xt7fqz22ft4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22ft4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1971 1971 1971-12-02 2020 true xt7fqz22ft4q section xt7fqz22ft4q 0 0 o ' .

‘ Funeral serv ices held in Memorial H all x . .

______________—__________— .
K' -‘H 'hdth l' 9
Lrwan. 3 enrlc 8 8 was 0 many . i
By TIM BALLARD, Assistant Managing Editor _ ' ,~|
”How do We go about capturing in words all the . V“ g ‘4 ~ _ -_ , 2’
talents, the gentlemanliness of this man?" asked a; Q “will?! ‘0 yr _ 2 x 4 ' i . 1';
the Rev. l“. Gault Robertson in eulogy of Dr. A. l). ' ”Q :3; ‘33,; 4 ”A; 3-! .~ _' HQ; 2
Kirwan. I awe. . ‘ AL} I». .I i :2 3' _i Q .
Kirwan. UK president from Aug. 10. 1908. until 2 w Q Jew . Q :flf If; ' c» 3
Sept. I. 196‘). died Tuesday morning of a heart :1” _ " 0...” 1.4; Q r‘i f” 3‘" _'_ ‘. V -'
attack. Funeral services for [)r. Kirwan were ~ ' i ..., "Pi” ' 1"“; 7" *3 7 '2 ~‘
conducted at ll a.m. today in Memorial Hall. The .f 3% t 7; ‘é g 3;! {-8. . . ' .
crowd of over 800 was very still throughout the Q 1' "fl: J“ 255» i; . 3 - " _
service, as if stunned by the suddenness of Q _"i " .,-ng‘.3§ 13:22 «W‘- "‘4 .i , Q;
_ Kirwan’s death. _ 3i *wzt'? " .
First Funeral 2:. ,n .:. 3* . . ' ;
It was the first funeral conducted in Memorial Q 7‘“ '” ~2 ~ '* .5" 9?: Q"
Hall. This was done at the request of Dr. Kirwan’s 2.2. 2:. ‘2 Q, “t- ’. f .-
wifc, the former Elizabeth Lewis lleil of g / ;.._ “Q; . t' '- ,2'i_
Louisville. Memorial Hall was built in 1928 in Q v. “2‘ ' 1"
honor of Kentuckians killed in World War I. 3; Q ~. 2 a Q Q, Q '
The Rev. Robertson, pastor of the Second Q 7 via _2 f If Q
Presbyterian Church, said of Kirwan, “His Q f» Jig." ,\_Q fi «I! "
gracious, useful, and fruitful life has enriched the 3““ 3 ‘i f
V lives of many. MQ l . Q . Q . i '9".
“His life touched countless lives. and left them 2 3 ”is: ' ” .«7 ‘ JP 2 '--.-.
richer for the relationship. His death leaves us all My 3 2' Q f" i“ . -, 3
poorer, weaker, and smaller, for we shall miss him if; ; i; ' ‘ a 7‘ Q m. Q' '
in so many different ways.” Q Q Q ”dig - Q’Ww‘i _.V f .Q : '
‘Kind of man’ needed a; * I {.2 I . i
Kirwan, characterized by Robertson as the ~93; m? {if “, j ..
“kind of man this world needs.” also served UK as “3’ f _Q Q; 1' - Q- . . ‘-
a football coach, history professor. Dean of Men. 1 9 Q _‘,.f; be!" ‘
Dean of Students, and Dean of the Graduate 1 )1 3E. ”f; ”:9, "‘ .
School. He was captain of the Wildcat football 4Q... ' ’i .
squad his senior year at UK, and he has authored “34 ‘ ‘ '7'? 7 ', t .
several books on historical subjects. " " .. ..M » Q. - "‘2‘ m l V ‘ f ’
Besides his wife, Kirwan is surVived by two sons, 7; ' ”E: if __ - Q ”Q Q, ' ,_
Dr. Albert D. Kirwan, Jr., of Annandale, Md., and ~ =’- Qi- ' y ‘ MW - r. (if; It.“
Dr. William E. Kirwan II, of Silver Spring, Md; a ., , :-'_
sister. Ms. C. J. McDevitt, of Murray; three WW i
brothers, Ross and Martin Kirwan, both of . ,. u’ "
. Louisville, and William E. Kirwan, of Versailles; , -.s Q
and five grandchildren. ‘2
The bOdyv WhiCh lay in state in Memorial Hall Mourners file into Memorial Hall for the funeral services for Dr. Albert D. Kirwan, former ’
from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. today. was interred in UK president. Kirwan, a UK graduate and history professor. died of a heart attack '3.
Lexington Cemetery. Tuesday morning in the UK Medical Center. (Staff photo by Jim Wight.) 7.
UK rte-accredited
G t M ' ' t'
By GREG HARTMANN. Assistant Managing Editor , Q
UK was re-accreditcd by the Southern Q Q
Association of Schools and (‘ollegcs Wednesday. '5 -'
* but formal notification to President ()tis 3, .' : ,4
Singlctary will not come for another si\ necks,
According to Dr, .-\. l). .-\lbriglit. \icc president '
for institutional planning and a delegate to the 5",
Southern \ssociation convention lll \lianu l l\ .
and the eiiiiimunity college \j»\lL‘l‘.l hate but” ‘-
tt‘-.ieLl’cd‘ileLl. Q, '. 2' it"
No question of accreditation ' 1 Q’
an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky Q2 2.1-lhcrt‘c \yill not lwieta lil‘ticni;iii ilitI tlicil. i'lt!\;~r\llQ\ €in '
v V v V V v v , ill 1111.1 0 TC LlCCrCtl CL , : ‘l‘lgll Mllt. _ S fe‘\.\lllf_’ Q , Q’ .-- '
Thursday. Dec. 2. l.‘l7l LEXINGTON’ KENTLLI‘Y 405"“ Vol. LXI“. No. (if; that his information came from informal sources = ‘I' .3 ,
_—'————_————-——-— on the Southern .:\ssociation ('ommission on H .'
Colleges. , -
Albright said formal accreditation would come
ay 01‘ ta {S O contempt in a letter to President Singletary sometime in 2 _ .
January or February. ', ,2
“They might point out a few points that need to ' "
o be strengthened," Albright said. commenting on
. char es 16 al 1111080 h the formal notification. “They may want to call I.
9 P p y attention to such and such an item.” . ‘
Every ten years I; _ .‘ '-
‘ By MIKE YORK AND MIKE BOARD, Kernel Staff Writers Rc-accreditation of Southern Association
Daniel T. Taylor, Ill, billed as a controversial “Contempt begins when you start to clear your miggiaeegraEZtlgrlgxnfnzdrhg:Flfncstitthjirgnt:Excdrggen ’ ‘ ’

, lawyer, reflected on his trial career and legal client and endanger the judge’s ego," he said. meeting in‘ Miami for the last five days transacting ' ’-.
philosophy to an overflow crowd in the College Of The Louisville attorney attributed the Southern Association business and considering the i ‘
Law courtroom Wednesday afternoon. conviction of Narvel Tinsley to a lack of accreditation of the about Q22” universities up this ;' ', . Q -‘ .

Taylor gained national prominence in his competence in the bench, and what he called year ‘ ‘ ‘ w. ‘J -
defense of Narvel Tinsley, one of two Louisville “society’s searching bloodlust for a conviction—a Ukis re-accreditation began over two years ago . ‘Q- Q Q '

,‘ youths convicted of murdering two policemen. At hatred in the majority against the minority and the when UK instituted a use” study" pméan (An '_ Q :' Q. ‘
the end of the trial, Criminal Court-Judge John P. oppressed.” earlier self study had. been carried out for ' Q Q '
Hayes found Taylor gu11ty 0f nine counts Of Sealed courtroom re-accreditation in 1960 and another for l’K‘s ‘. ‘. I‘
90mm” Of court and sentenced him to 4/2 years Taylor told how Judge Hayes sealed the centennial in 1965.) - . i _ ‘
m 1311' courtroom, and how he refused to admit one of Self study reports Q -, Q

Free on bail 3:323; sstztfszztindngnszlgvlas alieacglifllllsfazfsf frierfibtei? According to Dr. Howard Beers, head of the Q . _
The 4% year jail term is the longest sentence but when the girl was unable to be there, he Center for Developmental (hange. this seiistiidy ‘ Q . | 2.
ever given to a defense attorney in the history of (Judge Hayes) refused to let another boy who was almost as important to ['1‘ will: formal 2. ‘ ’
- . . . ,, re-accreditation by the Southern Association. . . ' '.
the United States. works in my office occupy the chair. “T ‘h ll , Q , ‘lf . d . . . . . , . ' . .. ~
The Louisville attorney is 0m 0f jail 0" $5,000 Defense attorney Taylor said a trial judge has 6: {13% y “(.38 [gt-u y-‘npfmf an “for“ m " 2
bond Pending the appeal Of his contempt charges. the power to “harass, accuse, insult and torment“ the am“, Vitinlgorganization. Bic“ .Wvd‘ ”But Wt ‘- ' '1
Working in Taylor’s behalf are at 1935‘ 11 lawyers, a defense attorney. “So it‘s an absurdity that a hope they ll , ~t used throughout [ht .l "1““,va ' I i ' .
including William Kunstler, the defense attorney trialjudge can do no wrong." he said. Beers ”[1”!an “ports were ”warm by. bk . V i '
for the Chicago Seven. - personnel on every department. every one of the . _
Proposed changes 15 colleges, and on 12 UniverSity~Wide topics. 2 ' Q
Judges’ ego Tayloerrfoposeg several changes in the judicial Many topics , .
Ta lor offered various reasons why he felt he system. e 'avore .2. . . _ The self study reports dealt with topics as -' 3‘
was )cited for contempt. “In my experience in : QZEZVI?;J::;CQ::;nmtm:gézj‘zrrzzn1:25:21 physical plant, faculty, research, and financial Q ' \‘ , _
America,” he said, "you can’t defend cases . Shortegnin pthe term opf life tenur: for 'ud. es resources. They discussed UK's role in a changing Q ' .
without automatically incurring the wrath of the 3 J g " society and suggested improvements, -' . Q
trial judge.“ Continued on Pale 2. Col. 5 Continued on Page 2. Col. 4 V i

 ‘_’ ~~ Tllli kli\'l‘l'( l\\ Kl“R\l7l. Tlnnsilm. her. ‘2. NH WM
6 " Ol't VV‘ll'llS cam )l‘lS "' ‘ )OQSI ) f,1
c » , , ll 1 [HO] . c .
Bx (ilJ‘ORGl'T l-. (.IBSON. Kernel Staff Writer
. . \illiiii.3'l. ill-C ‘itl\l\ ml 5: 1’.'i:.‘\l «le'l‘ \l'.\".i“ll‘lll“ “ l lli‘ !.'i\lc'i Ml Lll\c~"lilc'[;l ini {In t'.iit:l‘:ls ”lllc llHH'PH’f. il.i~ 2. -,I‘ t'ltl/ul ll‘\ (IIIllllIfl~‘ilii>;, iU
I ‘Wlll ‘llm‘ d I'k‘l‘k‘sII “1 \l-ll will U‘Uld WU” icniains i,li_\.” the i‘ci‘oit said. and hen c‘illlll‘lis its other coiisinucizc} inc students Slllthll'ili'
' #311” «lsU‘Hlm? 1“ d [\‘ili’ll picpaicd lt‘l' lllk' turmoil could l‘c smiled h) .i ”calculated said , . , .
. tarncgic commission on Higher l diication. gm ern mental action" or “an unintended StwcHiani ah" W" ll“... [ 'l'\“'l."’ll'.\ mm ”W"
consequence" ot‘ such an action, like the shooting. t‘i‘iiiii "111 lW“ I‘JWM” hi“ l‘l” “ "ll “3”“
‘ oi~ tour Kent State students l\_\ National lootinenilhlllsW'liklk'll1‘L
_ I (niardsmen. Cl 1' Potential exists S
_ ianees 5 im ~
. ‘ .. . . Jill Raymond. L'llllll'\\()lllilll oi the Student h
‘ . . - ' ‘ orge I} :‘i’l‘l‘o‘l‘ “HIM 1n and told ll“ ”:5: Ina: [[10 Mobilization (‘oniinittccx also said spring would A
. : [lObSlllllllI\ ot a disriIiIPtioIn this spiing. q Ill-ll“ iL probably be quiet unless something major II
.' , , , , was terribly move. said l)r.I DaVid .toKIIIiIaIni. happened to shake up the students. “A lot oi C
C -. ,' Assrstiint to the Vice lresidentIior Studtnt I airsI people are IIch 01‘ protesting,” Ms. Raymond said, SI
. .g' . Stockhani IielIt thatIsoinc hllld otvgovcrnincnta “It would “I“ something major to get them
f , move could ignite a disruption Lil le. ‘Soniething tog ‘th Jr .. O
' , - - - - . in Washin’ton could triH‘r irot‘sts." Stockhani ‘ k L I ~~ , -. . ,v ~
. . , Winning DICTUFES WI-ll be published _, 5 . . ““5 l. ‘ , . Committee on Militarism chairman Bill Moore II
. , said. but l can t put lll) linger on what that agreed “It‘s hard to sav now what will happen in _ c
. II , :3 . Wll'h credit In l 972-73 Student WOMd haw to he. the spring. The potential for a disruption is always ;
, , ' University-student relations l . , ‘ d ‘)1]"[hjn' could happen to cause eo l-
._ . ,L HondbOOk Cros r . . . ticrc an s(rIL g. t . p [M n
Ii ‘. .- ’ 5 Odds“ Barring any provocative action. Stockhain telt to come out. he sand. F
. . . so . -. ‘ , . 1 ‘
_ . . 1. Entries mus. be 8 1 . . . . . that on the haSis ot the last I. months. spring I . . .
. . . . . . x 0 prin s No negatives or polarmds ‘I I ll h‘ u‘ ‘t .. Need action oriented issue ‘5
. . . - '. . wrll be permrtted. Only U.K. students may enter. 5 l‘ U L L q k ' c
" l i ' . .‘t i ‘lx'lltllll alst said I ' lniv ‘r." v W' 3 "k ’l N 'llll ‘r Ravinond nor Moor‘ " ’ ' ‘ .
. . x . . . i 2. Entries should be labeled with student’s name, address, 8.} k“, j H ,.[)H , he ,L , t 81E, 38‘1“”? x )1 ”1;“. .IL hut '1, )1l ‘- ‘lt 'l ‘ ”£120?” Pinpoint ml e
. II . . . year and college and information concerning the picture. to can.“ tic cs fiian it “as two )cars ago. It salt ta i . s . t, l c 1 con In either a national 5
- ' 5 3 P' h since the May 19/0 disruptions the LilllVL‘rsllV liar or local issue. or some torm ot repression coniine
I ., . . . . ictures s ould not have been taken before September 1970 been more concerned with student Mm“, lrom the L lll\c‘l’.\ll_\ or the coiiiiitunitv. \
. '. - . and should be U.K. campus and/or Student Life oriented. - P
. ' r
l I Ii.
‘ .. SUBMIT TO ROOM 513 —_ P o T WALLACESB°°k5*°'e UK will 1,9 .1 'er . lit (1 i
.I j" .. 257_3754 Is Now Reservrng ' ‘ (I C “ :’
L DEADLINE DECEMBER 15, 1971 7"“. "5 J Delenate Alln-iuhi say; ‘
_ , '- For The Spring Term r- - :— , u >
. -. _, , , ' a
. - . . ('ontinued from Page 1 \l o i’ i ‘z s s a i d o n c
. . :‘ . , " ’ 'l i1,» “9.”, “I... ,.,,mI.Ii.I.,,_L\3 To. tillllit‘lltltillttll made h} tin .
t I. I. I i. CHICAGO 5 GREAT! I H T l‘} .lanuarf. 1""l and sulwniiited \‘Wllmlllfl? appointing: d 1W“
~ ' '. to thy S:\,Ull]\']’if I.\,c,.,~,,,{,.,;\,I ln dean (it the graduate school i» . é
I. .i .J 'I ” l‘lk‘l‘vllldl‘l .i lk‘dlll \ll ltlc‘illl} ‘ll‘ Li \ileitlie}. lllltl alrcad} llx \‘li
.' ’ " . ' H it members and .t‘.ll‘.‘iltil\'ll'.ilttrs k'ill'l'lk‘d "l”-
;rI ' Q' " ‘”"' troin menil‘er institutions ot‘ the I‘m-"l” L'K president lili‘lll‘
K ' V " SiOeCIa/ Southern Association came to DlClWZV- ”0W C-‘WCUIWC (“1'“le
. ' , /YPr,Ced4 LTK and \‘l‘t‘m several days of the National (‘ommission on
.1 . . . ‘Records touring the campus and .»\ccreditation. addressed one
,- . I . er (‘4 . jnlgn‘jcu'jngI session oi the convention. lle
. , ~ _ . V. I« )x 3086;; “This hrings in a lot of spoke on the problems ot
. . _I I .- 0 different ideas t'roin elseuhere,“ Voluntars accreditation and the
a' . I. , _ Beers said. describing the process ”WW towards t‘ederal control ”l
' . '. . as LiL‘iitlk‘llllc‘llll}' enriching. the process.
.I . ‘. g, » 1-. ‘l I , Preliminary copv . T I]
. . , , . ' L Q s
'. ‘- . -‘_ . _ .»'\ccording to [in Alvin \iorris. 0) 0r (1715149118
At . Vice president tor .
a 3 . .~ ”it/u , ' administration. the visiting "H’III (I ('h (Irgps
- ». . 2 Qu deS3posre, egle committee suhmitted a
, - . ~-* . 98h 34nd I ir‘liminarv ' -~ ' ~ ‘ ;- r
-. a- -. . CO/oULM9”8674,, . “Wage. ‘ ‘ . . -. W“ “’ ”‘5” “W on 0011111111
. . . , . iy WOr/d/ age/7m ’Ogran, to [ix this summer so the . _ .
-_I ,l', , '. , I. ‘ p/tgl/ldkereg’l/lari/BC L'niversit} could respond and (ontinued trom Page I
. . - ' . ‘ SD'~/~" IrN‘I. Val/fl! ' .. .1 , ,,, s ,,
II I. I I ._ I 'I «burners ”/6/26 0,2”795 . [Mlllll (llll clilI\I ktl'.lllIiik\ lllchl’,‘ . ( lUl‘lltv in? C(llllCllll‘l’l'l‘
I . I . s Tc since the committee s ‘.i\:: . ‘ .
. , I, .. , . , 4 c'illfl charecs
W 3 w 'T' . 0 Fighting corriiu nidee»
‘. . , . I mil; the same procedures thei
.' I i. ‘ -_ . , , . e u t‘llli‘il"I\ on the bench.
'-. .. ZI' . ‘I April 5-Apl'll 11, 1971: W311 poster, tWO giant W311 posters 'l a \' l o r a l so a n swei c
L. . . . , . ~ I ' I v . , ¢ V
.A . _ ,. .. . Chicago became the first and only (23’ x 33"),and a full-color,20-page ON CAMPUS Wm Your immune media chiirecs that
.I - ‘ "i non-classmal ensembletoperform photo album. - P"’°"°“’Y “‘5‘“ ”l 'J“ “”‘r">“”""““”lv‘
.~ . -. . . . . . - ‘II"I ” .'. j l 4* , “. I . .. L. ;ii
. . ,. , SIX nightsmarow at Carnegie Hall. TheCompleteWorks Live E. Q ”11le “l“méfl‘l“ ”in”, l “‘1‘ °
- - . - ' ' . -":»-“"‘f:" . , no we a Uen eman ie sau.
. ' V ' Eve w . ' :17; ,.. ;I M,” . .l _ ,-_, l: ‘ .
" ’ 4 -‘ - l ‘ th wings; lalstiOIdOUt Eglerymght On Columbia Records . j: . "\v hen protocol is more
. . ,I .I , . ey p 3y. a e mcredi esongs (3:311; iII‘IIIg'Ifi; l 1 w '. iitrportant than justice. or when
.-. , ' . ' 3 " thelr audiences came to hear. And ' - . ;. £5257 1.1. L. 5*- “ -. ' i’ c .i s o it a l‘ l e n e ss is in o i c
.. . _. . Selections include. - :::. 1; J5‘; ‘ - . a» ’._ , ..
. . , , everything was recorded. Questions 67 and 68 - I’m a Man - Beginnings goof 5, - ‘ -_»r°~,,. ”WWW” than 1021K-
. . _r . Thishlstoric event isnowavailable gglour My World - Make Me Smile suotv‘zt _ , » Won't be a gentleman
.. ' I" i I . ' ' . . Doe luflI l“ E’f‘c' C. C ”7 r‘ ’ I if?" 1:”:5 .. -
- -. asa specrally priced 4-record set m:{$§:,‘.,.s,.‘rf:g. Fa’geggfofipgw '4‘” “,5 .- i mii not its ,. gmnmun m
- - -, 1', that mcludeea colossal4 ft. x 6ft. Lowdown- Plus 22 others. 79-93: "529.137: 1;. ll“ ‘llmm‘m‘ “hm 1‘ ”la" ‘
, . _ and LL. VWI. (j lite is at stake, and he is
. ’: i! onCohn'biaRacordsTapes ”WC V13“??? V innocent. i will not railroad hnn
. .II .' J . comm-1i; gwnmmwmmmus. . _,.,....-.--w .. Q hid— . to the 1.600 IvoltIu he said.
’. ., . . x $ 50 Alter criticiling the iiidicial
' .t, - - ‘ . ' I“? - “find” 52 50 system. Taylor asserted his faith
'. "I ' l I I 9 ' ,,-~,n-°":§:..}.s F 3ft.x4ft. $6.50 “l ”W 111W itself. “I love the
. » . g . , l M " L I / mgr; _. , . law.‘ he said. “l will live under
' . . , .. ‘ ' O eve a? -' > > . c'drw: :2 H753 f 5 lift; the law 3 ‘ ' w v
.‘ . I . 272-4511 935:,“ crawl»: v .3; III.I..II3I III .L tummy. l iit I Will not l1\( iindci
‘ . :I' IL 56‘".C“:Sl‘- Thewrrllfii 'v" ' ‘ - ‘
. . . x , . “mm. x , 'v
. . -, 3 . , ' ~ . . ‘ , . ln advice to the students
, . . . , . FAYETTE MALL W l Super Posters ”JENSONSBLVD- . - -
. '. .1 - . QHWM in, FLUSH'N5~N-Y ”356 luHor told them to avoid the
.I I -. I v. r 'I Th P compromise at all costs. He sand.
' i' ' . “ x . ‘~ L - \
. ,i _ , .. - e ertWIllab P , The compromise )ou laht hour
"a" , ‘I y apers by DOD ROSO afld Ron Weinberg by hour. day by day~is when
. '_ :"1'" .1 .7: ..-~ ' , . . ~ yondie." '
. . ' I I.I I h I I ‘b ‘ . I —___—_ _ ._ .
. , . . . I '- 1'; '
. , . I, ,I ,_ l - I - ,II , .- ; . . L O - if The Kentucky Herncl
, II , .- II , . ’73?) . .' . ii. .. .. ‘ ‘ 3 The Kentuek ' '
. . i .I _. ., .. y Kernel, UniverSity
' . , I l I “in, I;\ {If r .. : N . \,/\ I; , _., 3 _ 27 Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
, _I I, . , ., i I {f4 I (.1 - . «k. x I .. . L. , .‘ gng (r: W iiigton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
I . .‘ '.~ .‘ ,‘ . u:”i‘~(f a . ”I f; "3 L I .. /f;{ t ‘t __I ‘- ‘ l O i'u-tage pznd at Lexington. Kentucky.
1 ‘ 1 , l l, ' . 3 1 , :“ 'l If-TII- , ' 'FI I\l 37%“ g: Irv; .I d”. ‘ ., , Mam-d five times weekly during the l
*‘ l 9 . c , -. . , 4‘1,” :\ . ‘ Jo, ' f, 3') 3&1} , < ”Wml H‘Hr except holidays and exam
I . ,, , . , I/ \ EINV I l: // , .t. m 5;, firsfiéswufik . . in nods. and once during the summer
.1 z , 5 ~ . , ~. ” M. .. t, H ‘; - ' xv . 2-,: 0 \w .
, , . .I . 'L . .» [.1 fl It} E*~*Vi .m‘ '2); . . .\ .I‘: "i’i'flII'IJ .I’f V l’hllbrlhshed by the Board of Student
. ‘ ' ’ ., ‘ ., ‘7‘ I” H‘ x .4 "I "" 4!“ V o ' ' V _ Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
. l V, 4 \ A \\ I > : vov \ fif .
. . - -. ' . . L' p; . at: ,-"“/‘..r\ ,.’5’,“, \ ~ 3. ’/I' ‘ . °“ 'LMK lIiiIvziIm as the Cadet in 1894 and
v , ‘ l " r it , N -.i::;:;:,..’. . o ,4 i flies: . , ~ a.
. -_ ‘ ‘ a ._ WI . . , J‘ 5.; r/ \ Ing (/5 ‘3 . tuna: . 1 Advertising pubished herein is in-
' a Z N , _ l) ‘\ 1/ ‘3'" i ‘ “fi’\ l . ”i 'i i/i .. II x Kt: . l l \. l I I ' -, lkrm«t:§!: - , :(‘girleil to help thelkrcader buy.hAY‘;.\I'
.. . .. .,,- ' " 'i , ,.\’.,-- . 5; i.” ,3, Ii-,., ‘v’ i 5,35, , 5: . . nsvv urnn-lnd d’ ti.'ngs our
. I .' . ' ‘ . L” ,I _. ,x‘ ,' '2, ' J "“5; ,A'ti' ’1' \‘g‘\ H1131}, V” “ill; Ry) lldj ~/- ,' ls.) ly‘l \. r V - h" ”DUMP; (to I'llliieafizl‘il‘or:
‘ . ' I »; ’ -"J.'9£'-' V, -' .L ‘ i/" (‘1‘le ~‘, .I , ‘. IF". 5 w, ) 2-; ; .v i i , , m a}, SUBSCRIPTION RATES
II I , ‘ [u {I'IHI::. '5‘. K7: I- L“ 1 , ’ " “ f] 7'" ‘ ‘\ if: "A 4_ 5, ,u A ’ a I.‘ \‘ I) ’ ~ - Yenrl). by mail ~- $10.50
,’ " i I 0 i‘o- - 37/ ‘ NC, ~ ‘ t -, ‘ - 2””; , 1 W //’i la} - "-‘P'l l i \\ 5’ \x P" copy‘ ”0'“ mes " 3‘10
' , , 0 j ." . ‘ ~. 3 s \ i ‘ ' 4g: 5 «i // , . 2/, . s 4. _u .- f: ll I" .~ ‘ \ l ‘ KERNEL TELEPHONES
. E a _ ii. M: J ' "a , / ‘ ‘ xi, it.“ "‘ "it l 6‘ m. . y“ “l “"0““ Pm Editor.
_ w .‘ i . .) -i- I l‘ _ . _ L LII, / 3“" l, ,4 .l ’W \‘l ’ 1‘ , .II' I,“ Associate Editors. Sports .. 257—1740
, , U I i . ’ - ‘ a; ' . «L an. -s. l , a l' ,A’ .' 4 J‘ W! h \ b \l' -- ' Adyertismfi BusineSS- Circula—
_ " ' ' ~ ‘- ., «‘U ”.' ,, e, t s, tion........................258-4646
' ————————-———-

 “ ________________.________—_______ THE kF.\Tl'( Ki KERNEL Thursday. I)“. 1!. NH — ‘i
J C ' o 9 4 ‘ , ,

038 I errer narrates mg am -

aua} ' _ I

't‘llt't -. I. II '

T h e U K (I la oi r i s t e r s. first performance will be in j I I {’7 ~23; , .. ' \e‘ ‘ . x? 4; . ’ I .' - .
Orchestra. and (,‘ollegium Memorial Hall Saturday at 8:15 .. «a, I 537 r ' \IILI -I r I MEI = , , 5' I‘
Musicum Motet (‘hoir combine pm. The second performance i '. / II\I‘I I MP: I' . I .'

”in” forces this weekend to present Will take place at the Church of if ‘ . I'I‘;I:¥I ““ I“; Q: I I 334' I . ‘ .

would Arthur Honegger‘s oratorio the Ascension. Frankfort. I 3-; III , I - WP: ' .. ' '

ml” “King David.” The oratorio is Kentucky, Sunday at 8zl5 p.m. :m -.. 5 a. .: " :‘a I _ . I‘

)t of composed of a series of psalm Although no admission will be t j I MEI . ' .I
Sim!" settings which reflect the events charged. those who wish to “I! I I 71:5 9:25 I I

them of King David's life. attend should reserve tickets. i .7 ~ I I I ,I . .IIE' .

Honegger. a twentieth century According to an official in the , i . . I-
loore composer, tied the choral and Music Department. no tickets .5 ;, "u, g; .51 i 1 " g . . II. -

ten in solo selections with narrations. remain for the Lexington {MM . Ii “2?. K95” J I. I ‘ .. ‘f "), é " ‘ ‘ I 'I ’ ‘

[way/s Noted actor lose Ferrer will performance. but some tickets »- I ‘~' g, - " A”. I I " ‘g‘. . \l m' A‘ f. ' 1N 5‘ ‘. FI' i ‘ ‘ r 7 . -‘ .

eople narrate the UK performance. are available for the Sunday » ’1‘}, II I a " I I' 1‘ ~ I‘ aIl - ‘ 3 ‘ 3 ‘3' I“ .It 3’ . I‘ . '"I ;. .

Ferrer‘s role in the performance concert in l‘I rank fort. J y 5‘ ‘ —, , .' L4 . VI“ v; .( V‘, .I' ,' ”it -'~ '5 & ‘._ t s .
is of major importance. since the Reservations may be made by Q“ . . ‘ ' ' " ‘1 ‘. Or", QM_ . u 9 2"; .9 ‘. i . : I.‘ ; I. '_
continuity of the work is almost calling either 258—4936 in I “-3: ‘ AI ‘. , .9 _ . «I . , I", ’ _r’ ”'5. I-' f}, z .y I” ‘II" I at:

”1““ entirely dependent upon the Lexington. or 233-0557 in . ., I II I W ~'- , - - “‘2' .- -’ " I e ‘ E ‘I ‘— .__. Z;

”Um” spoken explanation. l'Irankfort. . II “'I f MIISQKI I _ " c I“ " M ‘ I Iv
”m“? Quinists for the weekend These concerts mark the I t: if?“ ’ , . - , I if: '. w‘mas .. ‘ MI“: “Q 'I- ,I

performances are Michele culmination of weeks of Wigwam 3mm; #4wa m :12. shill-HT ”was? «~" _ . T g. '3
Aranotf. contralto. and Susan r eh ea r s a l . planning and gM’IWu—é—cw‘m IIIIIIIII IIWM,” ' ' i . '-
l‘ ichellierger. soprano. both coordination by the indiyidual “‘3 WW 9 I . 'I’ ~
Jiti‘te‘1rLri it} [iKIs‘ production til Dc‘TlItH'i‘iici's‘ IlllLl c‘tiiic'c‘H «tlIllc'ltils. \1‘ I I .. . II I . III x I ‘= I II I" I I ‘.IIII-I I'
IIhla'cldliit' Butterfly” this William llaxcns. program . - ,. 9 ‘_ _ 'I " A -
\t!".;21:;‘l‘ \licllat‘l Shatter. boy director tor the presmtaimns. . _ . .. . I ‘ » {III t" ,
.s/‘i‘rrzmo. .\i;tri linyinirini. tenor said “II he lIls Department of , "'5- , . 'I II 'w - ‘ , , " 4112’: I : .- Q ';
aitd l’7.yli:s lc‘,'.i‘;e'\\‘_ contralto. \lusic hopes to nake this a yery Egg; _;_q _ I .. I‘ . .. > . , ., . I ' I
o n c ‘8 ..‘.sl=.‘y lsI. \lt‘trgan, chairman successful event. cspecmily \lllcc‘ 3%? I '- .- "- f .. I, .I ' %IIIII:§I ‘I .I.' I I

the oi the Depar‘t'iient of “RINK. “till We will be assisted l‘}. the ‘~cl“y Dr. Wesley K. Morgan conducts a rehearsal for llonegger's “King David” Il‘tiesday in _I zI I

neyy o r: d ii t t i \i. at c it a r a t c considerable talents oi .I\ll. Memorial Hall. The performers for the Saturday and Sunday concerts include lIK‘s . ‘I

rol in . pertorni..«nt:s of the Work the l'Icrrer.II Clioiristers and Collegium Musieuni Motel Choir. and the L'K Orchestra. It 'I
l‘ccti . . I.I_
‘Irank ; I‘ .4

IL'L‘it‘l . . ’ . » j . ,. . .. .. , I . I:

m on > ' ' ' " " ' Rahsaan -l‘{oland lsirk on his instruments lll “Rahsaanica . i‘~i‘etlooiiietl Cklsli‘lltc. 5111311111»! .

oiie The Kentucky Kernel new Best album (Atlantic) which is flowing. peculiar and sometimes oi Iowa on porches. “a

L He plays honest and naked music capable of inducing \isions of Jim (arroll seems as uniultilled I, .

S oi that is‘capable of taking over'tlie belly dancers. as anyone until wrth‘ctl H be -_ '-

d ”M. soulot the listener. His music is SKY your mean hairy scary fantasy .

classrtied as Jazz but. like so . ,y . becomes essence. .' I .
rol oi . . , Sky s second album. Sailors
much Jazz. one can t really Delight (RCA) has some . _ .2 ..
ima ine it without hearin it. J . I I I ~7 .' - I
"1I551:1,;;:_E;E-f:':}¢gi'_232:-.323'_'jE3353;'ngigigfgigigigégégigigif;:;:';Eg32315;]:,'.5I.2ngf;5231:5;33112352jégfgi;:.;j2;335.fgi;;;:;.;}Egigéfgi;_.-j»1-32,“f";E;213235573233;:31ngEgigéiétiig' Kgirk plays flutes. saxagphones. subdued YOCk n‘roll that seems Tl ‘ i” tCRp’IjIery. m ) in ms _ g .I a

5‘ black mystery pipes and about to express what IS in the sad eyes ‘K ”5 , t‘f‘ylm“ ‘ F 1; f I, 9.. )-

. . on the back of the cover. to ( ountry (Clean). WlllLll IS tllt ‘ ‘
twenty other instruments in a H A name of the album and the .
manner that leaves little need for IITOOIY ~ complete ‘Ylth rou one doesn‘t really notice ; 1' I.
lyrics. “la-la-na-na’s. is the kind of “l in th‘ h in 1 ‘ j - , .‘ _ .‘-I

‘ ., y . . g c x L c p t t h at .

. “The Inflated Tear“ starts Off want you song that most of us somebody/’5 smooth piano 9 (I _‘
With an almost surreal grew up WIIII‘ Only now WII creates the effect of one long I 1.
flexaphone. Soon reeds take supposedly understand; song and a song called “Fine and I :, _‘ .-

pi—ti over, gomg from very .50“ to “1/: also] get d IIIIIL good EIS llasy.” The song makes one feel ." ,

harsh and finally ending up ROI- n ro in“ II song III I, iust that way after awhile. r.I . “ I .'

Ules“ serene. The songis’osten‘sibly a thgguIstt 13:11:: I WIIICII IS II IIICII I After hearing (‘ountry about _
the\ 6001‘ S— muSical tale of kirk s accidental 0 J ~ ‘ - four times one realizes that .

I blindness shortly after blrth' By “M CARROLL stories of alienation. murder and I- " '
etc; the end Of. the piece one can feel “I You have forgotten about suicide are encompassed within g I, .
iat he the writer 5 eventual acceptance the transient nature 0f human the vocals of two brothers. (Two
nanly Of his fate. ‘ .. , “TIC ”1051 Of {110 music on “(l9 of the five members are Michael -: . 1'

‘l yyiil , . . Sometimes l” playsson‘iethiri‘g one of Jim .(‘arroll (AckNll Will and Steve l‘Iondileri . . . .
.sard. sott.‘“re'ally .SOfI- Ill“ . Lid) ’5 serve as a lyric reminder. A song about a fine young " . y . ’_'
more in rle Pu? j‘ and “Edens-l one hears; Singing With distinctive pace “\lan l’rom Alabama" ‘who . I _. ,. .:
when hnlgf tfrlmkg. gu ura moaning an changes he tells us. "You must knew a ting young girl from . g {I
more a -s“ir1e ’lng' . , be crazy ' Alabama tells hoyy the young .I ‘ -- -

ln Making LOW After HOURS YouIre gonna die man for no reason kills the girl 9 ,. .'
Kirk plays three instruments Soon. maybe sooner “In the morninI . _ . without . .‘ _
(including a nose flute) and is They neverlie“ wariiiiiI.II saying J5 he does .0 ,

“m in bileCd up by some ripping Within thk‘ PUG”! 0f Sidt‘ WW that “All you need is a tiuuk II ' .
”l‘mI‘ piano. the listener is offered a brief right hand to end it all“. g , 1 .‘
he is H C P13 .V S C V C n more soj our n a Way from his Sum Hints/[chi I ‘ I . ’ ' I

id him . .1 '.
1dic1ul - I I9“? I ,

9 faith ' ' ., I- IIiII' , I . I ~ I
under _ t‘ .I} ~ ' _, ' ‘I . O O 4 " . . 'v:
wt . 4% v = 111g 1 b ra ry I I I II

9 “ml 2:} i 6 9 I , . ' I: = ,

, . hosts vent '
when ’ W ' ft"; Y . ' , - I ; .

¢I yew - .. a: g , g - .‘C. ~ The King Library s mam reference-room «second floor) . ‘ - - .

r“ . ,y , ' (‘9,Qé , I. "’ , M I, y *7 . will be the scene Friday for an astonishing break with the .'. I _

2°33 we?" _ _ " ant1~norse tradition usually associated with libraries in ‘ .

a class .'I."' ” LJ’I; * .t ’ 3. ‘i general. According‘to Director of Libraries. Stuart l'orth. . '

“ntgcl‘fi‘; ~- ’9‘ . ~ 1 , J “King‘s Advent l'vent" features the le\mgton Brass . " > . '.

19mm . :5? _ Quintet. and is designed to proyide a “break from the . ‘ ‘ -.I

ummcr I ., regular routine and offer some seasonal musn to. the . I _. -

3;“358'3 ‘ (fit _ I I edification and delight oi the libraryIs tau‘iit; clients. the I‘ .

94 and ' ’9‘ V ; , students." l‘Iorth added. “We \\ ant them in rela\ before "
Kernel . s. .l f as. 4‘ a 5'. . \\ CXflniS.II “ " .

,.lSA‘,’.‘; J . AI! . _- . i /, kegs: Friday's program features (IIhristmas music from the l5th . '
should ‘ 7 9 j : g ‘ ""‘ .t ’ ~_ through 20th centuries. including works by llolborne. ~ ,

LI ‘I I: I\ " _‘ \ y . Brahms. Nelhy'bel. and some traditional Christmas songs. _ . _ '

In The five performers in the Lexington Brass Quintet are all members of UK’s Department The program begins at noon. .

of Music. They are (from left) John T. Melton, trombone; Walter Blanton, trumpet; Rex _ ‘-

57'1755 A. Conner, tuba; Richard D. Winslow, trumpet, and James London, French born. The - . g

57-1740 quintet just returned from giving concerts It the Phillips Gallery in Washington, D.C., and .

258—4646 West Virginia State College. . . . *

__ ‘ .

 l—THE [\ENTI'(IK\ kERNEL Thursday. DH. 2. l97l _______________________________——————————— —"
i '
Sorority S prmg Rush _ ..4 4!
Ja n ua W 29— Februa W 6 ’ v ‘ f = 21—
2 - *1.“ ”1% ' 95-}? ' “*3. Ext ‘ g
[E 22* e = " 1 l ." *- r 2 1 wt 22:.
' Reglsfer December 6-9 § 111. '1 " a“? 1 g $3 '7 j: , “If; “g" fig: 5315f. ,
‘ » Mex {'62: 22-.” ' I; &- ”in W:;sf;~=‘fj§5" .2
' Complex—Donovan—Blazer Cafeterlas fl. W , a
7 , “._I'ng... . 6 : E _ if . " I
, ': . ._1 ' b» Jerome Law rence and Robert E. Lee 2 ._: ' Mgfl I >_ .-, ".... f ”if _ i
)' Directed bx John O'Shaughnessy ‘ 3“ "H ' ~.._: i? at 1.3%: '. ’ m k
- : ' GUIGNOL THEATRE - _, 1- EE E1111 .
. 1 _ *5 i 1 '. I 1% < ,
, f . '1 ' December 1, 2, 3, 4 8:30 p.m. "1.2:. ; " ._ f :3; _ j m F '9 "’°’
. December 5 7:30 P.m. .. .23 3* ‘2’! '
.1 ‘. . .- Reservations; 258—2680 noon to 4:30 daily ‘8? 1 3:26 *5 ~ {1‘ is: Axe-lg s ‘
‘. . \QX$‘:§%§’:§€{§:?::‘?<:»Kfi:\._ _ :ijte _; 1::25:55:12»::H‘::I‘V-I'ME’§_":' 222‘? ‘25-: fl 5”“)? .. .
. . l l’lurhu't‘t/ MI (U'lu’llfll nn H! nit/1 .‘um'l‘ii'un I’llltlu‘r'igllliix‘ Thom". $39” V * , 2 ’ €35 ‘3)
,- I . ‘9
' ' ' .' ~ ‘ ’ “I love the [nu .
‘ . I , V “ Several students listen intently as Dan Taylor‘ a controversial Louisville lawyer, speaks
1 '. “ - . 0D9WNTONN 'ZANDALE ORlCHMOND about his law career and legal philosophy. Taylor appeared Wednesday before an overflow
‘ . . . crowd in the courtroom of the College of Law. (Staff Photo by Phil Gardner)
. . - ' I ' ‘ o a
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