xt7ftt4fpb8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fpb8n/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1968 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 2, Autumn 1968 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 2, Autumn 1968 1968 1968 2014 true xt7ftt4fpb8n section xt7ftt4fpb8n jfrnntizr 3J2u1¢zing ézrhicz
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This issue of Frontier Nursing Service
Quarterly Bulletin goes to you with our
best wishes for a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year.
L__._L_L.... I
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. y
Lexington, Ky. g
Subscription Price $1.00 a. Year _ l
Edit0r’s Office: Wendover, Kentucky {
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507  
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 {
Copyright, 1968, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

Q Beyond the Mountains 33
t Field Notes 38
  FNS Couriers A Photograph, Inside Back Cover
if Frontier Graduate School of
li Midwifery (Illus.) 21
4; Helen S. Stone (I1lus.) 11
I S St g Y t Old G l` R 2
ia I awA ran er es reen . . . ae zo nne
{A In Memoriam 31
‘ Mary Breckinridge Hospital and
~ Development Fund: Progress Report K. I., B. L. 7
` Old and New Frontiers in
. Nursing: An Editorial P. G. E. 14
A Old Courier News 17
  Old Staff News 25
. T e oa — eview 1 m ews, ew or
[ h R d A R ' F`l N N Y k 9
{ The Secret of the Mountain Hope Mnncy 3
I, A Yorkshire Reader . . . The Countryman 8
·_a Correction 19
, Gobbledegook Joe Creason 23
,   Gossip Town Anonymous 6
; Q Lost Luggage Crisis The Dallas News 30
  Psychiatrist: "Te1l Me, . . ." Modern Maturity 16
I   Setting It Straight The Colonial Crier 22
    The Day and Age The Countryman 5
t   Transformation The Countryman 24
F ` White Elephant 37
`  I Wiggy The Countryman 20
1. Y

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 T by
Pine Mountain stretches from the Virginia border at the
` Breaks of the Sandy to the Cumberland River on the south, and
‘ then begins again on the south side of the river as Kentucky
, Ridge on into Tennessee. This great barrier mountain had to be
lv crossed by the early settlers before they could settle in the
..` valleys to the west. The old mountain can be dark, brooding and
Q, menacing, it can be wreathed in rainbows and tipped in sunshine,
  or it can be blue-tinted and aloof in the distance as it towers
Q above the straight, long valleys at its foot.
, There are many stories told about this mountain. One is a
V very strange story passed down from my great—grandfather who
. was born in 1796. Once upon a time, probably around 1820, give
l or take a few years, he lost his favorite hunting dog, and hunt-
._ ing was a very important part of frontier economy. Since he and
. the dog had hunted so often there, he struck off in the direction
` of Pine Mountain. It was early November, and the snows of
winter had fallen early that year. Only a scattering of yellow
{ and red leaves and the blooming witch hazel along the creek
  beds spoke of autumn. At the higher elevations the red oaks
e made a dark, wine-red swatch across the mountain, and the
* pines along the crest were mantled with snow. Great-Grand-
father was soon on a bench of the mountain formed by one of
Hf the little hillocks so often found at the foot of Pine Mountain.
QA,. All of a sudden he became aware that he was being followed. Just
.[   a hint of a cracking twig and a rustle of leaves alerted him, and
  he felt a cold chill in the region of his spine. In could be an
 ; Indian, but there had been no Indian trouble for a long time.
‘ He turned slowly and looked behind him. There was absolutely
if nothing to be seen. The rustling of the leaves had stopped, there
was no sound in the forest—not even the song of a bird nor the
. barking of a squirrel. Everything was hushed, listening and
 . waiting for something to happen. He started climbing up the
‘ mountain in order to get a little height and perhaps get a view
 , of the creature following him. After about an hour’s time, he
  came to a ledge of sandstone. On closer inspection, he discovered

 4 FRONTIER Nuasmc smzvicn i
a deeper opening under the rock—a small cave that led about  
four feet back and was very low of ceiling. It seemed dry and ‘
safe, so he built himself a small fire against the side of the cave,  
sat down facing the entrance, and waited. Nothing came into  .
view. This seemed in character with the panther. These great, ‘
tawny beasts would follow a man all day, apparently out of  _
curiosity alone. Despite all the hair-raising stories told around ‘
a winter’s fire, it was. rare that a panther would attack a man  p
and, then, only if cornered. They were mainly predators of the ,‘_
barn lot and did their damage at night. Even a small dog could if
frighten one away. They certainly were not like the bobcats, *
smaller but as swift as a ball of lightening and every bit as  
dangerous. He threw some more brush and pitch-pine boughs
on his fire, and in the sudden flare of the iire the whole cave was
illuminated. Then he made an astonishing discovery. The ceiling I
of the cave was a dark gray where the quartz-studded sandstone
ended, and small, gray blobs were dripping from the top of the I
cave into the fire and running out along the perimeter of the 1
fire in small gray puddles. He took out his pocket knife and was .
able to scrape off a shotpouch full of the gray material. Since V
his unease about his stalker had been alleviated and since he
didn’t want the dark to catch him in the mountains, he decided `
he had better get back home. He could easily freeze to death f
in near zero weather, but he felt that he and his gun were a ,
match for the stalker. He hoped his dog would find its way home i
on its own. Y
He came out of the cave and started down the hill. Those ·
who are familiar with Pine Mountain know that the south side "§
is mainly quartz-embedded, soft sandstone, while on the north M.-
side is limestone from an ancient sea bed. In the pink, sandy  
soil at his feet, Great-Grandfather found great cat prints. It  I
was the panther! He soon found a small rill which led him to 3. 
a larger stream, then to a much larger stream, and he iinally  I
came out on the Cumberland River. He was soon able to reach  
the town of Mount Pleasant and from there on to his own home.  
He was greeted at the gate by a very happy, tail-wagging dog l
that had found his own way home. Inside, Great-Grandmother {
had a good hot supper waiting. Great-Grandfather told her  
about his adventure.  i
After supper he got out his bullet mold and pan for melting  

Q lead, put the gray scrapings from the cave roof into the pan and
.. set the pan in the hot coals of the fireplace. Soon he had a pan
  full of melted lead from which he was able to mold a great many
i bullets. What a saving in money and trips across the mountains
i to Virginia!
i When Great-Grandfather needed more bullets, he tried to
I find his lead mine again, but as much as he tried, he was never
· able to locate it. Perhaps this was an isolated, single incidence
.‘ of lead being turned up at the time of the great upheaval that
rf created Pine Mountain. But, are there other caves in the old
< mountain containing lead and, containing lead, radium also?
‘ 4
i I was standing in the back lane picking my cultivated black-
T berries which were growing over the wall, when a small girl and
V even smaller boy stopped to watch me. At last the girl found her
I voice and inquired what I was doing. ‘Picking blackberries,’ I
W replied, ‘would you like some ‘?’ After some hesitation each se-
,,, lected a berry from the colander, and I returned to my picking.
. l As they sauntered off, I heard an awed little voice say: ‘They’ve
"j' got jam in them’. It made my day.——N. G. Sujjield, Kent
hl -The Countryman, Autumn 1968, Edited by John Cripps,
 _ Burford, Oxfordshire, England.
`_  Annual subscription for American readers $5.00
- checks on their own banks.
 I Published quarterly by The Countryman, 10 Bouverie
, Street, London, E. C. 4.
J .

eossip loww Y
Have you ever heard ol Gossip Town I 
On lhe shore ol Falsehood Bay, . 
Where old Dame Rumor, wilh ruslling gown T
ls going lhe live—long day? ,
ll isn`l lar lo Gossip Town _
For people who wanl lo go, A
The Idleness Train will lake you down  
lniusl an hour or so. A
The lhoughlless road is a popular roule, _ 
And mosl lolks sla rl lhal way, T
Il`s sleep down grade; il you don`l look oul
You`ll land in Falsehood Bay.
You glide lhrough lhe Valley ol Vicious Folk, A
And inlo lhe lunnel ol Hale,
Then crossing lhe /\dd-lo—Bridge, you walk ;
Righl inlo lhe cily gale.
The principal slreel is called They—Say,
And l`ve Heard is lhe Public Well, s
And lhe breezes lhal blow lrom Falsehood Bay -
Are laden wilh Don`l—You—Tell. T
ln lhe midsl ol lhe lown is Telllale Park.
You`re never guile sale while lhere, `
For ils owner is Madam Suspicious Remark,  
Who lives on lhe Slreel Don`l Care. l·¢A-
Jusl back ol lhe park is Slander Row  
`Twas here lhal Good Name died, °
Pierced by lhe darl lrom Jealous Row A
ln lhe hands ol Envious Pride. _,
From Gossip Town, Peace long since lled,  X
Bul Trouble, Griel, and Woe, A
And Sorrow and Care you`ll meel inslead  
Il ever you chance lo go. A
-—Au0nymous _. 

Y` Progress Report
 I Our campaign is going very welll! We have over two mil-
lion dollars in pledges, but we can’t go it on our own. We are
I again applying for government iinancial assistance through the
W] Appalachian Regional Commission. Since our campaign was
` started in 1967 and since our brochure was printed, the cost of
.   building and equipping the proposed Frontier Nursing Educa-
, tional Center and Mary Breckinridge Hospital has risen from an
estimate of $1,750,000 to $2,500,000. We will be submitting our
application for government funds through our local Buckhorn
. Council which is one of three councils which comprise the South-
_ eastern Kentucky Regional Health Demonstration Project under
‘ the Appalachian Regional Commission.
Q _ The iirm of Booz, Allen and Hamilton has been engaged to
aid us in identifying our role in the training and development of
the rural family nurse. The need for development of health man-
power in the Appalachian region is critical. The Frontier Nurs-
I ing Service has the organization and experience to help iill this
? need, but first we must have an educational facility, including a
Y new hospital, with suflicient space for all clinical experience for
_ the rural family nurse. The Board of Governors feel that it is
VJ to the advantage of the FNS and to this area to have our goals
_j defined quickly and expertly.
°j` Detroit opened its fund-raising campaign Tuesday, Novem-
fl ber 12, under the chairmanship of Mrs. William W. Wotherspoon
° of Grosse Pointe. On November 14, Mrs. Cleveland E. Dodge, a
_ charter member of our first committee, invited a group to her
,, home in Riverdale, New York, to see THE ROAD. (See Beyond
 I the Mountains.)
  The future is exciting, but we realize that there is much
  work still to be done and many dollars to raise. We are counting
  on you, our dear friends, to continue to help us grow in whatever
 S way you can.
 ‘ —K. I.

 s Fnoiwrinn NURSING snnvicn  
Local Fund Drive _
Calling All FNS Babies: i
The ladder outside the Leslie County Court House has a baby i
sitting on the top rung, showing that $25,000.00 has been raised _‘
locally. On the third rung of the ladder is a second baby opposite -
the Hgure $9,000.00, showing that we in the mountains have col- Q
lected $34,000.00 to date. We want our second baby to reach the °
top to show that we have donated $50,000.00 to help pay for the V-
Mary Breckinridge Hospital.  
On November 16, the Big Creek Elementary School and the  
Community Action Council had a Box Supper and raised $248.70  
as a surprise gift. The Community Action Council donated i
$100.00 to bring the total to $348.70. We invite all FNS babies
to help us raise the $16,000.00 we need to reach our goal. Dona-
tions may be given or sent to Mr. Fred Brashear, Hyden Citizens
Bank, Hyden, Kentucky 41749, or to Betty Lester, Wendover,
Kentucky 41775. ·
——B. L.
A Yorkshire reader who has contributed many entertaining
paragraphs to our pages reports an up-to-date encounter: ‘I an- —,
swered the door to a young lad who was asking for funds for the A
youth club. He had long shaggy hair and was in need of a wash. °  
So, instead of a donation, I gave him a lecture on his appearance.  
"If I come back all tidied up tomorrow, will you give me some- I
thing then ?" he asked. I said I would; and the next night he ,
returned well washed, with hair short at back and sides. I was .
so pleased by the transformation that I gave generously. Three
days later I again found him knocking on a door, unwashed and `
with shaggy hair———a wig worn with a purpose'.
—The Coumfrymcm, Autumn 1968, Edited by John Cripps, i
Burford, Oxfordshire, England. _

· A Review
Once in a long while a film goes far beyond its original pur-
. pose. The intrinsic nature of the subject, the excellence of its
. photography, the quality of its script, and haunting music all
._ blend to make THE ROAD such a film. Released just in time for
" this year’s American Film Festival, THE ROAD won for pro-
  ducer Lee Bobker his sixth Blue Ribbon award.
  Although the original purpose of producing THE ROAD
T was to enlist support and help for a new hospital in the Kentucky
Mountains, the outcome is an absorbing and cinematographically
exciting documentary illustrating the poignancy of mountain life.
The photography is highly professional; and the producer’s
ability to bring out the spontaneity of the people in this cinema
verité film is superb. It is difficult to say whether its impact rests.
on its subject matter or excellence of production. Both elements
are essential to this powerful production.
The title of the film is an apt one. It refers to the rough
mountain road which the nurses of the Frontier Nursing Service
l of Wendover (Kentucky) travel by jeep, dangerously and in all
T kinds of weather, to bring care to isolated families in their homes.
THE ROAD also refers to the one which Mary Breckinridge had
i in mind when, shortly before her death, the founder of the Fron-
; tier Nursing Service in her wisdom declared: "The focus of
it everything is the life of a young child. We’ve got to conserve his
  mother . . . see him safely through birth . . . and then, what is
3 the use of taking care of him in his early life if you let his father
I die of appendicitis? You must have a hospital . . ."
' - At the present small, 27-bed Frontier Nursing Service [Hos-
pital] in Hyden, Ky., two resident physicians receive over 2,000
. outpatient visits each month and admit serious cases for care.
Nurse-midwives, working under medical direction, care for ob-
. stetrical patients, and conduct a school of midwifery for regis-
. tered nurses.
Perhaps one of the most moving human sequences is the
one about 5-year-old Tommy, born without an ear. The father,
whose apprehension about an operation is illustrated, is finally

convinced by the nurse that reconstructive surgery would be J
best for the boy’s mental health and 'his future. In one scene, _
while the nurse is discussing Tommy’s problem with his father `
and mother, the camera captures a sequence of the boy swinging ,
a mirrored door back and forth, aptly and creatively illustrating I
his awareness of his afiiiction. j
Skillful organization enhances the structure of the film, in- ‘
digenous mountain music helps create the mood of the life pic- i
tured. The nurses are remarkable for their quiet dedication, pro- ,·
fessional competence, personal courage, and human approach Y
to the "needing" folk who look to them for help in their ills of .
mind and body. THE ROAD is an enriching experience for any- ‘¤{
one who sees it, whether in the adult community or the classroom. J
—Myra N. Frey, Assistant Director g
ANA/NLN Film Service
Reprinted with permission from
Film News, New York, September 1968
On October 22, 1968, the Frontier Nursing Service received
The Chris Award from the Film Council of Greater Columbus
(Ohio) in association with the Columbus Area Chamber of Com-
merce "for the excellence of their production, The Road". ‘
We have completed plans for worldwide distribution of the
film. We have a contract with the United States Information
Agency for overseas distribution and we know that the film has i
already been shown in Jamaica (see Old Courier News) and in
Paraguay. THE ROAD is available for a nominal rental fee ·.
through the American Nurses Association/National League for i
Nursing Film Service, 267 West 25th Street, New York, New  
York 10001. In order to be able to show THE ROAD as a docu- .
mentary film on television, it has been cut to 28 minutes, and  
Modern Talking Picture Service, 1212 Avenue of the Americas, V
New York, New York 10036, will soon have prints of the cut ,
version for television distribution. Carousel Films, Inc., 1501
Broadway, New York, New York 10036, will sell the film for l
$150.00 a print and has prints available for preview.

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  Helen Scofield Stone—"Pebble"—was a devoted, and be-
loved, member of our FNS family from her first term as junior
courier in the fall of 1932 until her untimely death on September
10 1968. Year after ear she returned to us, first as senior
courier and then to relieve for Jean Hollins as Resident Courier.
Durin the Courier Reunion in the summer of 1939 she had to
have an emergency operation at our hospital at Hyden, which
was followed by a desperate fight for her life. Her mother came
down from New York and we can never forget how gallantly
she faced the crisis. Pebble felt that the excellent professional

 iz Fnoiwima NURSING smavicm  
care given her by our medical director and nurses, combined  ·
with the tender, loving care given her by other members of the  
staff and her friends in Hyden, pulled her through. She made Q
such a splendid recovery that she was able to represent the New , 
York Junior League in the last international squash matches V
played in England, just before the Second World War. -
In 1941 Pebble wrote us, "Well, I made the leap and am T
learning to fly." Like all other civilian pilots, she was grounded
for a while after Pearl Harbor. When the civilian ban was lifted,  wl
she continued her training and obtained the necessary two hun- :°
dred hours flying time to make her eligible to join Jaqueline
Cochran’s intrepid group of women flyers. On May 28, 1943, she
received her wings and was recruited into the WAAF’s. She was til
assigned to the Ferry Command, flying planes from factories I
to their command fields, and in October of that year she made
her first trip as Flight Commander. On these trips we received
post cards from her, written in all sorts of places and at all
hours of the day and night—it was an arduous assignment. She
often iiew over FNS territory. Pebble loved doing her bit for ,
her country, and she loved iiying. In the autumn of 1944, she V
resigned from the WAAF’s, as the emergency was over. She A
joined the Civil Air Patrol and was an active member until the I
time of her death. .
With the war over, Pebble resumed her annual work periods
with the FNS here in the mountains and came back every year A
until her mother’s illness tied her down at home. She was the
third Chairman of the Courier Division of the New York Com- 1
mittee, holding that oiiice at the time of her death. In June 1960, I4
she was elected a Trustee of the FNS, taking her mother’s place,  
and each year since she has flown down to Kentucky to attend gg
the annual meeting. é,
Not only did Pebble give of herself, her time and her talents *
to her beloved FNS, but she gave generously, too, of her means.  
After the old Garden House burned in 1942, she gave us "The I
Pebble Workshop" which has truly been a godsend throughout
the years. She also gave us such things as the big autoclave for  I
the operating room at the Hospital, battleship linoleum for Wen-
dover and some of the centers, and a new furnace for the Garden S
House. In recent years she made it possible for us to do away
with the old wooden buildings at the back of the Hospital (al-

V ways a fire hazard) and replace them with a neat concrete
  workshop, garage and storage rooms for lumber and supplies.
A She kept our small needs in mind and from time to time sent
I down useful, unsolicited gifts. One that Mrs. Breckinridge wel-
· comed most joyfully, after we could no longer get home-ground
- meal, was a little coffee mill with which to grind corn for making
J spoonbread. Just last year Pebble pledged a substantial amount
I to the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Fund, and in her will she
 ll has left the FNS a generous legacy.
:° Our last letter from Pebble was started on August 4. It was
2 characteristic of her that she wrote jokingly of her illness. I
J "I cheated the FNS Bulletin of another obituary!
This time, I guess I really went nearly out, according to
my doctor who said I was the first person whose life he
really had saved. He called it an ‘asthmatic heart at-
tack’. He gave me three shots and I iinally came around.
"This was July 22, in the afternoon. He came back
. to the house later and suggested I go to Nassau Hos-
pital for tests, so I have been here since then. I was sup-
posed to go home Wednesday but had a slight attack
Tuesday morning and a rather bad one again Wednes-
’ day night. Then, I was to go home today, until I was a
. little short of breath yesterday; so now I am planning
‘ on the morning, if all goes well. When I go home, I will
have an oxygen machine—just in case.
  August 10, 1968
I "I didn’t leave the hospital until Monday, the 5th,
  and have been taking it easy since then. As for getting
, to Wendover for Mary Breckinridge Day, ‘I kind of have
1 me doubts’. I’ll see how I behave, and how I feel."
W Pebble was a gallant and courageous soul. She holds a spe-
.  cial place in our affections, and the splendid work she did with
 I the FNS will live on in our memories forever.

 14 Fnoiwinn Nuasmo smzvicm `
A11 Editorial
On Friday, September 6, 1968, an Associated Press story, i
datelined Washington and written by Jack R. Miller, appeared _
in newspapers around the country. It said, in part:
"Federal health planners say there’s a new breed
of nurse on the way to provide the kind of personal 1
home care that busy doctors have little time for. “
"The nurses—men and women——will need five to six 1
years of college and university training for their roles
as family health counselors. it
"Although they are to take over many of the func-  
tions. doctors used to perform, the home-visiting nurses
will work under the supervision of physicians.
" ‘This new concept will take some getting used to,’ ~
says Dr. Leonard D. Fenninger, director of the federal
health manpower programs. But he predicts that in ten
to twenty years, visiting nurses will be ‘the common up
thing’. e
"Public health nurses and other nurses have been l
functioning for years in somewhat the capacity envi-
sioned for the new nurses. But the new nurses would
operate more independently. They would serve families
or individuals as a iirst contact for all health problems,
handling the ills they can and turning the others over
to doctors." .
When one of our old staff members, Ruth Alexander Inger— ‘ .
son, sent us this clipping from a California paper, she wrote, ii
"I just wanted to send you this note from our paper to let you ,
know how well ahead of the times (over 44 years so far!) you
FNSers are! I thought all of you might be interested in this little  ,
item—this ‘new concept’ ".
We are indeed interested, and even slightly amused. We are .
reminded once again of Mrs. Breckinridge’s wisdom when we
know that she envisioned the need for a "family nurse" for the  .
rural area where there was a shortage of physicians many, many
years ago. Mrs. Breckinridge did more than think about it, or
talk about it—she began using "family nurses," who were also _
midwives and who worked under the supervision of a centrally A.
located physician, in the Kentucky mountains in 1925. Although —

this was an innovation in the United States, we cannot give Mrs.
Breckinridge all the credit because she had observed the work
of a "family nurse", the district nurse-midwife, in England and
` in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland before she started her
· work in the Kentucky mountains.
. We cannot agree entirely with Dr. Fenninger’s premise that
"f1ve or six years of college and university training" will be
needed to prepare the family nurse. Certainly education at the
, Master’s level will be needed for the administrators, the super-
t visors, the educators, of this family nurse. But we feel that this
nurse is needed in the United States today and the door should
not be closed to the experienced clinical nurse, who may not
it have had her basic nursing training at the baccalaureate level
but who, because of her experience, is perhaps better qualihed
to give primary nursing care than her more highly educated-
, in the academic sense—colleague.
It has been our observation that academic education in nurs-
ing tends to remove the nurse from the bedside of the patient.
T, Emphasis today seems to be on theory rather than clinical prac-
] tice; the textbook has been substituted for the human being. The
young nurse today is well versed in the principles of such pro-
cedures as catheterizing a patient or starting an I.V., but she
goes through her entire training without actually practicing
these arts under supervision. The young nurse today can give
beautiful care to three or four patients, but when she is con-
‘ fronted with a dozen or more, she is overwhelmed and her imme-
‘ . diate reaction is "I can’t possibly take care of so many patients".
V It has been our experience that many newly qualihed nurses can
, discuss learnedly the emotions and fears of a patient but they
7 are not always aware that many problems can be solved for that
 , patient by straightening his sheets or bathing his face. The
young nurse today is intelligent and capable of learning, but her
_ nursing education, be it associate degree, diploma school, bacca-
laureate or even master’s program, does not prepare her to take
 . on the position of "family nurse" unless she has had the kind of
post-graduate experience in nursing which will allow her to
develop her clinical judgement and her initiative.
_ If the family nurse of today or tomorrow is to help fill the
S. gap created by the virtual disappearance of the devoted family
. doctor of yesterday, she is going to have to be willing to work

 is FRONTIER Nunsmo sicnvxcm _
and work hard, and she will not always be able to limit her activi- N
ties to an eight-hour day or a five-day week. She will have to V
spend her time in the patient’s home, not behind her desk. The
nurse who goes into a comprehensive family care program with
a genuine desire to care for people to the best of her ability will
be successful; if she goes into such a program because of the
status it will bring her, or the higher salary, she will make no
contribution to her profession or to the public. The majority of
young people do enter the nursing profession because they want  
to care for people who are ill and, if possible, help prevent serious  
illness. We feel a nurse can derive tremendous personal satis-
faction from work in a family centered care program because of  
the challenge it presents and because the nurse can fill a real ;
need as a nurse, teacher, friend. 'M
The Frontier Nursing Service has offered practical experi- t
ence in family centered care to its own staff, to the students in —
the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery, and to hundreds of `
professional guests who have come to study our methods and .
techniques from some 58 countries all over the world during 4~
the past iifteen years. Now, when our new hospital is finished
and we have space in which to expand our educational program,
we plan to offer formal training to prepare such nurses as Dr. l
Fenninger has in mind for other areas in this country and ‘
abroad. In preparation for this, Dr. W. B. Rogers Beasley, a for- ,1
mer FNS Medical Director, discussed the possibility of such a `_
program with 128 practicing physicians in Eastern Kentucky and
their response was favorable as they, too, realize the need of a °;
nurse who is prepared to give good primary care to families in  $
areas where there is a shortage of physicians. We cannot under- _!
take this program in our present grossly overcrowded facility Q
at Hyden, but preliminary planning is under way in preparation i
for the time when the new building is finished at Hyden,  ”
—P.G.E. ‘ V.
Psychiatrist: "Tell me, Madam, is your son a behavior .
problem ‘?" 1
Mother: "I don’t know. He has never behaved." _
—Moder11. Maturity, Oct.-Nov., 1968 E

Edited by
From Louise Pomeroy, Lakeville, Connecticut
—August 24, 1968
I can’t believe that summer is almost over, nor can I believe
  that I left the FNS over three months ago. My plans for this
i  summer were in a jumble when I returned home but I finally
decided to take a course in psychology at a nursery camp for
  three to iive year old children. I am going to Oglethorpe College
; this fall.
i From Susan Harding, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
A. —September 11, 1968
Wendover seems so far away and I can hardly believe I was
by a part of it not very long ago. I am most grateful for the
4 experiences of June and July; the education, challenges and
opportunities I am sure will not be equalled for many years.
J I had a wonderful three weeks in South Freeport. The
- weather was perfect—I really felt very lazy and enjoyed every
I minute of it. I am back at Colby now and my courses seem
T interesting but awfully hard.
  From Mary Grosvenor, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
 ? —September 14, 1968
‘ I have so much for which to thank you. I had such wonderful
i time this summer, and it was awfully hard for me to leave. Mum,
,* Lucy and I have had fun comparing experiences. We all agree
_  . that at FNS we have met some of the most wonderful people we
 _t will ever know.
i From Pamela Hauserman, Trinity College, Washington, D. C.
_ —September 20, 1968
I just loved being a courier and wish I could ha