xt7ftt4fr174 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr174/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1971 1971 1971-09-22 2020 true xt7ftt4fr174 section xt7ftt4fr174 ’ 3" -' e" *‘M' ’ . .- y 5;. ‘ '..- ._ 5R} ' “..R-R -« 34..» ' .’ ,. _
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$RR :- ..2 . R‘».-.9:..R . r. R \( iv 1 . NW is}: Ry . . saw: w t‘ R ,
R_,Re*“..t We?” ..Rwa R - _. ’3 ‘s V?" X ~ ' '
By RONALD MITCHELL e e \ \~ , “ @241; . at _ ... wt . . R.
Kernel Staff Writer i— :' . 5” 3331... ”W 7.: - '/ Q :2? R l” . a R "“5"; 4w. " .. if“?! .- .. mg: l '\ ~. '
7 - - . . . . :1 - M’g‘ $32K WM ' V? (“I é .. w ‘ } 4.»?4 ..nt kw ( $8 *- ~ .'
UK 3 Legislative Lobbing Committee has Jomed .4..- f“ ,_ ””4”." Q ' it ‘ ‘3‘" f‘uouf .J 1R3,“ ill-’9‘“ R _
the Kentucky Student Association, committee 4&me $1.; I g“ ‘ '7 . 3%,: I i “:3 a {2R "1
members were told at their Monday night meeting. R. as}: w“ V 7" 3.“... * ’ 3 ‘ R1 higziii‘” .‘
KSA is an organization representing students in R it. a: 4' We? ”A" ”1" ”gig... ' ..V. . if ‘. 5...:
colleges and universities over the state. “a“ V w R_ M R .R: . . ”:3 - . . "’1 . '1 f _
In a jOint effort with other member KSA schools .R_ R 3* , ’ ' \fifi ' i ' R443“? ’ .3 . f . R .- i? . .f
the committee will confront the 1972 State ‘ ‘ ' ”A, an. j‘ s” ? " ~ a '- ,i -'
Legislature with several motions passed by KSA at ., ““3” 4' I a 'R g» ‘e " " . . '- “
its General Assembly meeting Sept. 12. - ‘ Medan ' t Reg,“ '5' g . ~13} ‘ ' .R
Motions that KAS decided upon include: ‘ g, . 3 NW _' ’ ~ . ’4 If" ‘ ., $ '.
That the Legislature revise an existing statute ., ., ~ t is My? ' . l »
on privacy of student records. ' ' ' V .. we . "’; .- in) ex" - ... e .- .
ontinued on Page 3, Col. 3 ,1 » ReR“ »W§R§g§ ,. ”a; W“ 7] “RM? , R . .
Rfiwew , " Rae‘s R ,'
I} ~ > .. "w ' . ‘ ., -- - ; », '~ ' ..R- ." 3-5:; $3.. , '2“ Lee? . R (t. R . R
= v M” View" °‘ m» m ; I “ i W
_. : .. ”R. . fife“ a.» e few "ewe 5" -' " will" . 3 ' .
. R f at ”MR? .. ‘ R. , .>.__R_'i.s>. '. w .. V _. R” . i R ,- . . .
. ' . , . ,. __-e R RR, 7- : -.;;': R RR" “3 ,-
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em: 1  .
. RR. , 'VRHIM‘VR' “1),:«1 Ree RR ‘2 _. Mwfl’éflfifi'e‘ . . . R; . R , .
9“ ... Dds" W “"x ’7, " ‘ . l m " aspen. \ 35-1 «3“ ~' I R. . ..
. q . As part of its continuing service to the public. the Kernel hereb) 'i
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 What ’8 U‘rUNRfl’ "VIII presents a brain teaser to stimulate that grey stuff between your i
ears. See how many mistakes you can find in this picture. Hint: how 7
\ \Vednesday, September 22’ 19.“ Vol. LXI”, No. 15 this ])i(.’" re? Rfiiyfisuiirgels do you know who collect bicycles? (Staff photo by
n re s. ‘
“- '.
Code hassle (:0 ° "
ntlnues ,
B d ° t STW l
By BONNl BROCKMAN more than YOU want . - - we didn't this of the Establishment. 1 want to work within " :
Kernel Staff Writer time.” the system, but if the Establishment is ‘ z,

The proposal to make Student “Nunn did the most we could have hoped closed to me, I have no alternative."
Government President Scott T. Wendelsdorf for—he revitalized the code committee by _ . , .
chairman of the Student Code standing urging that it be put in action early this Answering the charge that the Code ’5 f .
committee died for want of a second at the year.” unconstitutional, Nunn said, .11 you have a ‘. .

Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday. After expanding the standing committee legal precedent to eStf‘thh ”115' I WEE you , R

However, Gov. Louie B. Nunn to include Wendelsdorf, Nunn extended an to go into court and I'll be glad to 10m you .
compromised by naming Wendelsdorf to the invitation to all UK students to submit their when my tenure Of Office ehdS- . ,' ,
standing committee, which handles yearly opinions on the Code in writing to “I don’t want to work with Nunn." . . .
changes in the Student Code. Nunn also Wendelsdorf or to the grievance committee Wendelsdorf said after the meeting. .'
urged George Griffin, chairman, to call a (a subcommittee of the standing However. he added that Nunn could work 1- ,
standing committee meeting “as soon as committee). with the standing committee. .
possible.” Code attacked Wendelsdorf said he believed the next ' R3

. After the meeting, a disappointed Wendelsdorf has charged that parts of the governor would almost certainly bring a ' . fl.
Wendelsdorf said he was “resigned” to the Student Code are in violation of the state Continued on Page 6. (-0]. 3 ~. - , _
trustees’ decision, bUt determined to work and national constitutions because of its _ . ,. . R
through the Code committee before turning “unconstitutional vagueness and I '1-
to the courts. overbreadth.” 9 ‘_ ' . ‘ ,

“What we got (at the board meeting) wasa Speaking before a full capacity crowd at C A S heals , I - . . .'
little bit beyond what we expected,” the board meeting, Wendelsdorf said: “i . . _' ' I . _ -,
Wendelsdorf said. “One of the fundamentals don‘t want to go to court or back into the _ ~. ~: _
0f board dynamics is that you always ask for streets over the Student Code. I’m a creature d d . R .

Kernel Staff Writer . R
. “Rf; R. UK launched a new assault against campus . R,
k 5 .. NEE-{3" drug abuse Monday night with an x
-=_" 5 information program for the dormitory . 'x
W . , i .. corridor adviso rs. "

*‘ R" In the first of two Monday night sessions
= 3 on drug abuse UK corridor advisors heard “

.R R; ‘ '1 .R sociology professor Dr. John O‘Donnell and .
Rfig V‘ R i Lexington attorney George Barker speak on . R
”e ' v, " ‘7 different aspects of the drug problem. R_
NMWL Assistant Dean of Students Robert Elder -;

- 3 a: ‘ . said the meetings were set up after several .
' 'V . R‘W »: .. ’ . . " {5 corridor advisers were approached by
‘ ,- “Vigil " Reggae , students with questions about illegal drugs. R 'R
‘RRW , 02%,. ‘* . 0 Donnell dealt mainly . with the _.
at“, ‘* “he: . :R » sociological aspects drug use. Sixty percent ;
5”“ i i: '“. ' of all college students on the Fast and West .
fig‘firvr“ ‘ ' coasts have tried marijuana at least once." he ' _
' g . :R - stated. explaining that many do so only to "\ ‘. ; '-
I « - boast about it. ' ' '
' ' . “Increasing drug use vuli bring about the I . '
V‘ R 932%: development of social norms siniilat to those , , '
, M" £4 governing alcohol." O‘Donnell said. He '~ ’ ‘
. ' attributed the rise to increasing pressures on ‘ ’ _ ‘
students and a breakdown of traditional ' R '
. Western morals. - .
“Drugs are a way of coping wrth reality." , . ‘
' he added. -, ~ .
’ Legal information ‘
President 0th Singletsry provides a new View of Governor Louie B. Nunn as the UK 1h response to questions from the comdor . -
Board of Trustees hold their first meeting of the fall semester. (Staff photo by Ken ““503. 0 Donnell 531d. The laws 0" . '
Weaver.) Continued on Page 3. Col. 2 "

 2 —— THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1971 _—_—___________________________________
T . l . I f V l t k
- ‘ J By RACHEL KAMUF strip mines, to rent an old mine I
O O 0 Assistant Managing Editor Site to the community for use as
‘ Alleghany and Poor Bottom, 3 park. The company leases the
. 9 Ky. may not exactly be thriving land to the people for $1 a year.
' hubs of activity, but these Pike IhDumfe“ (‘l‘dedble‘l‘sf‘hl‘i‘s‘h’hgeffhg
» , ‘I . . . Count communities were bus e par cou , '
, By GREG HARTMANN The student approach to toIpical Imajors IS placesyfor Sherry Clark and PccA worked this summer to
a Assistant Managing Editor overwhelmingly affirmative. They re trying to get Wade Crabb this past summer complete the park, which they
. ‘ ' Would you like to make up your own major? the best possxble set of teachers and courses, in Ms Clark and Crabb are named the Charles Durossett J
, . . ' Consider the possiblities. A student with an things that relate to them, he commented. members of the UK Campus Memorial Park. S
I. I. .I I interest in ecology could make up his own list of I Variety mmajors . I . Friends of the Pike County Crabb and other volunteers ‘ dre
f , . . - courses, drawing on biology. engineering, This year’s batch of topical majors is a mixed Citizens Association PCCA and cleared portions of the land for we
‘ sociolog)’. and other related subjects. Someone lot. One girl, interested in bird and animal prints, volunteered their vacation time use as a picnic area. They also - of
, , . , who’s into city planning could call that his major, has a topical major in Studio Art and Agriculture. this past summer to work with cleaned a creek, chopped grass > mi
. . . . , taking courses in political science, psychology, or A boy interested in theater management has a the Pike County residents with hand sickles, built and ‘ W
I I. whatever else he felt would be useful to a city topical major in Business Administration and Clark a senior majoring in painted picnic tables, painted f F
. f ' planner. I . . . Theater Arts. Human Relations, and dugouts, built fireplaces and =
, W Z .» . Think you d like gomg outside departmental We had one boy who saw the need for people volunteers from Boston fixed a bridge. dir
.A ., ,. lines? If you are into something that doesn’t fit trained to use computers in schools, Drennon said. conducted an arts and crafts The volunteers also worked ' for
. ‘ ~' ' into a regular departmental major, you should “He’s gotatopicalmajorin Computer Science and class for 3_12 year olds Their with Raymond Adkins of Poor an-
. _ .l -' I}. consider a topical major. , Educational AdminSitraItion. . . classroom was Ms. Charles Bottom in fixing up an old one ' for
-_ I . . . . . UK s topical major program is headed by Dr. People who take topical majors do so for varied Durossett’s front orch which room school house to be used as p0
’ . , _- , ' , _ Herbert Drennon. associatc dean of A. 8; S. What reasons. Mark Paster. majoring in [Educational and also serves as thpe Alle hanv a community center. ' im
' . ' do“ h" think 0" 10PM” ”Ml-0Y5? Social Change. wants to change things. “l’m trying CA0 mm unit I‘ Center g The ? un
/ ,, 5 “They‘re the grcatcst thing going,” Drennon to get ideas about what's happening in our volunteersalsyousi‘d3011.0 room ; ‘
' ‘ ~ said. “We‘ve lcarncd to scc thc University as it total ‘cducation‘il' system] and the reasons for it " he J . ‘ ou
~ . ' .. ‘ “ . ol S‘nP rBottonfor
. . 1. . ,. I _ resource labs. taculty. pcoplc. all working said, “I want to figure out some altcrnativcs, 2:):th h:l:s:ds 00 I COMPONENT STEREOS tic
' .. , ' .‘ ”£19111”- “VC “#1?“ 10 liflt‘t‘k down 1110 “11% Dan Mohn. a native ot Whitcsburg is majoringY in [ioufiwiv-es‘in lll’ arca h‘l cd Jug received {4) new sai
, .II . . bctwccn departments and let the student gct thc Ai‘ipalacliian Studies. “1 want to get a broad-bascd with this“; Thct' 1th Iihc germ components 59” th
. . j ; . ‘ bcst possiblc cducation. background on the area‘s- problems.” he said. “I‘m volunt ‘e‘hgh have y written a ”my feature AM'FM hum," ,- on
Q ' ,'. “When you considcr thc numbcr of courses working in sociology. political science. and 9 ‘ _ I . I pic-x radio, DUIll in 8-trac‘v., - im
, ’ V ' . offered here ind the number oi Dos‘s‘iblc . . - ,. . . ' 7 b ‘k l e ' l mountain rec‘ipc COOkbOOk' also a Garrard changer. A”
-- = . -~ ‘ k - ~ - . . »- , architcttural planning. 1 “ant to go ac titre .int , w ‘I , , . _ ca
I . , . . . _ . , . ., . . . . _ ,. which the P( CA is givmg away ”103 for only $119.95. in-
. , . .. . cOlnblndthlls. it comes to an astronomical sum. 1 work in dcvclopment. free ' spcct at
. I . ‘ . .‘ think a student should hr: 11th II0 l‘OllOW his OWN Carol Flairty’s chosen field is Fashion Design ' Mine site leased i O .
' ' I, . " , interests. whether thcy run straight up through a and Merchandising. “I didn‘t want an ordinary Ch I D t ) f UNITED FREIGHT SALES ca
. . I' ,, , - ,- departmental major, or off at a slant or any which Home EC major," she said. “i want to work as an All ages , urlossgt ’ Denim: 2'23 0"“"1 came so
» 1 . . I- , II WHY- apparel buyer, and maybe eventually in research . 6g agythe fifthmfig] Cdrll a: Mort-Thurs. 9-6; Fri. & Sat. 9-8 : p
- f " , ' - for Monsanto or Burlington (two large chemical convmce p., ‘r
, . - , . : ~ ' ; Choose 0W" courses textile firms ),. major operator of Kentucky _
. ‘ . , ' ’ A student who has decided on a topical major ' . . - - -.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.53.;at;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.¢.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.3.3.3.;.-..;.;.;.:.;.:v;.;.:.;.:.z.;.;.:i:.:~:~:-:t:>:-:>;t:-:~:-:~:::-_:-:;2;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:.-:;2255;255:225:::::::r::::::::;1:755:21:=22:1:=:1:3:323:15:1:3s3W235:1:321:53:3215:9555 d1
.. ' x ., - . . . . Drennon pomted out It WOUld be lmpOSSlble t0 v.~ p I
‘ .. ‘ . makes up his own list of courses, choosmg 29:32? .
. , . . . . have a separate department for each of these 7553; co
.1 -» » . whatever he feels Will fit his needs. He may draw . “ ,, . .i :4; 22:5; .
‘ ' , t o a dc artment in the Universit and enlist the majors. After 811’ he said, how often do you 2f EESEE-f ‘ h-
: . ' - '. .n ny p y get someone with an interest in both Studio Art : 535$? E
.. - ' _ ‘ aid of any faculty member. . 9., . #5333
. . . . “Th b "t l‘ t . th th t d t and Anculture. . - gsgzgg .
_.I . . .I I - k e e; coIifirIsIeDis ls edorIiI: t}: S U en Drennon said he doubted a person graduating . r U at]? .
I I, .' ’ ma es up 1mse ‘ renlrion $311 ' n ree yia‘rvs with a topical major would suffer in onb sIIIII . t mun-nu . U
. , . , of heading this prongam ve on y run across a e competition- “Jobs out in the real world arent :15. 1‘ , a t fi
' ' . ‘4 bummeis 0f courses. organized according to the stiff artificial bamers Ih 38'?“ . r 073:” . 0
‘ I.I . . g . . . . . .. ,, . .3 to 35:3???
.- _I ' ' :"I According to Umversrty regulations a student weIset upm univerSitieS, {he 5:“: t’ ation 5 ‘ A
. ., ' . a . ' must be a junior and have at least a 2.5 grade point . I think the breadth O 'ah: u en S IprepaIr an 5:; in
. ._ ,' average before setting up a topical major. Wéth ta topical major mig even give turn ’é c.
- ’ ' ‘- . -. , .> However, Drennon said this is not rigidly enforced. 3 V3“ 333- s
,. ‘I . , .' r ;' A student with a topical major must 5111] According to Drennon the main problem is welcome StUdents h
. . . .. , I. :I i, complete the general studies requirement of the makmgIUK students aware of the pOSSlbllltleSIOf I w
' g, ' i . . . ' College of Arts and Sciences. “We don’t get many the topical major. The program has been operating " ' C-
. . .I . _I,- ,, people in here trying to get out of some since 1942, but only 150 students are enrolled in a? T0 Downtown LeXlngton B
- I. - ,; ‘ f ’ "* requirement." Drennon said. topical majors this year. fig;
- ______ - ii
-- FBI t t I: I W1 20% B
I . _ , , . ag en 0 .9an 191‘ e The Henluckg Hemel :45 c
3 ' '-. I3 ‘ Gerry Kirk for four veurs 2m Communist Party and the Black gThe Kentucky Kemel- Universj‘y ' 3'?” C
., , '. . _ . ~ . - .. , — t . . . tation. Umverstty of Kentucky. Lex- ;‘:;:- :'.
, - -_. ' '. . undercover agent for the PB]. Panthers. He later testified ington, KendtuctkquosoeI Seigndtclfiss g5}; D'scount on 0” purchases 1 S
. i; . . . ,, _ w s; - i i ‘. , .V. 1:1:1: "
.. . .; , . . Will speak at the Student ( cnter before the Scnatc internal §’{:,1t1;%‘f‘f3(‘. 13“,,S‘Eflfk‘l’; dufi'hgcthe if: III P
3 ' ,. ' .. Theater at 7130 run. on Sec u rity S u bco m m i ttce ““901 >01” ““01" “Olldays and “‘3’“ .5212}; 553-1 0
I I I, . ~ . . _ , periods, and otict‘ during the summer .52;
. ' '. ~ ' ‘ Thursday. September 23. The concerning his experience in M‘ssion. . h B d r SI d ii}? for UK StUdentS GHCl FOCUIty b
_‘ ‘ -. ‘ ' I ' title of his talk is “inside the these groups. Plfillili‘lillflloersxbéxt605?.(831C8080Xu49e8’2; is
, 7 ~ - r '. “ ,. .. x .. B v .s th C:d*t in 1894 id 155%? 53' t
' 2 - . ’ '3 Spldef IS ch' . . Mr' lurk épent 9“? summer f” pubtlislhigd 1c0ntiiiuouisl; as the Ker‘anlel {33;}; :33; f
z . I ‘- . . ' . ;I W h i l c ix 1 r R was a n a Communist training camp 1n since 1915. . , 355:; r [’1' 5:1:
.I ' I‘ . ' ~ undergraduate at thc University upstate New York where he was 1,.{,‘§g;§“fjf‘iiEippfifiif“?§Sd3"§3;,‘SA‘Q‘; Ito flgth 1' V
a, 3, . I _ of Chicago. hc infiltrated the taught party doctrine. strategy. Sélsiegiriflli‘iiid‘i‘i‘fe“‘éiifiiiiiifg Should 1 thing??? I5“ . . i"
. ‘. . ., SDS. Vi. l‘. B. DUBOIS Club. the and tactics. SUBSCRIPTION RATES gs}; 6:an - S
., . - Yearly. by man »- $1050 32;;
' . ., I - - ' v. , .' Per copy. from files — $.10 if}; ' £3355;
..' l .' ‘ . : .~ ' ' . . Edn‘)r' “13113;:an Editor ' ' ' ‘ 257—1755 iii32233325i3313133313513135233533333:133E1;i3333iifi§13fl31313*?{1723172:23I1:i:52717i5111322:1:3:1:32:2723:?:3;5115;352:1323:3:3;7:1:I#51117:2221;352:5523?3:3:5:515:1:3fiz7:?:1:3:5:123:I:3:3:311:21:3:5z1:1:34:izfzizf‘i'i'i'izi‘3523:2:35:155'352221:3513]:E:
I . ' l. » '. ‘II . ' IV mo’mom’ooooo WWW
, ‘ I .. . I . . WoNNo’ oomo'oo WNo-mm.
* I '_ - . “ 'I . UCELUT COAT hill length, $1,100. ADDRESSERS needed. Home workers
. '_ . - . .‘ (h. dispuiy :it .\l:t'.(l.il.i Ill. 16522 earn to $50. For info send 25 cents
. ' - . ' ~I~I—_~~—I~~~I——~m I*~———————~——— (Ind stamped addressed envelope to
l 2. i ' 4’ i' ' . , \LSTD. HEAL?» 1mm. 1967. silver 13m: 12213. Gainesvillc. Florida 32601. .
. . I Z .' luuo. (l\t‘rdrl'.4‘ swirl-1». \vri' good ‘M_
i’. . g - .Ifi (til-.1 «'jiii 233715.41: .iitrr 4.0m p.m PART~TIME help wanted. Arby‘s Spec [ea g 0880“
I . . . ‘. II II . 110822 Hf‘Of‘lS sharp. .‘l‘JLIl‘l‘SSlVC' young men or
,' 1 ‘, - - . '. -_I..:,....~_._.,....._i . .___.,._ -~~-—-—— women if you (win work between the
. . . ._ ; - \tITl.i.l2() iil.(‘lr,."~'ii .5li .‘Cm‘ill’x, hour.» of ii :t rr. -'.‘ p ni. nr 7 p m - .
I . . i . ' I .‘ - ' int-iii ('0: 4312‘ i To .- . ?‘ 1137-2489 :Il;¢ l' 2 :i rs. Cali Don Mchv (ll. 277-9945
I . I -I I. . . .) r r) r'. 2 $22 —‘——————————-———— 9 O .
, . ~. , _, - , 1" I ., STUDENT GOVFRNMENT Student You I] Increase d d ' ,
f, *3 'I ', ‘ .‘il'STlN i\.‘~lf.l-3I"."\ 19w; (hit 1 ‘t‘t'lfl- Srnii' (in: I)‘ Hill. mix .'I :i in r' O r
" . ', . , V I", "1'“ ""l' 11"”9 -“" ‘3‘? " ”1:; (“WW "U Stil'it'ni Fling: Evinirgt‘ {Enlarged y u rea lng Spec 0“ the SpOt.
'. . . , '. 'I u iIrL. w. t. i; ., iii . '. r-r' ind cur positmu Appfy Student (Ihntor. room
..‘, _ , .' (fail 261%.".(‘W'i .»f'.«“' Ii. .i-k.r‘.i: 55:35! 204 22824
-. _- ' . - \lli~! 'si-if ZlSZT’. ——~——~<—-——————————-———-—-
.~ . ' - ., . ..-_-_.i,- — ~ ~ , “new-.-” (")llFGE STUDENTS ink ~ ' ' , s ' ' ' '
’I '. - l . ' > '. . (‘IPLDAIH IWAlllill'iliE. 2I~rioor I \wItlt .inmite good monm for \«iii‘kilnf mi; . ACtuany parthlthL 1“ tCChnlqueS that Will lflCFCaSC your
, I. . . . . )vmrt s ichr‘ .3" . 33.1.3. ("‘ll{‘ 5 5 M i . ' ‘:l 5' —77 I
, . » . .- , _ , W”... 377.34.. 3152;; -‘_-:.'_.E.-£’i?,-.£:-‘_._'_2L-_’171, °° reading and study speed on the spot
.; . . . . I iiiTQijfi—"i—i <77 (-1” I-Iqumm—VI ,2- COLLEGE srumavr to work pnrti- L '
', , v,‘ . A, ’. 7 i i ' (‘.".l‘.“l.‘ tril'ii than. time iii small l.(‘\ill['l”¥l storr' MUM -
' . . * ,r I‘ ',. 7' unit ('11' Vt' \itl limi'tti‘k, .l'\\ (“:1 - t'tlriv r H 1 ‘t I“. .‘I . earn how You C t ' .
'. i i l V. J ’i"'t.I!l1iIthL‘:l.yt'lt‘\ P1182” lwxx tor \i‘l'2tlizri; :ililv l tr:1l'fii'iiiihpiggfrolr‘cncdlsd swig? it): 3 an CU‘» your StUdy tlmc 1n half.
.. I ,. , .' tum: ’ mm 27? f l 2 8' up to 32 hrs. it work. evenings and
. I . , ,. . __. ----._.... “c .. ....__-...-___.- s“: duI's, U d F 'vht " 1 , '1‘3 . Learn how 011 )
, , ‘ .' . .‘ Ugh (‘AltVPTTTl. (‘(i'i\l‘rlll)|5‘. 4‘spovd. ()xf‘orrd ‘Circlgfthbflglgl; ba “2225:?! y can CC mprChend and remember more.
. .1 , . I, . . it’l—Iitl‘l. pow” 

‘ police—rather the“ bear the UK’ about half 13 Umms‘ty 'nvesti ative unit which does year, any cond. State price and cond. lst Letter. 5" ‘_

; image of ticket-givers or dry, property and the other half 15 1 g . ALSO PARTS f II f . h ,7] a;

. unsmiling investigators. personal property,” he said. “A nothing except research _ or a oreign “"5 I ru - Calls _ ,- _‘ _. _.I.

“In a lot of students’ minds, lot of it’s due to plain robberfies. k6 second ”mt takes credited '0 purchase. Sane prices. ‘ - ‘_ i,

' our image is one of a parking carelessness, like not locking a careo par mg. _, .V g '5 3 , '

. ticket giver and car tower,” he g While there are other offenses N&W FOREIGN AUTO WRECKING . . i .g
said. “But in the nighttime, 7‘ g :3“ campue’Iflo‘rl‘ldrug “91‘1““ 126 So. ism—New CASTLE, IN. 47362—(317) 529-8886 x .
there’s a lot of patrolling going ‘25. 0 an OCCdS‘°““_ mugging (or f ' .‘ ’. :-

. on. and if a person has that false . rape, Burch said they are ', * i

’ image of us he may not feel he gs, rela’rtlrvglngzle-n ljlezertsttielzsskgg .

can can on us in an emergency.” . W“ e * g m d. ' .;
If a student runs into trouble . ,Ea across campus at mght- WEDNESDAY _~ ,'

'_ on campus, chances are a . .'* "
campus “cop” will be git ;. ts" KSA I0 [Obln' QUARTER NIGHT Of The Fle- " '-
sometrwherle nearby.d 'l‘hiele1 foot i§¢2§a§§§ b I . I" place from 9 ‘l'll l0 p.m. MUSlC by I, ‘

‘ p a r O s a n r e e .f‘a Pfore 8 r ,. ' ' . ~ ‘
'round-the-clock police cars are " he (Ll? (I’ll r? the Edd'e Everett GFOUP- ', . ' l

I: divided between Burch’s 42-man _ x _ Continued from Page 1 _ MIXED DRINKS __ ,
, police force, and all are ‘ " . “gm, ,3? e )That a statute be instituted __—__———-————————-——————-————-—- ‘1 : l
‘ connected by radio to UK police ' N stating no faculty member at THURSDAY V l ‘
. headquarters at the comer of ..__w any college or university can be . -, A
Euclid Ave- and Rose St- 2,}: s fired for reasons relating to The Exnles FETUFN by popular 4, "
. 1500 offenses ._' publication. ' t
During the last school year the i ) That a bill be passed demond' ; I
UK police made nearly. 350 ,___ allowing college and university Back again Fri. & Sat. Night—the Eddie Everett Group
first-aid runs and investigated r . students to register and vote in . '
over 1500 offenses on campus. Joe Burch, Director of Safety the community where they F'REPLA .1 k: ..
. About 165 arrests—nearly all and Security. (Staff photo by attend $011001. i“
involving “outsiders” to the Bill Craig) D T h a t B o a r d s o f . -. . , f
campus—were made. Trustees/Regents of state 825 End"! Ave. ' 1 t ,-
“Most of them (the arrestS) door when you walk down the colleges and universities allow 6 '
have no involvement whzfisoevfir hall for something. voting membership for faculty . -,
gigigi with UK other than t at t e . and student board member ' i .‘
-:-:-: ’ “ ’ —— IOI. 5' . .
campus is here for them to use,” f Let Slfacfielrte yEthibiri: of That the requirement for a BeautITUI $2.00 POSter Deal! , ' .-
Burch said. $her§cgfitedhhonest You have to seat on the Board Of i ‘
In a relatively new position as watch our possessions}, Trustees/Regents for student "”“M' “"""”' “’ ‘ “ ' . .
head of Safety and Security, “ y ld members not be based on ALIWBA BA , i ,
Burch says he has found himself if everyone wou report residency in the Commonwealth “'8 . ‘ .
212323 - their thefts, no matter how ‘ .
.315, caught between extremes in a 11 ’d b . d wh t of Kentucky, /, . .
ff}, campus police department 5m; ’ you ldehsurpnseU 1? Student Government President :\ “ if, , ..>
suffering growing pains. The UK pa. 91”” “’0“ 5 0w “hp' d“; y Scott Wendelsdorf said lobbying /,'»- ,3, .‘ . j ,
Police began decades ago as a :hlst‘s’ 1mm“ guy: Omega: will not be limited to the 3 f ’
one-man force which made sure do stea a pugs; one a h w‘ll Legislature, but will also be done ' fl ' , .
i553 buildings were closed at night. 0 ‘_ again. ahces are e 1, at overnmental a'en ie x , .- is ; . ~
d t a n a d if ever theft 13 g b C S' k- -“-""l ,
115:. Today, the police OCCUPY a 01 3%1 ’ "h y bt To better the motions’ '-‘ 7:; 73;“..‘3729 , ’
three-story building and need a refporteh. outr-c inces are e ter chances for passage, committee ‘2 I 9 it?" ' -\-_ ‘ _
full clerical staff just to keep up 0 catc mg _ 1m. . me mbers suggested the ' , ‘~" ., j - ,-“ 3
with the paperwork. But the Burch 531d the pohce were committee and KSA confront ' . I.
marks of the small-town days often unable to return legislators with their ideas before , if? \ ‘ ,
'53,: still remain.For instance: confiscated stolen property the legislature convenes. ‘ misfit: .- , , ‘ " "
) UK’s police force has no because the theft had "Ot been There will be a statewide ‘ igil‘ls- ; ’ _ .g
jail. Arrests are sent to the reported. meeting of KSA member schools 3:1 , h w - , ,. . .- ‘_ ' ' ,
at? city lockup at the Lexington As for larceny “patterns”, the Oct. 8-10. The meeting will BEARDSLY, Aubrey (1812-1898) , _ , . 7
police station. campus police have already feature workshops dealing with 3116.57x58 cm 4 . ‘ .~
)The police are allowed learned where and when to lobbying tactics. all baba '22,5x27|nch ' . -‘ -. .
to enforce only Kentucky . ’
state statutes. Enforcement . -_ ,
of Lexington or Fayette LAMBDA CHI ALPHAS If you will order a poster from our catalogue which has a selec— . »'
County laws—or even UK’S tion of more than 800 posters and prints reproduced in color, , s"
Student Code—is left to 19th PuShca" Derby Dance and by doing so enable us to order a much larger quantity than " ,1
others. with we normally would, we'll be able to sell yOu these posters for $2 , '
‘ - f each. In addition, you can order a simple framing device for . '
' Despite the problemso LOGO and GENESIS $l, thus ending up with a poster ready to hang for $3. Sample
patrolling a mile-Wide a. . . . _
B h . posters and hanging devrces we have in stock. Once the posters ,
campus, um remains a CLAY-WACHS WAREHOUSE are stocked and packaged for sale, they will retail for 54. You ,
Strong adVQFate oi, the can order a poster at Steinrock Gallery, 2l6 N. Limestone, 6 "
small-town flathOt "‘the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25—8z30-12z30 blocks down the street from the Student Center with tree park-
lk b .
COP Who “'3 5 3 eat ing behind the Gallery. We'll make this offer for a week, I”
instead of driving a sirened, Free Shattle bus from AXA House and 1W9" Ha" beginning Monday, Sept. 20. Gallery hours, 9:30 to 5:30 daily, ." > '.
flashing van. The foot Tickets: $4.00 Couple ADVANCE $5.00 at the Door Phone 252-4801. (Formerly the West Maxwell Street Art Shoo). , ,
patrolman come into more .»
Interested? .' ,
o I ' -
We need 50 Dependable, Responsrble people to serve .
as concert ushers for the October 30 B .S . 5 T. concert . ‘ g u ,
Think you can do the job? - I . V
Sign up in the Student Center Board Office—Room 203. Interviews will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, , ‘
September 22-23, 1971. _ . ~ -.
Always keeping you in mind, ‘ '

 - . j‘t \.
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. . ‘ . 7 7 , é . M ‘ d, E . /// U o‘ 00 /> .\ m t
' ' , . 0 e y .3. = -
* I ‘ . 6 \t 7 ;;£/// 3 8 er in ther
. N x j V’: /' , the
. ~ " I v ' V “ = ’5" 3—4 / is '
- . L .- bu I'V 1V3]: hOW i f g: //\ Among the students not allowed 10-111
.g . 4' I. ‘ [{1' WILL/[5031 TIIVS [I] j ”.1“ Vigi- i— upstairs to yesterday S Board Of
. i decided to throw in the topic of '7’ 7' %/ o E? \n / TTUStees .meeting was the
‘ , survival at this point for all those who )\ B \ //. Vice-Premdent of Student
; . would like some theory of survival. but :3 ‘ ffifi Government, Rebecca Westerfield.
.1 . " ' , don‘t want to wade through any more ‘x z} pm“ ‘~ to She was told that she would only
. " ' , “”CICS- sur‘lm ‘5 ”‘1” a” 0“ Perm)“- l” 5, gram! 'il ° be allowed u stairs if someone else
' ‘ . - ' . molly mo eonmlelely follows all the "to, already the” WW“ g” “p “‘5 56‘“ ror
, ' ; rules. regulations. and procedures of an 7i\ a l:_ for her. War
_. , academic. social. and disciplinary nature Q W l? 3 Because of her position, she has 3 Sep
I. . _ , 1:; -_ at the Slnwilersny in order that the :nay r30 'j' legitimate right to be at every abo
, .. ' P