xt7fqz22fw12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22fw12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1987 1987 1987-10-28 2020 true xt7fqz22fw12 section xt7fqz22fw12 CT






The former voice of the counter-culture
turns 20, and it shows. SEE PAGE 2.





Cats believe they’re better
than 4-3 record. SEE PAGE 3.




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny 8. warmer



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 53

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

SAB to seek putting
businesses on campus

By E\'.\ J. WINKIJ‘I
Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board
voted unanimously last night to pur-
sue limited commercialization of the
Student Center.

Jennifer Ballard. SAB vice presi-
dent. made the motion to “request
the Student Center director to imme-
diately begin formulating a request
for bids“ for commercial outlets.

The board designated a drugstore.
a dry cleaner and a fast-food restau~
rant as its preferences for the com-
mercialized services.

The space for the new stores
would come from what is presently
the billiard room. the arcade area.
Room 245 and the small arcade

"I think that these types of serv—
ices have been said again and
again." said Lynne Hunt. SAB presi-


Staff Writer

The Games (‘enter for the Human-
ities will be presented with a plac-
que during a reception at 5 pm.
today honoring its restoration of one
of three buildings.

The Bluegrass Trust is donating
the placque to promote the apprecia—
tion of historic landmarks in Lexing-

UK President David P. Roselle.
former Louisville media owner
Mary Bingham and Wendell Cherry.
president of Humana. Inc. are
among community leaders expected

The center is three neighboring
houses on Maxwell Street behind the
parking lot behind Memorial (‘ol—

Originally. the tiniversity had in-
tended to gut the house before the
Gaines (‘enter was built. said Lylas
Rommel. who IS a graduate intern
at the Gaines Center.

The reception will permit the 18
Gaines fellows to meet with Gaines
(‘enter board members. Rommel

The fellows are part of the Gaines
Fellowship program. a two-year
scholarship program for juniors and
seniors. The program awards 10
scholarships each year. Students re-
ceive $2.000 the first year and $3.000
for the second.

The Center was established in 1984
when prominent horseman John R.
Gaines. owner of Gainesway Farms.
donated 3500.000 after consulting
with Raymond Belts. Gaines Center

UK matched these funds with
$425,000 while the Kentucky Heri-
tage Council donated $75,000. This
produced the $1 million needed for
the Center and the scholarships.

Students apply for the Gaines
Fellowship by writing a letter stat-
ing why they would benefit and what
contribution they would give to the
seminar. Rommel said.

Nancy Howard. administrative as-
sistant at the Gaines Center for the
Humanities. said there is talk of in-
creasing the number of fellows.
However. she said this would take
more funding.

Jane Vance. an associate profes-
sor in the honors program. said the
application to the fellowship is open
to anyone.

The center is the nation's only un-
dergraduate humanities center at a
state university.

Although the organization is part
of UK. it is also independent from
the other aspects of the University.
Therefore. it has separate pro
grams. students. its own staff . and a
board of directors that helps to di-
rect these programs and advises the

Officially. UK President David
Roselle is the chairman of the 15-
member board. as in any foundation
board of the University. Rommel

The board meets twice a year in
thefall and sprirg.

dent. "People felt the space could be
better utilized."

Hunt appointed a committee in the
spring to investigate the possibility
of commercialization and other
other improvements in the Student

This came in response to a survey
done in 1986 by the UK Survey Re»
search Center. which showed 67.6
percent 01' the student body favored
the idea of commercialization.

Hunt said she had discussed possi-
ble ramifications from the move
with Robert Braun. director of food
services. and Paul Little. the man-
ager of the Student (‘enter

"Neither had any strong com-
plaints that they voiced to me.” she
said. "I hope they will view this
move as a way to increase business
to students. which is what I hope
this University is in the business of

SAB adviser John Herbs! said re-
search the committee bas done has
indicated commercialization at-
tempts have had both positive and
negative results at other universi-

“Anytime you go into a new ven-
ture. you have to realize there are
things that will come out on either
side." he said. “Our job is to maxi-
mize the benefits . . . and minimize
any deterrents."

Ballard said she foresees the pro-
posed services as being of great use
to students.

“It will give students the opportu-
nity for more diverse services in the
Student Center. and limited com-
mercialization will be a way of uti-
lizing the Student (‘enter better."
she said.

“As a student. I think if we had a
dry cleaner. it would be especially
beneficial for me. because there


aren't that many dry cleaners that
are close.” she continued.

Hunt said the proposal will now be
developed by Student Center Direc-
tor Frank Harris. the L'K purchas-
ing department and herself.

From there. the proposal will have
to work its way up through the chan-
nets of" the administration before
any decision is made to commericiav
lize the center. said Vice Chancellor
for Administration Jack Blanton.




Van Shivley (left). tries to keep Derrick Patrick
from scoring during a friendly game of “21"

On thgdefensive

of Blazer Hall.


yesterday at the blue basketball courts outside


Independent since 1971

Wednesday. October 28. 1987

City official calls
for crosswalk study

Staff Writer

The recent death of a wheelchair-
bound I'K student has ignited an ex-
amination of crosswalk safety haz-
ards in the University area,

The student. Randy Lewis. was
struck by a car Friday night while
crossing South Limestone Street
near {\chJonald's. Lew'is died Sun-

Debra Hensley. the 3rd District
Lexington city council representa-
tive. proposed at a public meeting
yesterday that the council examine
the crosswalks and the handicapped
ramps in the I'K area,

Hensley photographed many
crosswalks on the campus to illus-
trate that many bona fide cross-
walks can‘t be crossed by hand»
icapped students in wheelchairs.

"The reasons the crosswalks are
not used by mobily-inipaired stu~
dents are numerous.” Hensley said

She said the crosswalks aren‘t

used for several reasons: the area
near the crosswalks is congested.
the curb is cut too high for wheel-
chairs. the crosswalks are in poor
condition and vehicles are blocking
the crosswalks by double parking.

[11 particular, when cars back out
of the ('onvenieiit store on the coir
tier of South l.lltlt‘>’l>llt' Street. the
drivers cannot see ~tudents w ho are
crossing the street. lleiislej \ttttl

"Those reasons giw the message

don‘t cross here because you
can't get across. Hensley said

":1 high rx-i'ctntage of hand
icapped and niobilyimpaired stu
dents live in Holmes Hall. Blazer
Hall and Greg l‘age Apartmentsf
Hensley said "Those areas should
be examinedclosely ”

Jacob Kariics. director of L'K
handicapped \‘I'H iccs. applauded the
action but \ttltl the safety problem is
one that taccs all l'K students

"I'K will examine the safety of all
Sceleh‘“ Al It. Page <

Search on for ways
to diminish deficit

.>\ssociated Press

WASHINGTON Pledging to
leave politics at the door. negotia-
tors for (‘ongress and the Reagan
administration began searching yes»
terday for a mixture of tax increas—
es and spending cuts that would re-
duce the federal budget deficit
enough to pacify world financial

The initial goal was the $23 billion
package required by the Gramm-
Rudman balanced-budget law
House Speaker Jim Wright. I)
Texas. described that figure as a
rock-bottom minimum but some tie-
gotiators cautioned against raising
expectations of a significantly larger
deficit reduction.

President Reagan said the volatile
financial markets are signals of po-
tential dangers for the economy.
“Anyone who doubted that these
threats to our future growth were
serious should have been set
straight in the last couple of weeks."
he said in a written statement.

“We owe it to the nation to get the
job done.” the president added.

Senate Majority Leader Robert C
Byrd. I)—W.\'a.. said successful defi-
cit-reduction negotiations would
“show that the two parties can work
together and that the government
can respond to the need . ”

“I just hope the action is bold
enough and soon enough to reassure
the markets and the American peo-
ple." added Senate Republican
Leader Bob Dole of Kansas. But he
agreed that political differences
among negotiators would be put
aside; “we'll leave politics at the
door." he said.

Workers prepared the (‘apitol's
LBJ Room for the sessions by
wheeling out several round tables

and replacing them with a square

Democratic and Republican leads
ers in the Senate and House named
14 members to negotiate on behalf of
(‘t ingress Treasury Secretary
James .-\ liakcr Ill heads the ad-
ministration team that includes
White House Staff (‘liief Howard
Baker and James (' Miller III. di-
rector of the Office of Management
and Budget

Whatever the negotiators come up
with will be subject to approyal by
both houses of ('ongress and the

Byrd said the starting point for
the talks should be a deficit-reduc-
tioii bill awaiting final action in the
House tomorrow The biggest share
of the reduction would come from a
$12 billion revenue increase. includ-
ing several relatiyely minor tax in—
creases whose biggest impact would
be on corporations and upperain-
come individuals

Wright said the initial $23 billion
in deficit cuts for the 12 months that
began (let 1 should be divided about
evenly between spending reductions
and revenue lII('I‘(‘tt.\('\ But if nego-
tiators can go beyond that. the extra
reduction could rely more heavily on
spending reductions or tax increas—
es.he added

“The markets want to see serious-
tiess" about (lcficit cuts. said House
Majority Leader Thomas Foley. I):
Wash. “I am not personally looking
at $1 over $23 l)llllttn. But if we do
more. great."

Sen. Bennett Johnston. I)-La . said
"$30 billion is a good round target.”
but suggested the additional $7 bil-
lion might have to come from selling
some government property. rather
than extra spending reductions or
tax increases


Staff reports

The Museum of Zoology will
sponsor a program tonight from 6
to 9 featuring different programs
in the LR department.

A natural history book sale and
exhibit will be featured from 6 to
7:30 pm. The exhibit includes
snakes. fishes of Kentucky. speci-


Museum show tonight

mens for the museum's skeletal
collection and regional works by
Kentucky naturalists such as Au~
dubon. Rafinesque and [K fac-

From 7:30 to 9 p m a Hallow-
een lecture series titled the "Nat-
ural History of Creepy (Trea-
tures" u ll take place

The lectures are free



Soviets to discuss possibility for summit meeting

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Soviet Foreign
Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze
will come here at the end of the
week to discuss prospects for a su-
perpower summit meeting and an
agreement to ban intermediate-
range nuclear missiles. a US, offi-
cial said yesterday.

The Soviets requested the meeting
between Shevardnadze and Secre-
tary of State George P. Shultz. the
official. who demanded anonymity.
totd'l‘heAasociated Press.

He said he could not predict

whether a date for a visit by Soviet
leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev would
be set then. But. the official said. “a
scenario for a summit is devel-

Gorbachev told Shultz last Friday
in Moscow he was not ready to fix a
date for his third mund of talks with
President Reagan.

But this morning. in Moscow. US.
ambassador Jack Matlock was
called in by Shevardnadze. who told
him he wanted to fly to Washington
for talks at the end of the week. said
the official. who demanded anonym-

“They're the ones who asked." the
official said. “Our position is well-
known. There is an invitation out

Reagan and Gorbachev agreed at
their first meeting in was in Geneva
to hold back-toback summits in 1986
and 1‘37. But irstead of coming to
Washington last year the Soviet
leader met with the president in
Reykjavik. Iceland.

When Shevardnadze was here last
month for talks with Reagan and
Shultz. the two sides agreed a third
summit would be held in the United
States sometime this fall.

Shultz went to Moscow expecting a
date to be set and also to clear re-
maining hurdles to a treaty to scrap
intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

He made headway with the Sovi-
ets on the accord. but Gorbachev did
not suggest a summit date.

Shultz said Gorbachev had asked
whether he could expect some sort
of agreement on space-based de-

Shultz said he could provide no

It was not surprising that the Sovi-
et leader wanted to impose re-

straints on the I' S program to de-
velop a defense against ballistic
missiles based on advanced technol
ogy and nuclear weapons. Gorba-
chev has maintained that the US.
Strategic Defense Initiative. known
popularly as “Star Wars." would
mean extending the arms race into
outer space.

But Shultz and his advisers had
not expected the Soviet leader to
bring up the issue as a barrier to a
fall summit. which Gorbachev had
agreed to last month after Shevard-
nadze‘s talks in Washington with
Reagan and Shultz.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 20. 10.7



On Rolling Stone’s 20th anniversary, looking back beats looking ahead

We‘ve had all the thrills that
monev cun bu\‘
But the thrill we've never known
Is the thrill that "ll gctchu
When vou get \tlltl picture
()n the t‘ll\ or or Rolling Stone
lli'. Hook and the Medicine


I reinemlx’r quite well the day I
qtlli writing for Rolling Stone.

It was the same day I started.

I‘hen. the magazine was still on
the cutting edge of rock journalism
1 was proud to contribute to the

You may remember my piece It
‘»‘~tl.\ .i not-so-Iengthy paragraph in
the "Letters" section of the Noveiu
oer 1‘5 issue the one with Steve
\Iai‘t in on the co\ er

\I} letter concerned a revealing
s'oi'} that dealt \\lIIl Bob Wood-
..Jrgig book about .iohn Belushi's
't.;'.". “.V

\ltli' was .i rather provocative

" c piece that l would like to think
, tut redefine the \\a_\ letters-to-

« M‘i.'lil‘,\ are written Of course it


\"d I found out later that the
~' ii) I wrote in reference to was un
r*'l‘.it‘;lll} edited and steaming with
con'i‘ovei‘s} But that's part of what
Roan-4 \Jronr was about then

It was about confrontation. It was
.rhout shocking people. It was about
taking stances and chances,

It now! alioul Top to trivia and
ll)rl)'\vlllglll rock images. Its impact
was lasting. not fasting Hell. today
writers at Rolling; Stone have to take





a drug test. Imagine — at a mag-
azine built on the counter-culture.

Let‘s face it. I came in and went
outv at the end of an era. It was be—
fore slick covers and album reviews
issued six months after the albums'
release, It was before feature stories
on Michael J. Fox and John Travol-

It was when Rolling Stone was a
political platform. Hunter Thompson
wasn‘t around anymore (except for
his name on the mastheadl, but Wil-

Sure. Rolling Stone will
probably go on forever
. . . But the flare fired
into the sky 20 years
ago has fizzled and
gone dark. Consumer
journalism has
swallowed up Rolling

Iiam Greider had taken over as the

The prose was riveting and the
photos were worth volumes of poetic
description. Sure there were signs
even then that things were slipping.
but basically, the image upon which
the magazine was built was still

So this week Rolling Stone turns 20
years old. and as one Rolling Stone
critic ironically said last year of the
band who shares the magazine‘s
namesake. the end was never so em»

Sure. Rolling Stone will probably
go on forever. After all. the capital
is there. But the flare fired into the
sky 20 years ago has fizzled and
gone dark. Consumer journalism
has swallowed up Rolling Stone.

Editor Jan Wenner made the deci-
sion two years ago to find the larg»
est possible audience and cater to it.
He is giving the people what they
want. The trouble is that people
want Bon Jovi.

It wasn’t always like that. Ini-
tiated as a response to the Summer
of Love in 1967, Rolling Stone grew
to embody the '605. even as it drove
through the ‘705 and into the ‘80s It
was as combative as was the era
that spawned it.

I of course remember none of
that. At the incarnation of Rolling
Stone. 1 was an infant nurturing my
Oedipus complex.

Yet the new "'I‘wentieth Anniver-
sary" issue (out this week) captures
the past spirit with a vigor that will
probably never be felt again

Dazzling photos by the likes of
Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz
are sandwiched in between 34 can-
did interviews with personalities
that shape the way we thought then
and the way we think now. which
they — on the whole —— disdain.

As most of the interviewees point
out in the anniversary issue. the
children of flower power are health-
conscious yuppies who don‘t let their
social responsibility reach past con-
sumer interest. And neither. really.
does the modern version of Rolling

So enjoy the “Twentieth Anniver-
sary" issue of Rolling Stone. Revel

It may be the last look back at a
musical style. a writing style. a life
style that won‘t be recaptured or re-
inforced until the present generation
takes on responsibilities or hands
them over to a new generation.

Arts Editor Erik Reece is an En-
glish junior and a Kernel arts col-


with first

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Erlli Rocco
Arts Editor

‘Live’ jazz LP captures
new aspects of Hedges

Staff Writer

Michael Hedges
Windham Hill

Michael Hedges‘ latest effort and
first live album. Live on the Double
Planet, not only exercises his “new-
age" use of the acoustic guitar, but
also sports an expansion into the
vocal genre.

The past few years have seen the
rise of a type of music called “new
age acoustic." representing a
movement away
from the tradi-
tional sounds and
techniques used
with the acoustic guitar. One of the
main influences in this classification
is Hedges.

He sports a folk-sounding voice,
tinged with a periodic whining qual-

0n pieces such as “Ready or Not“
and “Woman of the World" as well
as Dylan‘s "All Along on the Watch
Tower.“ Hedges changes his vocal
tone from a thick, bottomed texture
to a mildly relaxed texture. then to
an extremely airy soprano tone.

The listener also gets a first look
at Hedges' songwriting ability.
which takes on the same romantic
quality as much of his solo guitar
compositions. “Ready or Not“ states
"Fear can always frighten up a few
disciples. but nothing can convert
true identity.“

Hedges' solo guitar is still, as
proved on past albums. very prova~
cative. On cuts such as ”Because
It‘s There," “Breakfast in the
Fields“ and “The Double Planet.“
Hedges creates incredibly full meld
dies encompassing extraordinary
strength. unorthodox technique and
foreign string tuning. which
produces independent bass lines,
dueling guitars and percussion si-

Hedges also proves to be a good
stage performer by entertaining his
audience not only with progressive
music. but with humor. At one point
Hedges announces a song to include
medium rhythm and blues. hard
rock. and end "in a bout of disco

During the Beatles classic “Come
Together,“ he asks for audience par-
ticipation. not only through singing.
but also through sneezing,


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Kentucky Kernel

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UK looks to future but past still haunts

Staff Writer

The UK football team will take a
break from its rugged Southeastern
Conference schedule when it plays
host to Virginia Tech Saturday.

It‘s a break the Cats welcome.

After a disappointing loss to
Georgia last weekend. UK stands 4-3
— hardly the goal the Wildcats set
for themselves at the beginning of
the year.

“Everybody is just kind of mad
more than anything,“ said junior
fullback Andy Murray. “Everybody
knows we let a little bit of our sea-
son and our goals slip away Satur-
day. Everybody is just going to fight
back and make the best of the sea-

The Cats will have to try and
erase the bad memories that have

L ' 4’

montti Dawson. “It's just a matter

plagued them so far. Two of the
team's losses have come by scores
of 17-14 (Georgia), and ill—til IRutg-
ersi. Only six points separate them
from being 6-1, not +3 u six points
from the Top 20.

“H you think about it you get
down on yourself." said defensive
end Tony Massey. “Two or three
plays and we‘d be 6-1. But the sea-
son is not over by any means.”

Kentucky players know they have
the manpower to play with the big
boys. But they have to take care of
the little things to beat the big boys.

“We know we have a good football
team." said offensive guard Der-

ol' doing the small things and putting
it all together.

“You look at our statistics from
last year and everything has im-

Improved indeed. Compare last
season‘s stats with this year's and
you see the Cats have exceeded
themselves by three points a game
and 453 total yards. They have also
shut down the opposition better.
holding the enemy to just 13 points a
game 7— seven better than in 1986.

"You learn a lot from your mis—
takes.“ defensive tackle Jerry
Reese said. “We can play with any

team in the country, no question

Kentucky has earned Georgia's re-
spect. Only a Lars Tate 5-yard
touchdown run with 68 seconds left
kept UK from spoiling the 12th-
ranked Bulldogs‘ homecoming.

“You could tell the way (Georgia)
was playing they knew they couldn‘t
stop us," said offensive guard Butch
Wilbum. “After one play John
Brantley, Georgia's All-SEC line-
backer. looked over and said, ‘where
did you guys come from?‘ "

But respect won‘t get you victo-
ries. Check the record books. UK is

still 4-3. And that‘s still on their

“l've thought about it a lot."
Reese said. “The way we‘ve played
we could be 6-1. We just don‘t know
howgood weare."

Another unanswered question is.
will the Wildcats bounce back“?

“The only place we can go is up."
offensive guard Butch Wilburn said.
“We've got a good football team. If
we play all the curves right and con-
centrate. we can go 8-3. "

"We've still got four games left
and they're all big games." Murray
added. “There‘s a lot of teams in the
country that wish they only had
three losses."

For the Wildcats to have a suc<
cessful season, they 're going to have
to beat Virginia Tech and Vanderbilt
and possibly upset either Florida or

“We‘ve got to win the games not
in our conference." Murray said. “I
definitely think we'll bounce back.
We set our goals high arid we're just
four points from being away trom
those goals. We‘re just going to do
our best and not let it happen any

Because it has happened already.
the (‘ats now have a bitter taste in
their mouths. They‘re ready to
patch themselves up. but the wound
is still fresh.

"We‘ll be all right but you can't
forget about it." safety Mark Sellars
said. “That‘s what’s really so hard
to take. You work so hard and get to

Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 28. 1987 — 3

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor


. Oklahoma (40)
. Nebraska (1 3)
. Miami, Fla. (7)
. Florida St.
. Auburn
. Syracuse
. Notre Dame
10. Florida
1 1. Indiana
12. Georgia
13. Tennessee
14. Clemson
1 5. Ohio St.
1 6. Alabama
1 7. Oklahoma St.
18. Penn St.
19. South Carolina

5-1 -1
5-1 ~1
6-1 '0

AP Top 20

491 12
466 13
459 7
327 15
279 17
187 19
184 18
1 12 _

Last ranking


20. Michigan St. 424 1 10 14
Others receiving votes: Arizona St. 92, Texas A&M 39, Pitt
30. Arkansas 23, Air Force 11. Michigan 8. Wyoming 8. Texas

4, iowa 3, San Jose St. 3. Oregon 1 , Southern California 1 ,




a certain point and then you're only
one step away . "

That one step can make a big dil.

“We're proud oi the way we're
playing." l’K coach Jerry (‘laiborne
said. "We‘d just like two or three
more wins "

- (‘laiborne would not name lll.\
starting quarterback tor Saturday.

but he did hint about Km iii limit-y s

The senior has not takcn a \liiilr 1:.
a game since suttei'ing a litt'i‘l'tilt'tl
kidney against tihio l’nixcrsity m.
net it

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 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Wedneedeyfieteber 20. tel?


Viewp oi nt

Though no savior,
Harper best choice
for future of state

Kentuckians will be selecting their new governor in less
than a week. As the campaign winds down, college stu-
dents in particular should examine their attitudes and
hopes for the state and decide which candidate will best
fulfill their expectations.

Kentucky needs change. Its struggling financial situa-
tion needs a commanding hand, its poor educational sys-
tem needs help, its social programs need new life, its polit—
ical process needs a new reputation.

Every citizen is searching desperately for the savior
that both Republican John Harper and Democrat Wallace
Wilkinson claim to be. But sadly, only the innermost core
of the candid