xt7ftt4fr45m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr45m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1996 1996 1996-10-14 2020 true xt7ftt4fr45m section xt7ftt4fr45m  





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WEATHER Sunny and
clear today, high 75. [Mostly
elear tonight, low 50. Mostly
sunny tomorrow , high 75.

“"0" COUCH Wildtats lost to Game—

cocks 2 5— I 4 at Commonwealth Stadium

Saturday. See Sports, page 2


-.Wmmwr “up“. ->- ,. ~-~~ NW" NW ..



October I 4, I 996
. limo/sf? 5:in?
2N m


(.‘rosmord 7 Sports 2


Diversions 4 Virupoint 5




IliGiurn assassin sought by ‘Most Wanted’

By Mat Herron
Staff writer

A murder at 570 Woodland Ave. has been a puz—
zler for law enforcement officials for the last two

This past Friday, the scene of the july 17, 1994,
killing of former UK football player Trent DiGiuro
was flooded by the camera crews and TV stations in
order to find answers.

In a nationwide appeal for information, the pro-
ducers of “America’s Most Wanted” crime-solving
show reconstructed the chain of events the night of
DiGiuro’s murder. ’

Production on the crime reenactment had begun
months ago, robbery homicide detective Don Evans
said. .

The air date was delayed due to the show’s can-
cellation, but it has since re-u ped with the FOX
network and is slated for an ear y November broad-

“Whenever we produce a story for ‘America's
Most VVanted’,” said Nan VVaffen, one of the show’s
producers, “one of the first things we do when we go
through town is contact the local casting agency to
set up auditions for the parts of the characters that
we’re recreating."

The show went through Vogue of Lexington to
cast the actors for the reenactment.

For the part of DiGiuro, the agency picked David
IIollingsworth, who, according to Waffen, “bears an
uncanny resemblance to the victim.”

I’Iollingsworth works as an officer for the fourth
platoon, a unit that patrols inner-city housing pro-

\Vhile he has experience working with homicide
cases, I-Iollingsworth said, “This is the first time I’ve
ever been associated with a homicide where you just
don’t have much ofa motive."

Lexington police patrolled the area, blocking off
the Euclid Avenue and Columbia Avenue entrances
to \Voodland.

Several residents stopped to watch the crew and
the actors on the set.

“I just heard people talk about it, and I knew it was
this house,” said Tracey Marischen, a pharmacy
sophomore who lives on Woodland.

“The way that you handle an investigation like
this is through process of elimination," said Don



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”MU-alefi’jr '



JAMES cmse Km/ my

SETTING THE SCENE ‘Anteriea‘s Most Wanted’ set up for filming a segment on the murder of Trent DiGiuro at 5 70
Woodland Ave. (Below) A police line surrounded the very same residence twa years ago in a macabre fashion. The UK
foothallplayer’s death has yet to be solved. FBI officials hope the airing of show will yield response from viewers.

Evans, a robbery homicide detective for the Lexing-
ton police.

“VVe’ve certainly looked into every angle that we
felt was reasonable as to what could have brought
this on."

Evans fired blank rounds from a .243 caliber rifle
as part of the reenactment.

The leads explored in the case, he said, have not
revealed any insight into the crime, but he encour-
ages people to communicate with the police depart—

“I’m interested in hearing them (rumors) rather
than people passing them on," Evans said.

“If anyone has any information, or ifthey’ve ever
been told anything, don’t assume we know it. It does
more good if you call us than if you spread it
around,” Evans said.


File photo

Two years afier murder;

questions left unanswered

By Chris Padgett
News Editor

There are no longer blood stains on the porch of
570 Woodland Ave. \Veather, tune and a new coat of
paint have removed all signs that a UK student was
murdered at this campus address just a couple years

It has only been two short years
since an assassin shot and ended the
short life of UK football player Trent

DiGiuro was murdered as he sat in
a rocking chair on the front porch of
his apartment during an early let
birthday party.

Police still do not have any tangi-
ble leads in the case.

DiGiuro was killed just one day
shy ofhis 2 lst birthday.

The offensive guard was pronounced dead at 3:12
am, shortly after the shooting.

A coroner's report ruled the UK junior died as a
result ofa gunshot wound to the head.

Rumors about Di(§iuro’s death have spread over
the course of the past two years.

“I had heard that there was a chance he was killed
as a result ofan assassin’s crror,"said 'l‘racy Cole. a
long-time resident ofthc UK neighborhood where
the incident occurred.

“I had heard that the bullet was meant for another
person at that party,” Cole said.

Other rumors included one that DiGiuro was
killed by someone who was trying to get back at him
for something be had done to them.

DiGiuro was good not only on the field, but in the
classroom as well. At the time ofhis death, Coach Bill
Curry commented on the junior.

“Di(}iuro had made the dean’s list at a very tough
university academically, and at the same time had
built himself to where he had a good chance to be a
starting player," Curry said.

DiGiuro’s death was not the first that Curry faced



See DIGIURD an 8


Presidential ViSitS make
Kentucky a battleground

By Chris Easterling
Sports Editor

With on] 23 da 5 until election day, the presi-
dential can idates have turned their attention to
Kentucky, one of the few states that is still being
hotly contested prior to the election.

President Bill Clinton was the most recent to visit
the state, as he addressed the people of Louisville on
Thursday night.

It was the fourth visit by the Democratic
candidates to the Commonwealth in the last
four months. Clinton had reviously visited
Ashland and Paducah bacEin August prior
to the Democratic National Convention in
Chicago, while Vice President Al Gore was
on the UK campus two weeks ago to speak.

The President spoke in front of the
Louisville Slugger Museum, and was presented with
a baseball bat engraved with the Presidential seal b
Louisville Mayorjer Abramson. Clinton was quick
to point out that therfiat could come in handy in his
next debate with Republican candidate Bob Dole on

“I have one more debate,” Clinton said. “And
from what I hear, I might need to use this.”

He also gave a campaign push for several Ken—
tucky Democrats who are runnin for national
office, including Con ressman Mi e Ward from
Louisville and Steve Tieshear who is seeking to
unseat incumbent junior Senator Mitch McConnell.
He also joked about the speaking ability of the Ken-
tucky Democratic candidates.

“I was listening to all these people talk,” Clinton
said. “And you people know how to talk. They speak
in a language that I can understand, with no accent.”

Clinton also gave a huge show of support to
Abramson, who many feel could end up with a job in
the Clinton Administration once the President is


$96 the eople of Louisville

“What a mayor you have,”
Clinton said. “I thought I had
energy until I met Jerry Abram-
son. All the things that he said we
did together for the people of
Louisville, they are all true. But
they couldn’t have happen with-
out the leadership ofJerry Abram~

Unlike his Republican
counterpart, Clinton did
not dwell on attacking
what the opposition was
doing. Instead, he spoke
of his record and asked

to “ elp build a bridge
into the 21st Centu .”

Among the issues whic he
focused on were the environment,
the economy and his educational
reform. He also asked the people
to help him continue to o for-
ward, instead ofgoing baciwards
with a Republican in office.

“In the last two debates,” Clin-
ton said, “the one I had on Sunday
and the one the Vice President
had (Wednesday), we saw two
very different visions for America.


JAMES CRISP Kennel staff

There are two good people on CAM" A BIG STICK President Bill Clinton held up a personalized hat given

the other side who love our coun-

try,” he said, “but they just see to him during a campaign stop in Louisville last Thursday.

things very differently.”


While Clinton was in Louisville, Republican Vice
Presidential candidate Jack Kern made sto s in
Bowling Green and Paducah on hursday an Fri-
day, trying to get some foothold in Western Ken-

tucky for the sinking Republican campaign.

Dole has already made one sto in Central Ken-
tucky during the last month when e visited George-
town College on Sept. 12. Dole fired away at Clinton
and his stance on the issues, saying that the President
has chan ed his opinion many times simply because
a poll said that was what the people wanted.


MOCDY'S replacement to he Interviewed “ITS WEIR

By Kathy Bailing

Assistant News Editor

The Dean of Students office will interview two
candidates toda through Thursday to fill
the fraternity adviser position vacant since
Jay McCoy resigned in June.

The first candidate, William “Billy"
Molasso will be on campus today and Tues-
day. Douglas A. “Tony” Blanton will be
interviewed the following two days.

Susan West, assistant dean of students
and adviser to sororities, said the dean of students
office began a national search for a new fraternity

1 I A



adviser earlier this semester.

A screening committee comprised of West, Dean
Victor Hazard, students, faculty and administrators
narrowed all the applicants to the two candidates
bein interviewed this week.

“ e were looking for someone with
Greek-advising ex rience, fratemity advis-
ing experience,” est said.

She said Greek advising is a specific area
of student programming since it involves
issues such as risk management, hazin and
chapter expansion. Therefore. a can idate
with past experience and a master's degree in student
services is best for the job, she said.



Molasso is currently the coordinator of Greek life
at the University of South Carolina. He received his
masters degree in agriculture with specialization in
higher education administration in I995 from the
University of Florida.

Blanton worked as a senior consultant with Pen-
nington and Company which does fund raisin for
fraternity organizations from 1995 until July of this
year. Previously he worked for Delta Sigma Phi fra-
ternity headquarters. Blanton has his master of sci-
ence in college student personnel services from
Miami University in Ohio. West said while the can-
didates are on campus the will receive much expo-
sure to students. They will meet with fraternity pres-
idents, Inter-Greek Programming Assembly and the
interfraternity Council.

lacking stall,
Merl Center kills
lung transplants

By Ben Alias

On-Iine Editor

The lung transplant program at the UK Chan-
dler Medical Center has been put on hold after
efforts to replace staff openings have failed.

Medical Center administrators set a deadline to
find replacements for more than a dozen spots in
their transplant staff, and brought several new
recruits into the transplant program in july and

Au st

TTowever, efforts to find replacements for sev-
eral key positions have failed, and administrative
officials decided last week to begin turning away
transplant candidates.

“We set ourselves a deadline of Oct. 1 to get
recruits,” said l)r.}ames IIolsinger, chancellor for
the Medical Center.

“ 'e’ve had a super recruiting year in our heart
and liver programs, but not in pulmonary

Rather than continue adding to the staff‘s
workload, Holsinger said they decided to place the
program on hold.

More than 14 surgeons have resigned in the
past 18 months, including Dr. Michael Sekela,
who was director of UK's heart—lung transplant

Dr. Juan Sanchez was named to replace Sekela,
who resigned after complaining to administrators
that the Medical Center was not meeting the
needs of its post—operative patients.

Sekela's patients picketed in front of the hospi-
tal in February, after several meetings with
llolsinger about patient care failed to bring about

Holsinger said that they plan to bring three
surgeons onto the fprogram's staff, and restart
transplants after the rst of the year.

“We think we’ll have all of these people recruit-
ed by the first of the year, but people with their
skills are a scarce commodity,” he said. He also
cited some holdups on possible replacements,
including one surgeon whose wife had a baby.

They have two candidates which they hope to
bring in over the next few months.

As for patients who are waiting for transplants
at UK, Holsinger said they are making arrange-
ments to make sure everyone who has been
accepted into the transplant program gets treat-

“We’ve got ll patients on the transplant list,
and two are being moved to another center,” he

The other nine aticnts are expected to be
accepted into Jewisfi Hospital’s transplant pro~








. . _.-.———._‘..

2 Monday, opium I4, 1996, Kentucky Kernel

Conference leader tens Wildcats in three

By Jay 0. Tats
Staff Writer

Often times, the most en aging battle is the one
wa ed between the heralded superstar and the up-
an —coming youngster.

The neophytes often take the fall, but they fight
with the intensity and vigor that is typically a prelude
to future success.

Yesterday, the underdog UK volleyball team fell
to the bullies of the Southeastern Conference, the
No. 3 Florida Gators, 3-0. Despite conceding the
match to the powerful Gators, the Cats played gutsy
volleyball — refusing to be intimidated, refusing to
lie down before the powerful UF offense, refusing to
forget just how far they’ve come.

“We weren’t expected to win this match,” UK
head coach Fran Ralston-Flory said. “We came in
with nothing to lose and everythin to gain. We have
been playing well in the SEC an we’ll just have to
get back in our groove.”

UF torched the Cats behind .325 hitting and a
front line that held UK’s offense in check — the Cats
hit a paltry .146. The Gators got a huge performance
from their talented front-line trio ofJennifers; out—

“Florida is a great team,” Ralston-Flory said. “We
played very average it takes a lot to beat Florida
and we didn’t have it today.”

UK was led by senior outside hitter Gina Heustis,
who notched 13 kills against an unyielding Florida
defense. Heustis viewed the match as a measuring
stick and was encouraged with the results.

“This loss doesn’t kill us — we didn’t lose any
momentum," Heustis said. “What it did tell me is
that this Florida team is beatable, which they haven’t
been in the past. They are the only (SEC) team that's
stronger than us right now.”

Although the loss to Florida stunted UK’s
progress, Friday night’s match against South Caroli-
na provided a stark comparison.

USC came into Lexington sitting alongside the
Cats atop the SEC East. They were also sporting the
SEC player-of—the-week in middle blocker Heather
Larkin and the SEC’s second—most efficient offense.

In the first No games, UK found itselfdown 3-8.
Despite their trademark slow starts, the Cats were
able to put together long rallies that resulted in wins.

And despite tripping up and losing the third game,
UK continued to play enthusiastic volleyball and won


MNES CRISP Kernel ruff
ll" Till“ BA". The UK volleyball team split its

side hitters Jenny Wood andJenny Manz along with the match, 15-13, 15-13, 1145, 15-6- .
middle blockerJeni Jones combined for a whopping Ralston-Flory believed the win over USC was crit-
aggregate hitting percentage of .429, which yie ded ical to UK’s continued success.







said. “It was the best execution ofa game-plan that I
have seen since I’ve been here we couldn’t feel bet-
ter right now.”

Friday’s match seemed to show just how well the
Cats can play. They hit .277 for the match — their
most efficient outing of the season — and turned up
the heat on USC behind strong supporting perfor-
mances from Jenny Muzzey, Tracy Thompson and
outside hitter Katie Eiserman.

Muzzey, a sophomore middle blocker and fre-
quent visitor of SEC “top 10” lists, hit .350 with 20
kills and 8 blocks against the Gamecocks.

“I knew they weren’t stopping me,” Muzzey said.
“I made the hits and I was so excited. What excites
me the most, though, is that we haven’t reached our
potential yet."

Thompson was ecstatic about how well her team
played as well.

“We are on top of the world right now,” Thomp-
son said. “We're coming together and having fun
again. We just need to maintain this level of consis-

If they are to maintain consistency, they will have
to do it without their head coach. Ralston-Flory is
due to give birth in the next few weeks and is not
scheduled to make the Cats’ trip to Ole Miss and

weekend matches agaimt Florida and South Carolina. 43 kills. “This is a big win for our program,” Ralston-Flory Miss. State this weekend.
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“p‘ ' eme '“ ‘e " omen 8 90 em WIIIS

EditorInChief.............................BrennaReilly - -
Mana ing Editor ....... . . . . . ...... . . . . . ....Jacob Clabes lady Kat lllllltatlllllal
Sh”: [€3pr Ed’m” """" ' ' ' """ ' ' """" C gbfigriélson The Lad ' Kats shot a three day total of 904 to
‘ CW5 “or ' ' ‘ ' '_ """""""""""""" “5 3?“ come out ofa two stroke deficit and win the Lady
Aggistant News Editor . . ........ . ......... Kathy RC mg Kat Invitational, held over the weekend at Spring
Assistant News Editor . . ........................ Ga Wu . Lake Country Club. The team was led by Lauri
Features Editor... . . . . . . . .. ............... Lindsay cndrix Bert-“73*?” ii“? a ”gngmemsecfogg “6 for the

- g - - ‘ ' wee en , mi: [N ing a ir roun o .

Ed’tom’ Educ” """""" ' ‘ ' ' """ ' ' ' ' Tgfgrny Edmalritm Also helping out was Katy Loy with a 228, and
Sports Editor . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... is aster ng Freshman Jennifer Dugan with a 230. The Lad
ASSIStant Sports Editor ......... . . . .......... . . .Rlpb Herbst Kats Coach Betty Lou Evans was very pleased wit
Arts Editor .................. . ..... . . . ...... R0 ert Duffy their play.

' ' ’ ‘ “Jenny and Katy made a big difference,” Evans

ASSIStantAItS Editor . . .. ........ ....... Dan 0 Neil said. “It was the best round Jenny has had Since
KeG Editor ................... . . . . . ....... J ulie Anderson sh e, 5 been here.”
Photo Editor ..... . ............ . . . . . . . . . .Ste hanie Cordle It was the teams first LKIT win Since 1990. The
DeSign Editor ............. . . . . . . . . . ......... . raCie Pardon Lady Kats will travel to the Lady Paladin Invita-
Assistant Design Editor .......... . . . . . . . . . .Sheri Phalsa llle ' tional Tournament, hosted by Furman, on Oct. 18-
On-Line Editor Ben hes JOEL HARDER Kernel contributor 20_

Founded in 1894

Lexington,Kentuc 40506—0 42

The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Independent since 1 71
026 Grehan Journalism BldggyUniversi of Kentucky

Bill! al‘llllllll tile collar

The UK rugby team heat the Charlemn Rugby Club 37-0 on Saturday afternoon. The team’s next
game is Saturday at home against Cincinnati at I pm. It will he played at the Club Sport: Field.


llille team heats Ohio State

The No. 2 UK rifle team, led by All-American
candidate Mary Elsass, outshot Ohio State 4632-
4398 in the team small bore and 1531-1476 in the
team air rifle to defeat Ohio State 6163-5874 Sat-



Your first copy of the Korma Kernel isfrre.

Extra copies are $1 . 0 each.



Catch the latest in UK Sports every day in the Kernel!




urday in Lexington.

Compiled from staffrepom.





!,I_I (impus (nl'ENDnR




The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special
events and sporting events, must have all information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior 10 Publication.


munnv lll/ l'1


Fine Arts Institute: non-credit classes in
art, mUSIC. theatre, architecture, and dance
for adults. call 275-7831 to register (thru

ART EXHIBIT. LaVon Van Williams Jr.,
nationally renowned sculptor, King Cultural
Ctr (thru 10/31)

Center for Contemporary Art: Bronze

SAB Rasdali Gallery: Wake Up Little Susie:
Pregnancy and Power Before Roe v. Wade,
11 00-5.00pm weekdays, Student Cir; 257-
8867 (thru 10/25)


8A3 Contemporary Affairs We '-
now loaning and looking ior M" It





Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every weekday,
l E (TU R E S
Career Center Orientations: Mon, Wed, Fri,

10 00am: Tues. Thurs 3:00pm (thru 12/13)
Preparing for Interviews. sponsored by the
UK Career Ctr, 4:30pm. 201 Mathews Bldg;

R E < R E “T l [l N
-Aikido Club, 8:00-9:30pm, Alumni Gym
Lon. 269-4305


-UK Women's Tennis: SEC Individual



Deadline for submission of application and
all required documents to the Office of
Admisswns for undergraduate applicants
planning to attend November Advising
Conference (including registration for spring

-EXHIBIT: Beatrice Manda/man. Taos
Modernist and Beatrice Manda/nan: Prints
from the 19303, UK Art Museum (thru


EXHIBIT: Beads: Ancient, Traditional,
Tribal, and Trade, UK Art Museum (thru

EXHIBIT: Berlin to Rodin: 1801- and 1th-
Century French Art, from the J.B. Speed

Voices from tho VlilsgsWdoo Series: J
"Affirm“ aftvs Action noon; King Cultural
Ctr, “brown bag' Gaussian to follow. ; 257-

-UK Theatre: The Secret Garden,7:30pm,
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; $10. 8.50,
7‘ 257-4929


Baptist Student Union Meeting at LCC,
11:45am-1:00pm, 128 Maloney Bldg; 257-

-SAB Indoor Activities Committee





-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm, 203 Student
Ctr: 257-8867

'Model United Nations Club Meeting,

-Baptlst Student Union “TNT“ Tuesday
Night Together, 7:30pm, 429 Columbia Ave;


Center for Computational Sciences pre-
sents John Gratsias. UK Astronomy.
“Probing the Large Scale Structure of the
Universe with Voids," 12:00pm, 327 McVey


f. R E ( R E on [I N
-quustball Singles Tournament entries

-UK Ballroom Dance Society: Dance
Lessons. 7:00-8:00pm Beginners, 8:00-
9:00pm Intermediates, Buell Armory Dance
Studio. CALL Jim 257-1947, Ballroom &
Latin Social Dances-Partner helpful but not


Fencing Club. 8:00pm. Alumni Gym Loft;

-UK Women's Soccer 0 Xavier, 7:00pm



-Pooiry Reading: Marilyn Hachor, presented
by the UK Dept. of English. 4:00pm,

-UK Theatre: The Secret Garden,7:30pm,
ngnol Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg; $10, 8.50,
7‘ 257-4929
-"Wake Up Little Suzie" Exhibit reception
and book signing with Rickie Solinger.
sponsored by SAB and Women's Writer‘s
Conference, 8:00pm, Student Cir Rasdall
Gallery: 257-8867

m E E TI N G S

works!, Every Wed, 5:00pm, Rm. 4
Newman Ctr


-'Contrtoversia| Topics in the Classroom"
presented by the Teaching & Learning Ctr.
1:00-3:00pm. 206 Student Ctr; 257-2918



Appreciating Diversity In the Workplacsfl‘;
sponsored by sis UK Cursor Ctr, 2. ;



20mm 1;; swarms




-Conter for Computational Sciences pre-
sents Jack Howell, The University of Texas at
Austin, “Monte Carlo Methods in Heat
Transfer" 3:30pm, 327 McVey Hall;

-Dept. of Biochemistry presents Lisa
Golhard “The Role of E2F-1 in Apopiosis and
Supression of Cell Proliferation," 4'00pm,

-"The History of Atomic Weapons," spon-
sored by UK's Center for Applied Energy
Research. 7:00pm, Singletary Ctr Recital
flau' FREE

-"Wake Up Little Suzie: Single Pregnancy
and Race Before Roe vs. Wade" Exhibit
guest lecture by Rickie Solinger, sponsored
by SAB and Women's Writer's
Conference, 7:00pm, Student Cir Rasdall
w- 257-8867



7- 257-4929

-Baptlst Student Union Weekly Devotion
and lunch $1 all you can eali, 12:15pm, 429
-SAB Concert Committee , 5:00pm, 228
Student Ctr



-SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee , 5:00pm,
Wt Ctr 257-8867

Christian Student Fellowship Thursday
Night Live, 7:00pm, 502 Columbia Ave; 233-

Campus Crusade for Christ Weekly
Meeting, 7:30pm, Student Ctr Worsham


-UK Lambda: Social Meeting for Les/Bi-Gay
Students, faculty & staff, 7:30pm, 231

-Fellowship of Christian Athletes Weekly
Meeting, 9:00pm. Christian Student
Fellowship Bldg, 502 Colombia Ave; 266-
[E (TU R E S
-Dept. of Biochemistry presents Steven
Reed “Protein Synthesis and Proteoiysis in
I NTanll R!) [S

f. R E ( R E rm 0 N
-quuotbsll Singles Tournament brackets

-Foneing Club. 8:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft;


Student Development Council Sr. Challege
Big Blue Pass Distribution, 11:00am-2:00pm,
Ml King Library. Ag. Science Bldg-N.
Business 8. Economics Bldg Lobby (thru

10/1 BI

lRIDlIY Ill/l8


-KY High School Drama Festival; a one-act
play festival sponsored by the UK Dept. of
Theatre, times vary; call 257-3297 for more
into (thru 10119)

-UK Theatre: The Secret Garden,7:30pm,

-SAB movie: “Independence Day,” 8:30pm.
Student Ctr Worsham Theater. $2 with


-UK Women's Soccer vs. Georgia,

~UK Volleyball 0 Mississippi State,


~UK Women’s Golf: Lady Paladin

| . . 8 E I I I] Hi

Student Development Council Sr.

Challege Big Blue Pass Distribution,

11:OOam-2:00pm, MI King Library. Ag.

Science Bldg-N, Business & Economics

SlllllRDlW Ill/l9

Bum Lobbv

9 RTS 8 m 0 UI E S
-UK Theatre: The Secret Garden,7:30pm,
-SAB movie: “Independence Day,” 8:30pm,
Student Ctr Worsham Theater. $2 with
Student ID

m E E Tl N 6 S
-Catholic Mass at the Newman Center,
I N T R“ m U R n [S
-quuetba|l Singles Single Elimination
Tournament play begins, Seafon Ctr

-UK Rugby vs. Cincinnati. 1:00pm; Alumni

-UK Football 0 Louisiana State, 8:00pm:



-UK Theatre: The Secret Garden, 2:00pm,

-Fsmlly Concert Series: Lexington

Philharmonic Orchestra Halloween Concert,

3:00pm. Singletary Cir Concert Hall; Paid
m E E Tl N G S

-Nswmsn Csntsr Catholic Mass, 9:00 a.

11.30am 5.00 I 3.3mm
-Chrlstlsn Student Fellowship University

Praise Service, 11:00am, 502 Columbia






_ _ SW1 ID m m-oaia
-Alkldo Club, 8:00-9:30pm, Alumni Gym lE w-uwnm ., . 7

.. ... ah-..“ --.,.,.

Kmmi‘ky Kzrnel, i‘llonday, Ortolm' 14, 1996 8

tier. W22 did not maintain drives”

Bill Curry, UKroar/i

“We stopped our own drives
with penalties," UK coach Bill
Curry said. “We failed to connect
on third down conversions. We
did not maintain drives.”

During the first half, the Cats
actually were able to get the run-
ning game oing with true fresh-
man DericE Logan getting the
nod at tailback. Logan was the
fourth player to start at tailback
for UK this season, following Ray
McLaurin, Michael Daies and
Anthony White.


“WE STDPPHI our own drives with penal-




Couch went 5-of—l4 for 45 yards.
He didn’t throw any intercep-
tions, but, he didn’t throw any
touchdowns either.

“We pla ed well in the first
half,” Couc said, “but we made
some mistakes in the second half
that just took us out ofit.”

Included in these mistakes was
a fumble by Billyjack Haskins on
the UK l-yard line in the third
guarter that resulted in a Duce

taley touchdown to bring Caroli-
na within three at 14-11.

Second quarter: - - _ The Cats were tryin to get

VUSC. 13:34, Morton 42-yard field cesgdlr: uflélkenfiisgdo: h]; of; 1:3: d away from their own end-{zone by

goal, 30 USC, ended the rgifght with 7g2ryards on attempting two consecutivecquarl;

VUK,13:24, Yeast 95-yard kickoff
return (Johnson kick), 73 UK.
VUK, 0:14, Logan 16-yard run
(Johnson kick). 14-3 UK.

Third quarter:

VUSC. 1:42, Staley 1-yard run
(Lawson pass from Wright), 14-11

Fourth quarter:

VUSC, 8:17, Staley 58-yard run
(Leavitt kick). 18-14 USC.

VUSC, 3:16, Bridges 27-yard pass
frrém Wright (Leavitt kick), 25-14

U C.

18 carries, including a 16—yard
touchdown with 14 seconds left to
go in the first half. At the half,
Logan had gained 47 yards on
mne carries.

But in the second half, the Car-
olina defense tightened up on the
run, allowing Logan to only gain
25 yards on the ground. All told,
the entire Wildcat team, exclud-
ing Logan, was limited to minus-
31 yards rushing in the game.

“I played a little bit earlier in
the season,” Logan said, “but this
was my chance. I feel that I ran
OK, but I feel I can do better. I

look forward to getting a chance to

terback sneaks, one b

which resulted in him filaving to

come out of the game after he was

ppked in the eye and then the
askins fumble.

It was the second fumble of the

ame for Haskins, who also fum-
Eled once in the second quarter
which resulted in a Reed Morton
field goal.

“I really couldn’t tell you (what
happened),” Haskins said. “I just
lost the ball. The first one I took a
pretty good shot and fumbled the


If there was anything positive
to come from the passing game
against the Gamecocls, it was the

Individual stats run the ball the rest of the season.” reappearance of Craig Yeast.
Rushing' But it wasn't just the running Yeast, a sophomore, seemed to
' game that disappeared in the sec- have vanished ever since he caught

VUK. Logan 18-72, Haskins 4-3,
McCord 1-(-13), Couch 5-(-21).
VUSC, Staley 32-193, Mixon 6-80.
Wright 8-21, Moritz 3-14, Bridges 1-
9, Hambrick 1-3, Williams 1-(-1).


VUK, Couch 11-23-0 102. Haskins
226-0 13.

VUSC, Wright 15-24-0 129.


VUK, McCord 2-25, Yeast 6-62,
Mason 319, Curtis 1-5. Logan 1-4.