xt7fqz22dn28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22dn28/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 3, November 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 3, November 15, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt7fqz22dn28 section xt7fqz22dn28 To Edltors: The · · W V -. 4
news in this bulletin     I '     · E¤*9F’¢d *15 ¤¢¢¤¤d 1
ls prepared for the . _ — _ class matter at the _
press and Is released r _ F'°st °fH°° er [-‘*'
for publication on _ _ Ington, Ky.
receipt. . _
November 15, 1920 ‘ · LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY ‘ e _ Vol. IV. N0. 3
        Mountain Students University Issues · Alumni Retum for Big
 TY       " Organize Club · Important Monograph Homecoming Day
, _ I V . ° ~ The Hrst of a number of m0n0~ · . . .
Owmg to the fact that from 10 to The week begmmng Monday, N0-
  4 ‘ - ` 1*5 per cent of the students now enroll- gvphs got? Igmishei unimkthi a;S` vember 8, was reserved for 2, hoxne-
__.__... ' · Y ed in the University of Kentucky are ggcgstoo be eivaglzifg; {Dome egeugrz coming celebration at tne University as A
The Department of University Ex- physical instruction et the Univer- f1`0111 th9»111<11111t¤<1i11 SGCUOHS Of U19 mem of Exieusion of me Uuivegsity of Kentucky this year aid many tor- 1
tension Of the University of KRD. sity, who is also director of atmet. State, a. meetmg was held recently by for distgibutiou has made its appear-. mer students returned to the campus
tucky is planning an mterscholastic ics in the League, is the tyird mgm- the students to forxn a. mountain club, ance, and can LOW be Obtained from to renew old associations and memor-
,19agm for the accredited high ber df the State Executive Comgit. the purpose of which IS to promote Mr Wellington Patrick hem of the 1es. Doubtless there were many
V good fellowship among and to further " _ . ’ changes for them. Many of the .
schools of the State. Announcement tee. l Extgnsmn Dapmtmemtl   · `
of the plans for such a. league was Schools accepting membership in 1116 111t€1`€StS of 14116 YQ1111S 111611 =111d_ This monograph which was pre- buildings have been remodeled, new
· made following a meeting of the the League will be grouped into Qis- W0111€11 f1`<11¤ 1116 111f>1111t¤1¤S· _ ` pared by Commodém B. Fisher, of the departments ·added, she £a.cu11;y' an-
cgmmittge Ou University Extension. tricts and local committees appoint- The Club M50 111t€11d_S 10 1d€11t1fY _D€partmBDt1Of Economics and Soci L 1arged,andtne enrollment, especmhy
_ The league Wm include at present ed for each activity Under Ithg di. ` itself as eh organization which shall O Ou the b_€ t f th UF 0, that of the women students, greatly ·
acmmeg m debate and also m ath- rection or ·these committees e ser- 11111111 1>1‘1¤e1¤e greater ¤<1¤c¤ti¤¤¤1 ad- $*20 ,, .— gu J ° ° f -a;“?""“ — increesedj V me last few years. V V
letics irhe accredited high schools ies of. contests will be held in both venteges to the young mountaineers. ci; ghrvigvii 301; d?g;;aa(;f€i;1in cg; The chigevent of the week was the `
of the state win be invited to jein debate and athletics: and the winners Iii 1;0t1;P1€ fact 111111 Y01£111»‘ih111€é1 110111 velopmentl Organization and activities kiln? atxziged and Tkxgays hogy iontest-
mg League in these two activiues. of these contests vn? clung; tc;?e·ther gi; I;-1;rg0;n=§‘GmC00l1§1?§ S;?udy€1n;v11V§;· Of theiiarmersy Union throughout the igrigckz ,;;I;;d;rw€I?;ve$;b;: ai? `
Th I 11 for a. series of con- in a. 6.11211 tournamen a. e nwer- _ <~ » · . l , , , .
tes;} Daigloucg §chOOlS that me m€m_ sity A · gineering and geology. Last session c0untry_ ‘ V Both teams, though handicapped by
. _ _ _ - ' · · · oi {ive students wh`0 received high dis- . . players being injured in` previous
bers of e1the1 gmup, and a final ser `Wellmgton Patmck, Director of   . . _
ies Of contests in an annual tourna- University Extension at the Univer- t111Ct1`Q11 f01' S€h011iFSh1D, KORG W€1S 6- Department of HQ8lth . games, made 3 wonderful shgwjnggud ·
· men; held at the University in May. ’ sity, is expecting to send announce- m°1111m1¤€€1`· Them are M50 F1 1111111* _ 1 _ and Hygiene   the game was the most exciting ot
The League as organized is under ments to the various high schools b€1‘ of m01111t¤i11 111611 011 the facuty Of #··—; r the season here. Additional box seats `
the 'diregmm of an Executive Com- throughout the State in the near fu- 1116 U111V€1`51tY· ‘ A Department Of Hygiene and Pub- and eight hundred reserved 5?3t5`
mum composed or the Du-Gem or ture. Pmiessm- W. H. M1kese11,1 di- ~ The f¤1¤Wi.¤g <>f¤<;erS 0f the ¢1¤1> W1 Hmm 11¤¤1¤¤<-¤¤ €S'¢¤b11S11¤d¤tt11¤ in the bleachers were m·<.>vide<1 for
University Extension as Chairman www Of debate, is making plans havé bgg;] glzggtgd; president, Mess University of Kentucky with Dr. P. the increased attendanpe and a, block
  professor of pubuc Speaking at for the work or debate, and profes, Petfersvn, P1hevi11e; vice-president, K- AH°1111‘¤¤’·»_-011111 Wesleyan University, or seats was reserved for the alumni,
me University is 3. member ot me .'s0r s. A. Boies, director of physical Bernice Y<>¤¤e» ‘P1¤¢V111e: Secretary- **5 head 0* the <1€1>¤¤¤1¤¤¤1- The Unit- other events of the weekts pmg1~am» tg
committee and hat the same ima as emmuon, is making preparations treeSurer,,Lu1e‘B1e1¤Ft¤1¤¤f¤1 Social ‘ were; Thequncheon for {hg alumni  
director of de§a.te.` The director of for the coming season in Athletics. . —·——·-·· 1 . - §;'§~;"?§  `1;a;ép;2;1;€'gt¤V<1;1$F§· and former studeQnts·saturday_ at the
W0m€n#s Panheuenic » ·_~ _ el ‘» S '¢ ·11¤ Lafayette hotel, and the football ral-
· , _ . __ A nature. in pr1nc1pa.1 educa.ti0¤a.1 insti- ly in Chapel Saturday morningl ‘ A
Seventy-one Members _ StH€l€I1tS Ch00$€` by Vote — Society Holds Banquet, tutions ot each state, and jms g1vg;j, » ` ___
Added to Strollers . Six F airesi C0-Eds _ , the University $11,000 to promote mf . , " `
. .· , The W0men’s Pzmhellemc S0c1ety · · » _ .
-   f v t 1 Drag   V of thé UniV&l‘Sity Qf Kghtllgky   Wggétor Holmes has bégn heard of           ll ·
TIF} Ifmverslty O LGI? uc wld et The result Of the mmtest fm the Six its annual banquet in the ball room D€pm,tm€¤t_0i.H€a1th at d H . — Q; " RGCCIVCS   Honor
mmm (/lub» The $tmHG1S· 116 LS most popular c0~eds ofthe `U1liVG1`SitY Of the Phoenix hotel November 5_   H yglenca ______ .
;muua,l‘ amateur mght perf01‘H1¤.HC6 f K W ,1 1 t H Oh-10 Wesleyan for several years, I-Ie _
_ _ ~‘ 10 QL “° iy UYOVGS a Comp G G Con I" The sororities which compose the z D1-_ Arthur S L h t d_
F1-may mgm. Seventy-one new ,t- f th d - d t f th has the degree of Bachelor of Arts, . oven ar, a gra
5m,m     me   m‘"*’“ °. Q gm? ’“ gm?   i Penheueuic   Alpha X1 Dm ¤¤di¤=1<1dit10¤=»1m<¢dica1deereeh*<>m‘ uetwf *h<¤·U¤1V€1·S1¤v of Kemky.
- — " th U iation “"·“°`“S’ “’?,“‘¥ me ‘““°“g Vw ““‘°S Kappa Kappa Gemme Alpha Gemm Bnwden Mgmt School.- As mmm, murine. seam of Dr; ;wOse;t~··n0·s:
b€1'ShlP In 9 °Y¤a“ Z ‘ of Kentuckvs Lamous beautxes. Those D It C1- O O. d K D It ~ . , . _
Thg $5 prize grtemd tor the best 1 t `d _ th { th 1921 G 2* U m€¤a· an awa E a- to Doctor Holmes, the University has mg haste, whose fume as a sewn.
Single abt was Won by John Hays. ;{;0St‘i;k?a; ;;1Ma;P%i?;a;€th gown- Marg? Archer Bel}, member of Al- secu]-Gd lthg Sewicés 0; DL Ireland rtist wats inte1·nati011a1, has beenselect-
For the best double act the $5 brim I HI · lu ~ F Y D L L pha, $1 Delta, présrdent of the Pam- from Bowden Medical School and Doc- Bd President. Of U18 N3t1011111 Phar-
was WGH by Edward Gans, George rng2O;1eu§I\;I1;M1;i;;€;v0;dS0¤EgYi;X hellemc Councxl, presided as 1303511- tor Eva. Locke, a. practicing physician 1 macologica-I S0Ci€tY:
Rouse William Nesbit, Charles Ma- lng. I’ bl D. k W It f Lg ig m‘S“"sS· m'“`°d“°m$ *1 member in NeW__Y0rk. Miss Tillie Greathougg, Dr.»Arthur Lovenhart took his de.
honey, Silas Wilson Horace Clay Con, 'lia 6 · lc eg, M a OP}; lit? fmm each Of mg other four S°I`°I" _ W]10 was a nurse wtth the Barrow gree of Bachelor ot Science at this
and Sgoggw J0nG5_ · M°““"’_1lBP‘mS» au "“”g""" Sm · t ities W11¤ gave msts- The $11Ver Unit in England during the war, has University in 1898, his Mestewg de
' WSVI · scholarship cup was presented to been added to tn D P t 1; ree tn ‘ t 11 ‘ ' ·
Th f 11 ° g list of successful 7 e eper men as tg e` 0 owing year, and 1115 Doc-
aud;mt°;S°;:);nStrOl1€fS has been my _ —————- Kappa kappa Gamma for having at- nurse. . t01·’s degree at J¤1ms-HOpki¤S in
;mmc€d_ Journalists to Pledge Men tained the highest Scholastic average The Department is housed ‘1¤ .1903.` He•was chief or the pharma-
` . - ‘ . last 56551911- Neville Hall where the Universit Dis- cological section ` th 1; ‘
Leonard Fielder, Lexla. Pogue, to Alpha Delta Slgxna , __ . Y lll _e researc dx-
. . After .th<-3 bauqllét 311 1Hf01‘m3J peusary has been located vision of chem' 1 f
John Hale Elizabeth Yemer, Merger- ______ _ . ` 1ca _war are research
. ' d&11¤6 `WM %1V€11· ~————— W in I918 He is ·¤ f 11 " th
gt, Lavm, Coleman Arnold, JOIIH Al- The HB W tt h t f _ ,_ l » ·. B 0W m_ e Amer-
. . · I Lu- my A *1 QYSOII C ep Gr O -————-—— “m _ .1ca.n Association for Advancement ot.
z1;§?; ]§:;;;b;°;k€Gl;;;;f€th 1;;; Alpha, •De1ta, Sngme, national journal- Emoument at_K Staff anqgro Ypledgiv S°cience *3.11d is e 'member oi Phi
’_ _ ’ M Si Ak_ istic fraternity, held its pledge day y' ·W0 Ollng OIIIGH Delta Pi. · _ . .
R` M` bmnk1m’ Dim OrSB’ p services Wednesday at the University Breaks   Recvrds ‘ _ V _ ~
°1`S’ Maw 1;Bt91$ISOH’ StEm1I;_0I§;;E’ gg; of Kentucky. The honor of Alpha "‘“‘ h Staff and ;C50W?" Samui wj0¥H€n’S — » ——+i
· ana Trlmb Bil srgaye Pumeli GBP Delta Sigma is conferred upon men Student Gurollzlent Of 1,194 at the Komirmiy SOC`etytO_ the Uglverslty of Kentucky   in
mmm 201318 ’ “iu;mG Hman ’Mm_y stugents who show ability in journal- opening of the ta.11 semester. at the Vg; uc 21% eater amgd with a tea the Football “Brush»
. hud? O mS’   m ’ k. ism and are considering it for their University ot Kentucky broke a.11I01'- _ MS ay a' €`m°°u’· .N¤*¤¤¤12€r 10· ·
C°1vm’ Lucy Smith Troy Per ms' profession mer opening records at the Univer- m' honor of the women Stuqents pt · - _T `
John Dundon, Virginia. MOY3&]1, Bel'- ' _ my Because Ot the heavy mgiSt1_3_ the University, me women Opthe fac. The last two games played by the
tha, I{I'2].it, Mafgaret Sheltman, EliZ'   After the   the gew mem- tion an extra day was rnquired for GH-   and the faculty ]]f]9])°S Wivgg, football team. of tl1B University gf I
abgth Ellis, Willette Fritchuer, D01‘- ers W¤¤=¢¤¤1€¤=~1¤¤¤ at luncheon; mumant and matriculation Them The feature of the affair was the K<·111t11¤kY resulted imdefeat by Vau-
Qthy Harris, Daysig LEG Tinsley, The new pledgees are. Fred Angs- are 519 enmugd in the Couégé of huts pledging of Lucinyg Moore, of ;\,;_aréOn, derbilt at Nashville, October 30, with
vi;·gm1a`H'a;pjson, Lucy Kavanaugh, b“Z*`i»§°}”a]§ Fmmné §juP· (;‘}1€’yd· ]Em' and Sciences, 223 in the Gouégé of and Roberta. ’i‘1·.m-ntou, Nmvport, `to 8 S·¤01‘8 Of 20-0, and victory over me
J, Brooks Jtiett, Florence Edmons, m° WISE Gm an 1 ar “m°"· Agriculture 323 in the College Of Fu membership in the society] ’ Umversity of Cincinnati at Lexington
** . . ~ v an » ' ~ -
Emua “*°‘“““* Eg‘Z“b1f"h ,§°";g’ gmeermg, 72. in me omega oi Law, · —·  A _       i°°*”¢h76· 130111 $¤11}¤S
HMZEYG Snsitlgcofge 1’R0u;;W1“;mmi “Fratcrmty Row" at and 19 greduate students. Fulton County Students . ‘ to and   E   ;n*;°';‘h b°g{¤¤;¤§
war an , . .   _ _ _ A . Q_ cmpp B
Nigbgi; Chgm Mahoney, Sim We U¤¤v¤1S¤1y U¤<1¤r W¤y W; {;;“{;jg‘;Fj§;g’;§Sj§;j§;j‘1;;§; F<>¤¤ ¤¤ 0*g¤m=¤¤<>¤ mum of the Wildcats which Caused
sou, H, M. Clay, Raymond Kirk, - t d t IH t. J t d th t _ Th · · the IGSS of the`ga.me to `Va,udgrbi1i;_
D¤¤g1e¤ V¤¤*· MB °““1**m· R°‘°“'° H°"““g that “*“*‘””‘““S ”""’ a ’“°’“°· ;¤;t;1;yS°¤¤e.s;u$iu11T»?ethos; eilrgxii at th;   colin? . Th? K°“*“°ky`C“‘°i“”a“ Q game °S·
Mm€"· Newton M°u°Y* James not a hmdm’HCB’ to 3‘ Univ€TSity’ and are from New Jersey Texas Dela.- Patterson Hall October 21 au};1 lgfga.? pgciauy Showed the fighting Spirit Of
· S1¤¤¤¤·=>· Wlmem Wlummsr IJBEHEE A   p;;‘;§;’a;;BWé§V;?$QY “; ware, Oklahoma, causomm and other ized a Fulton club. The meetings are $$*21 mms and “‘° “°*°*‘y 0* *11**
_ I?l‘;;°“i;0u1\;;;‘g;;§;rg‘°ging lgefja Kentucky has Offééd the fmtggnitigé states. The large number of women to be social in nature and are tp be 1 cats was well €a'me}i'· A ‘
· ’ ` 1 d t i L I ' , » ;——
mm Maequise GmGt,,Th0maB FOS. of the institution a plat, of mud and Sm 6** S S ‘* S° '° ““?°”S* “‘€"’ “° wd tha ¤1·5¤M¤¤¤=·-Y °* “°'y m°““1· “ . -.
» _ _ _ V dubbed it Wmtemit Rdwn Whew approximately 0ne—th1r<1 more co-eds The officers electedtfur the ensuing A battery 0f field zzrullery has ar-
“‘”·_A““ B"“* Mmme Mae R°b‘“S?“* fmtemit houses yb b it '¤11¤¤ were ¤¤1”¤11€d1=1¤$ year or egzcut year aref President, Ernest Baulch, Yivéd from Camp Knox and pitched
Eloise Burgess, 11VIar};N ;\;I)¢MI?€1Q1¤» Wmsloiv sfreetmgglici TEK; MOH 4400 in the University. ` Fulton, Eng. ’2»1; vice-president, Annie their tent DH the University of KB11-
3111Qr MST; [31*0:  Fgnnge (SIE? side the Unrverstty is to be mil   RHSSG11 M°°"€’ Hickmm A1`1S· ’22¢ “‘°ky1°‘“mp“S· It Mought °°¤11’I€t9
;.SB(ii·m.l£;u am; Kglthlgen Rgnick over almost eutirelyito such fra;>rni· JUN'°F*$é·°‘;**‘E CHAMPIONS S6Cr€t&ry’ Glance BGH€W’ .FultOn’ Equipment, includmg guns' Wag0nS’
m , I ties as wish to build there Each lot ""t ' - Arts, ’22° · l horiiz and- kitchen utensils! The
. , , ` _ ———- DUT 6 $51*00111iHg is to stimulate in.
_ . 90 100 f t 1 h 1 · · V · . ·
Kennet. PRINTS souvewm. IS X EG Wm IS amp 9 Spa? The ?“““”C f°°tb‘*u Umm became the LOUISVILLE CLUB` En.zc·rs west 111 1118 wmv and to obtain re
_   ‘ for *1 NYSE .1101159 ,1111d Y¤·1‘d- Th1S chz1mp10ns m the i1'1t€T·Cl3.SS,, games . ` cunts mba —b&tt€I,y is acting as al
"" coupled with at nominal leasal reg bf wvhgn thgy dgfggtgd the sophomores _ t V,   * _ . . · ·
The November 5 issue of the Ken- $521. year f0r°fi£ty years, renewal if Thursday November 4 with a. score At recent meeting of the Louisville `ra Q mg mmmtmg pany and has
t I , _ . . _ , _ 1 _ 1 Club or the U¤iv·erS1r,y,o; Kentucky made prrangements ·to ·dem¤¤Stmt8
uc cy kernel, the U11lVOFSltY week- des1red. grves marked encouragement gt 14-6 at the University of Kentucky - · ·
U ly, was devoted to the uhmmi An GP to those f1_at€I_mti€S which SO 1(mg In a pgwmus game the defeated thé. the following otncerg for the ensuing 111111 €XD1=1111 the rr1echan1sm and use
' . 4 _ · _ _ ‘ 1 Y year were electedi Robert Raifme of Um gum a.nd·¤rti1l<-ery to an uni-
fort was made to rntexest former stu- have dreamed of hevmg then- own freshmen team, who in turn lcon. resident, Ma EH b th ' versit m h . Y
’ déllts TH hvme Cvmiug week sind in- homes. One house built by the Sigma qmmd the S0phOm0mS’ thus winning Ewa m8;id9nt'rYKath;gu; Wg;·;€B· The bzttergnwigv h0· a1§.u1I1$€l'€Bt6d.
ix; u large attendamce ut the celebrex- Ilitgtggagignigzhgssalreaiy 'nearlfr cmg- Fgeeqmd piece. The seniors did not Secretary; H0;-gwg may Miller, ,1;¤g;;: and an exiibitionaxhilgl 1; 1;;.31;;
· A 1' 111`G 61118 D Mme . enter at team in the contest. _ m·6r_ mn ·j
i I ' ' ` · __' · I • I ' _
, I I I • _ , . • Q;.