xt7g1j97715v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j97715v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1946-toc. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-toc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-toc. 1946 1946-toc. 2011 true xt7g1j97715v section xt7g1j97715v 

                   EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                   January 19, 1946

A .    Approval of the minutes...................          1
    1.   Action of the Committee        .     .        1
B.     Report of the Comptroller       .      .         1
    2.   Action of the Committee        .     .        4
C.    Budget additions..........................           4
    3.   Action of the Committee      .     .          5
D.     Enrollment- Winter Quarter     .     .5
E.     Report on Exchange and Sale of U. S.
                Treasury Bonds         .     .         5
F.     Resolution of C6mmendation of the Comptroller        7
G.    Bond of Treasurer of the University     .  .     7
    4.   Action of the Committee         .     .       7
H.     Request for Bids on Dormitories Delayed.....         8
    5.-  Action of the Committee.................          8
I.    University Purchases Approved    .     .
    6.   Action of the Committee.         .            9
J.     Purchase of Building Supplies..........       10
    7.    Action of the Committee   .     .10
K.     Approval of Budget Increase.(Surplus.Prop)..   10
    8.   Action of the Committee         .     .     10
L.    Report on the Election of Alumni Member of
                the Board of Trustees        .   .   11
U.     Awards to the University at Fat Stock Show..   12
N.     Use of Prisoners of War on Kentucky Farms...   13
0.    Chi Delta Phi Fraternity to Sponsor and
                Publish Magazine         .     .     13
    9.   Action of the Committee...........          14
P.     Gifts:
            From Commissioners of City of Lexington
                   (Two 103 foot ettel towers).....      15
   10.   Action of the Committee ........            15
            From Swift and Company- $15,400 for
                   Study- forage utilization by
                   late lambs.  .....................     15
   11.   Action of the Committee.....,......,...      16
            From W. Atlee Burpee Company- $100
                   annual award in horticulture....17
   12.   Action of the Committee.........             17
            From Charles F. Turner, Estatoe"urios..        18
   13.   Action of the Committee., ................   19
Q.    Resolution on Death of J. D. Turner .    .      19
R.    Permission to SuKy Circle to Give $1000 to
                   Athletic Association.*            20
   14.   Action of the Committee.................     20
S.    Architects' Contracts for Abattoir and Ant-
                   Aal Pathology Buildings .   .      21
   15.   Action of the Committee.................     21
T.    Appointments and other Staff Changes.........   22
   16.  Action of the Committee ...................   33
U.    Adjournment......*-........................     33
   17.  Action of the Committtee            ..        33


         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                  February 15, 1946

A.   Contract with Federal Public Housing Adminietra-
   1.  Action of the Committee....................
B.   Correction of the Minutes.....................
C.  Approval of Minutes...........................
D.  Termination of Leave of Dean James H. Graham..
   2.  Action of the Committee....................
B.   Report of the Comptroller ....................
   3.  Action of the Committee....................
F.   Cancelled PWA Building Revenue Bonds Ordered
   4.  Action of the Committee....................
G.  Basement Requested by the Kentucky and West
                Virginia Power Company...
   5.  Action of the. Committee...........
H.   Haggin Funds Assigned to Kentucky Research
   6.  Action of the Committee....................
I.  Report on Need for Additional Room for Music
                Department .........................
   7.  Action of the Committee....................
J.   Gifts:
          Graves-Cox Company
          Baynham Shoo Company and
          Clifton L. Thompson, Jr. for financing
                the teaching of Religion and Sociol-
                ogy in the Spring Quarter, 1945-46...
    8.  Action of the Committee....................
K.    Policy Controlling Enrollment in the University
                of Kentucky.,..........4...........
    9.  Action of the Committee.....................
L.   Policy Concerning Request of Rx-Service Man
                to Erect House on University Property
   10.  Action of the Committee...........  .......
H.   Report on Aeronautical Research Laboratory.....
   11.  Action of the Committee..** ...............
N.    President Donovan Authorized to Sign Papers to
                Federal Communications Commission....
   12.  Action of the Committee............
0.   Policy Regarding Building on the Campus of the
                University for Religious Purposes....
   13.  Action of the Committee.....................
P.    Authorization for Advertisement for Bids for
                Residence Hall for Mon...............
   14.  Action of the Board..... ...................
q.    Contract between Lexington Telephone Co. and
                University for Dial Service.........
   15.   Action of the Boar&..........    ..........
R.    Recess for Luncheon....................
S.    Injury of J. X. Abrahms.................
   16.   Action of the hoar&.........................














T.  Hire of Employees' Oars for Special Work.....   55
  17.  Action of the Committee        .     .       55
U.  Parking Regulations on the Campus............   56
  18.  Action of the Committee .  ..................57
V.  Keeneland Budget Amendment...................   57
  19.  Action of the Committee    .    .........    57
W.  Appointments and Other Staff Chan    gege....... s 59
  20.  Action of the Committeee....  .........      66
X. Adjournment                 .         .          66
  21.  Action of the Committee...................     66

       Meeting of the Executive Committee
                  March 5, 1946

A.   Approval of the Minutes    .      .             67
B,   Report of Loss of Service Building by Fire      67-
C.     Authorization and Plans for a Now Service
            Building........ .....   .    .67
   1.  Action of the Committee .     ..................68
D.     Proceedings Contract for Financing Proposed
            Buildings............................    68
   2.  Action of the Committee..............         71
X,   Budget Changes Authorized.                      71
   3.  Action of the Committee.                      71
F.     Agreement Form to be Used for Making Contracts
            between the Experiment Station and
            Farmers..............................      71
   4.  Action of the Committee....................   72
G.   Gifts:
           a. From Algernon Sydney Sullivan Founda-
                  tion            ..                 72
   5.  Action of the Committee............           74
           b. From the General Education Board....   75
   6.  Action of the Committee.-,.................   76
H.   Recess for Luncheon.........................    . 76
I.   Purchase of Pre-Fabricated Houses       .   .   77
   7.  Action of the Committee.....................   77
J.   Commendation of Mr. Jack Bryan       .    .     77
   8.    Action of the Comm     otteei...................t..   77
X.   Resolution Sent to Mr. Wilson Wyatt., ......... 78
   9. Action of the Committee           .     .       78
L.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes.  .........78
  10.  Action of the Committee.                       82
M. Adjournment....                      .             83

11.  Action of the Committee........*.....8.3....



           Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                    April 2. 1946

A.    Thomas H. Cutler Reappointed Member of the
         Board of Trustees (Alumni group) ......    84
B.    Approval of the Minutes ...................    84
C.   Report of the Comptroller .................     84
   1.   Action of the Board ....................    114
D.    Report of the President ...................   114
             Honorary Degrees ...................   114
   2.   Action of the Board ....................    116
             Air Conditioning the Student Union
             Building, Law Library and Biological
             Sciences Building..................    116
   3.   Action of the Board .117
             Housing for Veterans ................  117
             New Buildings ........................  118
   4.   Action of the Board..... (Dairy.Bara)       119
   5.   Action of the Board (Fine Arts Building)    119
             Loan for Architegts' Fes ...........   120
   6.   Action of the Board .....................   120
E.    Architect for Fine Arts Building Selected..     120
   7.   Action of the Board .....................   120
F.    Contract for Building Men's Residence Hall.     121
   8.   Action of the Board ...................... 123
G.   Building Revenue Bond Authorization and
             Notice of Sale.                        125
         Action of the Board.                  .    133
H.    Policy with Respect to Change of Work for
             Teachers, Administrative Officers or-KM.
             Employees ............................ 134
   9.   Action of the Board....................      135
   10.    Action of the Board......................   135
I.   Radio Education    (From President's Report)    135
  11.   Action of the Board ......................   136
J.    Communication from the Alumni Association...   136
K.    Resolution of the House of Representatives,
             Commonwealth of Kentucky ............ . 137
L.    Resolution of Commendation of President
             Donovan.....                            140
   12.  Action of the Board......................    140
M.    Resolution of Commendation of RHAJames Park
             and Hon. R. P. Hobson.                  140
   13.  Action of the Board            .             140
B.    Recess for Luncheon .   ........................ 141
0.   Budget Increases ............................ 141
   14.   Action of the Board ..      .................. 141
P.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes ........  141
   15.   Action of the Board......................   141
Q.   Agreement between State Extension Service
             and United States Employment Service    149
   16.   Action of the Board.................        ......155


R.    Dr. C. C. Carpenter granted permission to
            do outside work.....................    155
S.   Gifts:
            From Tobacco By-Products and Chemical
                  Corporation    .     ...........  155
   17.   Action of the Board..........  ..........  156
            From Security Trust Company.........    156
   18.    Action of the Board.         .156
T.     Agreement with Miss Billy Jackson - Course
            in light Horse Husbandry  .    ........ 156
   19.   Action of the Board     .     ...........  157
U.    Experiment Station Budget Income estimated.    158
   20.   Action of the Board ....................    159
V.    Contract with the Navy Ordnance Department.    160
   21.   Action of the Board .   . ..................163
W.    Contract with Fayette County Board of
             Education...                            164
   22.    Action of the Board.            .    .     165
X.    Leveling ground and capping sewer lines at
             Charlestown, Indiana.   .   ..............165
   23.    Action of the Board.    . ..................166
Y.   Report on the condition of Smith Hall.....      166
   24.    Action of the Board.    . ..................166
Z.     Resolution on the death of Professor Carter
            C. Jett...............................        166
   25.     Action of the Board..                     167
Al.   X-Ray bill for J. E. Abrams.     ...............167
   26.     Action of the Board...................    168
Bl.   City of Lexington given permission to con"
              nect with University sewer line on
              Rose Street.......................     168
   27.     Action of the Board    .      .           168
Cl,   Request that Architects completework .168
   28.     Action of the Board         .     .       169
Dl.   Adjournment................................    169
   29.     Action of the Board.169

              Meeting of the Executive Committee
                         May 1, 1946

A.    Contract for Construction of Men'es Residence
               Hall................    ..............170
B.    Report of the Comptroller..                    170
    1.     Action of the Committee.       .          172
C.   Budget Additions authi5oized................    172
    2.     Action of the Committee.     ..............173
D.    Sale of Dormitory Revenue Bonds .     .        173
E.    Proposal for the purchase of the Alfred iZi.W'
               Miller property.................      184
    3.     Action of the Committee   .    .........  184
P.    Sale of Smith Hall..                           184
    4.     Action of the Committee        .          184
G.    Agreement *ith Steel Founders' of America      185
    5..    Action of the Committee ........          187
H.    Agreement with the Lexington Water Company     187
    6.     Action of the Committee    .    .   ...   189


I. Report of a special committee of the Kentucky
             Chapter of the American Association
             of University Professors Regarding
             the housing situation fo the Univer-
             sity faculty    .       .............  189
  9.     Action of the Committee ................   190
J.  Recess for luncheon ..........................      190
K. Establishment of an Engineering Experiment
             Station .............................     190
  8.  Action of the Committee    .     ...........  192
L. Kentucky Press Association   .    ............ 0 192
  9.  Action of the Committee    .     ...........  194
M.  Gifts:
         From the Grayson Foundation .............     194
  10.  Action of the Committee .    ..................  194
N.   Injury to J. Z. Abrams.    .....................  195
11.;.,ct~ot:of the Committee............ ..       195
0.  Report on Work of Architects ................      195
P.   Schedule of Graded Rents for Cooperstown....       196
  12.  Action of the Committee ..................       196
Q.  List of Excess Property....................        196
R.  Appointments and other Staff Changes..,...      197
  13.  Action of the Committee..............
S.  Requests for pay for personal property lost
              in fire       ...207
T.  Adjournment................................        207
   14. Action of the Committee      .   .   .207

              Meeting of the Executive Committee
                        May 25, 1946

A.    Minutes approved .208
B. -.Budget Increases.                              208
    1.   Action of the Committee ................       208
C.   Bankhead- Flannagan Budget revised .........      209
    2.   Action of the Committee .................      209
D.    Agricultural Extension Budget revised ......      209
    3.   Action of the Committee ................      . 209
Z.    Approval of Purchases made by the Comptroller 209
    4.   Action of the Committee    .    .........  211
J.    Supplemental Agreement with the FPHA....      211
    5.   Action of the Committee    .    .........  211
G.    Colonial Bowling Lanes-- Sub-lease of
              restaurant.........................      211
    6.  Action of the Committee        ....         212
H.    Report of the Committee on Housing Faculty..      212
I.   Maintenance and Operations authorized to
              employ maid for Maxwell Place .......    213
    7.   Action of the Committee ..................     213


J.    Foreign Scholarships App    rove      d.............213
    8.   Action of the Committee  .   .........  214
K.    Gifts:
        From Keeabland Foundation .    ........  215
    9.   Action of the Committee  .   .........  215
        From Merck and Company  .    ..........  215
   10.   Action of the Committee        .   .   2 16
        From Sears-Roebuck Foundation   .   .    2 16
   11.   Action of the Committee    .   .......  216
L.      Graham Case Decision made final.         217
Y.      Appointments and other staff changes     218
   12.    Action of the Committee.e              221
N.      Adjoument...             .221
   18.    Action of the Committee.               221


                 EXECUTIVE COMMI'TTEE

        Meeting of the Executive Committee
                   June 4, 1946

A.   Approval of the Minutes    .      ...........   222
B.   Report of the Comptroller.   ................   222
   1. Action of the Board      .      .253
C.   Budget Increases......   ,.... .    .             253
   2.  Action of the Board........................   253
D.     Report of the President:
           Budget for 1946-4     7.    .            254
   3.  Action of the Board........................   258
   4. Action of the Board      .      .258
           Haggin Fund--Haggin-Teeneland Budget     259
   5. Action of the Board      .      .261
   .  Chapel....................       .........    262
   6.  Action of the Board.  .....................   263
           Haggin Portrait.......................   263
   7.  Action of the BoardL*.....................    263
           Contracts for New Buildings .    .263
           Buildings for Sororities and Fraternities       264
   8.  Action of the Boardr                   .265
           Request for Consultant Service.  .        266
   9.  Action of the Board; ........................        266
           Change of Work for Dean James E. Graham         267
  10.  Action of the Board.....................      269
B.     Resolution of Appreciation of Dean James H.
                 Graham's Services  .    .........   270
F.   Payment of Back Salary to James E. Graham....   270
  11.  Action of the Board..  . .....................270
G.   Appointment and other staff changes.........    271
  12.  Action of the Board .........................        287
H.     Request from Dr. Kenneth Bowen, President,  
                College of the Bible (Purchase of
                120 feet/on Scott St. owned by U.)   288
  13. Action of the Board      .      .288
I.   Candidates for Degrees.      ......................288
  14.  Action of the Board ........ ................ 294
J.   Report on Campus Roads  ... ................... 294
  15. Action of the Board      .       .             294
K.   Loan and Gift:
       Loan of Electron Microscope from Keeneland
                 Foundation.............             294
   16. Action of the Board.                          296
       Gift from Mr. Hugh Drury      .    .296
   17.  Action of the Board......a ..................         297
L.   Judge Stoll Withdraws from Meeting...........   297
M.   R. P. Robson Made Acting Chairman............    297
   18. Action of the Board....  .........   .         297


N.  Rental Schedule for Men's Residence Halls          297
  19.  Action of the Board      .............          299
0.  Report on Injury to J. S. Abrams ..............       300
  20.  Action of the Board ........................       300
P.  Degree of Doctor of Education Authorized ......       301
  21.  Action of the Board      ....... .i             301
Q.  Resolution of the Death of Yiiss Ronella Spickard .301
  22.  Action of the Board .......     .................302
R.  Bond Issue for Service Building .    ..............  303
        Resolution Adopted .........................       313
S.  A journment ................................       313
  23.  Action of the Board      .............          313

          Meeting of the Executive Committee
                       June 22, 1946

A.    Contracts with Earttr   R    bfl and Ohio
               CountZ News..........................       313
    1.   Action of the Committee     .     .315
B.   Report on Housing at the University .315
    2.& 3.Action of the Committee    .     .318
C.   Opinion of the Attorney General- Graham Case..     318
D.    Sale of Smith Hall...........................     321
    4.    Action of the Committee    .     .323
S.    Contract, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., with
               Aeronautical Research Laboratory         323
    5.   Action of the Committee..................      323
F.   Contract with Central Kentucky Natural Gaa
               Company to Cross University Property.        323
G.   Request of Mr. William Blanton to Use Bleachers        324
E.    Chemistry Department's IttejsinA^l Training
               Accredited.........................       324
I.   Recess for Luncheon.........................       325
J.   Budget Increased........................... .       326
    6.   Action of the Committee     .      ..........   326
K.   Revision of Rules Governing Non-Official
               Broadcasts ...........................       326
    7.    Action of the Committee    .      ..........   327
L.    Foreign Students, Fellowships and Scholarships     329
    8.   Action of the Committee ...................     329
H.    Agreement with the Signal Corps, U. S. Army-
               Research by Department of Chemistry       330
    9.   Action of the Committee .331
N.    Plans and Specifications for Service Building.     331
   10.   Action of the Committee.                        332
0.    Old Athletic Tickets Authorized Destroyed          332
   11.   Action of the Committee...................      332
P.    Comptroller Authorized to Endorse Kentucky
               Wool Growers Association Check .......       333
   12.   Action of the Committee     .      ..........   333
Q.   Appointments and other staff changes.      ....     334
   13.    Action of the Committee................        341


R.   Budget Changes ...............*
   14.    Action of the Committee...................
S.   Adjournment...................................
   15.   Action of the Committee...................

Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees
             July 19, 1946

A.     Called Meeting Agenda........................
B.     consideration of Bids- Construction of Service
                Building........... .................
     1.   Action of the Board......................
C.    Renewal of Underwriter's Commitment for Bond
D.    Expenses for Conference with Prospective
                Faculty Members.......................
     2.   Action of the Board........................
E.    Cancellation of Contract with the University of
                Kentucky Athletic Association.........
     3.   Action of the Board........................
P.    Transfer of Contracts to Kentucky Research
     4.   Action of the Boar&........................
G.     Faculty Housing...............................
     5.   Action of the Board.......................
     6.    Action of the Board.....................V..
H.     Lease of 246 South Limestone..................
     7.     Action of the Board.......................
I.    Site for Fine Arts Building.................
     8.     Action of the Board.......................
J.     Sale of Maxwelton Park.
     9.     Action of the Board.......................
K.     Recess for Luncheon..
L.     Use of Gymnasium and Bleachers.
    10.    Action of the Board......................
M.     Lease- Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company....
    11.     Action of the Board.......................
D.     Contract with Lexington Water Company .
    12.     Action of the Board.......................
0.    Use of the Haggin Fund..Opision.of.Attorney.Ge0
P.     Increase in Agricultural Extension Budget to
                 meet Offset Requirements(Counties)...
    13.    Action of the Board.......................
       Speed Limit on University Property.............
    14.    Action of the Board......................
R.     Incidental Feas - College of Engineering-....
    15,    Action of the Board.......................
S.     Gifts:


     From Mr. Alexander Bonnyman .........
     rran International Minerals and
     0homical Corporation...............
Action of the Board ..  ................. *
Action of the Board.......................












                From Mr. Curtis Zast.(tractor) ........      368
     18.    Action of the Board ......................    368
 T.    Bids for Construction of Water and Sewer Lines-
                Shawnee Housing Project ...............      368
     19.    Action of the Board......................     369
 U.     Contract for Survey of Steam and Electric.....    369
     20.    Action of the Board......................     372
V.     Plans and Speftifications for Women's Dormi-
                 tory and Dining Room Units..             372
     21.    Action of the Board.                          373
R.     Survey of the University of Kentucky   ...         374
X.     Mississippi Valley Historical Review..........     375
T.     Communication of War Department Regarding Col-
                 6nel James H. Graham .377
Z.     Request of William R. Sutherland     .  .   .      378
     22.    Action of the Board .378
AA.    Dr. W. W. Dimock Relieved of Headship of Dept.     378
     23.    Action of the Board .380
BB.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes .381
     24.    Action of the Board......................     395
CC.    Adjournment..................................      395
     25.    Action of the Board ......................    395

              Meeting of the Executive Committee
                       August 23, 1946

A.     Approval of minutes..........................       396
B.     New Construction and Expansion of the University.      396
    1.       Action of the Committee..................    396
C.    Employment of planning engineers ...............    397
    2.       Action of the Committee..................    39?
D.    Employment of architect for Men's Dormitory          397
    3.      Action of the Committee..................     397
E.    Alterations in plans and specifications of New
                 Service Building .....................      398
    4.       Action of the Committee................      398
F.     University Lock Box to be Entered only in
                 presence of two people ...............       398
    5.       Action of the Committee..................     398
G.     Committee to check securities..                     399
    6.       Action of the Committee..................    399
H.     Report of the Comptroller .399
    7.       Action of the Committee.401
I.    Budget adjustments for 1945-46 .401
    8.       Action of the Committee..................     401
J.    Budget Increases for 1946-47 .401
    9.       Action of the Committee.............. ...     402
X.     Approval of Purchases of the Comptroller's office       402
   10.       Action of the Committee................       403
L.     Sale of Smith Hall.............................     403


     11.    Action of the Committee    .      .........   404
M.      Sale of Maxwelton Park........................    405
    12.     Action of the Committee..................     405
N.      Eviction notice approved.....................     405
    13.     Action of the Committee..................     406
0.      Degrees Granted..............................     406
    14.     Action of the Committee..................     410
P.      Extra Fees....................................    410
    15.     Action of the Committee..................     417
Q.      Agreement between University of Kentucky and
                 Central Kentucky Natural Gas Comnany         418
    16.     Action of the Committee .419
R.      Appropriation for erection of a storage shed.      419
    17.     Action of the Committee..................     419
S.      Proper protection of Maxwell Place ...........    419
   -18.    Action of the Committee     .      .........   420
T.      Field House property used as parking lot .....     42.0
    19.     Action of the Committee    .     ..........   420
U.      Cooperstown and Shawneetown officially named...    420
    20.     Action of the Committee .421
V.      Use of the name "University of Kentucky" pro-
                hibited .421
    21.     Action of the Committee     .     .            421
W.      Gifts:
               From Keeneland Foundation   .    .......   422
    22.     Action of the Committee.                       422
               From Mrs. T. Blythe Anderson   .   .422
    23.     Action of the Committee     .     ..........   422
X.       War Department Extends commendation to the
                 University of Kentucky    .    ......... 423
Y.       A policy on out-of-state travel    .    ........  424-
    24.     Action of the Committee     .     ..........   425
Z.       Outside work for Professor J. W. Martin   ..      425
    25.     Action of the Committee     .     ..........   425
A-1.     Change of occupation for A. C. Burnette.....      426
    26.     Action of the Committee .     ..................426
B-1.     Change of Occupation for Tom Dowd .............   426
    27.     Action of the Committee..................      426
C-1.     Leave of absence without pay for Katie Gradner    426
    28.     Action of the Committee     .     ..........   427
D-1.     Agreement with Hartford Herald    .     ........  427
    29.     Action of the Committee ...................    428
E-1.     Request to Office of Education for additional
                 housing facilities    .      ..........  428
    30.     Action of the Committee .   .   .     .... O.  428
F-1.     Application for Advance for plan preparation
                 of new buildings     .      .            430
    31.     Action of the Committee .     ........         430
G-1.     Adams Street ordered closed     .     ..........  430
H-1.     Appointments and other staff changes .........    431
    32.     Action of the Committee .     ..................445
I-1.     Adiournment...................                    445
    33.     Action of the Committee,,,,,............       445


             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                 September 21, 1946

A.     Approval of the Minutes         ....             446
B.    Report of the President.................... .     446
           Challange Facing University  .     .         446
           For the Future      .       .447
           Enrollment...............................    449
           ROTC Air Corps...........................    449
           Electron Microscope.                         451
           Laboratory Field Truck    .     ..........   451
           Surplus War Equipment    .     ...........   451
     1.  Action of the Board     ..............          452
     2.  Action of the Board     ..............          452
C.     Consideration of New Service Building  ....      453
     3.  Action of the Board     ..............         453
D.     Contract withFrankel & Curtis      .  .  .  .     453
     4. Action of the Board ...........                  454
E. Auditorium-Field House Plans and Specifica-
               tions Received- and Bid Proposal
               Authorized..........................      454
     5.  Action of the Board........................