xt7g1j977285 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j977285/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-11-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1926 1926 1926-11-12 2012 true xt7g1j977285 section xt7g1j977285 '
















KY., NOVEMBER H2, 1926

. M.

Megaphones at Game
BEGIN AT 7:30 Circle Asks Students To See U. K. WILL DRAW
Team Off for V. M. I. at
Noon Today
One thousand megaphones have
been ordered by the SuKy circle and One
will be distributed to students at the

Annual Entertainment of Strollers Will Consist of PresenCentre game next Saturday, it was antation of Three Plays
nounced at the meeting of the circle
Best in Tryouts

held Tuesday afternoon. Other megaphones furnished by Lexington merchants will also- be given out at this


ball team off for the V. M. I. game.
The team will leave the Union station
at 12:10 o'clock this afternoon. The
band will be at the station and the
circle hopes that a large percentage
of the student body will be on hand for
the "send-off- "
The circle also urges that all students who possibly can arrange to
meet the team when it returns from






Rev. Roy L. Kleiser Is Speaker
at Memorial Exercises' Held
in Men's Gym Thursday



.toniehL A large majority of those
wno iriea out win una ineir names on
the list, according to Mr. Caldwell.
All those selected as eligibles will be
entitled to tryout for the Stroller play
in the spring.
At a meeting of the Strollers held
on Tuesday in the Little Theater in
White Hall plans were discussed for
securing a suitable play to be given by
the Strollers this year. An attempt
will be made to select a good play at
.once so the tryouts will not be delay- eu auu suxiicieub uuc win uc auuwcu

Approximately eight hundred cadets
of the university, led by the R.O.T.C.
band, and city school pupils and members of more than twenty civic and

national organizations, marched in
the mammoth parade which yesterday
featured Lexington's observance of
Armistice Day. The American Leg-o- n
and the military department of
the university were in charge of the
dav's program.
The parade was formed on Kentucky avenue, with the 'head of the
column at Main street. At 10:00
The prospects for good material o'clock the parade started west on
Main street, led through the down(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) town section and finally to the university gymnasium where Rev. Roy
Kleiser made an address at the memorial exercises held there.
At 11 o'clock the column halted in
front of the court house for a moment of silence in respect to those who
lost their lives in the World War.
Those who occupied the reviewing
Kentucky Courtesy, Spirit, and stand in front of the court house
Music Lauded by Writers
were: Judge R. C. Stoll, Mayor Hog- -

and Spectators



Who Saw


Visit Courthouse



Musically and otherwise speaking,
the University
Blue and White clad band turned
Birmingham and Alabama upside
down on their appearance at the
Tide-'Cgame played in Birming
ham last Saturday. The Kernel publishes with pleasure a few of the comments which have been sent to the office by alumni and others who saw
the Blue and White
'"strut their stuff."
The Birmingham Post had the following to say concerning the courtesy
which the Kentucky musicians have
drilled into their organization:
"Somebody at the University of Alabama should tip off the leader of the
million-dollband on what to do
when entertaining guests. It was
demonstrated Saturday that such instruction in elementary courtesy is
badly needed.
"The two bands Alabama and Kentucky furnished a colorful feature of
an Alabama football"game at
and it is to be regretted the
matchless courtesy of Kentucky was
not equalled by the Crimson-cla- d




horn-toote- rs


"This is the second year that

Ken- -

Y1 Tl OT.IlTl


Thousand Persons Expected
t Educational Meeting
Here Next Week; Pres.
McVey Will Preside




Will hPflV

rr i
pears m Concert at
land Tuesday


A class in social work from the
University of Kentucky Tuesday spent
most of the day at the courthouse
examining the principal offices there
and visiting juvenile court in session.
The class was directed by Miss Agnes
Sullivan, 0f Lexington, who directs
the field work of the students.
Those who took part in the court
house tour were Misses Margie Lee
Smith, Helen Sampson, Bessie Bough-toHarriet Felsenthal and Mary
The class, one of the sociology
department at the university, is directed by Miss Eleanor Nims.
During the morning the students
visited juvenile court conducted by
County Judge Chester D. Adams. In
the afternoon they were shown the
work of the county clerk's office by
Faust Foushee, county clerk, George
DeLonw, deputy circuit clerk, explained the work of his office.

Col-vi- n.

tional Conference which will be held
at the university November 19 and 20,
according to an announcement made
by Dr. Wl S. Taylor, dean of the College of Education.
Dr. Frank L.
McVey, president of the university,
will preside at the conference.
The general subject of the conference will be "Rural Education." Presidents of all American colleges, county and city superintendents of the
state, and principals of the various
schools in the state, have been invited
to attend the conference.
Prominent educators of the country, including, Dr. John J. Tigert, who
was formerly head of the department
of psychology at the university, will
be on jthe program. School officials
of Kentucky are looking forward with
a great deal of pleasure and interest
to hearing Dr. Tigert's lectures.
A complete program for both days
of the meeting follows:
Friday Morning, November 19
10 a. m. Kentucky Dr. Willard

Railroad Announces
Reduced Fare to Charleston for V. M. I. Game
on Saturday

C. & O.





William S. Yent, district passenger
agent of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Railroad has announced a special rate
for the round trip from Lexington to
Charleston, by which the University
of Kentucky football fans will have
an opportunity to see their Wildcats
battle the V. M. I. team Saturday.
Rates for the trip wil be $7.09. Pullman fare will be 3.63, lower berth,
$2.90 upper berth, each way.
On Friday afternoon at 12:10
o'clock the team will leave Lexington in a special car. The railroad has
provided another car for students who
wish to make the trip and it is expected that a goodly number will
take advantage of the opportunity
and be on hand to cheer the Wildcats to victory over the team that
they trounced to the tune of seven to
nothing last year.
The band, which went to Alabama
last Saturday, and which, according
to all reports, again proved themselves to be one of the best college
bands in Dixie, will not make the
Square and Compass, national Intercollegiate Masonic Fraternity, will
give a smoker at Dicker Hall on next
Tuesday, November 16. All Masons
on the campus are invited and urged
to attend.

Kampus Kharacters" Afford
Opportunity to Achieve Fame
Contest by Composing Album ; Send
in Photo at Once




that the enthusiastic and


Kathryn Meisle, contralto of the dignant discussions of campus pulCivic Opera Company, will chritude have diminished from exnnnnnr in rnnrnrf nf t n n Wnnrllnnfl haustion, the collegiate tongue must
needs repose in cheek until it discovers something to wag itself about.
But what of all the campus characa
ters that our worthy photographer
has overlooked, the Tom Browns and
Miss Meisle possesses a natural con Sarah Joneses who, tho somewhat
tralto voice of great power ard beau lacking in that elusive abstraction
ty, and is often likened to the great called beauty, have endeared themShe selves to us Kentuckians by their
diva, Ernestine Schumann-Heinhas made many prominent Victor irresponsibility, or wilfulness, or
recurus ui iiulc, iiuiuiiji men ; .viier- - quaint eccentricities?
wards," "At Parting," "Eyes of Blue,"
It is to these slighted ones that
"South Carolina Croon Son',;," "Three one feature writer would this week
Fishers Went Sailing," and "When dedicate her pen. She would compose an album, a modest one, brief,
I'm Wish You."
Miss Meisle will be assisted by Jos but bound in the purple plush of past
and inscribed in the
eph Vito, harpist of the Cincinnati magnificence
Symphony orchestra and colon Al- - modern gilt of kindly satire, "Kampus
berti, accompanist. The following Kharacters."
Captain Is First
The Captain is, of course, the first.



Sociology Class Attends Session
of Juvenile Court

More than 1000 persons are expected to attend the third annual Educa-

Feature Writer Undertakes To Eulogize Illustrious Personages
at Institution Who Were Overlooked in Beauty

Chicago Opera Artist



Will Be
Observed o n
EXPECTED TO BE Y. M. C. A. Asks Cooperation of Virginians Have Encountered
Considerable Hard Luck
GREAT SUCCESS Students for Event of
This Season; Struggle Will


Athletic Tickets Must Be Se-- !
cured Wednesday for Game
of the V. M. I. game,
will be shown in the
gym tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, according to an announcement made yesterday by "Daddy"
Boles. The usual admittance fee
of 25 cents will be charged.
All students who have not received athletic tickets can get
them by calling at "Daddy" Boles'
office in the gym Wednesday. It
is announced that this will be the
last chance to get tickets before
the Centre game next Saturday.


at Charleston

Dramatic Organization Makes time. the meeting of the SuKy circle "Rural Education" To Be Topic
of Discussion ; Complete
Plans for Big Year, Officials
Tuesday afternoon it was decided to
Program Announced
Are Optimistic
hold a pep meeting to see the footThree plays chosen by judges as
the ones presented best in the recent
Stroller tryouts will be presented at
'.'Amateur Night" to be given in the
Omen's gymnasium tonight at 7:30
o'clock, according to an announcement
by Dow Caldwell, president of the
Stroller organization. There is no admission charges and all students and
faculty members are invited to attend.
The plays to be presented tonight
and their casts are: Dorothy Yeager
and Don Sutherland in "Catesby";
Ruth Ligon and Cap Mauzy in "The
House of Cards"; and Dorsey Harris
Florence Smith and Hamilton Armi- . otosfl
in "Plovinw With Viro " All
' these plays were written by Percival
. Wilde. Tne "members or tne winning
cast will receive a prize of two com-- !
alimentary tickets each to the Stroller
iwiv to de given in me s prime.
Those selected as Stroller eligibles


He originally became famous because
of the number of weighty tomes he
carried and the affectionate way he
clung to his uniform, month in and
month out. Indeed, the photographer
must have hesitated between two
poses, that of the Captain in the magnificence of full military dress, and
that of the Captain in all the dignity
of Senior garb, abbreviated as to derby above and as to trousers below.
There is nobody just like the Captain.
The pattern must have been lost.
Then there is Delica. There are any
number like her. She has two expressions, sleeping and waking unless
comes in this category
but after deep consideration it was
decided to put that in the classification of "sounds." Lissy is as blankly
pretty as a china plate. She has one
of those original lines that starts with
"How I love to dance with you" and
ends with "Now, Jerry, you stop!"
She is a freshwoman and destined for

Game Will Be Principal Feature ; Heavy Advance
Sale of Tickets Indicates
Large Attendance

Centre-Stat- e

Annual Luncheon of College of
Law Will Be Held at
Phoenix Hotel


Classes Will Be Dismissed at
Fourth Hour Wednesday To
Allow Students to Attend
Pep Meeting




All classes will be excused the
fourth hour Wednesday to allow
to attend a special football convocation to be held that hour in the
gym under the auspices of the SuKy
circle, according to an announcement
made by James Augustus, president
of the student pep organization.
The purpose of this meeting next
Wednesday is to introduce the members of the team individually to the
student body, to practice school cheers
and songs, and to arouse enthusiasm
for the Centre and Tennessee games
It is expected that this meeting will
be the peppist student gathering held
this year.
James Park, Lexington attorney
and former football star at the unir
versity, will make a short talk to students on supporting the team. President McVey will also speak at the
meeting. The band will be out in full
force, Mr. Sulzer promises, and Bob
Creech and his colleagues will be on
.hand to lead the yelling.
This is the first football convocation
to be held at the university for several
years and the SuKy circle expects
that every student will be on hand
and make the meeting the most successful ever held here.


Association of Reserve
Officers Honors Deans

The largest gathering of former
students ever assembled at the university is expected to attend the homecoming November 20, according to
information received from Raymond
Kirk secretary of the alumni association. Alumni of the university
throughout the United States have
been invited and the advance sale of
tickets for the Centre-Stat- e
?ame shows that many are responding to the call.
Game Features Program
The feature of the homecoming is
ihe football game between Centre
and the University of Kentucky. Probably no other game attracts the alumni as does the annual game between
these two rivals. The other big event
of the homecoming will be the alumni
dance Saturday night after the game. Two Pages Will Be Added to
Saturday Edition, Carrying
The alumni association is in charge
of the dance and plans are being
News of Central Kenmade to make it one of the biggest
tucky Colleges
dances of the year.
Of especial interest to the law alum- FIRST
ni will be the annual luncheon of the
College of Law in the Phoenix hotel
Beginning with the issue of Saturday, November 20, The Lexington
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Herald will carry, each week, two
pages devoted to news of the University of Kentucky and other Lexington colleges, according to an announcement made yesterday.
These pages will be edited by students of the university, and will contain, in addition to social and athO. J. Stewart Lectures
on letic news, reports, bulletins, and
other matter from the various colAtomic Structure as Means
leges and departments, as well as
of Classification of
special articles from the faculty on
subjects of interest to students, alumni, and friends of the university.
Special departments will be given
to news from other colleges in and
The 114th regular meeting of the around Lexington, and in time other
Lexington Section of the American features bearing on education in KenChemical Society was held in Room tucky may be added.
The addition of this department to
214, Kastle Hall, Wednesday, NovemThe Herald marks the beginning of
ber 10, at 3:45 o'clock.
O. J. Stewart, of the Chemistry (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
department of the university lectured
Dn "Another Attempt to Base a Pai-odiClassification of the Elements on
Atomic Structure."
This lecture, illustrated with lantern Judge J. P. Hobson Speaks at
Law Convocation
3lides, gave the spectators an idea
pn how the modern electronic concep
Judge J. P. Hobson, of Frankfort,
tions of the atom can be used as a
basis for the classification of the ele- Commissioner of the Court of Appeals,
ments. All are interested in the pres- spoke on "Appellate Proceedings" at
ent theories in regard to the struc- the Law College convocation
ture of atoms and it was of great in- Saturday morning, in the first year
terest to see how a classification bas-?- d meeting room. Dean Charles J. Turck
on these theories compares with introduced the speaker.
the older classifications based on
Judge Hobson gave practical adatomic weights, atomic numbers, or vice to the young lawyers, telling
physical properties.
them that "Work and not wit is the
This paper was recently read at the essential quality of a lawyer." He
intersectional meeting at Cincinnati. also took up the question of taking apPresident V. F. Payne announced peals to the higher courts and impressed upon his audience the impor(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) tance of having the statute's books
before them when they made out
their papers.
This was Judge Hobson's third talk
Tomorrow, the alumni of the Col- to the lawyers, his address being an
lege of Law will give their monthly annual affair at the Law College.
luncheon at the Phoenix hotel, in the
Dean Turck has arranged for other
Palm Room at 12 o'clock. All law addresses for the College of Law conalumni are invited and urged to
vocations to follow at intervals during
the year.





Organization Elects Freeman
and Turck to Honorary
University of Kentucky cadets and
members of the Central Kentucky Reserve Officers Association were present at an illustrated lecture on, "The
World War" given by Col. William H.
Waldron, chief of staff of the 100th
Division, Saturday night in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel, directly
after a banquet given by the association in honor of Colonel Waldron.
Major W. C. Wilson, toastmaster at,
the banquet, spoke in regard to interesting members of the R.O.T.C. unit
at the University of Kentucky in becoming members of the Junior Reserve Officers Association and appointed a committee composed of
Lieut. Col. Julian McClymonds, Major
Owen LeRoy Smith and Lieut. Way-lan- d
Rhoads to take up the matter
with the R.O.T.C. students.
Dean Paul P. Boyd, of the University of Kentucky told of the work of
the R.O.T.C. unit at the university,
where 850 students are enrolled in
the unit. He stated that the university has a rating as a distinguished
military college. Dean Boyd complimented Col. H. P. Hobbs, head of the
military department, and membrs
of his staff for the excellent work
that is now being accomplished by the
Dean W. E. Freeman and Dean

Turn in Articles

Students of the University of
Kentucky will join the students of
other universities throughout the entire world in the observance of National Prayer Week, beginning Nov.
14 and lasting through Nov. 20, according to an announcement by Bart
Peak, student secretary of the University Y.M.C.A.
This is the second annual observance of prayer week in the university.
The plan was a success last year, according to Mr. Peak, and by the cooperation of all the students and
Y.M.C.A. members it can be made a
success this year.
All men and women students are
invited to the daily prayers which will
be held inthe Y.M.C.A. rooms from
11:55 to 12:05, and to the final meeting in Patterson hall on Sunday, Nov.
20 from 9 till 9:30. This will be the
last of the meetings and it is hoped
that a large number of students will

Addresses Lawyers

Romany Tryouts Begin Today;
Continue for Next Two Weeks
New Plan, Affording Better Opportunities to Students, Will
Be Used This Year; Pin is Being Designed and
Other Privileges Will Be Given to

This plan is designed to inThe lost and found department has sure those interested in university
been transferred from the office of dramatics a real opportunity to apC. R. Melcher, dean of men, in the adpear to their best advantage in the
ministration building, to the post of- tryouts.
Tryouts will begin to day
fice in the Campus
Book Store. and continue for two weeks.
Please call there for your valuables.
Before the final tryouts, each appliArticles which are found are to be cant will be given an interview, at
turned in at the office of the head of which time the qualifications of the
the department or at the main office in candidates can be studied and tryout
the building in which they are found parts assigned that will be appropriIf not called for within a few days ate to the personality, and type of the
they will be sent to the post office.
applicant. It will also give the Rom-

Fraternities, sororities and other
organizations wishing to give formal
social entertainments this year must
turn their applications in to Dean
Melcher's office by November 20, ac
cording to Roland Schultz, chairman
of the social committee of the Men's
Student Council,



at Charleston


Team Is Seriously Crippled by
Injuries to Regulars on
A miniature pigskin earthquake i3
expected to jar the country surrounding Charleston, W. Va., tomorrow,
when the gridiron forces of Virginia
Military Institute and the University
of Kentucky will be hurled together
in what promises to be a spectacular
football struggle.
Charleston, the neutral scene of this
bitter conflict; saw the Wildcats push
the highly touted Cadets down the
field time and time again last year, to
be denied crossing the final marker
but once during the afternoon. Kentucky won, 7 to 0, but the year before,
V. M. L, headed by the great White,
came to Lexington and beat the 'Cats,
10 to. 7.
like Kentucky, have
encowtered more than their share of
tough. lock this season, having won
only one conference game and losing
two. Last Saturday North Carolina
troancedthe Cadets, 28 to 0, while the
week before Davidson went down before the Squadron's onslaught, 7 to 0.
The Wildcats came back from Birmingham looking more like the inmates of a hospital ward than a football team- - However more of these in
juries were suffered before than dur
ing the game; Belt, Jenkins, DeHaven,
and Ross have been incapacitated during the week before the contest. The
list of the injured and injuries arc
as follows: Gilb, injured shoulder; A.'
Portwood, broken bone in hand; H.
Portwood, knee injury; Belt, pulled
tendon; Pence, knee injury; Jenkins,
shoulder; Ellis, knee; Ross , lime
burns; Waddell, injured hip; Dehaven,
abscess on leg.
Those Wildcats who are fit have
been taking their daily football les- (CONTTNUED



President G. H. Denny, of Ala
bama, Writes Dr. McVey on
Sportsmanship of Kentucky Students
President McVey is in receipt of a
letter from the University of Alabama,

signed by President G. H. Denny of
that institution, highly commending
the sportsmanship shown by the university football team and band last
Saturday in Birmingham. The letter
reads as follows:
"President F. L. McVey,
"University of Kentucky,
"Lexington, Kentucky.
"My dear President McVey:
"This is the first letter of the kind
that I have felt constrained to write
during the recent years. However, I
cannot fail to write you concerning
the fine impression made on all of us
who are connected with the Univer
sity of Alabama not merely by your
football team and its staff of coaches
and managers, but also by the band
and by the individual students who
made the trip to Birmingham to witness the game.
"Coach Wade said to me just a little
while ago that, throughout his entire
career as athlete and coach, he had
never had the privilege of dealing
with finer sportsmen or finer gentle- -,
men than the representatives of the
University of Kentucky. That is the
sentiment shared by all of us here, and

Southern Announces
Special to Knoxville
Train Will Enable Students To

A new plan will be used this year applicants always exceeds the number

Lost and Found Department Is for Romany tryouts, according to an of parts the Romany has to give out,
Moved to Postoffice
announcement made by Romany of- and, other things being equal, the


Take Place

Reach Lexington in Time
For First Hours

Romany will give first chance to those
The Southern Railway company anwho apply earliest.
nounces a "Tennessee Special" from
Four Classes of Members
Knoxville November 25, that will enThere will be four classes of mem able all students attending the Kentuckbership in the Romany. The lowest,
the super class, will be composed of
those who are seen to have, ability, but whose talent needs further
development before they can be en
trusted with important parts.
The second class of membership
will be the minors, and will consist of
those found capable of handling parts
more important than super.
The third class is the apprentices,
and is composed of all those who
make a Romany cast. Since there are
six plays to be produced, several of
which have large casts, this will afford opportunities for many' to reach
this class.
The highest class is the governing

game to reach Lexington in ample time to attend their
The train will
first hour classes.
leave Knoxville at 8:05 o'clock on the
evening of November 25, and arrive
in Lexington at 4:25 next morning.
The Southern announces this additional schedule:
Leave Lexington 9.50 p.m., Nov. 24,
any management and the students an
Arrive Knoxville 7:30 a.m. Nov. 25
opportunity to discuss the parts availReturn
able and the interests, experience
Leave Knoxville 12.10 a.m. Nov. 26
and aims of the applicant.
Arrive Lexington 7:50 a.m. Nov. 26.
Blanks are now placed in the
The fare will be $7.97 the round
box of every student, at the
trip, Pullman fares, $3.75 and $3.00
university postoffice. Students interadditional each way. The University
ested are requested to get their
Band which is being sent to Knoxville
by the SuKy circle, will leave Lexblanks, to fill them out at once, and
box at the
drop them in the mail
ington by the 9:50 o'clock train,. NoThe number of (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) vember 24.
university postoffice.



� Page two



Subscribe for
And Help the Association

Edited by



Published By And For University Alumni

Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.

We will be located on the corner of Lime and Main by Dec.
1, 1926.

McAtee Shoe Shop



"At the Homecoming game each
football season; in the opinion ot
those closely in touch with Alumni
and Alumni affairs of a large number of universities and colleges; there
is little that can detract the homecoming Alumni from thought of football. For this reasc.i there is never
a formal program for that day at the
University of Kentucky. It is a day
that is turned over entirely to the
Homecoming Alumni. This year will
be no exception to the rule.
return to the campus to see
a good football game and to see their
friends and classmates, and not to
attend meetings of programs that
would tike away time from pure enjoyment of the day.
This year however we here in the
Alumni office extend to each and
every Homecomer a most sincere welcome and an invitation to come into
this office. Make it your headquarters, your forwarding address and if
in any way we can be of assistance
to you please do not hesitate to call
on us. We will be glad to make reservations for seats, hotel accomodations or any like service that we
can do. This is your office and you
are urged to use it at any time that
you are on the campus.
The University of Kentucky, students, officials, Alumni office and the
citizens' of Lexington extend to each
and every graduate and former student a hearty welcome. Homecoming day is your day and you are
urged to take advantage of it. It
is just a week off so we will tell you
goodbye until Saturday, November 20,
when we hope to see as many of you
back here at home as possible.
is going to be .a great day, one that
you will long remember. You that
have not been back for some time will
be more than glad that you came
when you see the improvements that
have been made at the university.


In attending to the large lists of
Alumni of the University of Ken
tucky here in this office there arr
a great many opportunities for mak
ing errors. We are human. Con
sequently there are times when wr
make mistakes of different kinds ir
our records and on this page. However there are two common fault'
that occur most frequently. Of thesr
the most common is that of miscar
ried and undelivered Kernels. Each
year we have hundreds on the mail
ing list for The Kernel. This list wc
attend to as carefully as is possible
but never the less there are subscrib
ers who fail now and then to get Thr
Kernel. This we lay to someone else
Each week we carefully check thr
list and address a Kernel to every
paid up member. These Kernels arc
sorted into bunches for each town
county and state and delivered to the
Lexington postoffice. All this is done
carefully each week and when you
fail to receive your Kernel remem
ber we can follow" it no farther than
the postoffice.
In checking our lists each year and
sending out letters to those members
who are not paid up it is sometimes
the case that we send a request for
dues to some member who already has
paid up for that year. This is nol
3 common thing but it occasionally
happens. For this mistake, which is
our fault entirely, we are sorry. How
ever just drop us a line and tell us
about the time when you paid and we
will be glad to correct the error and
are also glad to get our files straight
ened out.
These faults are the most frequent
and are most surely a source of em
barrassment to us. However we dc
not intend for a single one of you tc
miss your Kernel and we are doing
our utmost to see that it gets to you
early each week. Be sure and let us
know whenever you fail to receive it
and we will check up on it at once
We aim to please all of you at the
same time.

Class Personals


of Midwest,


Marshall Barnes is engaged in the
banking and insurance business at
Beaver Dam, Ky.
Allie F. Arnold is an engineer and
Lillian Getrtrude Collins is teach'
street, ing mathematics in the high schoo
is located at 233 West Illinois
at Maysville. Her home address is
Horace Miller Clay is a sales engi- Mayslick, Ky.
neer with the Worthington Pump and
Oscar F. Galloway is superinten
Machine Corporation of Cincinnati, dent of the city schools of Stanford,
His address is 1504 First Kentucky.
National Bank building.
Thomas Leigh Garwood is an en
Fred Elan Engle is teaching biol- gineer with the Chicago, Wilmingogy in the high school at Winchester. ton and Franklin Coal Company. Ht
William Bowman Grant is with the is living at West Elm street, Frank
Cia Cubana de Electricidad, Apartado fort, 111.
1715, Havana, Cuba.
John William Gudgel is with the
Martin Thomas Gregory is teaching history in the Community High Chile Exploration Company at
Chile, South America.
school, Hinckley, 111.
Earl Maxwell Heavrin is the jun- ' Catherine Palmer Hanley is with
ior member of the Heavrin Law Firm the Philadelphia Inter-stat- e
of Hartford, Ky. His address is P. Council of Philadelphia, Penn. She
is living at 3441 Walnut street.
0. Box 66.
Elizabeth Holloway Jackson is
John B. Loftus is an engineer witl
chapter visitor for the Chi Omega the sales department of the Crane
She lives at 451 West Company at Charleston, W. Va. He
Sixth street, Lexington, Ky.
is living at 1424 Quarrier street.
Otis Lamont Jones is with the CadHelen Frances McGurk is teach
do River Lumber Company of Kan- ing in the Fayette county schools
sas City, Missouri. He is living at and is living at 119 Waller avenue,
4406 Main street.
Robert Daniel McAlpin is teaching
C. Givens Martin is
agriculture in the high school at at the Winter Garden athletic coach
High school,
Palmersville, Tennessee.
Winter Garden; Fla.
Clifton O'Neal Mock is an engiVirginia Newman is dietitian with
neer with offices in the Fayette National Bank building, Lexington, Ky. the Philadelphia General hospital,
He is living at 185 Ri