xt7g1j977123 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7g1j977123/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-13-0ct21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-13-0ct21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-13-0ct21-ec. 1944 1944-13-0ct21-ec. 2011 true xt7g1j977123 section xt7g1j977123 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, October 21, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m.,
Saturday, October 21, 1944.    The following members were present:
A. P. Hobson, H. D. Palmore, J.C. Everett) and H. SiCleveland.
P..osident H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary,
l; re also present.

     President Donovan called attention of the members of the Execu-
tive Committee to the fact that Judge Richard C. Stoll was absent
on account of illness. Whereupon, motion was duly made; seconded
and unanimously carried that Mir. R. P. Hobson be appointed acting

     A. Resolution on illness of Judge Stall.

                          4it * * it * * * * * *

            1. Upon motion duly made; seconded and unanimously
                carried, the following resolution was adopted
                and sent by speciel messenger to Judge Stoll.


                     The members of the Executive Committees
                including President Donovan and Comptroller
                Peterson, have just learned that Judge Richard
                C. Stoll, the Chairman of the Committee, is
                in the hcspital at Lexington. They express
                their profound regret at his temporary dis-
                ability and the earnest hope that he may be
                very soon restored to hils usual health and
                vigor, and be back in attendance at the next
                meeting of the Committee.   We all express
                to him our best wishes for his speedy recov-
                          X * * * * *~ * * * *

      B. Wjord from John Cooper.

      The members of the Executive Committee were pleased to hear
 from John Cooper, a member of the Board of Trustees who enlisted in
 the Service as a Private and is at the present time a Second Lieu-
 tenant, located in Lorraine, France.



     C0 Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller presented a written analysis of the financial
report for the period ending September 30, 1944.

                                          October 19, 1944

     President H. L. DonovFn
     University of Kentuck!;y

     My dear President Donovan:

          I submit hereto attached financial report for the
     first quarter ending September 30th of the current fiscal

          During the first quarters we have realized 28% of
     state appropriations, 70% of budgeted federal funds, and
     52% of the amount estimated from student fees. We have
     actually received 57% of the amount budgeted to be re-
     ceived from the group of items classified as student fees
     from all colleges during the first three months.    We have
     received 61% of the amount budgeted to be received from
     the University Training School, Elementary and High
     School students.

          We have received $54,805.13 as room and board fees from
     students placed in the Men's and Women's Residence Halls,
     which represents 41% of the amount budgeted.    The budget,
     however, will be revised upward due to the fact that two
     auxiliary houses have been rented and are now in operation.
     The total income from dormitories will be greater, and our
     total expenditures will be increased.    A revised budget
     will be submitted at a Later date.

          We have actually received, during the first quarter,
     35% of the year's budgeted income for the Division of Col-
     leges and 28% of the budgeted income for the Experiment
     Station Division and 44% of the budgeted income for the
     Extension Division.

           The total expenditures for the Division of Colleges
     are running slightly under the pro rata amount that may be
     expected.   We have expended during the first quarter,
     22% of the annual budget for the Division of Colleges and
     22% for the Experiment Station Division, and 23% in the
     Extension Division.    No department has spent more than
     one-fourth of the budgeted funds during the first quarter
     of the current f iscal year.

           The restricted fund section shows that the Army program
      account has a balance in excess of $70,000.00.     I-am
      recommending that $21,000.00 of this account be invested in




    govei-nmont bonds.  The ferritic steel account shows a bal-
    ance of $9,543.09.   This is in the reserve accounti   I
    am recommending that the University submit a bid for sur-
    plus equipment purchased by the federal government in con-
    nection with the ferritic steel project.   The University
    can make good use of the equipment.   I also recommend
    that funds be taken from this balance to pay for same in
    the event the bid price is accepted.   I further recommend
    that the balance of this reserve be invested in war bonds.

         The Kentucky Kernel shows a balance, September 30,
    1944, of $12,762.00.   It is suggested that $5,000.00 of
    this balance be invested in war bonds and that the balance
    be held as working capital.   The Cm..pnus Bookstore account
    shows a balance, September 30, 1944, of $9,571.19.   It
    seems that $9,000.00 of this amount might well be invested
    in war bonds.

                                   Respectfully submitted

                                (Sigzned) Frank D. Peterson
                                Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller

     The detailed financial statement was examined by members of
the Committee and the following actions were taken:

                         it *  *  it *s *s  *  i. *

           2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
              ly carried, the Comptrollorls report was or-
              dered received, accepted and approved.

                         * * * * *F * it *s V t

                         it * * * * * * * * *

           3. Upon motion of H. D. Palmore, seconded by H.S.
              Cleveland, the Comptroller is authorized to
              invest the. followning funds in Government Bonds:
              $21,000 received from Armny Program; approximate-
              ly SO6,500, the balance in the Reserve Account
              received from Ferritic Steel Project; 4$5,000
              from funds of the Kentuck,.y Kernel; and $9,000
              from Campus Book Store Account.

* * * * * * i;-* * * *



     Do Approval of Purchases Made by thne Comptroller.

     President Donovan submitted statement from the Comptroller list-
ing State Requisitions, Advices of Emergency Purchases, Special
Purchase Orders, Food Contracts and Departmental Purchase Orders
made by the Comptroller since March 23, 1944.   He read the following

                                         October 17, 1944

     President H. 1 . Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
     tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
     made by the Comptroller's Office since March 23, 1944,
     to July 1, 1944, and from July 1, 1944, to October 14,
     1944.   These purchases have not been approved by the
     executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,   The
     listing belcw gives the numbers of the documents request-
     ing the purchases, or actually issued as purchase orders,
     which documents are made a part of this record and are
     held in the Office of the Comptroller for record, subject
     to inspection.   These purchases have been made on
     properly drawn documents at the requests of the various
     departments and have been charged against available funds.
     The lists follow:

          March 23. 1944, to July 1, 1944:
             State Reauisitions               Nos.1013-1336 incluste
             Advices of Emergency Purchases    it 1239-1687    H
             Special Purchase Orders           " 4724-6511     "
             Food Contracts                     $   23-29
             Departmental Purchase Orders:
               Library                          n 8437-8500     H
                                                " 8251-8275    "
                                                s 8301-8344
               University General               H 8207-8250     of
                                                " 8276-8300    "
                                                '  8351-8362    a'

          Purchases made July 1,1944,to October 14,1944:
             State Recuisitions              Nos.    1-530 include
             Advices of Emergency Purchases     "     1-760
             Special Purchase Orders                 1-1246
             Departmental Purchase Orders:
               Library                         't 14075-14264  "
               University General              " 14500-14650    '



         The record of the above purchases is respectfully
     submitted with the request that they be approved by the
     Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, thereby
     ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making such

                                  Respectfully submitted

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson
                                      Frank D, Peterson,Comptroller.

    The members of the Executive Committee discussed the various
types of requisitions and purchases and took the following action:

                         * * * *F * * * * * *

            4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
               ly carried, the purchases, contracts,    recui-
               sitions and orders as enumerated in the above
               letter are ratified and approved for the period
               March 23, 1944, to and including October 14,
                        * *t * * * i* * * *F *

     E. Remission of Fees for Public Relations and Music Departments,

     President Donovan read the following communication concerning
an omission from the budget made for the University for the year
1944-45, and recommended that work scholarships be granted as re-

                                         October 13, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          At the time that the general University budget was
     approved, there was omitted from the budget for the Divi-
     sion of Public Relations a request of the Director,
     which request was approved by the Dean of the University,
     for the remission of fees for thirty-two student quarters
     for resident students and sixteen student quarters for non-
     resident students.

          There was also omitted from the general budget a
     request of the head of the Department of Music for the
     remission of fees for ten full tuition grants.

          These are work scholarships.



           I believe these should be brought to the attention
      of the Executive Committee at its next meeting, that
      same may be approved or disapproved.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson
                                      Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller.

                          * * * * * it * * * *

             5. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously
                carried, the remission of fees for 32 stu-
                dent quarters for resident students and 16
                student quarters for non-resident student
                work grants for the Department of Public
                Relations; and remission of fees for 10
                full-time Quarter work grants for the De-
                partment of Music are approved.

      F. Increase in Department of Sociology Budget.

      President Donovan read a communication from Irwin T. Sanders;
Acting Head of the Department of Sociology, which contains a recom-
mendation of Dean Paul P. Boyd, after which the Committee took ac-

                                       October 13, 1944

      Dean Paul P. Boyd
      College of Arts and Sciences
      University of Kentucky
      Lexington, 29, Kentucky

      My dear Dean Boyd:

           This is to recommend the appointment of Dr. W. C.
      Bower as a Part-Time Professor of Sociology for the
      winter and spring quarters of 1944-45, at a salary of
      $375 a quarter.

           During the Winter Quarter he will teach Sociology
      27 - Religion and Culture, 4 quarter hours, and during
      the Springs Quarter he will teach Sociology 28 - The
      Cultural process and the Hebrew-Christian Religion, 4
      quarter hours.   The latter course is yet tote approved
      by the University Faculty.



          I think we are unusually fortunate in having the
     services of Dr. Bower and am glad thct arrangements have
     been made to finance his new course.

                                      Very sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed) Irwin T. Sanders
                                              Irwin T. Sanders
                                                 Acting Head

                        F *F *F * * * * * it *

            6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
               ly carried, the Comptroller was authorized to
               transfer $375 from the unappropriated surplus
               of the General Current Fund budget to the De-
               partment of Sociology for the fiscal year

                        * * * *F it it * * *

     =. Contract for Art Exhibit.

     President Donovan submitted a contract for an art exhibit en-
titled "What Is Modern Painting II." After explaining that the
contract was subject to be renewed from time to time and that the
art exhibit was held in connection with the Department of Art at
the University of Kentucky, the Committee took the following action:

                        it * * *F * * ii * * *

           7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the Comptroller is authorized to exe-
              cute contract on behalf of the University of
              Kentucky for an art exhibit to be shown at.the
              University of Kentucky on January 4-25, 1945.

                         it * * * * * * it * *

     H. Ernst & Ernst, Auditors, Report on Accounts of Mawen Motor

     President Donovan submitted invoice from Ernst & Ernst, Ac-
countants and Auditors, for services rendered in making an examina-
tion of operating accounts of Mawen Motor Corporation for the three
years ended June 30, 1944.   Preparation of the report, conferences,
etc., amount to A0,234,05.   He also submitted the actual report
which had been examines by each member of the Committee.   The re-
port shows an expense of the Mawen Motor Corporation for the prepa-
-ration and submission of Proposal on Oil Test No. III, which expense
was incurred by the Mawen Notor Corporation prior to the termination



of the Lease Agreement with University of Kentucky for the operation
of the Laboratory.    The contract, in accord with the proposal on
Oil Test No. III, was,after the termination of the Lease Agreement,
awarded to the University.   The total expense involved, according
to the audit, was $14,559.93.  This item was discussed at length.

     The audit report also carried an item for instruction with the
Arniy Specialized Training Program which grew out of employees of
the Xawen Motor Corporation being assigned to teach certain Army
Specialized Training classes composed entirely of soldiers assigned
to tVhl University of Kentucky for training.

     After discussing these questions at length; the Committee took
the following actions!

                         * * * * * * ti * i* *

            8, Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
               ly carried, the Comptroller is authorized and
               directed to pay kawen Motor Corporation the
               sum of :32058.72 as a reimbursement for money
               expended by Mawen Miotor Corporation in the
               preparation of their submission of Oil Test III,
               this amount representing material and direct
               labor cost only.

                         * * * * * * it v * *

                         it * * i* * * it *a * *

           9. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
              ly carried, the claim in connection with Army
              Specialized Training Program was deferred,with
              the request that President Donov.-.n get all the
              facts from Dean D. V. Terrell and Professor
              A. J. Meyer, Director of the Research Laboratory,
              and report to the Executive Committee at its
              next meeting.

                          * * ** * * * * * *

                          *t * *t * i* * * F it *

           10. Upon motion duly made, seconaed and unanimously
               c&rried, the Chairman was authorized to appoint
               a committee consisting of H.D. Palmore, member
               of the Executive Committee, Dean D. V. Terrell,
               and A.J. Meyer, to examine ,ll eouipment and
               machinery now located in tho Lsborptory which is
               the property of the Mlawen Motor Corporation and
               is now being used in connection with tests and
               experiments, and to make a report to the Executive
               Committee at its next regular meeting as to the



             worth of the property which might be needed
             and required by the University of Kentucky,
             in order to continue operation of the Labora-
             tory, with a recommendation as to whether or
             not the University should purchase same.

                         * * v * d* * * * *t *

                         * * * * * it * i* * *F

          11. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the Comptroller is authorized and di-
              rected to pay Ernst and Ernst one half of the
              amount shown upon the invoice for services
              rendered in connection with the audit of the
              M1awen Motor Corporation, same being in accordance
              with the terms of the cancellation agreement made
              by and between the University of Kentucky and
              Mawen Motor Corporation June 13, 1944; same to
              be paid from the Haggin Fund, and if and when a
              profit is realized from the operations of the
              Aeronautical Research Laboratory, the amount so
              expended for this aucit shall be refunded to
              the Haggin Fund from operating receipts of the

                         * * * * it * * * * *

     I, Kentucky Ice Manufacturers Graduate Assistantship.

     President Donovan submitted letter from Dean Cooper notifying
the University of Kentucky of a graduate assistantship offered by
the Kentucky Ice Manufacturers Association.

                                         October 12, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     The Kentucky Ice Manufacturers Association has offered
     to the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, for the
     coining year, a graduate assistantship, not to exceed
     $1000.00.   This contribution is for the purpose of sup-
     porting a study of the effect, if any, packing fresh
     fruits and vegetables in ice has on (l)ascorbic acid,
     (2) weight, (3) texture, (4)color, (5)flavor, (6)general



     It is expected that the work will be completed by Decem-
     ber 31, 1945.   I wish to recommend that authorization
     be given me to accept this graduate assistantship.

                                      Sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                               Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director.

                         *F * * * * * * * * *

            12. Upon motion duly madet seconded and unanimously
                carried, the President is authorized to accept
                the gift and write the donor a letter of appre-
                ciation on behalf of the Uhiversity.

    J. Printin-g Comptrollers s Report.

    The Comptroller explained to the Executive Committee that the
Comptrollerts report was ready to be printed and rRaiuested authoriza-
tion for the printing of the report and payment.    The Executive Com-
mittee took the following action:

                           * * * * * F it * * *

            13. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimouS-
                ly carried, the Comptroller is authorized to
                have the report printed by the Kentucky Kernel
                and to pay for same out of College Collection
                           * * * * * is * * * *

      K. Purchase of Small Items.

      President Donovan reported to the Committee that the Comptrol-
ler needed a fund for the purchase of small emergencies for the
University and that he desired authorization to use College Collec-
tion funds not to exceed fifty dollars for the year.    After hearing
the explanation of the need for the fund, the Committee took the
following action:



                          * * v it i* * * * *F *

            14. it was moved by Mr. Pclmore, seconded by
                Mr. Everett, that in accord with the
                reouest, the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00)
                be allocated to the Comptroller's Office
                to be used for the ourchase of small items
                deemed emergencies and so designated by
                the Comptroller.

                          *t * *n * * * i* * it *

     Li Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans tend heads of departments.

                   College of Arts and Sciences


      Bennett Harrison Wall, instructor in the Department of' History,
effective September 1, 1944.

      Mr. Murrell Salutsky, graduate assistant in the Department of
Chemistry, effective October 1, 1944.

      Mliarshall Hahn, student assistant in the Department of Physics,
effective September 25, 1944, through June, 1945.

      Evelyn Green, part-time student assistant in the Department of
Art, effective October 1, 1944, through June, 1945.

      Charles K. Jones, part-time student assistant in the Depart-
ment of Art, effective October 1, 1944, through June, 1945.

      James William Huffman, custodian, Men's Gymnasium, effective
September 20, 1944.

      Valva Midkiff, graduate assistant in the Department of Chernis-
try, effective September 1, 1944.

     Anna Lea Schoulties, graduate assistant part-time, effective
October 1, 1944.   Miss Schoulties  services are needed on account
of the extra enrollment in Nurses' Chemistry.

       Jane Darnaby, part-time case secretary in the Departmnent of
Psychology, effective October 1, 1944, through June, 1945.

       Jeanne Bureau, student assistant in the Department of Psychol-
 ogy, effective through October 1, November and December, 1944,


      Mrs. J. Allan Smith, part-time instructor in the Department of
History for October, November and December, effective October 1,

      W. E. Buckler, graduate assistant in the Department of English,
3Sptom-mber through December, 1944.

Sa 1a  AdJustments

      Mrs. Ida Dean, assistant, Art Library, adjustment in salary,
effI'ective October 1, 1944 through June, 1945.

      Mrs. J. C. Lamb, part-time instructor, given full-time teaching
load in Department of Chemistry, with adjustment in salary, effective
October 1, 1944, for as long as her services may be needed.

      Lawrence Schne der, student assistant in the Department of
Zooloogy, adjustment in salary, effective September 1, 1944.

      Julia Leach, part-time case secretary in the Department of
Psychology, adjustment in salary on account of lightened work, ef-
fective Uctober 1, 1944.

Leave of Absence

      J. E. Reeves, assistant professor of Political Science, leave
of absence extended from September 1, 1944, to July 1, 1945, to work
in the Department of Revenue, Frankfort, Ky.


      Laurence L. Quill, Professor and Head of the Department of
Chemistry, effective January 1, 1945.    Dr. Quill is resigning to
accept the headship of the Dep'artment of Chemistry at Michigan State

       Morton Dolin, instructor in Bacteriology in the summer quarter.
Pir. Dolin was drafted.  It is recuested that the funds allotted for
his salary be transferred. to capital outlay for furnishing two


       ,--eorge Oldham Johnson, custodian of the Mon's Gymnasium, Sep-
 tember 17, 1944.

       Professor Ellery L. Hall, of the Department of History, on
 October 8, 1944.

       Professor Edward Fisk, of the Departmnt of Art, on October
 8, 1O9f. A



             College of Agriculture and Home Economics


      Marietta Smith, assistant home demonstration agent in McCracken
Countys effective September 11, 1944, to June 30, 1945.

      Mary Zella Smith, assistant home demonstration agent in Fayette
County, effective September 1, 1944, to June 30, 1945.

      Sarah Patterson Maeason, assistant home demonstration agent in
'_odd County, effective September 1, 1944, to June 30, 1945.

      James F. Moore, county agent in Lawrence County, effective Octo-
ber 1, 1944, through June 30, 1945.

      Earnest T. Wightman, assistant professor in Poultry Husbandry,
effective October 10, 144, or such time as he reports for duty.

      Charlotte Baugh, seed analyst in the Department of Entomology
and Botany, effective October 2, 1944.

      Bruce Haddix, laborer, Robinson Experiment Substation, effec-
tive October 1, 1944.

      James Sizemore, fire wnrden, Robinson Experiment Substation,
effective October 1, 1944.

      i r7inia E. Faulconer, clerk in the Division of Agricultural
Extension, effective October 2, 1944.

      Mrs. Jane E. Gilliam, instructor in Home Economics for three
cuarters October 1 through June 2, 1945.

      Helen Martine Stevens, assistant home demonstration agent in
Union County, effective October 16, 1944, to June 30, 1945.

      John Bach, county agent in Whitley County, effective 0ctober
1, 1944, to Jute 30, 1945.

      Hollis Henson, county agent in Powell County, effective October
1, 1944, to June 30, 1944  

       Carl H. Lay, county agent in Johnson County, effective October
16, 1944 to June 30, 1945.

       G-len D. IvIcDowell, county agent in Pike County, effective Octo-
ber 1, 1944, to June 30, 1945.

       Henry ra Pope, Jr., county agent in Sell County, effective
October I., 1944, to June 30, 1945.



Re signations

      Jack D. Tiner, assistant veterinarian, effective September
23, 1944.

      Marion Valleau, laboratory assistant in the Department of Home
Economics, effective June 15, 1944.

      Lois G. Crooks, stenographer, effective August 31, 1944.

      Greenberry Sizemore, fire warden, Robinson Experiment Substa-
tion, effective October 1, 1944.

      Logan Sizemore, fire warden, Robinson Station, to become watch-
man and laborer at the same place, effective October 1, 1944.

      Wilton Bach, dairyman, Robinson Experiment Substation, effec-
tive October 1, 1944.

      Wick Johnson, laborer, Robinson Experiment Substation, effec-
tive October 1, 1944.

      Crockett Marshall, watchman and laborer, Robinson Substation,
effective October 1, 1944.

      James J. Rose, microscopist, Department of Feed and Fertilizer
Control, effective November 1, 1944.

Salary Adlustmrents

      Cecil McC.Bertram, adjustment in salary, during the absence
of Mrs. Skidmore for the months of October, November and December.

      Helen Louise Trapp, clerk-stenographer, adjustment in salary,
during the absence of Mrs. Skidmore for tile monft of Uctober, Novem-
ber and December.

Leave of Absence

       Beatrice Skidmore, secretary, leave of absence for the period
October 10, 1944, to January 10, 1945.

                          Collere of Law


       The following persons have been appointed as Law Library as-
 sistants for eight months, October to 'Mays, inclusive: Gardner Reed,
 Anne F. Noyes, Robert Preston, Alvarado E. Funk, Jr.



                       College of Education


      i.rs. Mary Louise Reese, secretary, effective September 10, 1944.

      M11artha Mitchell Triplett, assistant instructor in the University
Schiool, effective September 11,1944.

Salary Adiustments

      ,Irs. Mayme Shepherd, supervisor, adjustment in salary for
eight months, effective August 1, 1944.   The school system of Jackson
County will pay a part- of Mrs.  Shepherd's salary.

      M4rs. Louise Clark, kindergarten teacher, adjustment in salary
for ten months, effective September 1, 1944.   Mrs. Clark is to
teach two college classes in addition to her work in the University

      Estelle Adams, second grade critic teacher, adjustment in
salary for ten months, effective September 1, 1944.   Miss Adams is
to teach one class on the college level in addition to her work as
second grade critic teacher.


      Barbara Shipp, secretary, effective September 11 1944.

      G. Robert Boyd, research assistant, Bureau of School Service,
effective October 9, 1944.   Mr. Boyd has resigned to accept a posi-
tion in the Comptroller's office. Mr. Boyd served also as research
assistant with the Sloan project, and is resigning from that posit
tion, also, effective October 8, 1944.


      A. N. May, Professor Emeritus, September 20, 1944.

                         College of Commerce


       Sarah Bogan, student assistant, effective October 1, 1924.

       Henrietta Moore, secretary in the Bureau of Business Research,
 effective September 20, 1944.

       Mollie Clayton, student assistant, effective October 1, 1944,
 through MCay, 1945.



    Janet Helsel, student assistant, effective October 1 through
May, 1945.

                          Graduate School


     Marjorie Fingerhood Pfeffer, fellow, effective September 1,1944.

     William W. Hummel, fellow, effective September 1, 1944.

     Bruce Kennelly, fellow, effective September li 1944.

                         Personnel Office


     Anne Greene, clerk half-time, effective October 2, 1944.


     John E. Reeves, freshman faculty advisor, effective with the
opening of the fall ouarter.

Salary Adjustments

     Adjustment in sala.ry for the fall quarter for each of the fol-
lowing persons who will serve as freshman faculty advisors: Dr. OT.
Koppius, Professor R. E. Shaver and Professor W.S. Tucker.

     Miargaret Newell, clerk, a student who will be taking classes,
on part-time work, with adjustment in salarypeffective October 2,



     Juanita Cummins Moberly, assistant in the Cataloging Department,
effective October 1, 1944.

Re signation

;.;-se Angeline Jett Williams, assistant in Cctaloging Department.



                     University Health Service


     Ruth Harper, registered nurse, effective September 3, 1944.
