xt7fxp6v1514 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6v1514/data/mets.xml Adams County, Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States, Work Projects Administration, Service Division; 2 volumes, 28 cm;  Minutes of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1799-1801; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/5/no.2 books English Jackson, Mississippi: Board of Supervisors, Adams County This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Transcription of County Archives of Mississippi, Number 2 Adams County (Natchez), Volume 1 text Transcription of County Archives of Mississippi, Number 2 Adams County (Natchez), Volume 1 1942 1942 2015 true xt7fxp6v1514 section xt7fxp6v1514   W  + M umuwm¤|mmim@HHmuH nnwwww
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1799-LIJBOI ` 4
Prepared by
The Mississippi Historical Records Survey
Service Division
Work Projects Administration
Jackson, Mississippi
The Board of Supervisors
Adams County
June 1942

Fa H. Dryden, Acting Commissioner
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Qc Edwsrd Gstlins State Administrator
Jerome Sage, Director, Service Division
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
The Board of Supervisors
Adams County

The Mississippi Historical Records Survey program was organized as
a Nation-wide project of the WTA to inventory State, county, municipal ar-
chives, early American imprints, church records, and manuscripts in collec-
tions. Inldississippi the Historical Records Survey has operated as a unit
of the Statewide Records Project in the Service Division, and has been spon- V
sored by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and some seventy
county boards of supervisors. The Survey is being discontinued in order
that its personnel may be diverted to activities which have a direct and
unqualified relation to the war effort. However, this volwne is being pub-
lished since all data had been compiled for publication previous to the re-
direction of the activities of the project.
_ The preparation of inventories of county archives included the writing
of administrative histories or essays which traced the developnent, analysed
the structure, and described the functions in each county of each of the
agencies whose records were inventoried. It soon became obvious that if
each inventory of county archives was to depict the particular history,
governmental organization, and records system of each county, it would be
necessary to resort to the minutes of the county governing bodies for the
source material to do so. Experiments in transcribing pertinent passages
fran the minutes indicated that full coverage or uniform results could not
be obtained by leaving the selection of the material to the judgment of field
workers. For that reason, in 1959 and 1940, workers were assigned to trans-
cribing in full, the minutes of the various governing bodies in some forty
This volume, Transcription ef_thp_QpEnty Archives pf Mississippi,_§p. E,
Adams County, Volume I, Minutes of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace 1799-1801, is a transcriptibn of unbbuhd papers—lbbated—in the-wm
bffice of the clerk of the circuit court. These papers are either the rough
minutes kept by the clerk to be entered in a volwne later or they are the
final minutes themselves. ln either event, these papers, apparently incom-
plete, are the only records available of the court proceedings of the first
inferior court to function in the Mississippi Territory and of the first body
vested with county administrative and pohce powers and duties.
The papers were transcribed by project workers in longhand with pencil.
The transcriptions were made word for word, line for line, and page for page
in conformance with a manual of instructions. At the close of each day the
material copied that day was proofread against the original and was trans-
mitted to the State office of the Survey where it was road and filed. If any
portion of the transcription, such as handwriting or spelling, was thought
to bc deficient, the transcription was returned to the workers in the county
for correction, verification, or clarification. The transcribers entered the
word xZsié7" after each word misspelled in the original to indicate that the
error was not made in the process of copying. After the transcribed copy was
accepted as complete and correct, all editorial "£Eip7ws" were deleted and the
pencil transcription was then typed. The typed copy was proofread against the
handwritten transcription, stencils were cut from the typed copy, and the sten-
cils were then proofread against the typed copy.

 .. j_v ..
Although the workers' copy was made line for line, the mimeogrgphed ver-
sion does not follow this rule. The transcription presented here is a word
for word, paragraph for paragraph, page by page transcription. Page numbers
- were assigned as the original papers carried no page numbers, and these as-
signed nwnbers have been indicated in brackets preceeding each page of the
transcription. The inclusive page numbers have been shown in parentheses in
the upper right hand corner of each.mimeographed page. The editori l device
used to indicate the original page endings is a fine dotted line drawn entire-
ly across the mimcographed page.
ln the index, an effort was made to include every place name and
proper name and to group under subject heads, the significant items of
information contained in the records concerning the administrative and
police powers and duties of the court.
General regulations and procedures applicable to all Historical Records
Survey units in the 48 states have been followed in Mississippi. The offi-
cials of the WPA gave the project their cordial support and assistance. The
Survey gratefully acknowledges the interest and cooperation in this under-
taking of the Adams County officials and of Dr. William D. McCain, Director
of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.
The original minutes were transcribed by Fannie Fleming and Lessie
King, Historical Records Survey employees in Admns County. The transcriptions
were edited by Andrew Brown, Assistant State Supervisor. The stencils were
out by Lillie Ates and Marjorie Whitley. The index was prepared by Josephine
Jones, Hazel Marshall, and Connie Pearson.
This, and the succeeding volume, Transcription of the County Archives
pglygppissippi, Mo. 2, Adams County, Volume ll) Ninutesigi the County Cpupt,
1802-1804, are being published under the sponsorship of the Adams County
State Supervisor
Mississippi Historical
Records Survey
9 Bridges Building
Jackson, Mississippi
June 1942

The court of general quarter sessions of the peace was established Febru—
ary 28, l7OQl by Governor Winthrop Sargent and two Territorial Judges sitting
as the Territorial Legislature, and was given administrative and police powers
as well as inferior crnninal jurisdiction.
The court was composed of a competent number of justices in the county,
nominated and commissioned by the Governor, all or any three of whom were auth-
orized to hold general sessions of the peace four times annually as directed by
the Governor, for three legal days or seventy-two hours,¥
Adams County and Pickering (now Jefferson) County were created by proclam-
ation of the Governor on April 2, l79€ and the justices of the court of general
quarter sessions of the peace were directed to hold terms of court on the first
Monday in May_ August, Hovembor, and Februaryng
On April 5, l799, Peter Walker was appointed clerk by the Fovernor.%
Daniel Clark, Williat Dunbar, John Ellis, James McIntosh, Thomas Wilkins, and
Abraham Ellis were arpointed justices of the peace on April 6 to hold the court
of general quarter sessions of the peacoih
The first session of this court was not held until June 5, l79§ as *overncn
Sargent postponed the nay term to the first Monday in June because no public
building was available in which to hold court and because the county seals had
not been received from Washington.b
In matters of county administration and golice the court was empowered or
required to divide the county into townships; anboint constabl:s,* ovcrsccrs
of the poor,9 road viowers,lO and fence viewors;1 to estimate annually in ad~
vance the amount of money needed for county purposes; that is, Tix the annual
l. The historical Records Survok, Sargent's Code, A Collection of the Original
Laws of the Mississiepi Territory Phactbd l7§9Jl@§?l§TDbtbrnorMWinHnnn;lwl
~Sa“r7€o—nt· an-d tll-e~T-drrlt—o4r-iTeTlmrl_1J.·cl·gbAs,L_J`e*clEs`on €?_5L-E,-napilt-*51--JV`?le-rcaftocfrwc-iTt_e_d.
·asdDlST sE¥g6E%f§“c6d6Z ‘s;¢5ass nas appointed Governor of the Mississippi
TerritoryTl$$T1f;Nl7§§ and continued in office until Pay 5, lSOl (Clarence
Edwin Carter, (comp. and cd.}, The Territorial Paners of the United States,
Volume Y, The Territory of iississinniyd  UEKWQ pf 28
 dl-Ido-t11oTcb~—pt-`$3`©T“-7w`”' ``A`'llA`   ‘``~A MM A ` M m`m`” M mu
B. IRS, Sargent's Code, pp. 5, 7.
Bu   and cd.), The Mississippi Territorial Archives, l79C~
l805, Executive Journals of Governdr Winthn5c“SarE?}dTEE}ll?n£E$;E?i7illi§n_
`GLEEY1eE`bTT1E"T>E`»EE§"x?E>lu§ii?”I`Q`Tf;C·51R&'lT6i“lWf?f`$-T T27.."i?¤§E»7§d?<.ET~`“5iTed
—&€“E&?l‘z?.`n.E;_l  ';l;"el?d.l7o'r'i.2¤. l nr cliiv  s .
4. Ibid., p. lSET_—___"—~“l~m—“-¤—*_Md
5. `iifiléi.,   iss,
e. ELT6. , pp. nicnas.
7, EEST Sargent’s Code, p. Tlu
Si Ibid=“ Ml V. —-~—*
sa. `iblbf., p. s.
io., i”BTLi`.`, py. ei, ez.
in   p. ici.

The Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace
budget,l2 sprvey, build, and maintain roads and appoint highway supervisors or
overseers;l6 construct and maintain causeways and small bridges;l* fix ferry
rates;l5 recommend to the Governor the appointment of inspectors of cotton and
cotton gins;lG inquire into the state of the jail and provide for its security
and cleanliness;l7 receive applications to operate taverns, alehouses, dramsheps,
and public houses, and recommend the applicants to the Governor;l8 and bind out
or apprentice pauper minors,l9
As a court of limited criminal jurisdiction, the court of general quarter
sessions of the peace was empowered or required to "hear and determine, and
sentence according to the course of common law, all crimes and misdemeanors of
whatever nature or kind . . . the punishment whereof doth not extend to life,
limb, imprisonment for more than one year, or forfeiture of goods and chattels,
or land and tenaments to the Government of the Tcrritory,"2O and the justices
were directed to "enquire by oaths of good and lawful men, and hear and deter»
mine all thefts, trespasses, roits, routs, and unlawful disturbancos,“2l
Appeals from the judgments of the court could be made to the Supreme Court
of the Territory¤22
The minutes of the court of general quarter sessions of the peace of Adams
County, reproduced in this volume, cover the period June Z, l799 to October SO,
l80l. While not complete, they comprise a record of a large portion of all pro-
ceedings of this court, for it was dissolved on February Ee, l802 by act of the
first General Assembly of the Mississippi Territory,2$ and no documents were
located to evidence that sessions were held after October 30, l80l,
The court functioned in a lusty era which was characterized by persistent
litigation, offenses against property, non—payment of debts, the committing of
petty misdemeanors, and bitter opposition personally and politically to Gover~
nor Sargent, a Federalist, by a Jeffersonian Republican majority of the inhabi~
tents of the Territory,
The seven formal grand jury presentnonts contained in the Ninutes indicate
that many vexatious conditions obstructed the ordinary way of life in addition
to the "disgraccful and fatal cruelty and oppression" with which Covernor Sar-
gent was charged. To cite a few; The roads and bridges were reported to be
in a wretched condition and a disgrace to all organized government: the super-
visor of the roads for the town of Natchez was presented for not having done
l2, Ibid , p, 7%,
is, iiB`iEi‘,, pp, s1,  
. 14, i‘5lZ;i`,, p, ez,
15, THE'., p. 1oa.
1s, ibid., p. ll“/,
17, iE“i?1`,, p, es,
is, f5i?1“,, p, ze.
is, EEE, p, l24,
zo,   p. sx.
21, Rowland, Mississippi Ter itorial Archives, p. l55,
22 ,   sm~;E§‘§’@§5j‘   `"""`°‘ °`
25, Original Manuscript Laws of the Mississippi Territory! l802, Series D,
N0» I, in Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.

The Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace
his duty as "the streets are almost impassible and several wagons end carts
have been overset from this neglect;" it was lamented that standard weights
and measures could not be obtained and recommended that "the baker of the
town of Natchez should be regulated in the weight of bread end" . . ¤ pre-
vented from baking bad flour; hogs, slaves, and drunken savages roamed at
large and it was recommended that a well regulated police should be estab—
lished for the peace and security of the inhabitants.
4 This volume of minutes makes accessible unpublished materials which fur-
nish valuable and important information concerning the formative ers in Missis~
sippi history. Students, historians, genealogists and others, interested in
_ basic documentary sources, will find a wealth of data embodied in this collee-

At a Court of General Quarter Session held at Natchez on monday the third
day of June one 1799
Daniel Clark Philander Smith
William Dunbar Joshua Howard Esquires
James Mclntosh William Vousdan
Abram Ellis Hugh davis
Commission read--
a Grand Jury were empanelled & sworn Sutton Bankes foreman &°
Christopher Lee sworn a constable
John Boles and Silas Payne sworn to give Evidence to the Grand Jury
Lyman Harding, Abner Lawson Duncan, Leonard deKlyne Shaw, and Robert Knox
Samuel L. Crawford, and Andrew Bay having severally produced to this Court
a certificate from his Excellency Winthrop Sargent Governor of this Territory
in which their compliance with the act regulating the admission of attornies
is duly certified and they having in open court taken and subscribed the oath .
prescribed by said act, it is ordered that the said Lyman Harding, Abner
Lawson Duncan,
Leonard deKlyne Shaw, Robert Knox and Samuel L. Crawford and Andrew Bay and
each of them be admitted attornies of this Court.
Zachariah Smith )
Wllliam Ni¤h¤1S ) sworn to give Evidence to the Grand Jury
David Michee )
Gerrard Brannon )
a true bill was found for the United States by the grand Jury against Thomas
Moore upon Suspicion of Murder - and thereupon he was committed for further
court adjourned until tomorrow nine oClock forenoon H
on tuesday the fourth day of June the court assembled according to proclama-
tion mado the forgoing day present Daniel Clark, William Dunbar, James Mclne
tosh, Abram Ellis, Thomas Wilkins, Esquires--
Abram Martin Sworn to give evidence to the Grand Jury
Samuel Morris Do
Domingo Lorero presented a petition praying a reccommendation for a Licence
order fran the court to grant such reccomendation
  g Sworn in a case v. s. McGinty
Mary Judge Sworn to give evidence to the Grand Jury

 o ($-5)
a true Bill was found by the Grand Jury against Wilson Sigo for assaulting
the Sheriff.
a true Bill was found by the Grand Jury against Paul a negro for Murder--
a true Bill was found by the Grand Jury against Abram Clawson for assault
and Battery Y
John Roberts, James Bples, Lewis Evans & Patrick Connolly sworn to give
evidence to the Grand Jury
in a cause of assault and battery Mary Judge vs. Abram Clawson upon the said
Abram having made oath that a material witness was absent the cause was post-
poned until tomorrow morning at nine oClock I
William Nickels Bound for the plaintiff fifty Dolls
· Jeremiah Routh Bound for the defft fifty Dolls
a true Bill was found by the Grand Jury against William Baker for forgery
a true bill was found by the Grand Jury against Redman Connolly for selling
liquor without a Licence
Petition of Christopher Lee to keep a public house Granted
Petition of Patrick Connolly to keep a public house Granted
Petition of Neal McCann DO Granted
Petition of Francis Augustine do. and Billiard Table do. Granted
George Overaere petitions for a recommendation to keep a public house and
billiard Table. Granted
Littlebury West and James West came into Court and severally acknowledged
themselves bound to the United States in the sums Pellewing Littlebury of
five Hmndred dollars eaeh as Sureties for the appearance of William Baker ~
at the next general quarter Sessions to be hold for this county
Andrew Scandling and Patrick Connolly were sworn in as Constables for one
year —- Court adjourned
The Court assembled at ten O Clock Present James Stewart Petitions Ser a
Tavern Daniel Clark, William Dunbar, John Ellis, Thomas Wilkins, and Abram
. Ellis Esquires on the bench.
James Stewart petitions for a reccommendation to keep a public house. Granted
William Nickels petitions for the appointment of high Constable for the County
B of Adams. Granted `
Ann Walton petitions for a reccommendation to keep a public house. Granted
Mary Tanner sworn tc give evidence to the Grand Jury
. In the cause of Assault and Battery by Abram Clawson upon the body of Mary
Judge, an Imparlance was prayed for and granted by the court
Abram Clawson and Ebenezer Dayton came into Court and severally acknowledged
themselves bound to the United States in the sum of fifty Dollars each for the
appearance of the said Abram Clawson, at the Court of General Quarter Sessions
next to be holden for this County ·—

Andrew Scandling petitions for a Reccommendation to keep a public house Granted
Thomas Ried, the same, Granted
Joseph Tacles, the same, Granted.
United States v.s. James White ~·
On motion of James White by his attorney, it is ordered that the proceedings
and process against said White for seditious words, be quashed and his recog-
nizance discharged --
A true Bill was found against Farris Horton et alias —-
Abram Ellis Esquire retired from the bench
Abram Ellis Esquire returned to the bench _
Wilson Sigo and Jeremiah Routh came into court and severally acknowledged them-
selves bound to the good people of this Territory in the sum of fifty Dollars
each condition that the said Wilson Sigo carry an orderly and peaceable be-
haviour towards the said good people of this Territory until the next term of
Quarter Sessions --
Present James Mclntosh Esquire `
United States V. S. Plunkct and Gibson. on motion of Abner Lawson Duncan it
is ordered that they be discharged on payment of Costs in consequence of no
prosecutor appearing ·-
United States V. S. Samuel Timberlick on motion of Andrew Bay it is ordered
that he be discharged from his recognizance without costs as no prosecutor ‘
has appeared --
on motion of Leonard deKlyne Shaw, the several persons bound in recognizance
to answer to the United States on the complaint of Lewis Portira was ordered
to be discharged
On motion of Abner Lawson Duncan that the process and proceedings against John
McDowell be quashed and he discharged from recognizance entered, or supposed
to be entered into, before Captain Isaac Guion, the Court have ordered that_
the said motion be referred to the Territorial Judges for their opinion
William Moss petitions for a reccommendaticn to keep a public house and
Billiard Table. Granted.
William Wells the same no Billiard Table
Abram Horton, William Pharris, Moses Starnos and John Welch entered severally
into a recognizance to the United States, to Wit, in the sum of 1003 each to
be Levied & condition that the said.Abram Horton, William Pharris, Moses
Starnes, and John Welch appear at the next court of General Quarter Session
to be holden at natchez within and for the County of Adams on the first Mon-
day in August next, then _
. I 17
and there to answer to a Certain Bill of Indictment now found by the Grand
Inquest for the body of the County afore.
The sessions Closed by proclamation ·— _

 A (8-9)
At a Court of General Quarter Sessions held at Natchez the on Thursday the
sixth day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine
Daniel Clark Thomas Wilkins )
John Ellis and Abram Ellis ) Esquires
James Mclntosh )
A Grand Jury was empannelled and sworn
_ Sutton Bankes Foreman
David Ferguson James Stewart A
Antonio Gras Charles Surget
James Stewart Jesse Carter
Adam Bingaman William Connor Jurors
Richard King Benj¤ Farrar
John Foster Patrick Foley
Joseph Calvit Thomas Lovelace
John Boles Henry Hunter
Christian Harman petition for a Receomendation to the Governor for a Licence
to keep a public House. Granted Thomas Martin the same Granted Ezekiel
Dewit sworn a Constable for the County
The Court was adjourned by proclamation
Quarter Sessions
The court opened at eleven oCloek friday 7Ph June 1799
Daniel Clark James Mclntosh )
William Dunbar Thomas Wilkins ) Esquires
John Ellis Abram Ellis )
James Porter sworn to give evidence to Grand Jury
· Daniel Clark Esq? absent
Patrick Connolly sworn to Give Evidence to the Grand Jury.
· Conrade Heroldy do.
Daniel Clark Esq? present A
Petition of Matthew rogers read, Granted. Jeremiah routh Security ordered
by the Court, that the Clerk take the bonds for the licences herete£ere ree
eemmenéeé te the Geverner about to be Granted and Issue the receommendation
in form to the Governor
absent James Mclntosh Esq?
John Scott sworn to give evidence to the Grand Jury
the Grand Jury found a true bill against Neal McCann
the Grand Jury found a true bill against John Hindson, Thomas Freeman et alias

A true bill found against George McCormick for an assault
A true bill found against George McCormick for an assault
Justices retired from the Bench
the Justices present
Ezekiel Dewit sworn to give evidence to the Grand Jury
` the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine oClock --
The court assembled at Eleven oClock present ` ‘
Daniel Clark Thomas Wilkins
William Dunbar Esquires
Nathaniel Hoggett sworn again to give evidence to the Grand Jury
The Grand Jury found a true bill against Thomas Woods
redmon Connolly against whom a bill was found personally appeared and plead
Guilty to the Indictment, and tho Court after mature Consideration, fined him
in the sum of five dollars which sentences was immediately complied with
James McIntosh Esq? present.
on motion of Lyman Harding en metien to quash the Indictment found against
Hindson Freeman ot alias The Court ordered that they be heard on their mo-
tion on Monday Morning at Eleven oClock
Court adjourned at-until four oClock this afternoon
Court opened according to adjournment
Daniel Clark, William Dunbar & Thomas Wilkins Esquires
the Grand Jury gave in their presentments which were ordered to be filed ·-
then the Grand Jury was being dismissed the court adjourned until monday at
nine oclock in the forenoon --
the Court opened at eleven ten oClock on Monday forenoon
Archibald Palmer petitioned for a reccommendation to the Governor to keep a
· public house near the homo Chito
the cause U. S. vs. Hindson Freeman et alias argued, the Court defered giving
their opinion tommorrow forenoon at 9 oClock
· the Court adjourned until tommorrow at nine oClock in the forenoon
the Court opened according to adjournment present Daniel Clark James
T Mclntosh, and Thomas Wilkins Esquires
An Indictment having been found against John Hindson et alias - a motion was
- made by Lyman Harding attorney for the defendants that the Indictment by
quashcd for infermallity, the Court are of opinion that said Indictment is
sufficient, and having waited from from the hour of adjournment until twenty
minutes after Eleven oClock for the attendance of said John Hindson et alias
or their attorney; and they not appearing, the Court ordered that the said
John Hindson et alias be enter into recognizance for their appearance at the
term of August next.

` (12-13)
y [12]
At a Court of Quart? Sesso held for the County of Adams on Monday sth day of
Augt 1799
y 1 Daniel Clark, William Dunbar, John Ellis JS
_ Grand Jury Impannelled and sworn
j Jesse Greenfield Foreman
John Scott, William Scott, Thomas Tyler, Samuel Morris, John Bingaman,
Thomas Reid, Simpson Homes, Robert Munson, Hwnpton White, John Roberts,
James Nicholson Nathan Swayze, William Millar, Jurors —--
William Millar took the oath of allegiance to the United States before he
was sworn on the Jury ---
Robert Abrams petitioned to keep a public house Granted
V John Wall the same
·* Andrew Cargill ·——- the Smne
~“ John Vidal -— the Same
t' Ordered by the Court that Conductors be affixed to the Common Gael for this
- County -—
the parties bound by recognizances to this Court were then Called and the
·¥ Court ·
{ Court adjourned
1 Court Assembled
Abram Clausen Called -— Continuance by éeffanéant Defs. Costs
Farris Horton et al. Continued plaintiff -—~---
Wm Baker Continued Defendts cost .
William Wells sworn a Constable
John Cooper Sworn to give Evidence to the Grand Jury
Esther Coyle D0 ----
Thomas Woods Called
Mary Gordon sworn to give evidence to the grand Jury
Edward Randolph petitioned to keep a public house Granted
Territory VS Thomas Woods not appearing the Court gave orders that a
prosecution be instituted against the recognizance
Christopher Lee Sworn to Give Evidence to the Grand Jury
1 Richard King petitioned for a licence to keep a public house Granted ----
Charles King D0 ---·
Edmond Herring was sworn a constable
Isaac Gaillard petitioned that he might be exempted from serving as a Com-
` missioner, Granted, & Patriek—Embry James Kirk was appointed in his place
Jmnes Orr, petitioned to keep a public house Granted.
Court adjourned
l Court assembled
ordered that Friday the 16th Inst. be the day of Assembling the Commissioners
& to consult concerning the public roads and Bridges, and the place of Meeting
at the present Courthouse
Peter Welch sworn to give Evidence to the Grand Jury
Mathew Worral D0
David Burney DO

 ‘ (is-is)
Bills of Indictment found
Territory vs Michael Infield I
Same vs Arthur Cobb
Same vs Michael Infield _
. Sane vs Christopher Lee
cause Territory vs Jehn W Thomas Woods. Continued
Territory vs Christopher Lee Ordered that he be recognized to appear
at the next court of Quarter Sessions hhnself in $200. and one Security
1 ‘ ` in the Same
_ Be it remembered that Christopher Lee and Jeremiah Ruth came in to court
and severally acknowledged themselves Bound to the Territory Danl. Clerk Thos. ‘
Wilkins & Abraham Ellis Gentlemen Justices in the sum of two hundred Dollars
each, condition that the sd Christopher Lee make his personal appearance at
the next general quarter sessions to answer to a Bill of Indictment for an
assault and Battery on the body of Peter Welsh and then and there abide the
determination of the Court and not Depart without permission of the Court
  1 [ 141.7
Territory vs Arthur Cobb. ordered that he be recognized to appear at the next
court of General Quarter Sessions hhnself in ZOO US Dollars and one security
in the Same.
Be it remembered that Arthur Cobb and William Millar came into Court and
’ [ severally acknowledged themselves bound to Daniel Clark, Thomas Wilkins,
‘ and Abram Ellis Gentln Justices in the sum of two hundred dollars each con-
dition that the sd Arthur Cobb make his personal appearance at the next gen;
i eral quarter sessions to answer to a Bill of Indictment for an assault and
` Battery on the body of John Cooper and then and there abide the determination
- of the court and not Depart without the permission of the Court. *
A order to Issue a Dedimus to take the deposition of Frederick Cobb and Sally
j Cobb residing in the Spanish Territory
The Session Closed -—
At a Court of General Quarter Sessions held at Natchez on Monday the
,i 1 fourth day of November, one thousand and seven hundred & ninety nine
Present Daniel Clark, William Dunbar and other their associate Justices
QZ assigned to keep the peace &° J
j Grand Jury Impanneled and sworn
, Sutton Banks Foreman
James Moore, Ebenezer Rees, James Stewart, Simpson Homes, Landon Davis,
Patrick Foley, Jmnes Nicholson, Charles Surget, Caleb King, Israel Luce,
John Minor, Anthony Hoggett, John H. White, Daniel Douglass and George A
Overaker. Jurors.
1 Evidence for the Grand Jury
· Mary Roddy & James Singleton, Willm Gillespie, Henry Dryer, Benjamin Wright,
_ Elias Wills.
Petitions for recommendations to keep public houses
j Israel Luce Granted
David Berry Granted
James Smith Granted
Ezekiel Dewit Granted

~ (15-16)
J Territgyy ) nolo presequi entered as far
A vg ) as regards John Welsh in this
Farris Horton et. al. ) cause
Territory )
vs ) nolo prosequi the defdts paying costs
i Hindson Freeman et. al )
S Territory )
vs ) Dismissed
Neil McCann )
Bills found vs [two words illegible7 John Murney
Capias Issued Vs. Charles King, Lawrence Miller, Samuel Criswell & Jesse King ‘
vs Jane Patterson
Caps Issued vs. John Allen alias John Rule
Territory vs )
Arthur Cobb ) noli prosequi
Farris Horton et al )
Territory vs ) A Jury empanelled and sworn, Philip
Farris Horton ) La Barr sworn, Mary Tanner sworn,
Reuben Dunham sworn, John Welsh sworn, Henry Hunter sworn.
A 1 s__7
Territory )
vs ) Guilty in manner and form as set forth
· Farris Horton, ot. al. ) in the Indictment
William Connor was sworn as attorney in this Court -
Territory )
vs ) Deffdt pleads Guilty, and Submitts to
Thomas Woods ) the Court Nathaniel Hoggett, & Jamos—
Bosely sworn in this case the Court fined the dofendt in the Sum of fifty Del-
lars and costs & to stand Committed until paid the sentence is complied with.
Territory )
vs ) on motion of Abner L. Duncan for an
Farris Horton et. al ) arrest of Judgment, it was Granted
ordered by the Court that William Nicholson, Watkins Nicholson and Stephen
Ambroise be recognized to to keep the peace.
William.Nicholson Watkins Nicholson and Stephen Ambroiso came into Court and
severally acknowledged themselves bound to the Governor of this Territory, in
· the sum of one hundred Dollars each condition that they the said William
Nicholson Watkins Nicholson and Stephen Ambroise, carry an orderly and poacible
behaviour to the good people of this Territory more particularly toward Mary
Roddy for three months or until the next court of quarter Sessions
Bo it remembered that Jane Patterson and Robert Patterson came into Court`
and severally acknowledged themselves bound to the Governor of this Territory
in the sum of two hundred dollars each. Condition that the said Jane Patter-
son make her personal appearance at the next General Quarter Sessions to an-
swer te a bill of Indictment for an assault and battery on the body of Rowdy
and then and there abide the determination of the Court and not depart without
the permission of the Court -

 » (16-18)
Territory )
vs ) noble prosequi as to Lawrence Miller
King, Miller et. al. )
Be it remembered that Charles King, San} Creswell came into Court and Several-
ly acknowledged themselves bound unto the Governor of this Territory in the
sum of two Hundred Dollars Each as also Jointly and Severally engage that
K Jesse King an Infant under age, shall appear at the same time
[17] V
Under the same penalty, condition that the said Charles King Samuel Cresswcll
and Jesse King appear at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions to answer
to a bill of Indictment for an assault and Battery on the body of William
Gilispie, and there and then abide the determination of the Court and not de-
part without the Leave of the Court
Territory )
vs ) Defdt pleads Guilty James Singleton
John Burney ) Sworn, Seth Castor Sworn
the fine imposed by the court is thirty Dollars and to pay Costs
Territory )
vs ) continued
William Baker )
court adjourned until Saturday next
At a Court of Quarter Session
Present Joshua Howard, William Kenner & Samuel Brooks Esq? 4
Grand Jury Impannelled & Sworn viz y
‘ Israel Smith Foreman F
Ezekiel Dewitt, Jas A Mathews, John Foster, John Cammack, John McCoy, Reuben
Gibson, Thomas Reed, Ebenezer Dayton, John Calvit, David Gibson, John Mitchell,
Randal Gibson, Jacob Earhart & Saml Cooper
Recognizances Reed & filed
John McLaughli