xt7ftt4fpk3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fpk3k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_561 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 561 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 561   2014 true xt7ftt4fpk3k section xt7ftt4fpk3k   g          
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A center hum slice

TENDEIKIZEI) HAM is the ordinary type of packer ham. It has
been cured by pumping the curing ingredients (mostly salt, sugar; P,
nitrate and nitrite) directly into the ham, usually into the arterial
system. It is allowed to cure for a few days and is then smoked th b,
an internal temperature of approximately l40°. This, heating sl
process serves a triple purpose. It causes the ham to be more tj.
tender, kills the trichinae, and helps set the color of the cured
meat. The ham is not ready to eat, however, and must have is
further cooking. Vi
READv—ro-1;A’1‘ HAM is similar to tenderized hams except it has P]
been heated to an internal temperature of l55°. It is safe to eat
without further cooking but it is usually more satisfactory il
further cooked. Ready-to—eat hams from U. S. government ih I
spected packing plants are recommended. .
DRY·CURED HAM has been cured by a dry-salt or salt-sugar  
saltpeter method and may or may not have been aged. It usually
costs more per pound than the packer-cured ham because it coh-
tains considerably less water. If it has been aged for a year Ol i
- more it usually sells for a premium. Because of the variations in
the methods of curing and aging and the variation in the trim
ming methods, these hams are very variable in quality, taste and
economy. Many are too salty and hard and must be soaked before
cooking. Most are expensive because, in addition to the high
cost per pound, the outside fat has become rancid and the outsith  T
lean has become hard. This waste must be trimmed. Some atc
excellent and are especially liked by people who have developttl
a taste for this type of meat. However, do not buy old ham as {lll lh
economical source of protein for the family. (lz
These cured hams are sold whole, as butt and shank halves
as butt and shank portions, and as sliced ham. M/hen butt or   
shank halves are sold it implies that no center slices have been T
removed. \Vhen butt or shank portions are sold, however, some
center slices have been removed. Usually the portions and center T _ Q
slices are cut from the larger hams. \Vhether a shank or butt pm- 1
tion is the better buy will depend upon how the portions WCW _ if
cut and the desires of the consumer. The butt portion of thc i l
skinned ham will have a higher percentage of lean, however, tht
shank portion will be easier to carve. T

It has  l BONELESS HAM has the skin and bone removed. It costs more
L, sugar. per pound because of the smaller amout of waste.
arterial BAKED AND BOILED 11AMs are usually boneless and may be
oked tu bought whole in cans or various types of casings or they may be
heatmg sliced. They cost more per pound but require no home prepara-
>e more tion and have little waste.
e cured PORK SHOULDER is sometimes cured and sold as such and
ust hart is an economical source of lean meat. However, it is usually di-
vided into the picnic, Boston butt, and clear plate. The clear
at 1t has plate 1S usually rendered into lard but may be cured for salt pork.
?e to em _
ctory il —
Hem l“‘     ,....   .,..V.-»  - ~ »--A»»....,.,,,;_,,._,_,   `
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“   ~.   A L3: *=. .   i   ....»   ‘i—=·*    
iw high `     iiiz   tl'i”` A   ==s¥   l
? Oulslllf _ Arm shoulder roast Fresh picnic shoulder I
Lome arc ‘
evelopttl PICNIC is often misnamed picnic ham but is strictly from
am as an T the lower part of the shoulder. It is sometimes called Cala or
I- (ralilornia ham. It is sold both fresh and cured. Fresh picnic is
la halves.
butt or ‘      _ .._, W 4i`’‘   ‘ A .
    ,.‘,,     . ’ 4     ..,»... ‘ A ¥
W6 l>€€“ T     ,      » .,   . , a.  ._ _... , L
.61. Some ‘ ?·Y.;r   ._   ;,..__    i t   ` `'`= I ‘ ‘‘t·    l
’ , ,,,f-FP Q   gé   ; `· · - wr. __ ,... V .·=.: _—»;.;$§,, __ **        ‘=.a;__.:  
ld Cemfl  - .  ri   “$*   »,···°‘ ?.;=?*=P¤.. ,. ‘  * ....r       q   l
butt Pm-. .  ;;:·gij ·             .._._ _., ;  » ·_: V {
a ,,1   ....   r     t  ,   i* .. ‘ .··~    ·· ..._ . ··~,‘-,.._, 1 . __‘·   ·
OHS wm y t           =·’ , ,...- · ._   .     ‘ ·e~ »
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eww tht  " .~,. r  » .t Z      ‘`i‘ '   4.       '`i` i  
‘   .,,,    t`’ ' "   `’‘°   —- -
· Smoked picnic shoulder Arm steak (shoulder)

 .5-.;.  g.. ;.»»·;==.=»:=:»;i·#= ·-·-    =‘· =·‘   P it  »--— » {  » H
  >‘ ‘ V B   Kc  ·  /‘B*r’‘1   _ .— V A_.§;;-==-»—·  I  B V~_‘   si
  a  .   V.¤··   ‘:*‘ . B .   E9»;     »‘,~;€ 2     1
· ‘  t?  :» .A·   t 'F ,,,_  A . »"`       ·;1_.  · V»=··   '
     .. -»         ·-*‘..  t  .-»V 4 ;,»_       ..»`‘   —
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  U! 2 -2 V »·—*:3_i__. ·    Q     I`     _ I]
  » #'B . ,¤ .» i   g  ’*   ...‘     ~ ·   — ·V‘*¢ ;. vV»-¤   V .
V.          `B'=      4'‘‘   _ ’     “
 ff¤ B  _— A ..¢{  if .V'  j ` * ·   ‘‘··   _·V‘.   ,*2. ;     7
ir   ‘‘‘‘* B  ·  .     E. .   °‘ ·‘··’< B        z·é‘··~ ‘
  _ ,..      B Q       -B‘Bi   ‘;`‘‘‘‘‘’‘·* V - ’V-»  M.   ==- V 3
‘   A -»=€»V»A     ==1;       ~->»= -=      »  U
‘ ’~’·····-» ¤: ··’/= »   -·‘    =·:»  zi   ;.    "
  BT "  *5%*    ‘‘‘’ U
Boston butt Blade steak (shoulder) I)
_. .;_.3`:;§,;¢:: -  QW B `Z is
  ;i ___. __W.     _   k y }    V____i I
   . ‘`· ·~ - ·t‘`   V   ‘ Rt,     
 bf ;;·*B"";_·; {ui.? A ·,\  I   N  "  
    · BB   .;   »&‘htl less edible meat, and less attractive slices than lizml- i
D  .
Generally speaking, il the price per pound ol picnic is as much B
as 5 cents less than the price per pound ol’ ham, it is more ew i
B()S'T()N l5U'l"l` comes lrom the lean top part ol? the pork l
shoulder. It is one ol` the leanest pork cuts and usually is reasoil
able in price. It contains little lat and only a small amount nl ‘
bone. It makes a very economical roast or it may be sliced i11i·’ E
blade or boneless steaks. Many boneless Boston butts are (`llYl`ll

is and smoked. They are usually called smoked butts or smoked
shoulder butts. Since they are boneless and have little fat they
S are usually an economical source of cured lean meat.
  ,  T PORK LOIN, especially the center portion, is one of the most
  . . .
  popular yet least economical cuts. It is sold as either roasts or
  chops. The roasts include the blade end, sometimes called the
 1*  · 7.111) cut, the center, and the S11`l()lH roast. Sometimes sirloin roasts
  “‘.·,_ i .·¤T·5 . . . .
  ~f== y are boned and made into boneless sirloin roasts by tying two
_.,,.     tOg€[ll€l`· TlllS lUHli€S fil} ?iKE1`E1C[lV€ €2lSy to CHYVC ]`OZlS[. The (jffl]-
_ ter cut is the most attractive but the least economical; the sirloin
roast is the most dillicult to carve but contains more lean than the l
srl blade end roast. It is intermediate in price. The blade end roast .
is usually the most economical. All can be oven roasted. The
i roasts are easier to carve if the back bones are sawed from the ribs
  but left on the roast until after cooking.
    .... _. T     T 
    __V- r · __ __,  ,,..;.»V   _,       r
    2  c '   ’°..   V   »¤?”'i        “  l
.”-`=     T `     ‘·»r»             » ...,...:.  .
  ;. .. "   r`.. .     ;=.£   awatiigi  i—`‘i:``   .;..-..      S  ’li`’'`i'i'''i
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fj   ·   T       VT “     r    °`:`l "Z· ··=-‘   ,—  ·‘‘‘ i i
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if  V   Q _____=___=_:_ 5 __,JE   --·»—-=¢  
I ll Blade loin roast Loin roast center cut I
or s lOl · .
y roasted °
to cant. l
ran lialll f A  
as l]llI(`ll  ° < . i _ . »··=    
· ., _>vv   __  t   ` ,_ _ ...= 5  
nore ec0· é of T”¢ ·=..l_      __»» . ‘   T . ._ A_V:_._       ` A X   i` s   
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thep01`l T \_ Qy A ._  ··. f " ¢ .» _._-~- ‘ ’         ’ V  
._ _ V UH,  {  N  .'. __  mg     _;”’*     N ».-rr-J ,7
lb lenls , . . V       wx  If,.
1L(_m.(.(] ` Sirloin roast Boneless sirloin roast
[`* . .

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ht ( Sliced bacon Pork sa