xt7fxp6txv39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6txv39/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-11-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1929 1929 1929-11-01 2012 true xt7fxp6txv39 section xt7fxp6txv39 Best Copy Available














1, 1929



Law Frat to
Initiate Four


Pep Rally in
Gym Tonight




Phi Delta Phi, honorary profesThe second pep meeting of the
sional legal fraternity, will hold its
year sponsored by SuKy will be held
annual initiation services and banat 7 o'clock tonight In the Men's
President Frnnk L. McVey quet this afternoon and tonight, at
gymnasium. After the gym rally Blood - Thirsty Bengals May
Welcomes County Agents
the Phoenix hotel. Four new pledges
the rooters will visit the Kentucky
Be Stumbling - Block
will be initiated into the mysteries
To University
theater. New cheers will bo tried
For Kentucky
of the organization, which is the
out and an attempt will be made to
largest of its kind in the world, and
get cooperation between the cheer
which is international In its scope.
leaders and the student body.
ON NEWSPAPER FIELD The pledges are: Ferdinando Italia
Plans are under way to have the
Caruso, Roy Owsley, Charles Read-ingc- r,
members of the football sqund and
and Andrew V. Fox.
Coach Harry Carnage at the meetMiss Margaret I. King Will
The initiation services,. will be held
ing. The band will lead the way in 'Shipwreck" Kelly
Address Women's Section
Is in Shape
at 3:00 o'clock and the banquet at
marching to the Kentucky theater,
King Fike will deliver
This Morning
For Wildcats' Fifth
where the remainder of the program
an address at the close of the banwill be carried out. In connection
Gridiron Trial
R. T. Tollcy, assistant chief of quet on the history of the fraternwith the regular picture feature,
the United States Bureau of Agri- ity. Edward Duval will speak on
Judge R. C. Stoll will give a short
cultural Economics; Tom Wallace, the subject, "Chief Justice Taft as
chief of the editorial staff of the a Phi Delta Phi."
The Stoll field prairie Is a far cry
A club was organized at 4 o'clock
The active members of Phi Delta
Louisville Times; President Frank
from the Jungles of South Carolina,
Thursday in the Men's gymnasium.
John Crosley,
I. McVey, and Dean Thomas Coop- Phi are: Joe Asher, Bob Coleman
The club will sit together at the but to that Kentucky stronghold,
er, of the University were principal Wright,
game Saturday.
Members of the fighting Josh Cody is leading his
speakers at the opening session of tEldred Adams, Edward Duval, Bev
band of Clemson Tigers.
club will be supplied with gas-fillerly White, King Fike, Wilbur Frye,
the annual conference of county and
balloons, to be released when the The Bengals, licking their chops in
agents and and Garnet Rice. Professor Frank
home demonstration
greedy anticipation of another apfirst touchdown is made by Ken
workers H. Randall is the faculty advisor
tucky. If no touchdown is made be petizing conference game, will chalWednesday. The session will con- to the organization.
lenge the sturdy Wildcats of Coach
Above are delegates attending the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association which met at Murray State fore the half, they will be released Harry Gamage at 2:30 o'clock Saturtinue through Saturday.
at that time.
The meeting which is being atTeachers College, October 18 and 19. Reading from left to right, top row Miss Dorothy Wyman, A. J.
tended by agents from 95 counties
With measured and steady tread
Kcrtis, Lucian Robinson, Jean Moon, Duke Mayfleld, Herman Perdew, Kenneth Marshall, L. J. Hortin,
parts of the state, was openfrom all
the Tigers approach, casting before
Dick Walters, F. C. Poguc, Marion McCarthy, and Frances Bradley. Second row Lorcnc Chatham,
ed Wednesday afternoon, in the
them a sinister threat, the most seCONVOCATION
Live Stock Pavilion building, with
Ransom Todd, Atkin Darnell, Lois Purcell, Allic G. Mason, Louise Lafferty, Ted Sealey, W. B. Moscr,
rious menace to championship
an address of welcome by Presinsplratlons that the
Mrs. O. J. Jennings. Bottom row Grace Perdue, C. II. House, Roy II. Owsley, C. E. Patterson, Martha
ANNOUNCED have been called upon Kentucklans
dent McVey.
to face this
Kelly, Fred Dial, Helen Brink, and Fuqua Hartford.
Dean Thomas Cooper was the next Former U. S. Commissioner of
season. A strange, foreboding pall
speaker, and his subject was "Rehangs dismally overittfescene.of the
Immigration Describes
search Related to Practice." Tom
Annual Stroller Event Will combat. The plucky Wlkts, their
Conditions at Ellis
Wallace spoke at 2:30 o'clock Wedbacks to the wall, but strengthened
Be Held at 7:30 o'Clock
nesday afternoon on "How To Get
by confidence in the security of their
Tuesday Night in the
Best Cooperation from Newspapers."
own lair, silently await the Invaders.
The other address of the afternoon
The Clemson Cats bring with them
Men's Gymnasium
was given by Mr. Tolley, who spoke
a formidable and forbidding reputaon "Reforestation as a Means of
tion. Already this season they have
Farm Relief."
The first general Convocation of
WILL NAME ELIGIBLES gorged themselves with the choice
Many Persons Speak
morsels of six football teams, crushBY THOMAS L. RILEY
semester was held Tuesday at.
Speakers on Thursday's program the
ing their prey under
An almost plotless English farce. JJ
"Amateur Night," an annual event scores and piling up a record of the
included Mr. Tolley, Dr. H. B. nine o'clock in Memorial hall with
Is "Marv. Mar Onlfo rVifro-t- r " Vt,
sponsored by Strollers, will be held highest scoring team in the South.
Price, head of University Depart- President Frank L. McVey presiding.
St. John Ervine, the first production
at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in Occupying the pinnacle of the
ment of Markets and Rural Finance; The Reverend A. L. Goodrich, pastor
of the Guignol theater this season
the Men's gymnasium. The three Southern conference heap In
M. C. Wilson, senior agriculturist, of the
wnicn opened Monday night. Typibest plays to be given at that time company of mighty Tennessee, the
D. A.; Miss opened Porter Memorial
extension studies, U. S.
cally British in its construction and
the session with
will be selected at 4 o'clock
Mabel V. Campbell, department of Dr. McVey introduced athe two
fierce eyes bleary with
Department Heads Asked to dialogue it is indeed a refreshing and Noted Scientist and Former afternoon at a special meeting of this Tigers, their a championship feast,
the the lust of
home economics, University of Mis- guests
honor; Reverend CampDriuiant piece
Submit Stafement of Pur sented with anofalmost and is presouri; Miss Margaret I. King, librar- bell Morgan ,of London, possessor
Arts and Science Dean Is organization.
snarl evilly at the scent of the
The best nlav will
ian of the University; Miss Grace E. of a world-wid- e
poses and Aid Student Clas through the medium ofperfect cast
Taken By Death While committee of judges be chosenmem-a dangerous little Wildcats.
adroit diFrysinger, U. S. D. A., Washington, pulpit; and Doctor Frost, in the
and the
On the other
rection on the part of Prank Fowl
sification Check.
Traveling to Orlando, Fla. bers of the cast will be recipients of felines, blood-smear- hand, the defending
D. C.; and Miss Myrtle Weldon, president of Berea College,
from their
and an
two free tickets to the Stroller
state home demonstration leader of outstanding promoter of education
own wounds, and the torn carcasses
play, "Local Color." A list of four vanquished foes, sharpen
the University. A meeting of coun In Kentucky. The speaker was Mr. At a meeting of the faculty of the practicallyMary, story Contrary" has
Dr. Arthur M. Miller, professor
to stipak of. It emeritus of geology and former dean of Stroller eliglbles will be announcno
ty agents comraltttees with special- teeth and claws In preparation for.
FrriclcAlfxed ,WaW, .why served- -' Arts and Sciences Colleze. held. in tens oiaevisirt5i-arrfccti'ta-tHfolrthe College' "Bf Arts and' Sciences ed by director Thom'fia" Lf Rfleyi that an- struggle. The
as united states commissioner of ivicvey nan at i ociock Monday weu oraerea country nome
oi a sed- at the University, died suddenly night. The performance is free to winner of this fracas will continue
v. 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Immigration under the late Presi- afternoon, Professor Dantzler, repre- ate family and the
resultant effects Monday enroute from his home at all who' wish to come.
Today's program consists oi tne dent Woodrow Wilson.
to stalk through the tangled consenting the language division, and on an
adolescent youth, who aspires Ashevllle, N. C. to Orlando, Fla.
following addresses: "Relative
Tryouts for the cast of "Local ference undergrowth with any and
Doctor Tuthlll. renresentintT the to
Mr. Wallis spoke of the immigrawrite a poetic drama, and his
on page eight)
tion question as he had experienced social science division, read state middle aged uncle. The situations Professors A. C. McFarlan and F. T. Color" will be held at 3:30 o'clock all beasts purporting to be ruler of
McFarland, heads of the departments of the aims of these divisions are so
Thursday afternoon, November 7, the jungleland and southern champ.
it, setting forth his ideas on how
ludicrous In composition that ment of
Clemson is sending from its native
the situation could be remedied. In in carrying out their work at the the audience allows Itself to forget spectively, geology and botany, re- in tne Recreation room of Patter(Continued on page eight.)
attended the funeral son hall. Only Stroller eliglbles
his estimation the problem is not University. Dean Boyd presided at intelligence and laugh heartily.
Thursday at Eaton, Ohio, as repre- may compete for' parts in the cast.
the meeting, and took part in the
immigration but the immigrant,
Of the individual performances sentatives of the University.
Tryouts for the two choruses, one
memthat is to say,, not the question of various discussions. Fifty-on- e present.
our selections are R. D. Mclntyre,
Dr. Miller attended Wooster Uni- composed of eight boys and the
bers of the faculty were
quantity but of quality.
According to Dean Boyd,
the in the role of Sir Henry Consldine, versity, Ohio, but received his other composed of eight girls, will
He pointed out, that in trying to
The College of Commerce held raise these peoples' standards, we heads of the five divisions of the Arts Mrs. J. M. Durbin. as Marv West- - bachelor's degree at Princeton Uni- be held at 4:30 p. m. the same day.
To Be
the first smoker In the history of must not let them lower ours. Mr. and Science College have been asked lake, the actress, and Robert Thomp versity in 1884. In .1887 he received Any one may tryout for the choruses.
son in tne capacity of her business the degree of master of arts from
Those who wish to tryout for the
the college Tuesday evening, October Wallis said the general tendency was to submit statements from their re- manager, Hobbs by name.
spective departments setting forth
Miss Princeton and the following year stage crew please see James Thomp29, in Dicker hall. The meeting was w iouh. uuwn on a
The Cosmopolitan
of the
served as an instructor In the de- son, phone 1033, at once. Any one University will hold Club monthly
officially opened at 8 o'clock with of the fact that we ioreigner, in trace the purposes of these departments Mary Sidney Hobson is cast
all proudly
biology at that Uni- may tryout for publicity with
all members of the faculty of the our ancestry back to the European and the work which they are striv- Sheila, niece of Sir Henry, and partment of1889
Morris meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in
versity. In
he became profes- Scott, phone 4085, at any time soon. Alumni hall. William Chen, presiing to perform. The statements by is satisfactory in her portrayal.
College present.
Mrs. Helen Colley Krake has the sor of natufal history in Wilson
Professor Dantzler and Doctor Tut- The speakers of the evening were:
Stroller has revived an old cus- dent of the club, will preside, and
Dean Welst, Dean Anderson, Dr. Island: speaker vividly Dictured Ellis hill are the first to be submitted. role of Mrs. Consldine, mother of College for Women at Chambers-burElsie Bureau will be In charge
Penn. He later resigned this tom of entertaining the elegibles the program and entertainment. of
The combined grouping will be ueonrey, played by Russell Duncan.
Jennings, Prof. Rouse, Prof. Haun, migrants,the kissing post, where imand the members of the cast of the
who had passed their ex made public when completed.
Mrs. Krake is quite convincing in her position to study at the University semi-annuProf. Martin, Prof. Lawrence, Prof.
Tonight's program will be centered
"Local Color" play
paleto be met bv
Dean Boyd asked that heads of penormance but the audience was of Munich, where he studied
Palmer, and Prof. Troxell. Dean relatives or waited
with a tea dance. This year it will about the discussion of Bulgaria,
Weist presented a short talk on, where those friends; the S. I. room, departments prepare schedules of allowed too many views of the back ontology under Dr. Karl von Zlttel. be given from 4 to 6 o'clock, Decem- with James Stamatoff as principal
who had been refused their courses based upon the quar- of Duncan's head for him to register
In 1892 he returned to the United
"What I Like to see in a Student." entrance
waited to brine their cases ter system, in order that a check very heavily. Claude "Walker is cast States and accepted the position of ber 20, In Patterson hall. It will be speaker. Tzveton Nedelkoff, also of
Bulgaria, will also give a short talk.
Dr. Jennings gave a sequel speach on, before
the Board of Special Inquiry; may be made to determine the as the Rev. Canon Peter Consldine, professor of geology and paleonto- a strictly bid affair.
"What I dont like to see In a Stu- and the
The club has long been active on
last room where all the de- changes which would be necessary. vicar of Hinton St. Marv. and Is to logy at the University of Kentucky.
dent." Prof. Troxell presented a
the campus for betterins under
and whether the plan would result oe complimented on his aged bear- In 1895 he became professor of zoostanding between American and
humorous speech on, "Tobacco." gether, and rejected sat huddled
some moaning quietly, others in increased or" decreased cost.
ing although his voice at times be- logy, and served as head of both
foreign students, and is one of the
The other speakers gave a few words hysterical.
A discussion of the quarter systrayed his years. Miss Mareuerlte departments until 1908, when he
nf wpirtnmfi to those nresent.
69 such clubs In American univer
11 Co-e- ds
tem followed Dean Boyd's request. McLaughlin appears as Miss Mimms, became dean or tne college or Arts
After the speeches, the pledges'
comDean Boyd has sent questionnaires strong supporter and leader of the and Sciences. In 1917 he resigned
-- to Delta Sigma Pi, honorary
U. K.
Members Of thfi rnsmnnnlltnn
to colleges which have been working Girl Guides, a sort of Girl Scout af- this position to accept work as geo- - Miss Virginia Shaeffer Is j Club Include, Marry Mlchas
merce fraternity, were announced.
Clay-brooon the quarter plan, hoping to get fair, and is also an ardent church loglst for the Federal Oil Company.
They were: T. C. Gaines, Jr.,
Marcel Kukllnsky, Germany; Tzve-to- n
Outstanding Sophomore
Information concerning comparative worker. Miss McLaughlin's part is He returned to the University In
Turner, Andrew Shaver,
Nedelkoff and James Stamatoff,
Girl Pledged
somewhat limited but she is excel- 1918 as head of the department
Club Include, Harry Mlchas, Greece;
Owen Morgan, William Cundiff,n, Delta Sigma Pi Opens Series cost of this system.
Another request made by Dean lent in the few scenes allotted her. geology, and was retired as professor
Harmon Brummfield, Olenn Wei-maWerner Gross, Germany: William
of Social Gatherings
Boyd was concerning a checkup of Evelyn Gall is seen as a maid while emeritus June 30, 1925.
and Horace Carlos.
Chen, China; Carl Schneider, GerTheta
Dr. Miller was the author or fesslonal Sigma Phi, honorary nro- - many; Rosalind AngeluccI, Italy;
students to see that they are en- E. J. Canaday is cast as Mr. Beeby,
Tuesday Night
.Music was furnished by members
Journalistic fraternity for
many geological publications and
rolled in proper courses. Dean Boyd a playwright.
of the college and then cigars,
women, tisdged eleven journalism Dr. Otto Kofflus, Germany; ProfesPledging services for pelta Sigma asked all members of the faculty
sor E. A. Bureau, France; Professor
cigarettes, and apples were served.
The stage setting was designed by was recognized as an authority on majors at a tea given
was drawn up for the Pi, professional commerce fraterni- to make this check as soon as pos Claude Walker and is a credit to the sub ect of the geology or pe u Mcvey, Wednesday by Mrs. Frank C. A. Brendt, Canada; Grace Snod-gras- s,
A schedule
future meetings of the Commerce ty, were held Tuesday at noon in sible. Many mistakes have already his name and that of the Guignol. troleum in Kentucky. He donated
Louisa Bickel, Frances Holliday, land; Japan; Mrs. E. M. Giles, EngCollege.
room 204 of White Hall. The fol- been discovered, he stated.
and Elsie Bureau, Cora Polk,
The lighting is perfect and the cos- the tract known as Maxwelton
Phelps, Bessie Bush,
lowing men were pledged: Carlos
tuming and other incidentals of the nark to the University. He Is sur Eleanorpurcell, Katherlne
Swearlnger. Billy Whitlow, Margaret Lewis, VirginiaCravens,
vlved by one brother, M. M. Miller,
Jagoe, Andrew Shaver, William
players' craft are well executed.
Bernlce Byland, Henrietta Stone, Bart Peak, Americans.
Cundiff, Owen Morgan, W. T.
Although the entire cast Is well of
Margaret Treacy, Margaret Cundiff,
Gaines, Claybrook Turner, Glenn
selected and handled It is the efand Virginia Shaeffer were pledged.
Weinman, and H. S. Brumfleld.
Mclntyre. Mrs.
forts of R.
Miss Shaeffer was the only sophoSpirits Make
By McVey Durbin and D.Robert Thompson J.and
Membership in Delta Sigma Pi is
more In the group, having been the
D. C. To outstanding second year
based upon scholarship and efficien
occasional good work from Miss
Eerie Sight As They
cy in the field of commerce and busMary Sidney Hobson that charac
majoring in Journalism. QualificaFlit To and Fro
"How Honest
SuKy Will Send Musicians
iness administration.
The fraterni- first subject toShall We Be" is the terlze "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary"
tions for Theta Sigma Phi are high
be considered by
ty has planned an ambitious uro
as being a thoroughly enjoyable
to Lexington, Virginia,
scholastic standing and marked
the University
Last night
gram for the year. Thru a series of discussion groups that are being presentation at the Guignol theater.
An exhibit of pictures by members Journalistic ability.
campus was the scene of many
For V. M. I. Game
smokers and luncheons it hopes to organized by the Y, M. C. A. this
of the Landscape Club of Washingweek. The purpose of these groups
Members of the fraternity include,
strange activities as goblins and
further the cause of promoting
ton, D. C, shown under the sponsor- Kathleen Fitch, Lillian Combs, Sara
green sward in closer relationship between, the com- a is to consider the most important W. A. A. Council
spirits roamed the
"The Best Band in Dixie,"
ship of the Department of Art at the Elvove, Katherlne Mc Williams, and
honor of their annual freedom.
mercial world and students of com- moral, religious, and social problems
University, is scheduled to open Maud Van Buskirk. Members of which Is none other than Elmer
that confront the students at the
Sulzer's Blue and White Legion
Persons who were up late heard merce in the University.
November 11 or 13. The exhibition Sigma Delta Chi, men's Journalistic
of horn tooters at the University,
eerie noises and saw vague
In connection with the pledging University. to Bart N. Peak, sec
will continue for several days. The iraternity,
assisted Mrs. McVey at will accompany the Wildcats
shadows flitting from place to a smoker was held in Dicker Hall
student surprised a Tuesday night which was open to retary of the Y. M. C. A., the Uni CouncilWomen's Athletic Association display will tobe open to the public, the tea.
place. One
football team to the stronghold
meeting according
Miss Ann Calllhan,
group of shadows carrying a the students in the College of Com- versity has sponsored similar dis- at 4:30 o'clockits
of the Virginia Military Institute
Wednesday afternoon, acting head of the department.
cussion groups for the last nine at
at Lexington, November 16, the
wooden gate, but made no investimerce.
the women's gymnasium. Plans
Club To
years. Last year there were over
This collection includes forty
day when Gamage will hurl his
gation, thinking they were fresh500 students
enrolled in theso were made for the development of paintings by such representative
blue machine against the Flying
men getting ready for a bonfire
groups, and the weekly attendance the various tribes.
artists as Lucien Powell, nationally
or a pep meeting.
If the weather permits, a horse famous for many years; Dr. William
averaged 402 for eight weeks.
nnf Hn nnt hn alarmed, uni
The SuKy Circle has promised
President McVey expressed his shoe tourney will be conducted on H. Holmes, director of the National
have promised
The International Relations Club to raise the funds for the trip by
versity authorities
approval of the organizations in the the hockey field next week. The Gallery of Art; and Benson Moore, of the University will hold its first
tnese neiuriuus utnv".- selling candy, peanuts, etc.,
Inter-tribhockey tournament will who has won international recogni- meeting of
Due to a misunderstanding con- following statement:
the year at 6 o'clock games. Approvimately half at
be discontinued until next year.
cerning the hour of assembly, the
"It is a good thing for a group to be held the week of November 11. tion for his etchings.
Wednesday night at University
According to an announcement
the sum required has already
get together to study and discuss Socker training starts the last of
Theso paintings have for their Commons.
meeting of the press committee of
iocf ninht. tn The Kernel
been raised and turned over to
McVey, the spirits
It is November. Rifle squad practice will subject the landscapes of picturesque
the University, which was planned some interesting problem.
Frederick J. Llbby. of New York the band.
by President
sections or Maryland, Virginia, and City, executive secretary of the Nafor Monday, October 28, was not particularly worthwhile when such not begin until December.
were merely ceieuruwuB
The forthcoming trip will be
r.nri iiri tint, mean to dls- held. It has been decided by the a group takes up religious and social is A drive for new girls for W. A. A. other eastern states, and are inter- tional Council for the Prevention
the first time the band has paid
now on. All who are interested esting from a historical as well as of War, will be
in the problems. The proposal to organthe principal speakthe usual serenity of the members, that the meetings Monday ize
a visit to Virginia, all other enturb
such groups in fraternities, soror- may see Miss Averlll in her office in aesthetic point of view.
future will be held eyery
campus. He saia tnuv u
gagements with V. M. I. having
ities, residence halls, and rooming the women's gymnasium.
The Landscape Club was organized
This is the fourth year of the been played either on Stoll Field
it.. nnni-na- i visitnrR came tostu
In Washington in 1913 and today organization of the Club. It is or at Charleston, W. Va.
The press committee, which is houses should bo taken up
study and requested that all
by every group in the
Includes many prominent artists of composed of the members of the
composed of students of the Unidents ana lucuuy iwum
It has been announced that the
frain from calling the police so versity, was organized for the pur- study couldThrough the winter such There will be a meeting of report Washington andexhibits to Eachsouth faculty and staff of the University
band will not accompany the
go on with profit to
grading and distributing
the club sends
and is sponsored by the Women's
team to the other gome away
tne spirit
thatuninterruptedoi jjwy unv wee studentof write-up- s
which are to be everybody in the groups. I am ers of The Kernel at 12 o'clock to- and west which meet with much Club with the cooperation of the from home this year,
until the
the tilt
published in papers throughout the greatly in favor of it and would be day in the news room. All reporters favor. This exhibit will come direct American Association of University
hours of morning.
with Alabama's crimson Tide at
state. James Dorman is president, rejoiced to see the plan followed out are required to attend this meet- to the University after a showing at Women. Mrs. Frank McVey
is Montgomery, Alabama.
power to nauowecw.
ing. No excuses will be accepted.
Berea College.
with much earnestness."
and Frank Davidson is secretary.




Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" Displays
Brilliant Construction and Dialogue



llEflJ CITnni71JT V




Commerce Smoker
Is Held Tuesday


Monthly Meeting of
Held Tonight

Theta Sigma Phis

Commerce Frat
Pledges Announced

Discussion Groups


and scape
Conduct Art Exhibit

Band Gets Trip


For Winter Sports

Press Committee to

Meet on Mondays

Hold First Dinner

� MM?






Nuttlni spent the
at the Triangle house.
Kentucky chapter of Triangle announces the pledging of Robert
Crag, Schenectady, N. Y., and James
Hite, of Paducah, Ky.
Dinner guests at the Triangle
house Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Dicker, Misses Betty Baxter,
Lcura Pcttlgrcw, and Jo Hazel
Mr. Arthur

Our Specialty Malted Milk
Served with whipped cream and wafers over our 100 per cent Sanitary
Fountain. Whitman's, Hollinpsworth, and Rebecca Uuth
home made candy always fresh.
Phone Ashland 3.109

rsmar it






Just The Place To Go
Open Until Midnight

Triangles Attend Game
Sycamores silver In the long lane,
Commerce College Smoker
In between,
Members and pledges of the TriShadders
Ever'thlng quncky and shivery and angle fraternity attending the KentucDelta Sigma PI, professional comky-Centre
game were: Pat Al- - merce fraternity, entertained with a
hnrta Wnllnpp Hoplnir. Benlamln Le- - smoker Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock
Right arson' Hallowe'en.
Roy, J. E. Hcndlcy, Jerome Alex- In Dicker hall for the members of
V. S. B.
ander, Roy Voclcker, Conway Hamil the College of Commerce.
ton, Robert moss, ciuck Kasincr,
This affair, sponsored by the fraCALENDAR
nnv ITp19L Dnlnnov O'Ronrk. Joe ternity, and the first smoker to be
rvnnnrlt. Jtnssptt Cuhbacc. Morris given In that college, was for the
Saturday, November 2.
O. K. purpose of enabling the professors
Football name. Clemson vs. Uni Carpenter, Warren Moore,
to become better
and students
versity of Kentucky at 2 o'clock on Sharp and H. v. smitn.
Stoll field.
w. w. Anderson, of La Center.
Sunday, November 3.
week-en- d
University Vesper Services at 4 Ky., spent the attending theat theYea Blue, Yea White!
StateTriangle house,
o'clock In Memorial Hall.
Yea Wildcats! Fight! Fight!
Centre game saturaay.
Monday, November 4.
Woman's Administrative Council
All Makes
meeting at 4 o'clock In the recreation room of Boyd hall.
Tuesday, November 5.
Stroller's Amateur Night at 7:30
o'clock in the Men's gymnasium.
Wednesday, November 6.
Sale or Rent
Dr. and Mrs. Frank l. McVey at
home to the students and faculty of
the University.
Rev. J. J. Clopton addressing the
Dealer: L. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters
hall, In the morning.


East Main at Walton

Kentucky vs. Clemson
to WIN Saturday
When good fellows get together it seems they always
meet at the best known place where service, food and
everything blends into making you have a good time.
Enjoy a real meal in the newly equipped dining room of
Special Arrangement for Girls' Dormitory Orders


Special Rental Rates to Students

Opp. Courthouse

Tea at Maxwell Place
President and Mrs. Frank L. Mcwith a lovely tea
Wednesday afternoon at Maxwell
Place for the students and faculty of
the University and the conference
of county and home demonstration
During the afternoon Theta Sigma
Phi, honorary journalism fraternity
for women, held its pledging.
Assisting in entertaining were:
Mrs. Enoch Grehan, Mrs. Gerald
Griffin, Mrs. V. R. Portmann, and
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin. The
members of Alpha Delta Sigma and
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Journalistic fraternities, also assisted.
Masquerade Party
Atpnpn Castellano Club
pnt.ertalned Le Cercle Francais
evening, from 7:30 to 10
o'clock, with a Haiiowe en masquerade ball at the Women's gymnasium.
The members of El Ateneo Castel- lano were dressed in various Span
ish costumes ana Le uercie xancais
mpmhprs were dressed to reDresent
the various French provinces. Games
and dancing were on tne program.
Mr. Martin Glenn, president of El
Ateneo Castellano, and Miss Emily
Hardin, chairman of the social committee, provided delightful enterwas
The gymnasium
decorated with the colors and designs of the Hallowe'en season.
Thp r.hnnernnes were: Prof. H.
B. Holmes, Mrs. A. W. Server, Miss
Morooraf Wnrsflelri AnH Prof. B. W.
Schick of ihe romance language de
partment, and Mrs. u c. Kownson.




The Green Tree Tea Room serves
a dollar dinner each evening. Adv.


Phone 1792

University Commons

Vey entertained

Curb Service

Table Service



Fall Semester, 1929
















MEN'S preference for isa plenty
the pipe
positive. But do you know why?
We'll tell you.
First, pipe tobacco's different
for instance, Edgeworth. Second,
tobacco smolders as it should in a
pipe. And third, these mean you get
more satisfaction greater relish of
the good old savory burley, soothing
fullness of rich smoke.
There's even a fourth reason: you
like good company. The
brotherhood is that.
Tobacco's at its best in a pipe. It
gets a chance to be itself there to
loosen up as it comes to life, to expand and take in air and glow. Only
the choicest leaves get that chance,
moreover, for pipes tell the truth
about tobacco. Choice leaves, choice
blends, and mighty careful handling. Edgeworth comes up through
eleven distinct processes. before we're
willing to pass it on to you.
If you keep on missing all this,
that's your fault for we're waiting
to send you your first pipefuls of
Edgeworth. See the coupon? Fill it
out, get a good pipe and the postman
will bring you a neat little
packet of good old Edge-wort- h.
Edgeworth if a careful blend of good
tobaccos selected especially for
Its quality and flavor never
change. Buy it anywhere "Ready
Rubbed" and "Plug Slice" 15 pocket
package to pound humidor tin.


9:00 A. M.

McVey Hall

Richmond, Va.
I'll try your Edgeworth. And I'll try

it in a stood pipe.


Ascend South Stairs to Commons







Afternoon Tea
Tuesday th