xt7ftt4fr58x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr58x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 2007 2007 2007-10-15 2020 true xt7ftt4fr58x section xt7ftt4fr58x UK basketball teams usher in new seasonswith

Big Blue Madness celebration







See Sports page A4



UK 43, LSU 37


Cats unseat LSU in first victory ove ‘ a top- ‘anked opponent since 1964





Senior linebacker Weslev Woudyard kisses his mother, Edna Sutton, alter the Cats beat No l [80113537 in three overtimes on Saturday Wuodvartl led the team W‘lll ii total tackles including SIX solo tacxles

UK overcomes double-digit deficit,
bests Tigers in triple-overtime thriller

elindsev@kykernel corn

In 2002 it was the "Bluegrass
Miracle." Last year it was the 490
rout in Baton Rouge. La. But after
years of heartbreaking losses and de-
moralizing defeats against Louisiana
State. the UK football team finally
found a way to topple the Tigers on
Saturday night.

In what was possibly the biggest
win in UK football history. the No. 17
Cats took down No. I LSl' in triple
overtime in front of 70.902 raucous
fans at Commonwealth Stadium. The
43-37 win marked the third time in
UK football history that the (‘ats de-
feated a top-ranked team and the
first since l964. when the (‘ats defeat»
ed Ole Miss.

“I .itist can‘t say enough about

Female UK officers allege discrimination in suit

these young men.” head coach Ritli
Brooks said. “Wheneyer it starts to
look dark. that‘s when they dig down
and find something extra. They did it
again tonight."

After trailing for almost the entire
game. the (‘ats m— l. Z-I Southeastern
Conference) found a way to go head»
to~head with the Tigers lb-I. z—l
SEC) and defeat them.

“No matter who believes in us or
who doesn't. this team lust sticks ti»
gether." senior quarterback Andre
Woodson said. "We're a family. and
we believe in one another all the

With the win. the (‘ats catapulted
into the Associated Press top l0 for
the second time this season. landing
at No. 8. [K was ranked No. l3 iii

See LSU ' heart A6

Upset should convert non-Believe—ers

In the first row of the second sec»
tioii. above the honored names of .Ieri‘y
(‘laibome and
Bob (iain. sc\en
students spelled
B—li-I.»I»li—\7li on
their chests.

They weren‘t
the only ones who

The rest ol the
70.902 fans at
Stadium on Saturi
day night he
hevcd. The play

ers also bclre\ ed








So did the coaches

And they made a belic\cr out of
me. From kickoff to the play before
Braxton Kelley 's bone-crushing. game-
clinching tackle. l was a non~belieyeix
There \\ as no way I'K could beat

mighty I..ouisiana State. which boasts
an endless amount of talent at running
back and future NFL players at so
many other positions.

Wrong I'K did just that, knocking
off No. l LSL 43-17 in triple oycitime
in what \\ ill go down as one of the
greatest games in the history of [K

"I can‘t say enough about the guts
and character of this football team."
head coach Rich Brooks said. “That
was a heck of a football team we beat
out there tonight.”

“We belieye" has become the prea
vailing motto of the football team. It
started with a music video that featured
safety Marcus Mcflmtoii rapping and
dancing. Senior \\ltIt.‘ rccci\er Keenan
Burton. senior running bat k Rafael
I ride. senior linebacker Wesley Wood-
yard and tumor linebacker Kelley also
made cameos.

They claimed in the video that they
could beat any team iii the nation. in~
eluding LSI'.

But. for real. did you really believe
the entire time‘.’

Did you believe UK would win
without Little. McClinton and line-
backer Johnny Williams"

That's three starters out against the
top team in the nation. Did you really
believe then ‘

And did you believe when LSI.’
scored right before the half to take a
l"-7 Iead‘.‘ Did you believe when LSI.’
scored the first l0 points of the second
half to lead I'M-l with just 3'39 left in
the third quarter ‘

"We went out there and we be
liey ed in each other." defensive Illle
man .Iei‘eniy .Iarinoii said. “Offensively.
they went out there and they just knew

See Smith 7)." page A6

Extra police keep

Bi Aliceflamnfl
ahavmond@kykernel com

Seven women sued UK on Wednesday.
alleging that the UK Police Department
discriminated against women on the basis
of gender during their employment there.

The suit says women received harsher
disciplinary action than men did and that
UK officials retaliated against those who
reported discrimination.

The law suit names llK's Board of
Trustees. interim police chief Mai .loe
Monroe. fonner \ ice president for auxiliary
services Kenneth (‘Ieyidence. and Alexan-
dra McConnell. an administrative staff as—
sistant in the police department. as defen-

The women filing the suit are Lisa
Blankenship. Laura Marco. Bobbye (‘ar-

penter. Brenda Palmer. Tiua Chilton. (iina
Wilson and Lori (‘reech. Three of them are
currently employed as officers in the de—
partment. three are former officers. and one
is a former civilian staff member. Their
complaints date back to summer 2005.

UK received an indication of a possible
lawsuit in February. when attomey Robert
.-\bcll contacted Terry Allen of L'K‘s Office
of Institutional LLun and Equal Opportu-
nity on behalf of the seven women and an
additional officer. Kara .leter. who has since
dropped out of the case. Abell's letter.
which was included as evidence in the law-
suit. introduced a report of the women‘s
complaints. which he urged I'K to address
to avoid a lawsuit.

Most of the issues concerned alleged
differences in disciplinary action given to
male and female officers. The four exam-



ples the women gaye in the letter happened
in 2005. and three of them involved Detec~
tive Robbie Tumer.

According to the lawsuit. Tumcr dee
faced and damaged a clock that was a gift
to Chilton. damaged a gate in a parking
structure with his vehicle and prevented
Levington police from an'esting a friend of
his on charges of drunk and disorderly be-
havior at a bar. The women said in the law-
suit that he received no punishment after
any of those incidents. In contrast. Wilson
and Marco received a three-day suspension
when they failed to secure the rear door of
a transport wagon. according to the letter
filed in Febniary.

The fourth example given by the letter
states that Monroe accidentally discharged

See Lawsuit on page A5


fired-up fans in check


ahaymondeDkykernel corn

.A\s I‘K fans stormed the
field at (‘omnionw ealtli Stadium
after the triple-overtime win
against Louisiana State l'niver-
.sity. other students were cele—
brating a different way by
burning couches and a vacuum.

Eddie McDannold. an eco-
nomics and Spanish senior.
watched his neighbors on Kens
tucky Avenue start a fire in the
middle of the street immediately
after the game.

“First they knocked down a

fence and lit it on fire and threw
in boxes and a chair." he said.

The sacrificed chair came
from mechanical engineering
senior David (irisanti's front
porch. but he said it was worth

“I would give a broken chair
every day of my life for the de-
feat of a No. I team." he said.
“even if that chair was my leg."

UK police received about
three calls for burning couches
Saturday night and one for a
burning vacuum.

See Fun: on page A5

"mm: 257-1915; W 257-2872








By Linda C. Black


day's rating]
the mostr'a '


is an 8 . i‘ ,,
need to oat
plans livmit




S a 6 ,. Put your a’tiw


wards This .s a
Don't wastt- :zjor ‘illtl r,"
is a / i“

you how


Go along for 1).: rule a

$4 Pitchers

'{N‘t} '.‘".

.r. i.


£A§LA21 Monday Ur;tober t‘) 2007


























To not the .I..'.rf"i{.lt’, tutu/i :lc
o- . a s. "
Mir easrs’ (fa, w

Aries (March 21 — April 19) lirav

to yet


strum (1.1 ,t
' "ii: moment s‘,1.'
nut :iving ltll :f‘» ‘utires fio'

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Tuna»




(Ms A"

up in the port: it lilth—i it

the (til) You can teat) son» now


Gemini (May 21 — June 21) i


t 1.:

leader, you ran sit hark aw: rr- .a

in h

an excuse to split

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
s a 3 Keep cnuggrng away
‘rstjro atn‘evrrig your goals, even
throat t seems to take forever.
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is
r r‘ This is one of those days
Mr everything seems possrble
[\frdhiig'y, ll almost )8 Begin new
«(hertz-res "17W

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Today )5
T' t: l'rh‘s core difficult than
antitrpafegt, t'u‘. you can Cope Just
take ,1 we a all at a time. and stick
to yo, .3 sitteai. .

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is

vi ‘i


. w

' r, to Ive been seemg truth,
s'n.‘ pei‘iaa. lil‘rllllStlllilrl‘Zil logit
That answer and many others are
.I‘r‘y ring» rah: now Reach out and
can them
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
Slow and easy does it
llrrrii‘lv tirrfirdace the results accord»
na to your agreement and great
rrhis will be yours Selling an-

sir‘ 9i



$1 Wells for Ladies



trques works, too.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 _ You're naturally
very insrghtful, and today you will
be awesome. The answer is so obvi~
ous you wonder why you never saw
it before
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day rs a 5 — Give yourself plenty of
quiet time for thoughtful contempla
tion Easily and naturally, you'll have
a comforting revelation You’ll know
why you waited
'Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day is an 8 A» An absolutely mar~
velous experience is in store One of
your friends is about to have a
blinding revelation Or your team fi-
nally wins a game
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day rs a B —-—- You naturally think
outsrde the box Due to your sug
uestron, a barrier that seemed in»
penetrable )8 Simply blasted away
YOu make the impossible look easy

\wlijl ltl‘
g. must-rust s stem (llHSLM.


y yourdafiily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ GI



1119 “SH



Spears reaches out to her
estranged mom and sister



PLKPYL" 9199'!

On October 8. tucked away
in her new $6.9 million Malibu.
California. mansion. Britney
Spears took the sweet with the
sour: a \isit with sorts Sean. 2.
and Jayden. l3 months and a
court-ordered monitor. There to
hold her hand through the
unique humiliation. though. was
mom Lynne. who had been es-
tranged from Britney since Feb—

“It‘s such a happy time." a
Spears family pal tells Us of the
reunion. which began three days
earlier, when Lynne and Brit-
ney‘s 16—year-old sister. Jamie
Lynn. flew in from Kentwood.

A Lynne source reveals it
was Britney herself who made
the call to her mom. ending
months of silence. “It must have
taken a lot for Britney to let
down her guard." says Britney
friend Robert Baker. director of
the Millennium Dance Com—
plcx. "She felt betrayed by her
mom when she first went to re-
hab. But there are times you just
need your family."

if anyone needs a mom n'ght
HOW. it‘s Britney. who can per—
haps better appreciate her moth-
er‘s pain at being separated from
her own flesh and blood. But
can c\en the most loving mom
help her daughter. who was la-
belcd “a habitual. frequent and
continuoiis" user of drugs and
alcohol by the judge who
awarded Kevin Federline. 29.
temporary full custody of their
sons‘.’ A source close to Brit—

ney‘s father. Jamie (who, ac~
cording to the source. is in Kent-
wood recovering front knee
surgery). says the goal is to get
her back in rehab. (In March.
she completed 28 days at the
Promises Treatment Center in
Malibu.) “It‘s just a question of
how long it takes to wear her

Family time

Britney was a bundle of
nerves on the night of October
5. as she waited for the arrival
of her mom and sister. She
killed time by driving around
with her ex-flame. music pro-
ducer JR. Rotem. “She was ex—
tremely excited." says a pal.
"She was shaking." Finally. by
3:45 a.m.. mom and daughter
were holed up behind closed
doors. Says one member of their
inner circle: "Britney is happy to
be with her mom again. (The re-
union) went really well."

If only it had come two days
earlier. on October 4. when Fed-
erline‘s bodyguard brought the
kids to the front gates of Brit-
ney's Malibu mansion for their
first scheduled appointment.
Alas. that‘s as far as they got
and the boy‘s left without seeing
their mom.

Why“? Depends on which
side you believe: Though one
insider insists the kids were left
waiting outside the gates be—
cause the intercom wasn‘t work»
ing. a Federline friend says Brit-
ney. 25. panicked after a night of
partying. "She was a mess."
says this source. “I don’t think
she felt confident to appear in

front of a court~apyxuntcd parr
enting coach."

Maybe the pau’ty ing will stop
now that Grandma’s back in
tow n. “Lynne is so excited to be
spending quality time with her
daughter and grandbabies." says
an insider. (But she probably
won‘t be moonlighting as the
court monitor. “i do not favor
family members as monitors."
chcrliiie"s lawyer. Mark Vin-
cent Kaplan. tells Us. "It‘s an iii~
herent conflict of interest")
Lynne did put together an old—
fashioned family supper October

Also breaking bread; Brit-
ney's close pal. producer Dallas
Austin. whom an insider reveals
helped bring them all together.
“He filled her mother in on what
Britney‘s been going through.
How sad she has been. and just
how Britney feels her life is de-
stroyed." says the Austin pal.
"It‘s a healing process. And the
reunion is going well."

Starting over

There‘s another ray of hope
for the singer. With Britney‘s
single "Gimme More" jumping
from No. (its to No. 3 on the
Billboard Hot l()() Singles chart.
the song is her highest charting
single since her l9‘9‘) breakout.
Baby One More Time."

Her album "Blackout" drops
November 13. and. says close
friend Sam Lutfi. "Britney is
very optimistic about the fu»



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Page A4


Matthew tieirrge
Asst Sports 'tdrtut
1): “rs

"‘jt‘ "_]r‘ \fitykrwlr' 1 'l'


Senior center Sara‘t limit? rutxsw

ttti t . ,,

tilliCtal tirararte to? :m mm'c are. r'

Fans, fireworks

“ Ylir‘17flti/


:0 Speed Dating, 7:00
PM, Memorial Hall
‘0 Rovert C. May
'Photography Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art

0 UK Art Faculty
Exhibition, 12:00 PM,
UK Art Museum

0 Swing Dance
Lessons, 8:00 PM,
Tates Creek
Recreation Center

. Poetry Slam, 7.00 PM, Cats

' UK Art Faculty Exhibition,
12 00 PM, UK Art Museum

0 Delta Epsilon Iota Meeting,
530 PM, James W Stuckert
Career Center

0 "Before Dark“ With
AcoUstiKats, "Paws and
Listen" 8r Jonathan‘s
Machete, 7:00 PM, Haggin

0 lntervrewrnq 101, 12 00 PM,
Oliver H Raymond Bldg

0 1408 . Cheap Seat Tuesdays,
8.00 PM,Worsham Theater

0 Dance Lessons, 8 30 PM,
Barker Hall Dance Studio

- NABJ Meetin .500 PM,
Grehan Journa ism Building

0 Honors Program Student
Council meeting, 7.00 PM,
Student Center

0 Robert C May Photography
Series, 1200 PM, UK Art

, 0 Relay For Life Involvement
; Meetin , 7 30 PM, American
. Cancer ociety


Util.‘rtl’11t3”'8 tu‘isketharr team «ti Bu Bier? Petites: : r" " ‘t.:iti t‘ee'm hm; PM: Marines: ‘arrrterlv knnwr: as Midnight Madness, is the first

explode for Gillispie at Madness

By Travis Waldrort

twaldron akykerrrei corp

Bill} (iillispie's tenure at l'ls' began
\\ ith a hang.

\Vith tire rising troin the tops ot' the
haeltboatds and eurtains surrounding mid-
eourt. the boom of tire\sori\s l‘illed Rupp
,\rena. The etirtaiiis dropped. and the tie“
head eoath appeared tor the first tiiiie.

With that. a nee. season and a llL'\\
era began tor t'lx’ basketball.

"I ean't tallt.” (iillispie told the ero\\'d ot'

21H}. a ne‘.\ Madness reeord. “I ha\ e a
sense ot’ tradition in basketball. [We heard
\\ hat it’s lilse to he the head eoaeh in Rtipp
Arena. and it eaii‘t feel better than this."

lans got their tirst looks at il‘eshllk‘ll
Patr‘iels I’attei'son. .\..l. .Stettart, .\le\ Legion
and Mike \Vii'ianis.

Patterson. \\ ho landed at [is this _\e.ti‘
alter a iong i'eer‘uitrnent. i‘ecei\ed the
biggest matron from tans Patterson those
the (Tats o\ er Florida. and he eht ited .iiiotl'.
er matron tilreii he ciairned that no \‘.lll
would he s‘.\eeter' tor him than heating the

“I “ant to heat e\t‘r_\ team \\e play"
l’atterson said during tlqtlL"sllttl1-itl1ti-ails“Cl‘
\rdeo “lstit riiainh llorida."

l’atter‘son “em on to ‘\lll the dunk eon-
test o\ er Ste-“art. a mild surprise le‘»t'lt the
te trii's talk ot Stt-ttait at Media [)a_\ on i‘ll
tia_\ .élll.‘l'iltrttll.

'\.l tan ruinp out ot the g)ni.” sopho
more loiwiitl Weir} Ste-\enson said “He's
pi‘ett\ rirticli the ta\or‘ite to \Hlt, Don't let
that sllll!t‘ he has tool _\trtl l‘d ptit tn} int n
t_\ on him eten it I \\as in it "

Stewart impressed rudges in the lust
rotiiiti hut tailed to connect on his seeond
dunl; ol the second round l‘hat opened
the door {or Patterson. who didn't disapr

Patterson heed the opposite basket and



0 UK Art Faculty
Exhibition, 12:00 PM,
UK Art Museum

0 National Student
Exchange Info
Session, 3:00 PM,
102 Miller Hall

0 Robert C. May
Photography Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art

0 Dan In Real Life





. Theater


0 Robert C, May Photography
Series, 12:00 PM, UK Art

0 UK Art Facu’ty Exhibition, 12 00
PM, UK Art Museum
0 CCO Board Meeting, 5 00 PM,

0 DanceBlue StibCornrruttee
Meeting, 600 PM. Student

I Expanded Gaming Panel
Discu55ion, 900 PM, Student

- Lock Stock and Two Smoking
Barrels, 1000 PM, Worsham

0 Career Center Workshop

iijil‘W‘il‘t"(317513”thSlit/EithgsdUHiigHiH'eidm’S B..:e\Nhrte
: :tht at Rant: Arena

hount ed the hall through his tegs and ot't’the
l'iaelsl‘oar'tl lietort' stainr'ning it dotsri ()n his
seeoitd tlHl‘th ot the tinal round. he lohhed
the htlii id! «'1 lilt‘ silttt (hi-(is iihU\k' the hits
isc‘t. : attgh‘ ii and dunked it

The scr’iininagt \‘sas leeron's time to

Ihe Irt‘sh'nan gtiarti
sel‘i‘ as .i “piettt
sLth‘d ll points llt leaning the “late to a
"V'i ii \ittoi) met the Mine Legion and
sophorrioie .lodic~ Meeks hattled hack and
truth, trading pasta-ts throughout the In:
iitintite ser‘irn'trare Heelss led the Blue
\srth l-l points

l'K loothall heat] toath Rich Brooks also
spoke l'ritla} nigh? \s the crowd ga\ e him a
standing matron ltrooLs urged the tans to

oho billed itllllr
goot‘ ittritp shooter"

., , -.
(If: r.:-»


Center Theater

Memorial Hall

Center Theater
0 Robert C. May


- The Warriors, 10:00 PM,

0 Vertigo USA: A U2
Tribute Band, 8:00 PM,

- UK Family Weekend 0
UK Art Faculty Exhibition,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum
0 The Warriors, 8:00 PM,

Photography Series, 12:00
PM, UK Art Museum

,0 Italian Conversation
Practice, 5:00 PM, Coffea

[previewing], 8:00
PM, Worksham

Network or Dont work, 3 30 PM,
James W. Sturkert Career Center
0 Byron Hurt, 800 PM, Memorial

0 STAG Meeting,

- Round robin Intervrewinq, 3 00
PM, James W Stuckert Career

0 CCO Board ot Directors
Meetinq,5'00 PM, 106 Student



hung the same passion and enthusiasm to the
tootball game Sattii‘da}.

Prior to the men's e\ent.s. l'K Hoops ltl‘
trodtieed nets head eoaeh Matthe“ Mitchell.
tossed 'l'~shitts to the eroxt d and held a short
piaetiee session.

Throughout the serintinage. (iilhspre
mingled \xith some ol‘ the old greats ot' t'ls'
b;t\i\‘e‘thttH He slapped hands \sith Kenn)
“Sits“ Walker utter a short eonwrsation He
sat “till tor rner eoaeli Joe H. Hall and
laughed \tith Ktle Mae).

(iillispie. hl](\\\ll tor his intense prtietiees
and tough approaeh to haslsethall. seemed to
let his guard down a little bit for his first Big
Blue Madness.

"l low it here." (iiliispie said. "I'm rust
st) emotional right no“ "

v 25 778867 '

0 UK vs Florida,
Stadium, TBA






 PAGE A5 | Monday, October 15

Continued from“ page At

"It's just something people
do when they get real excited
and they're intoxicated." said
Officer James Haubenreich of
UK police. “It‘s not unique, but
this fall is the first time there's
been so many incidents."

A similar scene occurred af-
ter the UK football team upset
the University of Louisville in
September, A couch was burned
in the streets and a house was
condemned after a night of par—
tying in near—campus neighbor—
hoods in the State Street area.

In response to neighbor
complaints. Lexington and UK
officials partnered to implement
new game-day security mea-
sures. such as bringing in 4] ad-
ditional Lexington police offi-

But students still celebrated.
and overall. Haubenreich said the
fan reaction was fairly typical.

“This is average for a game
night. and a little bit busier than
a normal night." he said. “But it
kind of ebbs and flows."

Despite 22 arrests by UK
and Kentucky State Police at the
game. interim UK police chief
Joe Monroe said the students‘
behavior was controlled.

“1 was very happy with the
student behavior." he said. "be-
cause they didn't (immediately)
rush the field. They waited until
other fans had already rushed.

“I wanted to make sure they
know that‘s the kind of behavior




that we want.”

About five LSU fans stood
around their cars on the cortier
of Woodland arid Hilltop av-
taking in the
around them and looking at the
bumper-to—bumper traffic.

“I expected us to come in
here and win."
sance. a
"t Kentucky)
lighting and fighting back."

Some Kentucky

A Lexington police officer stands near a vacuum cleaner that was set on tire on the corner
avenues after UK's 43-37 wrn river LouiSiaria State University on Saturday

cheers knew

was a little boy.

said Ricky I’Iaii I. iii I‘lod. I listened
40—year LSI' fan. radio.” he said.

never said die. Clifton Peters.
kept lighting and
Corey Peters. said
fans were

equally surprised at the w in.
Alan Craig of Louisville said he
thought I’K had a chance. but
there was never a point when be
they would win.
said he‘s been a [K fan siticc he

"The last time we beat No.
father of I'K
sophomore defensive lineman

counted oitt the possibility of a

of Press and Gazette

win against LSI'. Before he
made the nine—arid-a—half hour
drive trorii Mississippi. which
he said he makes for e\ cry foot-
ball home gaiiic. he called tip
his son.

“I talked to hiiii on Friday.
and I said. 'llclicyc that you can
do it.‘ " Peters said "liy cry play
something miraculous can hap—


to it on the

he tit.‘\ ct SIAFF WRITER ls’AllE SALTZ


AG candidates to discuss open government

ELBELIW Jotiasyti

news@kykernel corn

Kentucky attorney general candidates
Jack Conway and Stan Lee will be at UK
tonight to discuss their views on Kentucky‘s
openmeetings and open—records laws and
how they plan to support these regulations if

The forum. which is tonight at 6:30 in
the small ballroom of the Student Center.
will help voters understand the candidates‘
stances on Kentucky's sunshine laws. said
Mike Farrell. director ofthe Scripps Howard
First Amendment Center at UK.

“The attomcy general is the state consti»
tutional officer who is most responsible for
ensuring that sunshine laws are enforced."
said Farrell. an assistant professor of jour»

“We believe voters should know the ley -
el of commitment each of these candidates
has for ensuring the public‘s business is con—
ducted in public." he said.

Democratic candidate lack Conway said
he strongly supports Kentucky‘s sunshine
laws and will do his best to enforce them if

“A govemment functions best when it
does so in the open." Conway said. "People
have a right to know how their govemment
is functioning."

Republican candidate Stan Lee said he
agrees that the open-records and open~meet~
ings law's hold significant value for both the
govemment and the public.

“I think a lot of the public gets their in‘


for tomorrow’s
trustee meeting

By Jill Lester


Last month UK's Board of Trustees selected a
woman as chair for the first time in board history
after days of phone calls. e-mails and meetings be—

tweeti trUstees.

The boards agenda for its monthly meeting to-


formation from thc press. and that seems to
be a good conduit for that information l.ec
said. "l‘ye been a strong operrrecords and
open-meeting adyocatc. l w rote the law to
open the records of the violent juvenile of—
fenders. ] have a proven record of that

Al Cross. director of the liistitutc for
Rural Journalism and (‘ommunity Issues at
L'K. said everyone benefits from proper
govemment obseryation of sttrisliiiic law s.

“Just as the forum is not only lor .iourr
nalism students. open~goyernmcnt laws are
not only for journalists." said Cross, an a»
sistant professor of JOUI‘llilllHll. " The laws
were passed to sery c the public's right to
know what public officials do or fail to
do . in their behalf .A\nyonc who attends
the forum should come away with a better
understanding of opengoyernmcnt issues in

The effect of sunshine laws on econonr
ic development in Kentucky may be one
topic of discussion at the forum. Kentucky
law restricts access to documents that
would give an unfair commercial advantage
to competitors of the entity that proy idcd ac-


Chitin-Jed from page Do

in fall 2005. Within the ncyt

sion for the fired shot.
February letter

Monroe. who has been the acting
chief of [K police since July soon. said
he could not comment on the claims
against liirii because they are part of

pending litigation.

in July for health reasons.

his firearm in the [K police parking lot

months. he recciy ed a twoiday suspen-
according to the

The law'sutt also addresses in depth
the case of Blankenship. who was fired
She suffered

ccss to the inform itron.

t)pcii tilc't‘ llll‘!\ re iiiid It: future .icqinsi
tron oi sale of pioptity by J public agency
whcn “publicity would likely affect the \al—
uc of a specific piece of property to be ac-
quircd foi public use or sold by a public
agcncy" aic also not open to the public

“I tlimk it's certainly an area that dc-
sci‘ycs 10 IX‘ ltitikctl ill to scc ‘i\lii,‘lltc‘t tit‘ not
it should In more open "

(onway said he bclicycs suiishinc laws
should apply to L‘ttillt‘llllc dcyelopmciit .s
sucs cyccpt when they are harmful to bits:

"I think economic dcyclopment records
should be open unless the info would be
detrimental to the company iiiyolyed. the
type of inloriiiatioii that would giyc their
competitors an adyaiitage against them if the
record was disclosed." (‘onway said.

The first Amendment Center. the SHCI’
cty of Professional Journalists. tlic I'K
School of Ioiiriialism and lcIccoriiiiiunicm
trons. and the Institute tor Rural Journalism
and (‘omiiiuiiity Issues are sponsoring thc

(‘ross said he hopes the forum will bc
benefit ial tor boih the candidates and those
who attend

H I he ltlsl

I cc said

ucncral hayc
generally open goycrnnicnt
through their opinions.” ('ioss "and w c
hope the forum w ill help entourage the nest
attointy gciiti d to do likewise by remind
ing him that tlitit is .. constituciicy in Kcn
tticky for open goycrnmcnt ”



.ittorncy s


lite clllt'l, a position that Iias not been
pcriiitincntly lillcd .\o\ciiibct
SHIN. plays a i'olc iii both cases

-\ltci' hearing rumors that
who was tlicii I'K‘s \icc picsi
dctit loi' .iusiliaiy scryitcs. would sclctt
\loiiroc as thc ncyt cliicf. ('hilton .iiid
Blankenship iiict with l K l’rcsidciii 1 cc
Iodd in ‘ylay Ilii”. according to the

In the meeting. they claimed .\Ioir
i'oc iiiisiiiiinagcd the dcpartmciit vtlltl
ltiitl "
attitude toward women.
the lawsuit.

lwo ycat‘s latcr. tor
( hilton
mcctmg with Iodd




fc w

d disciiiiiniatoiy .iiid stctcotyptcal

attordiri); to

llastin‘s Ktl‘k‘.

g.i\e a deposition about thc

393 Waller Ave. Waller Center - 1310957



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