xt7ftt4fr39d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr39d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-08-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1990 1990 1990-08-22 2020 true xt7ftt4fr39d section xt7ftt4fr39d WELCOME BACK EDITION



Kentucky Kernel

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Black Chi-O pledge says race insignificant

Arts Editor

For the first time in recent history,
a predominantly white UK sorority
has chosen a black member.

But Phedlicisima “Philly” Weav-
er. who last week accepted a bid to
join Chi Omega sorority, doesn’t

Many view
with mixed

Staff Writer

UK students viewed yesterday’s
trial run of a new order for Add/
Drop with mixed emotions, both ap—
plauding and scorning the attempt
by the UK Registrar’s Office to
give freshmen a chance to go
through the procedure without has-

Graduates students and seniors
were followed by freshmen. juniors,
sophomores and non-degree stu-
dents, which was a break from tradi—

Several students interviewed of-
fered varying opinions of the pro-
cess. Graduate students generally
were pleased with the process. But
most of the complaints stemmed
from seniors and sophomores.

Lisa Collins. director of registra-
tion, said she thought the process
went well and said she couldn’t un-
derstand why seniors had corn-
plaints, because they have first pri-
ority during Advanced Registration
and Add/Drop.

“Add/Drop went as smooth as hu-
manly possible," she said.

“However, I can understand why
a sophomore would have been upset
because last year sophomores were
last and this year sophomores were
last," she said. “Anytime you make
a drastic change in a system that‘s
this complex, somebody is going to
be at the bottom of the heap. Some-
body is always at the bottom of the
heap and that‘s the way it has to be.

“If the students do not absolutely
like this system, we will certainly
consider changing it, but I don’t
think you're going to find too many
freshmen out there who are dissatis-
f led." she added.

Graduate students were required
this year to go to an assigned site
for their major. Although the line
was long at the central site, one per—
son —- including James Pender-
grass, a first-year Toxicology gradu-

See ADD/DROP, Page 3




Travis Ford

signs to play
basketball for
.‘ the Wildcats.

Story, A7

Campus Briefs ................ A12
Classifieds ..................... A19
Viewpoint ........................ A20
Summer Briefs .................. Ba
Diversions ......................... B4
Sports .............................. Be
Lifestyles ........................ 814


consider that milestone to be a mon-
umental one. She’s just happy to be
a member.

“I just went through rush with an
open mind,” Weaver said. “It was
the group of girls I met. I felt more
at home at (Chi Omega) and the
girls felt more genuine. It wasn’t
anything like I expected.”

Weaver. who was Homecoming
Queen at Eastern High School in
Louisville last year, said that con-
vincing her parents was the hardest

“They are very supportive, now,”
she said. “But my mom really
wasn't for it at first. She thought it
was just a social thing. But she is

really impressed with Chi O’s aca-
demic record.”

James Kuder, vice chancellor for
student affairs, said Weaver’s mem-
bership was a reflection on the
whole University.

“It a sign of change at the Univer-
sity, a positive sign," he said. “Our
sororities have been involved in di-

versity for quite a while."

Kuder and Chancellor for the
Lexington Campus Robert Hemen-
way talked with sorority leaders
about the irnportance of diversity.
But he said he doesn‘t see a connec-
tion between Weaver’s joining and
what sorority leaders were told.

“I don't think this is a reaction to

a speech." Kuder said. “It‘s a
change that has been occurring over
a number of years. I’m not in favor
of any group that Chooses members
on the basis of race."

More than 600 girls participated
in the fall rush. Five of them were

See SORORITY, Page 3



COLLEGE COOKOUT: Ellen Nolte (front right yellow) a freshman biology major from Jessamine County
samine County enjoy the hotdogs served at the freshman orientation barbe0ue See story page 4


and her friend Sarah Leith undecided freshman. also from Jes-


BOT waives international fee

News Editor

The UK Board of Trustees yester-
day voted to waive a controversial
fee aimed at international students.

On the recommendation of the fi-
nance committee. the board decided
not to repeal the fee until it could be
studied further, but agreed to sus-
pend the fee for the 1990-91 aca-
demic year.

“I think we owe it to students to
take some positive action on this
matter," said interim President
Charles Wethington during yester-
day’s BOT finance committee meet-

“Personally, I would have liked to
have seen it repealed, but their deci-
sion to waive the fee is a move in
the right direction," said Herb Mas—
sey, associate dean of the Intema-
tional Program for Agriculture and
chairman of the International Stu-
dent Environment Committee,
which was formed to study the
stnicturc of the fee.

“I guess since the board was not
prepared to repeal the fee at this
time, it seems that have something
else in mind," Massey said. “But I
have no idea if they will reinstate
the fee after having studied it for a

The fee, which applies to all inter-
national students at the University
on a 1-1 or F-l visa, was $50 per sc
mester and $25 for the summer ses-

The BOT approved the fee on
May 3. 1988, but it did not go into
effect until fall 1989.

International students were not no—
tified of the fee until the University
added it to their bill last fall.

Students then began protesting
the fee, claiming it was discrimina—
tory. said Student Government As-
sociation President Sean Lohman,
who sits on the BOT.

The ISE committee, after careful-
ly studying the fee, recommended to
the BOT that the fee be repealed.
The reasons cited were a lack of stu-
dent participation in the establish-
ment of the fee. students‘ concerns
that no other “special groups" had to
pay such a fee, and that no bench-
mark institutions impose such a fee
on international students.

The University will re-evaluate
services provided to inlemational
students and the board will discuss
the need for a fee sometime during
the 1990-91 academic year.

BOT members said the fact that so
many student groups, including
SGA. opposed the fee was a large
factor in their decision to suspend
the fee.

But despite arguments that the fee
is discriminatory, some board mem-
bers did not agree with its suspen—

BOT member Ted Bates. who vot-
ed against repealing the fee during
the finance committee meeting. said
he was content with the board‘s de-

Because the fee already had been
figured into the 1990-91 University
budget. Bates said “the money will
have to come from somewhere

’Ihe fee generated revenues for
the Office of Intemational Affairs
to provide support services for in-
tcmational students.

“1 am in favor of international
students. but I'm not in favor of
their request to cancel the fee."
Bates said. “I‘m sure that we Will
come up with a fair solution to the
problem, though."

ISE committee member Prasad
Pai, an Indian graduate student.
argued last spring that the fee is un-
fair because tuition for international
students already is considerably
higher than for Kentucky residents.

“The fee is definitely a discrimi-
natory aspect," Pai said last spring.
lt “defeats the purpose of Chancel-
lor‘s (Robert Hemenway's) ‘intcr-
nationalization' of this campus."

BOT member Jim Rose argued at
the finance committee meeting that
the fee shouldn‘t be repealed be-
cause he said it is wrong to be “sub-
sidizing" international students “to
the detriment of some of our own

Lohman said he was glad the
board waived the tee, because “it
needs to be studied further. and 1
don‘t think it's fair to charge stu~
dents with a fee that hasn't been
thought through.’


Senior Staff Writer

Candidates for UK president
will be brought to campus indi-
vidually the week of Sept. 10,
and former President David Ro-
selle’s replacement could be se—
lected by Sept. 18.

But the identity of the candi-
dates for the UK presidency be—
came unclear yesterday as
search committee chairman Fos-
ter Ockerman Sr. refused to
comment definitively on the
status of the search.

Ockerman would not say how
many candidates remain in the.

After the July 31 search com-
mittee meeting, Ockennan said
that four finalists had been se-
lected and would be brought to
campus for interviews.

“We have been in discussion
with the four candidates,” Ock-
erman said yesterday. However,
which he referred are the same
fwuonluly 31,0riffourcli-

.. Warmth in the mum

Ockermui only would say th-
the candidates that will be
brought to campus have been do-

Names of the maids] prank
dents will be released when the
first candidate arrives on can-
pus. Ockerman said secrecy is in


Search chair not revealing
number in presidential hunt

the best interest of the search.

“If we reveal the names of the
candidates under consideration
too early, it puts them under too
much pressure on their home
base and would be detrimental
to the conduct of the search,”
Ockerman said.

The search committee will
meet again on Sept 18 at 9. 30
a. m. ”the Board of Tmstees’
meeting is scheduled for 1 p. m.

“We will continue the evalua-
tion of all the candidates be-
tween now and that time, and we
intend to invite the candidates to
campus the week of Sept. 10.“
Ockennan said.

He advised UK trustees at the
BOT meeting earlier in the day
to attend the Sept. 18 meeting
for possible action on the vac”. ‘

“The committee, unless soulle- »

thing happens, proposestohlvo .
its workcompIetedbytlntdue i
and will haveaiepontomaketo
this body on the 18th." Octet—
man said doing the meats.
Yesterdaysmeothxhstudl- j
mosttwohmB-Iier‘n b

Seem, ~32





 A2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, August 22, 1990


0 glaSaracen dIeS

ofthe' '-iUI§.’College~ef'Asrlc, , aim.
ral Consummation since 1984,

adult ante... Item Florida
State University 1111973.
’ Prior to joiningr'UK"s faculty.

~;.;Darden served; as astute leader of
1' ceramunieatiOrtsi‘forithefCoopera-

rive Extension Service at the Uni~
" varsity of Arkansas

fPteviously. lief'served as $96-
Cialist and associate professor" at

' :1: "the 'LSU Cooperative Extension

Earlier. he served-as. a general

assignment reporter for the Alex-
: andria Town Talk in Alexandria.

, a English degreein 1960. He
. eamedamaster’sdegree-in.jour-
nalism and Exte‘nsion‘eduCation
in 1968 from Leuisiana State
University and his docwrate in


Survivors include his wife,
Mary: and two children, Alice. of
Lexington, and Eric, of Orlando.
Fla. He also is survived by his
mother. Evelyn LeBlanc Darden,
of Shreveport, La.







Record number sign up for UKlOO I

Contributing Writer

You won’t find UK 100 in the
schedule book, but it is offered as a
class, and you do get credit for it ~

UK 100 is a freshman orientation
pilot course being offered this fall,
for the second time.

Incoming freshmen received a
one-page tlyer from UK explaining
the course and were asked to send it
back if they were interested. An
overwhelming number — S72 stu-
dents -_. responded with interest.

However, due to limited space,
only 200 students could be random-
ly chosen to participate in the class,
which mt‘x'ts for 75 minutes, twice a
week, for six weeks.

UK has doubled enrollment for
the class this semester, registering
200 people in eight sections and
turning away almost 400 more stu«
dents who expressed an interest in
the class.

“1 think students kind of realized
by the end of (last year’s) class that
it Is an honor because only 200 can


“It’s really to help them be a better student and retain
them at the University. Many students learn the hard
way and may waste a semester or a year in the


be accepted,” said Stanley Brunn, a
UK geography professor and UK
100 instructor.

According to Becky Jordan, as-
sistant dean of students and co-
coordinator of UK 100, this is the
last semester UK 100 can be offered
because of University regulations
on pilot programs. She said UK is
trying to get the class offered on a
permanent basis.

Class topics include time manage-
ment, note-taking, test—taking, stress
management, alcohol and drugs, hu-
man sexuality, cultural diversity,
professors and advisers and the tran-
sition from high school to college.

“It’s really to help them be a bet-
ter student and retain them at the
University. Many students learn the


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Stanley Brunn,
UK 100 instructor

hard way and may waste a semester
or a year in the process," Brunn said

“We’re trying to hit issues that
will help them as students.” Jordan

Brunn said that the responses
from last year's classes were very
positive but included some good
suggestions about how to improve

“Some students were wanting
more specific information,” like
preparing for tests and examina-
tions, he said.

“I think last year, since it was the
first time we offered it, we probably
talked about some things that really
were not that important to students
their first semester here," Brunn
said. “Not too many freshmen want
to know about higher education or
administrative positions.”

Students not only learn about
study habits but also get to know
students and faculty members.

Jordan said: “It’s really exciting
to see what a good experience it is
and the camaraderie and relation-

ship that forrns between the faculty
and students."

The first class meeting is an “ice-
breaker" session designed to get stu-
dents and faculty acquainted and to
encourage class participation, Brunn

The class is offered as a one-
credit hour pass/fail course that is
taught by faculty volunteers chosen
by the coordinators.

“Instructors are carefully chosen
~ they pick people who are inter-
ested in students and are good in-
structors and communicators,”
Brunn said. “This is really an extra
effort. 1 think all we get out of it is a
free lunch and a lot of extra meet-

Eight faculty members will teach
sections this year. Returning from
last year are Brunn; Don Colliver,
agricultural engineering professor;
and Jane Peters. an professor. New
instructors this year are Léurette
Byars, acting vice chancellor for mi-
nority affairs and a social work pro-
fessor; Juanita Fleming, nursing pro-
fessor; Joe Davis, agricultural
economics professor; .lim Applegate
and Enid Waldhart, communications

Asked if anyone has failed the or-
ientation class, Brunn said: “I think
maybe one person failed result-
ing from too many unexcused abv

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Intent based on their 1990191 8814.3.»
ary The amount 'will be deter~

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ceed 60 months

Staff members taking pan in,

the plan will receive a, similar
plan, but the payment will be de-
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are “I18“? 25. 3031113. fnanoe committee that",

who enter the

_cpiniseling sessions to under»-

the changes will make UK’s pi0+

All faculty and slaff will attend

stand how the changes will affect
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_The board also approved 3"

ice! therapy. The degree program
was approved by the state Coun-
cil on Higher Education on July
9. ’




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Continued from page 1

ate student —— said he was pleased
with how smoothly the procedure

Seniors, however, did not have
such a trouble-free ride. Many sen-
iors ended up waiting for 40 to 60
minutes at the Student Center, the
central site.

That wait wasn’t planned for, Col-
lins said, because very few seniors
were expected to Add/Drop. It was
believed that seniors would know
what classes they needed for their fi-
nal year and thus would not have to
change their schedules.

The Registrar’s Office did not
count on people like Leigh Annc
Claywell, a senior who declared her
English major just last spring. She
had no choice but to tolerate the
long waiting period to Add/Drop.

“I needed to get certain classes in
ccnain things in order to get out, to
pick up classes that I hadn’t planned
to take until the spring,” Claywell

“I’m really surprised. I didn't
think it was going to be this long

again," she added “You keep think-
ing it ’1] get shorter but it never

Claywell called the waiting “ridic-
ulous,” and she believed it was un-
lfair for freshmen to be second in

“Freshmen need to wait like we
had to do when we were freshmen,"
she said.

She also advised that seniors have
decentralized Add/Drop, like the
graduate students.

“I think they should have separate
lines for different majors for seniors
anyway because seniors are the ones
who want to get out of here —
they‘re close to getting out of here,"
she said.

Some, such as Lisa Elkins, a psy-
chology senior, were prepared for
the long wait.

“It’s not that I don‘t mind (the
wait), but I expect it," she said.

Seniors were not the only ones
suffering from the long lines. Al-
though freshmcn were allowed to
file in line starting at 10 am, many
found themselves waiting for scn-
iors to finish add/dropping.

“'Ihc paperwork is easy. It’s the
waiting in line that‘s the hard part,"
said Christy chs, a psychology

Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, August 22, 1990 - A3


Continued from page 1

the meeting to last about 45 min-

Committee member Carolyn
Bratt, a UK law professor and a fa-
culty trustee, said the search has

been a tough process.

“It’s a very difficult process to go
through," Bratt said.

Bratt said that does not mean the
trustees‘ minds are pre-sct. She
“generally" is pleased with the

“I'm satisfied in that we have a
candidate pool who meet the cri-
teria that we are looking for," Bratt



Collins said what students may
not realize is how personalized and
efficient this system is compared to
the old system. In the past. a student
would wait in six lines to make six
changes in the Coliseum to Add/

“We did have long lines today.
but as you can see, by six o’clock
we are done." she said.

Today will be as busy as yester-
day, Collins predicted. Ihc added
late registration process will be
available and will increase the
length of the lines.

For a student who seriously wants
to Add/Drop, Collins suggests to
come early in the morning or late in
the afternoon. Early afternoon is the
busiest time at the central site.

“I guess it could be


Continued from page 1


Paige Estes, Chi Omcga Ucastir
cr, said that they were lucky to gct
Weaver, who rcccwcd Invitations
from all 13 sororities participating
In rush. “She 1s a wonderful girl
and we are so happy she wants to
be Chi O.” Estes said. She said that
Wcay'cr‘s race was not a factor in
their decision. Chi Omega has
pledged Indian and Hispanic mcm-

“Wc have 46 pledges. We pick
them according to their personality
and their academic achievement.”
Estes said. “And vxc Iovc lhcm ail."

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IIIIIpulcrs. xx IIiIcI IIIIII II I Inputcis just sat
there. So I had ;II‘III IiI‘c: mil II)I".I\I1IL‘IIII(I\'II.

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