xt7fxp6v1b1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v1b1w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1988 1988 1988-04-28 2020 true xt7fxp6v1b1w section xt7fxp6v1b1w “a"







The year in sports — a not so
respectable retrospect. SEE PAGE 2.





Roselle’s first year a success
despite pitfalls. SEE PAGE 10.




Today: Mostly cloudy
Tomorrow: Sunny 8. warmer




Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. NO. 1 56

Established 1 894

Unlversity of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday, April 28, 1988




Contributing Writer
and Staff Writer

“William" arrives at his class
a few minutes before most of his
classmates. Surveying the room,
he carefully selects a seat at the
rear with a wall directly behind

Quickly and cunningly, he cop-
ies several equations onto his
desktop, hiding the writing with
his hands.

As the instructor passes out the
exam, “William” smiles kno-
wingly as the others groan.

He quickly copies the equations
onto his test, erases the evidence
and, finally, concentrates his ef-
forts on the test paper.

“William" knows he has suc-
ceededin cheatingoncemore.

UK academic ombudsman Bill
Fortune says cases like “Wil-
liam’s” are fairly isolated. For a

university the size of UK, For—
tune says, relatively few cheating
cases have come to his attention.

“The relative small number
cases says to me either students
here are more honest than many
would believe and assume, or
they’re skillful at cheating and
not getting caught," Fortune
said. “Maybe the truth lies some-
where in between.”

Last year, former academic
ombudsman Charles Byers dealt
with 55 cheating and four plaga-
rism incidents. However, Byers
said some cases might not be re-
ported because some instructors
prefer to handle cheating situa-
tions between them and the stu-

A large portion of those 55
cases concerned the highly-publi-
cized case in which 22 students
were charged with cheating on a
Statistical Methods, STA 291,

In that Fall 1986 case, a stolen

UK officials say large-scale cheating not all that common

key was used to enter an office in
Patterson Office Tower and steal
a copy of the exam. The exam
was distributed among several

“That was one of the largest
cheating cases that we have
known about, that the University
has dealt with, I suppose,” Byers
said. “I’m not saying there hasn’t
been more cheating than that,
but (it’s the biggest case) that
has been dealt with and was pub
lic where people were charged."

Nancy Ray, the appeals officer
for students involved in the STA
291 incident, said not all the stu-
dents were aware they were
cheating on the exam.

“Some of them truly did not
think it was wrong,” Ray said.
“Some knew and were willing to
take the chance (of getting

0f the 25 appeal cases in 1987,
17 were related to the STA 291

See ETHICS. Page 6



Concern for ethics having effect on campus

Various ethics-related courses being created
or emphasized in UK’s professional colleges

Staff Writers

With the increase of Wall Street
scandals, lawsuits against lawyers.
and the fall of several televangelists
in recent years, interest in profes
sional ethics is on the upswing.

This rising concern is reflected III
the growing number of ethicsre-
lated courses offered at UK.

According to Webster's Diclimi
ary, ethics is “the discipline dealing
with what is good and bad and with
moral duty and obligation,“

But ethics are “more than a value
and attitude." said Jayne Middleton.
associate dean of education. “It‘s a
behavior as well

Although more ethics courses are
being taught in professional schools.
Ron Butler. who teaches Journalism
ethics. said “you have to determine
your own proper values in terms of
your profession and adhere to


A professional opinion on
ethics sheds light on a dif-
ficult topic. See Page 6.

The difficulty in finding one defi-
nition of professional ethics is analar
gous to the difficulty some instruc-
tors encounter in teaching it.

"I am a little skeptical about be-
lieving I can make a difference in

a student‘s ethical posture."
said law professor Gene Gaetke “At
a minimum. we can make them edu~
catcd about what ethical problems

"I can't teach people ethics. but I
can teach them about ethics." said
.lon Shepard, chairman of the man-
agement department in the College
of Business & Economics.

But Richard Underwood. who is
chairman of the ethics committee of
the Kentucky Bar Association. said
ethics can be taught in professional
schools. The difficult part of teach-

ing ethics, he mid. l> that most law
students don i understand the
human zispcc’s of ethics until they
go into practice and deal with cli-

The (‘ollcgc of Medicine otters no
specific course >t:i> think that stu-
dents are more fliti“i‘\lt‘fl lll profes»
sional ethics 'tidix Ih.ui 'hey were
about it) years rpm for sexerai rca

Law students hate tic-conic inter-
csted in ethics tiattke :Siiitl, because
of the increased nunitcr oi rlzsciplr
nary actions faker against lawyers
and ld\\.\‘uil> \[ii‘lllgllltl from law
ycrs' unethical ticnm. .. u-

\L‘t‘l \R‘if. l‘rtg‘c t‘


Contributing Writer

Some UK students use week-
ends to party or catch up on
sleep. But what freshman Tom
Russell likes best about his week—
end activity is the danger.

“You have to react to
situations, and if you react wrong

. it‘s like playing with dyna-
mite. It‘s the excitement," Rus-
sell said.

Russell is a harness racer. He
spends weekends during the sea-
son training standardbred horses,
driving with them to tracks and
racing them.

He entered the sport about
eight years ago after taking up
his family‘s interest in it. Origi-
nally. racing was a hobby for his
grandfather. and his grandfa-
ther's sistcr-in-law had been rac-
ing for 10years.

Despite the hard work, Russell
said the track is a welcome relief
from the daily grind of studying.

“Knowing I‘ve got something to
do that I like on the weekends . . .
makes classes go a lot faster,“ he

The enduring pace of academic
studies is a far cry from the
quick pace of the weekends. The
race “doesn't seem like two min-
utes ,_- you start and you finish it
about that quick," he said.

And a lot can happen in that
two minutes. The horses can
reach speeds of 35 miles per
hour, and when the drivers pass
each other, there is often only
inches between the wheels of
their bikes.

Russell has been in only one ac-
cident, though as he describes it,
he made it through without much

“Before the first turn, there
was a five-horse pileup. I ended
up getting caught in the wreck
for a second. I bounced off the


UK freshman lives
for thrill, danger
of harness racing


“You have to react to
situations, and if you
react wrong . . . it’s
like playing with
dynamite. It’s the

Tom Russell,

UK freshman

pile, he (the horse) went straight
up in the air on his hind legs. I
jerked him to the left and we hit
the inside rail. We got back in
stride and went on.“

He said this all happened in
about three seconds. Russell went
on to finish second. This race.
Russell said, everyone was
lucky: the drivers and horses
were just bruised up.

But he has seen some accuients
that were much worse, though he
said he tries not to let it bother

“If you start thinking about
what could happen during the
race, you‘d better stop driving
because something will happen.“

At 6-foot-4, Russell doesn't look
like a jockey. Originally he
wasn't. He played basketball at
Campbell County High School in
Alexandria until his junior year,
when he had knee surf'cry. He
played for a year after the sur-
gery before it became too pain-

“I knew I couldn’t go further in
basketball," Russell said. “Once
I stopped playing. I lost so much
quickness with my leg, I couldn‘t
play like I used to."

Russell has won a few races.
His first win was on Feb. 4, 1987
while racing at Lebanon race-
track in Ohio. Russell has fin-


UK freshman Tom Russe" escapes the worries of academics on Here he rides Joey at The R80 Mlle track Ir“ Lt‘xmgtott tl‘é‘ closest
weekends when he enters the fast-paced world of harness racung

‘shed second about 10 times,
though all 10 were close.

“It feels great to win,“ he said.
“You can‘t really think about
what you are doing, because if
you do you will make mistakes.
You just have to react to what is

His competitors are very expe-
rienced. “Most of them have
been racing for 10 years on the
average.“ Russell said. He said
that doesn‘t bother him. “I re-
spect them but they respect me
because I drive on their level.“

Russell first became involved
in harness racing by helping his
grandfather with the horses be-

Reagan says Meese will stay in

Associated Press

WASHINGTON —— President Rea-
gan reaffirmed his belief in Attorney
General Edwin Meese III‘s honesty
yesterday, asserting that only “a
complete change of character“
would force him to ask his long-time
friend to resign.

Reagan reacted beatedly when re-
porters queried him about a Wall
Street Journal report yesterday that
said some of his friends and advis-
ers had mounted an effort to out
the attorney general, and that
Nancy Reagansupportedit.

“I shouldn't answer the question.
But l have to tell you, no, I'm not
aware" of such a move, Reagan re-
s .

“I thought the story was totally in-
accurate." he added.

Asked what circumstances might
prompt him to get rid of Meese, the
president shot back, ”Well, if he had
a complete change of character."

In spite of Meese's legal problems,
Reagan has consistently defended
his attorney general’s ethics and his
performance at the Justice Depart.

However, the department has
been beset by the resignations of
several top-level Meese associates
and officials have been scrambling
tofill a vacuum in thekey posts.

No of those who resigned, Arnold
I. Burns and William Weld, had a
face-to-fece meetlrg last week with
Reagan in which they outlined their
reason for leaving and said they

felt Meese should resign in the face
of an array of investigations. Weld
told Reagan that if it were up to
him, he would indict Meese, accord«
ing to an administration source
speaking anonymously.

Independent counsel James C.
McKay has been examining Meeee‘s
assistance to the scandal-plagued
Wedtech Corp. and a proposed 81
billion oil pipeline project. Also
under investigation are Meese‘s
meetings with regional Bell tele-
phone company executives et a time
when he owned $14,000 in Baby Bell
stock and the role of Meeee’s long-
time friend, E. Robert Wallach, in
securing a 340,000-e-yeer job for the
attorney general‘s wife, Ursula

fore and after races. Seven years
ago his grandfather bought a
horse for the family and during
one summer Russell spent two
weeks with a trainer with 23
years of experience. Tom worked
with the horses. fed them and
took care of injuries.

Tom and his family now own
seven horses. Their fastest horse.
a 5-year-old named One Life to
Give. races every Saturday dur
ing the season.

Russell spends anywhere from
45 minutes to six hours driving to
the various tracks for races. lie
races at Scioto Downs in (‘olunr
bus, a four-hour drive each way


Last Friday, Sen. Daniel P Moy»
nihan. D-N.Y.. asked the General
Services Administration to provide
him with a “full report" on the sign-
ing in May 1987 of a $50 million lease
on an office building for Justice De-
partment workers.

A partnership headed by Howard
M. Bender owned the building,
which was sold for a $22.6 million
profit 13 days after the lease was
signed. The Bender family founda-
tion pays Mrs. Meese's $40,000 sala-
ry at the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Despite Meese's legal problems,
Reagan consistently has stood by
the man who Ins served him since
his days as governor of California.

from Cincinnati; in Lexington at
The Red Mile; in Louisville and
in Lebanon, ()hio.

Race day is a vigorous under-

taking to prepare the horse for a
race that
about two minutes.

usually takes only

Russell begins the day early in

the morning by by walking the
race. he cleans the harness and
racing bike and grooms the
horse About three hours before
the race. he jogs the horse for
three miles
horse goes back in the barn.
where he's kept warm with blan.

Four hours before the

After the jog, the

of many tracks he drives to during the season

The cqunu‘icnt l\ cleaned tiL‘Lllll
and the llltl\t‘.\ tnndaut-s are

Two hours lN‘ltIl‘t‘ ilii- l’ut't‘ Ilie
horse gets a line trifr int; ,\lti-i‘
that, the horse- inn-s at .i .‘ .
llllnlltt‘ pacc about in M‘t‘lilills
slower than tlic Hue \\lll hr The
horsc is laki”? hack In the pad
dock, wl‘crc hell he uni-ii :i
\Hil‘iii ligitii ,:iitl 'lw cqliiptiiclit
will he t‘lt'iillt’tl .lL.i‘l! IE; that
lllllf‘ it‘s ”I‘l.‘ ,.~, linui until the
race begins

Ht‘tlil‘t‘ the l‘m't' llll‘l't"\ .i lllr
minute parade .\ltrr ll‘it‘ racc.
another two hours is spent cool-

\cc ll ARNFSS. Page ii



Deadlines announced

for Fulbright Grants

Staff reports

The Office of International Af-
fairs has announced deadlines for
students and faculty applying for
Fulbright Grants during the 1989
90 academic year,

The deadlines for faculty are
divided into two categories de—
pending on the region in which
the research is to take place.

For professors wishing to re-
search in Australia. Mia, India.
Latin America and the Caribbe
an, June Isis the deadline.

For all other countries as well
as lecturing awards in Mexico,
Venezuela and the Caribbean.
Sept, lSis the deadline

For undergraduates wishing to
apply to any country. Sept 23 IS
the last day applications will be

Due to the extensive applica-
tion process. students and faculty
are urged to begin right away.

Applications are now available
in 102 Bradley Hall. For more in-
formation. contact Suranne Kifer
at 257—8139 or Thomas Leinbach
at 257m.




 2 — Kontucky Kernel. Thom]. WI 28. 19”


World of sports involves the real and surreal

Big Blue sports scene
can change your dreams

“People not busy being born are
busy dying."

Bob Dylan

It's Alright Ma, I’m Only Bleeding

When I was young, I wasn’t al-
ways myself. The deep innocence of
youth often masqueraded my true

During basketball season I was no
longer 12 years old. I was a Ken-
tucky Wildcat. But not any Cat.
There was one special player.

The sun would fade and the late
afternoon chill would descend upon
my backyard. It never stopped me.
Hour after hour, I would toss my
bald basketball through the cheap
nylon net. Cawood liedford played in
my head. I was that player.

One night during my first year of
school at UK, I saw that player in
person. It was at a bar. I was a bit
drunk. That didn‘t matter. What did
was that he was too.

The sight of my hero belly up to a
cold one startled me. For some rea-
son it didn‘t seem right. My mind
had made him larger than life. His
pedestal didn’t include normal
human temptations. He was that

Now a few years later, I think
back on that sudden loss of inno
cence and laugh. It’s easy to now.
I‘ve seen worse. Much worse.

I‘ve spent over two years as a
sportswriter for this newspaper. In
that time I‘ve learned volumes
about how this business operates.
The best journalism class a young
writer could have is covering the
UK sports program.

The highs and lows of the job have
been experienced. I‘ve sat press row
for NCAA Tournament basketball
games. I‘ve had a football coach
screech in my face in front of 90
players. I was there for the wins. I
was there in the tomb-like locker-

The good times have been ac-
cepted with a smile; The bad with a
shrug and an understanding that
sometimes professions clash. It‘s
probably true that sportswriters are
“people who would if they could but
they can't. so they tell others who
already can how they should." No
wonder coaches and athletes are

The daily peek inside the local
sports scene has been tremendously
beneficial to my professional career.
But it‘s helped me even more per-
sonally. What I’ve learned about
writing on deadline is nothing com-
pared to what I‘ve learned about


What personal naiveness re-
mained after seeing my hero drunk
has been shattered in the past few
years. My dreams are no longer as
free and romantic. Call it maturity.

Notebooks and press passes have
opened my eyes wider than I ever
imagined. And just like my job, I’ve
seen good and bad. Or, at least the
possiblity of bad. That’s more than
most see.

The mere thought that corruption
can exist with The Program is
something UK fans struggle to ac-
cept. Listen. Surely, there‘s been a
setup they plead.

I don‘t know the answer. But I’m
willing to accept yes or no.

I understand how bad news about
the Cats is intolerable for most fans.
I‘ve seen it intolerable to report by
some Big Blue Media. Pom poms fill
their hands when questions should
fill their minds. But then scruples

Those who have their eyes
shielded tell the fans only what they
want to hear. That is easy. That is
wrong. But it's not the only injus-

Corruption takes other forms be-
sides allegations of illegal activities.

The ridiculous hoopla surrounding
UK basketball snowballs into wild
expectations and vicious rumors. It
causes a young man like Rex Chap-
man to be sealed off like some Elvis
figure. He’s only 20. He can‘t enjoy
a normal life. That is wrong.

Two years at the Kernel has al—
lowed me to see this. I now under-
stand these guys are only human —
kids who play basketball well. It's
made me realize how naive I was to
worship that player. And how dumb
I was when I felt shattered for wit-
nessing frailty.

Covering this campus has also
caused my cynicism to boil because
everything isn’t as rosy as it always
appears. Sometimes lies are told.
Bureaucratic crap does pull invisi-
ble strings. Statements are released
when questions need to be ad-
dressed. Student workers are fired
for rooting for the wrong team.

The initial baptism to this world of
big time sports can be shocking.
Sometimes I still shake my head in

But the more I peer behind the

Writers indulge in free beer and crawfish at the SEC tournament.


“if I ever need a brain transplant, I want one
from a sportswriter because I'll know it’s never
been used."

H "”

Joe Paterno


It's been anything but a spring break for UK basketball coach
Eddie Sutton. NCAA investigations can just ruin a coach's day.

scenes the more I understand that
athletics is all business. Big busi-
ness. Money does talk.

I struggled with this understand-
ing for some time. I became a
sportswriter because it seemed an
innocent profession. But just like
hero worship, I learned that‘s a
false belief.

All of these discoveries have not
caused me to change my career.
The benefits of sport are too re-
deeming. And besides, I love to
write too much.

No, I've been busy being born
again. The last couple of years have
just caused me to modify my think-
ing. About UK. About sports. About



L’K football coach Jerry Claiborne at his RES T:


“First we went with the offense‘s best against
the best. And then we went with the best
against the second best. We were trying to
compare people playing against our best and
our second best, trying to see who the best

people are.”



UK basketball placer LeRon Ellis. who onte won a gingerbread house baking
contest, when asked if he Slll/ cooks omelets:


“No. Not Now. Now I just eat them.”



Boxing trainer Don Turner commenting on why he wants Darrin Van Horn to
leave UK and concentrate on his career:


“Darrin hangs around a lot of people at school
who don’t know anything about boxing. They
don’t know a fish hook from a left hook.”

What I have found is there is no
innocent pleasures. Life is not fair.
Bad things do exist. Heroes get

But the flip side of bad is good.
They go hand-in-hand. After all,
sportswriters spend most of their
lives recording man’s achievements.

Most fanatics in this state who
bleed blue fail to see both the good
and evil. They must be busy dying.

The Kernel has taken me beyond
that stage. I have lost my naiveness.
But don’t worry. It‘s all right ma,
I‘m only a sportswriter.

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a jour~
nalism senior.

“1 always turn to the sports page
first. The sports page records peo-
ple's accomplishments; the front
page nothing but man‘s failure. "

Earl Warren,
former chief justice

A sportswriter once said about his
chosen field of endeavor, “I‘ll never
be a millionaire — but I’ll live like

He was right.

Sports is a fantasyland where any
one can be just about anything he
wants — for a while. Even writers.

In no other type of journalism —or
any other profession that I can think
of — can a group of crass, belliger-
ent, overgrown sports nuts be
treated like royalty.

I've spent the last three years
dabbling in the world of big-time
athletics as a paid sports nut for the
Kentucky Kernel, the Bowling Green
Daily News, United Press Interna-
tional and the Lexington Herald-

There’s been the best seats for
professional boxing matches, the
Kentucky Derby, numerous college
basketball tournaments and pro

There’s been seafood smorgas-
bords, expensive hotels and more
free alcohol than I care to mention.

There’s been Atlanta, Baton
Rouge, Indianapolis, Knoxville and

There’s been insiders’ information
and tidbits of gossip that those
sports fans without a media badge
would kill for.

I've had the best seats in the
house and I‘ve gotten paid to sit in

There’s been a lot of fun.

But soon I‘ll be moving to the
front page. That‘s where I wanted to
be when I started out. Sports came
to me as just a fluke. As a newcom-
er to UK I found the Kernel sports
staff in dire need of hands. So I
started writing just for kicks. I fig-
ured there would be plenty of time
to become a news reporter. A real

But aftera few.free lunches at
Wildcat Lodge and a few trips to the
Commonwealth Stadium press box, I
found the world of sports hard to

Nothing could be better than this.

But news is what makes the world
go ’round. Not sports.

So it‘s time to say goodbye.

The real story is what goes on out—
side the athletic arena. The killings,
police reports, summits, scandals,
treaties, crimes, controversies and
coverups. That’s what the world is.
Not some controllable contest with a

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

Gimme one last glance
at a better place to be


clear set of boundaries and an or-
derly set of rules. Right?

Sports is not real. The logic of my

But the more I thought about the
world of a sportswriter, the more I
thought what a wonderful world it
is. Even the controversies are
dreamlike. “Was it some eye-spy
set-up or a deeper plot involving hot
cars and cold cash?"

Sports contains our heroes, our
villians —— untouchable immortals
that carry out our dreams for us.
Through them we can achieve any-
thing. We can go anywhere. “That’s
my team that won it. That‘s my
player that did it."

Sports is one of our greatest
myths if not taken too seriously. And
the players, although I have found to
be real flesh-and-blood, are capable
of seemingly unhuman feats. The
different contests, rules and jargon
are all part of the same world. A
world of escape.

Through sports we can get away
—— at least until the final buzzer.

News makes the world go ‘round.
Sports is an escape from that world.

What I have been addicted to, just
as every sports fan, is not the ex-
travagances, the freebies, the insid-
ers‘ view -— that's just all part of the
illusion. I‘m just another element.

Sports is an outlet.

Sports shouldn't be linked to the
outside world. It has an existence of
its own. A place of its own. And it is
definitely a more pleasant place to
be. The place where a sportswriter

It’s more pleasant than the Per-
sian Gulf; or poverty‘s dank inner-
city streets; or the haze surrounding
a superpower summit.

So next year. when I‘m banging
out a deadline story on Wallace Wil~
kinson‘s latest scheme or sitting in a
stinking courthouse, I might wonder
what's going on in that other world I
used to be a part of.

That world of order and escape.

At least one thing is for sure. I‘ll
still be turning to the sports page

Assistant Sports Editor Jim White is
a journalism and political science
junior and a Kernel columnist.



UK basketball player Rob Lock commenting on the end of his planing career:


“I don’t think I’ll leave many broken hearts be-




UK basketball player Richard Madison when asked how he felt aboul presrl
denlial candidate Albert Care, a fellow Tennessean, making an appearance at a
Wildcat practice:

“Albert who?”



UK basketball player Reggie Hanson commenting on his preseason chances for
playing time:

“I’m just hoping to get in there and beat and

bang and whatever happens, happens.”



Louisville coach Denny Cram commenting before his Cardinals faced UK:


“I mean they ought to beat us by 50 or 55."


UK football coach Jerry Claiborne commenting on inexperienced pla,:'ers filling

in for injured starters:


“You got to go with what you got. We feel
comfortable with what we’ve got because
that’s all we’ve got.”


UK basketball player Richcd Madison commenting on the Soviet Union basket-
ball pla tiers filming the UK cheerleaders during timeouts:


“I don’t blame them. They probably don’t see
too many girls like that over there — especial-
ly the blondes.”


UK sophomore and pro boxer Drrln V-r Her-n speaking at a seminar on the

topic of breast cancer:

”Fortunately I don’t have it."


 Kentucky Kflnol, Thursday.AprllZl,1988 — 3

UK knocks out a flock of Cardinal pitchers

Senior Staff Writer

The Kentucky Wildcats made the
most of every hit last night as they
unleashed a 14-bit barrage, high-
lighted by a Vince Castaldo grand
slam, in beating the Louisville Car-
dinals 14-5.

Castaldo went 3-for-4, driving in
six runs as the Cats chased Cardinal
starter Jeff Cook after 2 2/3 innings.

Cook, a junior who missed last
season completely because of tende-
nitis in his elbow, relinquished six
runs and five hits before being lifted
for Kent Grimes.

The Cardinal starter struggled
from the onset as he surrendered a
home run to Wildcat first baseman
Sam Taylor.

The third inning signaled the be-
ginning of the end for Cook and the
Cardinals, after being tied 1-1 after

Cook gave up two consecutive sin-
gles and loaded the bases by walk-
ing Taylor. Castaldo then doubled
down the right field line past Cardi-
nal first baseman Tim Hockman,
who was standing on the edge of the
infield grass.

The Cats only needed five hits to
account for the five runs they posted
in the third inning.

Louisville coach John Mason opted
to leave Cook in despite the shaky
third inning.

“If the ball game had been one or

two runs we may have done some-

“He needs to get innings pitched
and what I wanted him to do was
throw 60 or 70 pitches without pain
and I'd thought we’d go from

Cook, who has only pitched 21 2/3
innings this year, threw 67 pitches
during his time on the mound.

By the time Mason decided to
yank his starter, Kentucky had com-
piled all the runs it would need to

Kentucky maximized its run pro-
duction by amassing its 14 runs on
13 hits. The Cats only stranded
seven men on the bases Louisville
left 10 on base.

Louisville, which only had three
less hits than Kentucky, did not
have a pitcher last longer than 2 2/3

In the six-run third, Kentucky sent
10 men to the plate, while in the
sixth they sent nine.

Castlado's sixth-inning heroics
were set up by a wild pitch by Car-
dinal pitcher Tim May, which allow-
ed designated hitter Bobby Olinick
to reach first after striking out.

May then walked Kentucky short-
stop Billy White, and Taylor reached
first on an error by shortstop Greg

Castaldo then launched his shot
over the 310-foot mark in right field,
putting the Cats up 12-2.

The Cardinals retaliated with
some long-ball action of their own as

third baseman Harry Meek hit a
two-run homer over the left field
wall off reliever Bruce Wise.

Despite using four pitchers to se-
cure the win, Wildcat coach Keith
Madison saw no room for criticism,
particularly when it came to Wise,
who worked five innings and gave
upfour earned runs.

“Bruce Wise did a real fine job for
us tonight. He just hung one bad
curve ball (against Meek)," Mad-

While the Louisville pitching may
not have been the most intimidating,
Madison was quick to credit his hit-

“You have to give people credit
when they do something and I
thought we swung the ball real
well,” he said. “It wasn't the best
pitching we’ve seen all year, but
when a guy hits a home run, you
have to give him credit.”

Overall, Louisville sent six pitch-
ers to the mound with Cook, now 2-3
on the year, taking the loss. His
earned run average entering last
night’s game was 12.05.

Reliever Doug Sutton, who pitched
in only the third inning, picked up
the win for Kentucky. Sutton's re-
cord is now 5—3.

Last night’s win makes Kentucky
28-18. Louisville drops to 14-28. UK
will take on the Cards again tonight
at Cardinal Stadium in Louisville.

This weekend the Cats have a
three-game series scheduled against
Mississipi St. in Starkville.


Catcher Robbie Buchanan swings at a first-inning Shively Field. The Cats are now 28-18 on the
pitch in UK‘s 14-5 wan over Louisville last night at season and ranked 24th in the last national poll



UK football player Mike Pfeifer commenting on what it felt like when he lined
up at his tackle position this spring and didn ’t see one familiar face around him:


“I thought they moved me down on the depth



Boxing manager (LL. Van Horn commenting on an opposing manager’s claim
that K enlucky judges would be partial to G. L. ’5 son Darrin:



l-‘ormer L'K basketball plug ‘er Roger Harden reflecting on his itlor (luv \.


“I love Kentucky. i would give up anything ex-
cept my salvation to have just one more



.4 uhurn husk ellial/ couch Sonny Smith .'


“Our center is so skinny he could take a

“I hired the band and the bridesmaid’s my

daughter. Why can’t I pick the cake? The

contracts are signed and sealed and that’s

like yelling ‘rape’ after the check’s bounced.

They’re in our house and they’ll eat what we

shower in a shotgun barrel.”



UK basketball [i/u er [eknn I'fllii commenting on his one-L'ume smpenwon for
via, the up past A urren to Willi/l a (‘lm/ kusrwuod film.


“it was a good movie. I guess it was worth



UK center Rob Lock commenting on what Dr. James .N'aismith A- lht' ueutm of
basketball — would think about his sport being pla. 't’d in a domed \.'tl(llll/ll'

“I don’t know what he’d think. He would prob-
ably try to cash in on it somehow.




UK rugby player Richard Boone:


Howie manager (1.1.. tan Horn commenting on John Alum/nun. uh“ Milk
knocked out l1 (LL, 'x son [)urrm:



“if you're a rugby player, no matter where
you go, you always have a place to stay, a
place to sleep and a place to drink beer.”

“He took that right to his head and it was ba-
nanas for his ass. ”





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