xt7fxp6v155g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v155g/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2016-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, May 2016 text LinQ magazine, May 2016 2016 2016-05 2019 true xt7fxp6v155g section xt7fxp6v155g 9 ‘19}? _ ’ 7
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‘\ I
\\ Editor—in-Chiet — Christopher R. Bauer m ; a
\ Assistant Editor! Advertising — :-
\ Tuesday G Meadost . -‘
i Copy Editor — Ann Malcolm . ’ 1.;
1 Photography — Christopher R. Bauer . i
8L Tuesday G MeadOWs O
\ Design & Photography — Sarah Brovvn {.
i Calendar Coordinator — Chad Plundley .
; . . . FOIIOW us to
‘ ‘2‘ LinQ is published monthly by and for the Pride Stay up to d , i
a,“ Community SerVices Organization members and news in a d (”G On LGBT ‘
1 community. The Pride Community Services n 0 1'0 U nd 1h Cl 1
Organization envisions a community 9 Berg ru 2 e..-
j. that accepts and celebrates each individual. /I.. ah SS. 3
7 All LinQ articles and information can be yPcSO ‘
- i submitted to the Editor — editor@pcsoky.org.
. j. H All LinQ advertisements can be arranged with the a @l. H
_ Assistant Editor/ Advertising — ads@pcsoky.org IIIQ M (I . F
. . or with the PCSO Pride Center — 859—253—3233. — gflzme
I: All submissions may be edited for content and length. 1
G) @ @ LinQbyPCSO @ LinQ’Magazine ’ @l' l
' I} ~, Read LinQ Online'. Inobypc
, . . So
. if, ‘3" fl wwwissuucomeinQbyPCSO
PRIDE it _ sennces Ta .
connumri oncmizmon g #l'mbyl’cso '
' 0n Fatebook Inst In Y0ur plCIUres
The Pride Community Services Organization works to and YOU (0 I ’ agrum, an d Tw. I.
improve the lives of people in the sexual minority and gender U d See it ' mer
. . ~ In 0U .
expansive community of Central and Eastern Kentucky by ' r next ISSU I
enhancing visibility, empovVering community members, and e- . ‘
educating the public about issues impacting said community. if D _ , .. I.
PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors it?“ , I} -. 4
Christopher R. Bauer, President l . . .5 ‘ a " .
Theodore Meacham,\7ice—President v" ' ‘ ‘ ' " ' r ‘ 1
Paul Brown, Secretary 2 , . if). l
lacob Boyd, Treasurer ,, . . . I ’ I“ - ~ ‘1 I;
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large ' , ll
Vanessa Booker, At Large 5 4 - 50 xii I; p .. 4"
Amy Platter, At Large I . fl /_ ', ; . ' :-
Dena Lee, At Large /~g . .- _., x if ' “It,
Tuesday G Meadows, At Large ('1 ‘ 7,. ‘ 1 0‘
Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large ' ' PFL A G CE
1 ”TM ,
rcso start . Meetin L K .
' ~ ,, , ’ . gs ENT 3
Chad Plundley, Office Manager / ' Egluopal acthSt, M ichaePSUcKY ‘
, “r
PCSOVPIride Center P HAG 6-315tBeglef0ntjl'3fi ( I
389 aller Avenue, Suite 100 We ' 0 :30 P M Ve, Lexin
Lexington, KY 40504 allievgexlfme LGBTQ per ' g"-0" '
’ S
859—253—3233 OW Pr:;':Ver 7°” are inof, family member .
“nghsgiiZDE f0”owed Eamon and Q )éc/lirtliumey 0" fariiiiylendsi and
e a " °Ur confid 3 e5 Place t “rugs!
. . h e,
2 I.an Monday 11 a.m.—3 pm. Our Prese TueSdayerSIIal SUPPort groue firSt how,
Tuesday—Friday lp.m.—5 pm. Support 8r0up:)ters are frOm’th 2’ l0, 7-0l6 P mefiting
Of Challen at their res e. SAS (Ga ls . ml
ges LGBT Pectlve hi h 7 tralghtA”. L
FOriteens are fafingscahools- Learn \Iilahnace , \h
www'PflagCent Ore Information nd hOw they co t klnd , ,
I'aIkyDrg or Ca” 8?th pe.
- 38.4393

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5- l Here in the U.S., people are exercising their hate toward others under the guise of freedom.
1 Carol Taylor-Shim asks, where are we at and what are we going to do?
SisterSound continues to celebrate their 20th year in existence V
and announces their Spring Concert, set for June 4.
Katherine Wilkie Kennedy, 20|6 Lexington Pride Festival Chair, writes about
it, is a couple of this year’s sponsorship options, Specifically the Red level for
lg?! non-profits and the new“Pride l00% Club” individual sponsorship.
-zzesgm‘. "flu“. [fl Esjzajzgme ABSOLUTo A l°°k at the 20 ' 6
k 7-9:” '. Mr. & Miss Lexington
1 “fl *1“: :4 ' ‘, Pride Pageant.
, ' lzl‘d;l'9’57‘~\:.
5, V Av z? . 1ny '31"? ‘ “In {on g
l ABSfii/ A‘s ‘_ '35:” ”I.“ i a figsxanmm
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2%.. .‘l fill)? 3.; ”l l; 35; V “‘13 Contestants from the Mr. & Miss Lexington
l “fill ‘.I‘ l "it. " Ag. '1, E l (l; l \ Pride pageant: (L to R) Kendrick Heart
5 l "_ {#7: “3:3“ 1‘ E: _ «5;: (y _\ Serena Van Daren, Elite St. james, and Adonis
l «w ’ <99) ., 1 z .
y . 7. fl Eggs? ‘ 1% V j» : MAY 2016 // l.an 3
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 3.3"” 7'
9 fist-7.1%” . .
by Helena Handbasket ks! ' 1‘ A
l _ 'Tagwl . W
l “ I 7. {ii-2a it ilii
‘rn Tired! Tired of being Now add sex into the shutting my brain down. Conscious
l admired. Tired of love uninspired. equation. Wait... wait a minute. thought has to take a break now ‘
l Let’s face it, I’m tired.” I just smile What’s that? Could it be? Yes... I and let my subconscious take me to 5
‘ every time I hear those lyrics and in think it is. I just felt a bolt of energy dream land. Nope... still thinking. ll
my mind I can hear Madeline Kahn hit me. I believe I just got my second Okay... count sheep. 1 sheep — 2 l
singing them in her best Marlene wind. Oh yeah.... Yeah, baby! Well, sheep — 3 sheep — that’s a pretty little ;
Dietrich voice. Sadly though, this that was fun but now I am more tired sheep. Wait... getting distracted. 4 g;
phrase comes out of my mouth much than ever. sheep - 5 sheep — black sheep (yep,
more often than it used to and more I know I would feel better if that’s me). Stop it! Getting distracted i
often thanIthink it should.Imean... I ate right and got more sleep. But again. 6 sheep — 7 sheep (I wonder , .5!
I know they call me Mamaw, but again... the nasty monster of this how the hair they shear off of those ”l
damn, I’m really NOT that old. So entire storyis that sinceIam so busy,I cute little sheep ends up becoming '_ l”
j why do I feel so tired all the time? don’t have the time to prepare healthy a wool sweater?) I wonder if there is ‘ f
I don’t have to think very food so I end up grabbing something wool in this blanket? I hope not. I am ‘ l
l long before I get that answer. I work quick which is very seldom healthy. allergic to wool. I break out in hives l
. r a 40-hour-a-week job with a little And, I owe it to myself to have some so bad when I wear wool. ‘
. l part time gig (that I love) on the sort of quality oflife. So after mywork Oh screw it... I give up. I ' l.
side. Mix that with the fact that I try day ends and all of my other tasks for wonder what’s on TV this late? What ‘ l1
1 ‘ to burn my candle at both ends to the evening are completed, I try to the hell... I’ll sleep when I’m dead. .‘
l have a social life while I try to light sit myself down and watch one of my So glad we just invested in that new ‘ ll
that same candle in the middle by shows (that I usually record on DVR property. I’ll be getting a lot of sleep j !
scheduling myself to perform. Then since I didn’t have the time to watch there at the Lexington Cemetery. It l
l all of the preparations required to do them when they actually aired). By is so pretty out there. A little plot of » l
i that take time. Ihardly have any time the time I have watched a little TV land just big enough for the two of
left to do anything else. And my poor to unwind from my busy day, it is us out by the water. It is so peaceful l
I husband! Often he gets what is left usually after midnight, which is way out there.....zzzzzzz. (Nighty night.) ll
of me, which is a worn—out version past the time whenIshould have gone Shhhhhh, until next month. Love :,
‘ of me that doesn’t have the energy to to bed. When I finally get to retire to ya’ll.
live, let alone be the attentive spouse slumber, I end up setting my alarm O l
1 that I should be. Thank God he is a clock for 6:45 am. so I can get up and Send comments or suggestions to “
patient and understanding man who start the whole process over again. HelenahandbasketKY@gmai1.com ;
loves me unconditionally. Next I have to start the process of l
l 2 Jr.
.. fl _‘ as we” t «w... .. J _ . . .
‘ ~a m r “ ‘ ‘

:.- o

1 '..:E .
l 0,5,: ourt '
3 by H.M.|.M., Empress XXXIV of the Imperial Court of Kentucky, Kali Dupree ‘z‘f‘fizéigm ‘
.. The Imperial Court Of kcntucky ;

hmy,howtime M‘ D erb 55’ . ‘ the “Miss Derby Pride Pageant,
. flies. As we enter the 188 g Dona Benefiting Moveable Feast” and I
. month of May, and the ' ApageantBenefiting M honoring last year’s winner, .
l weather finally starts MoveabieFeast lit-‘5 .1. as Miss Tomika Taylor. Tomika, l
to warm up, it means If”: ” W thank you for serving your l
that the Imperial Court ) » ' ., . ’ ,...,-,-,;~..: 9""9 community and representing l

of Kentucky is entering ;' fl ‘; your title with everything you

into its last full month .431: ”I?" have in you, and thank You for
, of fundraising for Reign N a“? ‘- . . } 5‘ bEin an amazing friend. l
j‘ l 34! What a trip it has .. i A This Reigns Pageants: .

. been! However, just , . ,‘bh ‘ . k nemmnsiegmafi-wm Diva Of Darkness, Miss

. . . *r - - - n cxrmprcssKal‘D“P“”‘lm Kentucky ‘ '

‘ because a reign IS ending ”’Dii'mstbzms ’WJfi-fifizgtmechamiesofmeimpmaicwof Mary Christmas, MISS Gay
does not mean that the 'WWkaymr Mm Valentine, Inner Diva,
fundraising stops... we ideas that they share. One of the and Miss Derby Pride, have each l
pick right back up and continue most amazing things about these two been formatted F0 benefit one Of '7 i

. without missingabeat. individuals is that they did not wait to the ICKS. deSIgnatfed Charities"

i At the Falsies and Annual become elected, and are not waiting PCSO’ Lexmgton Fairness, AVOL’ l

. Elections, the Imperial Court of to step up as monarchs, to help out IustFundKY, and Moveable Feast. The l 3
Kentucky started our preparations in any way possible and have been winners from each Of these pageants ‘

, for reign 35 by electing a new board and still are two of my most valued Will be representing their titles and I
member and our Imperial Crowned friends. Congratulations to you and those charities on May 22 at Bogarts ‘
Prince and Princess, the latter two thank you! Also, congratulations are in the Campbell House to compete for .

- who will be stepping up as Emperor due to my Queen Mother to Reign the Ultimate Entertainer of the Year.
and Empress 35. Congratulations 34, Empress ShotZ with a Z, for The Winner W111 have a command

. are due to our elected board being appointed Heir Apparent to performance durlng ‘ coronatlon

. member, Daniel Honeycutt, and to the Queen Mother I of the Americas, weekend and the charlty that they
our Imperial Crowned Prince and Nicole the Great. I’m so proud of you! represent W111 be receiving the funds l
Princess, Russell Drake and Aurora I encourage everyone to ralsed from the event SO far, Dwa
Cummings. It brings back a flood of come out to “The Imperial Court of Of Darkness, Roxy Peach; MISS Mary

. fond memories watching these two Kentucky Presents, The Bourbon Ball: Christmas, _ IoDee Monroe; MISS l
preparetostep up andbeginplanning Coronation 35,” at the downtown Gay Valentine. Hope Hillcum; and I
for all of the amazing FUNdraising Hilton on June 12 to witness Russell Inner Diva, MISS Ginger Snap, Will I
,4, ‘ Assam, Drake and Aurora Cummings step up KZnZZEEIteZEerEEESIi: vcvhaterye; l
. in”: ' “m: .*~’rt"-"'Tfl-.‘!.§Olur and begin their. reign as monarchs Of Miss Derby Pride g row 6 |
‘ ' g A Assfaemfifiim ill/$1M the Imperlal Court of Kentucky. I ho e that ever one comes ‘
. R‘- _: Va “Solar ‘ Now, before we end Reign 34 out and _ .p h I 'yl C f ‘
. -' ' ». A , ,9 5 "0ka 435, and start right off into Reign 35, )oms t. e mperia ourt O '3
.733; k C: ‘7. ,- . Va we do have more chances to raise Kentucky for this months fundraismg .
‘ 5%}? [Egg 9 money and to give back to our events. It dhas 1:66:11 an hamazmg
”M‘ A C me {2133" «gt; ’4 ~~ community that we hold so clear. 109“” an cou no ave appene 'I
is; urora u m'pgf‘T-cfi’flm‘el O M 4 t C . L . t Without you, the communlty.
MISS KahDupree with.” u»::é.~.~; J . n ay , a rossmgs exmg on,
:Mr. Russell Drake >fififié", 'sjfir the Imperial Court will be hosting V
4-7 I

 TransKY ADVOCATE . 2 w ,
by Tuesday G Meadows ‘ f/ ,
. iraaimtrswrrmrarmmresmaeat disseminate?“”"mccr"r“ 2
y ,3 .
\ “IfI could reach the stars, pull one down for you, shine it on my heart so you could see the 2 a, :5 2
truth: That this love inside is everything it seems. But for now I find it’s only in my dreams.”
Change The World, Eric Clapton
Recently, I wrote about the Maybe it is time to choose not to is in a hurry to put you in is your
importance of participating or not choose. sexuality. Besides “straight” (if that
participating in our political system, I am a transgender woman. even really exists), there are many
because choosing not to participate My pronouns are her and she. other categories, as evidenced by the
is a choice in and of itself. I think Make no doubt that I am a woman. growing number of letters for those
everyone should have the right to Transgender is just an adjective I use in the LGBT... community. I guess
choose “not choosing.” As I wrote to describe myself. Some people may of all the boxes we get put into, this
about that aspect of my life, I began or may not use that word to describe one I really hate. It’s not the fact thatI
to explore other parts of my life themselves. I have no problem couldn’t care less if someone sees me
where choosing and fitting in have whatsoever with someone who wants as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or another
been important. to self-identify as how they want sexual orientation. It really comes
Obviously, gender is one of to self-identify. How you describe down to that I really don’t want to
the things I thought about first. From yourself may include: man, woman, put myself in a box. I was married
a very young age, when you meet transexual, transgender woman, for 39 years and I was faithful to my
someone for the first time, it seems transgender man, and some describe wife during our time; we loved each
of utmost importance that gender themselves as non-binary, which is other deeply. Now thatIamawidow,
is designated, often by the other like answering, “I am not choosing.” Iwant to love again, butIdo not want
person. Why? I believe this is taught If someone says that their pronouns to define in advance what that love
to us. When a baby is born, almost are them and they, then by all means should look like. I want to leave this
without exception, the first question use those; it’s not that hard. wide open for the future. I want to be
that is asked is, “Is it a boy or a girl?” As far as gender—specific free to choose to love, and that is also
Why is it so important to know the norms, I couldn’t care less what a choice.
question of male or female? Almost someone else likes and doesn’t like, It is time to re-examine the
every form we fill out from a very but at the same time, please don’t try choices we make for ourselves and ;
young age asks us our gender. to make me follow your ideas about for one another, whether it is gender, 3
I have never understood why feminine and masculine. If I want to our activities, or the people we are l
a driver’s license needs gender on it. It watch or play sports, I will. If I want attracted to and love. Not choosing l
has apicture of you right on the front. to dance and twirl, I will. I couldn’t should always be a viable choice. Or
So many forms ask about gender that care less what someone thinks that maybe boxes just don’t fit me.
it is completely unnecessary. Why I should or shouldn’t be doing. One You may write me at
does someone need to know if I am of my favorite things in the world is tmeadows828@gmail.com or
M or F to get a loan, a job, or get into the look on someone’s face when my follow me on Twitter @trishgigi.
college? Well, I know the answer. daughter introduces me. She will say, Now Tuesday’s gone with the wind.
It is because our society has made “This is Tuesday. She’s my dad.” 0
up some stupid rules about gender. The next box that everyone
6 LinQ // MAY 2016 . ADVOCACY

1 “graft-“3 " _. '
; P ROT ECT E D HAT E at a :
,-: 4:1. .., :1, _, -
4 by Carol Taylor-Shim, MSW gr"? ,2 ; i
—_ 4” 1m. fir,” i
:1 it ‘* {at ‘ ' 4 i
' don’t know if you have noticed, to “rise above” and thrive in order to the hate is. .2. ‘2 ‘ 11-, u; 3. .4 4
but the airwaves are stinking with become a “model minority,” and we It turns people against their own. l
America’s dirtiest laundry: outright excuse the conditions because of free It turns the oppressed into the
I’m—not—trying-to-hide—it—anymore— speech, we’re doing it wrong. We are oppressor. 5
hatred toward anyone who is not living inatime where political rallies So here we are with a few l
‘ white, male, cisgender, and identifies are bubbling caldrons of vile displays months left in the most bizarre and l
as straight. And folks, that’s A LOT of violence attached to “freedom” and vile political season I’ve ever seen. As i
of people to target. It’s the majority “religion.” The last name of political each day goes by, the air gets thicker .
of the people who are reading this candidates is now a transparent code and thicker with frenzied bigots who .
right now. It is US, fam! Much of it for all things ugliest about our nation. are emboldened by their “leaders.”
is happening under the shield and We know what you mean when you If you think it’s bad now, you ain’t |
protection of the First Amendment. spray paint it on things or when you seen nothing yet. This wave of legally '
Good old freedom of speech. chant it atagroup of people duringa endorsed and protected identity-
Constitutionally protected hate. sporting event. Congratulations, you based violence is coming. But 3
Politically fertilized hate. This is have finally found the perfect beard instead of washing groups away, it’s l
where we are. for the real you. actually growing its own opposition. l
Social justice activism, This country was I
however one defines that, has become built on a foundation of n W St W ,
as routine as the oppressions we all exclusion. And now the & m '
seek to dismantle. Because we are foundation is cracking,
all under attack. The trans woman crumbling, buckling, MW lean/WW
who has security called on her for and breaking. It’s like
being in the “wrong bathroom.” The building a house on a u _ .
young Black male-identifying college shaky foundation. The WOO/mt W “71”” W 3
student who is also same-gender weight of the house over
loving. A lesbian couple trying to time cannot be sustained. ”w ‘
live in a community where the only Eventually the house
“diversity” is whether you like the will start to fall. And we "
Cats or the Cards. An undocumented are in free fall right now "ti/5] W m M.
teenager who has been abducted into as a nation. We must
human trafficking. They’re coming remember that the Constitution The activism that is exploding in so
I for all of us. wasn’t written with most of the many ways across this nation is the
But folks gloss over the people reading this article in mind. only thing that will save us. When I
i impact of words and symbols. When Please let that sink in. So if you’re see college students of all identities in i
we start seeing “No Faggots, Dykes, a champion of things that are being solidarity against anti—LGBTQ laws,
or Trannys Allowed,” on doors and used to destroy people’s lives, you that’s hope. When I see protestors
walls across the south, that’s violence. are complicit. Even more so if you bring interstate travel to a halt, that’s
All under the cloak of “religious are part of the community that hope. When people in positions
freedom.” Christianity is the “freest” is targeted at every turn. But that of power engage in accomplice
religion on the face of the earth. internalized oppression is real, ya’ll. behaviors, that’s hope. And right now,
When we continue to see the toxic And it’s so incredibly painful to see it that’s the only thing left for many of
environment for marginalized college play out with people that we love and us to cling to.
students in which they are expected care about. But that’s how infectious Follow me @ctshz'm71
l ADVOCACY . MAY 2016 // LinQ 7 l

 reviewed by Kamryn Wies
..._ .V . ‘1- Hold Tight
Watts ‘ t3 7 7 I written by Christopher Bram
3 “Tfiflf/FE ,1? ~
' ,. , . mm. 5: a?” he 19405 were not a very open and accepting time, which
,4 f, 1'?“ 3 the main character of Hold Tight, by Christopher Bram, might
’ ”If“. . find works to his advantage. Hank Fayette leaves his home town
. j jig ' w, . of Beaumont, Texas, and joins the Navy. He takes shore leave in
. r , .ifEsfl "J, I the big city of New York and finds his way to a gay brothel. When .
3 f y I l '3‘ I the brothel is raided by Shore Patrol, he finds himself caught and
1: ‘ ‘ _ I is given a choice: be dishonorably discharged from the military,
. ANOVEL RY f . 3 -
g 5 CHRSIOPHER ‘33 ‘ \ or go undercover as a prostitute to catch Na21 spies. Hank soon
3 p I W365i? BRAM 3": Mm finds himself embroiled in a world of espionage and intrigue as
x I i’ he must find his quarry and deal with his developing feelings for E
. A . _ Iuke, the black drag queen who is an attendant at the brothel.
1; fiiwfifiW-fi’é 4' , The awkward interactions between gay and non—gay characters l
3 g’riwwfli‘ "3 "WV and black and white characters is kept true to the tension of g
* " p . G) 1940s New York. Pick up this story if you are looking for a fun
”Ware M” _' If“ p , 03:3de and absorbing read. This book can be found in our Adult Fiction I,
K r...- - an'°mw;;u»v section under A FIC B. ‘%
Mdffifwh V
? I M PE R I AL F Lo w E R5
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Lexmg’ron, KY 40504 ---_
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hf 3“! 3- ‘3 ., Visit
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 Mricafl‘Amel‘lCan 7}, '
«Q03 ° on KY P earl.

o 1‘s i
5 __ With Special Guest . J

e 3 Evelyn "Champagne" King
.- I Pe1formanees by Cbarletteiv Web, E
‘ 3 * '1“ W Jerry Owens wit/.1 Rbondajaekson, '
E ' 4 ‘ ‘ Deb Hodge, 59° M C Clifif Henderson III '
" ~ May 28th ;
’ 6:00 pm (doors open at 5pm)
V.,. ’. ‘ Lion's Club Pavilion E
; :31 Masterson Station Park
E ' Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs! 1
E Benefit General admission $25 (in advance) 1.
Schola mg, a VIP Preferred Seating 8L Reception '5
7‘ Fund 1e PShLP After The Show $35 (in advance)
, Att or Students Door - General admission $30, VIP $45 E
'4 {Or 51:51]”? College Tickets available at rw'w'wsq‘atieketsxam E
First Time or call 859—536—2083 or 859—494—6414 1

 SisterSound Continues to Cetebr’ate Their 20th Anniversary Season!
S isterSound, the Lexington Women’s Chorus, continues members or at the door. Need tickets and haven’t crossed paths 3
, to celebrate their 20 years of making beautiful music together with a SisterSound member yet? Call 859-263—0702. <
by presenting their final concert of the year, “A Celebration Are you interested in singing with SisterSound? New I ‘
of Women in Music.” The chorus will perform songs either members are always welcome. All you have to do is be female, l
written by women or made famous by women, including: Big 18 years of age or older, can match pitch and enjoy singing with '1‘ ‘
Legged Woman, Perfect Night, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Harriett other women. Rehearsals for the Winter 2017 Concert start on 1
Tubman, Brave, Still I Rise, and many more. For this concert, Sunday, September 11, 2016. We will have a “Meet and Greet” t J
former SisterSound members were also invited back to sing from 5:00 — 6:00 P.M. with rehearsal to follow until 8:00 PM. 3,.
either the entire concert or the second half of the concert and in the choir room at Centenary Methodist Church, 2800 Tates .
several members took us up on the invitation. They add an Creek Road, Lexington. Come and join in the fun! Can’t a
extra dimension to the chorus and one that the audience is sure make the first rehearsal? Come the following week at 6:00 PM. If.)
to enjoy. We will also be having our annual picnic for prospective and
Join SisterSound for their Spring concert on returning members during the summer and will make sure
Saturday, Iune 4, 2016, 7:00 P.M., at Lexington Christian that it is on the LinQ calendar! §
Academy, 450 W Reynolds Road, Lexington. Tickets are $10 Have a conflict and can’t come to the concert? We will .
for adults and $5 for children age 4 to 12, while those 3 and be singing at the Lexington Pride Festival on June 25 and look
under are admitted free. Tickets are available from SisterSound forward to seeing you there! V '\
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:2; ’7 ' ‘ " 95
| Come Help Us Celebrate our Grand Re-Openingl - :ebruarq I - ’29, 2016! ‘
'2573 Richmond Road ' Erench Quarter Square ' Suite 360 ' Lexington, KY 40509 . ’
‘ 859-2724”! ' Faqettegaiierqsom Mon _ Sat: IOa to 6p ' Sun tn; appointment ?
‘ Follow Us on pacebook For Special Store Sales E—fi Dailq prizes-l ‘-
1 ,

 s W é r2. C‘- «so 3 s . 1
\ ,.
m “9. ‘9 °' 6
s ‘ # i
"if Jag
é; " 9ister50und 9‘»
l 67g; The Lexington’s Women’s Chorus C. w
l ‘fiij‘ Presents i gt
Egg-d1 . .5”
3% A Celebration . «>2»,
5.7 6, of Women In Music a.
@éJ A 20th Anniversary Season Concert 3?
Kitg 4
(22%» 5aturday, June 4, 201 6 g
- Jfi cl 7:00 pm 99‘ I,
39731 Lexington Christian Academy ‘
wag-g3: 450 W. Reynolds Road 35:: p
ii ,2. Lexington 40505
it (-5" Saf‘ifir-‘Lg ".4 .0 § ‘
i 3‘ i. fidfiémJ'e Tickets are ‘
. _. Wk’fiVMw-z‘ $10Adults §
_ .~. 35 5 ages 4-1 2 (ii
5“”: ‘ '0 -/ Free 0—5 ‘i
3" f vaia 6 rom :
33% 3 $3. gistlegoicmd members, 9
‘ l at the door, ,1
9 "lg orcall559-265-0702
.h A 'f': _ . . ;
gig . fi§pf$l€§él www.5ister50und.org A l

 l'll‘. l'llSS E;
by Tuesday G Meadows l
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The most unique part of our LGBTQ 1
- I - - - . H
5‘ community 5 life IS our diverSIty. ,
5 Lance Poston, UK Office of LGBTQ>l<
“' ll Resources Director and pageant judge
Horse of a Different Color,” was the theme of the 2016 Mr. and Miss Lexington
Pride Pageant held at the Kentucky Theater on April 21, 2016. The contestants
performed for the audience and the panel of judges in different categories including
talent, speaking (question and answer), pride wear, and evening wear. The event was a fundraiser for the
upcoming 2016 Lexington Pride Festival, which will be held on June 25 this year.
The annual contest, which is sponsored by the Pride Community Services Organization, is held to u
pick Lexington’s Drag Royalty and was billed for the first time as a family—friendly event. The pageant was
very lively, with hosts Paul Brown and Miss Phoxee Esparanza Roxx keeping the contest moving right along i
throughout the evening. l
The panel of guest judges that night included: Mark Iohnson (head judge), Miss Georgia Peach, Josh ’1
Mers, Haley Marie, Lance Poston, Teresa Cole, and Terry Mullins. Audience members were encouraged to
go to soci’al;media to post pictures and comments, live stream the performances, and check in for a chance to m
m Amy Schumer tickets. in
The contestants sashayed on the stage to lots of different music selections as they competed in the ,
individual categories with Scott Robinson as guest D]. As a tribute to Prince, who died earlier in the day, Scott
playedéfurple Rain for the 100-plus people in the audience that evening.
" The evening started with a stirring performance by the extremely talented Miss Phoxee Esparanza .
Roxx and-1A.]. Allen Montrese, Mr. and Miss Lexington Pride 2015, as they said farewell to their titles and
12 LinQ // MAY 2016 . FEATURE E

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Mr. Lexingto’n’Pride 20i§,.Elite St. james at the Pride pageant held a ' The Kentucky Theategj
. showed their admiration for one another. Soon after, several other former Mr. and Miss Lexington Prides,
. including Miss Georgia Peach, Diva Lilo, and Clayton Burchell, performed a mix of musical numbers with
lots of energy.

Competing for the titles were Miss Serena Van Daren, Kendrick Heart, Elite St. James, and Adonis.
Performances by the contestants included everything from lip syncing to Barbie Girl to a tribute to Prince to
a very funny Hulk Hogan parody. Both of the winners, Miss Serena Van Daren and Elite St. James, looked
absolutely fabulous together as they received their crowns. They both sported big smiles as they waved to the
audience. The crowd responded with loud cheers when the winners were announced.

Kat Wilkie Kennedy, Pride Chair, and Chad Hundley, Pride Vice—Chair, directed the show, which
had been planned by Dwight Vires, Chair of the Lexington Pride Festival Fundraising Committee. Everyone
agreed that making the show family-friendly was a great success.

During the Miss Gay USA Drag Pageant, one of this year’s contestants, Miss Margueaux Powell, said it
best about these drag pageants: “This helps us to remember our history.” Drag is only one part of our history
and we have come a long way, but let’s not forget where we came from. Q

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FEATURE . MAY 2016 // LinQ 13