xt7fxp6v1562 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v1562/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2003 text GLSO News, May 2003 2003 2003-05 2019 true xt7fxp6v1562 section xt7fxp6v1562 -, —~ ._ GAYand E
emerge news
Lexington. KentuCKv May 2003

A publication or the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation E
Volume 18 Number 5

"Arson in the Flames Desire" 7W 60m: 0% KW

by 1&3er Board-Dill z:‘ 3% i:
directed by John Adams €150 z 5’

. . _ The Imperial Court of Kentucky has

GLSO InVlteS you to a Mystery Dinner become the first GLSO Rainbow Sponsor.
Theater and chili cook off on Wednesday, The Court has been a major financial sup-
May 21 at The Bar, 6 pm for Chi“ and 7 pm porter for years and with this pledge they E
forthe show. "Arson in the Flames Desire" have outdone themselves. They have i
is a work of fiction based on events that donated at the $3,000 level and will be
might have happened shortly after the fire honored at all Pride Month activities and on i
at 59 Megowan St' March 16' 1895- The a new sign at the Pride Center. V\fith this i
play was written for GLSO and the charac- support and our Pride Month sponsors (list- E
ters are based on real citizens of Lexington ed on page 11) GLSO can begin to plan for E
of that time including the infamous madam a larger Pride Center in the future. E
Bell Breezing. The Court’s Coronation XXll will be the E
It is an audience participation mystery first weekend in June, see page 5. In May, E
and a prize Wi" be given to the person who the Court presents the Entertainer of the E3
figures out who set the fire. Was it Belle Year Finale _ “Hooray for Hollywood”, on E
Breezing (Rose Coleman) herself or per- May 21st at Club 141. Doors open at 8:30,
haps Billy Mabon, Belle's "Dandy Man” show at 9:30. $5 donation at the door.
(Bill Chandler). Maybe it was Pearl Female Line members JD Vaughn,
Hughes Belle's housekeeper (Shirley Lady Marmalade, Jenna Jive, Rachel E
Rogers) or "Big Tit" Lil Davidson one of RaChel, and ...continued on page 2 E‘
Belle's girls (Patti Owens). It could even .
have been Patrolman Ed Tichner (Josh 6150 RUM/MAG]; SAM E
Paugh) or William Singerly, Belle's "angel", MAY ,0 8AM 219 [0000” AVE E
a wealthy gentleman of exotic tastes ,
(Jeffery Boord—Dill the author himself.) HEW E
The dinner part of this dinner theater Sponsor of the Month i.
will be provided by participants cooking up - E
their best chili, competing to win a prize. Imperlal court
So if you've been told that you "make the 0f E
best chili" or if you just think you do, bring ii
' a pot and you could win the prize. If you KGHtUCky E
want to enter the chili cook off please call E
Terry at 252-2867 or 576-5262. We need to W 1177 W 6- g E
know- how much: chili: we will: have. i;
Proceeds. will? go: to: support; ELSE: HEW E

 __ Val E Cheridan will all be competing for the title of
\. ' GAY and Entertainer of the Year. They have all worked really hard
LESBIAN putting together exciting and entertaining shows this year,
‘_;_‘3‘ SERVICE with donations totaling over $2,200 to date.
‘5 WflON The entertainer with the highest total will be crowned
Lexington, KentUCKy imperial Court of Kentucky 2003 Entertainer of the Year by
the reigning Entertainer of the Year and host for the
TGLSO MEWS evening, Empress 21 Nicole Diamond. A fun and exciting
evening of wonderful talent.
Volume 18 Issue 5
published monthly by GLSO Rummage Sale
The Lexington Gay LeSbian The GLSO Pride Center rummage sale will be on
Service Organization Saturday, May 10 (rain date May 17) from 8am at 219
389 Waller Ave. Loudon Ave. We are looking for donations. Clean out
your closets and bring items to the Pride Center starting
Editors May 3 through May 9. Please wait until the day of the
Mary Crone sale to bring large items such as furniture to the sale site.
Clayton Dobson It would also be extremely helpful if your donated items
Board Members are pre-priced and clothes are sorted according to size.
Terry MUIH"_S’ President Volunteers will be needed on May 8 and 9 to sort and
Jerry Neff, Vice PreSIdent price items at the price centerand again on May 10 to
Sharon Howard, Treas.
Mary Crone, Editor help work the sale.
John Ridener, Secretary Fo information about donations, setting up a craft l
Thomas Collins table, or volunteering to help, call Ginger at 859 253- l
Cary Sudduth 3233, Sharon at 859 338-1046 or email lexingtonglso@ l
Tom Collins yahoocom. ,
Bill Chandler ‘
Sarah Martin Pride Month :
Joan Branon The next two meetings of the Pride Planning 1
Committee will be on Sunday, May 4 and 18 at 2 pm at the
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ Pride Center. Deadline to get your event advertised in i
Newsletter. . . .
. . the Pride Pamphlet and in the newsletter is May 15. ;
'"d'V'dua"$15 lld dt | t' t' t d th dt'l s d
Couple-$25 nc-u e ae, oca ion, ime, cos an_ 0 er eals. en 1
all information to Bill at Terry_Mullins@msn.net and to l
lexingtonglso@yahoo.com. . The calendar is filling up so 5
you need to attend the May 4th meeting or call Terry (252-
opinions expressed in the GLSO 2867, days) to get an event onto the calendar.
News are those of the authors and The first weekend in June, the 6th through the 8th, will
3:: Eggsgflid_re§;:sr:,:;it:::eafg be the Imperial Court Coronation Events (page 5). The ‘
welcome andstaff reserves the right Men’s Chorus Pride Concert Will also be that Friday the ‘
:6:thaZUSVZ'ISZ'Snt:eagghffgiggse: 6th, (page 14) . Other events are highlighted on page 3. 2
submissions or advertisements, Anyone Willing to work on some aspect of Pride Month are
encounagedno:attendsthe: meetings. Pleasejoinusr ‘



. C ommumt .News
13.2.4. picnic Souliurce

d The Annual Picnic will be at V\findy Knoll Soulforce Lexington has biweekly meet-
Z Farm on June 15. We are very excited to ings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of
announce that Robbie Bartlett will be per— each month at the home of Jamie

g forming at the picnic this year. She will McDaniel. Soulforce follows the principles E
bring in more people so plan to carpool of non-violence practiced and taught by

and come early to get a space. Vendors Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. in their

should call Kelly to reserve a space as attempts to confront religious organizations 1

I soon as possible (225—6389), We need vol- that practice “spiritual violence” against
l unteers to help us with planing and to raise GLBT people.
; money to make the picnic a great event. According to McDaniel, the goal of E
E We do not charge admission so we are Soulforce is to encourage all people “to see
. hoping to have a silent auction as well as a that GLBT people are part of God’s “cre-
V raffle. If you would like to participate, come ative given" and that God takes delights in E
to the meeting on May 4 at the Pride all the beautiful individuals of his creation.” E

' Center. Or call Kelly or Mary (266-5904) See an article about recent Souldforce E
Volunteers is a great way to meet people! action in Cinncinatti on page 14. For infor— E
mation or directions, call Jamie at 859-230-

pR/DE MONTHAUTHORS BMW/W 5625 and check out the web site at E

. The Pride Reading for local writers will www.SoulforceLeXIngton.org E
U.U. Fellowship House, which IS the farm The GLSO Board has elections each E
house besude the church. Please call Kelly June at the Pride Picnic. A number of E

at 22552659 if you WOU'd like to read, board members"s term are up so we have E
chant, or sing your work. YOU can present five positions open. Contact Terry at 252- “
anything you have written: story, poetry, 2867 days if you are interested . Board

I fiction, non-fiction, song, or erotica. meeting are always open so attend any E
E Bring a |awn chair or blanket in Case it thlrd Mondays at 7.30 to see what we do. L
I is a beautiful night. Candles would be nice The next one is May 19 E
- also. We may sit in the memorial garden
l behind the Fellowship House. There will Lax DRESS ANd GENdER AlliANCE l
E beer, wine, and 30ft drinks as well as The Lexington Dress & Gender Alliance 2
' snacks for sale at reasonable prices. will meet Saturday May 3rd at 8 pm. We're
E , a discussion group for transgendered per- E
l Parenting Group sons of all flavors (crossdressers, transsex- E
. There is interest in starting another ”3'5, bUtCh, femme, drag performers, E
E GLBT Parenting group. lfyou want ito talk androgynes, gender questioning, gender E
, about thepossibilities contact Erin at queer, and those With other or no labels) - ;
. erin.stevenson@uky.edu or call the office we encourage allies and significant others E
E and leave your name with Ginger 253— Of trans* people ..continued on nextpage E
GLSO page 3 E


 to participate. Please view Lesbian Fifty Plus Group
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/texDGA The Fifty Plus Group had several suc-
for information about our mailing list or call cessful outings in April We went to
- ' A h .com '
433 838.8 or email LexDG @ya 00 Woodsongs at the Kentucky Theater twice
for meeting locations. . ‘
. then out to eat afterward. The last time we
Meetings are free and you are encour— _ _ '
sat OUtSlde at Natashias and had baklava.
aged to dress however you feel comfortable. ,
We do not offer thera or counselin The weather was perfect! We spent time at
py g. Keenland and the Rolex 3-day event. We
have a BarBQ, more Woodsongs, and a
Men Of A” COIOPS Together trip to the Cincinnati Zoo planned for May.
KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT) There may be more trips in between. We
is a national gay multiracial organization plan to call each other if wejust want com-
which fosters a supportive environment pany to do something. We have plans to 90
where friendships and partnerships can be to a winery, Women’s testiV8|Si CESihO hOP-
celebrated free of racial and cultural barri- ping, COhheCtiOhS, and the Berea Arts
ers. Meetings are held on the third Sunday Festival, among about 50 other events.
of each month, at 7pm in the GLSO Pride The group is growing about a member a
Center, 389 Waller Avenue. day, mostly due to the advertising in the
The next meeting will be May 17. For newspaper. We are advertising under
directions, additional information, or trans— “clubs and organizations”. Please invite
portation to the meeting; email us at your friends to join us and we will have a
macetky@ao|.com , telephone at 859—351- great time. The next get together Wt” be
4453 (Jon). web site: www.mactky.com the 11th of May. Call Ginger at the Pride
There will be a National Convention in Center for more information, 253-3233-
Kansas City MO., July 18-27.
. Rape Crisis Training
Sisfahs "1 The Llfe The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center is
offe ' th ' ll ttra’n'n fo ' ' I'
Sistahs in the Life isa support group for ring 'eir exce en I I g rcrrsrs ine
, _ _ and medical advocacy volunteers in June.
Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. J0in . .
. . . Call Brandy at 253-2615 for information.
us for provocative discusswns about our . . . . .
. _ Volunteers answer the cri5is line in their
lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm own homes A 6 mo commitment is asked
most first Tuesday at the Pride Center. For ' ' '
information, contact Joan at 859-539-2657 .
or email Jweslie@aol.com The Pride Bit (JOHGiU
_ The Pride Gallery is actively seeking
:2 gig} Keep the Love you find artists interested in showing their work
w; -~ Get the love you want! at the Pride Center. To discuss the pos—
2‘- Sibilities, please call Thomas (859 225-
0094) or the Pride Center (859 253-
Jessica Bollinger LCSW 3233.) If you don't have enough work
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist for a °°mP'ete ShOW we can Pair You ”P
cou les famil individual with another artist. All artisans wel-
p ’ y, come. Twenty percent of the proceeds
jessica@cwevent.com 859—552-6533 Will 90 t0 the Pride Center.
GLSO page 4


' 5 a. _. PRESENTS
3 1 .
3 , , ' ' gamma: (Diamonds meééi‘mg 19% My Cmrbéewt 9m
: . It';,i;:-92;3slehS€T1~ Leather Smoidefing in The Caribbean Night-
r “fih'fi‘ef V ' ' V 3
I- JUNE 8, 2003 —— 6:00 PM A;
j ‘ $10 DONATION ,
Q s? EEAE‘E '
BALLl . , . 1 ' , '





- GLSO Page 5


 PRJDE eemen News
$ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 1O - 3 $
LESBIAN WDEO NIGHT Join us as at the Pride Center, on
Saturday, May 17th at 1pm when we get
JOi” ”5 this month Friday, May 9. 2003 together to watch several episodes of this
at 7300 pm. for Fried Green Tomatoes. classic series, in order, commercial free, in
This 1991 film based upon Fannie Flagg's the newly issued DVD format.
novel stars Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, It's free and everyone is welcome. We
Mary Stuart Masterson and Mary-Louise are hoping for a big crowd so bring a friend
Parker. AlthOUQh the W“ has often been and some snacks to share. For more infor-
criticized by lesbian audiences for its mation call the Pride Center at 253-3233 or
depiction of the relationship between ldgie email Jane at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com.
Threadgood and Ruth Jameson, it offers a .
heartwarming story with some great laughs Andrew's C1111)
along the way. Andrew’s Club, a social support group
wt! and”. awn]! for GLBT folks in their twenties, will meet
_ _ on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month at
The GLSO Discussmn/ Support Group the Pride Center at 7 pm. Andrew Hyde is
meets every Wednesday at 7 pm at the 21 years old and sees a need for a fun
Pride Center: We are always open to new alternative to the bar scene. Although this
people dr°PPm9 m to JOII’I us. We discuss a group was started out of a need for activi-
whole range Of 'eeuee' If you have some- ties for this age group, it is not exclusive.
thing that you need to think out loud about, We do ask you to be at least 18 for legal
we Will listen. For information contact the reasons. If you are older than 29 you might
Pride Center at 859-253-3233, or Jane at fit in just fine.
email ladylaneky@yahoo.com. Sponsored by GLSO, Andrew’s Club
will plan activities and may go on road trips
GAYMES NIGHT to places of interest. lfyou have an idea for
Remember the Pride Center is opened a fun activity, please come.
the fourth Friday of every month for ,
Gaymes Night. Bring a deck of cards or mt E01? PUD
your favorite board game to the pride cen- A free art group is meeting on the first,
ter for an evening of fun and games. All second, and fourth Saturday, from 1pm to
the fun begins this month at 7:00 pm. 4pm at the Pride Center through May. The
Friday, May 23. goal is to help you release your creative
energy that was no doubt squelched by
Xena: The Saga Continues teachers or parents. (Well, the wall may not
, _ have been the best canvas.) Two local
We have been havmg a great time artists will give informal instruction in draw-
every third Saturday watching the story of ing, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, oils,
Xena the Warrior Princess and her com- sculpting, or any medium you would enjoy
panion Cabrielle unfold. This month we working with. This is a drop-in group, you
Will be View the episode that introduced us do not have to attend every session. Come
to the Amazon nation and made Gabrielle see what fun it is
an Amazon Princess. ...continued on page 8

 All of these people are guilty of something, E

but only one is guilty of this particular crime.

:1 61.50 and Mysteries of Historic Proportions presents:
le E
)r ' 3
Drrected by Jon Adams

p - Patti Owens
Rose Coleman as “Big Tit” til Anderson -

at - Shirley Rodgers
at as Belle Brezrng as Pearl Hughes ii
1' __ A x 3 ill Chandler kit
;| l osBilinobon i
1t 1 E E
b t
‘5 Jeffrey Boord-Dill
’i as \Mlliam Singerly Josh Paugh
as Patrolman Ed liohner E

t, This fictional play is based on events that might have happened 5
° shortly after the fire at Bell Breezings on March 16, 1895 it
e l

e l
it Can you solve the mystery, 1
1' and do you know who makes the best Chlll in Kentucky? t
‘y Wednesday, May 21 The Bar Complex Showroom E
u Dinner at 6 pm Showtime at 7 pm Tickets $8 at door E
e t
" GLSO Page 7 r

 to enjoy the process of creating without too I '
much concern for what is created. . SPVWW (Remww
Highlights: Kentucky Spotlight BASIC PRINC/ P155 0,: WICCA
By Jane Minder By I66”;
b . b . . ._
On the "first Saturday in May" the eyes I have een working on asrc- mm
of the world turn to Kentucky and the pies for two weeks now and as I SIt down
to type on March 20, the war has started.
Kentucky Derby. So what better month to . .
hi hli ht Kentuck GLBT authors and I hope that when you are reading this, the
g g y . war is done except for the clean up. May
artists? It should come as no surprise that . .
. the gods protect our soldiers and bring
the state that produced such creative leg— .
. them home soon. So mote it be.
ends at Barbara Kingsolver, Robert Penn . .
Warren Thomas Merton and Rosemary Spiritual paths are personal and mean
Cloone’ would roduce authors and musi something a little different to each person.
cians wl’iose woFr)k would make it's wa into I am writing from my understanding Of the
th P 'd C t L‘b y path I have chosen and it may be different
e n e en. er I rary. from what you hear from others. In this
. The followmg works are by people who . . . . .
are from Kentucky and many include article, I Will try to state some baSIC prinCi-
. M, pals of Wicca.
Kentucky stories. Love for and kinship with nature,
FiCtiONI Reverence for the Life Force and its ever-
Johnson, Fenton. Scissors, Paper, Rock. F renewing cycles of life and death. A
JohnF S419 Positive Morality, in which the individual is
Watts, Julia. Wildwood Flowers. F Watt responsible forthe discovery and develop-
W675 ** ment of their true nature in harmony with
Non-Fiction: the outer world and community.
Browning Frank Queer Geography' Recognition of the Divine, which tran-
Journeys Toward a Sexual Self. HQ 75 B833 scends gender, acknowledging bOth_the
female and male aspect of Deity. This is
Weeks, Ann E. And Then There Were the starting point of Wicca.
Nine. RC 607MB W395“ The following is a poem that I have
Poetry: heard many times but do not know the
Abnorman. Subway Stops PS 3551.8588 A153 author. It has the baSiC PrinCiPIeS in it and
3941 I will explain the phrases one at a time.
Gale, Tina. Becoming PS 3569.L47 G152 B398
Music Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
Lexington Men's Chorus. Facets. AUDIO In perfect love and perfect trust. , .
CD Lexi F138 Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye
harm none, do what ye will.
Support Kentucky talent and check OUt What ye send forth comes back to thee.
some of these books and CDs this month. So ever mind the law of three.
These and many other materials can be Follow this with mind and heart,
checked out from the Pride Center Library. Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
The Pride Center at 389 Waller Ave, is Blessed Be.
open Monday—Saturday, 10-3. ...continued on page10
GLSO Page 8

 i 5? . . .
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,, 1 ~- 7:“, 1 .
r . ' Tarnaim; Miegwarg“ ;
s ., ‘ . r , ; a i - '
h ; . Wednesday, May 2‘1, 2303 ' ?
l- ; y : Club 141 , », '
1' . ‘ f Doors 4:] :n at 3:30 m Show at 9:39 In . _
t - - I ,
e : $5 Donation ; ,
S . 5 . .
' , ’: Lech,f Marmatada Val E- Cheridan , i
e 3 : JD Vauglm Jenna Jive Rachei RaChat ' -
‘ i
e > i - , - ‘ I
d g The ladies of the Femaie Lme have but on some ; g
. , I'Eabutnusiy entertaining shows for me over the past several ,
; months, the “Entertainer of the Year" series raising over $30M. . . ,
, Came out in seejustwhinh one at these gals has raised the g
’ most mom-n. eamingthe this of “EM EEK Eritertainerof the I
e i may more of your favorite iota entertainers are
schedultedtu appear, including Minnie Dimmd and Natalie .
a. ‘ Gay! .
i - _' i All proceeds benefit the designated charities of the ISM". ‘ y ;
_‘ i“, hflpzfl’kentuc kyjmpcaurtnrg '.
.3 .Z‘ ‘ y . ,3
i V i '1 E :f _: i;
— 1 x . ' 1' v'ixu’ohNI-mwm
GLSO Page 9
A" —W”

 l l l I : .
Wm; M spawned Quote-mu  
Wiccan Pathway ...cont. from page 8 JUbilee FeIIOWShip '
, _ The Jubilee Fellowship meets most -. ;
The V\ficcan Law includes The Wiccan Thursdays at the Pride Center at 7pm. On '
Rede and The liule Of Three. 69°C” way the 4th Thursday we plan an activity at a
to explain the Rule Of Three. '5 F0 first different location. We begin the evening by
pomt your'finger at the wall (dont p0int it at singing songs of praise and worship and
someone It may go Off ' lol). LOOk at your then read bible passages to stud to eth-
hand. One finger is pointing away from . . y g ;
, , er. You are welcome toiom us at any time.
you and three are pomting back at you.
What ever you send out, comes back to
you three times. If you send out good it 'NTE‘R'W
will come back three time and if you send Integrity is an organization for GLBT
out evil, you get evil back three times. Episcopalians and other persons of faith.
“In perfect love and perfect trust” Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of
means do everything with love and trust. the month from 4300 ' 5:30 PM at St . .'
“Follow this with mind and heart,” asks you Michael's Episcopal Church at 2025
to use both your ability to reason and your Bellefonte St- in Lexington. On Sunday,
ability to love and show compassion. May 11 we will be continuing our discus- '
The Vchan Rede, "An' ye harm none, sion on “Christian Perspectives on Dating
do what ye will" means thatwith magic and and Relationships.” For information call , .1
in your everyday life do what you want as Rectors, David Boyd or Sandy Stone at _
long as it dose not harm anyone including 277'7511 or Stmintegrity@yahoo.com ' . .2
yourself. ';_ f
“Merry ye meet, and merry ye part» Unitarian Universalist Church
asks YOU to meet everyone in an open and The Unitarian Universalist Church wel-
friendly manner and leave as friends. comes visitors any time. There are now .
"Blessed Be" is a blessing to close with. two services every Sunday, at 930 and -'
"30 mote it be" means this is my Wi”- 11:15. On May 4 there will be a first .'
This is only the basics of Wicca. You Sunday brunch starting at 10;15_
can contact me to learn more. Next Month The Woman’s Spirituality Group will be f;
i will be writing about Midsummer and it’s meeting at the home of Mary Crone on
meaning. There will be a potluck for Fridays May 2nd and 16th. If the weather
Sabbat Midsummer. The POtllJCk is permits, we will haveabonfire. Call for info
planned for Friday June 20 from 7-9 pm but or directions (255-5904)_
we may move it to Saturday at a park 50 A Course In Miracles study group _:
watch for a notice next month. Everyone is meets from 1 to 2:30 on the first and third 5'1"
invited in honor 0f Pride Month. if YOU Sunday afternoons of each month at the .
W0U|d like to come to one Of our meetingsi church. Anyone is welcome to attend, no
please 03” me for Info. lggie can be prior knowledge or experience necessary. .
reached at 492-9904- Please SUpport For info call Leslie Dodd at 266—9990.
Pride Month. Blessed Be For more information check the web at -'
GLSO page 10

 St I /.”i:;: m
in . ' '
a ,
z 2008 Pride Mon“ Sponsors
1 Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
T TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551
1. 224 East Main Street
f .
:. Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
5 Promoting equality for all people
g GLSO News Sponsors 2002
3* SisterSound..............................243-0243
Diverse music for all women ,
I Richardson Vision Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
l- 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Z TeresaWagoner..........................494-1831
5t Russ Dunn Real Estate
9 Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
n Seeking a Diverse Congregation
_: Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
P WindyKnolIFarm .........................299-7410
2 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
° Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
y' Rehearsal every Sunday
at CLTMonIine.COM .........................881-3849
204 Rebel Road in Nicholasville
- "—me

 Call number in May 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7pm Wiccan/Pagan Pride Center Open 10—3
Pride Center Beltane Pot-Luck '«ztpm Art For Fun
- - - H. M (Call for place) Pride Center
Meeting at the Pride Center may be abbreVIated to PC 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm LDGA meefing
(Call for place)
Call for Place may be abbreviated to Call
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (03” for place) 7pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Lesbian Movie Prlge Center Open810'3
Services, BRUNCH10230 8 Pm AA Step StUdY PC Pride Center Pride Center Ni ht Pride Center 9- Rummage ale,
2 pm Pride Mo. Meeting (Call for place) 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . g ’ _ Louden Ave
Pride Center (Call for place) 7'30 meCantiLesblan AA V<4pm Art ForFun
6 pm SisterSound (Call) ( a or p ace) Pride Center
5:30 Men’s Chorus - St. "pm Andrew s Citlt}
Michaels Church Pride Centc—i
7 pm Dignity Call for place
11 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7
9:30 & 11:15 uu Church 7:30PM Lexington Lyons 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7PM Wiccan/Pagan Pride Center Open 10-3
5:30 Men’s Chorus -St. Mike Pride Center Soulforce Study GI‘OUp Pride Center Pride Center (Call for Place) 1_4 RNA _ P C
6 pm Imperial Court PC 8 pm AA Step Study call Jamie 230-5625 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
6 pm SisterSound (Call) (Call for place) (Call for place) (Call for place) 9'5 Ram Date for
TBA 50+ Lesbians Rummage Sale
call Ginger 253-3233
1 8 19 20 21 22 _ 23 . 24
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 6 pm Mystery Dinner 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7pm Gaymes thht- Pride Center Open 10-3
2 :mdPnCde Mo. Meeting Meeting; Pride Center Theater, The Bar Pride Center Pride Center 1451 Ag Ffr Fun .,
n e en er 8 m AA Ste Stud 7 D. . G . , r! e en er
5:30 Men’s Chorus - St. p (Can f0? place); pmpflfigfzfi; mp 7'30 pmgfiflmsf'a” AA 7 pm Andrew’s Club-
Michaels Church 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ( a or p ace) Pride Center
6 pm SisterSound (Call) (Call for place)
7PM Dignity (Call for Place) 9:30 Hoory for Hollywood
7P Men of All Colors Club 141
Together PC
25 26 27 28 , , 29 , _ 30 , 31,
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) Soulforce Study Group 7 pm Discusswn Group 7 pm Folding Pride Center 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
5:30 Men’s Chorus - St. 8 pm AA Step Study ca" J mie 30-56 5 Pride Center87 pm (Call for place)
Michaels Church (Call for place) a 2 2 8pm Gay/Lesbian AA _
6 pm SisterSound (call) (Call for place)
6PM Imperial Court Pride
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13
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 m M M An anti-gay member of the
Presbyterian denomination had filed a

The Lexington Men's Chorus presents complaint against Rev. Van Kuiken last '
their Pride Concert, "Let The Sunshine In,” year. Over twenty other complaints have ‘
on Friday, June 6th 8pm at The Singletary been filed across the country, but this was
Center For The Arts (on UK. Campus at the first to go to trial.

Rose and Euclid). We will be celebrating The national Soulforce group quickly
songs from the 60's. organized a vigil in Cincinnati to show sup-

Break OUt your tied-dyed tee Shiite. erSh port for Rev. Van Kuiken and the members
the dust Off your earth shows, PUt 0“ your of Mt. Auburn. Mel White conducted a
love beads With your peace symbol and be training in non-violence preparing 125 peo-
sure to wear some flowers in your hair, ple who stood outside the closed-door trial
because LMC is flash backing to those "I'd holding signs that read "Stop Spiritual
like to teach the world to sing" days. Violence" and carrying a bannerthat stated

Tickets are $15.00 and available "We are all equal in the eyes of God."
through SCFA by calling 859'257‘4929- On April 21st, a decision was rendered
Also available from Chorus members. For by the Permanent Judicial Commission
information about this concert or the cho- (PJC) of the Cincinnati Presbytery and the
rus call 255—1974, or email info@imcky.org Prosecuting Committee.

Feel free to wear your best 60's outfit "CHARGE: That the Rev. Van Kuiken
and come hear songs by The Beatles, The performed and/or condoned and facilitated
Temptations, The Beach BOYS, The Mamas the performance by others of same-sex
And The Poppas, the Fifth Dimension and marriage ceremonies at the Mt. Auburn
more. There'll be soIOS. duos and ensem- Presbyterian Church which were in viola—
bles, and some surprises - Lots Of Love tion of the Constitution of the Presbyterian
and Peace Out. Yeah Baby!!! Church (USA) w-4.9001." "We find the

Rev. Van Kuiken GUILTY of this charge."
Soulforce Vigil for Rev. Kuiken .. TheudeCiSiO“ went 0“ t0 issue . a
by Jamie McDaniel rebuke to Rev. Van Ku1ken and order him
to perform marriage ceremonies only ‘

Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church in between a man and a woman.

Cincinnati tookastand for the gay commu- Rev. Van Kuiken says the rebuke is
nity and now their pastor has been brought somewhat encouraging as the penalty
to trial. Rev. Stephen Van Kuiken is a jOY- could have been more serious but leaves
filled minister serving in the Presbyterian him in limbo, as he will continue to perform
Church (PCUSA). His church has a marriages for couples regardless of sexual
"Statement on inclusion" which declares orientation. He plans to appeal the guilty
that "marriage between two persons, man verdict because he believes that the deci-
and woman, or a man and a man, 0|" a sion of the PJC is theologically wrong and
woman and a woman, is the same in the contrary to Scripture,

eyes of the Session of Mount Auburn Soulforce is an interfaith movement
Presbyterian Church" and that "Christian committed to ending anti-gay teaching and
marriage services be held in our church for policies in religious institutions. Information
homosexual as well as heterosexual cou- about Soulforce Lexington is on page 3 or
ples." website, www.SoulforceLexington.org
GLSO page 14 —



’7 859e881—3a49



gig]? MUCH you WANT To PAY

‘ $17.95/MONTH

 Iar basis. This seemed to dull the pain and TI
M m make me forget about this annoying attrac- te
, by Katherine CON/”S tion to women's clothes. I felt ashamed of $6
these feelings. Damn! ljust wanted to be hi
My story begins at the ripe age of 10. Up normal!
I until that time i seemed to have been a nor- it seems that i had my life planned out m
mal and haPPY bOY- Sigmund Freud WOUId just right. I finally had a good job, two won- C<
have been PFOUd- BUt at age 10. feminini- derful kids, a beautiful wife and a nice W
. ty bega