xt7ftt4fp173 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fp173/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-10-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1932 1932 1932-10-28 2013 true xt7ftt4fp173 section xt7ftt4fp173 Best Copy Available






0 TO 12 P. M.




6UF AT 9K A M A r IS


Gray, Helm, Reuter, Smathers Are Presidents Wildcats Hope To Break Spell
Of Tidemen's Nine-Yea- r
971 VOTES CAST Freshman Caps
Child Welfare
Arc at Thorpe's
Returns Compiled Show Less
Interest In Class



Group to Hear SIX AT

November 1 Set By Council
as Date When All Frosh
Must Have Tots
Freshman caps have arrived and
may be obtained at Thorpe's Cloth- ing store for 33 cents, according to'
an announcement issued yesterday
by John Ewing, president of the
Men's Student council.

Dr. H. Barnard


AT U. OF K. IN 1925
Smallest Group Pledged In
Several Years; All Are Active Campus Leaders






DM . M




Governor Laffoon Is Also on
White House Conference


The first Kentucky White House
conference on child health and protection will convene this morning
in Memorial hall. Dr. H. E. Bar-

nard, Indianapolis, former director
of the national White House conference will be one of the principal

speakers. Gov. Ruby Laffoon, honorary chairman, will open the
speaking program Friday night.
The conference will open at 9 o'clock Friday morning with the educational program, to be followed by
the medical program In the afternoon and speaking program In the
Approximately 1,500 leaders In the
fields of education, medicine, and
social service work from all sections
of the state are expected to attend
the meeting. The programs to be
presented are based on the results
obtained by
on educational, medical, and social
Besides Governor Laffoon and
Doctor Barnard, others to appear
on the evening schedule are James
H. Richmond, state superintendent
of public instruction, Dr. A. T.
secretary of the state
board of health, and Miss Kather-ln- e
Tucker, director of the national
organization for public health nursing.
Saturday morning, the program
will be devoted to social welfare
problems in Kentucky.
clubs, parent-teachgroups and all persons
interested in the welfare of children
in the state will be attracted to the
For the subject of his adress Doctor Barnard has chosen "The State's
Responsibility to its Children," a
topic to which he brings the full authority of his wide experience in
the field. He is perhaps more responsible for the success of the national White House conference, held
in Washington in 1930, than any
other individual. He was also - one
(Continued on Page Four)fact-findi-


SuKy Will Culminate
Jinx Services at Rally

There will be an Important meeting
of the Women's Athletic council at
4 p. in. Monday In the office of

Miss Averill, Women's gym.
Heat Alabama
iet Your Kat L'arly
Kunipus Kat will make Its
first appearance of the school year
at the Alabama game Saturday.
The rag bus been thoroughly reconditioned and has an O.K. that
counts. It will sell for 15 cents
copy, and as there have been only
a limited number printed, it will
be well for anyone who wants one
to get It early.
Heat Alabama
There will be a meeting of Mortar Board in Patterson hull, 4:30
p. m. Monday.
Heat Alabama
Alpha Zeta. honorury agriculture
smoker for
fraternity, will give
the faculty and the freshmen of
the College of Agriculture, 7:30 p.
m., Tuesday, November 1, at the
Dairy building.
Brat Alabama
a meeting of MorThere will be
tar Board in Patterso nhall, 4:30 p.
m., Monday.
p:-- r

Lucy Jean Anderson, Zeta Tau
Alpha, and J. D. Haggard, Kappa
Alpha, were selected as additions to
the cheering team, by ouivy circle
at a meeting Tuesday afternoon
Plans for the pep rally and free
show preceding the game with Ala
bama, Saturduy, October 2'J, una
arrangements for the homecoming
game, November 7, were also discussed at the meeting.
The incantations of the voodoo
witch doctors and the mournful
processions which have been wend
ing over the university campus this
past week, will be culminated m
a brilliant pep rally, tonlyht at 8:15
After the pep rally, the Strand
theater is offering a free show to
the university students. Each stu
dent will be admitted to the theater
utter 9:30 upon showing his ticket
book at the door.
The committee which was in
charge of the pep meeting last week
with the addition of two new members, will auuin have charge of the
rally this Friday night. They are
Cleorge Wilson,, chairman; Julia
Cutherine Webb, Dorothy WiUlums,
and William Conley.
SuKy cups will be offered again
this year to the organizations on
the campus which will erect the

Five Seniors, One Junior Accept Honor Prof erred By
Leadership Group


All freshmen will be required to
have the headgear by November 1,
Indications Show That Toll it was stated in a ruling made by
the council who Is in charge of the
Is Most Clean and Fair
distribution of the caps. Penalty
In Years
for not having the headgear will be
decided upon summons to the counElection returns compiled cil. Suspension or dismissal from
early last night indicated 971 the university has been stated as
the penalty
students had cast ballots dur- the regulation.for failure to observe
ing class elections conducted
Freshmen caps have been traThursday. Members of the ditional at the university for a
Men's Student council offi- number of years. The delay in sethe
ciated at the polls, room 102 curinghas nottop pieces for the new
been determined.
White hall, and tabulated
are to be asked to assist In the enforcing of the ruling.
Beat Alabama
Class presidents selected Thursday ore Russell Gray, Schenectady,
N. Y., Triangle, senior, College of
Engineering; Horace Helm, Henderson, Sigma Alpha Epsllon, Junior,
College of Engineering; Oscar Reuter, Louisville, Alpha Sigma Phi,
sophomore. College of Engineering;
Howard Smathers, Lexington, Sig- Seven Seniors, Three Juniors
ma Chi pledge, freshman, College
Accept Bids of Tau Beta
of Arts and Sciences.
Pi Honorary
Voting was carried on between
the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 noon, CUNDIFF
1 p. m. until 4 p. m.
were required to enter the polling
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineerroom by the west door and leave ing
fraternity, held its regular
by the east. Class registration was
pledging exercises at
checked by George N. Peak, secretary of the Men's Student council. the assembly of engineers in Memorial hall at 10 a. m. Wednesday.
Although election officials dis- The program was opened with an
covered a few students attempting organ prelude played by Edward
to "stuff" the ballot boxes, only a Barlow, senior engineer, after which
slight discrepancy was noted in the Johe Kane gave a short talk confinal tabulations. By count of a cerning the organization, its history,
Kernel representative 972 votes were purpose, and prospects for the fucast. Ballots credited totaled 971. ture.
Approximately 20 votes were disWilliam Bowling Cundiff, sophocarded in the final count for voters' more engineer, was then presented
failures to sign their names.
a slide rule by the organization for
During the polling hours In White having attained the highest scholhall, election officers kept a close astic standing as a freshman in the
watch on the ballot boxes. During College of Engineering last year.
the noon interim the boxes were His standing was 2.8. This award
locked in the office of the Dean of is an annual event of Tau Beta Pi.
Men. Three council members and
The following seniors were then
a Kernel representative remained in pledged:
the Administration building during
W. F. Davis, Owensboro; J. Isaacs,
the noon hour to eliminate possi- Bushel; I. N. Brown, McAfee; W.
bilities of "stuffing" during this Cowley, Fort Knox; L. C. Anderhour.
son, Va.; A. S. Ammerman, LexAfter the final count and check- ington; R. Gray, Saratoga, New
up had been completed, council York.
Juniors pledged at the meeting
members Indicated that Thursday's
elections were probably as fair and were:
E. W. Combs, Louisville, scholas clean as any even held at the
university. Although no identifica- astic standing of 2.62; H. Greenup,
tion of voters was required other Frankfort, standing, 2.76; and W.
than that of checking with regis- Steitler, Owensboro, standing, 2.78.
The pledging was done by the
tration lists, few discrepencies were
Comparison of registered usual "tap" method. In which the
voters, votes cast, and votes tabu- active members tap the pledges
lated showed, in the outstanding with a historic sledge which has
instances, no more than five vote been in the chapter since it was
founded in 1901.
Prof. John Sherman Horine, of
Vote totals cast Thursday revealelecthe class of '09, who has returned
ed a lessoned Interest In class
year 1,673 ballots were to the university to teach in the
tions. Last
tabulated as compared with this College of Engineering, was also
year's 971. Votes cast by classes pledged by the organization.
Tau Beta Pi was founded at
this year are seniors. 213; Juniors,
University In Pennsylvania
235; sophomores, 253; and freshmen, 272. Votes by classes last In 1895, and was the first honorary
year are senior, 338; Junior, 406; for engineers based on scholarship.
sophomore, 496; and freshmen, 433. The local chapter was organized in
Candidates for the various class 1901. Requirements for member
offices, the number of votes they ship are that the student must be
(Continued on page Four)
in the upper eighth of the Junior
class, scholastically, or In the upper
Beat Alabama
fourth of the senior group.


most unique house decorations for
the homecoming game with Tulane,
November 7. I. C. Evans is chair-mu- n
of the committee to plan for
homecoming game. In connection
with the game, SuKy circle will
sponsor a beard growing contest
open to all male university students.
The winner will be selected at the
game and. during the half, will be
given a free shave and a silver
loving cup.
The committee which is in charge
of the program for the week-en- d
of the homecoming game will select
the cups to be presented und will
place them on display within the
next week. A cup will be offered,
to both the sorority and to the fraternity which has the must unusual decorations. In order to make
the contest as fair as possible, the
names of the Judges will not be
announced until after the contest
is over.
Cheer leaders which were selected Tuesday afternoon were chosen
from approximately 20 students who
tried out for the position at the
pep rally Thursday night, October
20. The two students who were
selected will be eligible for the
cheering team next year and will
work with the present team for the
remainder of the season.

Howard Baker, Marvin Wachs,
Gilbert Kingsbury, O. B. Coffman.
Jumps E. Scholl, and Gordon E.
Burns were pledged to Omlcron
Delta Kappa, national honorary
campus leaders fraternity. Pledging
took place in the assembly room of
the commerce collpge yesterday
while the announcement was made
to the student body by means of a
large O. D. K. key placed In the
front of the adminltsration building. This group of six men is the
smallest group pledged in recent
Howard Baker, Shanghia, China,
Is a senior In the College of Education. He is a member of Phi Sigma
Kappa social fraternity, president
of Lamp and Cross, senior honorary fraternity, captain of the varsity track team, and president of
Scabbard and Blade.
Marvin Wachs, Covington, Is a
senior in the College of Arts and
Sciences. He Is a member of Phi
Kappa Tau social fraternity and is
managing editor of The Kernel. He
of the Kampus
Kat, associate editor of the
member of the university
rifle team, representative to
from the Journalism department and
of Sigma Delta Chi. professional Journalism fraternity.
Gilbert Kingsbury, Covington, Is
a senior in the Arts and Sciences
College Is a member of Phi Kappa
Tau social organization. Kingsbury
Is news editor of The Kernel.
is president of Sigma Delta Chi,
fraternity, and an asso
ciate editor of the Kampus Kat,
president of SuKy circle, university pep groim. and Is chair
man of
study group. He Is serving at present as an associate editor of the
Kentuckian and is representative
on the university
council. He Is also a member of
Stroller's, university dramatic so
Gordon Burns, Schnectady, New
York, is a member of Alpha Sigma
Phi and Is a Junior in the commerce college. Burns is president
of Keys, honorary sophomore fraternity, a member of Delta Sigma
Pi, president of the men's
council, departmental editor
of the Kentuckian, a member of
the Glee club, and a
representative from the economics


Ken-tuckia- n,




O. B. Coffman, Lewisburg. West
Virginia, is a member of Delta Tau
Delta, and is a senior in the College of Education. He is a captain
in the university R. O. T. C. and a
member of Scabbard and Blade,
Pershing Rifles, the Men's Student
council. He has also earned a letter on the university rifle team and
Is president, of the Y. M. C. A. In
(Continued on Page Four)
-- Beat Alabama- -

Figures Are Not Yet Available on Membership-Financ- e
Campaign as Committee
Begins Eleventh Day
Under the direction of Alice Lang,
finance chairman for the Y. W. C.

the annual

campus-wid- e


drive of the student
Y. W. C. A. today begins its eleventh day. No figures on the results
of the first ten days of the drive
are available, but according to Miss
Lang's statement, it is proving to be
one of tha. most successful campaigns of its kind held in recent
years at the university.
The drive was Inaugurated immediately following the women's
meeting October 18, in Memorial
hall, and will culminate in the recognition service for botli old and
new members of the organization
at 7 p. m.. Tuesday, November 1,
in the Patterson hull recreation
room. Mrs. Frank L. McVey has
been invited to be the principal
speaker for the occasion. The program will be concluded with the
An original finance skit, presented at the weekly Y. W. C. A. meeting October 18 in Patterson hall,
helped to give some Idea of the
scope of the Young Women's Christian association's work and influence, locally, nationally, and


Hoover's Plurality In
Straw Vote Is 10,468
Herbert Hoover polling 28,180
votes, a plurality of 10,468 won the
first national intercollegiate straw
vote. Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt
captured second place by polling
17,712 votes.
He was followed by
Norman Thomas the Socialist candidate who was credited with 10,470
votes. Foster the Communist candidate policd a total of 715 ballots.
The collegiate poll reflected accurately the past balloting of various sections of the country. Southern colleges were Inclined to give
the Democratic candidate a majority of ballots cast while northern
and eastern schools voiced approval of the present Republican administration. Stanford, the alma
mater of President Hoover, gave the
incumbent a vote of approximately
four to one over Roosevelt.
The surprise of the entire poll
was the vote of Norman Thomas
the Socialist candidate for the presidency. In many schools Thomas
ran ahead of one of the major party
nominees while in St. Louis University, Columbia University and
New York University, the former
Princetonian runs far ahead of the
Republican and Democratic choices.
Wellesly and Smith, both conservative eastern schools gave Thomas a
larger vote than Roosevelt.
The poll was the first national
collegiate canvass of any consequence. It was conducted by the
Daily Princetonian, daily newspaper of Princeton University, and
55 colleges and universities through
out the entire country.
was conducted in each school and
the result of the Individual college
announced to the student body. The
result was then sent to Princeton
where the daily paper relayed the
inentire poll to the
stitutions. A total of 57.077 votes
were cast. Each participating school
placed guards over the ballot boxes
to prevent dishonest balloting.
(Continued on Page Four)
Beat Alabama


Night From
9 to 12 P.M.

Following the Kentucky-Alabam- a
football game Saturday afternoon
on Stoll field, members of the university varsity football team will
stage a dance from 9 to 12 p. m. in
the Alumni gymnasium. Music for
the occasion will be provided by the
Kentucky Masqueraders.
All of the members of the varsity
football team will be present wearing their "K" sweaters so that they
can be more easily identified. Alabama players and their coach,
Frank Thomas, also will be Invited
to attend the dance.
Tickets are being sold on the campus by members of the team. There
will be six
according to
a statement made by Bernie Shive- iy.
Chaperones for the dance will be:
Dean Sarah Blandlng; Dean and
Mrs. C. R. Melcher; Mrs. Frank L.
McVey; Mrs. P. K. Holmes; Prof,
and Mrs. Enoch Grehan; Miss Marguerite McLaughlin;
Major and
Mrs. B. E. Brewer; Mr. and Mrs.
Ackerman; Coach and Mrs. Harry
Carnage; Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Potter; Dean and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd;
Coach and Mrs. Birkett L. Pribble;
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heinz; Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Heinz; Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Allen; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mea-chaand Mr. and Mrs. McKinney.
Beat Alabama

stadium during football
This was announced yesterday after a conference between
athletic council heads and SuKy
officials. Danger to spectators cutting themselves on broken soft
drink bottles was the reason advanced for the change.
Drinks will be sold at the stand
on the south side of the field, and
various other small stands will be
established beneath both sides of
the stadium and at each end of the

Other goods will be sold by stu
dents as usual. it was announced.
Salesmen are to be cautioned to re
main in their seats during progress
of the game and sell only during
the time out periods. This edict was

made following yesterday's conference and was decided upon after
numerous complaints had been re
ceived from spectators whose view
of the game had been obstructed by
the venders of confections.
Continued violations of the rules
by tryouts for the pep group will
result in the loss of chances for
pledging, It was said.

English Club

First Meeting


Both Teams Have Suffered
Only One Defeat So Far

This Year

Alabama's Crimson Tide,
surging at full flood, will meet
the Wildcats tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock on Stoll field
in one of the most important

gridiron battles in the Southern conference. The Tide, although defeated by Tennessee, is expected to give the
Big Blue their hardest game
of the year. Extensive preparations have been made by
the Wildcats, fans and SuKy
to break the nine year Alabama jinx, but the Crimsons
are slight
to take the classic.

Weist, Elirnbeth
Whitley, and Alice Mae Brown.
The receiving line was composed
of the actives. Mrs. Freyman. Misses
Lee Pulliam,
Judith Key, Dorothy
Whitsitt. Susan Jane Turner, and
Francis Rhoades.
The patrons of the organization
include Dr. J. C. Noe. Dr. G. K.
Brady, Dr. Galloway, Dr. Dantzler,
Dr. Farquhar. nad Professor Grant
C. Knight, who Is faculty advisor of
the group.
-- Beat Alabama- -

Robert Tupman, 18 years of age,
freshman in the College of Engineering, died at the Good Samari-

On Philharmonic
List for Year

Danger of Broken Bottles Exercises, Dinner Held at
Cited as Cause; Will ConGreen Tree Tearoom; Six
tinue to Sell Candy
Accept Honor From Chi
Delta Phi
No more soft drinks will be sold


Start at 2:30 P.M.
Saturday On Stoll

Game Will

The Red Elephants who have been
crippled for several weeks with the
loss of their first string center and
other line stalwarts will present
their full strength for the flrt
time Saturday. The Capstone aggregation
with their customary
heavy forewall and
quartet behind the line, expect to
grind the 'Cats down through shew
force of power. John "Hurry" Cain
is a long distance punting expert;
par excellence and all
the other things that make a man
deadly to an opposing team. H
has been out with an injured knee,
but has recovered and will be out
there tomorrow to continue bia
kicking duel with Kentucky's great
punter, Ralph Kercheval.
Hillman Holly, who will be remembered by those who saw the
great Tide of 1930 sink the Wildcats on Stoll field, as the little boy
raced through the Blue line for
numerous gains, and by last year's
'Cats as the gentleman who returned punts for nice gains all afternoon will be at the right half position. Mosely and Chappell the otn--er
are heavy and hard
driving backs who are good on the
offense and ferocious on the defense.
Almost all of the behemoths of
the 1931 Tide line are members of
this season's squad and are reinforced by a crop of hefty sophomores. The 'Cats remember God-frand Lasl'e, the hefty tackles
who were first groomed by Wade
as understudies for the great
hington and Clements, but ant
now great players in their own
right. The rest of the line Is Me
and touch and the game tomorrow will in all probability be a
battle of lines and a defensive
Hewes, who has been out for several days with a knee Injury will
be in prime shape for the battle
tomorrow it is believed by the
on Page Four)
Beat Alabama

Soft Drink Sales
Are Taboo at Games HOLDS PLEDGING

in the


Dance Will Be Held in Alum-- .
ni Gymnasium Saturday



Chi Delta Phi, national honorary
literary sorority, held its annual
pledging dinner at the Green Tree
tea room at 6:30 p.m. yesterday.
Mrs. James B. Miner was the p'in-cipspeaker and Mrs. Meyer Frey- man, president of the group, was


The pledges are Virginia Young,
Jane Ann Matthews, Mary


ball-carri- er



University Student
Eight Musicales
Expires in Hospital


hospital Wednesday afternoon,
days after undergoing an operaWill Broadcast
The English club held its first tion there for appendicitis.
Over WHAS Extension
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
meeting of the semester Tuesday,
Studio 4 Times
Ohio, have
October 25 in McVey hall. Election Tupmau of Dayton,
of officers was held of which are been here for the past week, and
The University of Kentucky PhilMrs. Evelyn G. Fryman, president; were at his bedside when he expired. The bodv was taken to Duv- - harmonic orchestra Is enjoying one
Virginia E. Pulllam,
jton last night, accompanied by the of the most brilliant years of iU
Alice Mae Hamm, secretary-treasure- r.
career. There are now 41 members
The club is sponsored by Dr. L. parents. Funeral arrangements will in the organization
under the direcbe announced later, and will be tum of
L. Dantzler.
Prof. Carl Lamport, head of
The club plans to have prominent held at the Tupman residence in tlie music department.
literary personages speak at each
Beat Alabama
The tentative schedule is as fol-- i
meeting during the year. The comlows:
mittee on arrangements are, chairNovember 20
University Musi-cal- e.
man. Susan Jane Turner, assisted
Memorial hall.
by Edith Johnson and Gertrude
December U
Tentative Church
ThB.jck and Bridle Club held
The club will meet at 3
o'clock, the third Wednesday of its regular
mot' ing Christmas program, details to be
every month.
in the Agriculture building at 7:30 announced 22
University Musical,
Heat Alabama
p. m. October 24. Professor E. S.
Good, head of the animal husban- Memorial hall.
February 12
Concert at Porftr
OI LU LKS AKE I LFCTLD dry department of the College of
Memorial church.
Agriculture, was the speaker.
February --'ti University Muslcalo.
The first meeting of the Pi
discussed many Interesting things
Alpha, honorary soctety in Political which he observed during his stay Memorial hull.
March 20
was lu id Friday. The elecscience,
in tha vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio, "Fuusf in concert form, Men
tion of officers took place. Robert tills past summer.
graduate scholar, was After Professor Goods talk, a hall.
Tentative general cc. .loelected president; Clyde Reeves,
and E. E. McLe-fres- business Annual was held, and which cation Memorial hull.
Fall festival,
for the
secretary-treasure- r.
June 2 Annual University of
Professor John W. Manning Is faculty will be held on November 18. w re Kentucky commencement.
discussed. Professor Wilford, ProBesides the above dates, the oradvisor. The Intention of the chapter is to pledge new members at fessor Mori .son, and Miss Baikley chestra will broadcast over WHAS
the end of the semester Instead of were named as a committee to ar- -' extension studios at the university
three or four times during the coinat the end of the year as has been range the details of the full
ing year.
done formerly.





Presentation 'i


� Best Copy


Tape Two

similar to that first used lust yrnr
when he publishers discontinued
makeup unci Innovat
ed the magazine form, the new
Kampus Kat, In so far ns ronlcnt
and treatment of material is con
National OollrRe rrfM Asportation
cerned, presents an entirely re- Kentucky InterrollrRinte rrrsi AAnrlatlnn
Lexlnaton Board of rommrrrf
vnmprd and enlivened spectacle.
Previous editions of the comic
ol the
OCirlal Nrwpaper ol the Fturtr-ntAnd now, my dear public, as no
publication were cievotrn. ior me
University of Krnturky, LeilllRton
"Dotes and Anti-des" stiBnes!o.s
larper part, to humorous references have flooded
the office since Tues
r)iiftrrtptlon 12 00 a year. Entered at Lexof n local nature. Although Kat day, we'll have to continue our dusington, Ky., roMofflre a Second
editors sincerely tried to attain en- ty walk together.
clnss mall matter.
ough local Interest to satisfy everyAmong presidential ballots cast by
one, the accomplishment was Im
possible. This year renders will be our said and dignified faculty: One
vote for Sophie Gltitz, one vote for
given a Kat eclipsing any ouicr "Ruby." by Tillle the Toiler, and
issue In Its presentation of
"Hay this Is a
one addendum,
MARVIN p. WACHS . . . Managing Editor
anecdotes and clean Straw Vote!"
laughs and, at the same time, one
Just because some of you might
of more general Interest. Local
Mary Jo LafTerty
Jamea Miner
wondering about the relative
have been minimized; be
Joe. 8. Relntrr
successes of this year's campus
short stories, features, and humor- political factions
ous articles have been substituted.
Balloting Thursday was conductBllsa Warren
Fred Shlela
basis. You
That such a magazine can be pro ed on a three-part- y
Virginia Lee Moore
resorting to voted with one of the three. Par
duced without undue
ty tickets and their backers are
Society Editor shady tactics and
listed below. Compare tickets with
Jane Ann Matthew . Anslst. Society Editor
Jokes Is a tribute to the publishers. election returns for comparative
Credit Is due the editors for their successes:
Virginia Bonworth
Virginia young
tireless efforts to deviate from the
Willie Hughea Smith
Martha Alford
Supported by Kahpas, Deltaws.
straight and narrow path of Journ- Pyecaps. Alfagamarows, Zetaws, Al- JOHNNIE CRADDOCK
Art Editor
fields of humor and fataws. Kadies, and Fydelts SenJOAN CARIGAN
Dramatic Editor alism Into the
iors: Deltaw Horace Miner, presi. . . Literary Editor fun.
dent; Kahpa Mary King Montgomery,
Zctaw Mary
Ray Stark
Elizabeth Price, secretary; Alfataw
Howard L. Cleveland
Jess Herndon, treasurer. Juniors:
Neiei Editor
Pyekap Tom Cassady, president;
Smith Broadbent,
Fyedelt Miles Davis,
Mary Carolyn Terrell
J. D. Palmer
secretary - treasurer. Sophomores:
Robert H. McGaughey
Some persons fish with flies; oth Fyedelt Phil Ardery, president;
Catherine Cooke,
ers eat, camp, and sleep with them.
Peggy Wallace
Kadle Elisabeth Jones,
Jack Wild
Ben Taylor
Myrtle Polk
Frank Adams Jack Quinn
Freshmen: William
And then there was the copy reasurer.
Marjorle Homeland
Judith Chadwlck
reader who discovered a typographi- Daniel, president; Kadle
W. Shotwell
Sylvester Ford
cal error in his alphabet vegetable Mary Dantzler, secretary-treasure- r.
Mnry Brend
Florence Kelley
Betty Dimmock
Marjorle Welst
Supported by Independents SenSara DrLong
Jane Hamilton
iors: Aggie Sale, president; Elise
All the world loves a lover. "Yeah Bureau,
Mary Anne
Sports frfllor
James Miner,
DBLMAR ADAMS . . Assist. Sports Editor that's the trouble," replies the co O'Brien, secretary;
treasurer. Juniors: Joe Reister.
president; Ethel Smoot,
Henry C. McCown
A. Stanley Trlckett
Howard Wilson, secretary-treasure- r.
Famous last words "No but I'll
Gene Lutes
Joe Quinn
Sophomores: David Lawbe back for the second semester."
Edward Watts
rence, president: Anna
Bill Davis,
Get set folks there's a Kitten reasurer.
COLEMAN R. 8MTTH . . Bufine.ii Manager
Freshmen: no canBUSINESS STAFF
maturing around the7 Kampus.
Dave Dlfford
by Alfasigs, Chios,
Filling station robberies sure are
Kapsigs, Sigalfs, Fyetaws, Lamda-kye- s,
getting to be handled systematicly.
William Carney
Treydelts, Sigkyes, and Alfa-eaRobert Nail
Well, as long as they kidnap the
Bliss Warren
Seniors: Triangle Russell
attendants the Jester's education Gray, president; Alfagam Nell
Chio Jane
won't be wasted.
Givens, secretary; Kapslg Charlton
Wallace, treasurer. Juniors: Sigalf
Horace Helm, president; Fyetaw
Lamdakye Ralph Edwards,
Signs, placards, and handbills
Sophomores: Alfa- advertising Thursday's class elecsig Oscar Renter, president; Trey-de- lt
tions made an appearance early this
Louise Johnson,
week throughout the campus. To- Independent Bill Wilson, secretary-treasure- r.
Freshmen: Sigkye Howday, a good 12 hours after the elecPREVENTATIVE SUGGESTIONS
ard Smathers, president; Chio Ann
tions have been decided, they re(To the Editor of The Kernel)
main In view. And, if indications Dear Sir:
Sam Warren, secretary-treasure- r.
The last issue of The Kernel car
of past years bear any weight, there
ried an editorial discussing the
they will stay for weeks to come
And Sigalf Horace Helm, candi
Unforan unsightly and ridiculous remind problem of theater rushing. problem date for Junior president, ran for
tunately, SuKy has had the
the editorship of the 1933 Kentuc-kia- n
er for ambitions lost and gained
for many football seasons.
last spring. Must want anothScattered in glaring and tawdry members of the circle condemn the er shot at the Job.
confusion with total disregard for activities of those few university
Law college seniors are inaugurappropriateness of background or students who participate and eagerly await a solution.
ating a tradition Saturday. . .will
location, these gaudy political ad
During the past month two pep meet at the Huddle and go in body
vertisements have been tacked or meetings have been held. At one, to the 'Cat Tide contest. . .will all
pasted to bulletin boards, trees, preceding the Washington and Lee carry canes.
refuse cans, traffic signs, windows, game, only 100 students attended.
Following this meeting approxiTypewriter clicks: Freshman with
in fact, anywhere the mately 400 persons took part in a
a rust mark running down each side
overzealous propagandists wished to rushing party. Damage totaling $34 of
his face was noticed staggering
place them. No thought was taken resulted. SuKy, feeling that a part from the Pat hall vicinity
of the blame could be pl