xt7fxp6txt1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6txt1k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1965-04-apr6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-04-apr6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-04-apr6. 1965 1965-04-apr6. 2011 true xt7fxp6txt1k section xt7fxp6txt1k 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 6, 1965, Board Room, Administration Building

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board
Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University at
10:00 a. rn. , Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, April 6, 1965, in regular
meeting as provided in KRS 164. 170, with the following members present:
Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Dr. Harry Sparks, Dr. Harry Denham, Dr. R. W.
Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Dr. H. B. Murray, Mr. Clifford Smith, Mr. Gilbert
Kingsbury, Judge James A. Sutherland, and Professors Paul Oberst and Lewis
Cochran, non-voting faculty members. Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Dr.
Ralph Angelucci, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Mr. W. F.
Foster. Mr. Floyd Wright, members of the Board, were unable to be present.
In addition to Dr. Oswald, President of the University, the followi:ng repre-
sentatives of the administrative staff were present: Vice Presidents William R.
Willard and Robert F. Kerley. Members of the press were in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clifford Smith, Chairman of the Finance Committee, assumed the
chairmanship in the absence of Governor Breathitt, Chairman, and Dr.
Angelucci, Vice Chairman. The invocation was pronounced by Judge Sutherland.
Mr. Smith indicated that although a quorum was not present at the opening of the
session, both Dr. Sparks and Mr. Butler were enroute, and therefore declared
the meeting open for business. Dr. Sparks arrived at 10:43 and Mr. Butler at
10:45 a.m.

       B. Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Ezelle

       Mr. Sam Ezelle, reappointed by Governor Breathitt for a term ending
December 31, 1968, qualified as a member of the Board of Trustees by taking
the Constitutional Oath which was administered by Mr. Smith.

       C. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, and so ordered, the
reading of the Minutes of the March 19, 1965, meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were ap-
proved as published.

      D. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

President Oswald opened his remarks by indicating that the next statutory



meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, May 4, 1965, would be a key
meeting in that the budget for the 1965-66 fiscal year would be presented for
approval and Mr. Gorwic of the firm, Crane and Gorwic, would make the
final presentation of the Three Dimensional Master Plan of the campus.

       Attention was called to PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees,
copies of which were available to those present and copies of which would be
mailed to faculty and key alumni following the meeting, and commented
briefly on each item contained in the report.

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Dr. Denham, the report was ac-
cepted and ordered filed. Without dissent, it was so ordered.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Oswald prefaced his presentation of PR 2, Recommendations
of the President, with the reminder that the items contained therein, while
important were routine in nature. Since members of the Board receive copies
of these recommendations in advance of the meeting and are familiar with
them, only one item received special attention--the recommendation for re-
tirement for Mrs. Willena Duncan Long and Mr. Walter Penix. Particular
note was taken of the length of service given to the University by these two indi-
viduals and, on the suggestion of Mr. Ezelle, Mr. Smith appointed Professors
Oberst and Cochran to draft resolutions on behalf of the Board of Trustees ex-
pressing appreciation for the long and meritorious service of Mrs. Long and
Mr. Penix.

       On motion by Mr. Kingsbury, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and without
dissent, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and
ordered made a part of the Minutes of the April 6, 1965, meeting. (See PR 2 at
end of Minutes. )

       F. Supplementary Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       After a brief discussion of the items, important but routine, contained in
PR 3, Supplementary Recommendations of the President, with particular note
taken of the appointment of Dr. William Wagner as Chairman of the Department
of Chemistry, effective July 1, 1965, on motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded
by Mr. Ezelle, PR 3, Supplementary Recommendations of the President, was
approved as a whole and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the April 6,
1965, meeting of the Board of Trustees. President Oswald called special at-
tention to the very significant service that Dr. Lyle Dawson had performed for
the University of Kentucky in his twenty years as Department Chairman. (See
PR 3 at end of Minutes. )



       G. Establishment of Teaching Improvement Fellowships Approved (PR 4)

       Dr. Oswald called attention to PR 4, Teaching Improvement Fellowships,
and indicated the recommendation to establish ten Teaching Improvement
Fellowships was the first in several steps of a positive nature aimed at evalu-
ation and improvement of teaching. This area has received a good deal of con-
sideration by members of the faculty, groups of students, deans, and vice
presidents. As the University grows and becomes more complex and increased
emphasis is placed on graduate programs, steps must be taken to insure that
undergraduate teaching remains strong and is improved. A special faculty com-
mittee has prepared recommendations as to how teaching may be improved,
particularly at the undergraduate level. Last year summer research fellowships
were established to encourage research; now it is recommended that an experi-
ment should be made in providing similar fellowships for instructional im-
provement. If approved, such a program would be administered by the Acting

       On motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, and without dissent
the President was authorized to establish a program of teaching improvement
fellowships in the amount of $1, 200 each to be awarded to faculty members
presenting proposals designed to enhance their effectiveness as teachers with
priority to those proposals involving improvement of undergraduate courses. A
total of ten such fellowships was authorized for the summer of 1965. (See PR 4
at end of Minutes. )

       H. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 5)

       The Graduate Faculty and the University Faculty have indicated their ap-
proval of the recommendations of the Honorary Degree Committee that the
following persons be awarded the honorary degree listed by each person's name:

       Edward Thompson Breathitt                   Doctor of Laws
       President Philip G. Davidson, Jr.           Doctor of Laws
       Harry Best                                  Doctor of Laws
       James W. Martin                             Doctor of Laws
       W. D. Valleau                               Doctor of Science
       Amry Vandenbosch                            Doctor of Laws

       Dr. Oswald reminded the Board that copies of the biographical sketches
on these men had been mailed in advance and that he would not, therefore, add
any additional comments except to point out that this was the first time in many
years that recognition through the awarding of an honorary degree had been
recommended for members of the University faculty. It is particularly ap-
propriate, he said, that during the Centennial year the University honor certain
of its distinguished retired faculty members with honorary degrees at com-
menc ement.



       Dr. Murray made the motion that the President be authorized to confer
the designated honorary degree upon each person recommended at the com-
mencement exercises on Monday, May 10, 1965. His motion was seconded by
Dr. Sparks and approved unanimously. (See PR 5 at end of Minutes.)

       I. Name of University Faculty Changed to University Senate

       The University Faculty, the governing body of the faculty, at its meeting
on March 8, 1965, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that its title be
changed to the University Senate. This action was taken to eliminate confusion
which arises from the ambiguity in the title and also to make the title conform to
practices observed in other universities.

       On motion by Mr. Butler, seconded by Dr. Bushart, and without dissent,
the official name of the university-wide faculty governing body was authorized
changed froin the University Faculty to the University Senate.

       J. Committee to Codify the Governing Regulations and Prepare an
          Administrative Manual Authorized

       The last complete revision of the Governing Regulations occurred in
December 1960. Many changes have been made since that date, such as ap-
pointment and promotion procedures, departmental chairman policies, policies
relating to non-academic personnel, and many others. These changes have been
officially approved by the Board but they are not reflected in the current issue of
the Governing Regulations. It is, therefore, desirable that a committee be ap-
pointed and charged with the codification of the Governing Regulations. It was
pointed out that at present the Governing Regulations are a mixture of Board
policy and administrative rules. The committee should, therefore, be further
charged with the task of separating the Board policies from the administrative
rules and preparing an Administrative Manual which would contain the latter
sections, now a part of the Governing Regulations.

       Mr. Smith suggested that it would be appropriate for the committee also
to consider t e Trustees Retirement System for Class II employees so that the
University might have a complete retirement system since it is now apparent
that with the rapid turnover of Class II employees, a better system can be pro-
vided through Trustees' funds than through the state system.

      A committee of six members was recommended by the President with
three being chosen by the University Faculty ard three by the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Smith suggested Mr. Kingsbury, Mr. Hillenmeyer, and Professor Oberst
as the three members from the Board to serve on the committee.

Judge Sutherland made the motion that Mr. Kingsbury, Mr. Hillenmeyer,



and Professor Oberst represent the Board of Trustees on a committee to be
charged with the codification of the Governing Regulations with instructions
to study the possibility of including a policy relating to the establishment of a
Trustees Retirement System for Class II employees of the University. The
committee was also given authorization to separate Board policies from ad-
ministrative policies and to include the latter in a new Administrative Manual.

       K  Report on 1965-66 Budget Preparation (PR 10)

       President Oswald called attention to PR lO, Report on Preparation of
1965-66 Budget, copies of which were available to all those present. As indi-
cated earlier in the meeting, the budget will be presented to the Board of
Trustees for approval at the May 4 meeting with the schedule of preparation
calling for the mailing out of the budget document a week to ten days in ad-
vance of the meeting so that the Board might have an opportunity to examine
it in detail.

       Mr. Kingsbury moved that the report be received and filed. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and, without objection, it was so ordered. (See
PR 10 at end of Minutes.)

       L. Report on Housing by Finance Committee

       Mr SSmith having first determined that neither the Real Estate Com-
mittee nor the Faculty Relations had reports to present, indicated that he would
like to make the following report on behalf of the Finance Committee relative to
the housing situation at the University:

    Dr. Oswald, Mr. Kerley and his staff, and Mr. Johnson have been giving
    a lot oi time and study to the most expeditious and feasible plan for
    meeting the critical emergency in housing. Mr. Kerley ha0 reported
    that a number of contractors and security dealer- have started a series of
    discussions to see to what extent private capital can expedite the housing
    requirements and their proposals will be compared with the methods
    followed in the past in the use of HHFA funds. It seems there is reason-
    able probability that a different type of procedure may expedite housing

    The University is behind in this area and if past procedures are followed,
    will continue to be behind for the foreseeable future. Other state universi-
    ties have taken approaches through more or less private financing under a
    hybrid program whereby the housing so contracted is located in line with
    the overall university development program and, when the housing facilities
    pay off, the university acquires title to the housing projects. There are



     some complicated legal questions involved but, if these can be successful-
     ly resolved, it may be possible to have some relief by September 1966.

       M. Dr. Willard Welcomed Back

       Mr. Smith welcomed Dr. Willard back to the campus after his recent
leave of absence. Dr. Willard responded by saying that he was pleased to be
back and expressed his thanks to the Board of Trustees for granting him the
leave of absence for the period from January 14 to April 1, 1965.

       N. Comments on Centennial Convocation

       Mr. Ezelle said that since the Board of Trustees had not met since the
Centennial Convocation, he would like to express to Dr. Oswald and those who
worked with him the appreciation of the Board for the wonderful events of the
Centennial weekend, which were climaxed by the visit of the President of the
United States on February 22, 1965. He felt that this was a real honor to the
University and those responsible for inviting President Johnson were to be com-

       0. Meeting Adjourned

       The members of the Board were reminded that luncheon would be served
immediately following adjournment. Mr. Smith then determined that there was no
further business to come before the Board, and entertained a motion for ad-
journment at 11:17 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    James A. Sutherland, Secretary

(PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, and PR 10 which are attached are official parts of
the Minutes for the April 6, 1965, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky. )




                              April 6, 1965


     The Centennial Social Science Conference, the third of six major
academic conferences to be held at the University this year, will get
under way Thursday morning with the presentation of a paper by Max
Lerner, noted author, journalist and teacher who presently is professor
of American civilization and world politics at Brandeis University.

     Joining Mr. Lerner as conference participants are three other
distinguished visitors: Dr. Seymour 'M. Lipset, director of the Institute
of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley; Dr. C.
Herman Pritchett, one of the nation's leading Supreme Court scholars
and former head of the political science department at the University
of Chicago, and Peter Drucker, a prominent educator, writer and man-
agement consultant.

     The remaining Centennial conferences will deal with the humanities,
the biological sciences and higher education.


     Rehabilitation houses for the mentally ill was the subject of
an institute held on campus 'arch 30 under joint sponsorship of the
College of Education's special education section and the rehabilita-
tion bureau of the State Department of Education,

     The audience of professional and lay persons heard reports on the
operation of Lexington and Louisville rehabilitation houses that have
been operated for several years by the state government. Hany patients
remain at the houses for three or four weeks after their release from
hospitals. During their stay, residents are oriented, vocationally and
socially, to improve their chances of returning to normal lives in their
own homes and communities



     About 60 of the Universitv's Indonesian students presented their
annual talent show in Memorial Hall last Friday, Sponsored by the Cos-
mopolitan Club, the show was adopted bv the Indonesian students as a
means of expressing their appreciation for the hospitality they have
been accorded in Kentuckv.  Last Fridays performance featured traditional
songs and dances of Indonesia, and a concert by a 20-piece orchestra, all
of whose instruments are made of bamboo


     The University was privileged to plav host on sMarch 26-27 to the
annual meeting of the South Central Chapter of the American Musico-
logical Society, The meeting was highlighted by the presentation of
a wide variety of research papers by distinguished music scholars from
throughout the United States,


     The Harmsworth professorship, oldest chair of American history at
Oxford University, will be filled by a University of Kentucky alumnus
during the academic vear, 1965-66.

     Recently selected for the post was Dr. Bell Io Wiley, Emory Uni-
versity historian who received his master's degree here in 1929. Dr.
Wiley was among the recipients of the University's Distinguished Alumni
Centennial Award at this Year's Founder's Day exercises.


     Two bulls exhibited by the Department of Animal Science won first
place in their respective classes of the recent Kentucky National Short-
horn Futurity Show and Sale at Bowling Green, The two animals, along
with a heifer which finished second in her class, were judged first in
the class for three head bred and owned by a single exhibitor,


     A five-day symposium on genito-urinary diseases, which was held last
week at the Medical Center, was attended by some 200 physicians from Ken-
tucky and other states, Members of the University medical faculty were
joined by 13 distinguished visiting specialists from throughout the United
States in conducting the symposium,

     The event was sponsored by the Department of Radiology and the Division
of Continuing Medical Education-


- 3 -


     Two Owensboro students, both juniors in the College of Commerce, have
won the principal awards made this year by the professional accounting
fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi. They are Carson B, Harreld, Jr., and Richard
Lee Hayden, winners, respectively, of the Russell S. Grady Award and the
Yeager, Ford & Warren Award. Each student received a $100 cash bonus with
his award.


     Editorial staff members of college newspapers throughout Kentucky
were guests of the University on March 19-20 at a conference sponsored
by the School of Journalism and the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Associ-

     The delegates heard addresses by Governor Edward T. Breathitt and Mr.
James Morton of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and attended professional
writing and evaluation sessions conducted by members of the journalism
faculty and by visiting newsmen from The Lexington Leader and The Louis-
ville Courier-Journal,


     An institute scheduled for this summer in the College of Education
has as its goal the improvement of Kentucky high schoolers' reading ability.
Inability to read well is regarded by many educators as a leading factor
in the school dropout problem.

     Financed by a $40,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Education, the
institute planned by the College of Education will provide special training
for 30 secondary school teachers of reading. Each teacher accepted for the
institute will receive a $75 weekly stipend.

     Dr. Wallace Z, Ramsey, professor of education and director of the
institute, reports that only a small minority of Kentucky high school
teachers have had even one course in the teaching of reading. In an
effort to overcome this deficiency, the eight-week summer program will deal
with materials, techniques and procedures which can be used in regular high
school classes to improve students' ability to read their assignments

     Applications for admission to the institute may be directed to Dr.
Ramsey at the College of Education, The deadline for application is
April 15,


- 4 -


     University Hospital recently activated 28 additional beds, bringing
the total now in service to 258, The newly opened beds, on the hospital's
fifth floor, include 14 for medical cases and an equal number for such
surgical sub-specialties as orthopedics, neurosurgery and urology.

     It is expected that the hospital's maximum capacity of 485 beds will
be reached within the next 18 months.


     The University Press last month published a book by a University of
Minnesota historian, Prof. Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr. Titled "Salvation
and the Savage," the volume describes the pre-Civil War attempt of Pro-
testant missionaries to Christianize the American Indian.


     Dr. Ralph Woods, president of Murray State College, was honored on
March 23 by the University chapter of the agriculture honorary, Gamma
Sigma Delta. He was designated by the chapter as the year's outstanding
alumnus of the College of Agriculture.

     At the same ceremony, members of the honorary society also presented
their agricultural service award for 1965 to Mr. J. K. Smith of Louisville,
general manager of the State Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives.

     Receiving the chapter's outstanding student awards were Kenneth Ward,
Clinton, sophomore; Milton Kirkwood, Snyder, junior, and Michael 11. Chaplin,
Lexington, senior.


     Dr. Herbert P. Riley, chairman of the Department of Botany, has been
named recipient of a $23,400 grant by the National Science Foundation. It
will finance a two-year investigation of plant genetics and cytology.

     The research, Dr. Riley reports, will include a continuation of his
study of chromosomes in some genera of the lily family, and a study of
sterility in Haworthia and Gasteria, members of the lily family.


- 5 -


     Dr. William A. Seay, dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Eco-
nomics and director of the Cooperative Extension Service, reports the recent
receipt of a letter from directors of the Westucky Swine Producers Cooperative
Association, in which there is voiced high praise of the Area Swine Extension
Program which has been conducted in Western Kentucky for the past five years
under direction of the Extension Service,

     The letter says, in part: 'The directors-, would like to express to
the University of Kentucky Extension Service their appreciation for the
development of a swine extension program which has added so much to our
area. Not only has this program aided association members, but its helping
hand has reached much farther:  Its educational programs have...touched
every hog producer in the Purchase Area,"

     It is reliably estimated, the directors report, that the program has
added $125 million annually to the income of swine producers in the nine-
county area, and has resulted in such indirect benefits as creating new
jobs in the area's feed mills and buying stations and in the construction
of new facilities0

     Dean Seay terms the Western Kentucky swine program "one of the Univer-
sity's outstanding success stories," and adds that its approach is unique
for any Extension Service,


     The Ashland Community College Theatre now is conducting rehearsals
for six performances of William Shakespeare's "Hamlet," to be presented
April 19-24, The first four performances will be presented for students
from 12 high schools in the Ashland area, The other performances are to
be for the general public0 Directing the production is John Sowards,
instructor in speech and dramatic arts at the Ashland College,

     The play is being presented as a University Centennial event in
conjunction with an art exhibition, "Appalachia Artists '65," a showing
of the works of artists from a five-state area,


     The University was host on March 26 to approximately 100 geologists
and engineers who were in attendance at the 16th annual Highway Geology
Symposium.  The principal speaker was Prof, K0 B, Woods, head of the School of
Civil Engineering at Purdue University,


- 6 -


     Michael Conover, president of the Student Bar Association in the
College of Law, has been chosen by the American Law Student Association
as winner of its Silver Key Award, which is presented annually to the
outstanding law school student president in the mid-eastern region of
the United States.

     The association which presents the award is the student branch of
the American Bar Association, The mid-eastern region is the second largest
in the United States and includes many of the naticn's leading law schools.

     Mr, Conover, a graduating senior from Harrodsburg, was instrumental in
founding the Kentucky Political Union, a debating society established by the
Student Bar Association, He recentlv was initiated into the Darrow Society,
a legal academic and leadership honorary, and has been employed by the Legis-
lative Research Commission at Frankfortc


     Approximately 100 engineers and other industrial specialists were on
campus last Thursday and Friday to attend an industrial coal conference
sponsored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Division of
University Extension, and several state and national agencies.

     The conference was designed to provide an interchange of information
on such topics as efficient combustion of coal, large scale consumption
of coal for power and heat, and maintenance of coal-burning equipment,

     A guest speaker at the conference was George Fumich, Jr., director
of coal research for the Department of the Interior,


     The current issue of the bi-weekly business outlook letter published
by the Agricultural Economics Department of the University's Cooperative
Extension Service reports that net income per farm in Kentucky rose 30
per cent during the year 1964,

     The 1964 figure for "realized net income" (money actually received
by the farmer) was $2,823 as compared to the 1963 figure of $2,175, The
report attributes much of the increase to higher cash receipts from tobacco,
soybeans and dairy products, Lower production expenses, larger government
payments, and sale of a large part of the 1963 tobacco crop in January, 1964,
were other factors, Also noted was a decline in number of farms, which helped
increase the net income per farm,


- 7


     The University circle of the men's leadership society, Omicron Delta
Kappa, inducted 15 new members at a ceremony held March 22 at First Pres-
byterian Church.

     Eight of the new initiates are University students: Walter Maguire,
Somerset; Tom Woodall and Robert Young, Jr., Lexington; Steven Beshear,
Dawson Springs; Ben Williams, Stanton; Michael D. Fields, Ashland, Bobby
Joe Guinn, Paint Link, and Tom Bersot, Louisville.

     Initiated at the same time were four faculty members--Dr. Gifford
Blyton and Prof. Wallace N. Briggs of the Department of English, Speech
and Dramatic Arts; Dr. Aubrey J. Brown, chairman of the Department of
Agricultural Economics, and Dr. Kenneth E. Harper, dean of men,

     The group of initiates also included three other persons, who were
inducted "honoris causa."  They are Dr. Barry Best, professor emeritus
of sociology; Mr. Don Whitehead, a University alumnus who twice has been
awarded the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished news reporting, and University
President John W. Oswald.


     Entomologists at the Agricultural Experiment Station report some
success with a new type of aerial distribution of insecticide.

     One of the investigators, Dr. Fred Knapp, reports that a highly
concentrated mixture of the insecticide Malathion was applied from an
airplane in a new, low-volume spray. The object was control of the
salt-marsh mosquito which has plagued some areas of Western Kentucky
for several years.

     The Malathion was a 95 per cent pure solution, applied at the rate
of about two or three ounces of the material per acre, Usual aerial
applications have consisted of about a gallon-per-acre mixture, In the
latest experiment, which marked the first time that mosquito-control
material was applied aerially at extremely low rates and pressures, the
entomologists obtained good control, The exception was in heavy foliage
areas, where the material could not penetrate.

     "If we can find some way of penetrating heavy foliage areas, we will
have a promising system of treating the infested areas," Dr. Knapp reports.


- 8 -


     Nearly 150 students from more than 75 Kentucky high schools visited
the University on March 26-27 for a student leadership conference sponsored
by the UK Student Centennial Committee, The high schoolers, chosen by their
respective schools as conference participants, took part in discussion con-
cerning the University with UK students. faculty members and administrators.


     The first annual seminar of the two-year-old Kentucky Microfilm Assoc-
iation was held on campus March 25-26, with more than 170 persons in atten-
dance. The group, which is headed by Don Massie of the University Library's
microfilm section, heard reports of various microfilm systems and attended
a dinner meeting at which the speaker was Carl E. Nelson of San Jose, Calif.,
past president of the Nationd Microfilm Association.


     Dr. M. M, White, who will retire from the deanship of the College of
Arts and Sciences on July 19 was honored by the faculty of that college and
by other colleagues from throughout the University at the annual Arts and
Sciences dinner on March 30,

     Tributes to Dean White, who has headed the University's largest college
since 1947, were spoken by Prof. John Kuiper, chairman of the Department of
Philosophy, and Prof, Hollis Summers of Ohio University, who was the College
of Arts and Sciences' Distinguished Professor of the Year in 1958,

     A silver serving platter was presented to Dean and Mrs, White on behalf
of the Arts and Sciences faculty by President John 1v. Oswald,


     Dr. Harmon C, Bickley, assistant professor of oral pathology, has been
named an investigator for the 1965 sessions of the Institute for Advanced
Education in Dental Research,

     An exhibition of collages by Prof. Raymond Barnhart of the Department
of Art was held recently at the Staten Island Museum in New York.

     Dr. A, Lee Coleman, chairman of the Department of Sociology, has been
named president-elect of the Southern Sociological Society,

     Dr. Joseph Krislo , professor of economics,