xt7ftt4fnm0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ftt4fnm0v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1919-10-sep10-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-10-sep10-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-10-sep10-ec. 1919 1919-10-sep10-ec. 2011 true xt7ftt4fnm0v section xt7ftt4fnm0v 

          Minutes of the regular meeting of the Executive,
     Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Ken-
     tucky, September 10, 1919

     The Exeoutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of -Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the Presi-
dent's office at the University at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Wednesday,
September 10, 1919.  The following members were present:  R. C.
Stoll, Chairman, R. G. Gordon and Rainey T. Wells.  President
McVey was present; Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee,
being absent, D. H. Peak, the Business Agent, acted as Secretary.

     (1) Minutes Approved.  The minutes of the meeting of July
23,'1919, were approved.

     (2) Typewritars.  On motion made by Mr. X;clls and duly seconded,
the Business Agent was directed to ascertain from standard type-
writer companies the terms and conditions of a five years contract
to f-urnish the University with typewriters.  He is to rerort at
the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

     (3) Purchase of Scherffius Lot.  The Business Agent was di--
reoted to'purohase'from Mr. W. H. Scherffius, at a price not to
exo'eed $2,500, a Jot adjoining the tract purchased from the Mulligan
heirs, said lot lying on Rose street and Washington avenue and said
to be 40 feet on Rose street and 300 feet on W ashington avenue.

     (4) Increase in Contract Price of Coal.  Letters of the Kin-
kead Coal Company showing increase in cont of mining coal and con-
sequent increase in contract price of coal were read and ordered
filed with contract.  It was suggested, and the suggestion was
approved, that the Executive Committee make a study of the purchase
of coal and the delivery to the University grounds.

     (5) White Hall. On suggestion of President F. L. McVey, the
Committee ordered that the building formerly designated as the Old
Dormitory be named White Hall in honor of Dr. James G. White, for
years professor of mathematics and at one time acting president of
the University.  A stone with the name inscribed thereon is to be
placed in an appropriate place on the building.

     President McVey was requested to recommend names for the New
Dormitory and other buildings on the campus not named.

     (6) Rest for Dean Cooper's Residence. The question of heating
Dean Cooper's residence was deferred pending information as to the
most economical and satisfactory heating system for the building.



     (7) Request of State Board of Health.   Doctor MoVey presented
the request of Dean Cooper for instructions regarding the communica-
tion of Doctor Fun'uihb of the State Board of Health asking for the
transfer of records and equipment of the Food and Drug Department
of the Experiment Station.  The following resolution was passed:

          It is the opinion of the members of the Executive
     Committee that the records and equipment requested by
     Doctor Furnish are the property of the Experiment Sta-
     tion and that it would be improper to give them up.
     It was suggested that the Board of Health be given free
     and full access to records, but the transfer was disap-

     (8) Fence for Athletic Field. The request of S. A. Boles,
head of the Department of Physical Education, submitted thru Dean
P. P. Boyd, that the University fence along Rose street, the new
addition to the athletic field, the Athletic Association agreeing
to Zence the two sides, was approved.   The Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds is directed to see that his order is carried

     (9) Fraternity House Contract.   The following communication
from Honorable R. P. Ernst was ordered spread upon the minutes:

                                   Cincinnati, Ohio,
                                        July 26, l919

    University of Kentucky,
          Wellington Patrioc, Secretary,
               Lexington, Kentucky.

     Dear Sit:

          Your favor of the 25th inst. just at hand, enclosing
     a copy of a proposed contract between the Alpha Tau Omega
     fraternity and University of Kentucky, which was proposed
     and submitted by a member of that fraternity for consider-
     ation by the Executive Committee.

          I do not approve of this contract.   On the contrary,
     I strongly disapprove of it and feel that the University
     would make a great blunder in executing it.   In my judg-
     ment, its provisions tend to and will, in all probability,
     needlessly involve the University.   I would strongly op-
     pose the execution of any such instrument.



          Furthermore, unless the University can make such con-
     tract as will fully protect it in every vway, I wish to go
     on record as against making any contract whateveL.

                                        Yours verybtruly,

                                                Richard P. Ernst

     (10) Memorial Building.   President McVey made a statement
showing progress of the work of rai.sing funds for the Memorial
Building, mentioning the appropriation made by the Fiscal Court of
Fayette County of $25,000 and the proposed bond issue by the City
of Lexington of $75,000.   He stated that the progress is encourag-
ing indeed.  The members of the Committee expressed their appre-

     (11) Miss Mlcinnon's Salary.   The question arising on the
salary of Miss McKinnon, head of the Department of Eome Economics
last year, she claiming $100 to be due her, was referred to Presi-
dent MoVey for adjustment.

     (12) Sale of Ford MachineF.  It was ordered that the Business
Agent sell the Ford machines purchased du.r.ng the S. A. T. C., the
sale prices to be not less than $125, $100 and $100 respectively.

     (13) Ciaims of Care -Reed Company.   The Business Agent was
ordered to investigate the claims of the Carey-Reed Company of
$3,556.20 for work on crossing from campus to Girli' Dormitory and
$181.28 for work on road leading to Graham avenue and report to
the next meeting of the Committee.

     (14) Honorable Claude B. Terrell's Account.    On suggestion of
Chairman R. C. Stoll, the Business Agent was directed to write to
Honorable Claude B. Terrell, Bedford, Kentucky, requesting him to
submit a statement of account of his unpaid expense for attending
meetings of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee during
the period of time he was trustee of the University.    The Business
Agent will report to the next meeting of the Committee.

     (15) Bills Ordered Paid.   The following bills were ordered
paid: Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee, balance due
for printing 1919 Annual, $694.73; expense accounts of professors
attending farm chautauquas, En F. Farquhar, $31.16; C. B. Cornell,
$56.05; J. J. Tigert, $37.57; George M. Baker, $25.61.

     (16) Bdgt Approriations.     On request of Professor Enoch
Grehan, head of the Department of Journalism, an appropriation of
$280 was made to the budget of the Department for the purpose of
purchasing typewriters.



     On request of the Director, the budget of the Experiment Sta-
tion was increased $1,500 for the purpose of purchase of feed, and
$3 0 for library funds.  The Director is given the privilege of
distributing funds appropriated to departments.

     (17) Furnace for Doctor Patterson's Residence.   It appearing
that the budget contains an appropriation of $300 for
a furnace for Dr. James K. Patterson's residence, the amount was
deemed sufficient and no further action was taken on the question
of beating that building.

     (18) Settlement with Zorotm-r `a:terson.  On request, Mr. C. N.
Manning, secretary of the Security Trust Company, appeared before
the Committee in the interest of Dr. Jamos K. Patterson relative
to his olaim against the University.   An agreement was readily
reached and upon delivery of 1leter to the Chairman of the Execu-
tive Committee, R. C. Stoll, and receipt to the University for
$2,700, the Business Agent was directed to deliver to Mr. Manning
a check for the said amount.   The letter and receipt signed by
James K. Patterson vlas delnvered as agreed upon, while the Executive
Committee was in session, whereupon, D. H. Peak, Business Agent,
delivered to Mr. Manning a check payable to James K. Patterson in
the amount of $2,700.   The letter and receipt are in words and
figures as follows:

          RECEIVED, this 10th day of September, 1919, of D. E.
     Peak, Business Agent of the University of Kentucky, TWO
     THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,700), in full payment
     of claim presented by me December 20, 1917, for unpaid
     arrears, less interest; the claim for interest having
     been disallowed in accordance with opinion of the Attorney
     General of Kentucky, to whom the claim was referred by
     the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
     University for an opinion on its validity.   The opinion
     of the Attorney General affirmed the justice of the claim,
     barring the interest, and recommended the payment of the
     sum of twenty-seven hundred dollars as a 'quittance of
     the entire claim as presented."   This receipt is intended
     as an acknowledgment of settlement and as a 'quittance of
     the entire claim as presented".

                                        James K. Patterson.

September 10, 1919,
Lexington, Kentucky.



                                  Lexington, Kentucky,   .
                                       September 10, 1919

    Ronorable Richard C. StollChairman,
         Executive Committee of Board of Trustees,
              University of Kentucky,
                   Lexington, Kentucky.

    Dear Sir:

         The claim for $2,700 presented by me on December 20,
     1917, against the University of Kentucky having this day
     and simultaneously herewith been settled ir an honorable
     and satisfactory manner by the payment to me by the Univer-
     sity of Kentucky of the.faoe of too claim in
     accordance with an opinion rendered by the Attorney Gcn-
     eral of Kentucky to whom the claim was referred by your
     Comnittee for his opinion on its validity, which opinion
     affirmed the justice of the claim, and recommended the
     payment of $2,730 as a "quittance of the entire claim as
     presented," I now assure you and do hereby agree in con-
     sideration of the payient to me of the said sum of $2,700,
     without litigation for which I have handed the University
     a receipt simultaneously herewith, that I shall not assert
     and I hereby release the University from any other claim
     of any kind against the University of Kentucky for the
     payment of any money on account of any previous transac-
     tion or relationship between the University and myself.

                                        Respectfully yours,

                                             James K. Patterson..

    -119) Olmsted Brothers' Report.   Olmsted Brothers' report on
oampus was received and placed on file.

     (20) Appointments, Transfers, Res5gnyations and Changkes in
Salaries.   The following list of appointments, transfers, resig-
nations and ohasilen in salaries w..ereoommended by the President
and approved by the Committee.


    Appointment of George W. Goble of Connersville, Indiana, as
Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1919, at a salary of
$2,000 a year for one year.



    Appointment of Mr. Julius olf, of Ashland, Kentucky, as
assistant professor of Steam Engineering, effective September 1,
1919, at a salary of $1,800 a year for one year.

     Appointment of Dr. Morris Schurago, instructor in Bacteriology,
effective September 1, 1919, at a salary of $1,500 for one year.

     Appointment of Mr. G. w. Forster as instructor in FarmiMvanage-
ment and Agricultural Economics, effective September 1, 1919, C: at
such time as he may report, at a salary cf $2,200 a year for one

     Appointment of Mr. George Gregory, student assistant in the
Department of Botany, effective September 15, 1919, at a salary
of $?0 a month.

    Appointment of Miss Mabel Renner, instructor in Model Practice
School, effective SeDtember 1, 1919, at a salary of $1,100 a year
for one year.

    Appointment of Miss Mrytle R. Smith, instructor in Model Prac-
tice School, effective September 1, 1919, at a salary of $1,100 a
year for one year.

     Appointment of Charles H. Anderson as temporary professor of
Engineering Design, effective September 1, 1919, at a salary of
$2,500 a year for one year.

     Appointment of Miss Marietta Eichelberger, instructor in nu-
trition, Department of Home Economics, at a salary of $1,680 a year,
effective September 1, 1919, for one year.

     Appointment of Mr. J. R. Dawson, extension dairy specialist,
at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective August 14, 1919, for one

     Appointment of Mr. Oscar Rice, county agent, Pike County, Men-
tuoky, at a salary of $75.0& 1/3 a month, effective September 1, 1919,
for onermonth.   Salary to be paid fron Department of Agriculture,
$0.08 1/3; Federal Supplemental Lxtension Fund, $75.   He is allowed
$25 a month from Federal Smith-Lever ?und for travel.

     Appointment of Miss Pearl Morgan, assistant home demonstration
agent, Simpson County, !entucky, at a salary of $75.08-1/3 a month,
effective July 1, 1919, for a period of tvo months.   Salary to be
paid from Department of Agriculture, $0.08 1/3; from State Supple-
mental Extension Fund, $75.   Travel allowance of $33 1/3 a month
from Federal Smith-Lever Fund.


    Appointment of Miss Angie Hill, assistant home demonstration
agent, Graves County,:Kentucky, at a salary of $75.08 1/3 a month,
effective July 1, 1919, for a period of two months.. Salary to be
paid from Department of Agriculture, $0.08 1/3; from Supplemental
Extension Fund, $75.   Travel allowance of $33. 1/3 a month from
Federal Smith-Lever Fund.

     Appointment of Miss Anna Ruble Orr, county home demonstration
agent, Fulton County, Kentucky, at a salary of $100 a month, effective
July 1, 1919, for a period or twelve months. Salary to be paid from
Department of Agriculture, $50; from State Supplemental Extension Fund,
$50. Travel allowance of $50 a month to be paid by Fulton County.

     Appointment of E. M1. Prewitt, assistant State dairyman, at a
salary of $1,200 a year, effective August 15, 1919, for a period of
one year.

     Appointment of Miss Lois Brown as assistant home demonstration
agent, Sztension Division, at a salary of $1,500 a year, effective
August 8, 1919.

     Appointment of Miss Gertrude M. MuChcyne as State Leader in
charge of home demonstration agents, Ex'-cnsion Division, at a salary
of $2,500 a year, effective September 15  919.

     Appointment of Miss Margaret Kaufman, assistant in the Business
Office, at a salary of $70 a month, effective September 1, 1919.

     Appointment of Miss Anne Gormley, stenographer in the Business
Offiwe, at a salary of $70 a month, effective September 15, 1919.

     Appointment of Miss Mary Stagg, stenographer in the Department
of Universitv Extension at a salary of $6O a month, effective August
15, 1919.

     Appointment of Miss Caroline Weist, stenographer in the Depart-
ment of Entomology and Botany of the Experiment Station, at a salary
of $75 a klonth, effective September 16, 1919.

     Appointment of Miss Beulah Cotton as stenographer in the Depart-
ment of Home Economics, Extension Division, at a salary of $80 a month,
effective September 1, 1919.

     Temporary appointment of Miss Viols Vanderpool, stenographer in
the Department of Home Economics, Extension Division, at a salary
of $60 a month, effective September 1, 1919.



    Appointmdnt of Miss Lucile Rhoads, Stenographer in the Steno-
graphic Bureau at a salary of s60 a month, effective September 8, 1919,
her salary to be paid from Smith-Hughes Fund.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Jane Letcher, home demonstra-
tion agent, Union County, Kentucky, at a salary of $116-2/3 a month,
effective July 1, 1919 for seven months.    Salary to be paid from
Department of Agrioulture, $50 a month; Union County, t50 a month;
State Supplemental Extension, $16 2/3 a month, making an increase in
salary of $16 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. J. L. Miller, county agent,
Taylor County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, effective July 1,
1919, for twelve months.   Salary to be paid from Department of Agri-
cultur-e, $50 a month; Supplemental Extension Federal Fund, $50 a month;
and Bank of Campbellsville, $25 a month, making an increase in salary
of $8.1/3 a month.

     CoT.Linuation of employment of Mr. W. W. Owsley, county agent,
Washington County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, effective
July 1, 1919, for twelve months.     Salary to be paid from Department
of Agriculture, $50 a month; Washington County, $83 1/3 a month;
Supplemental Extension Federal Fund, $16 2/3 a month, making an in-
crease in salary of $24 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. W. Rb Reynolds, county agent,
Jackson, Estill, Perry and Leslie Counties, Kentucky, at a salary of
$158 1/3 a month for twelve months.    Salary to be paid from Depart-
ment of Agriculture, $50 a month; Jackson County, $25 a month; Federal
Supplemental Extension Fund, $83 1/3 a monthr, making an increase in
salary of $8 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. F. H. Spiokard, county agent,
Webster Counts, Kentucky, for twelve months, at a salary of $150 a
month.   Salary to be paid from Department of Agrioulture, $50 a
month; Webster County, $75 a month; Federal Supplemental Extension
Fund, $25 a month, making an increase in salary of $16-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. William Tye, county agent, at
a salary of $150 a month, effective July 1, 1919, for six months.
Salary to be paid from Department of Agriculture, $50 a month; Knox
County, $75 a month; and Federal Supplemental Extension Fund, $25 a
month, making an increase in salary of $16 2/3 a month.

      Continuation of employment of MIr. .. W. Whitehouse, county agent,
Daviess County, Kentucky, at a salary of $200 a month, effective July
1, 1919, for eight months.   Salary to be paid from Department of
Agriculture, $50 a month; Daviess County, $125 a month; Federal Supple-
mental Extension Fund, $25 a month; making an increase in salary of
$400 a year.


9 .


     Transfer of Miss Ruby Stivers from the office of the Business
Agent to'that of Miss Sweeney, Extension Division, effective Septen-
ber 1, 1919, at a salary of $80 a month.

     Transfer of Mr. Edwin J. Gott from the Department of Bacteriology
to the Publ.ic Service Laboratories, effective July ', 1919, at a
salary of $1,650 a year.


     Resignation of L. icK Frankel, professor of Mlechanics of Engineer-
ing, effective September 1, 1919.

     Resignation of J. J. Curtis, assistant professor of Testing of
Materials, effective September 1, 1919.

     Resignation of E. U. Bradley, instructor in English, effective
September 1, 1919.

     Resignation of R. L. Warren, county agent of Shelby County, effec-
tive July 31, 1919.

     Resignation of R. 0. Bate, county agent of Harrison County, effec-
 tive August 31, 1919. -

      Resignation of Miss Irene H. Clopton, stenographer in the Depart-
ment of University Extension, effective August 2, 1919.

                         Change in Salaries

      Increase in salary of Professor J. J. Tigert, head of Department
 of Phyvoh8logy from $2,400 to $2,500, effective September 1, 1919.

      Increase in salary of Mr. F. S. Horine, assistant professor of
 Engineering Drawing, from $1,800 to $2,000, effective September 1, 1919.

      Increase-in salary of C. S. Grouse, assistant professor of Mining
 Engineering, from $2,200 to $2,250, effective September 1, 1919.
 Owing to an error in the budget this increase was made necessary.

      Increase in salary of Miss Minnie Pherigo, bookkeeper in the
 office of the Business Agent, from $75 to $80 a month, effective
 September 1, 1919.



    Increase in salary of Mrs. Katherine Lyon, head of the steno-
graphic Bureau, from $80 to $85 a month, effective September 1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Miss Lennis Wurtz, stenographer in the
Stenographic Bureau, from $60 to $70 a month, effective September
1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Miss Katherine M4eier, stenographer in the
Extension Division, from $780 a.year to $840 a year, effective August
1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Mviss HaIel Adams, stenographer in the
Extehsion Division, from $780 a year to $840 a year, effective August
1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Miss Dora Baker, stenographer in the Exten-
sion Division, from $780 a year to $840 a year, effective August 1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Miss Theressa Lipps, stenographer in the
Extension Division, from $780 a year to $840 a year, effective August
1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Miss Helen Wilson, stenographer in the Exten-
sion Division, from $800 a year to $840 a year, effective August 1, 1919.

     Increase in salary of Mrs. Mildred Delkin, telephone operator,
Experiment Station, from $480 a year to $540 a year, effective August
1, 1919.

     (21) The Business Agent presented a copy of the Annual Report of
the Experiment Station.   Mr. J. P. Johnston, Jr. and M.r. Wellington
Patrick were appointed to audit the report.

     (22) Audit of University-s Accounts.   The Business Agent reported
that Marwick, Mitchell, Peat and Company, Accountants, has made an audit
of the University accounts during the latter part of July and the first
part of August.   The representatives of the company were Messrs.
MoMorris and Lewis, who wero engaged in the work eleven days.   Report
not yet received.



     (23) Audit of Extension Div'iion Accounts.  The Business
Agent reported that Mr. E. A. Miller, representative of the Washing-
ton Office of Extension Work, had during the latter part of August
and the first of September audited the accounts of the Extension
Division.  Report not yet received.

     (24) Report of Business Agent.  The Business Agent filed
financial reports for the month of July and the month of August, -
and the financial report for the month of June, which is, in fact,
a complete report for the fiscal year, together *with a supplemental
report for the year 1918-1919.   It was ordered that the report
for August 1919 be spread upon the minutes and it wras further ordered
that the Supplemental Report for 1918-1919 be spread upon the minutes,
the June report having been spread upon minutes of the meeting of
July 23h 1919.  The report is as follows:

               Statement of Income and Expenditures

                     Month of August, 1919

          Inoome              Previously    Current    Fiscal Year
                               Reported      Month       to Date

General Fund
  Federal Appropriation....
  General Education Board..
  State Tax................
  Interest on Endowment
     Bonds .................
  Student Fees..
  Miscellaneous Receipts...
  Rentals ..................
  Student Fees; Summer

Patterson Hall
  Telephone Tolls.........
  Miscellaneous Receipts...
  Room Rent, Summer School.
        Total General Fund..

  ...... ..

  ............. .


    1.50 :
 ........  :
51,627.98 :


........  :
     49.78 :
 ........  :

    57-50 -

   7.05 v







             Income             :Previously : Current  :Fiscal Year
                                 : Reported : Month     : To Date
 _________________________------------------------- --------. --

Experiment Station
   Hatch, Federal Appropriation.
   Milk, Butter, Cash Rece:iDt:..
   Dairy Cattle Sales...........
   Sheep Sales..................
   Swine Sales...............
   Poultry, Cash Receipts......
   Farm Produce Sales...........
   Horticulture Sales...........
   Seed Test...................
   House Rent...................
   Miscellaneous Reoeipts.......
   Fertilizer, Fees.............
   Public Service, State Appro..
   FoedlnD Stuffs, F.li.
   Adams, Federal Appropriation.
   Serum, Serum Sales...........
   Serum, Virus Sales...........
   Serum, Live Stock Sales......
   Serum, Supply Sales..........
   Serum, Miscellaneous Receipts
   Serum, Tax ...................
   State Appropriation..........
   Creamery, License Fees.......
   Creamery, Tester' s License...
   Creamery, Glassware Tests....
   Creamery, Miscellaneous
        Total Experiment Station

Extension Division
- Federal Smith-Lever .
   Federal Supplementary........
   State Smith-Lever...........
   State Supplementary..........
        Total Extension Division
             Gross Income.......

   Administration Expense.......
   Patterson Hall Expense.......
   general Expenditures .........
   Experiment Station ...........
   Extension Division...........

   Net Inoome earried to Surplus

............  :$3,'50 .00
1,140.74   1,131.78
   50-00      50.00
   292.85 :........
   1.00   ........
   119.90     183.18
........ .. :683.69
  103.58      17.75
........   .   ... :2.00
   41.00 :   201.00
   192.00      35.00
2,466.25: 6,045.00
1,500.00   1,500.00
3,267.00   5,407.40
........  :3,750.00
3,797.35 : 2,972.50
  120.67      97-31
  536.40     627-55
  58.05 :    25.80
  35.35:     63.60
     .30:       .69
........ . 1,734-33
    62.50    730.50
  267.50 :   i6s.oo
  69.93      27.09

  ........  ...       :47.00
15,322.37 :29,951.17

: ........
:  ..............
: ........
: ... ....d.
: ........
. -6,950-35

: 13,652.66
: 5,910.87
: 17,594.34
: 9,167.21


: 2,734.41
: 1,173.34
:80,959 .01

: 7,963.12
: 8,656.12


:    1.00
:    2.00
       : 99


:50,691 .04
: 2,734.41
: 1,173.34

: 14,566.99
: 1,590.61



13 .

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements

            August 31, 1919



Fisoal Year
  To Date

Cash in Bang and on Hand
July a 12           .
  Treasurer, General Fund
  Treasurer, Experiment
   Treasurer, Extension
   Petty Cash.............
        Total Cash .....

7 General Fund Income....
   Experiment Station
   Extension Division
   Accounts Receivable....
   General Ledger.........
   Returned Checks, Col-
        Total Receipts....

(135,662.03):($74,266.11): ($209,928,14)

:59,766.03 :

: 1,000.00 :
: (54,425.75):

:51,627.98 :


: ...............:
: 2,692.69:




1,937.5   -



.........  :
113,048.56 -

Total ............. ; 47,888.93 : 104,972.18   152,861.11

* General Fund ........... :
  Experiment Station.       :
  Extension Division.        :
  Returned Checks.          :
       Total Expenditures:

Cash in Bank and on hand
August 31, 1919
   Treasurer, General Fund :(74,266.11):
   Treasurer, Experiment    :
      Station ...........  : 54,727.56
   Treasurer, Extension
      Division ............ : 10,462.17
   Petty Cash............ : 1,000.00
        Total Cash...... : (8,076.38):

        Total .............  47,888.93




104,972.18 :


  2,000 .00




215, 363-24

. 16.45

21,345.11 :
12,o60o.60 :
    33. 00 :

41, 69.50





Balance Sheet as at August 31, 1919


   General Fund
     Current and working assets
         Cash in Bank................................
         Potty Cash !Cocunt......     ...............
         Accounts Recelvable............................
         Material and Supj1ies ........................
         Miscellaneous ...............................
           Total Current and working assets............
      Insurance paid in advance.........................
           Total General Fund Assets...................

Endowments, Bequests, etc.
  Mathematics Fund .................-
  Land Grant Endowment Fund............
  Peabody Endowment.....................
  Crum Bequest..........................
  Bennett Bequest......................
  Southern R. R. Loan Fund..............
  Class of 1917 Chemistry Library Fund..
  Fleischman Fund.......................
        Total Endowments, Bequests, etc.

. 1,000.00
   - 5.00



Real Estate, Buildings, Equiment, etc.
   Property Accounts as at June 30, 1919.1,375.430.24
   Additions Since ......    ................  12,598.41
         Total Real Estate, Bldgs, Equip,
            etc  ................................138086
            etcl ............................ 1,388.028.65
         Total ..............


General Fund
  Current Liabilities
      Notes Payable.................................
      Accounts Payable..............................
         Total General Fund Liabilities.............

   Balance as at August 31, 1919 ........ 1,528,607.90
   Excess of Income over Expenditures
      for the fiscal year to date, as
      per Exhibit 'B ....................   81,466.72


   Total..                                     1,659,993.55

There being no further business the Committee adjourned.

D. R. Peak,
     Acting Secretary.