xt7fxp6v172t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v172t/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xi, 85 p.: ill.; 28 cm..: UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries Call Number FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.63 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Scott County -- Catalogs Scott County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 63. Scott County (Waldron) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 63. Scott County (Waldron) 1942 1942 2019 true xt7fxp6v172t section xt7fxp6v172t , « i v‘11ll‘pllliWW
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{I ' Prepared by
The Arizé‘nsjsnistorical Records Survey
Division" :1:- Ccmmunity Service Pr igrsuns
Work. Projects Administration
Little Rock, irkensas
' The Arkansas Historical Recz.>rds Survey ‘
March 1942 '

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- - FOREWORD gf’j

: “\3. The Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas is one of a fri

. LQQ~ number of guides—to_hist3riEEl—materiaIs—prepared throughout the _;§

,§_ United States by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of w‘fi

Lg the Work Projects Administration. The publication herewith prom l _ p'fl

‘ fl . segted, an inventory of the archives of Scott County, 15 number 63 3';

r_‘:: of the Arkansas Series. "7

i§« . SI,

. ,1; The Historical Records Survey program.was undertaken in the i 'J

' gi' winter of 1935—58 for the purpose of providing useful employment for '“j

' p ‘ ’ET needy unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and Vi:
,f; . ,clerical workers. In carrying out this obgective, the project was . if

.QEK organized to compile inventories of historical materials, particu- M'ig

‘ \7 233 larly the unpublished government documents and records which are H
" 3%, basic in the administration of local government, and which provide "Hj

yr. fix invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social his— ‘if

, ‘ng ' tory. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the 7Q
./ :di requirements of day—to—day administration by the officials of the ,‘;i

' put? county, and also the needs of lawyers, businessmen, and other citi- ,2?

_ -_‘;§l , zens who require facts from the public records for the proper con— 'fi
: nfif. duct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be fi(fia

‘a lfig used by the historian in his roScarch in unprinted sources in the ,fi5

‘ “fig same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. 'ffifl

. '*,§E I The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey pro- '.§E
.:§%7 ' jocts attempt to do more than givo merely a list of records -— they {fig}
‘_.jfi%§ attempt further to sketch in the historical background of the county 'ifii
‘t‘ if?’ or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail ' 75%

, ,‘fiéi' the organization and functions of the government agencies whose re— Q§§

. r. ”gh' cords they list. The county, town, and other local invontorics for vap%
' ‘g-ffi;» the entire country will, when completed, constitute an chyclopcdia ,3}§
. ijgg _ of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. Up . it?
-,,é%, to the present time more than 1,500 Survey publications have been is- Qfig

I tfgféf sued in the country as a whole. ‘ggfig
;'*L;éi“ _ ~ . . , dig
J':Wfifih~ The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records 43%;
dfiéfié ' Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible with- fiiifl
*i"ffii31 out the support of public officials, historical and legal special— ‘:g%
”,Klitfi; _ ists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gagfi

: “Rigégfg ' gratefully acknowlodgcd. ' figfig
\**§-,d%}§. The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served 9 tion of record contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of f
I it recording, size of volumes or containers, and location. g
i? , E
-$ . The inventory of the Scott County Archives was begun during the i _
fl latter part of 1958 and cormlcted in 1941, The original field workers f
i it were: W. 3. Bryan York'and Haude Story Who worKed under the supervision }
3 E? g of Rand Barker, District Supervisor. é
' ‘i
H ., lhc work in the state oifico included the qutlng of forms, I
i It writing of entries, historical and legal rcScarch, writing and edit— i
if i ing of essays and publication of the volume° Persons in the State !
Ii , editorial orfice to Whom credit is due are: Alocrt A. Condray, i
E] forms cditcr; Mary h.’hinburno end Jennie Birkhead, entry editors; ‘
[i Gladys Lynn and h. Jctt final editors; Irene Thibault. Haida Arnold {
E] writers, who prepared the material for publication: Frances Kinnedy i
m who directed the mimeographing and publication. Mabello Neighbors, ‘ i
W Pauline LcFovcrs, Flossic Blassingamc, Leonora Robyn and H. F. Jernigan {
.H complete the unit responsible in the final publication of this volume, f
'H Carl E. Ott prepared and directed the indexing. , f
A“ . The editorial criticisms of Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge ;
g u oi‘public records inVUHtOTiCS in the central office, and Guy P. Timboo, ;
F assistant editor, has been invaluable to the Arkansas stuff in pro- 1
:v , paring this volume for publicution. The administrative personnel
of Work Projects Administration, of the Division of Community Service E
l Piograms, and of Research and Records Programs haVc cooperated with g
1i the Survey in all‘phasos of its program. The helpful suggestions 'E
Al ; and friendly counsel of John C. L. Andreasson, Regional Supervisor 1
5% of Historical Records Survey, is gratefully acknowledged. ;
m . . . ,‘ 1
gr . ‘ The Survdyts official sponsor, its State-wide Advisory Board, I
‘J and the Community Advisory Board ofScofi300unty each contributed . i
V! . valuable assistance to the project in the compilation and publicu- {
.: ticn'of this volunm. Other contributing agencies were: The Arkansas i‘
i? History Commission; the Arkansas Supreme Court Library; the Little
*3 Rock Public Library; the Secretary of State; the Arkansas State" (
3% 'Library Commission; Arkansas Writers"Projcct, WPA; and the coun-
‘ :H ty officials ofifihntt County. - i
L, ‘
j, , .
2; War Memorial Building , State Supervisor' '
;{ Little Rock, Arkansas The Arkansas Historical
:fi March 1942 1‘ Records Survey ‘
5 ‘ viii - .
i? i
J. .

 y .
E I - , . .
I ,
E , AAA .............................Agricultufalcfidjustment Administration
_ i A. Ark..o.....................................;...... Acts of Arkansas " ‘
E arr..y..a....;...“..;......;....................a........». arrange (d)
i aver.w..v.;e;.mas=.;}..«..u.............................u.o.... average.
alph alphabeticaluy) ' ‘
i bag...q,....:.a..................o.....;..o..u..,..a.....J.....basement
rs E ' b1d,u...m...gxa..a...,..u..o..i.,;..>..u..c..;..u.....‘..........bundle
sign g chron..a...a.........................................chronologica1 (1y)
g cir..;,.p..q..o,..........a..c.a.,...........................;..circuit
{ clk.....=..c..“.....i..r.....:.........................°.....;..n.clerk
i con..c..a........................................................county
g d....o.....a.....................°........,........m.............drawer
1 deft..............;.....u........... ..¢..‘.. .....,..a.. .. .defendant
i alsthshuct '
} eoeditor
: est..u..n..~..h..»..,..a.....9.........................n.. estimate(d) .
} exc..a..o..o.....................................;.............examiner
! f.d........a.......................................u..°.....file drawer
m { hhandwrltten
3: é hpf........................................ handwritten on printed form
; hph...................;.....;............handwritten under printed head
. ibid.......u..... .. ..u.. ..... ..a........ lbidem (in the same place)
i msco.°..o.....u..a...........................................manuscript x
o, f no(s)...........................................‘.............number(s)
; numer............°............;.....u........n..g..;..u..numerical (1y) _
g off;.°..°...............4..4...............;.¢.....,..e..g,.a..;.office
E op.cit................................opere citato (in the work cited )
} pltf. ..u..J..z.on..u..u..v..:..l.............................plaintiff
'g p(p)......,......o........o........°...................g........page(s)
! p.b. ..............................°...L.....,..°...........post binder
5 rm......................¢.......................u...........°..L..room
f t.}...............................:.............¢...........‘..a. typed
{ Terr. A. Ark. .........o...........o......; Territosial Acts of Arkansas -
} tpf........°.....,..n.....,..;.;......mg.~..typewritten on printed form
; tph. ...g..............,.....,.....,.....typewrittan under printed head
i‘ treaS. ....oo.....................................°...,.......treasurer '
1 th. .5............................o........‘.....~..a.....c..township .
‘ vol(s)...............................°.a........u..°.....o....volume(5)
I WPA..........................v..........- WOrks Project Administration
} Symbols ‘
-F n.................................... a . , to date and continuing =
t ' .......u..a.............a..:..........::.....a..u.;;.....fOOt, feet -
f‘ " ....°........w.....,....................o..........¢....r. inch(es) '
:al X .....a..............a...........a..r..,..........by (in dimensions) /
I > .
‘ ix

 1lfll; I ‘1’ 1 I
E: V . i ‘
‘ r4 F . . ,
, a; Abbrev1ations, Symbols and l
a ‘ Explanatory Notes _!
Q . , - g
i y: , - K .
11 Explanatory Notes ~ ’ ~ - f
‘1‘ - .
p3 Titles of Records ‘ ‘ - ‘- '- - “' -‘ “‘ -" -‘ ~ . ‘
t‘: ———~——A—--——————- ‘ V k. _ _ .. , .. ...‘. , . -v i i
._s Exact titles~ef-records are written in solid capitals without parenn' E
‘ Ill theses as in entry 1, In the absence of titlesa descriptive-titles have" i
L>' - n . I - ~ . ‘
t; been aSSigned, which are written in solid capitals and enclosed in brack- {
9‘: ., . . - . . . . .
:fl; ' ets as in entry 17. If a record title-is not descriptive'of the contents g
_ ‘ g of the recordq an assigned explanatory title ( or'explanatory‘wordS'); ;
‘Ul written with initial capitals and enclosed in parentheses, has-been added 1
. ‘fii as in entry 53; The current or most recent title of-a record is used as ’ ‘
fit the entry title.‘ . . P . . ,H , . .. a , ,
PM . ‘ - v - . .. ‘1
v‘v - . - .
'le _. , l ,
i :43: . i -- - ~ - y
4 V p _ i
14! Dates, > , ‘
[1; ———-——-— .,_ ' . ‘j
1" " . . . . . . r l
t! All dates used are 1nclus1ve. MISSing records are indicated by bro—
}? ken dates. ‘ . . p !
ijfr Quantity ‘ ~ - - » ~ ;
Ii, —-—-——- . . , , l
.v} When two or more types of containers are considered in a single en- §
f J try, the quantity is shOwn in chronological order, insofar as possible. 1
. xi. . . p, > ;
1‘; Labeling , ' - -.
‘3! Figures or letterS‘in parentheses, follOWing the numoer of volumes, “
”I file boxes, or other type of container, indicate the labeling. If no lne '
t1; beling is indicated, it may be assumed that there is nonei , . v
1“ ~ -. >
Ti!’ Discontinuance ' , -~ - .. ,. '
-—-——-~- . A V . ,. . 4
i‘f ‘Where no statement is made that the record was discontinued at the I
‘ 1 . ,. . r i . 1 , 1 .
;2l\ last date shown 1n-tte entry, it could not be definitxiy escuelished that
I“ ; . 1 .
id} such was tne case, Where no comment is made on tie rcscnce of prior, p
its subsequent or intermediate records, no definite information could be ob- ;
fit tained. ‘ . ' ' - j
a“. , ‘ . . .
:v» . . ' .
if Description of ResorJS' ' W “ - 3
iii The description of the contents of a record aoplies only to the our— 5
1' “ . ‘ . i
7t} » rent or most recent record unless changed in contents is actually shown i
=:‘.- . ' _ ‘
d} in a record entrya \ :
4‘} , , ' j
“pi . .
fl” Index1ng ‘ ""’ ' ' '“ " ‘ I
:7 s . ~----~--—-—-- , . ‘
:jé. ‘ All indexes to records unless otherwise stated are self~oontained. '
gt . ’ ' I
fig Condition of Records i
i? - ‘ I
gig . Records are in good condition unless otherWise indicated, [
i 7 _ !
3111 X: 9
£15 -’ ' I
:‘i ‘ .
A: " ” . ' ' a v

 .I Abbreviations, Symbols and
I Explanatory Notes '
I Dimensions
I I Dimensions are always given in inches, unless otherwise indicated;
" I I in the entries, therefore, the symbols for inches (") is omitted.
'enn ' I
,ve*» I Location of Records /
Ick— I ,
nts I Scott County records are located in the courthouse unless otherwise
I; ; noted. it can be assumed that the records listed under a particular office
ded I are located in the office unless otherwise stated at the end of the entry
as ' I describing the record.
~ I Cross References

I Title-line cross references are used to show the continuity of a re-

I cord series which has been kept separately for a period of time end with
ro— I other records for different periods of time. An example is that in entry

. I 1. They are also used in all artificial entries, those set up to cover .mtzi
- I records which must be shown separately under their proper offiCe oven .'
» ~ I though they are kept in files or records appearing elScwhere in the in -

Z ventory, as, for exemple,thc title—line reference in entry 2. The des«
en— I cription of the entry shows the title and entry number of the record from
. I which the cross reference is redo, as, for example, these words in entry

I 5. Dates shown in the description of the master entry or entry of mis-

~J ccllaneous contents are used only for the part or parts of the record

. contained therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the
s, ” muster entry.
lar- '

. v ; Citations

: A citation of an act of the Legislature of the Territory of Arkansas,
« or of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, or an act of the
3 j legislative body of another Territory or State, refers to the page number
hat of the official publication of the laws.

b- I A citation of a decision of the nrknnscs State Supreme Court gives

I the style of the case and the volume and page number of the publication.

- I The title of any other published volume is always shown in full
I I the first time used. Thereafter the short—title form is used.
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. nor9word-”--——:‘——«——-—~——~—-—r—u—-——_———n———--m-—_-___-_______u__ V
[ Preface————————————--—----—-—-—---———_-_-—_-___m__-__--_"-___-_-__ vii
f AbbreviationS, SymbOls, and Explanatory Notes----——-—-—--———-—---- ix
E General
f . Historical Sketch—_-—~—————-—--——-------——-----—---~-------~-- l
5 '. Housing, Care, and LccsSsibility of the Records -—~-——--~--v—- 15
I . . _
l o County Offices and Their Records
; ' , .
F *County Court -—--‘4-————«-—-————-—————--——-——--»—-~——-—-~——w-— 25 ‘
: Recorder -~—-———~--—-—~—-~-i«—-n——-——m-—--—~—----———---~-—~--- 27
f Daily register. Papers. Mgrtgsgcs. /Licns and pandens.
; Plat. Porsonal property: Bonds, commissions,_ond credon— ‘
i / tials. Discharges; Miscellaneous”
i o
l . . . ,. , . .
; Circu1t Court ——--—~-—--—~-————-—-——--—-——————-~--—--~——u--~-— 57
E Civil division: Case papers; proceedings, Judgments and '
L . . . 3. .
; exocutions, naturalization, iinonc1al.
{ ‘ , , Criminal division: Cass‘paperS; inqiests, indictments,
I oracaodings, foes. '
| l ,
é .
i Chancery Court -~—-«———--————--—--——-——————————~————-—-~~——-— 44
g Probate Court ___-___-_______________________"_-___--____-___ 45
P Case papers, Wills“ Bonds and letters. Invontorics,
é appraisomcnts and sales. Accounts current. Prococdings. \
{ Juvenilo Court -__---_-__-___-_-__-_--_-___—____-__-_-_--_--_ 49
; I ‘
t Justice of the Peace -———r————-----—-—-——-w—-~-———--——---~-~~ 49 ‘
; Sheriff —--————--———~—-w——n----————---———_—————--——---—~~—--— 49
E ‘ Quorum Court -—-—-——-—-—--——-—-——-—---—----—-—-—-—----———--—— 49
} County Clerk -—-—-»—--—----—-——-~—————'—--—rr~----—«-—~-—~«-n 50 1
r Financial: Lccounts, warrants, Assessments and taxa- ,
E tion: Assessments, colloctions, tax sales, rodemptions.
L Eloctionss Pensions. Marriage.» Corporations. Livo— '
I stock. Firearmsa School lands. Miscellaneous.
,7 . 1

 5 ' .
a? J . f'
g ‘ 11‘
V fi' l Table 3f Contents ‘ . V \ \ -
3 Jf‘ j ‘ \
‘ 9- ‘ ,
g x
q ; Equalizatian Board —-——~~—-———v—----—--~——«—-————---—-«--——-—-— v 58 _
‘ fl' ” . HY . . . , . . . ,.
fif‘ J County Treasurer __-______-_____--________-__-____--_____---__- '58
fil 5 j w . l L ,.. , . C . . . ,. , V ‘
' A? x Acccunts. Bind issue. Teachers' cuntractsa Redemption. E
, E; ‘§ ~ _”.._hbcoipts. _ i '.
I #1 9 Director of County Audits —~--~--m—-—-—w—-u-—~——~—-—-——--u~——4- 61
fl:‘ 5 \ Csunty Superisor of Schools -----—"—---—~‘---—-——---—---—"---- 61
' a; ; Budgets. ' l
‘g;; E ” Health Unit -———--—-——-—----——»——»-——--~—-v-—~——~--~-—~—-~——u—- 63 t
”j 3 ‘_, .- . Immunizations. ' - _ !
til}: fl _ q n i
if 3 Board 31 Public Wpliure --~—-——-———---——-—-—-—-——---——-«-—---—- 64 -
;{w z . I
fy‘ Gaunty Surveyor -»--“—-——«-—-----——--~-—-————--——————-——-——---- 64 t
a. s -
,i g _ - < ' .
fw. 1 Confederate Penelon Bssrd -~—-vr~-----—-----—w--~-—»-~»—-~-———- 65
k“. i Extension Service Agents -u—-~———+——--—r—---——————+———-———--~-e 65
’w‘ i . .’ . ' ' ‘ l t
v a» i Biblicgraphy '-““"‘""""""T“""""““““’f“"'"" ,6! g
I ; i
1 > v l
M ; - . . . a
a? 1 , List of County OffiClals—T~~—~~__m_-__iflfl,”_______________‘____ 71 g
i 1 ‘ i
l:“ E CnronoloNical Indox u--__i-__ __-__~__;;;f§wt T « w-’-— ~ ~ I
3 ; E . 1' -—-—-——.._..--_-_-___- 7 i
‘ ; , t v - E
‘j g _ .
.E [ Subgect Index:~~<_--__i-;-_l,;:éfif%::;_;:_____;fi_;_fl_;::_::;::: 79 i
l v
i»: ; g . . r
A] ; List of Publications ' . ‘ ‘ - ..;-,_. ~ -~« 85 fit
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‘ , _ _; --I "a ‘ (First entry p.'25 ) .
; . .
'58 E Physlfiii CharacteristiCS. .
l , ' a
i , Scott County, with an area of 898 square miles,(1) is located in
E west-central Arkansas. It is bounded on the north by Sebastian and Lee
E gan Counties, on the east by Yell County, on the southeast by Montgomery
61 E County, on the south by Polk.County and on the west by the State of
61 g iCklanoma. (2)
i c The county has an average elevation of 810 feet, with the altitude
' n g ranging from 419 feet at Cedar to 2,800 feet on Blue Mountain. (5) It
03 E has a mean annual temperature of about 62 degrees and an average of 50
E .inches of rainfall annually, with about 30 inches falling during the
64 E growing season. The growing season is from 210 to 220 days. (4) ‘
i Although most of the county is in the Uuachita‘National Forest,
64 I which occupies an area within the County of'307,605 acres, (5) the river
i valleys are wide and fertile. The high plateaus are ideal for growing
65 { apples. (6) A large portion of the county is too rough and broken for
‘C 2 agriculture, but is excellent for growing timber.(7) The main streams are
6“ E the Fourche la Fave, Petit Jean and Poteau Rivers. (8)
167 -E 1 H. t ‘ . .
1 ar y .1s cry
71 f It is believed that Hernando DeSoto and his band were the first
§ white men to visit the present bounds of Scott county. In the winter 0 f
77 j '1541—42 DeSoto and his followers built a camp and spent the winter in
E the northern part of the county, The finding of old Spanish coins,
79 E minted in the sixteenth century, near Lucas bears out the story of Do—
85 ! Soto's visit to the vicinity. (9)
i[ .
I .
i The French traders, led by De Tonti, established a settlement at
g Arkansas Past in 1686. From there they penetrated to all parts of the
- { State. They paddled their canoes up the Arkansas l‘iver and some of them
3 followed the l"'ourche into Scott Uounty. The Poteau River also was used
5 to some extent by the traders in reaching Scott County. (10)
1 Organization and_2§velopment 2£_th3 County Egyernment
E .Scott County was created on November 5, 1833, from portions of
i Crawford and Pope Counties. (11)