xt7g1j97713p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j97713p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978-10-oct17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1978-10-oct17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1978-10-oct17-ec. 1978 1978-10-oct17-ec. 2011 true xt7g1j97713p section xt7g1j97713p 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee, Board of
Trustees, University of Kentucky, Tuesday, October 17, 1978.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met at 2:00
o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, October 17, 1978, in
the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower
on the Lexington campus with the following members answering the
call of the roll:  Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William
R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. George W. griffin, Mr. Homer W.
Ramsey, and Mrs. Betty Carol Clark, Ex-Officio Secretary. Members
of the Board present were Mr. John R. Gaines, Professor Michael
Adelstein, and Mr. Eugene Tichenor. The University administration
was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Robert Zumwinkle, Peter P. Bosomworth, Raymond R. Hornback, John
T. Smith, and Jack C. Blanton; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of
the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research; and Mr. John
Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the news media were
also present.

     A. Meeting Opened

     Mr. Sturgill called the meeting to order at 2:05 o'clock.
Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Black, the Secretary
called the roll. A quorum being present, the Chairman declared
the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:07 p.m.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reading of the
Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for September 19,
1978, was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as written.

     C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     After a brief review of the items in his monthly report to the
Trustees, President Singletary recommended that the report be received
and filed. Without objection, it was so ordered.

     D. Statement Relative to Iranian Students

     Before taking up the items on the day's agenda, President
Singletary spoke of the University's position relative to the
Iranian students who had been arrested, tried, convicted, fined,
and sentenced to jail as a result of their disruption of a meeting
in April, 1978, at which Stansfield Turner, Director of the C.I.A.,
was the speaker. The students, after serving approximately a week of
their sentences, have been released on bail provided by a Mt.
Sterling citizen.

     President Singletary continued that now that the District Court
action has been taken, further judicial action by the University



seems unwarranted. The Dean of Students will, however, proceed to
take appropriate disciplinary action as provided in the Student Code
against the two Iranians enrolled as students at the University of
Kentucky. Since the University does not comment on its internal
discipline of students, President Singletary did not state what such
action might be, except that it would not involve dismissal or

     The President closed his remarks by saying that the University
values its international students and wishes for them the formal
education for which they came to this country and a warm and happy
experience living among the American people. The University does,
however, expect them to observe the regulations of the University
and to obey the laws of the Commonwealth. If they do not do so,
then they should be held accountable for their actions.

     E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     President Singletary noted that the appointments and/or other
staff changes in PR 2 were routine in nature and recommended approval.

     Dr. Bosomworth requested permission to correct an error in the
recommendation for the appointment of Marion R. Steiner on page 2
of PR 2. His appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department
of Pathology read "with tenure" which should be deleted since the
position does not carry tenure.

     Mr. Black moved that PR 2 as corrected be approved. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Clay and passed without dissent. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     President Singletary said that the position of the Director
of the University Hospital was a very sensitive and important position
on this campus and he was pleased to be able to recommend the appoint-
ment of Dr. David C. Schmauss, a man of proven performance who could
administer the affairs of the Hospital capably.

     On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, the
appointment of Dr. Schmauss as Director of the University Hospital
was approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     G. Budget Revisions for 1978-79 (PR 4)

     President, Singletary recommended approval of the Budget
Revisions for 1978-79 as proposed in PR 4. There being no questions,
on motion by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed, the Budget
Revisions in PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the
end of the Minutes.)

     H. Appointment of Medical Staff-University Hospital (PR 5)

     In accordance witn the Bylaws of the Medical Staff, University
Hospital, appointments to the Medical Staff must have Board approval


and President Singletary recommended that PR 5, listing such
appointments, be approved. On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by
Mr. Black and passed, PR 5 was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes.)

     I. CaDital Construction Project (PR 5)

     In order to accommodate the expected patient load in the labor
and delivery areas of the University Hospital, it is necessary to
renovate the Obstetrics Unit on the third floor of the hospital at
an expected cost of $300,900. President Singletary recommended
that the Board approve for submission to the Council on Higher
Education, this proposed renovation project as presented in PR 6.
On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed, it was
so ordered. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

     J. UK-UL Coordinating Committee for the Health Sciences (PR 7)

     President Singletary recommended that the Board affirm its
support of the already existing UK-UL Coordinating Committee for the
Health Sciences as proposed in PR 7. Without discussion, on motion
by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed, the Board affirmed
the action of President Singletary and President Miller taken in
1976 to create a Coordinating Committee for the Health Sciences
between the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville,
supported a re-emphasis of this coordinating responsibility, and
recognized the participation of the Council on Higher Education,
as appropriate, in that activity. (See PR 7 at the end of the

     K. Activation of the Council of Supervisors, University Hospital
         and Amendments to Bylaws of the Medical Staff (PR 8)

     Upon President Singletary's recommendation, Mr. Clay moved that
the Board approve the amendments to the Bylaws of the Medical Staff,
which included the activation of the Council of Supervisors,
as recommended in PR 8. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and
passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

     L. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

     Mr. Clay, Chairman, said that the Finance Committee had met on
Tuesday morning, October 17, and reviewed the reports to be presented
at the Executive Committee meeting. He then moved that the
Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 1978, be accepted.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

     M. Acceptance of UK Financial Reports and Report on Internal
         Accounting Controls for the Year Ended June 30, 1978 (FCR 2)

     Mr. Clay read a letter from Coopers and Lybrand relative to
Internal Accounting Controls and said that Mr. Blanton and his staff

_ - _


- 4-

would conduct an in-depth study upon which recommendations for
improvements would be based. He then moved that the Board of Trustees
accept the University of Kentucky Financial Reports and the Report
on Internal Accounting Controls for the Year Ended June 30, 1978.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent.

     Before going to the next item on the agenda, Mr. Clay recommended
that the Trustees might find it both interesting and helpful to
read the 1977-78 Financial Report.

     N. Acceptance of Audits for the University of Kentucky
         Affiliated Corporations (FCR 3)

     Mr. Clay put in the form of a motion the recommendation in FCR 3
that the Board accept the audited financial statements for the
University affiliated corporations for the fiscal year ended June
30, 1978. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     0. Meeting Adjourned

     It having been determined that there was no further business
to come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               Betty Carol Clark, Secretary
                               Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8; and FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                                       Office of the President
                                       October 17, 1978

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointment
     and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that
     the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
     approved by the administration be accepted.

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or
     other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees
     in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
     of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to
     the Board by the appropriate vice president through the President
     and have his concurrence.

     Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
     appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
     President or other administrators who are required to report
     their actions to the Board. This report follows the recom-
     mendations requiring Board approval.

                         BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Benthall-Nietzel, Deedra, Adjunct Associate Professor (part-time),
     College of Law, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.

Hanson, Michael B., Assistant Professor (temporary), Department
     of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, 9/1/78
     through 6/30/79.
Hudleson, Irene M., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), College
     of Nursing, 10/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Milner, Samuel, Adjunct Professor (part-time), College of Law, 9/1/78
     through 12/31/78.
Mitchell, Dianne E., Assistant Professor*, College of Nursing,
     10/15/78 through 6/30/79.
Moore, Escum L. Jr., Adjunct Professor (part-time), College of Law,
     9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Ozil, Eralp, Visiting Assistant Professor`*Department of Mechanical
     Engineering, College of Engineering, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Rast, Nicholas, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Geology,
     College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1/1/79.
Ricci, Leonardo, Visiting Professor, College of Architecture,
     8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Rishi, M. L., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department
     of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, 10/1/78 through

*Special Title eSries
**Adjunct Series



  Savage, Joe C., Adjunct Professor (part-time), College of Law,
       9/1/78 through 12/31,/78.
' Steiner. Marion R., Assistant Professor, 4it :_..-     , Department
       of Pathology, College of Medicine, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
  Trigg, Alvin B., Adjunct Professor (part-time), College of Law,
       9/1/78 through 12/31/78.

  Non-Academic Avcointments

  Bustrack, James A., Research Scientist, College of Pharmacy,
       retroactive 8/1/78.
  Cordiviola, Steven, Geologist, Kentucky Geological Survey, Graduate
       School, retroactive 9/1/78.
  Peplaski, James S., Senior Systems Programmer/Analyst, University
       Hospital, retroactive 9/5/78.
  Thomson, Patricia C., Senior Systems Analyst/Programmer, Computing
       Center, Vice P-resident for Administration, retroactive 9/25/78.
  Threlkeld, Tom, Transplant Coordinator of Special Diagnostics,
       University Hospital, retroactive 9/5/78.
  Younger, Bonnie Brinly, Project Coordinator, .tpalachian Folk Crafts
       Project for the Handicapped, College of Education, retroactive

  Administrative ADDointments

  Emanuel, Jane, Associate Professor, (with tenure), named Chairman,
       Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of
       Allied Health Professions, 9/1/78 through 6/30/84.
  Kohn, Markell, Professor, (with tenure), reappointed Chairman, Department
       of Oral Surgery, College of Dentistry, 7/1/78 through 6/30/84.


  McClanahan, Edward Page, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of
       English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 5/31/79.


  Marciani, Robert D., from Associate Professor (part-time), (without
       tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of
       Oral Surgery, College of Dentistry, retroactive 9/1/78.


  Deaton, Logan M., Supervisor, Electric Shop, Physical Plant Division,
       after 16 consecutive years of service, effective 1/1/79.
  Hawkins, 0. D., Farm Manager, Management Operations, College of
       Agriculture, after '23 consecutive years of service, effective
  Tanner, Albert, Chauffeur-Supervisor, Services, Physical Plant
       Division, after 15 consecutive years of service, effective

  Early Retirements

  Jacobs, Sarah C., Nurse Assistant 1I, College of Nursing, after 16.5
       consecutive years of service, effective 12/29/78.
* Corrected prior to action--appointment does not carry tenure.



Johnson, Marion L., Administrative Secretary, Home Economics Extension,
    after 25.5 consecutive years of service, effective 1/2/79.

Post-Retirement Appointments

Meece, O'Leary M., Coordinator, Exemplary In-School Youth Program
    Demonstration Project, Somerset Community College, 11/1/78
    through 6/30/79.

                   ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

Baker, Michael H., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
Baldwin, Forrest C. Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department
     of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through
Banner, Mary A., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Barnett, Alice L., Librarian IV, Library, Medical Center, 9/1/78
     through 6/30/79.
Bowman, Arlene M., Instructor in the Community College System,
     Henderson Community College, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Brooks, Arthur L. Jr., Instructor (part-time), College of Law,
     10/1/78 through 2!28/79.
Bush, Deborah J., Instructor in the Community College System,
     Hopkinsville Community College,. 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Carlton, Carol Lee, Librarian IV in the Community College System,
     Southeast Community College, 9/18/78 through 6/30/79.
Challinor, Dennis M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department
     of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through
Clark, Bruce F., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
Crowley, Lillie, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Day, JoAnne V., Instructor, Department of Family Studies, College of
     Home Economics, 9/1/78 through 5/15/79.
Delaney, Dennis M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through
DeSimone, Shirley, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Dixon, Mansfield Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through 6/30/80.
Driskell, Boyce N., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78
Echternach, John, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health
     Professions, 7/25/78 through 6/30/79.
Fields, R. P., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
     Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through 6/30/80.


Fox, Marilyn Lee, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
    English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Fraley, Jackie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
    Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health
    Professions, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Freeman, Garth B., Adjunct Assistant Professor* (part-time),
    Department of Metallurgical Engineering, College of Engineering,
    9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Garrett, Phyllis R., Instructor in the Community College System,
    Henderson Community College, 9/25/78 through 6/30/79.
Gehringer, Martha G., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
-Gooch, B. J., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Goshtasbpour-Parsi, Bahram, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department
     of Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture, 8/20/78 through 8/20/79.
Gutman, Dale G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through
Hamilton, Patsy, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Hartnett, Timothy, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
    Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health
    Professsions, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Hayden, Linda, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathe-
    matics, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Hazrati, A. M., Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical
     Engineering, College of Engineering, 8/15/78 through 8/15/79.
Hewett, Donna, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78
Hill, Gail H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
     9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Jennings, Jeannette, Assistant Professor in the Community College
     System, Ashland Community College, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Joyce, Peter, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathematics
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Jupin, Arvin, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Kalam, Muhammad Abul, Instructor in the Community College System,
     Lexington Technical Institute, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Lear, William M. Jr., Instructor (part-time), College of Law,
     10/1/78 through 2/28/79.
Littlepage, Randall L., Instructor (temporary), Department of
    Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, 9/1/78 through 11/30/78.
Lloyd, William G., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
McDonald, Marcia L. S., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of
     Nursing, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Mayes, Jesse G., Visiting Lecturer (part-time), Department of
     Engineering Mechanics, College of Engineering, 9/1/78 through
Milby, Alison L., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
Pace, Robert E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
     9/1/78 through 6/30/79.

'"SpecialYTitle Series



Pfeiffer, Mark A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
    Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through
Phillips, Marita, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
    Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health
    Professions, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Pope, W. Nicholas, Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
    through 2/28/79.
Pulito, Andrew R., Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time),
    Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Rapp, Doris, Instructor (part-time), Department of Allied Health
    Eduation and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
    9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Rawlings, Robert E., Instructor (part-time), College of Law,
     10/1/78 through 2/28/79.
Reed, William H., Adjunct Assistant Professor*, Department of Metal-
     lurigical Engineering, College of Engineering, 9/1/78 through
Riddle, Jerry M., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
     Madisonville Community College, 8/21/78 through 12/31/78.
Sako, Gordon A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 10/1/78 through 6/30/80.
Sellars, Terry K., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
Stepp, Rose A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78
Stilwell, Doris N., Assistant Professor* (part-time), Department of
     Social Work, College of Social. Professions, 8/28/78 through
Stonecipher, M. A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Stumbo, Janet L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Swift, Robert G. Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of
     Pharmacy, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Tapp, John Jr., Instructor (part-time), Department of Agricultural
     Engineering, College of Agriculture, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Taylor, Jerry A., Visiting Instructor (part-time), College of
     Architecture, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Thomas, Stephen R., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Thornburg, Jim, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Vish, Donald H., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
Warden, Louise Sheridan, Instructor, College of Nursing, 10/9/78
     through 6/30/79.
Wehrman, Paul T., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
     Endodontics, College of Dentistry, 9/1/78 through 5/31/79.
Welling, Sara N., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.
West, John A., Instructor (part-time), College of Law, 10/1/78
     through 2/28/79.

*Special Title Series



Williams, Ken, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/15/78 through 12/31/78.
Wilson, David, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     English, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.

Non-Academic Appointments

Davis, Melissa, Instructional Assistant II (part-time), Department of
     Medical Technology, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
Devine, Charles L., Manager, Department of Radiation Medicine,
     College of Medicine, retroactive'9/11/78.
Kirkpatrick, Eilene, Instructional Specialist II, Department of
     Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive 8/28/78.
McLaughlin, Mary C., Assistant Coordinator, Expanded Duty Training,
     Department of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
     retroactive 8/28/78.

Joint ADDointments

Bivins, Brack A., Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College
     of Medicine, also named Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy,
     9/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Daugherty, William B., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
     Orthodontics, also named Assistant Professor (part-time),
     Department of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
     10/1/78 through 6/30/78.

Administrative Appointments

Brown, John K., Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure),
     named Acting Division Chairperson, Hazard Community College,
     7/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Greasley, Philip A., Assistant Professor, named Director, U.K.
     Center at Fort Knox, University Extension Programs, effective
Sinha, Jabil R., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
     named Acting Division Chairman, Madisonville Community College,
     9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Steedly, Gary F., Coordinator Continuing Education and Community
     Services, Jefferson Community College, 8/14/78 through 6/30/79.


Baer, Charlotte, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Blacker, Marcia, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Bohen, Christopher, Instructor (part-time), Department or English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Burton, Billy P., Clinical Instructor Cvoluntary), College of
     Pharmacy, 7/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Campbell, Diane, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Cetrulo, Christine, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Durant, Susan M., Visiting Assistant Professor (temporary), Department
     of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.



Estes, Norman C., Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery,
     College of Medicine, 7/1/78 through 9/15/78.
Huntress, Elizabeth, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Hutchings, John W., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Jackson, Jacquelyn V., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.
Leverenz, Theo, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Lyon, George Ella, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Morrison, George H., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Murray, Mary Ann,  Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Patrick, Marietta, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Royster, Betty J., Instructor (part-time), Department of Mathematics,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Saykaly, Ronald J., Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time),
     Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/78 through
Siwila, James, Instructor (part-time), Department of English, College
     of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Somers, Margaret, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Spears, Marthalee, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Spears, Ronald T., Instructor (part-time), Department of French
     Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78
     through 12/31/78.
Watkins, Brownie T., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Wolf, David J., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
     Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 5/31/79
Woodress, Fred, Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78.
Young, Eliza M., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
     Jefferson Community College, 8/1/78 through 6/30/79.


Uematsu, Ari, from Instructor to Assistant Professor, Department of
     Surgery, College of Medicine, 10/1/78 through 6/30/79.

Waiver of Nepotism

Howell, John D., Instructor (part-time), Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/78 through 12/31/78, husband
     of Carol A. Howell, Instructor (part-time), Department of English.


Arnold, James T., from Clinical Instructor (voluntary), to Instructor
     (part-time), College of Pharmacy, 9/1/78 through 6/30/79.



Jessop, Alyce, from Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor*,
     College of Nursing, retroactive 8/1/78.
Musacchio, Marilyn, from Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor*,
     College of Nursing, 7/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Obray, Bruce, from Assistant Professor, to Assistant Professor*,
     DeDartment of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
     8/1/78 through 6/30/79.
Shelton, William A., from Visiting Instructor (part-time)(temporary),
     to Visiting Instructor (full-time) (temporary), Department
     of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 9/1/78 through 12/31/78.

Leaves of Absence

Adams, David R., Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
     College of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, Spring semester,
Ayers, William Bruce, Associate Professor in the Community College
     System, Southeast Community College, Leave without pay, 9/1/78
     through 6/30/79.
Cazden, Robert, Professor, College of Library Science, Sabbatical
     leave with half-salary, academic year 1979-80.
Clarke, Harry, Associate Professor of Applied Music;* and Director of
     Bands, School of Music, College of Fine Arts, Sabbatical leave
     with full salary, 7/1/79 through 12/31/79.
Dye, Nancy, Assistant Professor, Department of History, College of
     Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, Fall semester 1979.
Gordon, William, Associate Professor, Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, Spring semester
Hartman, Judy Marie, County Extension Agent for Home Economics,
     Extension, Home Economics, College of Agriculture, Sabbatical
     leave with half-salary, 1/1/79 through 6/30/79 and Leave without
     pay, 7/1/79 through 12/31/79.
Hutchinson, John, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, College
     of Engineering, Sabbatical leave with full-salary, Spring
     semester 1979.
Jansen, William H., Professor, Department of English, College of
     Arts and Sciences, Sick leave with pay, 9/29/78 through 12/31/78.
Nelson, Daniel, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,
     College of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, Spring semester
Newberry, Anthony, Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
     Jefferson Community College, Leave without pay, 1/1/79 through
Olson, Robert W., Associate Professor, Department of History, College
     of Arts and Sciences, Sabbatical leave with full salary, Fall
     semester 1979.
Webb, Betty Ray, Area Home Furnishings Agent, Extension for Home
     Economics, College of Agriculture, Sabbatical leave with. half-
     salary, 10/2/78 through 9/3/79.
"Special Title Series

Action taken:  Approved        Disapproved       Other   Approved with
                                                         correction noted
Date:          October 17      , 1978.                   on page 2


                                        Office of the President
                                        October 17, 1978


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.   Appointment