr Ht“ t.ttt It uion. “lHLli lllt ltltlt.\ \ti- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44m i" ,, \\='4’;.i:.i:~ :3, 4 I, 4. 4,4

.-'4L‘-L~ t':./

4 . _ 2v 4" _ :I“ 4.: II; it}... I tI

\L 53.5. I 44:44, -' " . ~ , 54., j. i_ I‘: 1'.

Kittiii'ZE"'---I- n? ' 2.4- L ' i. .' ). li' " "LL

>44 » ‘K 4 L t S‘ E l l"
" “1“, l" l: A: L .'
V4 , . .. , . ‘
' g " '4» . : “an ' ‘ ' '
‘I n i 4 l». , ~44 . ‘I T .‘ II! x I
> . . . 4f" I? . 4 I . t
' . . ‘ 4 ,. ' 44-. .,t4' .
‘ 'I;;Ef"}_i,,’,’.j‘4? ‘ .~ 4 ‘ .. ' .4 4.. . 4 f. 4 I . .-
0 ir;:::~ t ‘ ‘* ' . .
‘ 1.14512 ‘ ’"~ . 4 * _
. ' . . r . 4 4 . . ' . - ,_ - , - - . . L ‘
Approntrnattly 7.) students .tttuIidedIan orientation muting of tin tutoring program. Diane lohes. tentei. tootdiimtoi oi kll)‘. out "
KIDS gt ff KIDS (lu‘mmklflm Interested III Disadvantaged Students) tutorial lined this semester's plans. Mllith intlude .tdditiotml twining \t'ssinns »' '
k u program in the (Iomplex (Zommons last night. Dr. Edward Blatk and the opening ot .I new tutoting tentei. L 'L '
hurst. the group's fattiltv advisor. spoke on the ohjettives of it Kernel Photo lh Huh tirewcr I" 4
\, -

‘I—THF. kFNTi'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. Feb. 4‘ I97! ________________________—___————————
" 7 (N t ‘ e P e ’ Gr ' I N b ‘
W . soas sus I‘ a {s OWlflg 11 um 61‘
. [OS \NCFHW \l“ — lhe pieiuhei. Not one is o\ei 30 and peace—to—all approach that was miles west of Fort Worth. after obscrs'ing the huge success ;
‘t-‘ltl heiuls ot \uiiset Strip know man) ot thein aie hai'el) 20. the trademarkoftheearl) ”flower Dietrich says converts taken of nonreligious ”underground ,
flitin as _lt'\t1\ Fieaks Duane Blt‘ssltl‘ who \iHH‘ 1967 has L'hildren” movement. in at the re‘cue mission are sent papers. l
l‘oli l\~-!. in Hollywood talls iuiuisteml to hippies on the “I haven't had a down day to Texas for intensis e religious ”I said to It!) selt,Cixl.what s I
. 'lien lisus People Down on \trip. estimates that between 75. since I found the lord." says training. Then they're sent out wrong with us Christians that '
"i - ' ' skitl ii'\\ tlies tall lllt'ill\t‘l\i‘\ 000 and 100.000 young (Talifor- Bob McDonald 23, a Children to preach the Bible and make we don‘t realize that this is the "
‘ . (ill-ml“ H ..l (ioil iiians now are ”iri'esocabl) coin: of Cod member who admits he other youthful ”street people" way to reach the kids, he said, i ‘
‘ ‘ . . m Jm Mime tlli') ’ii- 1mm nutted to the Jesus Moxement.‘ smoked marijuana and was a converts to Christ. ”Tllcbt‘ kids are ”Hull. t0 “1N1 ,
_ .i s. Htllt'lll (Iiiliioima‘s touthtul ”It s unorganized and there s heasy drug user before joining Pederson‘ a soft-voiced 32 satisfaction,” Paterson said.
i ' l\'\l|s \toxeinent. a laigel) It" ‘l‘ll‘ll ”l H””l’t‘lltl‘)“ 3'11"”! tlls‘lt‘slls Movement. year-old entertainer from Hast~ "'l‘hey've tried everything—sex. '
g * j I ‘illltltlt.‘\\ theological new wa\e 11mm“. mid the 30—year—old The Movement has no central iiigs, Minn, began his twice drugs. you name it—and now
.. ‘ , ‘ ' .at to the uninitiated appears (-reenville. \liW.‘ native. whose denomination‘ leadership or monthly free religious newspaper the)'re finding satisfaction inje—
2 . I . . A be Billx (lzaliani as i‘\pl;liiiul chureli— a sign calls it ”Is headquarters. It operates under 1.3 months ago on an impulse sus.” llt‘ said.
v a , ' , oi Timothy Lear). You call see l’ldu‘ —is a l‘dllhlhtshlt‘ (“1* different leaders in Anaheim,
. ~ . t at owls "Mn is a \o—No” .7 ston building Berkeley, Bedondo Beach and '
' _' a spiasul Iii ml on the lies Ai‘tliei lhe\lii\t-iiit-iitf~l)) ”HM fish- San Jose, to name a few. an 1/ ates repare
. . itlessilt s lilaik paiul tiuck iieai’ “11m" lt Milli-Elli tll" 1“ 1965-09- The Children of God for ex-
_ ' I .. ‘ i the \iil-st'l Ship .1 gaiiiii an iia is aiiiml at ,wutl: and lfll by Bl- ample, was a wanderingreligious . .
‘ i. . .' M ”H mHm “(Wt-”t JpwiMHr lili~—stiiil,\iiii1)oiuig tundamenta— tribe led b) Arnold "Joshua" l'l P 1 t l R ,
‘ . - i' xii l; filing we is and piiséieis, lists who seek a-\tlllilt'll\lis‘ Dietrich, 29. It began2 1/2 )cars 0r rreSl/( 8’1 la ace )\
. . ‘ , ‘ s' ,H H Ali Alli." 1v l“ [rm-i \tieet (.lllhtlitI‘A: ‘ f l ago lll‘lllh iiati\e New York Cit) (‘mitinued “am Page 1 "VHH'l‘lF “Hunk-inn; i in].
‘ . ‘ '\Hli s lliilli. axooti i ii». [filo-i Some IN' the language H ‘t {t‘ and picked up conVerts as it mm; to, st; in. slilt'lrl
f . piers 1s «.aii-ltlg‘iiiiiiwl l.t'\\sr illl‘lL' k‘lllllllt' ‘15 Atllll'ti Blt'NHlt 5 traveled the countr). preaching 'l'lie iaiulidam ol lllt' tliiit'n 1,1.” Nut ll” in-‘qil‘ Ht ‘ t
i -.V . 7 3,...» v V pussmi-ii iis it 3? .9 .lllli) wii tolwlis ftn‘ls't‘l adorns the Bible in a fast-growing taia— iii|i\l‘l\illl‘.t' leaning «inilirlnm ,,Hiii,1s,.;eii.ii. loin i . on, in, 3 (
- . 1,“ng 1.“, H i; i _ iii-11m. Raymund light polesoii the Stiip and Bid variol cars and buses. is less (lt‘llltlli‘ ii “limiilliiis. i! {trilllll‘il Hat l t
, = :1pr pi, gig ( Km,“ t'l\i=li s ”l in ~lliiili oll lllt‘ LUH’ lt found a home at the i'e— ll 4 1 1 W] 1 ,1 ,\ I look, l o
. " ai‘ iii d, ma. dfi: , , iv ii 1,4 l \l livi‘ ltlllHlHl \lh'lst‘h \tllt‘ mission eight months ago. 'l1.\1(!‘ \ IN I” M l!“ l”! \lil ”In; 1 ~ ~ e ~ )= l i l r
, -- ~ . i - sii . 4‘ tfilll "\ s‘fis ‘t \.ll-‘ ‘l‘ ~‘ 'l'l‘l “\ ’l l‘” ‘
i. ., y I ' -, ‘ .., (‘iiililsu : ( snoop: shortl} after the mission sownei, I H'H ll l l" ‘ l- l m), ‘51 ‘ Hg”: i” {i ‘j M “a .-
I' . m s; ititllll»g (in Bill: s Hath ll‘-‘~H'\i‘1.dllI'tilt't‘ltlit‘llimm‘ the Hex l’red Jordan, allowed 3‘) ”I“? ‘ {‘1"‘ll;""w. I ”H, l ”my HM ,. 1‘ ,im \ h
. , Vi; j} i,“ “A iflmiwmud n aliuz: s drug \Lt’llt‘. pci'uiissise the group to set up a training ””1” ”l m" ‘lm' Jar 'H—H!‘ i“ X Mn N
., 4 ii :-a u sun !.'il\'sl‘i!: »*\‘.l\t‘(l \i.\ an? HIM? \Iiilnl .(ijtlHll 1)!"r headquarters athistOU—acreraiieh I‘leii l!!! sais iiilluw liin. .i. , "M“ H ,r-wl -. "W12.” I ’l
‘ i lifliilttllzs’llldlhl telexisioii “A“ “llth ittlitliilllfl tlll‘ flt'llllt‘. near ThurbeL Tex” about 70 “ionst minim" his lot lsiszs ii tin l m l“ T“ i. ‘ H i I l ‘ . l (H
I h \ M (A ii \‘I lit\ in. iii; k
l y if “Kill I .’ ,1 ll tit-iiiatioii HI I lil\t'l\ll\ tlt't‘lsliixi l s
' <2 V liilll i-iiisiia‘i Hi‘isi‘. it ‘ I“. .
~ ‘ / .milsirn‘ituig l‘\l\l‘lli(ll\ ‘.\lil'll it NHL“ V ll
’ i ‘ . “ \ li;tll\l‘ (it \l.l\\.llll’i\(‘ll\ if
‘ ' I ‘ ‘ ('Hlili's to \llltlt'lll iiuiits. l «in l 1 .
, . , ,, illlli ii icsimnl wl l,(‘\ill:l n. in:
I l ' \l(lt'l' iii\ sell inoie of .i lliiNlt'l.tll' .
; , y l ll lt ) .. l i [,1 l 1|! lllt‘ past eight \t"tl\. la'L‘eii‘ is M
' V . ‘ o o iii-ia ‘l"~ (‘.tlll\ ‘«-<.e ,> I . I.
' i- ‘ . ‘. - a lust-Mai giaiaiate \l|l(l('l|l iii (‘
p ; F e b l‘ U a r Y S P e C l O I ‘ /_\_‘ l’letihi-r sin tlliat his plat mm(.(1mm,,|_ g.
. ( toi'iii would probail} locus on “M; the election \HH h“, a
. ’ . -~ , 4 f0 ‘1 p'm° SUHdOYS ll" lllt‘ academic atmosphere at lllt' months a\\a\_ 1|“. [whirli h” l”
. ' i ‘3‘ ‘ llll'lH'l‘llll”(Milli-1lll-rllil"'\“’”l‘l I)(),\\ll)lt' 5(L Illt‘sltlt‘llllitl t‘illllll W
. ° . \‘\‘C:. ilk“ l" W“ ‘l "l““ll“lll“l' "l dates :olilil «liange ((lll\l(lt'l t"
' ' ’ "Y e Ium Izza \xa‘v “M ”m the ‘ulmimsh-iiii'ii {inc 'i‘i..v l.i«‘. an: mm iii.- m
.. ii .. , . V, ,_ ii i‘ i. " Y
z. -. . . , V. , a J 7"‘i""‘ l""" “”' ““"HH- l’cniiiiigton. \lontgoinen .Hltl m
‘1 ’~ ‘. ‘ r _ W'th one Item \ lll’l)l\lll\\lll(‘ natiu, l’li-t~ ()‘Sllt‘d an no longer llll'illl'tlli‘il 3
[I ‘ (her is a junior lllillHll'lL‘ iii por .is piisiilcntial t'.ll|lll(l.tl('\ is in 3 "V
' If, , ~ I No Deficious 99c U.K. If). lltit‘al si‘ii‘lit'i', lllt'.lll\t' Hl llll‘ llt‘tllt Ptllllllill
.1 , ! Dollars Honored Student, FOCUIt)’ 0r ,lt'll‘i lit'th‘l“ s.i\s llt‘ ls Hlll' \tt’llt‘ l)ll t.lillllll\, Ilrlillsi llii‘ liiis '
:‘ , . . .' On Special? R Staff Required] (lt‘(l\l\t'” (ttllt't'llllllL‘ liis pos \ll)lllll(’\ of lit iiitofoii' unknown
, ' _ s 5 89' $165 ” \ll>lt ('aiiiliilais. student [)tilllli iis HHIHHIQ toi M.
. ’ [phone 255.000] 4] Easfland Shopping center ull‘ll!‘ possiliilit) lias l)t‘t’ll put president itlt not too ti'iiilil\
: ' _ i w l” ”W” \(t\\ lJ‘L't‘I't'. U-HHl ll!!! ”“11”“
w , a ~”LLClGFIt GHter l l "1 SC 9 U G
' . _ . .i ,. , " '- ‘ ‘I ' . v 1 V w . .N _ _ . { ,
A , l 1 iii» \l\ .i ii iwlm ‘i‘i ion; Inn l‘l-ZBHI‘XHV 2. -)—~l\m/i‘ in \l (Her
V_ . . _" f“) 7 _‘. "s )‘ ’ -V . . _ ,_ ,,
‘ _ l i ma \li\ l_. l). liv—l ( Iii/(i 1* mm mm 1:). l i——Io/)u('(‘o Howl
.' . _ _ ' .w 4" J (> I) ‘7 ' ) ‘ ' . . ’ , ‘ . ~. .
. . V . l i mu \m ll -0 _l~—A\Ii/ 1.1”]! (fin/xiii!!! l‘iuliii't‘fsii‘i' 22 24‘1"!“ iii l’orkei
- l’i'iiui‘sm 2U 27. 2S—l’isl in Poe/wt
I'. I. . 4 l, ‘ v v v v . Tl
, _ MARLII 9. l()—.S(1(l Song of (1 telloic Skin and m.
i , ” I, .\l.-\ii(‘ii 5. (i. 7-——Tll(’ Fixer 7111-“ 1-" H “l
, ,. MAHCH 26. 27‘ 28—2001" MARC“ 23. 24—7710 Sea CU”
. . lVlARCH :30. 81—If
‘ APRIL 2‘ «‘3. 4—Brmnie and Clyde”
I o F" 1' n
3 . Amuii $1 10. ll—Loces of Isadora APRIL 6» “‘Plfll' ”(V-“”710" 18‘ Fear
. . APRIL 16. 17. lS—Tlie Fall of House of Usher APRIL 13~ 14—7719 Mower Thief
Amur 2,3. 24‘ 25—Naked Runner APRIL 20. 21—6103er W’ah'lied Trains
' a ' APRIL 30‘ MAY 1. 2—Tll(’ Hobo APRIL 27. 28-RCII Desert
, *Saturday Night Showing in Ballroom

 § 3 . ' 4 .‘333. 3
_ MW THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL Thursday, “4L 4, “WI-‘1 i 2' ‘3 ~ .
l C (ll t l l t ° 9"” ' *9. :::::::-. 91f g ,. - ‘l .
; ammons 4(1 8 ,erm ll lgh Lug --~::::::::.. mlts. .. ‘9 '
i . ’ *-.:::::::--“.:'w 9 ’ . - 2 .
i "l B ttl St d t ‘1' t b d 999 . *
i a e 0 u en as e u s it ...». y g _ ,1. 5 , . .. , . -
9 - . at, .n. a» . .. . - . . .. . ' * . 2 r '
ll ' . :22: a . .3 9 “ - ..-..‘a-W «$-2- -f M . . . . , ,
at l BYJIM “ICHT say that you should hold it back Also the committee has ob— -4 3 ‘ :2; ‘l ' A 39; 3-: 1.33333 3 :. .' 7:27” ~— -.' .s _3-: 3. -3 i
w ; Kernel Staff Writer for a couple of meals before ser9 tained permission to play record °ll llllfi’ l l 9’ “" l .- .1; y. l '9 ’ '1 l
[1_ ; How would you like to shop Vinil it again. explained Miss albums over the public address _ . y . . ,, *lr *9 - 3 _. 3 3‘ . 3 3‘
id . for the following list.” Myer. ”but I go ahead and serve system during the evening meal. . . _ Il 23’?’ l M lllll ‘7 ‘5) l; .l .l ‘l 'l l. l:
i .. it at th .t 9.. 9 .9 .~ .. g - '. - . , . . ,‘
Cl. ‘ 480 pounds of [op Hound. . e “ell meal l0" know \long “1th the “m” «Dre “l: nm ll! " ' ' '9' " 9.
‘ that if you were at home and paration and servuig ofthe feed ‘ ' ' ' 1 . Wm“ ‘- '7' r ' - . '
X. 500 pounds of com. . . . . ‘ 9% ‘”‘ fl ..M m. we? ’9 ' ' ' - *‘ .. .‘
w 60 ”Mom of m" 3 had dessert left over that you one of Miss Myer s biggest con- fl 93., ‘39 - ‘2 . ...... :3;9~\ .k‘fi . ;~ . ._ 34
to 1502mm“ ofmillk Would go ahead and eat it the cerns is that of theft. ”To a . ... ' ' 99W"; ““93 m ; m3 ;3 31, 3
120 che ,l )ie‘ ' next meal. Now, of course. there student. the taking of one glass " ‘ tr. l ’“ ‘ 3-5 9 § ll" '1 '.-‘-.’__'
00 "'3 l " are occasionally selections which or plate doesn't seem to be that .9; ' W“ All ' i 'l l l __. - l -. ' 9 .
3 __ yelloyy Ctlke§,3 by] 1-2 feet. 3. 3 3 3 _ ' . 3 . gaff?“ ’ £33 ,..933_ '9.\ .213 32333131 - _ _ _ W -3,_3, {35- _ . . . . 1 '3
_ we offer that the Lids Just won t big of a crime. but inst think of .. out? '22.? ' . M‘ 9* '- 9 - ‘; '
600 bowls of jello. . ~ ' . . ' J‘s. '- ,m 9.13;; w? - v: ' :2... . - 9 » 9
, . _ eat. period. ()ur rule on some- the numbersweareworkingwuh- ~ ' ./ ...: t4“ '2 2 ;— - 2 ' * . * ’-
9 100 gallons of f niit drink. . . .. . . . . .. . . . J 9:999 ' . . ‘ . . '
, thing like this is that we Will if every student thoughtthe same .' , 9 -' ‘l. a; r a . - . .. 9
166 dozen rolls. . . . ’ 22%ng . \ “ . . '* ‘ .- .~ '9. 9 .
~ 3 serve it for no more than three way. we could lose 2.400 plates 3’ 9%” 3f \3 .- l ' l9 l
» ”f0 you think that “'0“l_:ll"’_ld meals and if it's not eaten in or glasses just on one evening "I / 79 ll" “ . ‘l = “ll ‘ l'
2 . {llal'tll;ll\clov:llle (if! "mull? Tm that time then we just have to meal-it adds up quickly." The (.omplex (.ommons (..iietciia has tom sen §-: llllt's \sllll ll l' l.
|. i lWOlltld Q'lttltlt a” if: Ullelllrlllllllt throw it out. And httclduse 0f the Particular WIN: "\(‘I' 3.000 \llltlt‘lll‘s. lllht' (.llt In l.l li.is H'1 t‘lltl\ .tutlt‘tl lt‘I oitlt-tl ._ .lZl «l l‘ 'l ll .
. \liss lMyer is the mana ”3: of In addition to her staff at type of3china which the cafeteria itiusit to the dining .llllltllelH'H‘. th itais iii the l).l\( Int.il l\l imlio .l _ 'j
. l .l - l9 lll . the Complex. Miss Myer just uses. it adds up even more stations had been biped into the dininu lmll. \ (Hillllllllt't‘ oi m. '-l2l"* “'l';
: the lsim an-Blanding (.ommons ‘ "kl' '1‘} - .} - . k . . . . 5 =9; ‘ *-
9- l (l'ifeteria and she h,” to prepare us the other cafeteria managers. llllll 3~ 33‘} 11nd. noun as (lt‘iils lioiii the tlniniitoiics has llt't‘ll llI\tIl\t‘(l iii seeking siir l: '. ‘l ' ’l 41’ ‘
3' l three meals a day for her family WOTk-‘i With a food committee pyroceram. ll- lalll ll) be the lllllllglll' l"..l‘
f * ,- _ . . composed of represenatives from m0“ durable china that can be l -l - ' ' . 2' 9, l
0 approximately 2.400 (.omples _ , bou ht lnald'ti t 1. .- t ' .9 . 9t
\ "d .9 . - . the dormitories served. These g - ( ‘ 0" " “VINE 0 _.- _ ‘- _9 -_ . .
1 rest entsvsith meal tickets. . Withstan 1 th gulf 't , f . .9 ‘ .2 -... -: ,
3.. ()f .1. , committees were set up to work 2 _ ‘ e ‘9‘ (”‘2 “ 99"“ 0 3."; i.
course. 5 ‘9 does have help. - - 9 the dish washers these dishes ‘ ' -' "
, 9 y f , — - With the director of food Ser- ‘ ’ " ' '. 4‘ - ' 3.: 3 2
m he orm 0f oyer ‘70 full-time - - - are almost constantl’ in motion l ’l ' '- '
I; x l . 1 - _* Vices. Allan Hiemic. and thein- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l -' '* '. a “ ,l I
. {Hip oyces ant 140 part time _ , _ *ind 'et thrown and bat d - .. , . ,
, l ., . . . . .\ dividual managers in order to ‘ L . ige '9. - 2 " '
(mp oyces. mostly high school 4 around more in one meal at ' *' ‘ ‘l - *
. , 1 . l . 1 . B . - discuss any student complaints ‘ , _‘ ‘ “ 2 '
1 ant .U) lege stutents. iit still. or ideas f) 3 3 3 the cafetena than your family Li. G ‘3. 3 ...:
'1 : \E‘TVHHI nearly 29.000 meals per ll ll imprming senite. dishes \\()llltl in a month. " 0V. - .l ’.l l' -l
Week 3is no little loaf-(WM‘CH‘1133‘ Innovations which have come But quality does not come 39““ l.
‘ 'l 3"” “l ““1”“ ‘l”(l(lnl" from the food committee include cheap. Dinner plates of this .,
I I‘ll‘l‘l an example; ”ml “‘l‘ll‘ an espressluiich lineWhich serves variety cost the cafeteria ()Ver " ll _' 9'" "
\ 3““ hi“? Pe‘ilk‘h PW and ”‘9’ kl‘l‘ nothingbut hamburgers andtries $1.50 each—a whole place-settv l- 2 l‘ ll ‘ l“ l
i ("9” “WW WW9 W“ "9’ 11'” ’1‘“ each day as a convenience to ing. including dinner plate. veg» '"l
500 P‘Wfih {3191” 3"” llllllllll 1t those students Who are iii a rush etable and soup bowls. bread and t .. l** 'l
) againtss'o wee s ater ant you re to get to Ch“ “”1 Who do not dessert 1* ,. .- . ., . , - ‘ T -..
. . 9- 9 - .. p ates. stht'r“ are and o 2 . ~- .. .
’ hwkll if .th‘ll Mk“ l“ fourth ”f have the time to “"9!“ i” the glass. costs in the neighborhood COHdldafe for Governor 9 .9 'l f
— What W“ ‘9‘ SIM - ~3 30 “but do regular line. This idea was first of $6 {037. "-.l- -. l’ ‘f‘
. W” (10 With 600 P1009“ 0f left- tried by the Blazer Cafeteria "And When you're trying to l -' l-l» l ‘ l'
. ”Yer DlL‘ . ..serve lllfi’lll ilt lllt‘ [nnnfigpr \lrg \lElTLZEEF‘Jt \lL" l‘lltllsl VVllllllllli d lllllllltllgt‘l \U lllitl A I _.. l :422 c.3i3.-::a?3,93}‘, .
l 3: uestmeal“ l lntire. and because of its success you won't have to raise your Monday Februa r 8 . 3 f ..2‘ 3.
l l \\ (’ll lllt’r(’ ier‘ \OllKl DCODC \II'ag begun thlhl genlcster 1n the food prices. this makes yollrjOb I ,- ',, *l _3 ‘_ - 3 3 3‘33 .
‘ l who w'” d"”“"" mm m“ and (l'-‘"-‘-Pl‘~’7‘i~ another time harder." bemoaned " ~ . l . l . . l
l . _.. .. «5—— . .. Miss Myer. ““e spend literal- S d C R 24 . l;
l “l a? l ly tens of thousands of dollars tu ent enter" ”1' 5 “ll l . ‘l . l
i l l 3 5- each 'ear to re )lace stolen anl . ‘ ' 'l .
- ' 2- "le ll'l l ' .. l.~ brokeili china . l. . and then thle 10:30-11:30 a'm‘ .l l'l
9 99 l\ 3 *3 g ‘3 ' ' _.‘2 ; 99“ students complain when we have ‘ L3.\
. 3 3 1 to raise our board rate. Wendell Ford wants to meet the young people .3 3 3 ., 3
9999....9 . ' ... might wish. the cycle will more of Kentucky. Come and see why Ford IS the .9 y -i ,’ ,- 2' ' ’
l " l ' l .5 _ than likel ‘ continue. l‘lood - l 7 ' ' ’l . '
Q " lll *-- ‘ l ' l Prices $10 lut) board rates 20 ”Fighter For People.” ’l l. ‘l. .l-l‘ .l ‘,
333.3 . . _ g ' up. Theft goes up. board rates . .9 3 3 3.3 .3
l r ‘ w 3 3 . go up. Nobody is happy. Pad for by L .K. Students for F ord '1’ - 2 1
s l 3 33 . O ’ 43 2, ‘- l. 33.’ -l -3 l..
léi‘gi ll ll lilié;2§ig.;:~:l, :l .. lll l . ‘9 l ll. '
i; all 5 P E C I A L l. 2" l’ T -l
9.. WHEEL BALANCING, 4 for $5—BRAKES RE-LINED, $19.95 2: . -. ~. e
. .. TAPE PLAYERS INSTALLED, $10.00 and up ... 2
' ' ..z . 9 .- ’ 9 2'
...,» 99%;“ 3.3.3::353j;:3§.€§33i.3.. ‘33 . . ‘i'. ‘ i ,2 . _ q 3~ 53.
9; After February lst . . . Saturday 3 til 10 «- :, , , ~ .. .
The (loniplcx (laleteria employs three cooks. The Cafeteria employs - l l ;* 2
over 50 fulltinie eniployes and 1910 part-time employes. mostly high Phone 252-7712 l. 5 l . 9 l.
sthool and college students. Kernel Photos By Jim Wight i l .. l. . l‘l _ l; .l ~
0 o ' ‘ l l l _l ill :.
I e CHtUC y er y ' l ‘
”allied ._ ~ walk cm’eragc assures win of photographs that \\'lll l . l . -
t. ,. ' *2 ' . . -. . .
. . . . 1M0 a ircserte the most )rct-ioiis memories of \' )ltl' , ‘_ . ' ' , ,
Posmons are open on the following committees: My *9 l] f I“ l 'l i .* 0*
2 9 t . ~-~:;_ 949.9 0 99.19 . 9 . - .
CYCLE RACES PUBLICITY 9 3333 ,3 3 \oui (ll‘fdiltstntrl poitiait mad; Milli. \;lltl| 33 3 3 .
9 . you visit tie Ctut to to see sainp cs mat e roni * . ' .3
KARNI GRAS QUEEN CONTEST jilfl ‘ weddings lid Boden has taken of your girl , 3l l
PARADE SCOOTER RACES 9 9-— . . S atoms. ., , ,
PROGRAM SOLICITATIONS ’43? éfl g 3 3 3 33333 ()thl'V mltilih s from l.( \lt-tgttitl. 3on l S— 3160 \H St
' TICKET SALES ..s 9 “l9 «a. 0f Georgetown. Phone (302) 863-2136 for an 9 9 '2
_ _ . _ 9‘ 99>; A rice and stvle to fit every taste and bud yet.
Ple up an application in Room 203, Student Center ll - l p ' ' l” 9
°'°" ”8'88" " £11 [Karim Studio ‘ ‘ '
,. ..., .. _ai. ._ . ._<..- ' ~9 -*9 . 1..- , _ . . '3 ‘3 H“,

 ‘1 o o f 1 Id I
. i ‘ t t ’4 ‘1» (s. . /- “'7.-
bti 1V1n0r ()1 16 ea .I . ~44». a,“
b \ ,1)": inI - ‘H‘J / i f”. ‘ '1'“ s. z...
> I' " V ' Ht” 1 t ' 7 l ' .. 1. ' ' . i\ 57 i ii.” I. . ' ' 'i' “-‘..:-"i».i.4"1.. I
.\t t 11s tum it is ti it“ t or stu— amt 1mg lllt)l( t 1ansu1et, political t r . [1’ t" y P“ T ‘. .441
. ' . . . , , . .744 . h" i. . ‘ t " 1-4 -s,~-=.. 4
dents to understand the eomple.\it\' inaneuxermq this motion along ".44 4 4" 4“ ’- g '- ‘I . f4"? .11;
. . ml the deeision llttlhlllg that goes \\It I t 1e mine to intlut e students , MW - «my... « “if 41 m]
,"L- I. '4 : . ‘ _..’ts,:2s~-‘ . . I ,d', .I. 1
on in the Fun ersit\' Senate. 1% must be adopted by the UmVersit)’. {- "»’ .04. m 7 in ‘Q ,W‘" "‘5
' L. , unl\ mung students a token inem— the reasons listed in the motion . \ {2,24, 1 3!; - 4 Q ‘3 '25.,3 1“
. ~ f i. s ’14 '9 -" r ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ reseni
,. ' ' 7 L ‘7, L ,. .7_ .‘ . 1 . , 1 , ' ’._ PN~.H4 y . g ’. . Liv: I .
l)t iship ot tin. the Ninth has It to iituin thi \t)t( to the adminis it)” {.32 I. M? g-‘T' ,1 I, \ff-i [‘lllVf
I y maiued isolated trom an) total tratlon, who are currently ex-of- ‘ ‘ - j \t' - ’- sue.
took at student thinking. tieio non-voting members of the j " ' 31 II4- , — -..z.'4‘. ' '4 ‘- ..- _ _ ,. ‘» ' . .

' '. lll\ real \oiee in serious aetion eoii- input from its tripartite member- flagge- u. ”if“: ..’ 1 / 4 3 7, '.( :5" tions
. ' ' . . . . . . . . 1.1-9.5 .- 95" ‘ 3 - “. , .. 9-4 -
- . , ‘ . eeriimey their own education and ship but also havmg its decisions ‘ 1;! 4 gr 3/7 fit" x ‘_. 7 , gs? Willi!”

.' . ' . die need tor taeiilt\—stiideiit eom— determined b\' votes trom all three ‘ I. J” ’5 I" 3174 771,. :,I-_I‘ ’i 3.4“ “f DOLL]

.’ . . i . . ' ‘ ‘ .- ' 7:" Z ‘ '7‘ 3 i a" . ii i
. . . ", muuieatioii should be a high 1111— groups. 7 fl Ligss. flu, ’ ‘ (a /-..’_. /l -' I. its 1)
‘ . i " ' ' t' ‘ -‘ ' ' ~ ' ' ‘7 i) R -l -- 1 . “'l 'l' t" l ff,” ‘ '1 "it "if?“ at? ‘7?" I 3'3“ “ I t. foeal
. . , I t)ltt\ in am i1i\iisit\ U)lllll]lllllt\. (. (( nu t It possi 11 itV o a( — 1.4.2 :14 ;{ , . L...- 94-? '57"? a ”J" _. a f, 34‘... I
‘ ' ' ' i . . . . ' .44' 1.4.4" t4!“ . 7. '- v.4” x . ‘1‘”..3'4 '_. T Q g . :7' ' ts a
. - llo\\e\er, there needs to be an~ ministrators havmg to implement 5mg; 1 :-- 9/. e :6" 7 _' 9‘ 7 I7 ** iiig 1:.
L I . . . . . . ‘ . I‘L‘";’ji 1' ’1 , ‘ ‘-: ' i A .4 O i. i ' .‘i-~ 4. i i
. - . other link-up in the eommunieation (leeisions tor whieh thev were (le- (”xi-‘3! ;-. . -- 274,. 49?; 07' st”: 4'34 f/’ ME}. '41 for ai
. .' - . . . . . . .' . . ‘33‘ r '. sh")! . "I .I.. .‘M’; , . w. '. - t
. model, eonsidering models usuallx' med the right of partieipating as :‘~.‘i.=,::-.T - 5/”‘15" 5‘3; 34;, m ‘. (I; 41%“? ( T? 1W1.“

L . . r L ' . . I liII’I ~' 315‘ .- t,‘ 53'4" ”Iii‘g- ' . f i"; . ‘L. ’ .7.{- i if!" fl.-. “7' . .IiI ' , L .

' _ . I sti‘iH‘ tor the ideal. that other \oting members of the Senate. 7, 3%}; .I.’ egg; §$?§ 1443.5” :5 7 Ltd" Lgfyv/V’ '4, “(57(1)

. . . . . . . . . . 4 4., '- ,1 afar". 4' 4. I: ' 77:4 . ’., . giver" ‘ “'1 won t
" I. \‘lttllttlttlllt'dtlt)“ link is the admin- i53t Reduce the possibilities of . - aza’ ,',--«;i,&’( ”’59 l.. ”mu; ’3 g. 14:54 "7.5m .2; ., -t~

' -. . » - . - . '. .3? .1.».".-?-,~*."" .- :"fiv' "‘7;:."~4§. 'r. ’ 'i 4:11?“ ' ii»ye““?§§“"4¢23 ””‘d‘

. . lstl'dtwh. schisms between the faculty and i” 7” " .:"- ’4't17’éfié; . , .- ’14: $3,»? ~- ship \

. , . . . . . ,_.. . - 4’ ' ' ' _ ,;4 ‘ '= 4’ , " 4.. ‘5‘“... . .. .

. 7 . . lt'I\ as they may \\