xt7fqz22dv0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22dv0d/data/mets.xml Louisville, Kentucky United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1941 19 leaves : maps, forms ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number TD167 .U550 1941. books  English Louisville, Ky. : City of Louisville Health Dept. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Report of the Sanitary Survey of Louisville, Kentucky, 1940-1941, Works Projects Administration ...Under Direction of Food and Sanitary Division text Report of the Sanitary Survey of Louisville, Kentucky, 1940-1941, Works Projects Administration ...Under Direction of Food and Sanitary Division 1941 1941 2015 true xt7fqz22dv0d section xt7fqz22dv0d       __            __,_     Im. -.....
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;    j A   SANITARY SURVEY   I         I  
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  City of Louisville Health Department
      Charles   Davidson
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    1¤¤b11¤1¤€·d by the
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{$ Foreword
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5 gy This booklet has been prompted by the desire of the City
a§ Health Department to make Louisville a better City in which to
ls  . .
g live. It has been generally known that there existed a great
QQ many insanitary privies, that too many premises were not supplied
§ with Cit water that rats and hoe ens were ver much in evidence-
 z. · I , :
‘M but this information was not in usable form.
r y
& The staff of the Food and Sanitary Division is much too
W . . .
Q small for even their present duties and could not undertake this
Qi survey alone. It is with deep appreciation that the aid of the
Ed Work Projects Administration is acknowledged. With these combined
W . H . . .
Q efforts accurate information on lc,504 premises is now available.
. tl '
· § §_ , , r ·
Pi Louisville, Kentucky Charles M. Davidson
"i   . .
it September 29, 1941 Sanitary Engineer
ES 5
= ii

 A. ,
Adequate Screening — Wire screening, in good condition, covering
every opening from outside into the premise.
Adjacent - If city water lines or city sewer lines abut
any side of the property, it is adjacent.
Animal Outbuilding — Outbuilding used to house any animals other
than hogs or chickens.
Carry containers — The carrying of water from one premise to
another, as a regular occurrence, the
premise to which it is carried having no
other drinking water.
` Cesspool ~ A pit into which sewage is directly
discharged. Can be loosely lined or not
lined at all. A disposal system by itself
and not to be confused with an effluent pit.
Chemical Vault — A vault privy equipped with chemical tanks
which are built water-tight. They are
usually made of metal and are filled with
water in which caustic soda, or similar
chemical is dissolved. The organic matter
is decomposed chemically and the bacteria
are largely destroyed.
Community System - A private system that serves more than one
· premise.
_ Drainage field — A series of farm tile constructed with open
joints, laid in trenches in loose material
such as cinders, gravel or crushed rock,
through which effluent may drain and leach
into the earth.
‘ Effluent Pit - A pit dug into the earth to collect the
effluent from a septic tank or drainage
field. The effluent leeches into the soil.
This is used only as a part of a sewerage
Enumeration District - A geographic area composed of a number of
blocks bounded by definite streets or roads,
‘ used as a working area in the survey and
for identification purposes.
Field Schedule - Enumeration card answering questions
S pertaining to the structure and sanitation
A Flush Toilet - A toilet, equipped with running water,
p connected to a water carriage sewerage
Q system.

Flytight — A privy so brilt that flies cannot enter
i the pit or vault. This necessitetes
automatic self-closing seats and no opening
to light in the pit or vault.
Grease Trap — A small, zetal, tile or concrete basin
installed for tre solo purpose of collecting
" o grease, soap? cr sxnilar substances from
waste before it enters a septic tank, c:ss—
V ~ pool or draint;a field,
Hog Pen — Outhuilding or pen used to house hogs.
Inadequate screening ~ Screening in such condition that flies can
enter, or the existence of a single opening
` into the promise that is not screened,
Other ~ Any discharge that does not fit regular
’ Outhuilding · One used to house animals.
Pit Privy — A privy built so that its contents leach
into the soil. They are usually found to he
‘ loosely lined with timber, stone or brick,
and in many instances there is no lining.
Net to be confused with a vault privy.
, _, Plain Ueult — A fault privy with no outlet or chemical
tanks. This type must be cleaned out
Residential Premise ~ Any structure wherein human hoings live.
Riser ~ A seat constructed over the privy pit or
vault, which may or may not have flytight
Septic Tank » A water~tight tank, with a definite inlet
and outlot,construoted in the earth to
provide far the collection of sewage. It
. may be constructed of concrete, Brick, tile
or metcl and may or may not he difided into
. _ compartments. (If there was no outlet, the
facility was enumerated as a cesspoolt) ,
Septic vault - A vault privy wherein the orgrnic natter
is decomposed, much of it being liquefied
.. y er gasified. Ln overflow pipe is provided
through which the overflowing liquids pass ~
into the soil,
~ _ Sinkhole » A nitural cr ertificial ap nin; int: the
earth inte nh; h :ew’ge may bx discharged;
They are in frirhlv otnnectod to uxaerqpespe
and eavornous fornaticns thriurh which water
may be flowing.
Sunp Pump - A pump used to discharge water from a
basement or cellar;

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 I H S¤~¤¤_ _..,_-_. -__ _. _ I ‘<¤_-221¤;12--- II. IE P“m.;.LS·"S ·
1. TYPE 2ATm SUPPLY ‘ ;.. TYPE OF emma; DIsP.' H. cousvaucuou LF I   mzscmsoz or szpuc :.. ouwsxoz ‘1o;Ls·1· ; :.. scszms I
1. any System Q c1·:ss1>0o1. s TANK - I · ~d .
1. on 1. :1 zh Q ¤ 1- ·- ¤<1u2t¤ Q
E acl? E 2. Septic Q 1. Earth QI 1, Drainage Field Q ,3, prliw, Q I 2. Inadequate Q
."g;i ' *· G°¤¤P°°l CJ 2- Concrete Q 2. Effluent Pu Q .—--·-iw--·-~~——·-I 1. Eione Q
J' · stcrn E I}, Dfgglugqe   B \• VF ‘* ·—· I *1 if P", ({7 1***17* I """`j"‘*·····QQQ*'*`l::"
,+ murine D . I] 3. 1'1¤··., 1116, P, Stream or Pond {_; 1.· ..Z.=L .. .¤uI{ I ~ ,I,mYc.D BY MLI,
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.   g¤°¤¤•;t S S. ?r1vy EJ ETFLUENT PIT P DISCHAR E OF ’“ “"""" I··‘ ' I o. muouzo sy aura I
.”‘..°‘;?`;“ Y E _ 1- E¤~¤"¤¤ CI ‘ mm,·._G$ Simp c. rw: or =mzm· I 1- Y¢¤ FJ
··¤u ° B. KIND OF ¤YSTBi 2. Brick, Tile, " " ‘ .. I 2. No Q
I$..I¤dustr1s1 C} 1 pylquge E St L SUYYEGG EJ l· $*3PHv LJ Y I
S` »· °" °“° ¤ 2 *·r»rwcD+ mv Q 2 ‘¤¤¤»~1=···1 ·~· '* ·· rr-r
‘——-- __ c. community Q · y -·~· · _# _· _; ·; ·—· I-· g; ~·· -—·· ·
C. LOCATION De SUPPLY 3 Fubuc D V. ccrcmu or rend :1 .1. ·¤.s<¤m :...; 1 L. in Q
· .1. ommrrmu or · --..._..i.._......I ,
1. Inside struct. Q - 5i¤¤ ii nugiber ef SC_Q]_'Ct`,]_C·Il lnspeettrs then CGM O P . I
 I  JCh@ départtient, and fer serie tjjie funeticne-2 directly UINZCT *G}‘.C

 "  ;  I
Q Health Officer, Late in 1918 e Feed end Sanitary Divisien was
T formed within the Health Department, and the Secretary ef
the Health Department became else the Chief ef this new
1 f Feed end Senitery Divisien. The Sanitary Inspecters were
then made respensible directly te the Chief ef this divisien G
Orgenizetitn, develepnent, and prcgress ctntinued, end,
es e result, the City ef Leuisville Health Department wes
—y prepared in 1955 te deal with en epidemic cf infantile paralysis
which swept ever the city. When eases were reperted te the·
9 Hpelth Department, senitery inspectiens were made ef the
9 premises eencernedz In e nejvrity ef the eriginel eases it
was feund that the premises were net previdcd with sanitary
9 teilet facilities er proper dispesel ef waste waters
At that time there were 11,956 privies in use. Sixty
wcrkers, furnished by the Werks Prepress Administration, were
empleyed te disinfect these priviesr Eight tens ef ehleride
ef lime were used in this disinfectienb Nctiees were sent te all
preperty owners, where n sewer sbutted the preperty line, te
A install flush teilets end te clean the pits ef the prirxes te
l a depth ef ten feet and fill them with cinders er dirts Lt the
p elese ef the fiseel year 4,129 privies had been eliminated and
E flush teilets installedz
3 ln April, 1957 further prcgress wes made in the iepertnert
l cf health when e Sanitary Engineer was put et the head if the Feed
T end Snnitnry Divisiens
i Today the Feed and Sanitary Divisie; of the Health Department
Q is reeegnized es e vital part ef the gevernnent in the City ef
g L©uisville, while there may still be phases of the irijfii
_? nfcdini improvement, the develqpmert of health ini :1nitcti;n

 5 8
{ scrviccs in Louisvilic has madc and will comtihuc to make
il thc city a bcttcr placc in which to livc,
, This survoy was opcrotcd undor thc sponsorship of tho
City Hoolth Dcportmcnt, Dr. Hugh R9 Loavclly Hcslth Officor,
x with tho co—opcr&tion of thc Work Projects Admimistrationy which
_ providcd funds for noccssory workcrs. Tho survey op;hsd on
Soptombor 28, 1940, with u staff of thirty WPA workcrs and
cnc supervisory omploycc. This numb-gr was litcr ihcrpziscd
to sixty—cnc WTA workcrs and two supervisory cmploywcs, Err
Charlcs M. Davidson, Sinitcry Emgihtcr, was director of tho
projcct, which oporctod undcr tho Food and Sanitary Division
of thc Hcolth Dopcrtmcntn Sanitary ihspoctors of tho Division
acted cs tochhiccl suporvisors.
Hr. Irving Lovy, projcct suporviscr, was in chorgo for tho
WPAe Approximatoly thrcc months wcrc rcquiroi for ficld work;
after which th: ctrff was rcduccd to thirty workcrs to hrnilo
the tuhulatiohs. _Thc lcttcr work was complntcd in slightiy marc
t than thrco months,
E .

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 5  9
l The survey feund 74€ residential premises in Louisville that
2 do not have u connection te the city wet r system. These
_ premises nrc fairly well iistributed throughout the city with
E the exception of three districts. One district, known es
r i "Little Africa", (Enumeration District Nc. 7), ccntcins 25l
Q premises without city water; encther, the Highlands north
E of Berdstcwn Road, hes three such premises; the third, the
1 Highlands seuth ef Bardstown Reed, has one such premise. There
\ l .
are e number of premises located sc that they cannot connect to
the city water system, but the large msjerity of these ere located
in alleys between two streets that huve city wcter mains. These
premises can be serviced et the present time only by cressing
cnether.ewner’s prcpcrty,
When it is·censiGcred that numerous houses have been built
en the rear of large lets, it is net difficult to understand that
there are 54O premises that ere using carry containers. Many
premises so supplied are quite likely sijecent to s city water
main, but for various rcesens the ewner has failed te provide
separate service.
` Lt first reading it may seem ineengruous that 540 premises
ore using carry centuiners, that there are 522 seurcos other than
city water, still 7%6 premises without city wwtor. But there is
no reletienship to be assumed between these strtements. It is
V©ry possible fer ell ef the 540 premises te be using city water,
' theugh carried from nearby residences,
There ere seventy—feur premises which heve beth city water
. Q and e cistcrn, well er spring.
E l r

 E  i io
1 1 There are 582 premises using either cistern, well or
Q spring water. As there are only Z22 such sources, it is quite
l evident thet, in many instances, one source is supplying more
\ then one premise. A tabulation ef the cisterns, springs end
\ different types of wells indicates that thirty—four community
systems are supplying weter to ninety-three premises. The
number of sources are: Wells drilled, 66; driven, 117; dug,
$4; Totel wells, 217; Cisterns, 104; Springs, l.
Of the 382 premises using w ell, cistcrn or spring water,
2lO or 55% of them are located in the area just cast of the
State Fairgrounds commonly celled "Little Africs." It is
generally egreed that the soil in this eree is of e very sandy
_ texture, end in mest instances the water has received e ncturel
purification to some extent.
Approximately 25% or oightyéone of the totel Z22 actual
sources, are so situated that drainage from privy, cesspeols,
1 bernyerd or the general terrain is sway from the source. This
' shows that 75% of the water sources other than city weter ere
receiving drainage from e fixed possible source of pollution,

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A A ¢ —> •§ , BY URVEY Y /
"`\\//’  //1 L¤¤·$ WEA-
\ fl I94| ALTH DEP

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Thc survcy shcws that thcrc src $,O&O rcsidcntial prcmiscs
r in thc city that usc a systcmlcthcr than the city scwsr for
5 scwcgc disposal, having s tctal cf 3,045 such systwms, Of this
  tctcl cf 3,045 facilities, 33% mrc adjacent tc u city sswcr
and cculd bc ccnrcctcdc L tctcl cf 2,933 cr 96,®C cf thssc
l facilities urc in bad ccmditicn cr utilizc a bed u;thrd cf
disposal, such as into sinkhslcss strcsms cr pcncw, cr cn
’ th; surfuccc F0rty~fi“c facilities discharge intc siukhclcs,
which src ivariahly cixnsctci tt unicrgrcunl strcuéc; lstcr l
pcssibly tcpycd by L vmll 3id uscd as scurccs cf irireiig wstcrg
Thcrc is nc section if thc city that is frcc cf thcss i
scwsrsgc systcmsg inn oily is c. T
The survey was net ;ll·cevering es te sump pumps, for it wculi
be necessary te visit every premise in the city to obtain cfmplcte
U ihforuetien cn this subject, (See Hethed of Operation), However:
j Sixteen ptwer-driven sump puxps Lne thirty—six wnter~eject•r TUTP
PUUPS WGTG f¤UH€p The letter type is very Genrereus GS it
l efferds e pessibility ef pcllutien tc the water syste; in use. lt
i l .
3 Q ,

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LEGEND  m§=§§§T»I¥§I=j€.;E§:I¥é.§~§§, / `\ { RESIDENTIAL PREMISES
rggimvsas PER BLOCK Jllllllngr   WI-.-H pmvms
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is operated by water pressure, and if the weter pressure should {
go down, as it does occesionelly it would be possible for the I
sewage to beck up into the weter pipe, 3
raivrss I
` I
Generel I
` This is perhaps the most significant port of the surveys I
· The