xt7fxp6v190r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v190r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1979 1979 1979-04-12 2020 true xt7fxp6v190r section xt7fxp6v190r i a
I _ . » - u . p w «.- I a I ‘5 " ‘ F' ' " ,-"'.=‘ r? ' ""1 "" I v- v , . t t . , n . 4 t . - . 7 ~ ~
C ' ds e'ght football team members
0 arge Wlt SEX crimes, says accused player ;
“pm“. (. [979‘ 1h. “mm“, he"... “\th rl this meant tltc Plilfl'l" lhe Aenrt'l attempted to reach the yesterday alternoori aitd released a .t\ Itndittg rrt tliccasc tscspcctcd today Wilson arid Robert Cobb. halfback '
a Marerral furl/tritium ii'utgarlrert'tl wouldn‘t be PfthtlL‘lllll with the tcartt six other accused PII'WIS- ”UWCVCF. PICNIC“ statement. “I M””“";‘ llenry l’arks. tullback Charles '
hr Antwan! Spurn Editor John ('lui'. tor the rest of the year. tlte playersaid. three could not be reached and three _ . .. l he players were charged with first» Jackson arid‘dclensiye backs Norman t
and Capt" [it/flu“ JUI‘ I‘tMM‘II and “Yes." declined conttttcrit. _ ”1" statement ““‘L I h‘l‘“ MC" degree rape and I'l‘l‘dCEWC “’d“'“.\ (”96" and WW5 MNUK; _
‘; Debbie McDamc/ (‘trrci announced Monday he had '“l”_”""'d ”Ii“ ”W grand .IUf)’ IN “I“ In on March 5, lwo days later they were Mc( rimmori was also charged with _
. ('urct. contacted at hiS borne scheduled a new conference for last WW0" and II “““ld hc ”NIPPWPI'IUIC placed on iitdclintte disciplinary lirst~dcgrce sexual abuse. -
The eight UK football players yesterday. said he had no comment oti night. 3| he conlercnce was to be for inc-to make any comment until the probation It) ('urci, llic players have 3
charged wrth rape and sodomy have the matter. ”0 “mild "0"le conlirni telesised at 72.10 pm. by the Kentucky grand lUr)’ gives a lrnal report. not beert allowed to participate in the charges stem lrom a complaint .
been suspended from the team for at "or d0"! the WW” I'ducational television network. 5PM” Inltlmldtltt‘n ”Il'cs‘tol’ sprrrig practice. which ends April 2|. lrom tlte W—year-old daughter of a UK ~
' least one year by Coach Fran Carer. When asked it he knew anything RUSM'” RM“ Mild ( 1111‘! would laculty metrtber. llte woman. who is '
j according to one ol'the eightaccused. about the report. Henry l’arks. one of It was widely believed that (‘urci rcschcdulcthe telecast wltciithc grattd lliose t.httttttttt wcrc treslintari not a [K student. claimed she was . .'
. The player told the Kerrie/last night lht‘ accused players. replied. “In that was to discuss disciplinary action for WW NUCd "5 report. quarterback I am ‘vlct‘rrriimori, sexually assatrltcd the night ol March .’
that Curci informed the players ol his out‘.’ Iain‘t heard anything about that. the eight accused players. However. lht‘ grand Iltry ltctirtng ol the tumor running back Randy Brooks 4 iii Ktrwrin l.tlicdorniitory thl'L‘th '
_ decision ’1 uesday morning. When I don‘t have any comment." ('urct cancelled the news conference charges “I“ continue ill 9 a.rn. hid-I). and le sophomores tackles l-arl tootball tcam |r\cs '-
KB I e] l niiersity of Kentucky
Vol. LXXI. No. “0 n lesington. Kentucky ‘ .
Thursday, April l2. I979 an independent student newspaper -
fl _
. I 4 M .r .wf: " '
Sovrets . r" ext year to cost more
I I I Us 3;?
vrsrtrng UK or ,
. for non-resrdent students here
. By TERESA YOUNG " .911? 23’ ,g-I . ." By MARTIN 800E tour-year institutions will pay H.300 untycrsitrcs solely totake’advantageol
Stall “the, 2' . . " . " ' . , j: ; z 2;. Stair ertcr per year and cornritutirty college the contract spaces while attending '
y - - " 3 “" . , ; t sttltlt‘ltts' tuition will be SL000 college on a part—time basis.
Some people li\c longerthan others. .3 ’% 4 Jig”, ' .1 t FRAN KI‘UR l . ()trt-Vol-statc In other business. the council passed In such contract programs. ~
why“) ." - 2 _ _;_tm.;_ta==3h__ . ; : undergraduates will be paying SISI) proposals tor the lorniation ol both unitcrstticsrn other states havcagreed
Diet. environment and genetics 5 ‘f . t "-22 more to attend ITK nest year. student and faculty ads isory to accept a set number of Kentucky ‘
have been mentioned as factors. yet no l .---=-::"-";::"‘ ”hit-3"““3'. ' "3' ': ' lhc new turtion rates are the second conitnrttccs. wltich arc to meet students . in graduate programs not
one knows for sure just what role they .3, 9% 4 24:1, . "in. g; g portion ol a two-part Increase regularly to discuss tssttcs concerning ollcrrcd in this state. . .
play. ..:;;a=gt. . tow - ..?";::s§.-;;;t.;_;tz'1;th _‘.:......‘ “iii-j; . 'ij . ; appro\ ed by the ( ouncrl ol lliglicr students and faculty members ol state In other action: .
. In an effort to probe this question. -: t,__" j 7% . g ‘ _ & Education last spring. lltc council colleges} . . -l he couiietl apprmed guidelines ;
t'our prominent Russian scientisth’ arid “it _ rt 422%.?”4; . . w t confirmed the increase at its meeting llte Student ’\tl\lsiir_\ ( omrntttec tor the distribution ot S|0 milliontin
' Department Chairman John van wit/g»/4€§o"%’%”i”'7 ”mm“ § , In the first part ot the 1"th tllll-t)l< or regent itom each ot the universities. handicapped access. lrrc satcty and
> . Willigan and physical anthropologist “Wt “ -" ""' .32 ' state tuition increased by the same ”I" coordinator “I .Ihc [ k lntcr— energy management. .
J David “'0” began the second ICEoI' .. i‘::_,:.; , . 1.323., [W f . _ t amount last semester: Resident tuition (.orrrnrtrnrty ( ”HWCMIMC'" "d‘mm l'rrst priority ‘_"” be given [0 _ . _
' a comprehensive study on the ,V VwanW” WW) N xii was increased by $35. but “I“ not go ( otrnctl as well as a student protects aimed at improving campus _
- underlying causes of longevity WW” 3 ; ‘ 0%, " up next semester. repr'cscntatoe lront each trniscrsrty. access lor the handicapped. including . .
n. yesterday. - 4 4“ !he CHI: stat? rccornirrcntlctl m llie student repicsentrtrycs will be rescued parking spaces. ctirb cuts. it
. the initial conference was held last 3. ' l978thattuitionincreaseslorallottlic selected by Harry M Syndcr, ('lll- entry-ramps on burldings. adequate ‘ .
s_. year when wolf and van Willigan y< . state‘s eight public universities take executive director. alter consulting burldrng‘doorways and restroom l; :
' visited Russia. iii; '. place in the tall I978 semester “.lm "W ( "um" 0' Independent accessibility. . .
“Mainly. we will be summarizing . " . i. 'T;-..e: Howmcr. the toll council adopted a ( ollcgcs and I lll\Cl\llle. Basic handicapped access would. to .i
the status ol'the two research projects ._ " proposal by Murray State I nryersrty Srinil'irly It“. hwht i\d\lsor\ Wm" NW“ “'50 include ”1" ' '
(US. and Soviet) and introducing the ' President Constantine “I“ h _3 ‘ . ‘1 - _ . . . installation ot eleytitors. lhc need for . -
. . _ . .. _ ::: _ (illllltlltttt will Ltinslsl ol the laciilty . .. , how -\ ‘r “I“ be ustiltcd on 3'
new people working on the protect. . . g; spreadingthcincreaseoicratwowear t t 1.. , _,. t t.) t. .h ,t tl . LIU‘HUr.“ g i ‘ . I . 4 .
wolf said. ,4 "". period. 'iil-hkt ‘ihl‘fill lt\""l't" ‘3 I‘M ”1“ an individual basis became their . .
' 'l'he longevity project rs a “a cw}, :‘ t :34]:- t ‘ C'il'l'- ‘ . “‘1'”! :"("iur fl ascragc cost is 575.000 and there are " .
comparative studythatwillattempt to 1 _ g 'lhc '3?“ “mm" rates. “'I'Ch “I" (i'nt'. ""l'\ '. if". «"1: ' 'L't “WI "“1"“ ihdi satrsly "W ' '
attttttt that make ptttpit ittt ittttgtt. 4t ”aerate t. +3 to . 51W r “I“ W it"s-s3 ‘T‘ it“ E“ , t ‘3 g?“ 3‘. ‘3 -' hc wunw' unwed Sta-”“09” K > ,
Factors such as diet. exercise. genetics 3y, w’fw‘zfl/W" iffy” £9“ “Mimi "' 'hc g radtiatc “'H' “in“. 3'."ka "H 'h ' L "" km tor alterations at the MN“ ( enter. ‘ '
i and environmental risks are being /W%%%WW 4%,,1; \. flaw {a . prolcssional schools. rtliiestn atots. lite alterations are the ltrststcpinthc \ .
. included in the study to see what may wé’gg/"(t/yg/“é efifi?5‘w " . ; ' ' (iraduate tuition will rise SlStl to llre council also approscd a espansron 01 ths‘ neonatal ”WWW .
influence longer life in certain People. éeihmx” " $|900. “hilt 1"” ”Chm” tuitionwtll ""9 Pll’l‘mill ”It” ”ls‘l'UiN'd tllt‘ WWIC'W.‘ “m" “n” and “I” proirdc '0' the ; '
, Wolf said. ' . ‘t ”" ' ' Sll5 to $I9hti. Medical and dental requucmcnt lot students tippliitiglot' Riddltltmm “El" ”(1‘ , '
People from rural areas in ' ' school tuition will increase $100 to admission to contract programs such lliis will hrrngthc total number ol . .
Kentucky. KansasandtheSovict state $2700. «'1‘ \ctetitiars medrcrttc I" ”lemll.‘ neonatal ”"m‘l‘c “3”“. hm“ “I "
4 of Georgia will cumming thc , ;. lhc tuition lor l'niscrsity ol lrorrt II to to months lltc ptrrposc ot lnryersrtyllosprtaltoil?l nderplans .
. population to be studied. \Noll _ 4M5t~e .331.“ ~ Wat . , .. DEQT nnnv aauua ADI :- » -; .3 - , > ,

 .. . s . - -3 ‘333R333‘W3M3" i“~'v.v- -.. .. .. u 1 " 3“'333“3""3.‘ §.. . . a s . a . v . . . .s . ..
U . , .
‘ . 3 l
p KENTUCKY . _ t
l . stut- Belling" Ilsa Donssud Thomas ( In. “ alter Tunis Junie Vaughl l’om Mona 3. \
[Ill/t" III ( liit‘l It/Iluliu/ [ill/u! .1.) Fosselt 1‘“ MIN“, S/uirlt Iii/Iliir “than" (I’ Phtiltlgmpht
Debbie Men-met ’.
Steve Massey ,
Rich-rd “mum-Id lire" Hews Ruth Mailinnli ('uy “illiv John (1:) - Linda (‘Impbcll ‘
tin/meme 1.11m Jeanne “chutes l. Jenn lin- “mm”, 1‘“ I‘m”, Brim Rielterd Hm,“ Manager ,
d't . L ac . I lvHHItlh‘ li/uori (ii/ii ,i/IIUH l\\l\IdIlI 8/)qu killltm c s
. l
. i
_———-——-—_-—————— ——_—~_————_-———_—~‘———’M_. . 1
l I l l l _ I
‘ COUNCI/ S (UN/0n Increase A®s ,- I - '7 s) l ..
/ ”sob 1‘ ”~33. - \\ l il
, 4i~ .
I d f 3139 fOI' ('00 I0]? fl ® i '
3 /
' 7/” ‘ t.
. was In 6 In/ 9 ,/ \ . Q s
/ \~ \3‘ , ‘- .‘- f
. ‘ . . a . s . . _ . . ,_ x \ \ _. v< ‘ .
lhetouncil on Higher Education sdeCision to that can be antiCipated and prepared for. lhe /// hs i v ' -
complete the second step of its tuition increase Council should develop an earlier schedule for /( \ \ 5 .~\ _ . . _
- lan wasn‘t uncs ccted. but it could have alterin tuition rates and stick to it. Students at v , _.
p p g . 4 . 4 - I ‘
. ’ come earlier. Kentucky‘s universnies would appreCIate it. 3/ v v. “1 ‘
. . '/ .
The plan raises out-of—state tuition payments ' / ‘ ll 4
50 a .‘ ‘mester ' nd in-state tuition bv $35 a ‘*~‘“‘*~‘—:~ “ \\ Xl‘ , . E . ’i‘
”’5' “ -~ -~ ' 86 not amused 7 ‘~ 4‘ " l ‘
semester. lhe “mm?” s staff recommended .I -. 9:511 \s s 3s s ..g is” i .
_ . _ s \ x s a y i .
tuition increases last year. but it was agreed to l .s \\\ _ ,- I s g. . s c: t _. .
. . .. . .
break the move into two phases. 'th K b'" . - “"f‘ 3 iv ~ 3 \‘ 2’ , ,/ ‘ ‘
, ._ _ . WI oopman I it .o . v , / - i. .
But by delaying confirmation of the second . % I “a? /” . é“ 3. ;
- phase until yesterday. ”“3 Council put many Student (iovernment reached an unnerving ..~.’ \ \\ 3 "53 /3 3" 3
students inderthe burden of not knowingesactly level of highhandedness Monday with it‘s i '. (.1 » / ’ 3; i
how :“UC mm?) they 333,331,333 MW‘TO‘P") until 4 treatment of Senator Mark Koopman‘s unusual . 3 , . r / / , 3,; i
ve/ry ate datt. ven the [sniversity s .btlu’c/U/t’t” resolution. one that proposed that the \ //.—",/ ,, (r77 / / , / . /" g
“!' . . . l v - s . . . / ,,' / / - ~i,
éu.v.vts|‘wentdtt) press with an apology for the organization disband. . t. J ..a' ’//l / . ’3: .
mm“ 5 3‘" ”“3” on the mattcr. Koopman‘s bill was eventually defeated. as the s "'1” f i3 3 s
How important are the increases? For out-of- senate objected to its consideration by a vote of [1'3 ‘ _ i l 32
. state students at L'K. a combined raise of S300 l9-3. Amid acrimonious debate about . l' 3070306 «l3
. . . . i i 3 i
might make the difference between whether they Koopman s ethics. the senate then voted to strike ’ i .~ - ‘1 x. . 7 ~i i
return to Lexington in the fall or not. And bynot the mere mention of the bill from the record. 3 ,3: tam?“ foste‘ - 5 3
knowing until April. they have very little time to The lack of a sense of humor or inner security [3, s, r. W . L3
transfer to another school or make other plans on about the matter is striking, We are not amused. 9e ’ l” '.
what to-do next fall. . . , said the S0 powers that be ‘It s an unnerving EM,WWNNMTTE NUCLQAR, @ULATOR/ COMMISSION SAID IT WAS SAFE} 'b GOlllTO THAT PMNT“ 2-
Inflation is a continumg problem. but it is one precedent but a meaningful one. it
Home from the wars is
.1 ‘
C I 3 I h I h d f h I 3
o ummst gives 13 account of a or oug t campalgn
w '3
Defeat is Usually difficult for me to and thus much of the legislation. Metcalf had already been than any other. set the tone for the harm is ill-*0 regrettable. hUt nothing adequately serve as president Of a is
handle. I'll admit. but when last week‘s President (iene 'l'ichenor is a (ireek campaigning sincethe beginning ofthe kind of organi/ation S(i will be next can hs‘ done about that “0“ either. student b0d)’ made up Of bOIh blacks ii i
Student (iovernment elections were (Sigma Nu). and is seen as a sort of semester and. at the beb. I9 meeting of year. It wholly erased several Those who have been elected tothe and whites? i
finally over I was too relieved forthat dictatorial. anti-progressive villain by the student senate. Elections Board candidates from contention. and gave I979-8l) Student (iovernment now (‘an any organization which accepts
eventuality to feel anything else. the self-proclaimed non-(irecks Chairman Steve Washington advised the rest of us a good look at our face the monumental task oftryingto criticism as well as S0 accepted the %
lhad enteredthe election.amonth (independents) in the Senate. the senate he had been receiving “progressives" under pressure. WWW {hill Md.“ CWdlbil")? and Koopman legislation 0" Monday 3
earlier. out of a sincere desire to Bun English. a close associate of complaints about said campaigning as It must be said that Bull English is, making it work for the students. as its night really hope to encourage debate
reshape the goals and objectives of Tichenor‘s during his administration beinginviolationofexistingcampaign to mv mind. innocent of any president-elect promised. on all issues it considers. and keep 33
what l ”a“, and continueto see as and a fellow (ireek (Sigma Chi). was rules which limited posting of wrongdoing in the case of l'tMIM. He Before it can accomplishthattask. it itself honest'.’
an essentially corrupt. self-serving seen by the non-(ireeks in the Senate campaign literature to “after March was victimi/ed by someone else‘s must ask itself several questions: I Wish all the luck in the world to
pseudo-governmental body in which as his choice forasuccessori'l‘ichenor 27.“ It was not clear to Washinvton mistakes. He was asked fora latform ~. . . * . - . ' - ”‘05“ who were elected 10”": new 50‘ 3
- - .. . . . . ‘3’ p ( an .iiiv organi/ation which div ides , .
the principles and good sense of thOse later confirmed this by endorsing whether verbal campaigning was a and photographs. and heturnedthem ms.” into (ireeks 'ind non-(ireeks lresident-elect Metcalf has 55‘ some
who know better are overridden by English in a letter to the Kernel. a violation of those rules. and he asked in promptly. To suggest that Student f'iirlv represent .l student bodv which lofty goals 3‘” SC for "6’“ year. and 3'
keenly perceived political pressures. length to which he was apparently for clarification from the senate. (‘enter Board (‘hairman I.isa English 5 made up of both" 3 “'9 ShWId all take 3'13“ch interest in
To be perfectly cliche. I wanted driven when the race began to look A7" ~- ~ ~—~~~ — «——-~i—~—---r may have conspired with editor sum (' h ' , d p bl" seeing that they are achieved.
and 5”” want ‘0 get involved 01053) ' ' Whonsetlerto promote Bunis'ibsurd an 33 3333333 33 33 3333333333333 33 33 .
But by the time the election results lhe non-(ireeks. apparently unable mainline, both Whonsetler and lisa English 333333333 3:333 33nh'3. 33313333 3333333 “$333333 wan: 'urfizrarllelsis :liirnnlivill‘ Journziizn : 333
were announced last lhursday night. to stomach the prospect of another by char/es main are above reproach in that regard. 333 ,Ilitln‘ lhh'“ 333 133333333333 l “3333* 33.. lThursda‘ appear 3 s
and President-elect Metcalf had year under a (ireek president. went “mi fiwmg ,,,__ 7 It is obvious. however. that WW” Nor} d” “Md URN”? . 3- ,
.responded to opponent Bert (‘lark‘s looking {Or it non-(ireek candidate 10 (iraduate School Senator Bill Ruff someone in charge 0“ the publication I l
offer of a congratulatory handshake lead them 0111 0l their Egypt. led the floor fight for retroactive screwed up badly. Whether it was 1929 [C a h, dldn’t ut i
by‘ shoving, him aside and shouting slhat they Sfttls‘d on Metcalf. a legali/ation of Metcalf‘s campaign Whonsetler. for “0' ”“51an ”1“ r s p 3
. >(ICI out of here!" I had had enough 518m“ Pl Wh" hi” ‘ald morethanonce (opposed. bi/arrely. by Metcalf pressures brought ‘0 bear on him b.‘
for thissmonth. . . he swantedto be'SG president since he himself and the senate ever at the the fact that [item contained several I '
V Mv feeling. now. is something like came . to l K is testimony to the ready for their deliverance promotionalpieceswhose value would amper on nlverSIty .
being denied membership in the ldle fleXIbility of their vision. It was approv ed it by voice vote. he nil if it were printed after deadline. ' ,
Hour. ( ountry club I m not explained to mesin this manner: Interestingly enough. no one is sure if or Brad Sturgeon. “h“ voluntarily . , . . . . . ~ 7
sutpriseds “hmHirstspokttofriends Since Metcalf belongs to a small there is a written record of that took the responsibility for contacting Bl lull/ABET” "l ('HLS September 3931”” mother spawned -
in the. S0 organization about the fraternity. it won't be hard for him to debate's having taken place. all ofthe candidate-8' and COHCCUHE the her lovely. stiffany-set 3333333103333 }
pltvsglgllllly h of! my becoming a get independent support, ’l he fact that At no time d uring these material and then magnanimous in It s a historical fact that the"( rash engagement ring to pay my IUIIIQK 3‘. .- .
can i ate. t cy assured me I had no he s in a fraternityand that his running parliamentary tallies did anyone inthe the face of possible political fallout occurred on luesday. ()ctober 29‘ We CU1 classes 3 l0!- We WC!“ [0 all 3. -
' . '2 - . '. . , ,- 3 '. . ' . . . i. n ‘.
chisnce. . mate (Sid Neal) is a Delt will get him senate cvcrflnnk Bert( lark or 1 would dumped the full responsibility on '929- . the Cadet HOPS every Saturday t
hey also assured me it was a two- enough (ireek support to keep Bun enter the race. When we finally did. Whonsetler after the fact. is yet to he ”Clem“ Ward NM." 83‘? h“ afternoon at the gym the floor was .3 -
rrsan race. and that the senators were from winning. several senators. including Metcalf determined. remembrance 0‘ ”~ “9“ I “'OUI‘ll‘kc‘O perfect for dancing. The music played 8 .
aready in the process of choosing up lhey neglected to add that he was himself. approached both of us about . Student (iovernment has a ti”? m'mf- I CM” disagree “'3" her was: “Mississippi Mud."“Tiger Rag,“ '
sides for the election. Bull Engltsh. l planning a campaign of sufficient dropping out at the race. responsibilityto determine who was at Pointof‘view. butfrom wherelstoodit “Ain’t Misbehavin.” “Confessin."‘ 3.3‘ .
Iwhas(tiold.kwill probably win he s got intensity to get him elected tothe State “Your‘re outsiders“. we were fault and seek their resignation the “as d'““”‘”' and “Three Little Words.“ 5, ‘
‘48:: 33233331233 . b legislature. , midfian outsider dtmn‘t have a $600 is long gone. “W ___-__,____* Uur expressions were “We had a V .
~ .. to r .‘csc‘a . 3:13:1- to t. the It is important to note thaithis was chance.“ (This argument was That Bun English‘s campaign for ' ' ‘keen’time;"“And howl;““Whoopee;“ .
elimitless“ e d‘can (Ii 3:133- in this the status. of the election as of the supplemented.almostalwa)’s.byeand president was ruined hytheincident is OPINION and "Savs you.“ . . .
- . oun erstan t is.you must middle of February. a full month you'll just kill Mark‘s independent regrettable. but nothing can be done Cab (‘allowa'sin in “Minnie the ‘3
“N understand something about the before the filing date for candidates . n . . . . . , . .,,,..._.__,._..a..,a_ .,,__,.,_.__.___ y g g -‘
wav thos n th . h' k ~~ support. ) about that now. That Metcalf. who . . Moocher" was “ready." In the year .
””9 Sci!” :segyatekt ins . In the and long before anyone but the ’I hat my “outsidership” was a went so far as to submit his platform In lesington. Kentucky. in [929 I929 even if everyone was broke we _ .
m m .022: if d e” tree s (fraternity senators themselves gave any thought handicap was borne out to me by the by mail after the deadline. was able to that “195d?" was no differentthan any still 3laughcd danced necked and *3
e c o e a mum committees to an election. ' - ' ' " . ' c 3 .- ' - ‘ . . .. . - . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ '. 3 - 3
form inCident. lhat incident. more wriggle out of his skin and tscapc 0th dd)- N04 (”“3 screamed and never complained or whined about
clawed and cried at bank doors. . , , .
Thin mm m 'u t tr same as ever anything! We had guts. And whats »
- — gs 3 J '3 y left ofthatera. nowmtheirlate Sixties. ,
day in Lexington. But we were broke! still laugh and go on no matter what
I . .
. EY N" v '. W- C H. New Y )r . '
mum IT ALL 0' l 0" ”On DlSU FLlCKS 3 3.“ on “33833333. "3 3 33 We know all about luxury. well- ‘
0‘» they lumped out of Windows as they . . . .
SlflE HAVE "dth t‘ k t- 'l'vth tho 'd trained servants. limousmes and nice .
“lath e i; elr apes 3 056.33. ‘rea-t manners. but it all vanished in the
man 33“ 33 3nd: Mrmg :333 :zwsgfpjriy; l9205. never to return. But it was a .
' . ‘ ‘ ‘ l ‘ ' .
1.3:ch Ci) :3“, l3 33W “me: our great era. full of wonderful people.
00 . ‘n. .3 “"g “" ‘Ud‘ e e Thev just don‘t make them like that .
- ~ families had gone broke. but we werea '
r \ . ,- anymore.
. 7f spunky. fun-loving group. and held
/ ‘ '// .’ m our heads as high as Marie Antoinette
, 00 / J on her way to the guillotine. Ellllbflh Hugheslsnow 68. She lives
. 1/, ,/ '/. , / / / wC still laughed. we had been in Louisville. but fondly recalls her
, ,p/r / v11, ,/,. ‘ , / z I ’ x” “rushed" all summer long by years at UK as the’“best of my entire
- MM , . x ,, ‘ at 7' ~v ' w UK ' life“
/ . ’/7 . , ,, ' \ ,r// , . , sororities. e entered in -
v. 7 '/.\ 1/ 3,173/“I/VV’I/i, / / 1’ .f 7/ -. _
. ‘ /I// J ,/x , . ' 9, / ’ 5 , ’g’ {/«Vr/ , // s--. ~r- AW“ ..-.fi._._
-. 9,, , / -i 4 w,i//r/,,,,’,/ . . .- , f 3* ”2/95" 7/ “ “/7” l Letters policy
- I / ;, s , v y 'I’ ,3/ / , /, / . '
y//'/;///// ,’ i,’ ,l’i. ‘ 7/ v . / ‘6 cal/yq/ i stud molar; University My":
. .3 x / / / /////,//// ' ’3. ‘3 ‘ \ ol/r/H’l/n") // lhe Ken/ut‘lti Ivemel welcomes 3‘0"“ ll“ ”'9” 44"!” W
3 3 3 43/: /,// t \ “3‘/ ”7/ ‘ and Encourages contributions from position. . ,
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