xt7g1j978d9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j978d9s/data/mets.xml  The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc 2015 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing University Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 89, No. 4, Winter 2015 text Frontier Nursing University Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 89, No. 4, Winter 2015 2015 2015 2015 true xt7g1j978d9s section xt7g1j978d9s FNU

Winter 2015

Volume 89

Number 4

graduation 2014
More than 500 new nurse-midwives and
nurse practitioners joined the ranks of the
Frontier Nursing University alumni in 2014



Introduction to Frontier Nursing University

Introduction to FNU ...............................................................................1

ary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths of her two
children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of her class
to devote herself to the service of families, with a particular focus on children.

The Journey – Dr. Susan Stone ................................................................2
Alumni Spotlight .....................................................................................4
Courier Corner ........................................................................................6
Courier Spotlight .....................................................................................9
Field Notes .............................................................................................11
Beyond the Mountains ..........................................................................16
Notes .......................................................................................................19
Wendover Report ...................................................................................22
Footprints ...............................................................................................24
In Memoriam .........................................................................................26
Trustees ..................................................................................................29
Board of Directors .................................................................................31
Your Gifts at Work .................................................................................32
US ISSN 0016-2116
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin (USPS 835-740, ISSN 00162116)
is published at the end of each quarter by Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.,
132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Hyden, KY, and at additional mailing offices.
Subscriptions: $5 per year.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service
Quarterly Bulletin, 132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright FNS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Frontier does not share its donor mailing list.


Mrs. Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925 after several
years of studying and practicing nursing and midwifery in the United States,
England, Scotland and France. It was the first organization in America to
use nurses trained as midwives collaborating with a single medical doctor,
based at their small hospital in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed
of nurse-midwives trained in England. They
Our aim has always been traveled on horseback and on foot to provide
to see ourselves surpassed, quality primary care, including maternity
care, to families in their own homes. In 1928,
and on a larger scale.”
she recruited young people to serve as Couriers
–Mary Breckinridge,
and help the Frontier staff and nurse-midwives in
Wide Neighborhoods, 1952
all manner of efforts. In 1939, Mrs. Breckinridge
established a school of nurse-midwifery. The school provided graduates, many
of whom stayed to offer care to families in Leslie County, Kentucky.


Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern Kentucky through
Frontier Nursing University (FNU), which offers a Doctor of Nursing Practice
degree and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife,
Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner. FNU
has students and graduates serving all 50 states and many countries.

How to Reach Us
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations: Please direct questions, comments
or updates to Denise Barrett, Director of Development, at (859) 899-2828 or send an
e-mail to development@frontier.edu.
The Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn: The Big House, Mary Breckinridge’s home, is a
licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn located at Wendover. For reservations or to arrange a
tour, call Michael Claussen, Development Coordinator, at (859) 899-2707 or e-mail
michael.claussen@frontier.edu. Group tours can be arranged, and we are always happy
to set up tours for organizations and educational programs with an interest in nursing
history and Appalachian studies.




We are proud to once again be named in the US New & World Reports rankings of
top graduate programs. FNU’s master of science in nursing (MSN) program ranks
in the 2015 Top 30 Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs. FNU is ranked as
#28 out of nearly 140 online nursing programs. FNU also maintains its ranking
in the US News & World Report’s Top 50 Graduate Schools of Nursing, which it
has held since 2011. In addition, two of FNU’s online specialty graduate nursing
programs have maintained their rankings in the US News & World Report’s Top
15 nurse-midwifery and family nurse practitioner programs.

By Susan E. Stone, DNSc, CNM, FAAN, FACNM
Frontier Nursing University President

Happy New Year!



reetings and Happy New Year from Frontier Nursing University! At
Frontier, we have been focused on completion of 2015 plans that will
help us achieve our strategic goals. As part of our annual planning process,
we reviewed outcomes from previous years, data and demographics on our
students, and evaluated our programs. One statistic that stands out is that
Frontier Nursing University is graduating nearly one-third of the newly licensed
nurse-midwives in the United States each year.
As the birthplace of midwifery in the United
States, and the longest continually operating
program in the country, this is not a surprise.
But occasionally, we have to let the enormity
of that responsibility sink in to understand
it. Our graduates are the future of the nursemidwifery and nurse practitioner professions.
Their achievements, outcomes and hard work will shape the growth of the profession. Therefore, we must be the leaders in the curriculum, competencies, certification pass rates, and innovative educational delivery for nurse-midwives and
nurse practitioners. We must set the bar high so that the entire profession may
benefit and continue to grow.

Frontier Nursing University
is graduating nearly one-third
of the newly licensed nursemidwives in the United States
each year!”


Rankings are just one way of recognizing the quality of Frontier’s programs.
FNU maintains accreditation with regional and professional accrediting bodies.
We also monitor closely the pass rates on national certification exams
for our graduates. Both our nurse-midwifery graduates and our family
nurse practitioner graduates consistently have pass rates above the national average. We are committed to graduating competent, entrepreneurial, ethical and
compassionate nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners who are leaders in the
primary care of women and families with an emphasis on underserved and rural
Thank you for your support. Donors, alumni, Couriers, students and colleagues
reading this Quarterly Bulletin all play a part in our ability to grow, maintain high
standards, and continue to innovate.
Onward to a successful 2015 when more than 500 new graduates will join the
more than 4,000 alumni to help care for women and families across the globe.

Susan E. Stone, DNSc, CNM, FAAN, FACNM




alumni spotlight

small towns many of the hospital employees, patients and their families know
each other. Chasity had to make friends with the entire county at once.

Chasity Frakes, CFNP Class 84


hasity graduated recently and believes FNU enabled her to realize her
dream—making home visits. The path to her dream was a series of
surprises. Chasity earned her BSN from University of Louisville and worked
for 6 months as an RN in a hospital in Louisville, KY until her husband got
a new job and they relocated to Berea, KY. There, she enrolled in the FNU
master’s FNP program. Chasity started clinical training with an FNU alum;
the last day of her rotation, on February 1st, 2013, her father was diagnosed
with lung cancer. Chasity was able to take a leave from her studies and go
home to nurse her father and to be with him during the last weeks of his life.
Chasity lived in Berea, Kentucky for two years before she graduated from FNU
and finished clinical training at Rockcastle Family Wellness clinic, which is
affiliated with a small hospital located in Mount Vernon, Kentucky. Upon
completion of her educational program, she applied to work for the Rockcastle health system located in Mount Vernon, Kentucky. There was only
one position open: this entailed beginning a home visit program staffed by
a FNP. Chasity would visit patients in their homes after they were discharged
from the hospital’s acute care unit and would also make home visits for clinic
patients. Chasity assumed protocols for the program would already be defined but was challenged to design the protocols for the program—a great
experience for a new graduate. Mt. Vernon is a small town; as is typical of


Her home visits make her feel like a true Frontier nurse of Mary Breckinridge’s
day; only she arrives in a Camry instead of on a horse. Many elderly patients who
take medication for chronic conditions must meet Medicare requirements for a
medical visit every 90 days but have challenges with access to transportation to
attend office visits. Chasity’s visits reduce the periodic ‘trips to the clinic.’ She
loves the care and concern for everyone she experiences as a part of Rockcastle’s
Chasity keeps clinic hours one weekday and Saturday mornings to get experience she will need to precept FNU students. She recently opened an afternoon
Saturday Acute Care Clinic to reduce trips out of town or to the emergency
room. The home visit program impacts the community by reducing Medicare
costs to Rockcastle for readmissions from their acute care discharged patients—
money remaining in the hospital’s patient care system, which benefits the
medical facility, the community, and the patient.

Chasity found the stories about Mary Breckinridge’s
Frontier Nursing Service were a great introduction
for patients who had no experience with home visits,
only she arrives in a Camry instead of on a horse.




courier corner

she had only little experience in the field. She
said her time at FNS impacted her nursing
practice over the years because she realized
that you can make do with very little and that
many people get better from their illnesses
despite healthcare limitations.

By Nancy Reinhart,
FNU Courier Program Coordinator


he Courier Program application process is in full swing, with interviews
happening for potential Couriers as you read this. Last year, we had three
to four applications per one spot in the program and we expect about the same
this year.
We are excited to welcome a group of eight Couriers again this summer and to
offer two new sites for them to serve. One Courier will be serving Red Bird Clinic
in Red Bird, KY—about 30 minutes away from Wendover—and another one will
be serving Manchester Memorial Hospital in Manchester, KY.
While shoring up the program of service for this year, we’ve also been busy traveling around the country to meet with former Couriers across the United States. A
thank you to those who have taken time to gather together.

(left to right): Marianna Fuchs,
Nancy Reinhart, Sherri Rice Smith
and Carolyn Gregory

In November in Wisconsin, Carolyn
Gregory (1947-48 served as a Courier,
Christmas secretary and assistant to FNS
staff), Marianna Fuchs (1968 Courier
and later a FNS staff nurse from 197778), myself, and former FNS staff nurse
Sherri Rice Smith (1974-75 staff nurse)
gathered together on an icy night near
Madison for dinner and storytelling.
Sherri and Marianna told compelling
tales about their time spent as FNS
nurses. Sherri remembered being given
a great deal of responsibility even though


Nancy Reinhart visiting with Beth
Miner in Minneapolis

In December, I had the opportunity to visit
Arizona and spend time with Susan
Spencer Small (1948 Courier), Nancy Dammann (1941 Courier and later FNS staff),
and Isabelle Bauer, who gathered thousands
of items and donated them to FNS throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. I particularly
enjoyed the chance to see old journals, scrapbooks, and photos of these womens’ time
with FNS. Having a glimpse into this history
through the lenses of service and philanthropy,
with some downright hilarious stories thrown
in, truly is some the most enjoyable parts of the
work I do with FNU.

On an unseasonably mild and sunny
December day in Western New York, four former Couriers met for food and
fellowship. Lee Fox (1976), Anna Carey (2003), Jessika Hyde (2006), and Rachel
Tullio (2014) had lunch together on December 22nd, sharing their experiences
as Couriers as well as their adventures since then. They discussed clinics and
patients and health care that they encountered during their courier experiences,
but also spoke of the local music, spending time at Wendover, and meeting some

Interested in reading former Couriers’ memories that were captured
after we released our new book in April 2014, Unbridled Service: Growing
Up and Giving Back as a Frontier Nursing Service Courier? Visit
www.frontier.edu/courier/stories to view these newly published stories.
If you have memories to contribute to the Courier Program history—
and they are all worthwhile—contact courier.program@frontier.edu
to set up an oral interview.



great people. Through this reminiscing it became clear that even though
the roles and responsibilities of Couriers have changed through the
years, the adventuresome and caring spirit of Couriers has not. Despite
a few of them meeting for the first time, the commonalities between
these former Couriers soon became apparent, particularly the desire
to continue to provide service to others long after their time with the
program was over.
It’s our goal not only to meet former Couriers, but also to hear their
stories, capture their memories and secure their role in Frontier’s
institutional history by doing so. I sensed the magic in these stories
and want them preserved not only to lift up the individuals who made
Frontier what it is today, but also to continue expanding and enriching
the known history of the Courier Program.
A special thank you to everyone who supported us in any way in 2014,
including the Courier Program Advisory Committee members who
donated their time. The program will continue to flourish in 2015 with
the continued engagement, interest and support from you, the Frontier

Did you know we have established a quarterly “e-news” bulletin just for
former Couriers? If you use an email and you haven’t heard from the
Courier Program, we probably don’t have your address. Contact us
through courier.program@frontier.edu and let us know what it is!


courier spotlight

Carolyn Gregory
Carolyn served as a Courier in 1947 and then
as the FNS Christmas secretary and assistant
to Agnes Lewis and Betty Lester in 1948.
She has continued to remain involved with
Frontier over many decades as a donor and
friend to FNS and the university. Carolyn
served on the Courier Advisory Committee
in 2012 and 2013 and she was among the
individuals honored during the FNU 75th
anniversary. Carolyn lived in Baraboo, WI
for most of her life but recently moved to
Portland, OR.

Briefly introduce yourself.
I’ve been a speech language pathologist
for most of my life. I obtained a master’s degree from Northwestern
University. My husband was a professor of stuttering at Northwestern. My
mother and father encouraged me to seek out experiences for my development. I
suppose that is how I found out about the Frontier Nursing Service.
Briefly describe your experience with FNS and how it impacted you, your life
and your vocational direction.
I have so many memories from my time with FNS. I just loved it. I cannot
remember having a negative thought about anyone I encountered. I spent a great
deal of time there, you see.
In particular, encountering birth at a mountain cabin and death for the first time
impacted my life in a very existential way. Few people really ever see birth and
death so vividly as I did. I’m a bit unusual in that my whole life has been a quest
for meaning. FNS had a great impact on my understanding of life and death and
what it means to be a human being.
My whole childhood women were put down. All a woman’s function was was to
get married and have babies. FNS was the first time I saw women independently





and fully functioning without the help of men in charge and doing it
competently. It greatly empowered me to be what I wanted to be.

field notes

Why do you remain involved?
I definitely believe that nurse-midwifery is integral to health care in this country
and abroad. We’re supporting the graduate school to train them. I believe that
nurse-midwives can deal with birth in a more healthy and better way for women.
They understand the most intimate and normal experience in some women’s
lives. I am more deeply concerned about women worldwide because of my
experience at FNS.


FNS was the first time I saw women independently
and fully functioning without the help of men in
charge and doing it competently.”

Annual Commencement Ceremony
Held October 25


rontier Nursing University (FNU) hosted its 2014 commencement
ceremony in Hyden, Ky., on Saturday, Oct. 25. Over the past year, more
than 500 nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners from almost every state across
the nation have completed an FNU distance-education program. Nearly 200
graduates attended commencement with a total of more than 1000 guests at the
FNU President Susan Stone presided over the commencement ceremony. Dr.
Beverly Malone, the chief executive officer of the National League for Nursing
(NLN), delivered the commencement address. Dr. Malone’s tenure at the NLN
has been marked by a retooling of the League’s mission to reflect the core values
of caring, diversity, integrity, and excellence
and an ongoing focus on advancing the nation’s

Heather Lytle with Susan Stone


The Kitty Ernst Leadership Award and Family
Nurse Practitioner Leadership awards were
announced. These scholarship awards are given
to current students who demonstrate leadership and initiative above and beyond the



expectations. The students are nominated and voted on by the faculty. This
year’s Kitty Ernst Leadership Award was presented to Jennifer Steir, a Class 93
nurse-midwifery student from Sheridan, Wyoming. The Family Nurse Practitioner Leadership Award was presented to Heather Lytle, Class 109, of Fairfield,

Frontier Nursing University Awards $207,455
in Scholarships to 77 Students in Fall 2014

It was a beautiful weekend and wonderful ceremony. We are proud
of each and every graduate who are undoubtedly already making
a difference in their communities and for the families they care for
across the country.


rontier Nursing University (FNU) awarded $207,455 in scholarships to
77 current students during the fall 2014 term. The scholarships awarded
include the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students Program and the Advanced
Education Nursing Traineeship, both supported by the Health Resources and
Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
as well as internal scholarships provided directly by the University scholarship
FNU awarded a total of $122,155 in scholarships through the Scholarship for
Disadvantaged Students Program (SDS) for the fall 2014 term. Twenty-nine
students received SDS funding to help cover program costs, and these same
students will receive funding for the upcoming winter and spring 2015 terms.
The SDS Program was developed with the purpose of increasing diversity in the
health professions and nursing workforce by providing grants to eligible health
professions and nursing schools for use in awarding scholarships to students
from disadvantaged backgrounds.
FNU awarded a total of $20,000 in traineeships in fall 2014 through funding
provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) program. Eight students who plan to practice in rural and/or medically underserved communities received $2500 each
to help pay all or part of the costs of the tuition, books and fees of the program.
The AENT program will allow FNU to award scholarships to 280 students over
a two-year time period. Congratulations to our 8 AENT Recipients: Kathryn
Armstrong, Jennifer Baxter, Jenna Callahan, Jeanie Doom, Tracey HedrickHamilton, Christina Kilby, Megan Lewis, and Heather Lytle.
The FNU Foundation also awarded an additional $63,500 in scholarships for
the fall 2014 term through funding provided by private university fundraising
efforts. These scholarships were awarded to forty students. The current $10M
Endowment Campaign has helped to create several new scholarships. The Kentucky Mountain Club Scholarship was awarded for the first time. Barbara Baker,
a family nurse practitioner student from Hazard, Kentucky was one of the recipients of the Kentucky Mountain Club Scholarship. Barbara wrote the following in
her scholarship essay: “I had no idea how the thought of becoming a health care





provider in a rural, underserved area would grip my soul. After reading Mary
Breckinridge’s Wide Neighborhoods I was hooked. My first trip to the Hyden
campus was all it took for me to know that I was where I belonged. The quaint
furnishings reminded me of the childhood home my parents, 11 siblings and I
shared in the neighboring town of Hazard. I have no desire to leave the region in
which I grew up. These are my people, and I want to make this a better place to
live. I became a nurse because I love people, and becoming a nurse practitioner
will only increase my opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the natives of this area.”

Congratulations to Dr. Judi Daniels!

Congratulations to all the deserving scholarship recipients. Thank you to the
generous past and current individuals who invest their financial resources to
establish endowed scholarship funds. These are the gifts that keep on giving and
will benefit Frontier students on into the future.

Congratulations to all 29 of our SDS Recipients! See what a
few of these recipients said about receiving the scholarship:


FNU Dean of Nursing,
Dr. Julie Marfell and FNU
President, Dr. Susan Stone are
pictured here with FNU Faculty
Member, Dr. Judi Daniels. Drs.
Marfell and Stone recently honored Dr. Daniels for being named
Kentucky’s 2014 Outstanding
Nurse Educator.

NU faculty member Dr. Judi Daniels was
named Kentucky’s 2014 Outstanding
Nurse Educator. Dr. Daniels was nominated
by colleagues and students and was chosen
as the recipient of the award by Publishing
Concepts, Inc., the country’s largest publisher of
State Boards of Nursing journals.
Nominations and stories for the award were
encouraged of students and colleagues throughout the state. Many of the state’s educators were
nominated and, after careful consideration, Daniels was chosen the winner. Daniels received
a cash award as well as a plaque and a story in
the Kentucky Board of Nursing journal. Frontier
Nursing University also received a check for a
nursing scholarship.

“I can’t begin to tell you how grateful and humbled I am to receive this
scholarship. Thank you so very much for this financial support and the
wonderful education you are providing me at Frontier. I am so excited
to know that I will be able to complete my dream of becoming a
nurse-midwife!” – Rebekah Ellinger
“This scholarship means the world to me and my family. The financial
burden has been lifted significantly and will allow me to focus on my
studies and help me be a successful student. I am truly thankful for
being chosen as a SDS scholarship recipient.” – Jennifer Scholz
“This is such a blessing! Thank you for helping me help the health of
babies and families.” – Jeanelle Martinez

Would you like to keep up with Frontier on a monthly basis?
Then please subscribe to our monthly eNews!
Each month the FNU eNews delivers information regarding
the growth, events and happenings at Frontier.
Signing up is easy; simply send an email to
michael.claussen@frontier.edu asking him to add you to our list!
Sign up today!





beyond the mountains

Butternut bisque came to the table as Sage Ungerleider, CNEP Class 124, who
is employed as a nurse at Mass. General, talked of broadening her nursing
education via the distance-learning program of midwifery. Sage had felt the
overwhelming magnetism of the mission after visiting Wendover for her
orientation, and was delighted to be surrounded by Frontier aficionados. Fran
Keene, daughter of Patsy Lawrence, returned from her service as a Courier (also
in the 1970’s) with the motivation to pursue nursing, which she has done, and to
stay involved with Frontier. Lois Cheston best remembered her role teaching the
British midwives how to drive!

A Report on the Annual Luncheon
of the Boston Committee, held 11/6/14
Written by: Lees Breckinridge Yunits, Chair of the Boston Committee


he annual luncheon of the Boston Committee of Frontier Nursing University
took place on a rainy day at the beautiful
Dedham Country and Polo Club, in Dedham,
MA. Wet leaves of every color dotted the
gorgeous landscape as Mrs. Patsy Lawrence,
retiring Boston Committee Chair, organized
Boston Luncheon
the dining room. Much to the delight of the
guests, this came complete with a roaring fire,
trays of cheese and fruits, and several warming beverages. As a young Boston
woman, Patsy traveled to Frontier to become a Courier and enjoyed the experience of a lifetime. Soon after, as a new bride in Philadelphia, she recalled with
a laugh how Mary Breckinridge insisted she start a Philadelphia Committee
for Frontier. Patsy followed her “orders,” and subsequently, when Patsy and her
young family returned to Boston, Patsy formed the Boston Committee. She has
led Boston well for decades with her heart and soul, making every friend and
supporter of Frontier feel welcome and appreciated. Now she “hands over the
reins” to Lees Breckinridge Dunn Yunits, great-niece of Mary Breckinridge.
Dr. Susan Stone, President of FNU, spoke with much enthusiasm about the
continuing progress of the many programs and courses of study now available,
including the future possibility of a degree program for psychiatric nurse practitioners. Lois Cheston, former Courier, who still volunteers at Massachusetts
General Hospital, nodded in agreement that psychiatric services are in dire need
everywhere—not just in rural and underserved areas.
Esther Mulroy, another former Courier, discovered Frontier in the 1970’s, and
had interesting memories, including her first birth experience when she swiftly
handed over the flashlight she was holding during delivery in order to step outside and lose lunch. One must further consider the poor midwife left in the dark!


The chicken caesar salad arrived as the group was all ears for Suzi Kahn, longtime President of the “Kentuckians of Boston.” Suzi exuded personality talking
about her role bringing notable Kentuckians to their organization’s bi-annual
gatherings. Mental notes were taken that Frontier’s own Kentucky notables,
Dr. Susan Stone, and the lovely Director of Development and Alumni Relations,
Denise Barrett, should be high on their guest list in the near future. Denise then
happily relayed the successful events of the recent 75th Anniversary, held in
Lexington, KY, in October, 2014.
The vast information pool about Mary Breckinridge grew further when hearing the extraordinary tales of Karen Foster—professor of art and archeology at
Yale University. Many years ago, Karen and her young family sought out adventure in France, only to discover that their adopted town had serviced the works
of Mary Breckinridge, or “MB” as Karen fondly talks of her, in their efforts to
restore devastated France after World War I. Karen gained so much from her
French townsmen and women that she delved into translating into French the
many letters that “MB” had written to her mother, and publishing the beautiful
collection in a book called “Au Secours Des Enfants Du Soissonnais—Lettres
americaines de Mary Breckinridge 1919-1921.” Or, “With the Help Of the
Children Of Soissonnais - American Letters of Mary Breckinridge 1919-1921.”
Some now thirst for these letters to be published in English!
Jeff Miller of Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital interested all when talking of the hospital’s exciting new venture restoring home health care to families,
which has been shown to drastically reduce readmissions to their hospital. Dr.
Susan Stone said she “got goose bumps” learning of the success of this program.
Sue Joss, Director of the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, spoke of the
value of their organization delivering health aid to lower-income families, and
their prolific use of midwives. Caroline Standley, long time supporter of Frontier,



who hails from Louisville, KY, smiled broadly at the funny way that people from
Massachusetts pronounce her hometown (Lou-ee-ville, anyone?). Suzi Kahn
said to “Just swallow the word—Loovull.”


The warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream arrived to complete the meal and
to once again acknowledge, with deep gratitude and respect, the years of service
from the unique Mrs. Patsy Perrin Lawrence. From Courier to Chair, her heart
has remained permanently infatuated with Mary Breckinridge and the Frontier
Nursing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Patsy!!
Finally, a barrel of thanks to the husbands of Patsy and Lees—Bob Lawrence and
Jack Yunits —who have contributed much behind the scenes to the success of the
annual luncheon. Thank you, both! See you all next year.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence give gift to
establish the Patricia Perrin Lawrence Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence (Bob and Patsy) recently committed $25,000 to
establish the Patricia Perrin Lawrence Endowed Scholarship. This generous gift
will permanently recognize the longstanding commitment and volunteer efforts
of Mrs. Lawrence, a former Courier, while also providing much needed financial
assistance to students.
Patsy has been an instrumental figure in the Frontier Nursing Service and Frontier Nursing University through her efforts to share the mission and work of
Frontier with colleagues and friends in Philadelphia and Boston. She continues
to introduce new friends and donors to Frontier Nursing University. In fact, she
is hosting a showing of the “Forgotten Frontier” followed by a presentation by
President Susan Stone, at Fox Hill Village on April 9, 2015. This event will host
up to 200 residents and visitors to learn about our history and current work.
The support she has brought to Frontier has made it possible for us to continue
to grow and evolve to meet the needs of our students and to meet our mission.
The first scholarship for the Patricia Perrin Lawrence Scholarship will be awarded
at the October 2015 Commencement ceremony. On behalf of its first recipient
and the years of students to follow, we say thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence for
their generosity and belief in the future nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners
they will support.


Mrs. Brownen Anders writes that she was a Courier i