xt7fqz22fv96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22fv96/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1985 1985 1985-01-25 2020 true xt7fqz22fv96 section xt7fqz22fv96 _________________________________________—————————————_
. il.’ .1“... .. . hw.‘ \ , . . . .. “a. . d .. “H.615, #:in .. 5 .. («tanufitiAfi ’3'. 1‘“. if»... ”'ftfiw,“ ‘. V 1)....3‘ N :9...sz $.95; 133;]; “4.: hi” .‘. ,I ..y , ,_.. w... ,.. g" , it” . , I. .
~ N'Wg","” '~ 2 '> ,rwtac 2' 2 2 » , < w... “‘*§2‘3;1§3f§iii::;;: . 2 W3,” Hammad.”
Criticism of dental school me 1' 'ncr 38'
Program lost 3;,‘fg'figc'1yve‘gofitflgfl'hmmm; mmgc‘i’gf’.” that was “* C u 'l h d Costich, a dental school faculty Costich said he was dismayed that . '
’ ‘ . . ' “y ‘ . . 0 ”Cl ea member, read a statement asking the administration failed to consult ~ 2'
, although we are going along Wlth We are self-supportive. we dont . .. l . . .
halrm an says it."hesaid. cost a penny to the state.“ Tuncay k dd the Councd to take an active roe in the LnlverSity Senate more about , .2
C said. “We are cooperating fully with bac S a reSS assessmgthumpactofthemerger _ the merger. as though "some rules ' . .
. He said part-time faculty mem- [arisville to make this plan work- _"We fully support Dr. 005““th were bypass‘id2” . '
By DARRELL CLEM bers have “expressed their desire to able .. he said “but in t feeli By DARRELL CLEM right to go up and speak to the tSen— ”The lUnlverSltyl Senate is the . . .
SeniorStaffWriter resign their positions once we retire is that we are'going mile": a lot'hgf SeniorStaffWriter atel Council," Drummond said. “1 primary body responsible" for ad- . . ; '
. _ our current graduate students” be— problemswehaven’tseen et ,, . will be writing Dr. Bostrom a letter dressing academic issues. he said " . '. . .' . .
The Cha‘m‘a“ 0‘ the orth°d°nucs cause “they (the faculty) don't like Call' the y 0" he Dr. James Drummond, chairman in the next few days." expressing yesterday, 2 22 . '~ -
department in the (3011989 0‘ D?” the merger.“ . themgti pTi‘Egram 0"]:- “lit/l top of the Collegeof Dentistry academic full support from the dental school‘s Robert N, Bostrom. Senate Coun- ' 2 2 . ', ’
tistry said yesterday that merging }" “a"? cfytf: 2 . Y°°' council. said yesterday that he will academic council on behalf of Cos- L'll chairman. said yesterday that 2 . ‘-
the UK and University of Louisville Tuncay estimated that the ortho- “g‘fs °“8"°“ "am“ are be writing a letter to Senate Council tich. "the whole merger issue is currently - . g -
dental schools has had “the worst dontics department accounted for “3:1 {to see atmprogiiaiimhéhat has chairman Robert N. Bostrom con- The statement, which Costich said under study by the Board of Trust- ‘ _ -
possible effect" on the program he about 33 percent of the total clinical s d “mfg? hg a e years ceming a statement about the prob- reflected the opinions of most dental ees. We haven't taken a position, . -- - ' 2
heads. income at the College of Dentistry 8° own ain. lems of merging the UKand Univer- school faculty members. expressed We‘re not realsure that we should “ -' ' .2 ' , ' a.
“We lost it," said Dr. Ol'hall C. during a six-month period which Under the merger, the graduate sityofLouisvilledentalschools. concern over shared UK-U of 1. There has been no reaction to the 2 2' ' - r '.
Tuncay. “We will no longer have a ended Dec. 31. He questioned how program in orthodontics will grad- The topic surfaced at theCouncil's chairmanships and the loss of the (‘ouiicil from the administration con- . > '. ‘ .
graduate program at the University the merger would save money by See PROGRAM.pageS Monday meeting when Emmett R. orthodontics program. See(()l stirpages : 1.-
Governor appomts -
‘ A rlculture dean - . l . ~ . w
u do ? l . . 2 “*5 - » . »
. o e _ if i .73“? M2, 2 ’v t: :3 \ ' .~ . ' '
. - i ~ a w...“ . 2 ' .
to committee post , a «,1 —- . i . ._ ,
2 v" it, 5 . ,
Barnhart Cites importance of college, .' . t ‘ ~ _ _ 7 . ~
concern for farmland preservation ‘, 2 ,a . any; ,
' 2 ,. ' ' '7’,“ ..- .L. 5a. . . 2
It) INll'tilAS I'I. PITTENGI'IR —_————__ l “a“ , : .- " 2? ‘ I '
SI; ' V . . . .
lifVKrllU “ourfaculty . . . A", - .3 -- . a . . ,
('liiirlcs Barnhart. dean of the (.‘ol- probably know more V" *f If 3. ;, 3g '
lcgt- of Agriculture. has been ap- , , i ~ .2 3% ~ '-
polntl-d by Gov Martha Layne (‘01- about Kentucky S l _;: H.“ . § . -
llll.\ to serve on the inter—Agency - .. I 35;} .4. f '
l-‘ili‘niland Advisory Committee. agrrculttlre than any, V "" fig ..fflhi at 2
Thc committee's purpose “'1“ be agency In the state. 'f:'_2 E} .3 . -.
lo protect and to provide guidance Charles mart ., ., "of 1‘ »
till the best use of state farmland ’ . - V " 1;;
being considered for non-farm uses. dean of”)? €01,939 0] a.” 1, _, ‘ . .
according to Stanley Head. head of Agriculture . 12“”... . .
the DIVlsioii of Conservation for the _— .. 3 gf‘ ' 1;,v » . .4 "'_‘_,,~
sliill' "4'?" ”55% n V ' ‘ I";
liui'iihilrl said he thought he was “The issue that was raised in that , , g ,2 ' _. 2. .5." s l, 2 t...
picked to serve on the committee be— t'tllllllllSMUll was the amount of f , g”; ,, 'I . . _. i" ‘ Mg. 2
must- oi his position. “I suppose be- lill‘mland that is being rated to ac- I‘_ g swears , . . t l . i
t'illlSO oi the importance of the (Tol- commodate slate and federal gov- I ’ gwfi’ ; 9 .- -
lcgc oi Agriculture and the state‘s crnnlcntal projects," he said. i ' fl ' ,_ a' ”W i . , .

' agriculture. iand becausei our fac- “There are many construction pro E . ""“M'TH'R “’M'S'm ~
ully. and the people in this college. jects that are eating away at prime . ‘
probably know more about Ken- farmland. (including) the devel- "Ckson alarmed .
lucky‘s agriculture than any agency opmcni of shopping malls, resi- Captain Roy Flynn attempts to unlock the box containing the alarm sounded on the ground floor there yesterday. and fire-

m tilt-slate.“ hesald. dt-nllal areas and then the state pro- reset button and turn off the fire alarm in Erickson Hall. The fighters were never able to discover why. .
"Naturally became of the position jects of building roads and locating '

l have here and my involvement stillebuildings."

vclih Kentucky agriculture. I‘m quite Harnhart mentioned a bill pre- . g .

interested in seeing that the best \‘lousiy passed that allowed a farm- P d t work Stud b8 1 ' ‘

farmland in this state is preserved cr to declare a farm protected reSl en 'NS|DE - y JO ' ' ' .

for forming purposes." Barnhart ngalllsl any use other than agricula . g 2

said lural. He said with the new commit- f G ALI I S ;;;;,.r;§';£a;f ;V.g_,,:»;a~2 ' , .. ‘
Marquette said that the lnter- ice. the legislature says the state 0 . QWEtéffigiflgg My: oost OC etbook . . . .

Agency Farmland AdVlsory Com- shouldn‘t take prime farmland for ’;_ ‘ 2 ‘” a; "kg-1.; ’ ' . . .

liliitcc was created because there some other purpose. unless that pur- 0 g W- '1'" . . .

has been a decreasing awareness of pose has been reviewed by a panel reSlgnS 3;“ ”g ‘3" ”gm... . . . ’

the number of acres per day of Ken- appointed by the committee :23». “f _ " :' asymgyrifiw rOVl e tralnln " .

lucky soil that is converted to non- \ccordlng to Gary Faulkner who is, K “(neuron «affiy‘xgiyf‘ , . . ' 2 .

agricultural use He added “This Lg... ussmwm to Boyce Weiisfcom. sunl'erlt-r it”. ____________ _ . 2, 2. . '

il(l\’l$()l‘_\' group recognizes the 'm‘ inissloner 0f the Department for 3r T2 amif By FRANSTEWART ' , ‘ . ' -

poriilncc of agricultural land to the Natural Resources the committee The president of the Gay And bes- MW'siaa: Senior smf Writer “1 d h 16 ‘ .. . ’.

sliitt‘ of Kentucky. and this advisory hill have its first meeting on Feb. 11 hum Union of Students resigned sud- “.7xrrdsragfinfig’t’. W3 fa Stu ent as ‘ 1' . .

t'tlu'lt‘ll demonstrates an interest in and will discuss proposals by the dcnly during a discussion over the “mafimfigwm Editor’s note: This is the last in a college hours and has ' .

ilic \i'isc conversion of farmland for Natures Preserves Commission con- ideology of the group‘s logo at last WVWJuWa” g, three-part series on financialaid. i . ' . 2 .

siillteplhrpttises,“ d . coming a 92-acre tract in Barren night's meeting in 109 Student Cen~ mwhfiyfiwmhmw [0 work 15 [1014750 . . , . .
him 4" serve 0" 'd PreVIOUS - . . - _. s ‘ lcr. g , ,s$42.1;[5:21.311 A desire to expand the mind often ' ' ‘ .

w'nnnnw nnnnd Gov John Y- {3328‘ 2n3”§°'4‘4;2252 '13“?! Audio Prm. who was elected est; amounts to a need to expand the week’ I ”"f’k .‘hey _. 2 2

”HM" Jr" the Govenor's “minis" lctcher County. The Natures Pre- hresidcnt of GALUS last semester. ’- 5.1a‘33“~«4-=‘o“5€‘>? * bank account. budget their time much .

\l"” “l" the Preservation 0‘ ane my” Commission is Pl'OPOSinS to silld simply. “I resign“ and left the For many students. the College b It r n . 2 ' . .'

Farmland. “'hl‘lh Barnhart said was preserve the land as it is but take it room when the group‘s consensus on Workstudy Program helps them do e e ‘ ‘ ' r’

t‘Sli'Il;1|5h9: uldagzifie Brown (l)ln what will of'agriculturaluse. ‘ the issue of the logo opposed his both. Babby Halsey ' . '. . '

t'lttlt 0r 5 "U one ‘0 ca atten- mm, ”a, a, .. so... _ I... as “I like (the work-stud rograml - ' - _

lion to the importance of prime lirilck Marquette, executive assis- {igsa‘agfim because it supplies sgpgiememai ass‘smnt d'recwr 0f ”51‘1”," - ' ,

lill‘ll’llalld and what the state should lull! in the Secretary of Natural Re- l’rlcc felt that the intertwined het- a; .N auras war. 2,51 ' . J. spending money." said James Geisl- financral aid .

» (in about it. The commission sub- sources Cabinet. said that the com- croscxual symbols should be left out Incite ignore Nfix‘fisaméw} ..-:r' er, a finance fmhman who works in # - . t . .
milled a report to Brown on the sub- lillllee will consist of 11 people from of the logo. which originally had' agatswgwpzmas “its. the UK Office of Student FinanClal ’ . _‘ ’ .
jt‘t‘l and then disbanded. According stale government. four farmerS. two been approved as a triangle of signs .2; . was?» "wtw‘wgskhag‘rw. .. Aid. “Students don‘t have to mooch hours a week. do “0‘ maked“°r59 . .
In Barnhari. that commission was members from the state legislature to represent the equality of gay, les~ gss‘ygw: 7'2" sir. v:.*§*w3§wl«ww, offtheirsavings account.“ grades than Shldehl§ W 0 3 "of _
inc first effort the state had made to and Barnhart. Charlotte Baldwin. bliln and heterosexual orientations. §»a$r; g. .2: “Mason? Bobby Halsey. assistant director work. Often working 5‘“ ents -
discuss the problem of disappearing Secretary of Natural Resources. will The group at large indicated that my,” Wieswr‘fii of student financial aid at UK. said grades are better. i ho .
farmland. chilirthecommittee. seeGALUS.pagc4 aw ‘nk W’2 that last year the University re- ll a student has Limiege it": . .

, . ceived more than $1 million from and has to work 15 ”.3 wee ‘h '
I f ,I 1 r1 L'f l k. . the federal government to provide :23" thgtwbgedfe‘thtew'rsgggj;mzfid “
’ / 4/41, I ' (n l e ong S lers rev1ve jobs for about 1.694 students enrolled theifrwork“ he said “It kind of .
t 1‘ . > ; a‘ in UK and the commumty college tak c re‘ of some of our lan- 2
2' ' ”/9 UK I bf b ° W y"
.' ’ - -) , ‘ . .
1,: .pm y. a, , C ll 01' egmners mfg|§3§nmg§ig gigging; According to easier. his employ.
:4/1 ' f‘. "/5, - if] 01‘ ’ President Reagan's re-election. Hal- ers take into consideration the possr . '
’ v‘ . \ - ‘ . l, ' By KAREN MILLER Austria and I like to show people say said he did not see any immedi. ble conflicts between school and
'/ j m _ ‘« \ StaffWriter how much fin skiing can be." ateendtoanyaid. “’9th ‘ ..
-- l I ‘ .ii 'i Waldner said. “We are very happy “The work—study program for this .“f” s not a M of pressure. he
I/ . ’ ; f, / ‘ "r. Werner Waldner. a graduate stu- to help teach beglmers the basis of current year we're in. we were 3p. sald- 1‘ youneed ‘0 study. you can
i a, '- '.\ dent in economics from Germany skiing." . proved at a little NW level than tsually get ligand! “breed .lotug them
' 7/ and Per Halvorsen. a health radia- During spring break, about 24 we were the prior year.“ he said. (employers) V0 IS! :me
‘I ’ / ,a lion sciences freshman from Nor- members of the grow will travel to ”Sometimes when you hear W posmon. Because of under: s:
l . / ,/ ‘ way have been skiing most of their Colorado forafourdtrskitrip. . the media that me“ are being cut groundfithey re pretty _ .. ta -
1%,, f/ A \ lives. And because they Wt that hla‘m are 8:32! Ski resorts In for m and hut. mg M't m, “180‘ "initial You W m-
' l 2 i.«.. b it was a s rt man peeple could t ”reams ulmwecan eeurll meanstudentfinancialaid. .
l, f R.\ . ” / enjoy, theypdecided tyo reorganize a get area lin tickets which will allow .1 Junk the {may some", Haldey and another advantage of
\ ‘ -. 5 skiclubatUK. us a lot of more variation on the consider, me“ and, of m. Particle-lulu m a work-study pro
5‘: . A. . CF 1 .. . l .. 'dllal vi - . .. . gramlsthecxpenence.
o , )7. - * r:~/ UK originally had a ski club two 8096. Sill W. 00 W" tut-ea an investment. he said. .1
7 ° l fl a, - A. years ago which Waldner was in- dentoftheclub. fee] that m the mg admlms- Karen Hale. a sophomore in her
“DO _ Volm Mm, mt st‘mnts lwt Inter' Em 01M WM "n Club tr.um an M mam win cm. first ”mater at an fimmi.‘ aid d_
\2: ., . i o ‘ . ‘ . “After that there was no ski club Winterplace ski resorts in West Vir- mflmywmt," and”, her the WNW to get
"0 “ - a t .\ ' aramd sol decided withsome gim.PaoliPeakslnlndhnaanda Halseyuid whentheeconomy hands - 'th
43 . ..Is,\ 0 v . onexpenencewr computer:
’ riff . .? D trim,lboutayoarlater.totrylt matinGatlmhm‘g.M. smwu‘hm w‘we Mn“) mum my mmmm_
0' ‘ Q ‘ 1' ""1'. mlwwvflm ”'d- "0]? mt Mp “n h to "di concaitrate mm on work. ”If lnstl- flu] in man,“- “im-
~ 9 ‘i o ,3 ‘i ‘\ ”A "..f g}, The grow began meettm in Sep- Peah and it will be pared toward tutlom don't believe in a, m
z,’ ‘, e—i‘ "7 \ ‘ 4”,} a ‘4‘; -. ° tember and now meets twice a helplmthcbegimmlarntoskl.“ memmgmmmmm MMmtoftheworkthem-
_ / ’ ' ,. \o ID ,4,” ) 13K ’ 5‘ '- f1}? 4 7’ monthon'mesdlys «Thursday: to Waldner said. "We’ll also teach pictodowhmtheylenvehere?" dents do in clerical. “we make a
’42,. "” W5... .‘\\ , f3, "-23-: diacmhltmtrlpcandmllyto thcmhowtotakow'eotthelr Bld‘mdonotmgem- madamtophcesmdenh
“co " A 42 "'24 f‘lfl) ’.~ 2 5'41 new-filmtfipdbwtrkllm. equip-mt Ind w mt dalutoworlithermelvuoutotcol- in are» rel-tedtotlwlrmlor. he
// 04 ,,. ,g k » '_ ‘- E). 3, mot-dim to Waldncr. president maneuver-trundle lege,"heald. said. "N some madam its the
/¢‘$§€/<‘59_ WP“ " “tindtb,mmllm Mernhendthemaremtre— l-hluyulndloeemtoM- fintwortexperiencethey‘vehnd
W” ’ J" Kom l‘ "1.”. mainlyatbegimen. quired to have thir- m skis. ate mtmmmgm. tintinrneanlmfuluit relate-to
- 9° . ’ "l mind! was a old instructor in summed“ mu. wt of time. to to is metro-rec."
immoral- '
l l

 Z-KmYKmEL Whit-72‘, 1‘
JOIIIV‘UN hwwher
Editor-loch” Manning Editor
III-buttons “Ado.“
Nowaidltor Editorial Editor
C d't for reducing inflation belon to Vol k r not Reagan
Every time I hear someone give —— Once appointed, tile Fed's board election to him on a Silver platter. I Carter. During Mr. Reagan's first thus driving up the price of money
4 credit to Ronald Reagan for control- members are not obligated to follow say this because even someone with term, his deficits were in the W or the interest rate. This is called
ling inflation respecially Ronald GUCCI any specific policy. a third-grade education can relate to billion range, the highest being $230 the “crowding out effect." So. if you
Reaganumyhau stands on end. While being unfairly blamed for inflation if he has to low groceries. billionlnlm. have trouble buying a home down
The belief that any president OPINION the high inflation of the late ”((3, This same person can’t relate to a 1914's deficit came in at $210 bil- the road because of high interest
should get the credit or the blame which were a result of the Fed’s $200 billion-plus deficit because he lion, revised upward from $170 bil- rates, you'll have 01' “double-the-
for anything that has occurred in “loose" money policy, President can’t readily see its effects in his lion by David Stockman right after debt Ron"to thank for it.
this country is founded quite often — Carter had the good sense to appoint personal life, that is unless he’s try- the election. The Reagan team tried
on the fact that he just happens to Does anyone out there sense a pat- someone who advocated a “tight" ing to buy a house and has to con- to pull wool over the public's eyes The other problem is the interest
‘ be in office at the time. Whether he tern? money policy. Paul Volcker. tend with high interest rates. by attempting to convince them that on the national debt. When Mr. Rea-
has anything to do with it or not is And what about the good old Unit- Paul Volcker and the Fed held off Taking into account the gross pub we were srowins out of the deficit. gan took office the interest on the
beside the point. Such is the case ed States of America? Well. our from implementing the “tight" lic ignorance of who is resporsible The projection for the 1995 deficit is national debt was our third largest
with inflation story is much the same From me money policy until after the election for inflation. It‘s easy to see how a whopping $240 billion. This projec- government expense at 8 percent of
In the period from 1973-1SBO. Ar- 1967, our money supply grew at 2A of 1980. They did this because al‘ Carter was blamed for high inflation t-l0h was made by Reagan‘s people, the federal budget. NOW it‘s nearly
’ gentlna‘s money supply grew at 158 percent annually, while our inflation though a "tight" money policy was and Reagan 80! all the credit for low namely David Stockman, head of 15 percent of the budget. If some-
perceni annually. Argentina‘s infla- grew at 2 5 percent. More interest- the long term solution to inflation, it inflation. The record shOWS. with the Office of Management and Bud- thing isn‘t done, it could become the
tion grew at 145 percent annually. ing still. between 1967-1900 our would bringonasevere recession. h0thlh8 '55 than the overwhelming get. second largest item on the budget.
t‘hile's money supply grew at 131 money supply grew at 6.2 percent In November of 1980 President weight of history, that these conclu- Mr. Reagan has doubled the na- with only defense ahead of it, by the
percent annually Chile‘s inflation annually. Our inflation rate? Ah, Carter lost the election and the Fed SiOhS are dead “Irons! Paul Samu- tion’s debt in only four years, or to end Of Mr. Reagan's second term. I
» . grew at 138 percent annually. Bra- you guessed it. Our inflation rate reduced the growth of the money elson. Nobel prize-winning econo put it another way he has added as don‘t know about you. but that
' zil‘s money supply grew at 43 per~ grewat6.8 percent annually. supply to between 1.0 and 2.0 per- mist and professor of economics at much to the national debt in four scares the hell out of me. Ronald
cent annually. Brazil's inflation By now, most of you have proba- cent. The results were predictable: the Massachtsetts Institute of Tech- years as was added in the previous Reagan is literally mortgaging our
grew at 42 percent annually. Colom- bly come to the same conclusion the recession of 1981-82 and a dra- nology said. “The unsung hero in 200 years. This dubious achievement future away.
, . bia‘s money supply grew at 22 per that I did. That is, whoever controls matic falloff in the growth in infla- this recovery is P3111 Volcker.“ is staggering ‘0 say the least.
. cent annually. Colombia‘s inflation the money supply should get the tion. There is one area in which we can The most important things to con- I suppose the crowning aggravni
. grew at 24 percent annually. Peru's credit or blame for what eventually What’s the inflation rate now? As give Reagan all the credit he is cer- sider, however, are the deficit's im- tion is that the “Teflon President“
money supply grew at 38 percent an- happens to inflation. The money sup‘ you should expect, 1&4‘5 inflation tainly due: the deficit! In 1980, Mr plications, not the least of which is as he‘s been called, will find some—
. ~ nually. Peru‘s inflation grew at 3’7 ply is controlled by none other than averaged 1.8 percent. right in line Reagan campaigned hard saying. the effect on interest rates. The high one else to blame. While he and
percent annually. Bolivia’s money the Federal Reserve Board, current- with the growth of the money sup- '“We‘ve 80t to stop this dCfiClt spend- interest rates (relative to inflation) Nancy are safe back at the ranch,
. supply grew at 26 percent annually. ly chaired by Paul Volcker. ply. mg.“ that we are now experiencing are a “'9'“ all heStUCk Withthe tab!
' Bolivia‘s inflation grew at 22percent The only connection between the It is interesting to note that the Let‘s take a l00k at the record. resultof the huge budget deficits.
. ' annually. Italy‘s money supply grew Fed and the president is the presi- Reagan administration has been the The largest deficit in our nation‘s Whenever the government has to This guest opinion was submitted
at 19 percent annually. Italy‘s infla- dent's power to appoint its board Fed's staunchest critic. It is ironic history before. Mr - Reagan W 0t‘ borrow huge sums of money, an in- b)‘ Matthew 5- Kight. a mechanical
'lOIl grew at 17 percent annually. members. The Fed is autonomous. in that the Fed handed Reagan‘s re- fice was $73 billitm. under President creased demand for credit occurs, engineering junior,
Wow her .
" t 3"" \b ;/ Newman Center Welcomes You
. - / -
President knows best all Americans but the rest of the first and foremost job is to keep the ’ h
4 reason at
worldaswell. peace, and I think he knows how to ' .
, [11 his numerous attacks on Prest do that a little 1"?th than Mr- all'
(lt'lll Reagan. Andrew Davis accuses Sure. there are many poor people Daws, 0" any 9th" liberal Journalist A PA RTY
Illt‘ president of completely ignoring in this country, and any president as well.And 50" goes. - - ." '
\flt‘lill programs and spending it all wants to help them, but at least > ,
on defense. What Mr. Davis fails to those people are assured of waking
_ l‘t‘alllt' is that defense spending is a up to a world that wasn’t destroyed John Fischer .
StK'lal program. protecting not only by nuclear war. President Reagan‘s Acccounting freshman / MUSIC, FOOd, Drink
noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed Cash and A” We'C°'“e
fl Saturday. January 26 9:00 p.m.
Aer/mneyme/ termzo Mt My min/7725 “"1 ow.“ 320 R
marrow/”me vol/m7 Poms wrn/ mow. Will/5f . , Mlpéér’é ear reasonably “9 Lone 255-8567
more exmteams manure mm..mw WWW/IV new Mira/f arc-W ' -
mm: mew/1m axe/17v /3 ”mt/WEAR? Mme/6mm: W WT I prlced. '—*—~ --< -
MYO‘I/W- momma/r arm/r. MP9 mm mam/677M715 WY ”WWW”
. my ”mom 1 FM“- OMA‘WE- murmur/v - . . I mower/r ~
2" M MY. “4" /\ \ ’ \ \ I 1 . m \ 1 am
i \ [:ng w 7 ® “‘1 a) \ a» it ES] ' 50 Eastmh
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. fr \ . V, . ‘
e W / KW Iii i“ It *5 "Wt m
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"It , Save a Tree -. =
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