xt7ftt4fr40p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr40p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1991 1991 1991-02-20 2020 true xt7ftt4fr40p section xt7ftt4fr40p  


Kentucky Kernel

Correspondents say Europe’s fracture may be healed

Senior Staff Writer

Europe’s political situation has
changed dramatically in the last year
and will continue to do so as eastern
European countries seek to enter the
European Community. two re-
nowned political correspondents
said last night in a speech at the Stu-
dent Center.

in sciences


Senior Staff Writer
Contributing Writer

The Women‘s Studies Program at
UK will sponsor a two-day sympo-
sium this week to promote the influ-
ence of women in the sciences.

Bonnie Cox. director of Women’s
Studies. said the symposium will be
beneficial to everyone, particularly
undergraduate women in science.
engineering and medicine.

“I think there are several ways it
will benefit," Cox said. “It will ena-
ble men. women and faculty to hear
and interact with four outstanding
women who are involved in scienc-
es and who are educators.”

The women also will speak on the
general and personal side of what it
is like to be a woman scientist in to-
day’s society.

The two-day symposium, to be
held in 230 Student Center, will be-
gin today.

Speakers include:

-Marcetta Darensbourg, a Ken-
tucky native and professor of chem-
istry at Texas A&M University.

oMaxine Watson. Indiana Univer-
sity's associate dean for graduate
education in the College of Arts and
Sciences and associate professor of

-Sue V. Rosser, director of Wom-
en’s Studies and professor of family
and preventive medicine at the Uni-
versity of South Carolina.

-Eleanor Baum, the only woman
dean of engineering in the country.

Baum will talk about women in
engineering and the projected short-
age of engineers in the let century
today at 5:00 in room 323 of UK’s
Center for Robotics and Manufac-
turing Systems.

Baum is dean of engineering at
Cooper Union for the Advancement
of Science and Art in New York

“One of the reasons we tried to
bring her is that she is very familiar
in engineering circles and has been
on a number of task forces dealing
with the lack of women in engineer-
ing," said Debra Krautter, the UK

See WOMEN. Back page



The UK Hang Cats will
meet today in 206 Stu-
dent Center. All are
welcome to attend. For
more information, call





Cats to play


Diversions ......................... 4
Viewpoint ........................... 6
Classifieds ........................ 7




Elizabeth Pond. a former Europe-
an correspondent with the Christian
Science Monitor and Geoffrey
Smith, columnist for The Times of
London, were presented by the Pat-
terson School of Diplomacy and In-
temational Commerce.

The European Community con-
sists of 12 western European coun-
tries in an economic alliance. There
have been talks of the EC. becom

ing more than an economic union
and of admitting eastern European

Smith articulated the idea that for
the “fracture” between Western and
Eastern Europe to heal. two things
must happen.

“The first point is that Eastern
Europe should try to be as close to
Western Europe as possible,” Smith
said. “And the second is that East-

em Europe shoald have as stable a
relationship with the Soviet Union
as possible."

After Smith spoke. Pond ad-
dressed how the idea of a single ec-
onomic and political European
Community appealed to the Ger-
mans, the eastern Europeans and
the Soviet Union.

“After the Second World War. it
was taboo for Germans to have any





.qr ..


Despite cloudy skies and misty rain yesterday, Doug Lefevers completed his morning workout at
the Shively Track. Skies should be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 50 and low from 30 to 35.




Calling for direction, Crosbie
enters SGA presidential race

Senior Staff Writer

Saying his ticket would provide
the change in the Student Govem-
ment Association that many stu-
dents desire, UK junior Scott Cros-
bie became the first candidate to
formally announce his candidacy
for SGA president

Crosbie and his vice presidential
running mate. junior Keith Sparks,
made the announcement before a
crowd of about 50 supporters in the
Student Center yesterday.

“I feel there is a highly expressed
desire of students for a change in
the direction of Student Govern-

ment Association." Crosbie said.
“SGA must work for future goals.
Student Gmemment Association
must be responsive. It must be out-
spoken on student issues and stu-
dent concerns. Student Government
Association must be focused on all

The elections for SGA president,
vice-president and senators are
March 27 and 28.

He said the Crosbie-Sparks tick-
et's decision to make its formal an-
nouncement in the Student Center
embodied their commitment to stu-

“The student center itself symbol-
izes our commitment to building a

unified campus — to building a
place where students want to stay
on the weekend — where students
want to work together." Crosbie

Crosbie, 20, is a political science
major and a member of the Farm
House social fraternity.

Sparks, 21. is also a political sci-
ence major and a member of the
Kappa Alpha Order social fratemi-
Anna Howell, the Crosbie-Sparks
ticket campaign coordinator. intro-
duced them at the announcement.

SGA historically has not focused

See SGA, Page 5

kind of nationalism.” she said. “So
they put their nationalism towards
Europe. For the Eastern Europeans,
it was a case of the standard of liv-

East Germany had the highest
standard of living in eastern Europe.
but it still took about 14 years to get
a car after you signed up to get one.
And they were also impressed by
the politics."

Pond said Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev realized in 1985 that the
Soviet economy could no longer
continue the way that it was pro—
ceeding and that changes had to be
made for economic progress to be

Smith said if the EC. had acted
as a single political unit in the Per-
sian Gulf crisis. it may have affect-
ed the entirc Allied response.

U.S. gunners
hammer Iraqi
defense lines

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia ——
Marine gunners hammered away at
Iraqi defense lines yesterday and al-
lied ships swept the gulf’s waters
for menacing Iraqi mines as the des-
perate days of diplomacy dwindled
down toward an all-out assault on

Moscow gave Iraq another day or
two to accept a secret Soviet peace
plan, a plan President Bush was al—
ready describing as “well short" of
US. requirements.

A Soviet mediator urged the
Desert Storm allies to delay the
long-expected ground war, or risk
bearing “a great responsibility in
history." An Iranian mediator said
he was sure Iraq’s bottom line
w0uld be simple: an Iraqi pullout
from Kuwait in exchange for a U.S.
pullout from Saudi Arabia.

New evidence emerged. mean-
while. of the war’s human cost. A
senior Baghdad official told the Ira~
nians more than 20,000 Iraqis have
been killed, a Tehran newspaper re-

Up on the firing line, from Ma-
rines afloat in the Persian Gulf to
US. armored cavalrymen on alert in
the Saudi desert. all appeared
poised for a final offensive to push
the Iraqis from occupied Kuwait.

“We’re totally prepared to do
whatever is necessary," said the
man in overall charge of supplying
the troops. Lt Gen. Gus Pagonis.
“We're ready to go."

Last-minute "battlefield prepara-
tion" continued. including out on
the watery battlefield off Kuwait’s
coast. where exploding Iraqi mines
on Monday blew a hole in a huge
Marine assault ship and disabled a
US. missile cruiser.

Mines sown at the northern head
of the gulf will complicate any al-
lied plan for an amphibious landing
by the 15.000 Marines aboard a flo-
tilla of some 30 ships.

A dozen minesweepers from the
U.S.. Saudi and European navies
crisscrossed the sea yesterday in the
hunt for thousands of mines be:
lieved planted by the Iraqis.

In one incident early yesterday, a
British frigate spotted and marked a
floating mine. and divers from a
US. cruiser were lowered by heli-
copter into the water to blow it up. a
news-pool dispatch said.

The 60()-foot-long helicopter-
assault ship USS Tripoli remained
on duty yesterday after its crew

‘Ping-pong’ policy at UK called

Associate Editor

An unlikely mixture of constitu-
tioml rights and ping-pong balls has
led to the elimination of a popular
UK event

Acting Dean of Students David
Stockham said yesterday that UK‘s
Student Activities Board would no
longer be able to sponsor the annual
Patterson Office Tower “ping-pong
ball top.”

The yearly drop. in which thou-
sands of ping-pong balls are re—
lewd from Patterson Office Tower
to fall onto the plaza below, has



of the Little Kentucky Derby cele-
bration for the past several years. It
drew a crowd of about 1.500 last

Stockham said the decision to
stop the yearly event resulted from
a protest by UK student Chris Bush,
who had been told he could not hold
impromptu rallies on the plaza in
front of the office tower.

Bush. an accounting senior.
claimed UK was trying to censor
his speech and used a double stan-
dard by allowing the ping-pong ball
drop at the plaza while restricting
rallies there.

About 80 other snidents, includ-

last Tuesday to voice their opinion
about the Persian Gulf War but were
told by Stockham to move to the
Free Speech Area near the Student
Center. The group declined to leave
the plaza. Bush said

Yesterday, Bush and two other
students gathered in front of the
Grehan Journalism Building to
protest Stockham's actions and the
Kentucky Kemel's decision not to
run a story about Tuesday’s rally.
They said Stockham and the Kernel
were trying to censor their anti-war

“I think (Stockham) was attempt-
ing to prevent an organization that
was expressing a view contrary to

the establishment and the Kernel
has obstructed our ability to public-
ly announce the position we have,"
said David Overbey. a Spanish sen-
ior. one of the three who was pro-
testing in front of the journalism

But Stockham said he was not in-
tending to censor the group when
he asked them to move their rally to
the Free Speech Area

“If the University stands for any-
thing, it stands for the free inter—
change of ideas,” Stockham said.
“The University is not going to tell
(Bush) what he can‘t say. i was
merely asking him to exercise his
right in another location.”



,Kent St. . .
anti-War _
PtheSters "
Speak out

Associated Press

KENT, Ohio - Anti-war
sentiment has again founda
forum on this campus where
four students were kilied and
nine wounded by National

Guardsmen during/an anti~
‘Viemam War protest nearly
21 years ago.

, But this time semeste-

' dents are wonde‘ ring if their

' colleagues are too involved

. with studies, andtoo strongly
in'Strpport of the Gnif War. to
pay much attention to the
fledgiing publication put out

' by a Vietnam War-era pro-

Five thousand copies of
The Kent Free Press recently
tinned up on campus with ed-
itorials calling for an immedi—

' ate end to the Gulf War and
blasting “super patriots-”

The newspaper was found»
ed by Atari Cartfora. one of
the nine Kent State students
wounded when Ohio Nation-
ai Guard troops fired on anti-
war protesters dining campus

, demonstrations on May, 4;;

Canfora, 41. says the publi: ,

cation is providing students

See KENT, Back Page




patched a lo—t‘oot-diameter hole
blown in its hull by a mine Monday.
But the billion—dollar U.S. guided-
missile ship Prrnceton was pulled
out of action and sent to a gulf port
for damage assessment.

The Princeton's port rudder was
jammed and its port propeller-shaft
seal was leaking. the US. command
said. Unconfimicd reports also said
it suffered hull damage and cracks
in its superstructure.

Ashore. the opposing forces — an
estimated half-million men on each
side ——- continued to harry each oth-

See GULF, Back page


Stockham said Bush pomted out
the double standard of allowing the
ping-pong ball drop while prevent-
ing his rally. so Stockham decided
to eliminate the ping-pong drop.

“If the Universrty says we want to
keep this area free of anything. we
should not be dropping ping-pong
balls.“ Stockham said. “So I‘ve dis-
continued that We cannot be selec-
tive about who we chase out of the

Luci Gutermuth. who was chair-
woman of last year‘s Little Keno
tucky Derby. said last night that she

See UK. Page 5


 :2 - Konttaclty Kernel, Wednesday. February 20, 1991

By eannv REEVES
. Assistant Sports Editor

Sometimes the simplest things in
.~_Jife are the tastiest. UK freshman
forward Jamal Mashbum knows ex-
., actly what he likes -— pizza. And he
“knows who he wants to pay for it —
Reggie Hanson.
a, ; Mashbum and Hanson have a lit-
,gtle wager going on conceming who
..gcts the most rebounds a game for
the rest of the season. Actually, the
whet went into effect last Saturday in
the Ole Miss game. Mashbum beat
his elder on that day 13-11 and won
. Pizza No. l.

“I think Reggie and Mashbum

have to really compete on the back-

. board," UK coach Rick Pitino said.
“Both people have got to compete
for the high rebounding honors in
order for us to be effective.

“I think both of those guys have
got a little personal thing going."

. Even though Mashbum won the
first battle, he has yet to taste the
spoils of victory.

I “(Reggie) is trying to back out of
3it saying ‘double or nothing’ ”
Mashbum said yesterday, “so I
'guess it will last the whole season.
and I guess I‘m going to have
live pizzas for me on March 2 when
,(the season) is over with."

Round 2 of the “Battle for the Piz—
za" is tonight when the Wildcats
(l9-5 overall, 11-3 Southeastern
Conference) travel to Vanderbilt
‘(15-9, 9-5) for an 8 pm. EST game.
I “If he out-rebounds me in the



Md": Kentucky (19—5
overall. 11-3 SEC) vs.

Vanderbilt (15-9, 9-5).
1190": 8pm. EST
Memorial Gymna-
sium, Nashville, Tenn.
Rd]. W Live on
UK Radio Network, WVLK
590~AMEM [Wt-MS Soto-AM,
with CW Ledford and
Ralph Hacker.

TV Coverage: Live on

Jefferson Pilot Sports Network
(WKYT-27) with Marty
Brennaman and Dan lssel.



Vandy game. then he gets two piz-
zas,” Hanson said, “but if he
doesn't, he gets nothing. Chances
are good (he will get nothing).

Said Mashbum: “It’s basic incen-
tive. it could’ve been money or
something like that. I’d guess the
NCAA would think it illegal or
something like that. We’re on pro-
bation and stuff, so I‘ve got to be

But it’s not just Hanson vs. Mash-
bum. UK forward John Pelphrey is
now in the equation, on Hanson‘s

“As soon as the game was over,
Jamal started ninning his mouth —

See PIZZA. page 3


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UK‘s Richie Farmer storms in for one of his patented left-handed lay-
ups against Ole Miss Saturday. The Cats now travel to Vanderbilt.

Staff Writer

The UK men’s tennis team is
holding the 1991 USTA/ITCA
Men’s National Indoor Intercolle-
giate Championships today through

But don’t expect to see any of the
tennis action on the UK campus.
Despite being the official host, the
tournament takes place in Cardinal
Country. Louisville, about 75 miles







So instead, the Cats will square
off at “home" against 17th-ranked
Arizona at noon at the Louisville
Tennis Club.

The tournament brings together a
lot of top names in tennis — includ-
ing last year’s NCAA champion
Stanford and runner-up Tennessee.

UK has held its own thus far this
season. The Cats have powered their
way to a 6-1 record with big wins
over No. 6 South Carolina and No.
23 Clemson. South Carolina is seed-
ed sixth in the tournament.

The Cats‘ lone loss came last
week at the rackets of fourth-ranked

“We have been playing extremely
well for us right now,” said Head
Coach Dennis Emery. “We expect a
good match with Arizona."

The Cats have a possible second
round match-up with the University
of Southern California. But UK
must first beat their western foes.

UK will be led by junior John
Yancey at No. 1 singles. “I feel real-
ly good going into the match,” Yan-
cey said. “If we play hard and as a
team, we will win."

Yancey pairs with senior Ian
Skidrnore at No. 1 doubles. The tan-
dem is ranked 7th in the nation.

Seeing possible singles action
along with Yancey and Skidmore

' or pizza: Cats have more than Vandy in mind

Vanderbilt’s benches will. stay put

The placement of team benches
on the court seems pretty irrelevant
when drinking of all the other im-
proprieties going on in UK‘s sector
of the basketball world.

Like Eddie Sutton coaching again
while Eric Manuel remains banned
from Division I NCAA action.

And the demented fact that
UNLV and Chris Mills — who
came to Kentucky only because UK
outbid UNLV for his services —— are
eligible to play in the upcoming
NCAA tournament, while UK isn‘t.

Everybody seems to have gotten
used to all that.

But nobody seems to have gotten
used to Vanderbilt’s Memorial
Gymnasium end zone benches.

LSU coach Dale Brown voiced
his displeasure this season after los-
ing at Vanderbilt, although his
teams have been playing in Vander-
bilt as it is for 18 years now.

Brown isn’t all wrong, however.

Current UK coach Rick Pitino put
it into perspective yesterday when
he said, “It's like having a smaller
quarter and a larger quarter.”

Who designed this place? Ray
Charles? (No offense, Ray).

Who better to discuss the situa-
tion than UK Athletics Director and
ex-Vanderbilt coach C.M. Newton?

“When I started coaching, all the
benches were on the ends," Newton
said. “It wasn’t ’til around ’56 or
’57 until they permitted you to put


them on the side.”

Let’s get with the times, Vandy.
We have modem-day coaches like
Pitino and your own Eddie Fogler.
Why not have a modern arena?

“When C.M. was there they didn’t
complain because everybody liked
him." Pitino said jokingly. “They
like Eddie, too, just not as much .
Eddie would rather have the coach-
ing boxes on the sides.”

Don’t think just because Vander-
bilt charges its students a fortune for
tuition they have the money to af-
ford a new arena. They don't.

So the Browns of college basket-
ball had better get used to it. Pitino
has — though he doesn't like it.

“It doesn’t bother me. I think
the whole thing is ridiculous «—
coaching behind the basket ...,” he .
said. “The young guys like me can’t
learn that system. Only the C.M.s
know how to coach in there."

Only one person could come up
with a solution to this problem. And
once again it is Newton.

“The simple answer would be to
move everyone back to the ends of
the court,” he said jokingly.

UK to play Arizona at ‘home’ in Louisville

Kernel Filo Photo

UK junior John Yancey sets for a forehand. The Cats are “hosting" a

major tournament

will be Andy Potter, Scott Hulse.
Mayhar Goodarz, Stephen Mather
and Alex DeFelipe.

But, with the tournament in the
River City, those from UK who
want to see UK play will have to do





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in Louisville today.

some traveling — a necessity, one
UK official said.

“The University’s indoor facilities
are not as large as those in Louis-
ville.” UK Associate AD Larry Ivy

Daniel’s knee
‘pops,’ leaves
Lady Kats hurt

Senior Staff Writer

The UK Lady Kat basketball team
had just come off a big 87—81 victo-
ry over the University of Mississip-
pi. It was the team's first win over a
Top 20 team all season.

With just two regular season
games left, the Lady Kats (18-7,
Overall, 3-5) appeared to be headed
toward the bright lights of the
NCAA Tournament

But now it looks like they may
have to do it without sophomore for-
ward Mia Daniel.

With a few minutes left in prac-
tice yesterday, Daniel went down.

“I was on defense and I got hit
from behind, and it popped," she

The extent of the injury won’t be
known until this afternoon when she
meets with a UK orthopedic sur-

This season Daniel has added
both scoring, defense as well as a
good spark off the bench.

Although Daniel is a solid player,
UK coach Sharon Fanning said she
has a great deal of depth behind her.
Look for freshmen Tedra Eberhart
and Cristi Jordon to step forward
and try to fill the vacancy.

.‘iutl-Sttt ”-10
Sun ill-H

Eberhart and Jordon will have
their clumce to prove themselves to-
morrow night when the Lady Kats
take on the Eastern Kentucky Uni-

versity Colonels.

. 1.. . ’.' '1’";T&'r/

175?. ’y,
a. ttfi’



Staff Writer

Because Wynn Paul got his way,
the UK swimming and diving team

After two decades of having to
travel to places like Tuscaloosa,
Ala., and Gainesville. Fla. to com-
pete in the Southeastern Conference
swimming and diving champion-
ships, Paul’s Katfish finally get a
chance to be a host for the tourna-

It’s an opportunity the school
hasn’t had since 1967. and Paul —
whose teams languished in Memori-
al Coliseum's pool until moving
into the impressive Harry C. Lan-

caster Aquatic Center two years ago
— is relishing the chance.

The SEC championships will be-
gin today and run through Saturday.

The swim

team is “really

excited having

the meet at

mendously ex-
cited about this
Paul is excit-
ed, too. While
the Lancaster
Center was under construction in
1988, the veteran swim coach was


confident about getting the event
back on campus.

He's also upbeat about his learn,
despite his team’s rather mediocre
SEC ranking.

Paul said he is optimistic of a
strong performance in the tourna-
ment. He believes the team is ready
— physically and mentally. “I think
everybody is ready to rip," he said.

One of Paul's goals is to improve
from last year‘s tournament.

“We would like first of all to see
from last year,” Paul said.

Another of his goals is to qualify
more members of UK’s team for the
NCAA. Kellie Moran, UK's first fe-
male swimming AIl-American, al-





UK swimmers practice in the Harry A. Lancaster Center. The men' s and women '5 swimming and diving
teams are holding the annual Southeastern Conference championships today through Saturday.



Continued from page 2

about how Reggie owed him a piz-
za." Pelphrey said. “I told (Reggie)
I’d spot him double or nothing at
Vandy because I know Reggie Han-
son’s going to be there ready to play
on the road."

The Cats have a lot to get ready
for. The Commodores are 7-0 at
home in conference play.

“They are one of the toughest
teams to play on the road," Pitino
said during his news conference yes-
terday. “Their fan enthusiasm is one
of the best in the league. It's
something we've got to be prepared
for — that type of enthusiasm."

Besides having to deal with the
Vandy crowd, the Cats and Pitino
will have to watch the game from
the much-maligned end zone bench-
es and uplifted court

“I think the atmosphere is proba-
bly one of the most difficult things
down there," Pelphrey said. “It’s
like you’re on stage. There’s no
benches, there’s no front row crowd
to keep you inbounds. It's hard to
keep your court presence.”

Outside of Memorial Gymnasium
is another thing. Vandy is 2-7 out-
side of the Memorial gym.

“I don‘t know why we play so
much better at home," Vanderbilt
coach Eddie Fogler said. “I guess
we're just more comfortable here,
and others aren’t.”

In the game at Rupp Arena, the
Cats were able to overcome
Vandy’s slow tempo to win 58-50,


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the lowest scoring output for UK of
the season. Even though the Com-
modores stayed close to UK at
Rupp, Pitino does not expect a re-

“We played against them slow
and came out with a victory." Pitino
said. “Very few teams at home play
slow. It takes the crowd out of the
game. I don’t think they're going to
take their home fans out of the
game. But if they do, we’ll be pre-
pared for it.”

Also back for the Commodores is
center Todd Milholland, a 6—foot-10
junior. Milholland missed the first
UK-Vandy game with a knee sprain.

“Now that we've got Todd back,
we have an experienced center, in-
stead of a freshman," Fogler said.
“He also gives us a lot more depth
because we can shift some other
people back to their natural spots."

That offense includes a lot of
screens, many set for leading scorer
Scott Draud. a native of Crestview
Hills, Ky., averaging [5.3 points.
He also shoots 44.4 percent from
three-point range.

“You‘ve got to stop his jump
shots,” Pitino said. “You‘ve got to
be up on him at all times. The way
they back-pick and create so much
movement it's difficult to do that."

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ready has qualified for the NCAA.
She is expected to perform well at
the SEC tournament.

“We are looking for Kellie Moran
to have a good meet," Paul said.

Other women swimmers and div-
ers who Paul expects to do well are
seniors Pam Gordon and May Jane
Brown, sophomore Wendy Hips-
kind and freshmen Stacy Fingalson
and Michelle Parsons.

Paul predicts certain men to pre—
vail as well.

Senior Mike McIntire. junior
Brent Cochrane. sophomore Jamie
Smawlcy and freshman Steve
Grimes are all expected to give the
Cats a boost.

The men‘s and women's one- and
three-meter diving competition will
be held today at noon and 6:30 pm.

Four of UK's women divers al-
ready have qualified for the NCAA
zone diving meet.

They are sophomore Julie Rob-
bins and freshmen Heather Pollard,
Michelle Parsons and Noel Pieratt.

“My goals (in the SEC) are to do
nals on the boards," Robbins said.

“I think they (the four divers) can
go anywhere from first place to
12th. We may have a winner in one
event or two," Paul said.

The University of Florida brings
individual champions from last
year’s winning team.

Syrahan Olympian and world
champion Anthony Nesty placed
first in the SEC last year in the 100-
and ZOO-meter butterfly and 800-


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Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 20, 1991 - 3

”Rest the engines: UK swim teams hold SEC meet

meter freestyle.

Spain Olympian and world cham-
pion Martin Zubero garnered first in
the 1(1)- and ZOO-meter backstroke
and the ZOO-meter individual med-
ley last year for Gators.

Other returning Florida SEC
champs are Kristen Linehan (100-
and ZOO-meter backstroke) and
Stephanie Zunich (lOO-meter breast-

Florida also brings Olympians
Jane Kerr. Nicole Haislett and Mela-
ny Morgan.

The Florida learn has “several
outstanding individuals but not as
much depth as Tennessee (on the
men's team)." Paul said

Tennessee is undefeated in men's
dual meet competition.

Returning SEC champions from
Tennessee include Stephanie Brins-
er (200»meter breaststroke). Kathy
Hoffman (1.650-meter freestyle).
Jenny McGrath (200meter individ-

ual medley).

Ray Brown (MD-meter individtll
medley) and Melvin Stewart (500
meter freestyle) also hope to repeat
championships for the Vols.

Georgia, Honda and Tennessee
have “super teams” in the women's
competition, Paul said.

He said he believes the champion-
ship will be a “toss-up.”

The SEC traditionally is one of
the nation‘s most competitive con-

In the NCAA championships last
year, the SEC had four teams in the
Top 15 in the men's competition.
topped by fifth-ranked Florida

Tennessee finished eighth, Ala-
bama ninth and LSU 15th.

The SEC women also hold their
own. as they placed three teams in
the Top 15. Florida finished third.
Alabama 12th and Georgia 13th.

UK’s women‘s team came in 35th
in NCAA competition last year.




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 4 - Kannada Kernel, Wednesday. February 20, 1991

Small towns


of journalism industry

front-page headline like

COW FOUND” can only mean one
thing: you've entered the magic
world of folksy small-town news.

After all, the Kentucky Kernel —
with vitamin-enriched ink that
seeps into your skin, improving
your health with every page — isn't
the only bastion of quality joumal-
ism here in the tri-state.

I find it refreshing to get away
from the cynicism of the urban jun-
gle and to retum to the spirit of the
tiny villages and hamlets, especially
the ones where the mayor is a bear.

You notice several things when
you read smaller newspapers.

First, most small Kentucky towns
have specific pages that regularly
appear: the sports page, the society
page, the c