xt7fxp6txt00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fxp6txt00/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2001-04-may1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2001-04-may1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2001-04-may1. 2001 2001-04-may1. 2011 true xt7fxp6txt00 section xt7fxp6txt00 


                               Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                   University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                         May 1, 2001


Roll Call

Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees - 2001-2002

Approval of Minutes - (Consent)

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees
        A. Report on Capital Campaign

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A. Naming of University Building

PR 4    Community College System (No items to report)

PR 5    Lexington Campus
        A.  Candidates for Degrees

PR 6    Medical Center (No items to report)

Academic Affairs Committee

1.     Establish School of Interior Design - (Consent)

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
            Nine Months Ended March 31, 2001
2.     Report of Leases
3.    Approval of Leases
4.     Charles T. Wethington, Jr. Graduate and Professional Fellowship Fund
5.    Cardiology Associates of Kentucky Pledge
6.    Gifts and Pledge to Create the Cynthia Shaw Crispen Endowed Chair in ALS Research
7.    Donald L. McWhorter Gift
8.    Estate of Madeline F. James
9.    Kentucky Forest Industries Association Pledge
10.    Mansbach Foundation, Inc., Pledge


11.    Merging Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Professorships
12.    Paul W. Chellgren Pledge
13.    Robert S. Lipman Pledge
14.    Zimmer, Inc. Gift and Pledge
15.    Anonymous Gift to the Chandler Medical Center
16.    Intercollegiate Athletics Quasi-Endowment Withdrawal
17.    Kentucky Economic Development Corporation Pledge
18.    Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Accepting the
             Successful Bid for the Purchase of Approximately $18,695,000 Principal Amount
             of University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue
             Bonds, Series N (Second Series), Dated May 1, 2001


       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
May 1, 2001.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation
was pronounced by Dr. Grady Stumbo.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Governor
Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Ms. Marianne Smith Edge, Mr. James Glenn III,
Dr. Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles (Chairman), Dr. Daniel R.
Reedy, Ms. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Mr.
Billy B. Wilcoxson, Mr. Russell Williams and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting
were Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed,
and Mr. C. Frank Shoop. The University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents
Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr.
Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; and Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

      C.    Schedule for Meetings of Board of Trustees - 2001-2002

      Mr. Miles called attention to the Schedule for Meetings of the Board of Trustees for
2001-2002 that was distributed in the Board packets.

      D.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Miles stated that there were two items on the consent agenda:

             Approval of Minutes
             AACR 1 - Establish School of Interior Design

      Ms. Wilson moved approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion, seconded by Mr.
Chellgren, carried. (See AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      E.    Report on Capital Campaign (PR IA)

      Before beginning the report on the Capital Campaign, President Wethington welcomed
Dr. Lee Todd as his and the Board's guest to the meeting and invited him back to the meeting in
June. He said that he looks forward to working with Dr. Todd during the transition period.


- 2 -

       President Wethington noted that as a result of the report he received from the Employee
Benefits Committee last week, he decided to remove the Operating Budget from the agenda.
The Operating Budget will be considered at the June meeting. He added that the meeting for the
media's briefing of the budget had also been postponed until June. The media's briefing would
likely be the Monday prior to the June 1 9h meeting.

       Since the Operating Budget was removed from the agenda, President Wethington asked
Mr. Terry Mobley to give a presentation on the Capital Campaign at this meeting instead of the
June meeting. He reported that the campaign is making good progress, and his goal is to have
the campaign total up to $400 million by the end of June 2001. He asked Mr. Mobley to give his
presentation to the Board.

       Mr. Mobley expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to present this information to
the Board. He noted that the volunteer leadership team, headed by Jim Stuckert, includes Paul
Chellgren, Chris Sullivan, Bill Gatton, Myra Tobin, Lucille Little, and W. T. Young. These
individuals have done an extraordinary job as volunteers. He added that never before has he
seen as united an effort campus-wide with regard to fund raising or any type of university-
enhancement program as this campaign has been. There has been a wonderful spirit of
cooperation, and the following report will present the results of this cooperation. He said that he
has no reason to think it will be any different in the future. He made the following presentation
to the Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees

     The Campaign
         for the
  University of Kentucky
        May 1, 2001


- 3 -

Prospect Assignments

          P  A.b.d



o insma
* 1430

a 7o0
n Bore

March 01

Donor Contacts in March

* Discovery Calls
* Cultivation
* Solicitation
* Follow-up
* Stewardship
* No Priority

Total Donor Calls

Campaign Gift and Pledge
        By Gift Designation

Support for Students
Support for Faculty
Academic Programs
Public Service
To Be Designated

$ 48,764,060
$ 30,401,625
$ 28,713,441
$ 52,312,730
$  4,620,262
$ 50,642,329
$ 54,657,003
$    578,987
$ 11.567.636




- 4 -

Campaign Income Growth

Jul-97 Jul-98  JW-99  Ju-0    Tody

Gift and Pledge Progress
            In millions

I    I T1v

I  I   I 

6197  10/97  2/98  6/98  10198 2/99  6/99 10/99 2/00  6/00 10/00 2/01

Gift and Pledge Growth



Jul-97Jul-98Jul-99 Jul-00Today


450 -
400 -
350 -
300 -
250 -
200 -
150 -_
100~ --



                                     N Pledges
150'          $140.9                 M Ofts
         S63.A-      S47-3
50.,1.. S9.1 S2.90


- 5 -

Research Challenge Trust
    Fund II $66,700,000

 AA  a \$34,057,575 Cash
       .12 _g_  $32,642,425 Pledged
               $66.7m Total Gifts


Challenge Trust
III $66,700,000

Gifts $ 52,601,755

Campaign & RCTF Impact

      A   ~ -* 23 pre-campaign
             * 49 new
             * 72 total
     5,,)   * 52 pre-campaign
             * 105 new
             * 157 total


( I



- 6 -

       In conclusion, Mr. Mobley said he would be happy to answer any questions. He said his
report was to let the Board know what has been going on and what will continue to go on with
the Capital Campaign. There are two more years left to complete the Campaign. If the
University reaches $400 million before President Wethington steps down as President on June
30, 2001, it will have to average $100 million a year for the next two years to complete the
Campaign. When the Campaign began, annual giving was averaging about $40 million a year.
These figures tell you that the private support that comes into the University has more than
doubled, and this has been absolutely fantastic.

      Mr. Miles thanked Mr. Mobley for the excellent presentation and said, "Terry does an
outstanding job."

      President Wethington said that the campaign is moving along well and is having the
desired impact. He said that the challenge ahead is to continue this effort as it is currently
progressing. He is absolutely convinced that it can be successful; however, it will take the kind
of concentrated effort that has gotten the Campaign to this stage right on through to the end for
the Campaign to be successful.

      F.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The Martin School of Public Policy and Administration was ranked fifth in the public
          finance and budgeting category in the latest rankings by U.S. News & World Report.
          He thanked Eugenia Toma and Mike Nietzel for their help in this program.

      2. Six research areas within the UK College of Medicine are ranked in the top 20 for
         National Institutes of Health funding at public institutions for fiscal year 2000.

      3. UK Anthropology Professor Thomas Dillehay has received a fellowship from the
         John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.

  Major Donors' Contribution

* 256 donors - $100,000 and above
* Represent 81% of the Campaign Total
* 87% with RCTF match

Total Campaign Gifts - 155,000


- 7 -

        4. James R. Boyd, James B. Day, Earnest 0. Robbins II, William R. Sims, and James L.
           Wyatt were inducted into the UK College of Engineering Hall of Distinction.

        5. Nick Clooney, Virginia Harris Combs, William R. Grant, Guy Hatfield, and Monica
           Kaufman were inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. He added that
           Jack Guthrie has been instrumental in helping with the Journalism Hall of Fame.

       6. The John Jacob Niles Center on American Music, housed in the Lucile Caudill Little
           Fine Arts Library and Learning Center, was dedicated last Sunday. He encouraged
           the Board members to visit the Center if they had not already done so.

       7. The UK Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, established here in 1926 by UK's third president,
           Dr. Frank McVey, celebrated its 75th anniversary in April. The UK Chapter is one of
           only two chapters in the state of Kentucky.

       G.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to
appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. He added that
he has had discussions with President-elect Lee Todd regarding administrative appointments,
particularly those who would be reporting directly to the President, and they are in agreement
with these appointments. After July 1, President-elect Lee Todd will have the opportunity to
develop his own administrative team and administrative structure and present it to the Board. He
asked that the same considerations that were awarded him some eleven and a half years ago be
given to President-elect Todd beginning July 1 and that the Board support President-elect Todd
in fashioning his own administrative structure. He expressed his pleasure in recommending PR 2
for approval by the Board.

       Mr. Miles pointed out that this is a transition period. People who are being named with
administrative appointments will not be replaced in their previous positions so they can go back
to that position if the new president so decides come July 1.

       President Wethington added that his staff understands that no one has tenure in an
administrative position; they may have tenure and hold an administrative position, but people in
administrative positions are not there because they are tenured administrators. He emphasized
that President-elect Lee Todd will have the opportunity to change these appointments and those
who are in these positions understand that very clearly.

       Ms. Wickliffe asked for clarification as to whether these are temporary positions until Dr.
Todd comes on board or if these are permanent positions.

      President Wethington replied that there are no permanent positions or appointments.
These are appointments to these positions at this time. If President-elect Todd chooses to make
changes in the future, he clearly has that opportunity to do so.

      Ms. Sims moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)


- 8 -

       H.    Naming of University Building (PR 3A)

       President Wethington stated that PR 3A is a recommendation that the Board of Trustees
 approve the naming of the Women's Cancer Facility in the Markey Cancer Center the "Marylou
 Whitney and John Hendrickson Cancer Facility for Women." He noted that their gifts to the
 Cancer Center total $2.5 million. President Wethington expressed pleasure in recommending PR
 3A for approval. On motion made by Mr. Chellgren, seconded by Ms. Edge and carried, PR 3A
 was approved. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.    Candidates for Degrees (PR 5A)

       President Wethington said that PR 5A is a recommendation that the President be
authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the attached list the degree to
which he or she is entitled upon certification by the University Registrar that the individual has
satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which application has been made and
as approved by the University Senate. President Wethington recommended that approval be
given to PR 5A.

       Mr. Miles asked how many degrees there were. President Wethington replied that there
are 2,683 on the list; however, there were others that the Board approved for August and
December 2000, totaling in excess of 5,000.

       Mr. Williams moved approval. Ms. Edge seconded the motion, and it carried. (See PR
5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
             Nine Months Ended March 31. 2001 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Chellgren, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance
Committee had a brief meeting that morning. He stated that FCR 1 is the Acceptance of the
Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Nine Months Ended March 31,
2001. He noted that expenditures are currently about 72% of budget, and revenues are about
79% of budget. There were no extraordinary items that needed to be brought before the
Committee or the Board. He added that the university's most recent bond rating was an Aa3,
which is a very high bond rating and reflects the financial stability and condition of the

      He reported that the endowment balances as of the end of the March financial statement,
which actually reflects the end of February balances, was some $433 million. Given the
turbulence of the equity markets this spring, those are jumping around. In March they would
have gone down, and in April they would have gone up. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR
1. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington asked to interrupt Mr. Chellgren's report to recognize Dean Walker
and members of her faculty and staff who were in the audience. He asked them to stand and be
recognized for their hard work for the School of Interior Design, following which they received a
round of applause.



      K.    Report of Leases (FCR 2)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 2 is the normal report of leases. All five leases were
renewals; four at existing rates and one had a modest increase. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of
FCR 2. Ms. Edge seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      L.    Approval of Leases (FCR 3)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 3 is the report of leases above $30,000 that requires
Finance Committee and Board approval. There are four leases to be renewed at the existing
rates. Mr. Chellgren moved adoption of FCR 3. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sparks, passed.
(See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.    Consent Agenda (FCR 4-15)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that the following items would be voted upon as a consent agenda:

      FCR 4 - a gift of $100,000 from the University of Kentucky Athletic Association for
               the existing quasi-endowment fund entitled the "Charles T. Wethington, Jr.
               Graduate and Professional Fellowship Fund";
      FCR 5 - a pledge of $50,000 from Cardiology Associates of Kentucky of Lexington,
               Kentucky, to establish and endow the Cardiology Associates of Kentucky
               Endowed Scholarship in the College of Medicine;
      FCR 6 - gifts of $335,000 from numerous donors and a pledge of $165,000 from Mel
               Crispen, M.D., of Louisville, Kentucky, to create the Cynthia Shaw Crispen
               Endowed Chair in ALS Research in the College of Medicine;
      FCR 7 - a gift of $51,179 from Donald L. McWhorter of Naples, Florida, to create and
               endow the Caroline Frances Ransdell Research Professorship in the Carol
               Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics;
      FCR 8 - gifts totaling $171,336 from the estate of Madeline F. James to create the
               Madeline F. James Cancer Research Endowment in the Lucille Parker Markey
               Cancer Center;
      FCR 9- a pledge of $150,000 from the Kentucky Log-a-Load for Kids Committee of
               the Kentucky Forest Industries Association of which $125,000 will be used to
               create and endow the Log-a-Load for Kids of Kentucky Fund to support
               pediatric cardiology research in the UK Children's Hospital and College of
               Medicine Department of Pediatrics and $25,000 will be used to enhance the
               Children's Hospital Lounge;
      FCR 10 - a $500,000 pledge from the Mansbach Foundation, Inc., of Ashland, Kentucky,
               to establish the Sylvia Mansbach Endowed Professorship and Chair in
               Alzheimer's Disease Research for the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging in the
               College of Medicine;
     FCR 11 - merging the Professorship in Nuclear Medicine in the Department of
               Diagnostic Radiology with the Arthur Lieber, M.D. Professorship in
               Diagnostic Radiology to create one endowed professorship in the College of
     FCR 12 - a gift of $12,000 and a pledge of $48,000 from Paul W. Chellgren of Villa
               Hills, Kentucky to create and endow the Kathryn Louise Chellgren Endowed


- 10-

                 Professorship for Research in Family Studies in the College of Human
                 Environmental Sciences;
       FCR 13 - a pledge of $50,000 from Robert S. Lipman of Nashville, Tennessee, to create
                 and endow the Research Fund in Psychology in the College of Arts and
                 Sciences' Department of Psychology;
       FCR 14 - a gift of $75,000 and a pledge of $225,000 from Zimmer, Inc., of Warsaw,
                 Indiana to establish the Zimmer Endowment for Orthopedic Research in the
                 Orthopedic Surgery Division of the College of Medicine;
       FCR 15 - a pledge of $500,000 from an anonymous donor to the Commonwealth Chair
                in Health Sciences in the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center.

       Mr. Chellgren moved approval of FCR 4 through 15. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Wilson and carried. (See FCR 4-15 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Miles thanked Mr. Chellgren for the gift from his family.

       N.    Intercollegiate Athletics Quasi-Endowment Withdrawal (FCR 16)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 16 is a recommendation for a transfer of $1,500,000 from
the Intercollegiate Athletics Quasi-Endowment for the purpose of providing funding for the
Commonwealth Stadium Field Lighting Replacement project. He noted that the lights at
Commonwealth Stadium are thirty years old and need replacing. He explained that this is
temporary funding to get the work done and that there will be funds raised separately to repay
the endowment. The first pledge of $250,000 has already been committed. Mr. Chellgren
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sparks, passed. (See FCR 16 at the end of the

       0.    Kentucky Economic Development Corporation Pledge (FCR 17)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 17 is a pledge of $375,000 from the Kentucky Economic
Development Corporation for the William T. Young Library Endowment to support the library
collection for the benefit of research and graduate programs of the University. He noted that the
Kentucky Economic Development Corporation, which has been in business for nearly 20 years,
has decided to close and is distributing its cash balances with the majority of it coming into the
Library Endowment. On motion made by Mr. Chellgren and seconded by Ms. Wilson, FCR 17
passed. (See FCR 17 at the end of the Minutes.)

      P.    Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Accepting the
             Successful Bid for the Purchase of Approximately $18,695,000 Principal Amount
             of University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Refunding
             Revenue Bonds. Series N (Second Series). Dated MaY 1. 2001 (FCR 18)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 18 is a resolution accepting the successful bid of Morgan
Keegan & Co., Inc. with reference to the sale of $18,695,000 of University of Kentucky
Consolidated Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series N (Second Series), dated
May 1, 2001, at a net interest cost of 4.496%. He noted that the University has been refinancing
its bond indebtedness, and this is the most recent in that series. He added that the benefits of this
refinancing will accrue 62% to the state of Kentucky and 38% to the University of Kentucky.


- 11 -

There is a cumulative refinancing savings of nearly $835,000 and approximately $73,000-78,000
annually in debt savings. Since 1993, the University has refinanced $255 million of its bond
indebtedness in 11 bond series; a net value savings of $1 1 million with 64% of the benefits going
directly to the state of Kentucky and 36% to the University of Kentucky. Mr. Chellgren moved
adoption of FCR 18. The motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, carried. (See FCR 18 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       Q.    Other Business

       Ms. Sparks commented on the Academic Affairs Committee meeting and thanked Dean
Walker and the others who helped bring about the School of Interior Design.

       She reported that during the meeting Chancellor Zinser handed out the Annual Progress
Report of the University of Kentucky Inclusive Learning Community, which included a notation
that one of the trustees was honored and inducted into the Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame,
Governor Breathitt. The notation stated, "This event not only thanks those amazing nominees
for their sacrifices but also educates today's generation as well as future generations on what
these people had to accomplish in order to secure basic rights for all Kentuckians." She
congratulated Governor Breathitt on his accomplishments and said she could think of no more
meaningful award to receive. Governor Breathitt received a round of applause from the
members of the Board.

      Ms. Sparks added that there was a sculpture created which displays the names of the
honorees and asked if President Wethington could find out its location. President Wethington
stated that he would find out that information.

      Dr. Mather commented that it had been a good month for Governor Breathitt because last
week he was inducted into the University of Kentucky Greek Hall of Fame.

      Mr. Williams announced that on May 1 1th the University of Kentucky will have its
Annual Staff Appreciation Day in Memorial Coliseum from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. He invited
the Board members to attend and enjoy the food and music with the staff of the University.

      Ms. Sims asked the Board members for their copies of PR 5A (Candidates for Degrees) if
they were not interested in keeping them. She announced that Jimmy Glenn and his sister will
receive their undergraduate degrees and his parents will receive their doctorate degrees on
Sunday. She complimented them on their accomplishments. Mr. Glenn received a round of
applause from the members of the Board.


                                          - 12 -

       R.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairperson adjourned the
meeting at 1:50 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Daniel R. Reedy
                                                Board of Trustees

(PR 2, 3A, 5A; AACR 1; FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



Office of the President
May 1, 2001

1.   Martin School Program Ranked Fifth by U.S. News & World Report

      The University of Kentucky enjoys several prominent new placements in the
latest rankings by U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools 2002."
The Martin School of Public Policy and Administration ranks fifth in the public
finance and budgeting category, just behind Harvard and ahead of Carnegie-Mellon.
The Martin School ranks 18th overall among public institutions. The UK College of
Medicine's Rural Medicine program is tied for 24th. Graduate programs in English
and Clinical Psychology are ranked for the first time, bringing the number of
national rankings held by UK to 49.

2.    Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacv Ranked in Top 20 for NIH Funding

      Six research areas within the UK College of Medicine are ranked in the
top 20 for National Institutes of Health funding at public institutions for fiscal year
2000: Physiology is ranked second; Aging is ranked third in its category;
Anatomy and Neurobiology is ranked tenth; Molecular and Biomedical
Pharmacology, 1 1th; Microbiology and Immunology, 18th; and Public
Health/Preventive Medicine, 20th. The UK College of Medicine is ranked 26th
overall among public medical schools for NIH funding. Since the NIH is the
primary agency for funding biomedical research, the amount of NIH support for
basic research is an indicator for the national research standing of universities and
biomedical research institutions.

3.    UK Anthropologist Wins Prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship

      University of Kentucky Anthropology Professor Thomas Dillehay, whose
discovery of the earliest human habitation of North America rewrote history books,
has received a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Dillehay won the award to pursue the topic "History and the Identity Politics of the
Chilean Mapuche." The foundation's average grant this year was $36,000.


4.    Five UK Students Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

      Five UK students have received prestigious Graduate Research Fellowships
from the National Science Foundation. The fellowship offers recognition and three
years of support for advanced study to approximately 900 outstanding students in
the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social
sciences. In addition to the fellowship stipend of $18,000 for a 12-month period,
the NSF provides the fellowship institution, on behalf of each fellow, a cost-of-
education allowance of $10,500 per year. Nicholas Coleman, Jason Strange and
Christine Trinkle will attend UK to study biosystems and agricultural engineering,
geography, and mechanical engineering, respectively; Christine Borowski will
attend Harvard and Christopher Bradley will attend the University of California at
Berkeley next fall.

5.    Chancellor Presents 2001 Outstanding Teaching. Staff Awards

      Lexington campus Chancellor Elisabeth Zinser presented the 2001
Outstanding Teacher Awards to four professors and three teaching assistants.
Winning the $5,000 stipend for tenured professors were Joanna Bradagliacco,
Sociology and Robert Ireland, History. Winning the $3,500 stipend for non-
tenured faculty were Allison Connelly, Law, and Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, History.
Receiving the $1,000 stipend for teaching assistants were Ann Ciasullo, English,
Tim Thompson, Sociology, and Mike Phelan, Sociology. Meanwhile, the
chancellor presented the $600 awards for outstanding staff to Kay Cotton,
Research and Education Center; Steven L. Ellis, Physics and Astronomy;
Ann Norris, Agronomy; Ramona "June" Johnson, Horticulture and Landscape
Architecture; Terry Tipton, Maintenance and Operations; and Sharlene Wang,
Extended Campus Programs in Paducah.

6.    Kentucky School of Public Health to Lead Partnership with Romanians

      The Kentucky School of Public Health at the University of Kentucky
College of Medicine will lead a consortium of Kentucky health care institutions in
a partnership with Romanian institutions to address local, national and regional
health care issues. This new program will develop educational programs in health
care management and health communications. The American International Health
Alliance Inc. and the U.S. Agency for International Development will support the
new partnership.


7.    Five Are Inducted into En ineerina Hall of Distinction

      In an example of the wide ranging effects University of Kentucky
engineering graduates have on society, inductees into this year's UK College of
Engineering Hall of Distinction include a former Disney World designer, the
highest-ranking civil engineer in the U.S. Air Force and experts in jet propulsion,
nuclear bombs and oil exploration. This year's honorees are James R. Boyd,
senior vice president and group operating officer, Ashland Inc.; James B. Day,
vice president, Belcan Corporation and former director of propulsion at Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base; Earnest 0. Robbins II, major general and The Civil
Engineer, United States Air Force; William R. Sims, founder and principal owner,
Windemere Teams Inc., and retired senior vice president, Walt Disney
Imagineering; and James L. Wyatt, founder and retired president, Ambassador
Industries Inc. and former vice president for development, Max Factor Company.

8.    Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame Inducts Five

      In conjunction with the 24th annual Joe Creason Lecture, five journalists
were inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame in mid-April. The 2001
inductees are Maysville native Nick Clooney, now a syndicated radio show host
and columnist for the Cincinnati Post and Kentucky Post; the late Virginia Harris
Combs, a Lee County native and longtime columnist for the Mountain Eagle in
Whitesburg; Winchester native William R. Grant, the first person to receive a
master's degree in mass communications at UK and now a producer or editor for
Public Broadcasting Service p