xt7ftt4fnp0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fnp0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1928 yearbooks ukyrbk1928 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian text The Kentuckian 1928 1928 2012 true xt7ftt4fnp0z section xt7ftt4fnp0z        FOREWORD
We present to the Class of 1928 and to the University of Kentucky another period in history, the years of the Ci\>il War v?hen this State Was torn between allegiance to the cause of the North and the cause of the South. Just as this Book, in depicting the development of the vJar from the firing on Fort Sump-ter to the surrender of Lee, shows the ultimate grovJth of strength and union so may our University as it goes on become stronger and more bound together by the bonds of loyalty to an undivided cause.
i.K K . v. i ,n
The Administration TKe Classes The Beauties The Organizations Athletics Activities
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater,
Loyal Sons and Daughters sing; Raise your voice in praise united,
To the breeze your colors fling, To the Blue and White be true,
Badge triumphant age on age. Blue the sky that o'er us bend
White Kentucky's stainless page.            The Deans
The Dean of Men......Columbus Rudolph Melcher, A.M.
The Dean of JVomen .....Sarah Gibson Blandinc, A.M.
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences .   . P. P. Boyd, M.A., Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Agriculture......T. P. Cooper, B.S.
Dean of the College of Engineering .      .   . F. Paul Anderson, M.E.
Dean of the College of Law......A. E. Evans, M.A, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Education......W. S. Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Commerce . . Edward Wiest, A.M., Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School   .   . W. D. Funkhouser, M.A., Ph.D.
 Me n s Student Council
Robert McGary..........................President
LeRoy Miles.....................Vice-President
Lowry Caldwell................Secretary
Walter Alberts Robert McGary
Ray Bryant LeRoy Miles
John Bullock Russell O'Neal
Lowry Caldwell Dulaney O'Roark
Will Ed Covington Willis Ranney
William Durbeck Louis Root
Jess Lauchlin Weldon Simpson
Meredith Smith
21 Woman's Administrative Council
Lucille Short...........................Pr
Lydia Roberts......................Secretary
Josephine Skain................Treasurer
Virginia Sharp....... Chairman of Point System
Emily Bennett Ruth Bonnin Louise Broaddus Catherine Carey Ann Carvill Martha Connell Virginia Conroy Geraldine Cosby Laura Dunn Margaret Gooch Rankin Harris Virginia Howard Ella Marie Kikstler
Nell Lacefield Martha Minnihan Lilly Parrish Marie Patterson Joy Pride Virginia Robinson Dorothy Sellers Charlsey Smith Elizabeth Smith Mary Allen Steers Sara Lynn Tucker Mary Graham Williams Nancy Mary Wilson
11 23 Women's Student Government Association
Charlsey Smith...........................President
Rankin Harris......................Secretary
Mary' Nash Averill...............Treasurer
Members of the Council
Virginia Sharp...................Vice-President of Boyd Hall
Bernice Byland..................Vice-President of Patterson Hall
Alice Wayne Hickman................Vice-President of Smith Hall
Ruth Lovei.l................House President of Alpha Delta Tliela
Sara Dorsey Harris............House President of Alpha Gamma Delta
Louise Atkins.................House President of Alpha Xi Delia
Geneva Rice....... ........House President of Beta Sigma Omicron
Josephine Lapsley .................House President of Chi Omega
Billy Whitlow...............House President of Delta Delta Delta
Alma Lepper................... .   House President of Delta Zcla
Lucy Benson..................House President of Kappa Delta
Jean Martin...............House President of Kappa Kappa Gamma
Jane Ann Carlton...............House President of Zeta Tau Alplia
24.    )enior Officers
Gayle Mohney
Ann Carvill Vice-President
Margaret Elliott Secretary
Eldon Earris Treasurer
Frances Robinson Giftorian
Richard McIntosh
Martha Conn ell
28 Senior Class
Reynold H. Ackerman, AS*.   .   . Louisville, Ky. B.S. in Metallurgy
Scabbard and Blade; Keys; Frosh Football; Baseball Numeral; Norwood Mining Society; President Dicker Engineering Society, '24; First Lieutenant Advanced Corps.
Eldred E. Adams .   ^Wr^/^>rv\^ I  Adams, Ky. A.Ii. in Arts and Sciences
Pauline Adams .   . .qO jfc VXDetroit, Mich.
A.B. in Arts and Sciences Strollers;  Y.  W.  C.  A.  Publicity  Chairman;   W.  A. A.
Publicity  Chairman,   '26;   "Kernel"   Staff; "Kentuckian" Staff, '27, '28; Assistant Art Editor, '28.
Glenn Sterling Anderson, 'I1 2 K .   . Royalton, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Omega Beta Pi.
Hallie Day Bach, A A 9.....Lexington, Ky,
A.B. in Education Star and Triangle; Y. W. C. A.
G. L. Bailey, 2 A E'.^^C^mT(^>v . Lexington, Ky L.L.B. Phi Alpha Delta.
Parkam Pled Baker,*A Louisville, Ky
B.S. in M.E.
"Kernel" Staff; "Kentuckian" Staff, '28. May Bannon, A 2a\.  -(V JLJJ        Louisville, Ky
A.B. in Arts and Sciences
29 Senior Class
T. li. Barnes, * K T AaC*/^FwlVBeaver Dam, Ky. II S. in Engineering
Elsye Bartley . . jffffK- XS^AK T^vlffljpkinsville, Ky.
A.B. in Education Classical Club; Star and Triangle; Y. W. C. A.; W. W. A.
Joseph  Vincent Barton        y5^"- Lexington, Ky. B.S. in Industrial Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma.
Charlie R. Bauch, Triangle .   .   .   . : : London, Ky. B.S. in M.E. a. s. m. E.; a. i. E. E.
Alice Catherine Beattie, K A 9 .   . Louisville, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics
Anne Eleanor Becos, A Z .   .   .   . Wilkinsburg, Pa. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
W. A. A., '26, '27; Secretary, '27; Stroller Eligible; Glee Club, '20; French Club, '27, '28; Junior Prom Committee, '27; Spanish Club, '27; W. S. G. A. Council, '27.
Emily Jane Bennett, ATA.   .   . Owensboro, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics
Phi Upsilon Omlcron; Stroller Eligible; T. W. C. A. Sub-Cabinet;  W.  A.  C.;  President  Home Economics Club,  '27, "28.
Lucy Catherine Benson, K A .   .   .   . Erlanger, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics
Y. W. C. A. Sub-Cabinet; Home Economics Club; Agricultural   Society,   '25,   '20;   Philosophian; W. S. G. A., '27, '28.
3 >enior Class
David Kirov Bishop, AZ*  .   .   .   .   Louisville, Ky. A.B. in Education Ohio County Club, '24; Glee Club, '28.
Russel G. Bishop   y, y^C^NrtyV I Bardwell, Ky. B.S. in Civil Engineering
William Opal Blackburn, ATP.  . Dry Ridge, Ky. B.S. in Agricullure
Alpha Zeta; Lambda Gamma Delta; Men's Pan-Hellenic; Judging Team, '26; Block and Bridle; Agricultural Society.
Mary Ruth Bland......It Logan, W. Va.
A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Bonner B. Blasingame, LT K A .   . Wills Point, Tex. B.S. in Mining Engineering
Freshman  Football:   Baseball;   Track;  Varsity Baseball and Track, '27, '28; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.
Helen Louise Board, AAA i Tompkinsville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Phi Delta Phi; Tau Kappa Alpha; Oxford Debate; Patterson  Literary  Society;  Henry day  Law  Society; Kentucky Law Journal; Student Speakers Bureau; Patterson Scholarship Prize.
William P. Burks, K A .   .   .   .", . Cave City, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Freshman Basketball; Freshman Baseball; Romany; Manager  Opera   "Martha";   Messiah;   Stroller,   R.   O.   T. C. Lieutenant.
Franklin Byars     .pSJULexington, Ky.
B.S. in Agriculture
Lowry McReynolds Caldwell, A i' P . Howell, Ky. B.S. in Apriculture
Alpha Zeta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Block and Bridle; Scabbard and Blade; Lamp and Cross; Livestock Judging Team, '26; President Agricultural Society, '27; Secretary Men's Student Council, '27-'2S; Pan Politikon Committee; Winner of "Wiel Scholarship; Lieutenant-Colonel of R. O. T. C, '27, '28.
Emily Catherine Carey, K A .   .   . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Theta Sigma Phi; Phi Beta; Mortarboard; Philosophian; Stroller; State Press, '26, '27; National Press, '27; Glee Club; Kernel; Treasurer of Theta Sigma Phi, '28; President Mortarboard, '28; W. A. C, '27, '28; "Kentuckian" Staff;   French  Club,   '26;  Y.  W.  C. A.
Mary Elizabeth Carter .  !y>^.^Cv\Somerset, Ky. A.B. in Education
"Kentuckian"   Staff.  '25,   '26;   "Kernel"   Staff,   '27, '28; Newman Club.
Robert B. Carter .   .   .  T^vO^HLexington, Ky. B.S. in M.E.
Phi Mu Alpha; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Band, '25, '26, '27, '28.
Ann Beauchamp Carvill, AAA.   .   . Dixon, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Oxford College, '25, '26; Stroller Eligible, '27; Vice-President Senior Class; W. A. C.; Y. W. C. A.; English Club.
33 cntuckian_o f
Senior Class
Hazel Frances Champ, AAA.   .   . Lancaster, K\ A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Lewis James Clarke, A 2 <1> .   .   .  ..' Louisville, Ky.
Scabbard and Blade; 'A. S. c. E.; Strollers; First Lieutenant R. o. T. P.;  Dicker Engineering Society.
Lucille CuRK^itYNj^v. "^j) JGL-YV Louisvlue> Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences
Wiliiam Paul Clark, 

K T . . . Covington, Ky. Phi Alpha Delta. 37 Senior Class Herbert Marshall Dunn.....Louisville, Ky. L.L.B. Laura Lindsay Dunn, AAA. . . . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Stroller; English Club, '26; University Bulletin, '27; State Press Association, '25; Y. W. C. A. Jackson Dye . .^>^t-jj.v^j^r~~~ : Scottsville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Don Calvin Edwards, Jr., Triangle . . London, Ky. B.S. in M.E. John Edward Elkins, AX.....Ashland, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Freshman Football; Pre-Medical Society. Margaret McClure Elliott, X Q . Hopkinsville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences R. O. T. C. Sponsor, "25; Stroller Eligible; "Kentuckian" Staff, '26; Secretary of Women's Pan-Hellenic Council, '27; Secretary Junior Class; Secretary Senior Class; Secretary State Press Association; W. S. G. A. Council. Richard G. Elliott, H K A . . . . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Omega Beta Pi; Track, '2G, '27; Pan-Hellenic Council, '27; Cross Country, '27; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '26, '27; Captain R. O. T. C, '27; German Club, '26. Sara Frances Ernst, B 2 0 . . . . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Education Education Club, '24, '25; Philosophian; Y. W. C. A. Sub-Cabinet, '25; W. A. C, '20; Pitkin Club, '27. 38 Senior Class William W. Evans///. S^'v^N'll -Louisville, Ky. Elgan Brooks Farris ....... Lexington, Ky. A. S. O. E.; Treasurer Senior Class. Louise Farris v^&^--s m^^H Sa!em, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Joe Feather.........It . Corbin, Ky. L.L.B. Phi Delta Phi. Eva lee FeatherstonEj K A . . . . Georgetown, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Y. W. C. A.; Stroller Eligible; "Kernel" Staff, '26,' '27, '28; Philosophian. Louis Merrill Fendley, 2 XAJm t Frankfort, Ky. ^ B.S. in iW..^v A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. William Rudy Ferguson, ATA. . . LaCenter, Ky. B.S. in Commerce Tau Kappa Alpha; Scabbard and Blade; Debating Team. Clay Daniels Fife . ^MJi4/: Elizabethtown, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Omega Beta Pi; Pro-Medical Society; Rifle Team, '25, '26, '27, '28; Patterson Literary Society. 39 Senior Class Stella Dorothy Flatjtz, A A 9 . . Covington, Ky. A.B. in Education Y. w. C. a.; French Club, '26, '27; Math Club, '27. George Anna Flower, ASA. . . . Ironton, Ohio B.S. in Home Economics Oxford College, '25, '26; Ohio University, '27. Thomas Edward Ford, ATP.... Calhoun, Ky. B.S. in Agricullure Y. M. C. A. Council, '25, '26; University 4-H Club; Agricultural Society. Elumie White Fortenbery . II . B.S. in Agriculture Block and Bridle, '25, '26. Clay, Ky. Raymond Morris FoxI . . Y3l . 1.1 . Elkton, Ky. B.S. in Engineering Tau Beta Pi; A. i. e. e.; a. s. m. e. James Albert Franceway, 2 N . . Madisonville, Ky. B.S. in Ind. Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma; Lamp and Cross; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball. '26, '27, '28. Willie Ann Fraas . . /T/T"!] Ifi&k Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Le Cercle Francais, '26, '27. Josephine Velva Frazar, A A 9 . . . Patlucah, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics Phi Beta; Mortar Board; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Glee Club, '24, '25, '27, '28; Girls' Band, '27, '28; Ratinesque Botanical Club; Homo Economics Club; Senior Representative, '27. '28; Agricultural Society; Pitkin Club; Editor "Copp.r Kettle," '28. 40 Senior Class Anna Woodsen Gaither '^TSjul , Carlisle, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Eta Sigma Phi; Vice-President Eta Sigma Phi, '27; Classical Club, '27, '28; W. A. A., '27, '28; W. S. G. A., '27, '28; T. W. C. A. William Bush Gess, K 2 . ' . . . . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Mystic Thirteen; Lamp and Cross; Track Team, '25, '26, '27, '28; Freshman Basketball. '25; Captain Track Team. '28; Su-Ky Circle, '25, '26, '27, '28; Pan-Hellenic Council. J. Philip Glenn, st\*L\ Alamo, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Le Cercle Francats. George Finley Insko, AFP. . . . Carlisle, Ky. B.S. in Agriculture Alpha Zeta; President Block and Bridle; Band, '25, '26, '27, '28: Freshman Track; Varsity Track. D. M. James .11 . jjfcj . .M . . IJ Lexington, Ky. B.S. in M.E. George Moore Jameson, ATA. . . Cynthiana, Ky. A.B. in Education Philosophian; Stroller Eligible; Y. W. C. A.; "Kernel" Staff, '24, '25, '26; Assistant Society Editor, '27. Mary Katherine Jasper, ASA. . Richmond, Ky. A.B. in Education Emme Wayne Jeffries, X Q . . . . Pineville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Stroller Eligible; Philosophian; "Kernel" Staff, '27, '28. Paul Jenkins, A T'fl C?i~vyi\ Louisville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Omicron Delta Kappa; Lamp and Cross; Keys; Mystic "13"; Football, '25, '26, '27, '28; Basketball, '25, '26, '27, '28; Men's Pan-Hellenic; Captain Basketball, '27, '28. 46 Senior Clasj Dorothy Ruth Johnson......Frankfort, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Phi Beta; Glee Club, '26, '26, '27; Y. W. C. A.; Philosophian; English Club. Dorothy Scott Johnson . . . .;\^ I Ashland, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Jean Hardin Johnson.......Ashland, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Co-Ed Band, '26, '27. Joe E. Johnson, AX... W. . I Lexington, Ky. L.L.B. Earle Dillon Jones, 2 A E . . . . Richmond, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Frosh Basketball; Stroller Eligible. Nancye Jones, AAA .C^-ff/7 Q| F Benton, Ky. B.S. in Agriculture John LeRoy Keffer, 2 A E.....Ashland, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Kappa; Alphl Chi Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Strollers; Business Manager Strollers. '26; "Kernel" Staff, '25, '26, '27; Assistant Track Manager, '26, '27. 47 ntuckian of w Senior Class Nando De Kelly, ATA /f'jf:'<$\wt Sassafras, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Henry Clay Law Society; Patterson Literary Society; Intra-mural Basketball, '25, '2(1, '27; Y. M. C. A. Frances Louise Kennedy, Z T A . . . Carlisle, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Eta Sigma Phi; K. C. W., '24, '25; Stroller Eligible; Philosophian. Ruby Lee KindamA^I'v . JEt Xx Wheatley, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Georgetown College, '25, '26; Northern Kentucky Club, 25; Owen County Club, '26. Ben Garr Kin4|A . .JT. . I.t Louisville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences William Ray' King, AX.....Sherman, Texas B.S. in Mining Engineering Tau Beta Pi; "Kentucky Kernel," '26, Treasurer Junior Class, '26 '27; "Kentuckian" Staff, '28; A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E. Prentice Kinser, Jr.......Shelbyville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Alpha Chi Sigma. Ella Marie Kinstler, A Z......Louisa, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Marshall College, '25; W. A. A., '26; Track Manager, '27; Hockey; Basketball; Baseball; Soccer; Philosophian; Romance Language Club; Vice President. '26; Spanish Club, '27; English Club, '26, '27; W. A. C, '27; Y. W. C. A. James S. Kirkendall, 2 Mj3/]} Louisville, Ky. B.S. in Geology Sigma Gamma Sigma; Track. '25, '26, '27, '28; Football, '25, '26, '27, '28. 48 Senior Class William Alfred Kirkpatrick .... Rosslyn, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences James KiTTRELLHaKEKr^J^^sjsfi X^jLexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Joseph Kraus .^fcT 2) -^1/. Lexington, Ky. Tau Beta PI; a. i. E. E.; a. s. M. E. Nell Lacefield, Z T A......Midway, Ky A.B. in Arts and Sciences Janet Lacefield Lalley.....Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Theta Sigma Phi; Mortarboard; Glee Club, '24, '25; "Kernel," '27; Orchestra, '25, '20, '27. Keller Wright Larkin, Triang'e .... Paris, Ky B.S. in Commerce Sarah Esther Leet . . . . . Campbellsville, Ky B.S. in Home Economics Star and Triangle, '27, '2s; Home Economics Club, '27 2s; y. w. C. a., '27, '2s. William G. Lehman, 2 X.....Midway, Ky B.S. in M.E. 49 lenior CI ass Johnnie LaVergne Lester, Z T A . . Princeton, Ky. A.B. in Education Su-Ky; Strollers. PnROTHY LlNWung ^t/^' ^-^sYWcW Versailles, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Thelma Clay QjteCtfifl &i}S-~-Vc j Paducah, Ky. B.S. in Metallurgy Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Rifle Team, '20, '27. Marie Louise Mason, Z T AV Al, l\. Sonora, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Glee Club, '24, '20, '27; Y. W. C. A. M. Taylor Mathers.......Carlisle, Ky. A.B. in Education Metta Mathis...... 11 Brewers, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics Gladys Wilson McAdams, AAA. . Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Onie Lou McAlpin . . . iW/'JJC' Mayfield, Ky. B.S. in Home Economics Glee Club, '25, '20; Girls' Track, '2G; Agricultural Society; Home Economics Club. Harry Vernon McChesney, Jr., K A . Frankfort, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Keys; Su-Ky; Strollers; Romany Players; Henry Clay Law Society; "Kentuckian" Staff, '27; "Kernel" Staff, '27; Track, '27; Assistant Football Manager, '20. S1 Senior Class Newall Glenn McConnei.l . . Mooresville, N. C. B.S. in Agriculture Ruth McDonald, AfS-JS^Jj! Versailles, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Y. W. C. A.; Stroller Eligible. Robert Owen McGary, K T . . . Owensboro, Ky. B.S. in M.E. President of Su-Ky; President Men's Student Council; Chairman Junior Prom. Evans Chance McGraw, 2 K . . Lexington, Ky. B.S. in C.E. Richard I. McIntosh, K A .gL . I Louisville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Lamp and Cross; Scabbard and Blade; Mystic "13"; Pan-Hellenic Council, '27; Treasurer Strollers, '27, '28; Track, 28; "K," '28; Football, '28; Glee Club Manager, '28. John Wootten Meredith, A X A . . Scottsville, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Orchestra; Glee Club. LeRoy Miles, A 0 . ,JLi a/GffJ/IJV Lexington, Ky. B.S. in Commerce Alpha Sigma Pi; Omicron Delta Kappa; Scabbard and Blade; Lamp and Cross; Mystic "13"; Major R. O. T. C.; Strollers; President Commerce Club; Vice-President Men's Student Council; President Men's Pan-Hellenic Council; Vice-President Omicron Delta Kappa. J. Lester Miller, 3EsT 9^^JfJ Brooksville, Ky. B.S. in A griculture 52 Senior Class Mary Elizabeth Miller .... Nicholasville, Ky A.B. in Education James Abell Mills........Lebanon, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences "Kernel" Staff, '27; Henry Clay Law Society, '27, '28 President Newman Club, '28. Gayle A. Mohney, 2 A E . . . . Lexington, Ky A.B. in Arts and Sciences Phi Beta Kappa; Football. '25, '26, '27, '28; Basketball '25, '26, '27; President Senior Class; Pan Politikon. Alex Montgomery, Jr.......Louisville, Ky- B.S. in C.E. Tau Beta Pi; A. S. C. B. Iva Francys Morgan.......Lexington, Ky A.B. in Arts and Sciences Y. W. C. A.; English Club; Pitkin Club. Thomas Waldin Morgan .... Cunningham, Ky B.S. in Agriculture Alpha Zeta. Betty White Munday......Richmond, Ky A.B. in Arts and Sciences John David Nantz, ATA. . . . Owensboro, Ky B.S. in Industrial Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma. S3 He Oie nt ucKi a r lenior Class Marcus Lafayette Napier, - B S . Hindman, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Square and Compass. Theresa Clara Newhoff . \\v*\4 Versailles, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Philosophian; Assistant Secretary Y. "W. C. A., '27; Assistant Art Editor "Kentuckian," '28; Pan Politikon Committee; "Kernel." Rovyena Faley Noe, ASA.....Lexington, Ky. A. B. in Education Basketball, '23. '24; Stroller Eligible; Y. W. C. A.; Botany Club. Douglass Nunn........ . Marion, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Edward Paul O'Nan, ATE Jja . IJ . Sturgis, Ky. B. S. in Commerce Delta Sigma Pi; Track, '25; Football, '24, '25, '26; J/Y. M. C. A., '24, '25>* Russell Lowell O'Neill^T //r-^iNSyDrakesboro, Ky. Phi Delta Phi; Men's Student Council, '27, '28. Frances Dorothy Osborne -'^'jgfc'Lexington, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, '26, '27, '28; W. A. A. Council, '25, '26; Vice-President, '27; History Club, '27. R. Wilson Oster, * A 9.....Eminence, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences 54- Senior Class John Wilson Ottley, 2 B S . . Las Animas, Colo. B.S. in Engineering Freshman Basketball, '22; A. S. C. FJ.; Radio Club; Captain R. O. T. C, '26, '27; "Kentuckian" Staff, '28. Harold McCall Otto . . . "xTl^.jLexington, Ky. B.S. in Mining Engineering Tau Beta Pi; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. Ollie Mesheaw Owsley.....Blandville, Ky. B.S. in Mining Engineering A. I. E. E. Ira Allen Parks .... . . j1. . Paris, Ky. B.S. in Mining Engineering Tau Beta Pi; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. Lily Parrish, X il . . . - a. J . Midway, Ky. A.B. in Arts and Sciences Strollers; Secretary, '27, '28; Philosophian; Woman's Administrative Council; Pan-Hellenic Representative. Vaden Hopewell Pate.....Providence, Ky. A.B. in Education Cosmopolitan Club, '25, '27; W. A. A.; y. W. C. A. Leonard Niei