xt7g1j977s1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j977s1n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1974-10-25 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 25, 1974 text The Green Bean, October 25, 1974 1974 1974-10-25 2014 true xt7g1j977s1n section xt7g1j977s1n   ;`·
U&¥.1.IE1l..W./L`; . T H E
All United Way cards should be re- G R E E N n
turned as soon as possible to ei- f P E A M
ther Harry Gilbert, Acquisitions· ’ *‘
Dept., or the United Way Office, V
620 Euclid Way. ‘ ‘
The following librarians will serve on an ad hoc advisory committee on
bibliographic instruction: Sandy Gilchrist, John Richardson, Faith V
Harders and Larry Greenwood. The primary purpose of this committee is
to work with the Instructional Services Librarian in providing sugges-
tions or recommendations, or technical advice on program proposals for
providing library instruction to undergraduates. In a sense the com-
mittee will act as library staff input on a very important and signif-
icant public service. .
The Art Library is planning an all Library exhibition of arts and
crafts. Members of the library staff are urged to participate in the.
exhibition to be held January 15 through February 15, 1975. If you
wish to exhibit, contact Norma Jean Gibson in the Art Library.
...L.LLS0 'El'.
The most recent word from SOLINET has established Feb. 24, 1975, as the
tentative date for arrival of the terminals.
A training session has been scheduled (again tentatively) for Feb. 4,
~ 1975, in either Nashville or Atlanta. Representatives from l2 to l5
libraries in Kentucky and Northern Alabama will attend the one-day
meeting. V
IhE..EllQ§.T...L.S .Q.N.ItLE. . . . r
We have received notice from the Physical Plant Division that there
will be an emergency steam shut off in King North on Wed., Oct. 30 at
5:00 p.m. The steam will—be off for valve repairs for l2 hours until
6:00 a.m. Thurs.,Oct. 31. Employees working in King North are advised
that it may be a bit chilly for a little while on the morning after
the shut off. An extra sweater may be needed. These repairs are
subject to change in case of inclement weather.
All KLA and Pre—Conference travel expenses should be reported to the
Director's Office as soon as possible.
  ossgmgzélmng M&i~lCl1*l'i
A meeting of the Library Staff Organization will be held Thurs., Oct3l,
at 3:00 p.m. in the Gallery , King North. There will be a short
business meeting followed by discussion of the recent changes and de-
velopments in library policies and happenings by members of the
Director's Office staff.

There will be a meeting of all professional librarians on Wednesday,
October 30 at 3:00 p.m. in King South, Room 504 (Old Rarebook Room) to
hear the report of the committee (Ellen Baxter, Chairperson, Jennifer
Coffman, Elizabeth Howard, Dean Trivette,and Terry Warth) establishing
rules of procedure for the Library.
I have listed below the Standards for Faculty_§tgtus for_College and
Qniyersity Librarians as adopted by the Association of College of Re-
search Libraries in 1971: ·
With publication increasing at an exponential rate, with the variety of
forms of publication proliferating rapidly, with significant shcolarly
and information material appearing in all the world's languages, with
the bibliographic apparatus of many fields and subfields becoming in-
creasingly difficult to use, with the growing sophistication of library
and information technology, and with the development of academic li-
braries into large and complex organizations, the work of the academic
librarian has become highly specialized and demanding.
The academic librarian makes a unique and important contribution to
American higher education. He bears central responsibility for devel-
oping college and university library collections, for extending bib-
liographical control over these collections, for instructing students
(both formally in the classroom and informally in the library), and
advising faculty and scholars in the use of these collections. He
provides a variety of information services to the college or university
community, ranging from answers to specific questions to the compilation
of extensive bibliographies. He provides library and information
services to the community at large, including federal, state, and local
. government agencies, business firms and other organizations, and
private citizens. Through his own research into the information process
andthrough bibliographical and other studies, he adds to the sum of
knowledge in the field of library practice and information science.
Through membership and participation in library and scholarly organi-
zations, he works to improve the practice of academic librarianship,
bibliography, and information service. `
Without the librarian, the quality of teaching, research, and public
service in our colleges and universities would deteriorate seriously
and programs in many disciplines could no longer be performed. His
contribution is intellectual in nature and is the product of consider-
able formal education, including professional training at the graduate
level. Therefore, college and university librarians must be recognized
as equal partners in the academic enterprise, and they must be extended
the rights and privileges which are not only commensurate with their
contributions, but are necessary if they are to carry out their respon-
sibilities. »
The Committee on Academic Status of the Association of College and e-
search Libraries strongly endorses the formal recognition of the college
or university librarian's academic status by all institutions of higher
education and their governing bodies. It urges that the Assoc.ation of
College and Research Libraries and the American Library Association .
adopt as standards the following rights and privileges for all academic

1. grofessional responsibilities and self determination. Each librar-
ian should be assigned general respens1b1l1tiE§*within his partic-
r ular area of competence. He should have maximum possible latitude
in fulfilling these responsibilities. However, the degree to which
he has fulfilled them should be regularly and rigorously reviewed.
A necessary element of this review must be appraisal by a committee
of peers who have access to all available evidence.
2. Library governance. College and university libraries should adopt
an acsassrsrrorm of governance. The librarians should form as a
library faculty whose role and authority is similar to that of the
faculties of a college, or the faculty of a school or a department.
3. College and_university governance. Librarians should be eligible
for membership in the academic senate or equivalent body at their
college or university on the same basis as other faculty.
4. Compensation. The salary scale for librarians should be the same
as that for other academic categories with equivalent education
and experience. Librarians should normally be appointed for the
academic year. If a librarian is expected to work through the
summer session, his salary scale should be adjusted similarly to »
the summer session scale of other faculty at his college or uni-
5. Tenure. Librarians should be covered by tenure provisions the sms
as those of other faculty. In the pretenure period, librarians
should be covered by written contracts or agreements the same as
' those of other faculty.
6. Promotion. Librarians should be promoted through ranks and steps
on the basis of their academic proficiency and professional effec-
. tiveness. A peer review system similar to that used by other fac-
ulty is the primary basis of judgment in the promotion process for
academic librarians. The librarians' promotion ladder should have
the same titles, ranks, and steps as that of other faculty.
7. Leaves. Sabbatical and other research leaves should be available
to-librarians on the same basis, and with the same requirements, as
they are available to other faculty.
8. Research funds. Librarians should have access to funding for re-
search projects on the same basis as other faculty.
9. Academic freedom. Librarians in colleges and universities must
have the protection of academic freedom. Library resources and the
professional judgment of librarians must not be subject to censor-
