xt7fqz22ft82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22ft82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1975 1975 1975-05-02 2020 true xt7fqz22ft82 section xt7fqz22ft82 KENTUCKY

w. tXVI No. 158 . 8'
Friday. May 2‘ 1975 University of Kentucky

an independent student newspaper Lexington. Ky. 40506


Singlefary considers
SMU president post

|:\ Itti\ \lllt Illull Ill'. I-i\l’l.\l\l-'l) he was first ap
\laiiaging I ditoi proached about the position earlier this
I h. “palm-m ,e (HI-runny deciding \eai‘ when skit representatives came to
.ytit‘llii'l he \.itil\ to iteionsidcred tor the i.t \Ington and discussed the presidency
pi» it wont [it't‘\.il~'lil ot Southern \lethodist \‘vllh him
I tau-ism s\1i m [i.ill.is. 'li-\ ltiii'ing Nngletary s stay In 'lexas last
It] in“ \i'nold sulphur} t K 5 week he attended a meeting of the
president \ltllt‘ law said flt' has \Niwi southern .\\\1)('l;illtin ol ('olleges and
si‘tii _ “in”, Re ‘m .ix.‘,|.,,di(,,-} We” .sihools accreditation committee at l’an
l“ii tit l."l|‘|ltit1ill lit” .'..iiit~ to lN' \l' l “"41“”
‘la ,hif Atticl: l(.“l,1;,i 't.e \v'.it‘i‘li ttllllltilllt't‘ is e\.pected to
it min. 1. wow: LN ‘i aki- it rei Ullittit‘tltlilltttl] to the l'inu-rsity
llo.iiilot 'I i'iistees lieloie May .‘1 when the
fitHi» iioldsits iie\t ttII't‘llliL’ iiH’itIVhtlL‘lUtt
II \I .n ”Lon .im“ «one tlt|\t‘ltt iflt‘t'tllilllllft‘t‘
air . ittitiim 1i~it
.v I, i phalanx. tor \l lllUl t.” \l \\\ pi-isons are being


:ttie‘. Liwvy it till-t‘iilt'tl toi iie :oh \ingietarx and
net to: shim ”moth liazil. lIhodes a tier president at the
”Wit" 1. prev-31””: '-...ei sity ot \lii higan. hayeheeii theonly

.ons'i'iu-iicj. on tilllilllls “ possibilities publicly mentioned
iii. tlt i-iang tttlllllilllt‘l' \iiigi'etary has lveen considered tor the
lot .il \\ll 'sllpptu’ft'r\ pit-sidency of at least three other
oi ihi iiiool \ comm] ot iiiiiyv-i‘sitie~ in the past six years He said
he met with official representatives ot the
Mingletary and 'it may he that they llii\i't'.\ll_\ of Kansas. 'l‘ulane l'niversity
t\.IlIl to itl\ll1' me out tor a tornial \isit" and l'niversity of Arkansas but withdrew

DR. “TIN \ SIVHIJ‘TTHH' but the last \isit was :nfornial lrom t'OiiSlderalioti.

Neighborhood ecology


Professor shows the other side

By I.Y\\F.Fl'\'K a“
Kernel Staff \\ riter
Students haye organi/ed to oppose the construction of a

(lone changesi destabilizes the neighborhood and
stability is needed to encourage residential property
den-lopment " ('alkins said


dam that would destroy the natural beauty of lied ltiyer

(forge Hut an associate professor of radiohiology said he Ht 1 \ B \l. \\( filietw een residential and business uses is

often diliiciilt to manage In the most recent area zone
change property at the corner of Kentucky and (‘entral
Ayenues was reroned from duplexes to professional offices.

Three houses will he razed including one which is in
excellent condition
“'l'llrl ( (MINISSIUN accepted that a location one block from
Woodland Park is not appropriate for duplexes. And they
accepted the tact that two houses have already been razed as
a basis for a Itmt' change.” (‘alkins said,

hi the past. the Planning (‘ommission has maintained that
the rating of houses should not he a basis for a zone change.
according to planning technician Susan Skillman But the
ra/ing of houses on Kentucky ('entral Avenues was listed by
the Planning ('oniniission as one of the reasons for approving
the zone change

('alkins said one reason property owners raze houses is to
intimidate the Planning (‘oniniission into granting a zone

thinks students Ignore the ravaging of the areas where they
Lack of student actiyism aimed at eyents that influence


everyday liteconcerns John ('alkins. who is also president of
the .-\ylestord Neighborhood :\.\\t)(‘l.‘tlliitt 'ANAi He said he
finds the contrast between interest in the natural ecology and
the neighborhoml cit_\ ecology upsetting



“'I'lll'l I’t)l.l.‘i"l‘l().\ of a beautiful city like Lexnigton
doesn't get people excited he said "The city could be paved
with asphalt if everyone sat by and accepted had judgement
And they accept it because they don‘t hear about it "

Had Judgement has gone handin hand Wlth many city
planning endeavors. according to ('alkins He said one such
atrocity is the Burger (‘het sign at the corner of Euclid
Avenue and Rose Street




"A place like that which depends upon student business
could he inlluencedhy students They don‘t need a giant

luimhiii‘iiei‘ illaring at them next to Memorial (‘oliseum " ”NH”: PROPERTY ”“11““ ““0“ their "01‘5"“ ‘0 fall into

disrepair. What makes the policy pay is a zone Change, They
let their property run down then go cry to the Planning
(‘ommission for a zone change." he said‘ “People believe
they can buy up property. get a zone change and make

\ [UNI-I ( l| \VUPI request for another hamburger haven
iMcanald‘st at the corner of Euclid and Woodland Avenue
was strongly opposed by ANA The request was denied by the ..
l’rhan (‘ounty Planning (‘ommission and property owner ”mm." A . _ _

William Taylor is now trying for a zone change that would “ ("tlllhlllmmll 0' greed and S“mum." threaten the
allow the construction of an apartment complex The “'"H being ”' liex’ington. h". 5m“-
property is presently zoned for duplexes

"We enyision a neighborhood that is presently primarily "'5‘ K.“ F‘HNN 0‘ B?" Kaufmann Realty looks at
for residential purposes with no more intrusion of business propei l." ”0'" a different and perhaps greener Pt'r-‘P‘T‘IVQ- ; , %
than is necessary to maintain a good residential quality We Ill-lilllllur.‘ h“ razeda “01‘5“ h“ 0“”9“ “l ”1“ corner or EUClld W W W
oppose any encroachment of commercialdevelopment into a “\"("“1" 3”" 'l‘ril"5}'l“"'l'“ Park. after ”‘0 three-story
rmldpmml area." (‘alkins said Victorian structure was condemned RefleCfiOflS

ANA covers about gm) acres between Main Street‘ [(059 After investigation. Kaufmann said he found the founda-

Street. llilltop Avenue and HM Avenue The area ”wludpg tion was moving and that the house was dangerous During 0"" 0‘ yesterday '5 “mm”
ltenoyation would time cost $Zt.3.tititi and to reach the ‘20 per "NH‘N‘MS- "I" reflection 0‘ ”N‘ HUT"?
(minty courthouse can be seen in the



[Utillltl tor business. protessional offices and several
categories of residences. but ANA opposes any further

‘ont'i d i )‘I' 2 ‘ ows 'i w h' k.
t‘llillltl“ trom residential Ioning ( Ii tie in [ige 0 wind of i do ntowii an



Editor-Mcm. Lida cams
Manon: editor. Ron Mitch-II
Associate e‘br. Nancy Duty
Edlbflal page editor. Dan Crew


Felines otter. Larry Maul
Arts color. Grog Hotelich
Sport's editor. Jim Mount
”flagrantly editor. Ed Gar-l

Editorials tepresem the nations of the at





Sometimes you win, most times you lose

This being the last editorial 0f the
year tat least under the present
Kernel staff) it seems appropriate to
review the year‘s events and try to
calculate what effect. if any. the
Kernel‘s ponderous opinions have

Judging by the evidence at hand. it
appears that the Kernel either has an
uncommon affinity for underdogs or
its endorsement is tantamount to a
kiss of death. An unkinder analysis
might conclude that our grip on
reality is only tenuous. tWe never
claimed to be sane.)

Here are some of the Kernel ”s more

memorable stances on issues and
their outcome:
—The gay dance. Prior to the

second Student Senate vote on this
controversial issue. we urged the

senators to uphold their previous
decision to sponsor the dance. The
Student Senate, in its best—attended
meeting of the year. voted to rescind
its backing of the dance.

—In a classic example of bet-
liedgiiig. we gave Marlow (‘ook our
“lukewarm endorsement" over
senatorial candidate Wendell Ford. In
retrospect we realize that Ford‘s
victory was in the best interest of the
state. since he can‘t do as nearly so
much harm in Washington as in

-~(llll‘ only endorsement in this
year's Student Government elections
went to Sherry Allen. Actually. Allen
should thank us for ‘llllxllltl her. A nice
girl like her shouldn‘t be in a mess
like Student Government

We supported the right of six

people subpoenaed by a federal grand
jury to refuse to testify. Federal
District Judge Berna rd '1‘ Moynahan
didn‘t see it our way. As of this
writing. four of the reluctant wit
nesses are still in jail for contempt of

. We have encouraged (iov Julian
t‘arroll at numerous occasions to take
a stand on the [led River dam issue
Not long ago. Carroll announced that
his decision may not come for
another 18 months.

Hf course. we had a few \ictories
too Richard Nixon took our advice
and resigned. t‘oiigress isn't likely to
give any more money to South
Vietnam ~ w e have to acknow ledge the
\'iets(‘oiig for helping us on this one
The number oi lettover St; election
posters littering the campus declined

after one of our more stinging at
tacks. A block of student football
tickets which had been given to the
athletic department \‘ as returned. no
doubt because of our worthy efforts.

In order that we may .iow out with a
whimper ionly one more paragraph
I think ..I can. l..think. I..can. I
think I can . i we offer one more dose
of unadulterated opinion: Hopefully.
though not probably, the situation will
he ameliorated if the proper interests
ol the people are taken to heart by
those w ho would do w ell to do so It IS
ot consumiiiiite importance that all
parties concerned he listened to with
.in open mind. the options available

notw llllSlttlltlllltl Is that enough.
Iiiitta I know I can.
l know I can. I know I can









Nicholas Von Hoffman

'The American Century is over. It lasted 35 years'


WASHINGTON — From Wilson
to Nixon. in time of crisis the
White House has cut itself off
from the nation. In the suspense
ful hours. what they‘ve always
shown us is limousines arriving
and limousines leaving. officers
of high rank. gray and powerful.
committee chairmen wearing
faces of official portraiture.

Not this time around. It isn't
our crisis anymore. For us the
war‘s long over: it‘s the White
House that's just getting the
news. but here too there‘s no
drawing in. no cancelling of
speeches. no Presidential disap»
pearance. In the midst of what
would be tension and secretive-
ness under other Presidents. Mr
Ford allows novelist John Her
sey. on assignment for the New
York Times. to spend seven
straight days with him. from
breakfast to bedtime. The secret
of this White House is the absence

of secrets; its defense is its
porous accessibility.
Our President is making

friends with us. The more we
read about him. the more we see
him out among us. making
speeches. chatting comfortably
with Uncle Walter Bear Cronkite.
our most comfy newscaster; the
more we‘re allowed to see him
functioning in a most difficult
moment. the more our affection
for him grows. Here. at the last.
is a person whose private and
public life is a continuum, a
modest politician. a President
who prays in the closet. a
high-scrupled man. a square
dealer. a Christian. and. alas. a
potential killer,

A PART OF him. because it
suits both his nature and his
politics. strains to overlook who's
to blame for Vietnam The word
is no recriminations. but the
other part of him is frantic It
permits the recriminations to
bubble out in spite of himself. It‘s
the peace party in (‘ongress that
did it. that wouldn‘t vote the
money. that lost us Vietnam to
the Reds

This is not a macho trip. as it
might have been with his prede-
cessors. Jerry Ford is an
achieved athlete. He didn‘t sit on
the bench at Michigan in non»
varsity humiliation. That boy
won his letter.

No. Mr. Ford is a young man
grown old believing in The Amer-
ican Century. That was the
phrase Henry Luce. another be-
lieving Christian. another ardent
Yalie. ordered his Timealafe
media machine to dub our age.
Missionary imperialism.

Outward Christian Soldiers
bound in retreat with their Viet
namese camp followers The
Americans weren't left in Saigon
overly long as part of a cheap plot
to draw us back. The President
and Dr. Kissinger couldn‘t be
lieve the end would come so fast.
but if it is the end. then we will
march out in our own time.
taking what and whom we wish.
and if that means the temporary
reintroduction of troops. the get-
ting off of one more good.
stinging lick. this is The Amer‘
ican Century. We‘re going be-
cause we made up our minds to.
We weren‘t pushed.

Dr. Kissinger warns the world:
Don't draw the wrong conclu~
sions from this. Small nations.
bunker down and stay in line.
We're circling to give someone a
zap. Nicaragua. watch out. Por-
tugal. you're going to push a little
too far and we‘re going to wap
you. America knows the duty of
war. for this is our time. our

“IT IS EASY to skip into an
attitude of imperialism where
war becomes an instrument of
public policy rather than its last
resort." Mr. Republican. Robert
Taft. warned a long time ago.
when Jerry Ford was beginning
in Congress. Taft was a nay
sayer. a man of recriminations.

The American (‘entury brooks
no internal divisions. no FOCI‘IIIF
inatioiis t' is unitary and hiparr
tisan But if President Ford will
Jitle his recrimiiiations. he will
be recriminated at Why were

weapons enough to arm In South
Vietnamese armies abandoned to
the North',’ Why does America
still have the sluggish. overpow-
ered. over~airconditioned Span
ish Armada of an army such as
wesent to Vietnam to bog down in
Coca-Cola" Whose jobs are these
unwanted Vietnamese refugees
going to take'.’ Why do we have
perpetual. open-ended foreign
policy commitments to take care
of our useless allies“ grandchil

dren“ If we give you a bigger
navy. will you use it to defend us
or to make a bigger mess" Where
does the right to declare war vest
in our form of government“ When
will you tame the FBI" When w ill
you civilize the IRS"

When Ilenry Luce published
The American t‘entiiry in I ife
magazine and reprinted it not
hoiis of times across the country
he told us that we must
wholerhiuirtedly our duty and out


Letters to the editor

‘Where the Greeks come in'

The aittcle in the \pril in
kernel the lack of un
derstanding between the tireeks

and independents lacked very
many important points oi. both

sides of the issue

.\Iau1ly. the lat k of the III
dependents understanding of the
tireeks is due to the lack ot

correct information Before
entering IF. I swore that I'd
never pledge a sorority I always
felt that sororities and trater
iiities included a bunch of esocial
snobs who lacked security.
therefore they cling together in
their private groups.

However. my generalization
was too harsh. When I entered
I'K I had an open mind and have
since changed many ideas I had
in my freshman vear.



st Iitntl, 'H to

li\ :- 'oo


Hons opt-net! to .lli s'nrten'» .tiu

Lil'tL' .I

lit lLiU‘ Y1 .tll‘» «It 1J1 To!»

.is totit..tis eh I'

this is Hot .ili



'.‘.t.i'i't‘ toe.» ': y.

flow Yt..ii.. tit‘litii‘
.ii‘c.iw.iit-oi the: in ? ‘tialoz.
l. l‘fll the tireeks united 'o help

'l'hey furnished iood. clothes and

"\p: L
the tornado \ll’llllls of

are .ilso known
\ilopt .i

money tireeks

for .iidinp charities

and other

brother or sister within the same
house with
can goon with examples such as


House” community

projects also pl‘ti\l(lt‘ .i

tutoring services |

I realize that the tireek system
meant to be It was organized to

is not everyone, nor is it

... ~ \

-- ‘ ‘k\ \


opportunity .is the most powerful
and um! nation in the world amt
in consequence to evei't upon the
the full
influence, for such purposes as

world impact of our
we see tit and by such means as
we see ft"

The .'\llll‘l‘lt'.lll t‘eiitui‘y is over

It tlltlll' last if» years


Hoffman is a

\icholas \ on

columnist foi Features

\\ iidicate

'.'t ',|"‘tllll a“l; "lli‘lit! ti

.. 'tt i' min-i .myonc toint
:' I'lliiilttl .tlitlli' .i thill‘) .inil the
.,». cks .iii only .i gioup iust like

'm- \e~.\ti..iii tentei‘ o!‘

lLep‘tsi student lllliill‘ they
\houot be stilllt‘WllJl informed hi
to is not othe' s opinions This is
clear inisun
'lhey it they
llltlt'l)t‘lltlf'lll\’ still don't like the

tireeks at least they will know

one way to


eyactly why

.sylyia l.. lleisler
\i'cliitectiire freshman








Pulling out all the stops to look

at the year in perspective


olden fork



I would have gone but

it would have been

a drag award

Then senators, now 56 president and vice
president Jim Harratson and Glenn Stith,
get the award for their hands off stance on
sponsorshipot the Gay Dance. It takes two
to tango, Jim and Glenn, cha cha cha.



itt'd mtise
'-.tv ,il

(int, (times in
.ludor It/loynatianj
lt‘lil‘iQHIl ‘
liui he has an

iiidqi Jilin". ttutlinnn




The best and the brightest award

if??? The hang ‘em high


To the UK toumalism department for fear
and loafing on the accreditation trait.
Nobody wants you when y0u‘re clown and

'hree (ategoriee,

Moynahan was the
in grand tor, proceeding
autographed poster of
-n tits bathroom?

lt‘t i'iblO


over the
IS it

lavender lambda award




The grab



Rumor has it that President Singletary
may be leavmg the bluegrass of Kentucky
tor that longhorn of Texas. Get those
Derby seats before y0u make a formal
announcement O, and pick up your
paycheck before y0u leave.


non-noooc-ouooo 9.0.0....Itlo..l..g..............

The shot in the

(”trio enci- again to Robert Zumwmkle,
.|(_l' president tnr student affairs, No one

gas to a wa rd

To the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

l' ltwfi‘t .-.tiat tw dot-s or how he does it so be we can only say ”DRINK UP“ The ABC
v» ust ll! 00an it right For such a successfully stopped the Kernel from
'tuiqtiaitiinfllt'w ti-at ithis is the second allowmg the words liquor, beer and wine
thiN-rutiw year he has received the appear in ads for Big Daddy Liquors,
.mardi \At’ retiri- the trophy Library Lounge, Chevy Liquor Store,

———————————————— -v—--—1l———


in lerruptus award

30 Piesident David Mucci receives this
ititt‘ tor screwng the student body, trying
to screw it again and then putting his name
out ot this year s SC; election at the last



Imperial Liquors, etc. You iust can’t get
around those guys in state government.

dark award

The Lexington Police

John Wayne movies.



A great award for a great organization.
receives their golden fork for their han<
dling of the Fred Featherston case. At
least someone is watching all those old












" L


Jack got the job award

To Frank Harris former Student Center
director, now Associate Dean of Students
u ho (antpaiqned enthusiastically for Jack
Hall, former Dean of students now ad
ministrative assistant to Governor

(avioll 'Jltt n lack was running tot Urban
(minty (Him ilnmii You re mownq up
t rank who’s moVinq out next?

My nose may be brown but at least



The flaming

+ hole. award

For his striking decisions on a burning
issue, Foster Pettit gets his award. The
Metro Fire Department wanted collective
bargaining, while Pettit did his best to let
their efforts fizzle.


The finger in the dike

award (A and Bl



ii ifuultiiiiii )i



, u

i o

l u


















3nough concerts.


Award A goes to the US. Army Corps of
Engineers and B to Susan Saxe and
Kdlliei iiie PUWei‘ for unleashing a flood 0‘
federal activity and controversy in the

Lexington area.

Quiet please. This one is for the Student
Center Board Concert Committee. They
always had enough excuses but never


The silence

is golden






It’s just our cross


hear award

Once again the religious crusaders
descended upon our heathen campus to
save us in spite of ourselves. This year’s
tare included Jed Smock, who received his
divine calling while riding a bicycle
across a parking lot. and Holy Hubert
whose name says it all. As far as we know.
neither walked across the Ohio River to
get into Kentucky




 l—‘l‘llli KHN'I'l ('KY KENNEL. Frida). \Ia) 2. I975

news briefs


And ”my“ film l° 'he Humanitarian aid bill

ll Ilk L‘ '- l’l I turned down by House
\\ \Slll\(il‘0\ i\l' The House i'ifiim'ti'tl l’n-snlvnl li‘ui‘tl's
- Lupe-tit $327 illilllnll (lltl n'tiui'st lur South \'ii-tn.imvw rvluizi-i-s
I " 'l‘hut‘silm hwuuw ll \illl lmi‘i- .iillhnrit} lin‘ l'.\' lllllllill')
. H l - i'\;it'll.‘lllull.\
’ ' M i llnut'x luli'i‘, l‘lil‘il l.\'.\ll(‘ll ti \ldll'lllt'lll (lt‘l'ltll'lllg llw House's
7' ' ll(‘\'l\ltlll “as "not north} at .l [N‘ilplt' Much has lived hx illt'
' i - l pllllliwipll) simlmh/ml Hi the .\lillilt' Ul I‘Ilwrt) "

h llv appealed lll (Timeless to lll'.l\\ up rims legislation and House

0 o luulm‘s llllll(‘.’ll(‘(l tho} \wulil (trail .1 mm hill containing lllt‘ "10110)

for one last fling before finals m.)
l'hix hill, \Nl'llll‘ll lii'liu'ii lllt' Sniuiin L’th‘l‘lllllt'lll tell. “as up lm‘
(‘iinurvss' lllliil .‘ipprmnl 'l‘htn‘sitai It \\.I\ l't‘l('(‘lt'll 34“ in Iii:
despite .‘llt appeal from Ford that ll\ ('\ .‘lt'llJllllll llllllltll‘ll} “as mm


The Chevy Store WiShes '0 *hank UK students *Ol' Useless and llw llll)ll(‘_\ “as "ilospi‘i‘tilvl; m-i-ili'il'
their patronage during the past year prnnvnts l‘llt't‘l‘t'il .lllil applauded .‘is lllt' l'l0'('ll'llltl(' (‘Ullllli‘l'\ on

each unit lll the House chamber l‘ltllt‘d up thi- i'i-lm'lmn \lllt‘
GOOD LUCK ON F'NALS! “'l‘hi'martialmnhisliveni'uiiiiili-ti-(l.' l-‘iitilmiilittu li-lli-rtulhv
801 EUClld 266-44‘” ll()ll.\t‘ " l'hi- l'imut‘iws mil} ln- (l.\\lll‘l‘(l that I do not lllll'lHl l0 M‘llil

lllt‘ ill‘mi'il llil‘l‘i‘s til illi' l'llllwl \ltili's lull'lx min \ii-anmi-M-

li‘i'i‘ttiii‘j. '

Anti-busing boycott
Division otB sicS udies ° '
COLLEGEOFARTaSANElDSClENCES nets high absenteeism

unlverSllY Of KenlUCkY l,ttl'l.\‘\ II I If \l' M! tm'z lill\|.'.L‘ llll\i'itll 'l'lliiixil.i\ ll‘il in

about lH pt‘!‘ I‘t'l.l till\t‘l‘.lt'«'l\ll, :i; 'tm tutmi: tlvltviwm l'iiimn
\k'llixtl tll~~ll'ii'5
POSITIONS AVAILABLE ’l‘llt‘ liiiii'lifl ‘.\.l‘~ i.llli"l li‘. lullii'lliil l'ttlt'llN llli .illil
l)l'l‘\ltl('lll Sin'l‘ntmut 'i-rrziil it ii iii: \H'“ ul um: \wiiltt tmmn-ii ll
lllhlllL‘ is iii'dvri-tl
'l‘hi' liiixi'nft "\.l\ i-xiii-i'fvil tn tim'atttii- l"!iil.i\

Five Part-Time Professional Academic Advisors i»: Mlpt 1mm is,” mil train-mi. .iv 'lw W. t


Master’s Degree and Relevant Experience Required ‘.'$Hl1llt'nmp.itml \iilh .lliUlil i ll'; \M-ilm-xilm ”I" will flt'lll'i'.lll_\ ll

Applications Accepted Until May ‘5, 1975 \mslii-tn lt‘l‘ Ill lilLlll \t'lmnh Ylltll. in llll' vii-Hint.” \ iii lull ~- .lll(l '.\.l\
uriuilt-r in llll' \Iilllllt‘I'lI ptii" iil ’hi- t'lllllll\

'l‘lii- 'timi‘nt‘ ttlw litHl llt’\l\\ \lllllmll :ii wiizi- im' '~ n! 'lw liilll‘l'l'

Address Inquiries TO: lpilisxilli' \chlml (listt‘it'l hill with \.lllll)lt‘ llulli‘t‘s \\t'll‘ .l\.llltlltl1'

litiusnn llrnmn «it llH' pupil [)Q'l“-itllllt‘l lllllit‘ \tllll 7hr .i'.i-i.ii1i'

tiliui‘n‘i'i‘ I'illl‘ it; (“1“ \i'himk is t’. 'ii I" iw: ('t‘til .lllll lit mim-

iiisttilit'iw that mtv ‘i\.t\ illlillllt‘il or 'iiiilwl

Assistant Dean Ben Black Assistant Dean Carlton Williams
251 Patterson Office Tower 265 Patterson Office Tower

Phone: 25887” Phone: 2585825 Location changed in Little trial

\\ \Slll\i.'l‘(t\ \l \l’ \ \M‘i' Hill-cit “ulna 'll’ll'l"~l 'lll‘
' ‘ liilll'lli'l‘ Yt‘ml ut lam l.1ltli~ mun-it llnnt l;(‘H‘ 7n li.ilo li‘t.
The University of Kentucky IS an Equal Opportunity Employer \WTHM.‘ W.V,H,,L,,.H(,m\ um”, “I, em I. ,c M M ‘ WM
'lMl 'lit' lllit‘l4'\' ill lll\’11i‘ -lli_;_l'~' Yli‘ \\.lt‘.1‘ 'villlti, m .it;
iliiplitpl‘ldli- lll‘ll'l‘ lli!‘ 'lll' lliJl

lllll' ili'lo'llv' hml \«i‘lulii .i t lung: at \v'.’ m fur 'lu nullity him A
«intuit i‘lmi‘uml with millilrtliui .t .ximi Huiiilut' l'nlnl". Lilli-i

l‘hi' prim-t ii‘iim hill tiut‘i'o-il m .i l ll.lll‘.ll' lllll' ammo-ll 'lli- ll ml llt‘ltl


\killllil thl- ultilt‘ illllll ml iliUiit 3 iii .l m illil'ill'lll’ l‘illlll".

'lillt‘lilll l\ .itmiit lull ll :lo'x \uw‘ it! twit-

l.i"li‘\.ilt‘l‘lllli'f“ll m s'.lll‘ l l'hvir’t‘ i - " lL;j:-t.‘l3 v.3! ' .1... » 1".)
liilli‘t‘ l'l.iti-t‘.l'i- \lliirmnl on .\ ,_ gunnl _'.,i.r...f 'ttjul-l; i i,.-
i-mpl\ ('t‘ll .it lllo' llt'illll'tri I um»; Lu] lit: \th ) Hint...” “m
l'llllill l‘mimil ll‘wtl; ’hi- .\.it -‘ ii

l.|ftli- ('lilllll\ hr ll'll'll ’n ~-7.iliiml hm. J"
\Q'll 'll'll”. J'

CAMPING SPECIAL . ' r Strike halts construction work
of new Lexington Civic Center

ALL V ll‘.\l\i.l1i\ ,\l’ \ \lt’!ki- litilii'il unit. 'l'hiilxllax Ill!

i'lillM't‘lti‘lIHll ill lln’ llt'u l,i'\.lllt1lllll lll\l( li'llh'l .lllll l‘i'l:il\.lllntl lll

llll' ”lwt'u llmtw .‘ll.'l ‘hv lino-Hi- l iiiiyilx llt'li llll‘tll l'i-nli-t
N w LI N ‘ A 'l‘llv Ki‘lliili‘k\ litilmiw-ix lllsllll'l limiii'll l.u<~.il~ lil‘.‘ .lllll till:
’ . v Hailed [)ll‘kt‘l ltni'x zii'niinil thaw mt; li'iitliiii.

\llt',\ 'lhin‘xild}
morning. itili'l' lllt‘lr l‘llllll‘ut'i mth llw (ii-“411.1 l‘iiliit"g(‘lii|‘\

SLEEPING BAGS -. , ' _ ~ ’7 ' - I” V .Xssm‘mlliin nl l'vntml Kl'llllli'k}. l'\[tlll‘ll .il Hililmuhl
: . V . . ' .1 . - .i ' V lmm llt‘tl‘ltl'll. husmvxs nmnnui-r ll)l thv l‘ltlllll'll, mill Hill in Hit“

'N STOCK ' ' , . A, ‘ l.’ , . .I lillxtl‘i'l’\ (”'0 out «in striki- Ho and Thomas llin'ni-ll .‘m illllll'lilW

, - ’ ' representing: lhvi-nnti‘at'liiix ii\\ttt'l;lllt)ll. said ”11' mum l\.\ll(‘ lll thi-

: , - , , - . , ' ./
ARE GREATLY ‘. i " . V. ‘ l ’1 \Kéllktilll I\ .l ill\[)lllt‘ ”\i'i’ '\\tl1l('\
REDUCED! V I , I , ,t . ‘ TheKenmcky Kernel,ll4 Journaiugnmiid-m,Universatyov

Kentucky, Lexington, Kmtuckyl «>506, IS mailed live hm
weekly during the school year except Mina holidays an!
exam periods. ma Mice weekly durum the sunmet sessuan
mirociass postaqr paid at Lexington, Kentucky, aosii The

PqushndbvtMKerm Press, lnc 40m in W71 Begin as

niecm i894 nd lashed mom
0 . Kwnel salt; 19]: W l cont. ‘lyastheKc-ntudiy Kentucky
SChOOl VlSl‘l US. Advenismq publish!“ Man is mum: ‘il'l‘lp the mad"

mat?” “WWW“ WWW Kernel

PHILLIP GALL 8. son i§§ aim

Managing editor, News desk 257 mo

Am ,
7:: 230 w. Matti 254-0327 magismwm-mw


Before getting out of






About 1,500 graduating seniors caossaomcmem 1.2 ~
to attend I975 commencement ‘

'I'III-I KI‘IN'I‘I ('KY KI‘IRNI‘II. I’l‘ida). “3) 3~






tollege ot :\lll('(l llealth

Memorial Hall

\\ilhutu .\


tolleue ot l.a\i., (‘ereiuom

\t'ltl.\:\11' l"oree Ilti'll‘

[1111 .

l.t'\lllL1Itttl 'l'eehnieal

l’iograni. \leniorial Ilall

t'ollege ol Medicine.

K \lt‘ltttil'ltll ('ohseuni



Student ('enter 'l'heatre. lolloued h)’ reeeptiou at 1:110




(«.llege ol Nursing. (‘ereniony and lteeeptton, Ken
tuck} '1 11111111111 t'enter. l’aris Pike

1 ollege ot lilirar) Mienee, l‘erenion) and lteeeptton.
Auditorium. Agricultural Selenee

Memorial Hall

l‘I set‘ei sets.

ltooni :11. Student ('entet‘
t tillt'th' ot Engineering. ('ereinon). Memorial Hall

tullt‘ize ot Dentistry ('omoeatton. William A. Sea\'
\uditoiuuu Auru'ultural Selenee Budding,

(‘oni nieneement

and Reception.


Saturda), May 10
.11.:10 a in,

Alice IS
35. Her
son is l2
they re running
away from home

11:00 ant.


1100 am

12:00 noon

1'00 p.m.


1:10 pm,

200 pin,


2‘00 p.m.
2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00


2:30 5:30 8:30


Saturday. June 7

.12:(t(tp.m. Prices This Engagement




Other colleges graduating ceremonies dates

Kenn-l Stall “riter
l‘hr more than 1700 students.
Saturday. \la) 10, he
ienieinlu-red tor lietter or worse
.1\ their last nllieial da} at l’K
l-‘oi the students who plan to
l'i’aduute. \la_\ 10 \iill ltt' the da)
the llllllll
llat‘lll‘l'llll‘lll ll‘l't‘ltltllt} scheduled


lot annual t'ttlll

tni ll' lit in \lenioriall lill\t‘ltlll
\\'ll( II'\|l‘. that HM“
indent» \\1l| take part in

In I am ».
lllt‘ It'll 11mm Mtttl (lltlll
(‘HlllIltt'llt't‘lllt'lll at"


'1‘, 1H!" «unidinattu'
'1ltlt"1'lt'.\ .t ~liLtlit tnet‘eav‘ ”\l'l'


l.i\I \ear \ te\\ \ears

'tttlt'l,‘ pai’tit'ttiatinti

tie. lmuzi'. tut’ !,t\\\ 'lie trend ll;1\

lt"\t'l"~t ll

l‘arakint‘ mall
llatntltun .1

ll .Hltlttllt lll

Holman l1.~~tnt}

;-tt>lt'\\ii! .‘ 1.11 ll 'vlt\ 'lll‘ \l'dl~

lutlt' stuntlu'l tl‘.

tll|\ \

‘itll ll Iltt‘ M“.
lt‘.ltl ill l'lt'tht’ltl

\lllglltdtil. ll.ItlL't'll ‘dltl



Nth [Itep'

[vt‘l \


PO N D E R 05 A




(”Ni llti NTIAI

tOnH Bum 1800418 3710








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‘2“ E MAIN RT 250-60l0

Bargain Matinee, Wed Sat. Sun.

Singletary thl present the
William Ii Sturgill award and the
Mdney Sullivan

and reeognize
recipients the Alumni
\ssoeiation great teacher and the
lit-seareh Foundation taeulty


researeh awards

IIII Vl'l Ill-Ill, award
reeouni/es the graduate taeulty
IlJ‘Iltltl‘l' \Kltt) has made the most
outstanding eontriluitions to l’K's
Liraduate education 'l‘hree
sullnan medallions are .marded
outstanding than and

graduate an

tittt.\l.‘111(ltll}.1 loeal ('llllt‘ll

\lso. Hartman [tot-tor 01 Laws
tlt'L‘t‘et'.\ \\|ll he eontert'ed upon
.\i=;tllt lt llrhadhent t'adil.
autard \\ inning larni operator


and to

.lr .

tltLI’LIL’I‘ll in the produi‘tion ol
l;\tuid seal Hill] and lornier
‘\ttlll\.1ll .i\\at’d \Hltlll‘l ‘. ltt‘

.lltttlllIJ lxreps. speeialist on the
H‘Illt'llllt'K ol ailtlltl and trustee



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235 Bolivar St. 254-5719.

~Vl'hitney M Youngfir. president


Before 5 Evenings, Sat. 8. Sun.
Children $1.00 $1.50
of Berea ('ollege; B. Hudson AdUHS 2-00 3-00
Milner, Louisville (ias and LateShow LateShow
Electric (‘ompany president; and 11:30 51.50 10:00 $1.50

Special showing Walter Brennan in GLORY

oi Lincoln Institute near Simp- a‘12 00 M'd . ht' N 2
. : 1mg In 0..

sonnlle lor more than 30 years.





An honorary degree of Doctor
of Literature will he awarded to
ltr Thomas 11. Stroup.




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_ _ . . l
. ' l5 ' l
Harry Coul Will “we! § : . . I f. i
. I l
goonvwhere'o . limite facu ly coopera ton i
bug a private 3 I
CODVBFSONOU : Ih l\\|{|’\ (-III | 1: lm lmpp) «llHIlll (um l.IllH||.ll HI I‘..IHl/.Illtll| in“ m‘mh ;.
- P lu-I'm'l \lult “nu-r wlm'hn' \Lnlr \llll and llHlt‘Il lw-lnn-ulln1.ill\ .applnm‘llmu lln- l
HIS talents are : llH‘ 13.le ('I'III IIH nuu' H'um lint .ull:;|lll~'l.l:1u|: 0 HI: 'ln- H