xt7ftt4fqx3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fqx3m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1893-12 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 1893 1893 1893-12 2015 true xt7ftt4fqx3m section xt7ftt4fqx3m :,=—.- J? .=- l . ’mfl'n'hl "- : ‘
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Vol. 4. Lexington, Ky., December, l893. No. 4 ‘
W . a;
FOOT BALL. llfil'st game with any Indiana collegel S S i 5
———-~— ;it was looked forward to with much- i l l l ) l J I .
CINCINNATI Y. M. (I. A. vs. S'rA'ric linterest. l 3
' (“'ILW- l Fifteen men came down from Who Study Economy Should not fail to . f
The game was played at Cinein- l Bl‘WIUiHQUHL lluli‘dnai Thursday . ' t i
. “a“, Novemher 18, the day (m‘lforenoon and during their stay here t1 36.6 at the _l
which Centre got that sea siek look. l made the HO’LCI Reed their head- RAG K ET ST 0 R E ‘
Although it rained very early theliluarters. 'l hegame was called at . . . 1
team and friends started and found l 2130, the teams lining UP 215 {OHOWSI The lal'geSt NQtlon House 111 LEXIDgtOD. l
)leasant weather aivaitinir them in ' 11‘d- U- POSitiOH- S C- 1 ,' , 7 t ,
than”. ° trimmer, re wry... 0111 p1 1095 always the low est. Fall stock .
7‘ ,, 1 I G een, r t. Gnun , ' ' ‘ , - ‘7 _ 1 . ‘7 V
‘ lhe team was conducted to thel ngd rg R_ BM“ now ieady, Notions, Ladies and Geiitb
Y. M. C. \. huildiiw and handsonie— ~ . i .v i , ' ., ' H . . r. i'
‘ . . ‘ . .. 59““ C “.00“ F111 lllblllllgs, Hats, Boots and Shoes, .
l} tieated. [he game was ealled at King, 1 g “Leaver _ .1 . .
5-3 p. in., thirty minute halves being WWW-er» lit C Jiolly Blal‘ikets, Stallonel'y Etc. ‘I
)laved teams. linin r u ) as lollow's: Hams’ c ’ar‘ner 1 . - ‘ T , V , . ‘
- l, ' , .‘T l . ‘ Helm, q b Alford '11“ us 101 F all I. 11(l01'WCal. - g
\. M. (1. A. I 051tion ‘ S. C. Syrett. r h b Thompson v 7
lluttolph, r e bwango l Holloway, l h b Redmon J D P U R C E L L
Judson, r t Lyle l McMullen, f b Brown ' '. 7 . 3
. Monk rg R. Bryan , II, 13, 15, West Main Street.
Hogam C \Voods Mr. W. Woodward acted as um- .
Berry, 1 g Steeley pire. l’rof. Nelson as referee the first
Fisher, 1 t Garred half and Mr. Frew the second half. _
h 1 11 if” '1mlill""‘mw"“
5 't , B S " ’ - "A . . ' ‘ '= . - . ’ -. .. . ~ »; Eli.-
” F131;“ ( (1 08h: . Qf LULHSL we had the usual toitunL Christmas goods 20 per If); . _. ‘1 My“...
VI Diyhnid r11] h Thom; 0131 in the toss up, or rather it was great— /.:iii]‘;H..‘i‘“;.;u{‘..i..sz. 3””; l ‘ $33,? \, "--
A ‘ ar .5 . i‘i‘li‘liV‘lri‘i‘E . - e w
steett I 1 h b Realm,” 01‘ than usual as the coin came down eent lm‘l‘l' than 0150\\’1191'0~ '/ Wtiill‘ylid,”ill‘il‘nl‘ll‘li‘iilfll‘i «.f \fll [\ ‘\
‘ ' ' ~ 3:"? "lili‘f‘ihffl :V‘Hfl‘ ‘L‘illlgf'j L ”, ‘l‘lfi l ’r
‘ Hamilton. f i) Alford on edge and stuck in the mud as FRED _]_ HEINTZ luff.“ ‘11..‘Hilll'fif':.113”) [\(\\ i/E \. .; /\“
B. F. Van Meter and J00 Montl‘ort had been prophesied : on the Second . -‘1~”lillllll‘firh9 ‘i.“i‘fillllfl:\89 Ell fig .
i alternated as umpire and l'efei'eC, “’55 the Indiana team won. Manufacturing Jeweler. [fill ‘ ii‘hllllfflh‘l é) §Efl 1
' eaeh givmg satisfaction. I . llu. gaint opened with theeta- Custom House 5.111313 \: l‘. ..‘i‘fliiijjgallit‘lllil w 5/ Wr"’.‘/
‘ Q, C loqt the to‘x‘ and in the fir» i
1“”- (“(1 little hut let the Y M (‘ ‘er them throughout the game. while \\'\'i,l’f‘->i“.‘;,.“_q fife" ’ Hm” J“ :
A‘ qeore and Wet them ‘ll‘id theii-ltlie State College used the (.‘ornell i“ ""Iiiwttiuiio .
friends over—eonlident. The many :1“??? ? ‘ I 1" Jim” 130““ (“lb 11,33 __.__—______________._____.____.___ ‘.
friends of S. C. present from Cor— “I .iietsnieea no “11.6 “db 9» .
ington and the Military Academy L11:luff);1113:]:1::(113L‘131LHIII:121111111111]: I he 34 t I 1116 t O l
were made ha nv in the seeond "' ’ 4' ‘v‘ * ‘.‘ 7‘ 7’ ° ' ' ' }
1”“.- when q (‘ :11“; onlv prevented line wedge play of the Hoosmrs nev- i
i -, L _. 3 . ' er gained more than ten yards. ———)l;\:\v[rFACT[lRERS ()lf—— .
then opponents honi seoiing hut 'l‘l l 1 1 t l , . .
r “1.1 u fiurteen 7‘ intn. ie pay an no won in pro-
”'lifwv1:.(:u]1,10u.1yp )Outpl'ived and ’ gi‘ess long before one could see that Mll-ITARY, COLLEGE AND BAND UNIFORMS-
i .L 1‘ J ( the score would be large. ManV
outwinded the 3. M. C. A. team V B!“ d t
«till the g-nne waa not eaav 'lln: were hurt but had the game been ' (, “nerS' war 8' 8 me 8,
i I ‘ i U. . J ' The and not so loose the
S. C. went to the Y. M. (‘. A. build- moie “Ruin“ , .
in" al'ter the game and trot in inne— (aisulty 11“ wouldhave/1’9“” WI“- Ovei'eoats for Officers and Pl‘thllTGS. "
\‘l‘llt’llllt‘ condition Thev reached er. And again some. were guilty of
. lexihuton 'lt 105;, 1’ n1 f'tired hut making believe hurt when they THE M. C. LlLLEY CO. .
A .. I: 4 ..- -. . . '1 ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ a. f
. .. . . ,._. Ah. .. _ _. , -
happy’ and Joined in the rejoicing 31:12:: iiiittilngtiiiltif it “10131010“ I-‘OnS St- And 5‘ Avenue, Columbus, 0
of (‘entral Universit Y. "' ‘ "' - " ' ' “ -‘
'3 as the trick was new to them. /.. 30?}; T
. . Afloly .am
. .. . t. VICTOR BOGAERT ,
l HANKSGIVING DAY (IAME- iinade on each S](l(.‘ and these helped “‘f""‘@)‘i5
' ‘ w: v' ‘3: 1’1. tl' i an i 1' .2106 ,
. ‘ ()iii putitl lildligtnltllt “1th gn It.) )o 1 in tie «(o rag nu in *%L£%%i“%$fi)‘ MANU FACTURINGJEWELER, ‘
(.enti'e on that day havnig fallen making.r the game. interesting. leaksfikxwvl‘ég‘g . 3
through at a late date, it was doubt- Indiana soon made a toiieh-down Ki. 9‘ 6"" I7 E. Short Street, ‘
iiil whether we would have a game, hut it was not as quiekly or as pret— \15/ Lexmgton, ‘ " ‘ ' KY- 1
. hut after eoiisidei'ahle eorrespond- tily made as that of S. (‘. which " {
, enee. arrangements were made with lhllowed immediately. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY‘ ‘
~ the Indiana. University team for a Both teams were weakened by RELIABLE GOODS, I
game and sinee this was to he the having men hurt. with the exeep- FAIR DEALING AND BOTTOM PRICES. .

 tion of the substitute llottles, ol' 11‘State ('ollee‘e may well be proud of, .
11., who played a very line game the reeord of the team. Eight $0 “5
and a strong addition to their team. games were played, of which five W I
'l he State (‘ollege team almost went were won, one tied and two lost——
to pieees in the lirst halt after plaVinQ GL‘OI‘Q‘etown, U. of '1‘. at 55 E. Mam St.
Thompson was hurt as none had , v . , v
‘ . , lxnoxvtlle Centre, I\. 1‘. two ' ~
been aeeastomed to give s1L§nals ex— ,’ ,1 . . yl , Flne PhOtOgraphS at Reasonable Prlces.
, *‘ ‘ games), Lentral, Lineinnati X. M.

\ ‘ - ‘. -,\ v v u . ' v‘ ‘ ——_'——'——————__—____‘—_____
(NM lhompsou, L113" “‘11” “‘15 to“ (I. A. and Indiana University; los—l I“ . . s ,v a 7 a ‘

Jll to play, and (.‘aptaintxarred. But ine' onlv to \ ntr-ll and Center l .. 1\L.I*.l[l\lu. B. ]‘()’l Ht‘ll.

t 1 0 s , : . b I , ‘ ( ’ . . u , ) I V 7 r v .

: s ‘.() iron he held alter . Ihtenn Hotel. . ,. . n . , .
(I llltd . t 111111,, 1 Our sew id team won m,” the l I 11(lLI' I ayctte National Bank.
Redmon was hurt proved to be the Frankfort Le-un ,

‘ ‘ . , ‘ , L \ in . ) ‘

.‘t ': ) i ‘am trom utter de— . ,
flu 1t1t\)\u ttltht :L t tl Last vear we played six games,| :BARBEllS.

., '. ‘1 ) ) n um >sav lose ‘ . -' ;
it It, 1‘ L, l le 11‘“ l . " , 1 Iw- t.\'o, tled one and lost three.‘ r...

\ 2 ( i a ' were inea )Ltl) e . . .. ,. I ' T C
on t to K. .t It“ 3 1 y , I l, .‘-11 from and tied with l\. U. 110‘ K E I"'| N E: A N D F0 8 H
()l ““l’t‘lll‘lmj' the. “1:1an but tha.. ' ire, won from Louisville, Athletie, ‘ _ , 7 V . w
lrom inexperienee 1n givingr signals (‘lub 10‘, two to l’iehmond ‘11“, onel LIuhli\(..1()i\, I\\.
were not able to eontrol al’lairs. Tl I l 7:. . . .L. L. ‘ ' l {KEESPCCW “HOMO” Paid to Students.
‘ _ , lto the \ ii'ginia Military Institute at}
seore at the end ol the hrst ha 0‘1 \"1 .‘__—““—‘—"—m--————-——————-—
stood 1-1 to 14 and this interes“ "" Limb M], ‘ i . .
' . I " the league game resulted as 101- f j A
see—saw was kept up till at. the ’ 1‘1 6 61 S
1 l l l )4 t ) lows: l 3
x V i i (“l ‘ '(,‘ ~01. t) L . u . .
l”? H m U U u w . .ltleluuond won the ehampnm—
l. [1. would hardlv have -. v .1e11‘ . I. . _ . , , , ‘
. ‘ '2 ~' ship, “1111an trom Georgetown,
last seore had it not. been‘ " .trk. s: , ' .
._ tate Lollege and t entre. DF \l FIN l\'
' ' .‘ .. . ., , . ' . _ , . 4x 1 l D -
. ()l the l'looslels, llot - .‘\, Blew—i l)all\'llle won 1mm 5mm ( olleget ‘
er and llottle played g .11 ball, Hol- r Geore‘etown forfeiting ,
l’ D ' p’
out! and llottle mall _.some \e1\ ._ .. ‘ ... . .. ‘, ..r_ ., . V ~ 1 _
‘. -‘ , \ s . . Mm What “011 110m (wee Fresh Meat, Bacon, Lard and sausage.
hue loner runs. bro .11 did some I town. Georgetown lost all. ‘
“XVL‘UC‘M “"H'k fin‘ 4tate CUHL‘Q'Wl As the eaptain of next year’s team .
making some llllLIEflltlxlt'o and “has grown into his position more 18 N. MILL ST.
“l’ll’ndl‘l 1””? SW1 ,rlin'k “Vlth suc“iqradimlly than his predecessors he .
, i,

eess. Bryan saved‘ us too by two 1 stands a better ehanee to carry ,___________..._._.___._______..___.____—____
good runs when it was pretty 01050 . through the entire season a win-l ‘ : g R7 E 01 1 S 1/1 5;“ C

' ht" ”5 90011111: tt’m‘l‘“l”“'”5‘ lnina‘ team. Captains: llobdv and ' ° ‘ 0)

(tamed, l hompson, hedmon and , Garred are splendid players and dldl .
Altord, “‘110 l’lflyt‘d 1‘15 “13“ game 1 excellent. work and must not be l'or- \Vholesale and Retail Beams in ,
as quarter-back and did very well i gotten. Their experience is of value
“We showed up “‘11- N1” t'll‘l‘JEand should be turned to good ae-
was a Lreneral reel'lessmrss and a sad . ' . . . ' . .' .' ' ' , _ ,, V - ‘ ‘7 , ‘-

. . D . . ‘ 1 mm In comma ml lawsuits out Paints, Glass, Brushes, Artists Mate] ials
talhng oll lrom the, style anu energy good material. Let us advanee
shown in earlier games, hardly a re- surely; slowly, if need be, but none
stilt ol over—training. the less surelv. of all kinds. House Painters'anll )Deeorators etc. A lull 11110 of Our
\ 0‘- , . f - S. t .1. r .. H. 1's ‘ ()\\'11 Brand of Ready Mixed 1 (nuts always on hand. Only
A PM”; , 01 altllt (L1) “T (ti. -1 One thing must be borne in mind, first class work done at reasonable prices.
‘ .‘ '3 . a: "1 1e . .
311$“ Elllil “3 51m 1”le ll? t‘louo 1‘ develop the material 111 college and W Sh 1: St t ,

\, ' . 2 ' ._",()ll( . . / I ». 1‘66 .

t“ “”1“ L "C 1TH“ 01 ’ fulfil“); 1 not chase atter outsiders to come. to 2 01‘
' " '>'2 \ A. n lana. ,

thong linpli‘lulth 11:) t1]; “Em (f college to play. blow, steady growth _“_me

‘2 ‘ ‘ H E. ' t ‘ I - - . x” . _'“\( m 'n ;w>.. > A

i H.“ (l t u L 1 l l) “1) 1- ’_ 1s tar better than a rapld but, weak, €$9Jé§bl C_ C PEAR SQ N & CO . !:.-='l,)§‘,'%-$§-gy ,
“. ' t V ; '(, ' A '. 11" - - V

Uh“ mm “ on t I!“ ll K 1n W 1,vaseillatlug growth. ’10 attempt to L
. z ': , ) w seemet . . .

‘lm‘m t.” “11}le t‘ 0 ‘15“) I make up a team oi men, some 01 _:- O a] Curt gratio er (IX; 1

2-. ‘z , ' 'm‘ z ' m n '10 . vi:

:0 11”, m 111‘ .01 Oglgthu l1 Tel “1 whom are genuine students, (the \ y ' 17 y ‘ .

Lu )een an o ronitle ran {3- , - ”-

. term "bona hde is worn out), and m,
eivmg game on aeeount ot siekness l othel“ who come to eolletre simply to SU P E R I O R P R I N Tl N Ga 3+
, _ ‘ = a ‘4 .t \a
z “.5 1'S2 . ->-t
111:; “H" wk ll; 1’11) ‘ mulld 13' . play loot ball, even though they .GAN D E N G RAV N G,
1.10 lnm‘lllil )0)" went 101110, “la have. matriculated, is dangerous to S h 1 S 1. S _ lt
W . \ 1 . . ,v . "1' - . . . - ‘
Louimilleflliday .tltunoon muei the splrit 0t :Ltllletit's among the ' g 00 upp les a peela y
pleased with their trip and theeour— students Students 10qu interest it" 48 E. Main otreet, - — - Lexmgton, Ky.
teous treatment they reeeived tiom they are not fully represented on mm
the State (‘ollege boys. the eleven J. M. mama. \v. s. 1.1a] Has.
7 —— Good, thorough training under —TH EM
'l‘his vear we will make a resume the su )ervisiou of a com )etent .
. l l
otthe work of the fall, as much as coach who fully tunlerstamls the BRITTEN STOVE COMPANY
our time permits: game, theoretieally and practieally, (SALES AGENTS,
Mueh more enthusiasm was dis' and who is at all times ready when

)laved earlv in the tall and the called it ion is of the hi'rhest im- LEXINGTON STOVES AND RANGES.
l . . 7 {‘5
boys did not have to be begged to portanee.
mine out to play. Some did not Let each man obey the captain Grates, StOVe RePaH'S; Tlnware, Etc-
play the season through,though not implicitly and do not annoy his op~
on aeeount of any injury reeeived. ponents since to do so his attention Any Kind of Stove ort Range Thoroughly Repaired.

A\ few eould not devote their time is diverted from the game, and let

to foot ball. and altlnmgh in some, him follow this maxim in. obeying.r 123 EAST MAIN So’l‘REE’l‘,

eases good and earnest players, still the eaptain and those in eoutrol:

the team was Not toa‘ether and the "(,lbev orders it' vou break owners." LEXINGTON - - KENTUCKY-
s . 1 . . ,

 A. wordin rcgardIto Captam . Ca— NORMAL NOTES V ..."
rey. He is, we believe, one of the z
coolest men on the field that State The work done in this depart- (ICbOIS & Sarley
(,‘ollcgehas ever had, and this added ment of the school, during the I I
to his knowledge and Ski“ and ex- school—year, has been verv effectual
perienee in running the team will and the results are most ”gratifying ,. 8 and l0 W. Short Street. I l
be highly conducive to the success to its teachers. '
,“lfich "mft"eomif‘w “'m'k fin“ Especially has the Literary so- For Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, &c 2*
It "1th“ right way. ciety work been encouraging. The i
“ C have prepared a schedule 0f last meeting of our Societies, which ' ".l‘ i
the work ofthe team 1ndlv1dually was a joint meeting of the two sec- All good, Delivered Free. Telephone 79_
and collectively. and trust that too tions, proved m be one of great in- ‘———-—&————_ . .
much fault Wlll not be found. terest. Mr. Steely the first on the W J |,_I.v I I . h & B .
__—'—'————I—‘— programme, gave a declamation, ' ' "(V U I a n r0: 1
in)» for which he was loudly applauded. l‘fj- _ . . . I
,8- I93; E 2 rd '6 I'l‘hen followed Miss Maud Reed Whoms‘ue aid retail dealersm
:q : <1 p E” 0 with a re )ort of home news and . , . ,I . , , ‘ 3
My... .3 . g .g 3 M... mg...“ .. rem, of twig, Stoves, meaie, Pumps. .: ates, Mantles, Haidware, Etc. I
g E 3—; I: 'g J"; 7.: news. An essay, subject, “Why do Galvanized Iron 1““ JC-te Work a Specialty.
{'5 E E g ,3 f, 5 I read,” was read by Mr. Jolly. Job Work done on short no: the Great Western Stove f
~——-—-———*-~—-—— Next followed the debate, on the and, " $tq1‘0. I
()arred ......8 200 20 Io 5 0 0 question, “Resolved that political 26 VVGSL ItliIStreet-
fif;2::°31:',2 2Z2 2‘; :2 12 (6) 2 parties are essential to the welfare - r. IW.
Carey ......7 76 4 19 2 o oland p1'(.)sperity of the country,” II ’ 1
32:32:11: 15:) if, 377 Z 1‘; 3 Mr. Nunnley led the affirmative STUDENTS’ SUW‘TDLIBS Ii
\Yoodward ...3 So 6 13 3 4 5 with a sound and logical argument, ' . ' .
filtilggmoufi [:3 :5 lg 2 (2) 2 setting forth his view in a manner T A BLTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTEON: l
Woods.......8 30 3 ID I o 0 that showed he had given the sub- 1
i‘gitylgyffl? ‘33 ,57 2g f 3 34m deep thought. FINE STATIONERY, oQCIETY PROGRAMS .
Lyle ........+8 133 If: 1;, 2 o 0* Mr. Hicks followed on the neg- PRINTING AND BINDING T
lslxtiiiirtdi: 6; w 2, 2 g (C), ative. His speech was the most d f I Alf
Stollf... .....I f j 0 o Oilogical we have ever heard in the Call an See orXourse ‘
itili‘ttéé‘fli 8 8 3 lsociety halls. His mode of reason- Transylvania Printing Company,
ETIXIC” ......3, 4C: 5 ‘3 (1) (OJ inng was so clear, so forcible that the I‘“ . ?
Bryaii,ll'{-.I..:::3 7o 14 5 o o olill‘gumentProduced by 1115 OPPODOM 10 E. Mam Street, - Lexmgton, Ixentucky.
Gardner......6 6o 6 IO 0 o 0 was severely tested. ———-——___________
. . cha‘ver'””"_2 50 8 6 O O 0 Mr. (‘oyle came next on the E l“
“thascertalimme' . . affirmative and laid up the gaps HAV
TPlayed for Ix. U. one game (exlnbl- . . _ ,. .. ‘ ..
1i0n). which would make 7 after Mr. Hicks. Miss Douglass e DLER : S
gtExhiliition game. supported the negative with quite a I._
W*—-m—“"%—“ nice little talk. She was brief in i
It has been diflicult to obtain the her argument, but pointed. The O N TH E
necessary data in some cases and in affirmative won the decision. Miss .
all scopes ofym'ds gained, some lost Maud Reed, J, .1, Woods and H. BR 9 IN Y
and trials are not put down because Gardner, Committee. I- :
there was "0 means t” find “M the —— \Vhen you are hunting Bargains in Clothing, Shoes, Hats etc ’
amount "f work done. “To have Mr. Bradshaw, the critic, gave ., We sell for cash only, but cheap:
striVen to dojusticc to all and Show many Suggflsthms that will tend to M___#_-_w___~____-___~_
l’iu'tlagtlI’It” “émeé 0 benefit the society at large. He is a . -
State ‘o ege ( 6, eorgetow-n . S. i , \s , (.00 T h H h
“ “ 56, Univ. of Tenn. 0. (Sitikiifbsu‘m “Id m 11 L L c d . O n utc 1S0 n)
“ “ 4, Centre College 6. __ DFAI Fl’ l\'
. b > ' . — . -—-- 4 1 4 L A —
:I :: :3 geiiittriill‘llliifvpzlS. We regret to say that Mr. Gard-
“ .. 11mm 1' M c A 4 “‘3" “l” "”t mm“ 3”” the huh'.Staple and Fan 0v Groceries and country
I . «. ’ '. ‘_ .' . ' days. “Harve,” better known as ' t
I: l. 3:: ;:::1L:,(I::Il;fb “Sandy,” is a good natured fellow l PI'OdUCC. . . ,
'l‘otals—«S. U. 286, opponents 110- and we “351‘ 1m“ success “DOW“ 0” Goods Promptly Delivered and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main
, the farm. and M11] btreets. Jelephone, I\o. 4.
:9 Tonclr-dt)wns—S. C. 54. _~__ w
H . Opponents 21’ We regret to say Miss Troupe has ———————_ ..
i (ioals l“"l““1*51 C" 3"" been absent for some time, on ac- USE THE BEST i,‘
()ppiments 1:)" Iconnt of sickness.
l'ncle Billy ll” a “UH-V bang ‘ Professor Newman asked Burton! Glen Mar coal ‘
And hair of light brown hue, what was called the“ l'ripod ol'liife.” .
And in the class he sits and smilesdiomm guitar, “fiddle and harp," . "
And Katie Sit“ there to”- isaid Burton. “Next,” said Professor. SHELBY KINKEAD (ST, BRO ‘
This is the way he says to her, Look out after the holidays for a .3
With his voice all in tune: grand “1511 in the NOI'IIWL There SOLE AGENTS I .
- “0h, Katie! if you only would lwill be pedagognes from the four
J us! let me take you homcin J unc.” 1 corners of the State. 5 l N. BROADWAY

 an 113 h Kite h en . Regular Meals only 25 cents.
‘ Meals to order at 2.1 hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring Chickens a Specialty. Seating
capacity of hall 150. 9 '
Gus LU IGART, Prop.
\ x ‘ . l
i , . , as a model for aeolleve )a mi" DGItll-l
int sate tollegc Cd(lCi. m h .s it u in 0 . Jul .’ W STATE COLLEGE BOOKS
# 7 ‘ z ,w1 'i iir n \io'y, 7: 7,, N 1 . v7 7
— him . , . , ' ‘ Y Y - ‘- - ' "‘ , X. " 0' () ' ()1L1
l’uhlished Monthly during the Collegi_ as the Chlefol‘rwt't of m “Meme i.\(\\1alitl becond Hand Books (heap. 7Biina X in
liflixiftiiifillsfiriiiizhétilifeéeii of every the idea 0“”,ng to please a“, mtl )()0l\S and exchange them tor new outs.
. ‘E‘ ‘ ' .a‘oegc. A“ ‘.. ‘ ‘ . . <1 {1 rV,,'
Address all communications to Box 479. U tn all 0011080 students. And ”kl I RLD )I STPOPb‘V OOD' . v .
*"‘“*“HTERMS. — quest is hereby made that thosel l\0. 2 Vi". ShOl‘t Stu Lexmg’COH, IX.“ 7
,— one Y5 who aropicased with the style ofi——-—————————————
fiix “101111153 - - - - - - ~ . - - - - - . - ~ . . - - - - ~50€ the CADET will conl‘er a. favor upon -
llirce Months......................30C us In in [1 int th ir 01 inions .
. SingleC01Jy..........-..............ioc ' v" “V S C J r F F Ph 1: h
‘5‘— known, others will please retain h 0 r I n e 0 0g re p S
._ EDITORIAL STAFF their remarks until called upon. M I l
PAI'I MURPII L ’ Some of the remarks that haycl GO to P8 U I U 8 er-
A ‘4 \- 4 a
U EDITORS u. .1 1 .. ~‘11 v 1x a‘ w ‘
OHN .W 7 ita( 10L oui eais \\1 now )L. MU] ‘ _ _ . . 7
J J OODS’ i _ .E «h Ahove Lyon’s Jewelry Store Main and Mill, Lexmgton7 lxentuek). 7
7‘ 7 and commented upon. ‘ College ., - ’
H. M. GUNN, Alumnus bditor. . L W
M B JO‘IFS papers should receive more support
. . l . , 7 _
Correspondent paucrsou Society. lrom the students, should furnish J A WI I I IS & CO 2
' R. L. \VICAVER, more readingr matter, less persimals, ' ' 7 ' '
Correspondent Union Society. . . 5‘ ( i »' .. ' . . .u 1 . . v
, ’1‘ R DMN etc, ttC. ,)n tht first point their DEALERS .l.\
1 W ' ' ’ is no controversy. but we would like ’5
Correspondent V. M. C. A. l. 7 . l l if . 1 < i
H. H. Him, or our amia ) e l‘l(.‘ll( or any one N _ . T . »,
Correspondent Athletic Department, else who can) to suggest a means hy §t2,LI)lG and Fancy Groceries, 001111131)“ P1 0' .5
. J. ”JOLLY: which this can he accomplished. -
4 "--‘~ x . ,- 3- . l. I ‘1‘ ‘7' v L o
Coiicspondciit Normal Depaitnicnt. And [18 ml. mun. reading: matter,how (111(0 Of (111 1&111(IS
l Enw. BRAVD, . ‘ , , 1 . ‘ 1 .. x . . ,
l Correspondent-zit—Large. hiuell “INN” and L'IKOUI“g(’Im'nt' Prompt attention given to all orders No. 7 W. Main. Phone 303
l P g \ini is given to the editors of this paper? _.____.__.__._.—_.___.————————————————— -
“.mu, 7‘ J 7 ,. . .
3 Fighting Editor. At some tolltges, as the Boston L m— I) V 1‘ ‘ in CO u and 7‘
i . (17D BRADSHAW, versit‘y,‘ the editor ol the college pa— P. H E A S I I N ’ ((l U . l 1 ( ‘~
1.3m Agsmflm Fighting Editor. pm is given seien hours a week out 7 v v ‘
__¥,,. V-....,,. W. __.A.._ ‘W I -' i-g‘ '< ‘ "‘ “-‘f ' i‘ ii ‘
ol his (lacs houi. , and his assistants I\I‘L\I)LL\(L O FF! C E A N D YAR D N O_ 132
SE DEFENDEND07 each two hours. How is it here ?
It is hardly fair'to expect two stu- EAST M Al N STR E ET, .
_: During,r the time that the present dents, 311110319 unaided, to fill a LEXINGTONS‘TD :4 KENTUCKY'
» iiicuiiilx-nt of the. editorial (Ilittil‘ has Sheet 0f “11851716 ‘Vlth lltCl‘tltlll‘t.‘ tlmt ———————-—————-———-—-—-——-—————-————-—-——-
.1 held that ”mun“, many Of his would rival Irvrng, and at the same .,
. l'riends, taking the. deepest interest time have class work seven to eight _ ..
} in him, have thought it their impcr— hours “ (I‘l-‘V' And ‘15 to personals. .
l ative duty to impart to him a small they tor-m the most appreciatetl part - 1 1 P _] I) 1 _
V i .4.,,.,, . , ,.' ',, . \7"; \: \: 7i; i-
l part ol' their abundant store of of the amiaec colltgt.ptiiodital, and \\ mm“ L ll“ Wt 11 L l U 111
1; knowledge, to make him thorough- we 009“ name many institutions
lv conversant with the exact man- at which “0L even the liaeulty 15 H dwa re Iron Steel Et C
_7 v i ,7 .' _ . ‘ A V I
ncr in which a, college paper should excmpt from 1‘1”“ “mm" a ’ ’ ’
‘ ha managed, and toinform him pre» “The paper should he printed .in Has always in stock, {[11],}... l'llocks “f the latest and most in]-
ciscly what should and whatshould )tllll )hlet l'orm slruild contain il- woycd ”I‘ll/“1115; lit) )0. *‘iI-‘Slh ('Ul‘d :lnd \Veights; laatlier and lluhlie
. ., , ll . 1.1, l ) i It‘ll"
“l notheputtliercin. All this hasheeu liistratioiis. alil the price of sul». lwltines; huhher Asbestos; llumli‘ago. (ottoii, l emp. am' no ()5.‘ s
r‘ 1.11.0” in wood )‘11'i and some ‘I. it p _. t" .1 7 ll 1/ 1 7 .. '1 Machinery Packing; l‘airlianks heales, Lace Leather, \\‘oye \\ll‘(‘,
7 .. \ h . 1t ,y. , . . , l ‘ , still) lull 51011! . it, 14th ldtCOIt- Fence \Vll't‘ illHl Staples. \Vli("(‘ll)2\1'l'0\\'$. *tt‘P Liltltlt‘l'S, “01]“. 11.0“
l has been “”“t keenly enJoyed ”.l' ”ll-fl") 1)“ gllfit‘lbu-‘l 11‘)” disputan- and Rivets. Bolts, l.awii Mowers. etc. all at fair prices.
a. k v 13" . ' ;. -' ,' '. d'im. Ac ti raisin” the .'lll).'t‘,1'il- ' . a r , ~ )2 *r 1/, ‘i ') 1 'v 'i
H om who his spr nt in ‘t I'lllll'illlgj'; of .t . a l K h. \ \ 1 373373 \ V) l\(i\(l\ hi it I” I“ l 7
7' ' lice the greater part ol‘ his life. since thH ]ll'l(‘e, we only w1sh we could l
_ 7 7 . 7 . Telephone 118.
‘j the, age. of seven, scrvnig in almost 0111' 001100“)? has lH'UIl Ll'ylllg‘ all
77 ”71] pufiimm from camp” “1,7 fall, and has tailed most ingrlorious- . -
\ Numerous olijeetions have been ly. And judging the future by the thIn Qto 1—1 1‘ llJSln 835 Cg 01 1 Egg @_
oll'ered to the style ol'the paper and PEN/i the support W“ should l't‘CUiV“ HNLORPORAIMM
/{ to its mode of management, some of “'“111‘1 ”"t justify “1011 ‘l 0113118“ (Connected with State A. 8L M. College.)
‘. which are perhaps well taken. \Ve in addition now to these coiii- EAST MAIN STREET; NE“Fl P- D-
. asked for a coiitrilnitioii to the col— plaints by others, we have one of our LEXINGTON! KY~
umns of the (lunar recently, and own to oll'er. A college is, to some Authorized ('apital Stock. $75,000.00.
thereh)’ f—iaye an opportunity which extent, lude‘ed by the paper that is You Flmlll‘l attend this (“’lh‘ffl’ for «'1' “WW“.‘Jl‘ and practical (“WT-"0
. . .... .. . 7 . , ._,..,.. . ”.7. ”'9er u.
had prohalily been longr desired. issued in its name. It is the iiitcn— “‘1 , 1’8"”: EM” lM'.‘ pll()l\.l l_l.\.\l). , 1‘1 I“) [‘l 1.1“" . Hj‘l‘
'l‘lic “‘l’lV “a” such ,1 tir‘ide and tor tion of 1] 0 editors that tl ‘ 91‘ H . (1ihi\l ll\’, lenmanship. ( ommereial law, ( ommcrcial Arithmetic, hp e
' " ‘ " ' ’ ' " ‘ ' H ‘ “H 1" iiig, and ('orrespondenee.
ient oi words as We have rarely COLUMN (Lunar shall appear at
.\ heard, and which was as astonish— some time during each month of THE PRACTICAL SCHOOL UP THE SOUTH-
. mg u, 118 as it, “1177\- uncalled llil'. the collegiate year for some time to All Diplomas signed by the Governor of the Commonwealth.
The ('.\iiii'r has iieyer set itscll'up come. .\s individuals the arr-aha" C. C CA'LI‘I’J‘UN, Prinfip 41- .

- 3.3.2:? 3 ‘
‘ 1 , . l
- , ' 70 and 72 East Main Street.
partot‘ our Faculty have done forlon the Sewanee River,” while the I
us all that could he expected or de- rest sang)r “Sweet Rest at Home." , 3 I I D I l \‘ I S o ,
sired, and to shelhand also to those — '
students whohavehelped us, we ex! MeElroy on being asked if he GO TO
tend our most hearty thanks. Now, were a. Freshman, replied : ‘fNo, I g
, .
n we merely SLLV that the support we am serving:r a life sentence here.” S )S ] tk ' & S n’) It t l ‘i
receive from the college is, to our — a 1 HS ’ l
. ‘ . i
' “1““; WWW meagre, ”Dd W0 Oil” Clark says the only olueetion he é}. FOR BARGAINS IN ALL K INDS 0F FOOT WEAR H? ~
~ the statement that the morecaicour- has to boarding in the dormitory is, ” l
limit and support we receive, the he does not like the Hydrogen wa— They keep the host $3, $4 and $5 lines of Substantial Shoes made» and _,
more we shall strive to improve ter (hydrant). guarantee ‘every pair. Give them a. call at l6 E Main St, Lexmgton. fl
this paper, and to make it an honor I _ ' l
, _______________________________
i ' -' . l‘ . . , l
to th" Alina M‘m’l‘ He pressed his lips upon her hand, '
—"—‘—‘”""—— She said ’twas out of plaee. OSBORNE & CO
LOCAL AND PERSONAL 'IIe reetilied the error, ,
And kissed her on the face. Th N e Eream Baker .;
Lilliew— “Whv didn’t Miss W, ,. , . . ‘ e H y l
have m 'thinv 10 (10 with \lr 1'1 lhe following poem won for its , , ‘ ’ ‘ l
‘ ' ‘ 3 ”_ ‘ ' , ‘ ' ‘ author, the editor of the Rocky QORNER VINE AND L‘PPER bl REEl‘b. :
. when he eaine ? blie said she was \lount‘iin Celt the prive of $1 000 ~ g
i - a “ . ’ ‘ F h B d cl R ll ~
é’ F“ g Y 1 t 1 , tl . ol‘lered for the best appeal poem to res rea a n O S) !
.Jinma—‘ es: )ii ( Ul‘llll" 1. - . . I
. . ' D 1“] newspaper readers to pay tliCll' Ruh- Best Brei 1, Rolls and C 11:5 in the Cly. Fresh Bre id and Rolls ready every eve— i
lost talk he said he, had never met “i itions ing at 5 o'clock. l
s 3' c: , ‘
a pretty woman who had any .1 ’ ——————-———-—-————-——-—-——-————-————’ I,
_ . brains 5‘0 <1“) (ll'( )Ct'l l . % “Lives ofpoor men 0ft remind us ._
.t .I I I ' ’l’l‘ ' 111,17), em- Honest men don't stand 11‘) chance: I
“(10111155 1t :1 personal insult. The more we work there grow behind .
Lillie (ainiably)I—"Why, which as I 3 I
does she think she has?" l Bigger Pfltdles 0“ 0““ Palm“- , ‘ ‘
i On our pants, once new and glossy, . » I
T} .f . .. ,., V .. ,t- . f “gramme. FRESCRIPTlDN DRUGGIS‘I’, .
, 1e ollowing lines, dedicated to i 0“ W3 » “PLS 0 ( e v
‘ the foot hall eleven, were sent us by All became Sill’b‘crilwrs lingeri Corner Main and an}! st- Lexington Kentucky. ,
5 . ., , , . “. And won‘t pay us what is due I‘LLEPHONK: zoo. ;
Mr. 12. (j. McDowell, our bardhng of i
’92-'93: Then let us be up and doing; ________________________________ ;
. . ‘w‘cnd in vour mite. however small t
“()nr hitter cup is filled quite up ‘7 ' - . '
' . . ‘ For when the snow of Winter strikes us, - . m
v 1 v 1 v . J ._ _ x Y I J‘ (
, ‘ Aodmm' \H it 111 the. I‘Lu‘ \\'e shall have no pants at all.” LeX111gt011 Stc‘lnl Lallllill y @323 ,
l he (zeorgetowii Leaiii, it now doth _ iI
seem, We hope the readers of the CA- . St d nts
“”5 “WW “’5' f0? “Wt I'lilt70»” DIC'I‘ will give the ahove poem their SpeCIal Rates to u e ' j
‘ ‘ careful and prayerl‘ul attention, and 109 and 111 E_ MAIN ST. 3
llIISl1~“I NW, Seott, do You he- then go and do likewise, thereby re-
lievo iiitlie divine right of kings?‘7 “"11"ll1‘§tll" patient toil "f .VC Cdi‘ J W_ WOO D, AGT_ TQ$V®<+ l
‘. _ U. ' .. tors. , , . , . .
Nott lts, indud l. do. I Ian Room 0, l\ew Dormitory, Mate (,ollege. l
up against tour ol them last night.” __ I
_- v M i
Mr. Norman is now engaged in
' '- - ’ - - - i . ' 1851.—— l
I“”“"'*"[ My, 1111311“: ll” 3‘0“ writing a sequel to LOUIS Mulhe'an’s EStabIIShed .
“PMk (ll'l'miml); famous work “Twelve Years of (‘ol- I f
llllgl1l55—”Y(35-” lege Life.” Norman‘s is to hear the E I 2 U E E R & A M6 N D,
Keiser—“Well. what is ‘l eannot title, “Reminiseeiices of my Ten ‘
drink heei" in (it‘l‘lllétll '3” Years at the State Chump." ,‘
Hughes—“A iie.“ _ ( :lieimeals and ,
2., 3 12.). ). r _ y
. ‘ — Miss Ilattii. \l ai 13%.} lot. John 011011110211 Apparatus.
I’i'ol. shat-,kiefonl to Len Hughes son and Mr. Mcl*=ii'liii Spent the ‘ ,
__.; . _,. . H H, J _ i: ',,_..~ ,' '_ [v '. 7 -
3.11. Hugh” you a“, may (0.0 ’lliinksgiiing ll(.)ll(l1:\,8 1n VChlltlll 200, 207’ 209’ 211, T1111 (1 A\ 0., g
n iiiiieal in your attendance at tln s ém-‘l, gUCStS 0f MISS hilllt‘)’ i‘mllll. ,
class." —-—-—-—-——-— Efi (‘or. 18th Street, ,t
__ “Jules Verne” is only a pen name 3—3,: . ”a, NEW YORK. .l
,5 ('ol. Norman says he thinks the The novelist is by birth a Pole—a. (TE-m l
- - . aig—iu .,. .li __ ,
(JAinc'r should he abolished. The native of \Vai'saw—and his real (3:. + 4' . f.
(lolonelfrequently pays usvisits and name is Olehekitz. When on land' 3:5: Finest Bohemian and (”1.1mm (llassware, Royal poplin and ,
compliments like this, but his sub: he resides at Amiens, but he lives ”:70 New,” Port-lain. l’urest llaniniered l’latiinini, llalanees
SCI‘l ' 4 l l ' , J . ' '3 . 5 4 'ID::8 ' . , . "
ptlon, NEVER“ I ' most Of theyeai 1n 1“? yacht,‘ lnd wise and Weights, Zeiss Mieroseopes, and llaeti-riologieal Appa- L
— does the greater part of his writiii;_r 4;; . _ , ,
V 1 ,, . . . ~ ‘ ratiis. ('lliilliH'HllY l’iire .\i-iils and Assay (.oods. c.
( )\’ if Q'i'i ll".' s/‘lIHl<1‘l'1"D’)'.\".l l” lt-