xt7ftt4fp732 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fp732/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin, University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1926 text Bulletin, University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1926 1926 1926 2013 true xt7ftt4fp732 section xt7ftt4fp732   _   ·;—»~,—   ·      4  »,,~i      ·   .v.‘».·     ·%‘4V
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  F11·st Term: June 14 to July 23  
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  Published fby the University of Kentucky, Lexington. Entered gg Sec- "Z »\
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  under the Act of July 16, 1894. ` l . ";` 'l
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   A»    _A s Smunmer Session Calendar p
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  _ Saturday May 15 Last date for ex-service men to make ’· y
  application for free tuition and V i
    ” room rent. .» Ll
    Monday June 14 Registration for first term.  
  ‘ Tuesday June 15 Classes begin. { “ IA
   QA Friday . June 18 Last date for making changes in regis- QN
  tration or in schedule without pay- ’·i
  ment of fee. ‘
  VA Monday June 21 Last date for registration for first  
  -_.A` ‘ A - term without special permission of `
  J ` heads of departments concerned. w
  ‘ Monday June 21 Last date upon which a student may  
  register for credit for the first i
  A term’s work. ’*
  Monday June 21 Last date upon which a student may  
  ` be dropped without a grade by the V  
`ff  L · dean.  
  Tuesday June 24 Last day on which a student may  
ii P · withdraw and receive a refund of ` 
  . matriculation fee for the first term.  
  _»·. Saturday July 17 Registration for second term. ’ 
iT Y Friday July 23 Examinations. A 
  » Monday, July 26 Classes begin. A]
’ Thursday July 29 Last date for making changes in regis- " Q
i p ·trati0n or in schedule without pay- p 
' ‘ — ment of fee. · 
J   . Saturday August 31 Last date for registering for second it
‘ term without special permission of ~ 
p heads of departments concerned. » 
Saturday V August 31 Last date upon which a student may  
4 A register for credit for the second 1
A term’s work.  
`   Saturday August 31 Last date upon which s. student may ‘ 
A ·‘ p be dropped without a grade by the ` 
dean. ` 
’ A · Monday August 2 Last date upon which a student may ` 
V ‘ ‘ withdraw and receive a refund of V 
ir Y matriculation fee for the second A `
L _ . _ term.  '·,
ty J Friday August 28 Examinations. i 
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1 ‘*   Bulletin  
University of Kentucky  
t `egglmily  f
Q Summer Session, 1926  J
  First Term: June 14 to July 23 i 
? Second Term: July 26 to August 28 f
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s J  
y February, 1926  


 § ii
· 1
Oil’icers of Administration ...................... . ....... 5  
Special Instructors for the Summer Sessio11 ................ 6 f 
Faculty of the Summer Session .......... . ............. 7-8-9-10 ‘  
General Information: _ 
Length of Summer Session ........................ 11 ,
For Whom Planned ............................. 11 7 
Admission .......................................... 12-13 j. 
Requirements for Graduation:  S,
College of Arts and Sciences ...................... 14 A 
College of Agriculture .......................... 15 I 
College of Engineering .......................... 15 v_
College of Education ............................ 16 ·
College of Law ................................. 17  
College of Commerce ............................ 17 V 
The Graduate School ............... . ............ 17-18 y
Tcachors’ Cc1·tificates ................................. 18 T 
Designation of Courses ................................ 19  
Student Load ........................................ 19  -_
Reduced Railroad Rates ................................ 19 _ 
Fees, Refunds, Late Registrations, ctc. .................... 19-20  
Marking System ..................................... 20 V
Room and Board .................................... 21 {
Placement Service .................................... 21  
Zoological Field Laboratory ............................ 22 °
i Lxtension Program .................................. 23  
i Ex—Service MCII .... . ................................. 23 i
Recreation for Summer Session Students .................. 23-24 ,
Courses, College of Agriculture .......................... 25-27  
Courses, College of Arts and Sciences .................... 28-38 {
Courses, College of COllllllCI`(50 ....... . .................. 39-40 qi
Courses, College of Education ........................... 40-44  
Courses, College of Engineering ........................ 45-46 i
Courses, College of Law ............................. . . 47 { t
Schedule, First Term .................................. 48-54 ii
i  Schedule, Second Term ................................ 55-57


FRANK LERoNn McV1sY, Ph. D., LL. D., President.  
MCHENRY R11oA1>s, Ph. M., State Superintendent of Schools. ‘
WVILLIAM S. TAYLOR, Ph. D., Director of the Summer Session. .
VVELLINGTON PATRICK, A. B., A. M., Assistant Director of the Summer `,
T11oMAs Pon Cooricn, B. S. in Agr., Dean, College of Agriculture. ‘ 
l’AUL Piucxrrczic Born, M. A., Ph. D., l)enn_ College of Arts and Sciences.  
ED\VARl) \VIlCST, A. M., Ph. D., Dean, College of Commerce. 3 
\`\K1LL1AM S. TAYLo1v., Ph. D., Dean, College of Education.  
l<`1mnmuc1; PAUL Axriiznsorz, M. E., Dean, College of Engineering.  
CllAl{LliS J. 1`Uneu, M. A., LL. B., Dean, College of Law. g 
W. D. FUNK110UsE1z, Ph., D., Dean, Graduate School. I
VVELLINGTON PATn1c1<, A. B., A. M., Director of University Extension. =
I COLUMBUS Runonrn M1;Lc111z1z, A. M., Dean of Men. Q
‘ \"IRGINIA E. FRANKE, A. M., Acting Dean of Women.  
Ezrui L. G1LLrs, A. B., Registrar.  ..
DAvm HowArm PEAK, A. M., Business Agent. __
5 . MA1zoAmc·r ISADORE K1No, A. B., Librarian.  
6· · E

I BARNES, G. IVAN, Director Vocational Education, Kentucky.
CALDXVELL, OTIS \V., Director Lincoln School, Teachers’ College, Columbia
— University, New York City.
CLARK, CLARENCE, Principal High School, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
DUNCAN, MAY, Supervising Teacher, Bloomsburg Normal School, Blooms-
, burg, Pennsylvania.
_ FRANKE, VIRGINIA, Acting Dean of Women, University of Kentucky.
GCDMAN, MARK, Supervisor of High Schools, Kentucky.
GRESHAM, R. C., Specialist in Scoutcraft-.
HOLLO\TAY, J. B., Supervisor High Schools, Kentucky.
HZOPKINS, P. H., Supervisor of Rural Schools, State ])C])2ll‘i.,llll‘Ili} of Edu-
, cation.
i JONEs, O. J., Assistant State Superintendent Public Iiistiiiietion, Kentucky.
KIRKPATRICK, LEE, Superintendent City Schools, Paris, Iicntncky.
MCXYEY, FRANCES JEWELL, Former Dean of \vO1HC1l, University of Kentucky.
MEYER, ANITA, Teacher of Art, Louisville Nornral School, Louisville, Ken-
._ tucky.
  RHOADS, MCHENRY, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kentucky.
Y RoSS, C. C., Professor of Education, Iowa. State College. ,
TAYLOR, CARL C., Dean, Graduate School, North Carolina State College.  
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KELLY, J. B., B. S. in A. E., B. S. in M. E.,  
Professor of Agricultural Engineering.  
` I{ING, MARGAEEE I., A. B.,  
Librarian; Instructor in Library Science.  X`,}
I{IR.KI'A'1‘RICI{, LEE, M. A., _  
Superintendent of City Schools, Paris, Kentucky.  ·
]{NIGIIT, GRANT C., A. M., `  
Associate Professor of English. i
]{OI’I’IUS, 01*10, Ph. D., gf
Associate Professor of Physics.  
LAM1>Em·, CAM. ALnEm·, ._?,
Professor of Music; Head of Department.  
LES1·oU1zcE0N, FLOIIA E.l,]ZA1lE1‘II, A. M., Ph. D., _;
Associate Professor of Mathematics.  .5
Lnyscozun, \VII.LIA}\[ N., M. D.,  `
Associate Professor of Hygienie and Pablio Health.  I
ZMARTIN, J. H., M. S. in Agr., Q 
Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry. '<
MAY, A. N., B. ·Pcd.,  
Professor of Teacher Training Industry.  
MeFAm.ANv, F. T., Ph. D.,  
Professor of Botany; Head of Department.  
BI(’].rAU(}lll.IN, ]\TAI{(§(lE|(l’I‘IC, A. B.,  
Assistant Professor of Journalism.  Z3
Professor of Education. @ 
Dean of Men.; Professor of German Language and Literature; Head T 
of Department. °  
I Instructor in Art., Louisville Normal Sehooh, Louisrille, Kentucky. Q 
E ]\[I'I`C]IIC[.L, J011N R., A. B., V
{ Assistant Professor of Chemistry. ll
Z Noir, J. T. C., A. 'M., Litt. D., V I
l Professor of Education. Q_
{ OLNEY, ALBERT J., B. S., M. H., .  
l Professor of Horticulture. ·
Pxwon, J. W., M. D.,
1 Professor of Anatomy and Physiology; Head of Department.  
l REEVES, FLOYD W., M. A., Ph. D., ‘
Professor of Education.    
Roimvrs, W11L1AM L., A. B., A. M., J. D., V
Professor of Law. " ·
i Assistant Professor of Geology. "
4 9  
1, ,£ J
• ,. `

 5 . V ~ ` L
L *,2
Ross, G. C., Ph. D.,  
Associate Professor oy; Education., Iowa State College. 5
' Ross, D. STANT0N, A. B., i
Instructor in Hygiene and Public Health. {
RUSH, JAMES E., S. B., C. P. H., M. D., A I
Professor of Hygiene and Public Health; Head of Department. i ·‘
Professor of Law.
Somcx, BLAINE W., A. B., if
Irnstru»cto·r in Romance Languages. . ‘
Instructor in Romance Languages.  
` Associate Professor of Physics.  
" · STEWART, OLUS J., A. B., M. S.,
g Assistant Professor of Chemistry.
Dean, G-racluate School, North Carolina State College. .
Dean, College of Edueavtion.; Director of the Summer Session.  
' THUBMAN, G. O., ii
Instructor in lllacliime Shop. }
Instructor in English. `
WALTMAN, CLAIR SMITH, B. S. in Agriculture,
J Instructor in Horticuhture.
’ WJEST, EDWARD, A. M., Ph. D.,
Dean, College of Commerce.
Associate Professor of Awimal Husbanclry.
  Instructor in English.
  10 §
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a THoMAs P. Coormz, B. S. in Agr., Dean and Director  
.  · AenoNoMY  
Q : S 102. Soir. MANAGELIENT. A course presenting the latest practical A ‘`·  ii
results in soil investigations. Two credits. First term. Associate Pro·  
fessor Karraker.  
·. i l
` 17.* Bmaicos or Lrvnsroerr. The history and development of the  
  A various breeds of livestock are studied. Practice is given in judging  
2 purebred animals and in tracing pedigrees. Required of freshmen in  
  Agriculture. Three credits. First term. Associate Professor Horlacher. _
104. ANIMAL BREEDING AND ADVANCED Gnmzrrcs. A course in the gg
principles of breeding as applied to livestock. The practical aspects of ·
i animal breeding are presented: Inbrccding, line—breeding, cross—breeding l
1 and breeding -by selection. An analysis of some of the breeds will be
` made and the methods of successful breeders will be studied. Prerequisite, li
  Breeds of Livestock and Genetics. Four credits. First term. Professor  
rl Anderson. il
y 107.* Smmp P1:onUe’rroN. Three credits. First term. Associate  
l Professor Horlaohcr.
` 109. l.)()UI.'1‘llY Jrn>erNc ANn 1iiu·:1·;orN<:. (Otlcred alternately with
112.) The fundamental genetic principles involved in poultry breeding 5
1 will be studied. The systematic culling and selective flock breeding to , 
increase the produc·tion of the flock will be studied. In the laboratory · 
work Uhe time is divided bchwcen the judging of birds for exhibition points  ;
and egg production. Prerequisite, Farm Poultry Production or Genetics.  _,
Four credits. First term. Associate Professor Martin. I -
T 112. ADVANCED PoUL’r1zY PnoDUcr1oN. (Offered alternately with 109.)  ‘·
In this course the more advanced problems involved in incubation, brood- y  
d ing, poultry diseases, feeding and flock management will be considered. g 
The laboratory rwork will consist of the actual operation of incubators and _. 
breeders, the treatment of diseased birds and the feeding of the laying  
flock. Prerequisite, Farm Poultry Production. Four credits. First term. i i 
Associate Professor Martin.  
117. Lrvnsrock FEEDING. A study is made of the classes of nutrients _ i
of feeding stufls and the uses of each to the animal. A study is made " . 
I of the processes of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Feedstuifs and ¤ l
nutritive ratios are discussed. The practical aspects of feeding various . i 
_ kinds of livestock are studied. Four credits. First term. Associate Pro- ; 
fessor Wilford. E  F
  { 119. G1:NEr1cs. The fundamental principles of heredity and variation _’
Q are given in this course. Some questions discussed are reproduction, fer-  
j *On1y two of these three courses will be given, depending upon de-  
mand. · .'  i
. zs Q   l
.  J
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tilization, variation, mutation, selection, pure line and hybrids. Three
_ credits. First term. Professor Anderson. {
120.* -SYsrmts or I.1vi2s·rocK PRonUcrroN. A general survey of the  
livestock industry of the world, the historical and economic aspects of V
production. Three credits. First term. Associate Professor Horlaclhcr. t
S 1. Farm BLxNAcmrnN·r. A course dealing with the fundamental [
principles underlying the choice of a farm, the selection of crops and g
livestock enterprises, the management of labor and equipment and the I
organization of these elements into an efficient and profitable farm busi-
ness. Prerequisite, Farm Economics 4. Two credits. First term. Mr.
A · 4. Aenrcmxrcrzat Economics. A course which treats of the broad .
economic aspects of agriculture as an industry. Discussions are cen- I
r tered around the aims and ends in production and distribution, particularly
as they pertain to the modern farmer. Prerequisite, General Economics,
la. Three credits. First term. Mr. Finn.
S 8. hLxm~:ET1NG. A course dealing with the fundamental principles
` and methods of marketing farm products. Consideration is given to
the marketing of specific farm products, to methods of sale, to marketing
agencies and their services, to grading, warehousing, transportation,
financing, risks, future trading, market news, prices, market inspection, `
costs, legislation and related questions. The place of cooperative asso-
ciations in the marketing system is studied. Legislation and govern-
I mental activities are reviewed. Consideration also is given to weaknesses .
. and possible improvements in marketing. Lecture five hours a week.
First term. Two credits. Professor Jesness.
  S 8. FARM Sno?. A special course for vocational agricultural stu- l
dents. The students are instructed in the handling of tools and materials,
and in the execution of shop projects which will enable them to make
satisfactory, practical repairs of all kind:. of farm buildings, machinery
and other equipment. Lectures, three hours per week; laboratory, twelve
hours per week. First term. Three credits. Professor Kelley.
7a. `VEGETABLE GARDENING. The lectures will include a discussion i
. of such fundamental subjects as location and arrangement of gardens, t
soil management, seed selection and improvement, seed testing, prepare.- •
tion of hotbeds and cold frames, and manurcs and fertilizers. The more · ]
important classes of vegetables and particularly those requiring special ‘
or unusual treatment will be studied in detail.  
The subject of spraying as related to vegetable gardening will be ‘
  26 3
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given attention in the lectures, and practices in the making and applica-  
tion of sprays will occupy a portion of the laboratory periods.  
‘ This summer session will provide an opportunity to study many  
phases of vegetable gardening that cannot· be observed so favorably dur-  
M ing the regular semesters, and particular emphasis will therefore be  
i placed upon the laboratory and field exercises. Two credits. First term.  
¤ Assistant Professor Waltman.  
  . 7b. FRUIT GRoW1NG. The summer course in this subject is arranged  
I to cover the more important fruits grown in Kentucky, somewhat special -2:
I attention being given to apple, grape and·strawberry growingr ·  
Q The lectures on apple growing will include a consideration of soils { i
` and sites, propagation, selection of stock and choice of varieties both for  
home and commercial uses, care of the young and mature orchard, pruning  
i and training, with special attention to the details of an effective spray  
, program. To this end, several periods will be devoted to t‘he preparation  
' and application of the various kinds of spray materials, together with  
a study of numerous types of apparatus used for the control of insect and   i
fungus enemies.  
In grape growing special emphasis will be laid upon methods of  
pruning and training, several types of which are exhibited in the experi-  
ment vineyard on the farm.  
Strawberries will be studied from the standpoint of propagation,  
, variety, character of both the standard and everbcaring sorts, plant setting,  
l culture, and harvesting and marketing.  
lf desired by a nrajority of the class, two or more periods at the  
close of the term will be given to a discussion of landscape horticulture,  
, with special reference to the improvement of home and school grounds.  
Two credits. First term. Professor Olney.  
S 9. Foons. A course dealing with the selection and preparation of  
food, planning and serving of meals, discussion and demonstration of de-   \
sirable dishes for school lunches. Three credits. First term. Professor X, 
_ Hopkins. Qi 
S 10. CLo'rH1No. A study of underlying principles of clothing con- E 
struction, selection of materials and relation of health to clothing. This _ Q
course may be offered as a Home Economies elective toward a degree, not  
as a substitute for Home Economics 28 or 29. Three credits. First 1 
term. Assistant Professor Gard. .l 
25. Miimixiaicr. A study of millinery shapes, fabrics, finishes, trim- ‘ , 
mings, color combinations and textures, also becomingness to the indi-  
, vidual, through observation and construction. Two credits. First term. Ԥ
1 Assistant Professor Gard.  
105. SEMINAR IN NU'FRITION.` A study of present day knowledge of J,
Q normal nutrition through readings showing results of research. One 4
i credit. First term. Professor Hopkins.  
— 106. iSrcM1NAn IN Tnxrimcs Axn Ctormxe. Problems in selection. _ ·
  One credit. First term. Assistant Professor Gard. I l
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PAUL P. Born, M. A., Ph. D., Dean · iii
S la. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY. Lectures, demonstrations and recita- ` il?
tions. First term. Two credits. Professor Pryor. i
S 150a. TEAcm~ms’ Couizsn IN LATIN; Bixsnni ox Fnzsr YEAR Worm.
A hasty review of Bennett’s Beginners’ Book, and the reading of Selec- ,
tions from the last three books of Caesar. Discussion of the principles of i
· teaching Latin, stressing the connection between Latin and Englislli, the `
merits of the different texts, etc. First term. Two credits. Professor .
Jones. i
S 150b. TEACHERS’ Cormsn nv LArrN; BASED ON THE Siceovm YEAR `
WORK. The course will follow closely the recommendations of the Classical
League Investigating Committee. A considerable amount of easy Latin
` will be read, taken from several authors. Discussion of Latin exhibits and
other means of arousing interest in the work. Second term. Two credits.
S 3. Creimo AND SALLUST. The four speeches of Cicero against [
Catiline will be read and, also, Sallust’s Catiline. A comparative study
of the orator and the historian. First term. Two credits. Professor
Jones. ~
S 4a. SELECTIONS Fizom Ovrn AND VmorL. This has proven to be
one of our most interwting Latin courses. Ovid gives us mythology at `
Hrst hand and Virgil portrays the traditions and aspirations of the
Romans. First term. Two credits. Professor Jones. {
S 5. LIVY. Talks on foundation and development of the Roman
State; the methods and aims of ancient writers of history as compared
with those of today. First term. Two credits. Professor Jones. (If the . ,
students prefer, Horace may be elected instead of Livy).  
I ·S 109. LATIN L1·r1caArmua. (Setmcrroxs.) The authors studied will Y
be selected by the class. Primarily for graduates. Open also to qualified
tmdergraduatcs. First term. Two credits. Professor Jones.
S 110. LATIN Lrrsrmruniz. (Smusorrons). This is a reading course
and the authors selected will be such as are new to the members of the `
class. For graduates and for properly qualified undergraduates. Second
term. Two credits.
S 51. ELELIENTARY Gmini:. Declensions, conjugations, rules of syn-
tax. English derivatives from Greek words will be noted. First term. _
Two credits. Professor Jones.  
One other course will be offered the second term. It may be Latin l
Composition, or a reading course in either Latin or Greek, as the students ·
elect. Two credits.  
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S la. DRAWING AND PAINTING. Expression by line, light and shade  
  color. Drawing from objects, cast, still life. Perspective figure drawing, T  
i outdoor sketching. Mediums—charcoal, crayons, water color, oil. First _· i
rw term. Two credits. Miss Meyer. ¤ LJ
i Za. ART STRUCTURE. A study of the underlying principles of art '  
L through their application, line, tone, color. Arrangements involving the  
- - ; use of good proportion, harmony, balance, rhythm, repetition, subordina.- 1
It tion, etc. Original design for textiles, mosaic, interior decoration, eos- up
l tume, etc. First ter1n. Two credits. Miss Meyer. ·
` S 10. Tun TEACHING OF Arcr IN Punmc SenooLs. A course designed  
for public school teachers who offer instruction in art education. First ·.
1 term. Two credits. Miss Meyer. _
t BOTANY ‘  
, la. GENERAL BorANY. This is the first sernester’s work of the gen- i
{ eral course in botany and involves a critical study of the lower forms '
‘ of plant life, such as the algae, fungi and tl1e moss plants. Attention is ’
given to the physiology, structure, method of reproduction and economic
importance. First term. Four credits. Professor McFarland. (
lb. GENERAL Bo*rANY. This is a continuation of Botany. la and {
involves a detailed study of the ferns, fern allies and the seed plants. i
V Considerable attention is given to mctlhods of reproduction and course of i
[ development. Some account of heredity is given. Second term. Four {
credits. Professor l\1clA`arland. l
, 20. DExnRoLooY. (TREE STUDY). This course is designed to give y
the student a thorough knowledge of the native and exotic trees of the I
· State. Lectures will be given in the field when the weather permits. i
Practice in using various keys and the making of keys will be given dur- -19
S ing the course. Besides the regular lectures, two all-day field trips will 1
i be required. One of these trips will be to Natural Bridge and the other  
. will be taken soincwlnere along the Kentucky River. No prerequisites. i
_ ` First and second terms. Two credits. Professor McFarland.  
i C HEMI STRY J   . 
la, GENERAL I·NoRoAN1c Cnnmsrar. Lectures, classroom and lwb- Qi 
oratory work. First term. Five credits. Assistant Professor Mitchell. i 
lb. GENERAL INoRoAN1e Cumrrsray. Continu·ation of Chemistry ri
~ la. Chemistry of the Metals. Lectures, classroom and laboratory work.  
Prerequisite, Chemistry la. Second term. Five credits. Assistant  
Professor Mitchell.  
4. QUALI'l‘A’l`I\’E ANALYSIS. La*borato1·y work accompanied by reei-  
I tation periods. Prerequisite, Chemistry lb. First term. Four credits. pt
  Assistant Professor Stewart.   `
l 7. ORGANIC Cnmxusrar. An elementary course for non-professional  
g students. Prerequisite, Chemistry lb. First term. Four credits. As-  
  sistant Professor Barkenbus. gi i
L 29 it 
l  l
I .
i •i

 A yi
S la. ENGLISH C0iII>oSITIoN. Practice in writing correct and clear
_ English. Accuracy of expression is desired rather tshan proheiency in
style. A textbook will be used, but the instruction will be based upon I
the study of representative English masterpieces. Required of all fresh- I',}
men. Both terms. Two credits. First term, Mr. Yates. Second term,  
Mir. ¥Va1bridge. j
S lb. ENGLISH COMPOSITION. This course is a continuation of Eng-  
lish la. Required of all freshmen. This course with English 1a is pre- i
requisite to all other courses in English. Both terms. 'Dwo credits.
First term, Mr. Yates. Second term, Mr. Wallbridge.
2a. An·vANoED COMPOSITION, Prerequisites, English la, lb. Two
credits. First term, Assistant Professor Knight.
S 3a. HISTORY or ENGLISH LITERATURE. This course designed to give
the student a general survey of English literature from the old English
‘ period·to the present. Readings from selected masterpieces. Prerequisite, ‘
English la or 1b. Second term. Two credits. Mr. Walbridge.
S 3b. HISTORY or ENGLISH LITERATURE. This course is a continua-
tion of course 3a. Both courses are prerequisite to all other courses in
literature. Two credits. Mr. Yates.
16a. LITERATURE OF THE BIBLE. A literary study of the Bible by
i books. ·First term. Two credits. Professor Farquhar. —
26. LIBRARY METI-rons ron TEACHERS. First term. Two credits.
Assistant Professor King. .
105. BROWNING. An intensive study of the art and teaching of
Browning. First term. Two credits. Professor Dantzlcr.
S 107. XTICTORIAN PoETs. ·Spcc·ial attcntion will bc given to Tenny-
son, Browning, Swinburne. Second term. '1`wo credits. Assistant Pro-
fessor Brady.
S 110. SHAKESPEARE. Shakespcares plays are studied in an cil`ort
to appreciate drama and art. First term. Two credits. Assistaiit Pro-
fessor Knight.
114. AMERICAN LITERATURE. The literature of America is studied
in its relation to national life and thought. The leading authors will he
studied in class while the minor writers will constitute parallel reading.
First term. Two credits. Associate Professor Knight.
- S 116. THE CONTEMPORARY DRAMA. Development and tendencies in
continental, British and American dramatic literature, 1850-1918. Repre-
sentative readings. First term. Two credits. Professor Farquhar.
120. PRONUNCIATIOX OF 1\’101)ERN ENGLISH. A study of present-day
pronunciation with a view to determine a standard of correct pronuncia-
tion. First term. Two credits. 1’rofessorD~antzler.
S 130a. Co:sII·ARATIvE LITERATURE. Contribution of Greek and Roman
thought to modern civilization. Classics read in translation. Second [
term. Two credits. Assistant Professor Brady. {
S 134. DEVELOPMENT or THE ESSAY. Second term. Two credits.
Assistant Professor Brady.  
I 30  
is A
. i i

 Q I
t S 20la. LITERARY CRITICISM. Special problems in the development  
of English criticism. First term. Two credits. Professor Farquhar.  
iS 207. SI>1zNsIm. For graduates only. First term. Two credits.  
l` Professor Dantzler.    
’/it e-notoov I ,
  S 2a. Er.m11zN*rAnY G·1zoI.ooY. A study of those forces and processes J?
if wfhicii determine the surface features of the ea1·tl1, and which ·in the past Q
’ have contributed to the present topograplhy. Emphasis is placed on the ir
` application of an understanding of these processes to t·he interpretation  
of earth history. First term. Two credits. Assistant Professor Robin- .  
1Gb. LIINEIIAL Ricsotmcns. An elementary study of the non-metallic  
~ mineral resources of the United States with respect to their origin, v"
» geologic occurrence, distribution and uses. The course includes a. short  
` introduction to the geological principles involved in the formation of  
mineral deposits. No prerequisite. First term. Two credits. Assistant 2
Professor Robinson. — —
S IS. ELlC1\ll£N'l`S or G·1co<:i