xt7fxp6v1717 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v1717/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1992 Vol.63 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1992 Vol.63 No.6 1992 1992 2019 true xt7fxp6v1717 section xt7fxp6v1717 5- _ . i
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OfflCial publicatlon of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce — Vol. 63, No. 6 — June 1992 .
_______________—____;_———————————————-———_—-————— ,
. 3
Spend a few days 111 the mountams - ‘
: ' 5 '5, 5 l
‘ A ~ t or re axatlon un
- Perm“ W
. 55555555 1n 1 eV1 e une - . 1
Gimme 5a; I . 5
. %§f Egg; if Come on along. You need it. You dinner, by the Kentucky Opry, a mu- Wllson of Breathltt County. 3
. I? deserve 1t. Good, old-fashioned srcal theatre troupe made up Of some Friday’sluncheon speaker Wlllbe z ,
= w “ mountain hospitalityandlotsofhome- of the region’s most talented young Lt. Gov. Paul Patton, the former Pike 3
’ '5 5% 5 grown entertainment. people. Not only does the group per- County judge—executlve. -.
1 ‘ ' rmr larl in the area but it’ s also . .
5 . » That’ s what’s 1n store for KPA {inofeailinnofiafive ro ,amofmuSic Frlday afternoon and ev gof- l
, ‘5 .. members at the surnm. er convention, E1 the schools p gr fer something for everyone in the :5-
,E' . -, ‘ ‘ June 18'20 1n P1kev1lle. , . ' . . family to enjoy. The time willbespent
t 5 ' f - ” * The Landmark Inn Will be head- On Friday mommg, conventron— - -
5 : 5' - , , _ oerswillhavetheo rtunity to hear at Breaks Interstate Park, Site of the g
9% 5 quarters for the affalr whlch beglns Emountainfieasureggd fromhisown ”Grand Canyon of the South” and t
5" : 15} :- ~ 12% v, 2/355. : ‘ '
f‘: ' Thursday W‘th a board 0f dgrectlors works Author James Still of Knott other spectacular natural beauty. The i
.45: - /5 ,5 -‘:-5/5 ~ ,0 ,5, 15,14,595 . ' . j
. "ucwm meeting and general mem ers 1p . . park, operated by both Kentucky and ;
- ' .5 WWW 5 registration. County, who has written lov1ngly of . . . . _ . 3
:1 3e -“M . : . . ,. Virginia, features Opportunities for
2 - *‘W ““213“ , Thateveningyou’llbethoroughly ,_,_mounta1n folks, W111 entertain in con— _: y 5_ 7 5, . p 5
' ' ‘ : 55 V " ‘ .. ' H ‘ A ' ' ‘ ‘ 1". '7? '.‘-.T' - 5 .' .: . .:.' X : .a .. '~ . I; ‘ ~~<~‘5m:~ azrwn55a5~55ym:~:-: ‘ '5 €u§§fi§“§%¢%§i§é§fl g ', I I I V 54;, ' m “/éfi/g V; 5'1". V}: I?“ ' 5 ‘ 7%“)? A
~ 131518 ! g : SEQ‘W’WWE f‘: 5 . 5:1! r» 4;
x 5 Waiaweé 4 55W»- 55 -' .
- . 3 WEWEHWE >5?» '- f 5 - '
3 Kennedy kllllng revislted, page 2 5‘5 .? "fizfi‘EE’f’gré‘i-z ' "57 -
‘ 5 5° W *0 the HObbv's- page 3 »~ :5: ' -55 ' 55E .5 - . 2:5:
Who Is KPA? page 6 e355” 5 - 555 if?" f ,5 t
Ethlcol posers5'page ll $535,, 3”" A, : ,z. .7
- M00 Wk: Page 16 ~ " ‘. .54» 5 "I i ‘ r i ‘ 5 ‘5
f New PUbHC Notlce Iqw, page 17 § ‘ 5 ' 2.53.53. ' i
3 _, G'town N&Tls 125, page 20 , “Era ‘ 5 1 " : x - 5 , , .
' “MMHUUTMW /¢Me “ - ”...--. .. . ,
, ' , These musically talented young people from Pike and neighboring counties are making a name for - '
-, KPA S new toll-free number: themselves as the Kentucky Opry. The group will perform a variety of tunes for participants in 51‘
5; 800'264'5721 (KPAI) IG’A’s summer convention in Pikeville. _ . 3555,:
'~—“fi~' ~—~'—‘“——*-——"'W‘“~'"H-~-w 7 5.7-Awn *'~'“"~*— "*4" - #-——“ _;.M#__ -.-. 5..,._., w- - -" -'~A"-' — "“7-— ,_ mi ‘—-*—'*-—* H_.__f.f_5_._. ‘32.;

 E’mfi'WI‘Fl'h'ttflreszlmwmz _ i
H e W a S th e r e i i
F , . TheKentucky
ormer Kennedy a1de, editor, pooh-poohs mov' - 7 ( f;
By Tim Webb 1e versxon of assassination Press l
“Mr. President?" ' . e ‘ o: . _ 19920filoers
th Lyndon B. Johnson first heard %‘ Ii V a _. , v . .: v ‘ President the An
thosefzvords from Malcolm Kilduffon a}: - “in: V ~ ’ " i- , Mary Schurz ‘ CW Z
ea ernoon of Nov. 22 1963 ”at ' i a s5“ ”WW - ’ / Danville Advoca ’ n ‘
. ' ' s... g . t” : ,=, .- . fe-Mess .
hi Unfinow“ to Kilduff at the time ifs? - “Wei ' i ' Presment'E'e‘“ anger ‘ gage,
s wor s were the first indication td ' is ‘3‘“ S? a“ ,9 V. ‘3: i 1 Jerry LYIGS. Benton Tribu -c ' 5. come
Pres1dent John F. Kennedy was dead rd‘ w” ' . Celia MCDPM'd ' TC
Kilduff, former deputy re ‘ . is , Ice PreSIdent ‘ has ro]
Secreta t P . P 55 . '_ 153/ [fiflaf- We“ . 7/ .> A ‘3 , , Steve Lowery, The Kentu k S , ,. ; final 6
. I'y .0 TESldent Kennedy and ' ‘ t . A ‘ g Treasurer C y tandar d I
"glued 9‘11“” 0f the Beattyvil’e Ente" r . : e I: ,, - ' Dorothy Abernathy O/dh E l l wee“:
prise, recalled the traumatic afternoon ’ ‘ ‘IQ’ELZE‘ » ' , ’ , Board of Directors am ra l - 1“
1nDallasatadinnerwiththeKentucky ’ ' ‘ {17 ' i. 3 r g, _ » District1 i Jouma
“’9'?le Newspaper Association this . . . - , ‘ W.'“lam Mitchell, Fulton Leader ' . a ”the
Spnng in Richmond. .:" ' , ~ . ». ‘ ‘ 0'5"“ 2 . i Lowe"
Chief Press Secretar P" i 1 U ‘ . ' ' 3 . w ' ‘ ,. N‘s " : Jed Dillingham " retirea
- “fife . > . . . ~ .m’ , z W“ > . . .
sallngerwasinFrancédufingtheunot . . 1‘ ;. . « wnkwfif . givtllfoffprfings Progress . _ i t? the]
g) lmPOrtafit" fence-mending trip to .f‘ i K is} 7 , i ' . v M V Tera; Revlett McL I honfi
y thaelltifiéwhlchenabledKildufftomake - 7 5 , " , f 1 g . ' V ' District4 ’ ea” County News 3 in thec
' . ' 1' , i 359‘ V ‘ 4 Charlie POYTmann F ' ~ I] :
The events following Kennedy's . . _ . _ . a , Districts . rank/m Favor/t9 . . gawk
assassmation were marked by COnfu- _ _ , . . 3 y . j j , Coleman Love _lmeSl
81011 and disarray, he said " * V ‘ ’ ' Elizabethtown NQWs Emerprise hne'H
Riding three cars behind 8 way it'w ‘ istrict 6 e
. the Former Beattyville En ' as
- . . te - . Doroth Ab teena
Ezezg‘lent, l<11duff distlnctly remem- Nov. 22, 1963 when Presrpl'llsle editor Malcolm Kllduff recounts events of Distric¥7 ernathy, Oldham Era by HE;
dl; hearing Shots from the Texas press SCcretar’y in KennedJ? n F. Kennedy was shot. Kilduff was a deputy Kelley Warnlck Gallatih C ' The 18;
fievcgltfigg diposiitory, which is 'be- the awards banQuet atthe sirsiflg?lnlstr:tion. Now retired, he spoke during District 8-9 ’ ‘Ounty News Q ated frr
w ere eeHarv eyOsw a] d Assoc' , . onven ionofKent-uc week] N Ken Metz, BathC ? -
was?“ he allegedly shot the M District10411 °“"’yN9Ws-0u"°°k mt;
preSI ent. The famou . Marty Backus l
. V . _ S pictureof the swear- - . - E for the
homgfiéigé‘LXXhe-ngdhgnsound Came ; metathesis?“ byamilitary captain dis1182:111chCiglnmm-y 51g“ ed Oswald’s gfialachlan News-Express ! the yea
camef .65.!‘9dP‘31’tlfle 3‘1!!th WIFP'hadtlreomycamera,1’ . .. .. .. . : .. r . W
the street to the Georgetown News «5* president and treasurer of the 9 - . :' . ' 9 9 . 9 9 2 1:
Times, where he’s been named co— Messenger—Inquirer in Owensboro. .9 F ' 9. , a... f f
. ganagii‘g edthiorWTthle ggersityfipf Lexington Herald-Leader turf = ‘1‘ new“? 5‘ L N i it. i K” k Y
em“ Y gm “a e a 1‘ “’1 writer MARYJEAN WALL is the a " 9 i
' ' : I ' rm 9. fix: ”My ’ z’ i 9 ‘5 i
the Gaza“: for 12 years and editor winner of an Old Hilltop Award for 9 9:; fii}; 9 WC. E: f( LY I a E VVS gist P§R
Since . . . . . . 9 a 9. ,9 , ..9 9W
distinguished contributions to 991W 9. , g . F
JERRY ADKINS’ former . thoroughbred racing through ' - 9 fl '2 "‘3 V A S? 5 0C li§§i ON ; '
general managerof a North Carolina reporting AlSo honored at the - , . m9 . 9
paper’ ‘95 the'pevl'c‘lculahen ma“? annual Alibi Breakfast at Pimlico 9m New... W - , . . 9.. ..n..,9wm.a“' “it... we "
ager at the Times-Tribune 1n Corbin. Race Course in Baltimore was 5 . 9. . W. -. .. 1 ; , W . ., WWW , . W
. . . . former LOUISVllle Times writer BILL 9:... (.9 g 9.9 r .. 99999.9...“ and 9mm “it“ 9 9 . 2
native state of West Virginia and has «gag ; . mama 99 9% ,§9& .9 .2; ; -
worked at several other newspa rs CHRISTINE now 0f the LOS ' aw . e: 93 “iii a ‘ ,9 fig . ‘=
- - - pe ' Angeles Times, who won the David “ 2' 9. ,. 9 a i ‘ ‘9 9 . ‘ s
- ReelPlent 0f the 1992 Covmgton F w d A d -t “h 2. e99% e r r , 9 ”i a 9 :
Award given by the Friends of ' 00 5 war as Wl'l er 0 e 9". 2 re fig El e 9 “ ii
’ ' ;9. . v. 2 w a . Q9 a a9»; a, , 3. “7:9 . am, a 92:99“. . .
C ' ' ' ' ' ' ' beet ”We abOUt the Preakness. - : é . e .9 % a is , . , § § * -
ov1ngton ClVlC organization, is V . 9 : :5: i g g 2% 9 i g9 99 , , W .. W_ . visa? W
. . TIM WEBB, former KPA News 9 99 : f A g §§ ’ i 3‘ 9 1 ,. 9 t9: “
JUDITH CLABES, edltor Of The B . , , i' § ,2, .9 f“ 9 . is , 9 531 €\i\:§\\kx3
ureau intern, has jomed the Staff 0f 9. ~ ~, 11;“ - . “ ,:'~: ' 9 e“e§ ‘
Kentucky Post. Clabes, who has also . . . . 9 . . 9 if» . . §W gg g: f, -. , , a ,
. The Clay City Times as a writer / . . , W _ , ,, (3 (/g . a . . Z a 9. 9 , , , i
worked for The Gleaner 1“ - 2 . 9 ,. ~ ‘ ' 2 , a: 9. 9, 2 9 ., «a 9 r - 1 fiat
. . photographer / spec1al sections .W. . 9 W -. i9: , :9 Me a M as“ , _ _»\~ ,
Henderson and papers in Evansvflle, editor 9, -9 9 . é 9. i :13wa ' afxea -
’ . . — ., ’C'E R» 9 9 llieCIltterlden PresmManonwas 9. if: f“ “e ” "‘
. Messenger “1714???” fifi Wensfidroyf ‘ graduate of Murray State University. .. But, what about Elvis? .
. {Egan npgngfie$%?e::ardro ' Browning, who was a summer Dennis Patti, left, director of marketing and communications for the Ken— 3 .
- ' Piibl' (:5 o A u .eti n I-VI: 2:):th intern at the paper In 1999’ replaces ' tucky division of the UnitedStates Postal Service, presented KPA a framed ‘ if
' is e116 ssoecciiao: the 51%], A ION GARRETT Who reSigned to print of the state's Bicentennial postage stamp during the postal seminar at W W»
‘ a??? y 51%;; t 1980 i t 9 return to college. , _- the Kentucky Weekly Newspaper Association convention this spring in .2 W
2 , ' replacerllolmi RY SCIO IURZI spgblisher . dRectznt M1321??? :11!“ versltyd Richmond. KPA executive director David T. Thompson accepted the print,
. ‘ - ’ . - gra ua 1 ER ~- .9 as 101“ h' h o han s in the central office in Frankfort. (Photo I) Russ Metz)
Of The Advocate—Messenger . m . . the staff of, the Madiso’nville Messen- .ww—g.______—__L___ . -
' Damne' Whose “3"“ 9319‘” ““5 89’ as a general assignment re- DOUGLAS A. BOYD, dean of Kentucky Journalism Hall of 9'
. * ‘ year. Schurz, KPA preSident, has ‘ porter. A former intern With the ‘ the College of Communications at Farrier CREED BLACK was gradua- - ' ~.
' ' been nemnatefii treasurer 0f the Messenger and-the Paducah Sun, she the University of Kentucky, ranks tion speaker at Paducah Cominunity f
‘ SNPA Foundation and to a three- replaces RANDY BUSH, who fifth nationally among ’communica- College on May 10. He began his .
“ ~ year term on the foundation board accepted a PUbliC relations position tion researchers in production of newspaper career at the old Paducah
’ ' ’ 0f trustees. ' ‘ . ‘ . With the Regional Medical Center. telecommunications articles in . Sun-Democrat and is a former . g g '~;
~ .9 ' DA.VID PAXTO'N' chief finan- 9 academic journals. That’ s the scoop chairman and publisher of the : if
g . ”~31 officer Of Paducah Newspapers JON COOMER was recently - froma study published recently in Lexington Herald-Leader. He has . , . -’.~ 9;
9 : ~ ~ , 'Inc-«Was'emng'e-delegaum°fI ' named assistant editorof'The ‘ - 2 _ ' . jeumalismsouartériy; Titer-survey - " « "headed-theKm-‘ght Foundationsince ~ 2 , ~ 2- __-1
' ’ ' ' ‘ ‘Wesmm Keemfk‘ans Wm “1°33 Columbia News and The Adair charted 686 writers who published ' 1988. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' f» l
“1*“ Se“: Mm“ M°C°.““e“' met Progress. Coomer, a recent graduate articles between 1984-89 in the top DEBBY MITCHELL has joined . ;
mm busmess lidéisfi Hong Kongf Of Western Kentucky University, 15 communication journals. The the staff of The News—Democrat in '
‘ and Taiwan m pri ' e purpose 0 worked for the papers as a staff study also shows'that the UK Carrollton as a staff writer. ' _ . 9
- 9 23e§;£$$iffet .91. ~ 9 . ranksl3th nationally in articles on management classes at Western ..
9 eye CAROL WILLETrisanewstaff new and emerging technology and Kentucky University was ‘
(fed writer at The Kentucky Standard in 15th for articles on intemational COLEMAN LOVE, advertising W W‘W
' Me . Bardstown. Formerly employed by telecommunications issues. director at The News-Enterprise in . W1
9 Inmtediate opening for exPenenced ad' the Nelson County CiTCUit Clerk’s Among featured speakers at the Elizabethtown. VICTORIA i
. ,9 vertismg sales perSOI‘ at weekly Kentmky office, She replaces ELIZABETH Governor’ s Scholars Program SCHREINER, senior staff writer at 2 .j .
farm newspaper. Muff be “11135 towtork PETERS, who recently retired. Alumni Association conference in the Sentinel—News, made a presenta- 9 W
' 2322§°§§§Zi§$sil§3tfifif”osi’i‘filfiéé‘; Racing writer IENNIE REES of Georgetown in May was BILL tion to Shelbyvine first graders *' ;
outstanding. Knowledge of :gficulmm a The Courier-journal was honored ‘ BISHOP, associate editor and recently on writing stories and .
plus. Salary plus commission negotiable. With the Dean Eagle Award by the columnist at the Lexington Herald— interviewing. . . - W
' Opportunity for advancement in growing nght? 0f Columbus IIaSt month In Leader. ;
farm newspaper. Send resumetoFai-mland Louisv111e. The award is named for j
9 Publications Inc., PO Box 145, Columbia, the late sports editor of the Courier- . . _ _ ‘2
KY 42728. . . Journal and Louisville Times. en Jot It down. KPA s new toll free number. 800/264 5721 i

 if; ' - I L
V‘ ‘ June>199ZThe xmmm‘MMfigéh ' ' ',
l ”e‘w«~?i"-”lr{/~A'e§‘§§7‘~' ’ are? r/J’I’r jt
' We. ‘3 I r I! .8 f .5?
I Mrenmes 3:5?" . giggfigg g7?” g 3.3) , mm’m
i :4: “‘2 .1 were re“ .1 . re - -.
l ”1:,“ _ §§§£§i§“. 95,}, ff“ 32:5? .
GenerarmanagerrrNNrrrR :m e What Hm” B’meng :
l PATTERSON and editor TINA ,‘ it": , flag. . if. . . Harold Brownmg,aformer.news- f
j _ KUNKLER of The LaRue County ‘ ’ aergge‘” jig? i papennaanflliamsburg, Lexmgton
, i Herald News in Hodgenville partici- %? I €323 ' ’ i - and Louisv111e, dled May 14 after a i
, pated in Read Aloud Day at their - - . $3; ,3 «3;»; :r he, ‘ Baker of ongi “935- e was - _
, iocaiirbraryrnAprri. :-:~ 5 22M .. e; meets. AgraduaieefTrenSilvameCOt
: KIT MILLAY, editor ofThe x 3* Journal in 1959 and C°lumb‘a U“‘Vers“y'he was
1 Oldham Era in LaGran e, was a a waxy"? . ., * editor Of The Whitley Republican in i '
. g *Wtfiyi.‘ " “i It” ’ , " 1’ ,. r 4542?? M, ' » a, . .- ’3; 5 13: Frankfort ' ’ ' ’
judge for the North Region Young ‘em . ,, . , . “3%“ ' f VI was a Williamsburg 1n the 19503- He worked
é Careerisr competition for the Ken- 2 ii ' pares- f°rMemes“Leaders-reporter ' ‘-
. tucky Federation of Business and 1i: - and w1re service editor from 1957 to 3‘
.f Professmnal Women. ”it 3" . ~ . . " r” ‘ ‘ new 5/ Lo .- .e f3“ 10m .e 5 . 0 e L
a _ 4hr" - ' , . uisv111e Times for abrief stmtbefore .
; Recent Uruon College graduate “ _ ~ . editorial . . bec fh 1 h 2
i; SAMMY WATTERSON has joined “ , 7 V, . ‘ seminar retiring aulsle 0 eat problems. '
3 the staff of The Beattyville Enterprise , r if " ' ' , _ “a“ on bond- M 0 y‘ Clowes
for the summer. He is the grandson mg Wagh . V. yam: ing issues Former Courier-journal editorial
l ofnewseditorLOISKILBURN- are i he it last month Page editor Molly flower 86' died '
.1 Welcome, assoc1ate *’ Mr e firi ~ ’ fort. British by birth, she began her ~;
. joined KPA's Associates division. r’,ai" is , pies, Tim Webb) - “He Herélfi'POSt- When. 1* dosed 1“
' President/general manager is New - . , 1936' Shemed the CW’W'IOW‘? as i
. Kevin Robinson. The address, foryour ” . ’ V _. J _.. ,_ a reporter. 5h? 300“ began writing ,
é directory is 3008 Magazine St., Lou- j , ' f f ‘3 I ’ . = i "z 5? edltorials and m 1941 was promoted 3
' isville 40251-0189; phone 502/776- 'j "‘ " ' . - ' t0 ed‘t‘mal “mtei' . i
2411_ = " _ . 5 i r‘ ; -. s - - .. The late publisher Barry Bingham ‘
: .. page in1966,apost she held until her ‘
i / i9 ,5 k ' ‘ 1971 She as bel' d ‘
‘ 2595252E3525233225235255353222592555s3sésésiisisizisEsEi3£3sEa55EzisEsEsézizésisisizfiiiiiEaEa5aEsE2Es525252Ez535sE3333355525s525352525s;s§sésésé5225253255EaE:Eié5isis22:52;§sézizézéaésésésizéséaés‘ ,ij heist??? . s32?" @ retirement in . ‘ w leve -
I '-15:35:$:E:‘::E:E:E:§:i:3:5:§:§zi:£:§255:2:5:553;5:523:5:535:§:E:§:§:§:§:£:E:§:3:§:§:E:E:532:5:5:23525:35:E:3:§:§':Z:E:S:E:E:E:E:Z:E233:5:2:5:E:§:E:E:E:§:§:§:§:E35:5:£:§:E:§:§:§:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:§:E:5:5:5zi:E: