xt7ftt4fr05d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fr05d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1959 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1959 Vol.25 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, August 1959 Vol.25 No.11 1959 1959 2019 true xt7ftt4fr05d section xt7ftt4fr05d ‘ , m» 7 , . .
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11 Th K k P Press Adopts New ~ Public's NEED To Know AUGUS
e EHtUC y TESS Electra Body Dress Important As Its RIGHT }'
1 1
11 Official Publication This, and future issues of the Kentucky For years, newspapers have conductil The 1
1 Kentucky Press Assocration, Inc. Press, is being set in 8 and 9 point Electra running battle with officials at all lei'cl11
1 Kentucky Press Servrce, Inc. on an eleven point slug. Linotype Electra government for access to news as 311
1 VlCtOf R- Portmann, Editor is one of the most beautiful body type faces right for the information of the publitl [
111 Perry ]- Ashley, Associate Editor for book, magazine, and pamphlet printing is truly now time when the public’sti ua
111 Member with the highest degree of legibility and to know is greater than its inherentiighl UBLIC NO
11 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce readibility. It also has a slightly narrowed know as guaranteed by the Bill of R111 P the first “C
111 NEWSPaPel' Managers ASSOCIallO“ character face which will give added letters Unfortunately this premise has been11 When the fa]
11 _ Sustammg1Membei-1 _ to a given line. “’0 hope that you will like honored in the breach than in the keg} lislied in 1665
11 Nation: Editorial Azsociation the change. Recently, Governor Nelson A. RIC “4111.11 HI: K"-
111 ssocmte em er _ - , 1 i ._1 me min 0 cor
11 . National News a er Promotion Association ___.______ fcller told his New York state s 50C1tt1 to the member
1 PP lt 'tl'ttl bl NEED >
11 Primed by The Kernel Press 6“ ors 1‘1 16 p11 1C 3 tot became the L(
111 Oklahoma Passes about governmental problems even11' for the Englis
111 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes the M , Shadows this b'aSIC right to know. Hell tinued to be 1131
11 fundamental importance of the implied trust 0P9“ eehng Law that never has the need been greatest ' typliizlialiiliitlalye
1 1 . 1 . . . 1 Z
1 1 imposed on newspapers and dissemmation of 1 1 has the world faced )roblcms of ,_ 1 .1
11 1 public information. 11 ”and; for truth, fairness, The Oklahoma Open Meeting Bill, sup- 1“ 1111 nitude‘ nevelr have 0111 31131161111 standtialLy like 21
1 accuracy, and decency in the presentation of ported by Sigma Delta Chi and OPA, passed 1) ‘ 1 £11 1 if d 11 “S161 liiid 21111111112;
1 1 news, as set forfll 1'" the 0117107” 0f 1]"{”"““‘"'- both houses of the legislature in the waning towns, :11 ages, 1‘1“: p1r0) “1131501601101 the same font 1
11 1 If f'dvacat“ 5m“ 5mm" Standards ”Kl“ f'dv‘r' hours of the session. Governor Edmondson mg, ‘m, “9'“ iaxc he peop e aced1 displaced body
Iising column. It opposes the publication of 1. . 1 1 . iiiiCCrtaintICS. 1 .
1 1 d 1 ti - of n w It affirms signed the bill on 9 Julx. This guarantees . PatChCS bemgi
1 1 propagan a1 timer ie guise e . 111111 C1112“ 111 11 lit to 1-1111 1 1 t' f In another Column, we are priiilm ”Foreign Intelli'
.1‘ 1 the obligation of a1newspaper1to frank, honest c1. 11 1C g I UK ”66 lugs 0 symposium on the people’s right 1011 ing iiadvertisem
1 and fearless editorial expressions. It respects eity counCils in the state, boards of county ' 1 1 . t 1 1 11‘ t ffi'l‘l far out—strippe d
equplity of opinion and the right of every "1- commissioners, boards of public and higher anc he 11inpo1r an1 , ro .61 tm Sto 1101211 departmental 11
1 (lividual to participation in the Constitutional “111011110111 “11nd 1111 other boards, bureaus, notices pays 11] t11ls 1'l1g1 . u ) lli By 1750 En
guarantee of Freedom (#th Pres-Si It bah?“ commissions trusteeslibs or authorities in fully; you may reprint It. However, it’1 their pUblic no
in the newspaper (is a vital medium for Civic. ‘ t ‘ 1‘ ‘ - _ 1~11 1 (l 1 ' 111 :1 d f
1 . . . 1 . . f )kl'l , - ticlc “1 )e repro mm in pamp et, use or regulai
1 economic, social, and cultural community de- t‘C Sta“ 0 ( «11011111 SUFTPOFth 1n WhOIC 1 1 O i“ 111 1 C Clit C'lCll Kentucki‘l recognized the.
12‘ 1 i/elopment and progress. or in part by public funds or entrusted with anc C 5&1th 'b) 1.3 1 ‘ bl' 11.1 1'11? ofl‘icial notices g
1 ———'——————' the expending of public funds." This bill papei or (C1151 n u 1011A: 1.)u 111C 0C C1111 tisements of int
. . , 1 1 1 . , . .( , 1 . . .
?1 Kentucky Press Assouation, Inc while labeled as a newsman s bill gives the 1c11nig “C1“ 1 iimen “8,: 1:1 11161111111 EhOUgltl dt app:
1: - .- 2‘ ( 0‘ iaiv co 1* it ' ress
1 Thomas L. Adams, President press no spec1al privilege other than that cedis ) 1 “ n 1' p S ' 011116 (21:11162111
1 1Heralt11-Leader,LeXingt0n granted to any citizen. The school block “CC ' 11C notices 1-11 a
1 ' 1 Pal” ‘VeStPhelmg’ i155? “5’51“": N F 11 legislators made a vain attempt to shelf the __.__—.___—— 1 our present 7
i 1 'u on 01171 y ews, u on . 1 1 1 1 , . 1 1 1 1 Space C31]
11 1 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager bill. The Senate amended the bill to allow Here’s A New Word 1 public rioteiegs) ]
1 University of Kentucky, Lexington for discussion of personnel matters to be ’1 z 1111 d news dep
1: 11 . ' . 1 ' . \ ~ - ' - 4 1 i l - 31
11, 1 District Executive Committee held in csccutnc sess110n11but the final \otc Xerog raphy, For YOU- 1 Limited 111 111
11 1 1 Chairman, W. Foster Adams, Berea Citizen, Be- must be taken In public. [he new §O1tli state As automation makes life 011310111; n10Uflcements of
1, ma (Seventh); First, Ray Edwards, Messenger, of Hawaii also passed an Open Meeting Bill. 1 _1 . d' 1.1 11 it kc )5 11111111. kingdom to be
1‘ ‘ MaYfield? Second: Larry Stone: MessengeT‘ATgu-‘i The addition of Oklahoma and Hawaii average m “K ua, C1 .‘ -_ Came to Embrm
1 Central City; Third, Basil Caummisar, Courier- 11111.08 73 11111“ 110111, 111111111g such 111111111 terms to the lex1con, the United N1 other court 0E
11 Journal, Louisville: Fourth, John G. Gaines, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Educational, Scientific and Culturalot 110“: in recogniz
11 Pa1rlk titty 11:71ew; Bowling 1(1)::an Figth,11Frgnk C. . zation indicates. The latest is scroll 11111711151012 1:116 find
'1 Be , rim e emocrat, e or ; ixt , eorge 11 . ~ 1 1 11 u 1 . - n 110111 1 - vernr
1 1 1 Trench Enterprise, Lebanon; Eighth, George Who Determines What? meaning literall} dr) Wl‘ltlllgi 1 this method to]
1 Joplin1III, Commonwealth, Somerset; Ninth,Earl ' Greek mm Xf'ros (1drl’)'1 b] 1 1111 P 1 1
1 1 W. Kinner, Licking Valley Courier, W1est Lib- Al _11 1 11 1 P 1111 ,1 11 .1111 The process, makes p0581 C t1C1’P1 Ubllc Off“
11 erty: Tenth, S. C. Van Curon, Enterprise, Har- 1 )1 1111 1" 0111115} ‘Jm‘l 9ng <1 “TC COH‘ tion Of Out-Of—print 1300161 in bound?1
1j lan: State-At-Large, Fred J. Burkhard, Casey tains this clause: It shall be deemed de- 111 01111, moderate cost. The 1,0111n1c11 IN AMERICA
11 County News, Liberty: State—At-Large, Landon ceptive advertising within the meaning of reproduced in its entirety 011 111111: 1portant part
1111 Wlus‘ MCLea" gaunt), Nerf/5‘ Calhoun; Mime- this section for anv person, partnership, Tl . 1:11 , -, "f 110 1111‘ “mg' Paralleling
11 1 1 11mm Past ”6511181111 Martin Dyche, Sentinet- fi 1 1111 . 111 t d/ t' iesc micro in 1]ngtl\CS o i 1P 1 notice in Englis
1" 1' 156,10, London- rm, 1assoc1a 10“ 0T1COTP9‘“ lfOll 01a \er1ise then run through a special machintt= the American 111
1 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. all-‘1 “€11“ 10f met: i1andbisc1 (1” 5211: un C55 makes photoprints in book—size eillilrtfl igégghfamificatii
1 _ 1 _ suc1 ac ver isemen )0 ac 'ec up y a rea— 1 - , ct ip, munii
1 lumcs M' wmw’ mend”! son'iblv sufficient sunlv of the advertised on a C01? tinuous roll or paper. T-h 1“ NOWdaYS CVCIV
i‘ _ _ Messcns’fh Brandenburg . 1 c ' fi 11 1 11 ' 1 ‘ bl' d‘ automatically folded accordiaii—shl“ €Ctly1 Utilizes 4th
1 ‘ lfl'"cs 0- “"ls‘mv “r" l’we‘l’re-‘l’iem mm 0 mm ”mum to mmf 1pu 1C C' edge of each page, inside folds beingi assist him 1n the
1‘ ‘ Log Cabin, Cynihiana inand resulting from such advertisement un— 11116011511, glued together Outside? It may be wel'
1‘ C€0"ge_M; Wilsom spwnd V’M'Pres'denf .less the quantity offered for sale is limited form the ed es of the )1111th Palm notice in newspa
‘ 11 Breckinridge County Herald-News,Hardinsburg and such 11 fact is stated in the advertise— 1 g s 1 111111 OFFICIALS D1
1 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager ,, T1' 1 1. , 1 1 1 , 1 thickness of paper may be 1156 11 accepted as pal-t
1 [ml-yen”), 0/ Kentucky, Lexington ment. rat same pIOVlSl101] appearer in an PTOCCSS, hailed as a boon to scliOlHll1 61111116111 10mg be
.1 Board Of Directors Indiana bill several sesSions ago and we veloped by University Microfilmfill Secble, struggling
E‘ romped on it to its demise. Who could pos- A A 1 M' 1 1 emocracy such
Chairman Bennett Roach Shell; News Shelb - ' . ' . ' . U 1 . ‘ nn r)0r, 1C 1' Igovem
i ' ' 3’ , Y SlblV determine what IS a reasonably suf— 1 . ”lent byt
1 ville: Riiiiiscv E. Garrison. Anderson \lews, fiCicnt 11))“, ‘md how could 11 Ch, 11 r'— ___———————/1 predicated 0n tl
1 Lawrcncebiii'g linos Swain. .1(Inmate-Messenger. . S H ‘ ( . ‘ l C 1 All qu 1959 3 (an be kept infc
, 1 1 Danville; Niles Dillingham. Progress. Dawson (liculous law be enforced. Indiana lawmak- 9 I 11 “mes. Without
_ i1 swims; ()tfirm Ex-(mum ers agreed to the central office. Volume 25 Numberl lhere can be
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( You. d Ough ' of ind’ - the lffere Catin Was 11 ”lone erSOn now 136 its Over“ uc11 Then (‘16 LCC‘er “d t0 mtV ch If 10 ]e in e 001]” I I ‘ i

I fess t It 31) “ml new 9% b g tha not he] 3'8 Sh wh CStab Elf. ”lent 3n e t ,rs t 5 T161 mak' 056 Der whic] 1d I; I

—— < 0d D63 1315 5d Ct t ’Ch . 18:1 on] .0 r . hS a s. lhs . 0 ~, we, (:00 . to. CC“ ‘t if I l
I 1:: the “£131: therizto beO; busifiatchgzesn the: :Tgrvalgles bydaglve aeIfelves had the s the Imbliysmnrsi- Cogsgld £1663 oflgsl’eCt Ithof th: I 1 I I

1] ~ 6 1] - SS 1' ‘1 . . . a [)0- " 1'( 1 I. 1) e .1‘, I '

I’ ' '1 Our Shoes i110 hth 0651151] DaStmnge tconcflnadver- ”he Clentlv I111 ln01;Sbhshegco“Yltinexl’ehdmt that 3nd facltntcr'istmld be Cr’ tooamllflblart 0f thpub‘ 4 I I I

u! SI"‘Ce 2639M 7an ItaIl‘tur'V frlggrs of tyiDOgragl‘ Al' 036:8] yeélr afige to Cases Statemi of fisle I)fublic Dds of band fiélms higln thOQChO‘Vei for OEH’ Ii I'I i
- public Quiet 130i“ C let 1161 lel lical of lay , 11t' “’3 1e ht u 60D] .“Teg 1 in . 00 .mPr ,Ce III

t te 1th, ast [c ,‘e f 1t- ”ant 3m 3t ,ndS E e“ ml SI 033 act “I 11 I ,

HI1d noti‘o be ,, ' Cl r 3b ' Set 1121f w} Celpt Clt t1 ‘3 si . a Cunt perlod- as 1the 15th "he lOns ‘C31 ‘|‘ 1‘, I I 2

; lif new fies f Lnlpl Itoff Ollt t 2111 10 h s a le 17 gnlfi reDO 5 Hr 10 y C 3])3. COM . CCrt~ Whe I I
C 1. ' L’ - S d r0m Oved n1 he 43111) In and “d ‘Ced Camt It n e n ’ on Ce 3m 3m n 1 11' 1

kc (“151m I l lmlted .61)3[t t1] ' f0 165 SlZe One le Expe . for tha 101-6 0t Ve ' Of "I Cd f0 offic; I I I l I
CD3 " “mm; In “161 C re rSe and 0f H y- Slant “(ht “lon t1e- tlla 11F me ‘few In, L III I

11c addin ki11 ement the b “.5' gulflr Daratin White 1) guest I antial Utes b thly sglslatu n 4 NEE nt F d3Ys 01‘5- I" I“ I

11d guitcd I: C8153 0m 15031;)f tlleeilgming advertise these aggllshed imbue Sums gf Dubligflemefis mateodf pl1131i? fol :1 0r Tax . II I I I
5 ' 5' 0n - 11 Ce 6 ’ "1' 0 - a th act' in 163 ~ )3 , lic' fix is co ; i
. 13 \' , g 1n rt 0 31] r th 1C111 C131 Cun 3t lcal 3 ml Yers of th Ian . Day I] Dy 11 I I .

erti «Crag; by] rec ffiCi hour] 6 le . 16W. Pro th len . the “’8 new y 3C 3t I C .t S7 t] Crs ()t t of t] IIII 1 I III

“g” f ' 800 Oghi" 813- C611 111c lshed ‘ CH1 1“ th y 11 y t 5931) C121i t] heir 19m -ICY d are] -0 b ‘6 re I” "‘ ‘ ‘2

. 1 I011 zIndI “’6 fi llhg Les lehts “Oti his tra . Th e 11 ave e O 31] er as H} t} 16 II: lC‘is S 1n a 0 n leltlle C 11nd DO” I II I III
. th' 10n_ Udf the I set 0 and Ce 80 .“Sact' Crci and]. Xerc' 0w t1 .the ble fly QStI lire a rep 0t re Ir 9c ores. If E I Hi»

)SslbI Ism gOVer “n .‘3111 ffic' 0rd 0n “’rlt' 10H San mg 136d 161: est Cfcx 1“dc nd 10rt3 3dnl C0111 tl- 1I ‘ Ii IIEI

Ct] ethod nme 0th1 I6 of 121S 61-3 t 111g b of old Off good (3011 . Eda) Lortt rstOI ‘Wltl 11d Y 11nd “ant III 1 ‘I III.

*3 . ‘0 repn to ”to 1:11-16 Sue] Were 0f 0 Sin 60:1 any , SavI'I Unds b .Sh- 1' 5(— of 050 )dlte 1 1’6 must el'st S III I I IIII

11] b P . kee rgan- S Of 1 not‘ nOt 0|] 51] h- l136 H Size ' 1g t1 ent uslne 1C Ofli HCLY H16 f‘ 1113 peated 6x8 . and IIII I ‘-»I‘I

T1, OUHd' ubl 1) t] . 1221f COL _ lCe . 6 fr ls 1] All 5110 lat e rust 35 (f CC _ )Unt' rlc . Of at mm . III I III
1C V . lc . 1811- . I10“S 1nt1e 7 and IS I, Oln . fimc 110“ 111d VCr Cd t I h( . 1!] 1ng( Rd W ton ten . ext III '2, I 3IIII

fet‘, O‘I’lumcI IN AM Official CltIZCI‘ls IfigularSIIItowns bywljh “03:51:01“ {03% 395; 111mm??? regolsélsidnesg 't A“): Dublgder I3)“: of $211333? 111:1;ng to II E! I III I

1 " 1 ' s 0 -us' 11 Wt Sf' n4 ls] V017 6 1 3 e. - met Du et p ‘atc 8k Li 1 1‘ 1'

'C5 of 1mm 1) ER De rmed mg 0n 0 b or “ed one ‘t h . 1n JSV A had me a h Weed rk 0 I11 2 1-

_ - the . n' (”ta ICA ma - 1- 65t 0 e 111 Pub“ _Writt St m eSlt 3 (‘0 ' and 1 {I} y W215 10H 1er . now] I;‘ I I 4‘

cm P33 mg. “t 1 t n End ffic' ade - Catlo 611 an ‘ ate Dy Con. Cref 113 high , 1n ‘ 1 1 :1:

oklww 04:: d '* 2:52. 1111:}: 3551C 1114:363- I 1 12

- — Z0611] ’6 £1“ E “g t] “31);; 110t' 13% "CDC, ‘Stat Seize Ders [C re - if 1 5' 193 6310 ”It ream] 0e 6 II“ '
mm W as th mcri “inSI 16 de pets f Ice w “‘21 “er-'3’ 110x17 en‘ent the or 0t] qulrCd “Gnu st t< ("rflti of 8 ‘ tax 5 not II *1? I ‘

. 1‘, T] 6 Can 1 11 velo tom 25 y 0 Clsed CSI. of 01) 161'W' a . ,\ go, I “’1‘ CSvs PuhII pay “Mk III I I

’Col'd' IcI tow IanI- "Ot' e‘Vs Dn‘le t1] _ an i be DDOS) . D' Y, and “10' born . 156 81m)I (3 h “Ch I ten] 1c ofli ‘Cr to C III I1, I I.

12111. . N “Sh' lfiCa‘ lCe] Dape Ht elr b “L 3p I 9 t] 15110 g 1r ac ‘mt - do 1 e, I ) 5-1 21 0f C13]. 1121. 41 1 I,

[Cf SM” 0 11) ho 138 ' rs of t e ' ‘Vh‘ Dth 16 A “Cs 00d ' t5 t y to “C 1' ("’11 IDIX Ina] g0v 15‘ ‘C ”I: I -1 1
01d '1 e “'dar’ mun- 1“Of 5111 11htil he gm “'11 ended “‘Cr‘ t Ofli . ILIda 0 s} “Ith- ‘chb ’rfg ‘ or ernn] ‘nadI 1‘ I . ‘

he Sbemg WV 55 ev lcip 011 Ce b 8ft pub1" "Hie prov) I) ‘Can C131 =lnen 10w It (10] , over We Cut 9- :in 1 1
1-. O > 3s“ “til‘ en, 31’ r fed ecOn er 18 IC e-hoId Cs 90 Y the Way , 8, WI' tthe N . car St "“ch “Ian 'The hi I I .
~ lltsid' ‘Slstl- 1Ze ' Puby 3nd .eral ‘6 a 00 er, ‘ bC San rln 1116 Y on “tc 1t is \Vh II1 I 1|

prlnt C I nn .3 th 1c "111 ’St s V , , ncfi. 16 the th ce P 11ch Cut 03c III , ~.

Cd tn] 1 In e co Oflic- age ate, arled F’r C131 Dubl‘ ehd ‘7’3’ ro ‘f 0f 1tled - 1'!‘

be 113:3“; 8§§13be1tadis13;‘;h;s‘§% d oracrion F 1° the‘slfd WE “Bets 1nd 111;: " 1 ‘
n 1 De t C t1 y ,ent’ 0ft ,,‘c 1’ I. ' ~ ~‘ : 2 :‘

Mi:0 Ecl‘olm ZCCCIESIAL§SB‘§)e3sre‘terafihislgffine‘vsgfi ‘ndi: TA-XPAYER or Offic- “We ”W 1112‘”>m~i:md hm Iv'dual R 5 I

[0 1m “‘n a M “’8 th Cial Der , ”‘6 S Rd “cc “on _ ’icu c. i z t _
s 11 fe 1em 8 m AN 5 be e fa bu. to real teas fre s . ‘1 R ”I a— 5 t11 dbo ghf = ‘
Y Cb] 1° (rt of DE r" b Ct th Slne i r€33 ed Ta Cluen “’58 ’r “H (“01 1‘” a ”t t] 5 ‘1 I ‘1'

—-—/ d6 0, St 11g be the D ecau 3?: P 5.3' le‘o Ion f0 tes 0 fly ft great I C 0' I‘htSI re 11( 1611) I 1 :II
19 go$?crac;‘lgsgliIIgfc:Ire Decimal-ICE; andseifggfllg :Ilorizzzhhehts rthIIghc‘: Itl'uinlzlaggi the b1 IJIIvigerfnfi it (Eggnog BIN)“: SIEICErlxtllctcllldc ”f I II I '

.“m “C1 g6 'Pa “3 e 16b Vt ‘ 3Xe- ci an ’(f “g' “is s c..‘ 1' ! v“ .
59 Dredxc Cut 1 a, 0f u pets YSten Cam 5t est ' he add-. 515 2‘Is 16 f0 I ’ f] . IntC « thc “ch ch. Y W'th 11 H
(-3 ate by S I) one “’61“ 1 of 6 [ate 131-00 VoI-er ”10“ to] When I . n s . leh- (- rCStc 0n] ”kit‘- Ct III III
’lumber H "itrilcsbe kgpton III]: Dog; the “Jan 51:02:“ ofgtohv. If? IIIctIIIIlIeir OIIfInlhI1b1I~CsotfgemsZIIeexpelizfoufldtlk Zlgcerjfisigl ("ascsonsmuggDanie}; :IvaI-IairImI IStIIIlIc) ‘III’ I I II I I
the" W' inf asg eand'erv ,s.” e emi 356d “lte . Cial ’s. I lures 1n ”thj es g as 1131 r" mm 61110 II,II1II II I:
re . 1t] Orn ‘um . f ' exlst In er Zed .Cxl) .grlty 5 Can “ 51 31. Dru ‘ Dc ’ 531v “‘Ort ’ght bc‘ 311s M NH ' '
amo (an lollt led Dtlo Or t1 ehc :1 a] c‘ notl endlt and Us 10h 1 Dcrt" ISO“ 5 of gag, 3- ”1g (1 '11 I."
n 1) - 0f I] t] 16 C 0 b lrc CC Ure to 6 to C35 thc' 1L5 ] S \v Ian L f e. I: 1 l I
g th 6 H mm th lat Deo f 336d “lat’ Dubl- SW1 1)]a de 63 . 1r d' 1m- xho df Orc. III III. I
e 0 d 1 \r‘ 6 $01 (31; Ple- f3' 11) 10“. [Shed‘ 161’e' Ce t1 mOn. ‘fl'cd ’SlJo , .0 f] . hav. 0’ (1 Host i1 :H ‘ I 1
”We?;“:;r22‘i?51;rc23‘“m§f§sWe]? (ISL-5° It???gmfig‘gerse‘ia11615961032344 Iggy 11:11“;m. ‘hgighft: Iimffi‘pgue‘éi Isak-s I I i . I
6 ’ ack l“f0 acti. tec Is With “blic 0r rlticis ‘Daper 15 an Scar “Us at 0 th - “-rcg- )c ‘ ‘ Eng.5 .ach’ II H I A II I
Sword Of 1'rnat. hon Ca SCI “131i m of d .C11 f tCIn Clrl «ldcn lnfOr 1t)“ , I ‘I 1 1
b kho 10m Ggg' , froI ‘6 an Vant ,Ce1is’ When gen. ChVC I‘Jr t] I 1)th M k t 0w ”‘0d thc I 3:" 1 I 1 I
‘ y W‘IiofiviedgeSwli‘ihin?’1v1‘msem‘211301s53w; 1s Inf‘liét“ Frizz? 3,1336% pays m I III II; 5.
' Ve . S 10. ' -6r.-.‘ 1, a» -< s o n ‘1; ‘IIZ
Ty DIOVC Inmdhner a 1311])]‘ Seek tlntercst C15mg 1In pIICPIac-lr the c and rcllc‘ "0ti[.]duct aOfliCCI 10th I ’I 1III‘ I I"
It is $15011“ d that ‘IC rem; preIuI-II His DIns thhl‘shcde’ “’hcnouhty Iatlch Ige OftenthorolfuIt I I II III ;
‘-'0 .73 ls. l 0. c ' 1n 1' , r ‘1 I
metmlesh:.unfah-Coml’letii hiscecavotcrs the 53:1)(Jn:?b_§hejfl]:ly Sec aWhnglhIti in thfglls g0; III I IIIII I
' 1c ' .‘ . ‘ ‘ "o . . . 11 ‘ 1
IC] that Onteht'CSs W136 1n T crested] It); u 111mm Inotlcc C Sale 90111. I II I II
the b0 10115. 11 dis. in” he” t 11011. Don t1] 1lty pa to tha ‘5 t0 ‘ ‘I- I1 I‘If
Oks of all f8: fmundwé’ “CwsrcsidchtCmSCIVCspCrS’ \vitllcficcr I 1 II rI I I ‘
I Dllb‘ for fiirncls 0:16 00111:?)ch hparticsi 0f inforntfilke I IIII V I II II
htclv )1“ ho cVcl'v _ry thaavc a “fig I I!’ I I :
' , “ by my: tlgftatc a t gets Way of f , I _
5» cv nd th t
IL who, are r “flti em 1' r"W01. ' II 1. 1‘ ‘ ‘. 1,
arc farcad Caggch' Likrelto the I I.‘!I II T
away frgly ands let I IEIIIIIIII
In fllc- 1mm I IIII1IIIIIII ;
11' f()1-_ I IEIIH‘I 1
I: J! I H: {I ‘
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:1 1v I‘IEI '
1 II: III ..
_# E III '
1 7 I I‘ ,.

l I‘
1 I t l I 1 1‘1 '
i incr neighborhoods. \\'hat better way is there. WNR AlWCl S Workin " ll '
1 under such conditions, to convey an important y g Ragged Style In setting
1. ifiotieclto people who have the right to be in« For Weekly Members Body Type Under Scrutiny M
1' ormcc? 1 _
Parties not directly concerned in a legal ac— Standard RiltC and Data SCFVICQ Inc, You mav have noted in a recent issueg'
1 tion also may be entitled to notice in those cases reports that 986 accounts switched from one the Publigimlfig Atwili'irv Edmund C '
1‘1whcrc their welfare is affected. Such cases would advertisino agency to another 111% VG.“— This 1 1, 1‘ t 1 J. K ’ 7 l ' It
1‘.‘ include divorce and nullity of marriage, bank- 111110111101 b 1. ‘ 11 t. 1 1 i ' fbl- f no t S “alum“ “1:13 given over to a 00mm” AD'
111 1 ruptcy. adoption, sale of property for liens. and ( mayor a(\cr 136.“ r6120?“ 6 .Or on thC tagng Stl'tc 0t typesetting C011 has
111‘ many others. it is impossible for anyone to pre- more than $200,000,000 111 3d l)llhng. Sttttt‘ position being used by the Stromberg 116111 ”or
dict how many people will be interested in one mg of accounts means new agency people 131113ch in M’UVl‘ll’lCl .Under the tradition‘ M
11 ., - . ‘ .' . , ' 1 C c _ z . 1 1
11 ““31 (’t1alt,mtl;1°t”Ifat‘YIICga1daC1t'0‘l.aMl the gcni to Contact, IICW POIDtS 0f Vlew t0 SQtleY; method of typesetting when thC operall poi
11 era P11) 1C, lCl'C ()l'C, SIOU )C glVCn 811 eqna 1 z 1‘ 1 1 . 1' _ . par
11 chance to get the information with those persons 19w] lpfpr011ChC$ to plan and no“? sales has a loose llne he Inserts thin spaces atttt plac
111 directly named in the legal document. pltc 165 or he newspaper medlum thh the side tttC spacebands 0t letterspaees 8 W0rd~ him
111 thousands of agenCies located from coast both requiring slow hand operations Tl, and
111 . ‘ ' ' i - ., . . . ' ‘
11 Why PCIId Space? to _C‘1’33t- The indivrdual paper cant do It. “ragged style eliminates this. VVhenll l'lrd
11 1 1 1 1 Dailies have their regular representative— a operator has a loose line he uses a 51111 ' Mix
1 1 TllE OI‘PICIAL public notice must be run firm that has contacts. The lesser weekly band ,1” 11- _ 1 d h . ‘
.‘ in paid space, because the public must have reps we too small to do a thoro Uh . b ‘ ‘1 c a 1 11“ Space or ((1113 at t entt inc.
1“1 free access to all important information of this H‘ . 1. c 1 . ut’ t9 ’ end Of the line and thus lttSt Spaces out Pi
1: nature. Some of the activities of governmental 7 erein 165 he invaluable Stet-VICE t0 ThC right hand Side Of the column 1001 to a]
11' bodies produce news which is covered thor- “ 66tl3’111\t€VV5133113€f RCPTCSCUtQtIVCS, IDC- something like the right hand side 01; the 1
1 Ought." 111 H1O “CWS Columns 0f tl1€11381>eg f Only \VlNR, which represents the bulk of the'writtcn page 1 br'ef
1 ' This is the newspaper’s responsinity. \' ar the weeklies C'l - - ' z ' ' t
.. ‘cndoanffi ..
1 the greater part of the finanmal Information re- sellin 1‘ kl: . 1 d. 6 fed V: lot) _Ot AS Ect, no Kentucky newspaper has er mark
1 lating to the activities of governmental bodies, ‘, g “CC, .163 ‘15 a me mm or a vertISIng PCtthHth with thls radical step. A fell barre
1 however. is not news material at all. It bears 1“ eonlpetrtlon “'lth all other ad media. papers in other states have made the expt- irrati<
1 approximately the same relationship to the news Nlost 1nd1v1clual non—represented papers and ment' 3 lViissouri newquper has been most
columns of the paper as the report of the board the small reps live mainlv on national ad— .1- l . K _. . c ‘
1 of directors of General Motors Co. does. Ob- vertisincr 0&- the efforts OfJWNR Qt)cr1111011t11lg.\\1t11 It for several weeksa Att
1 viously, it is not the newspaper's responsibility 1'1") 1 u n ' tCPOttS that It 15 51 tremendous tune—saver aininé
1 to bring detailed information of this nature to tttSt ecause 30“ had X auto account The Stromberg papers state that they ht vertisi
1 1 the attention of the public. 1 _ "F 501110 other 3d account lflSt year doesn’t used the ragged stvlc of composition sint repeat
11 1 lnthe last analysis, however, the public notice mean you have it for good. If it comes January 19§81 Their note in the Publish “)red‘
1 runs in paid space primarily for the protection of back this year or next, it is probably be— Aux’ili'irv doesn’t nent'o f bl 1 1 .‘
11 the public official himself. Ilc is assured ill this cause 110 _ 1 . 1 kl' d . c 1. 1 1111 um avora ert praetu
11E 1 way of having some funds in his budget with ‘ ‘ - in paper, or “66 163 as a me lum, Ct tC'letlon but they CStlmfltC that 011th“ asserte
11 ' ,1 which to make an accounting1 olt his stewardship has bCC“ 1'C‘SOld b." “INR to thc agency. scale of operation this faster method of “43th
1’ ‘ to his constituents. It guar 5 run against mis- t\')csettin Will , . 1 ‘ .
. . . __.__ __ 1 smc them more hanSil 1 1
11 representation, false accusations, and claims of . lill'l Yearg t .5 Stdlzltla
l: malfeasance in office. B ‘1 - - 1 ma 6
1 1 In short, it is his privilege as well as his duty U'S' 0nd Ads Go“ 1 Tl’imgraphcr Arnold commented that; its pro
1’1 ‘ to utilize the paid public-notice for the wise Are Partlully Deductible have qualms about the typography bl: Pins
11 ' explanation of his own actzous, and to keep his 1 1 also haye a high respect for a buck.” almost
1 constituents informed. The Internal Revenue Service says a stated that