xt7fqz22ct0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22ct0b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-12-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1948 1948 1948-12-10 2013 true xt7fqz22ct0b section xt7fqz22ct0b best uopy Avauauit;

The Kentucky Kernel

Who Is

Ugliest Man?



Hurricane Expected
To Use Slow Break

Candidate List Grows
In Ugly Man Contest

By Bill Hanna
The Wildcat baskctecrs will be out
The winner of the Ugly Man Conto add another victory to their win test wil be presented at the inter
column when they meet the Golden mission of the Student Union Christ
Hurricanes from Tulsa University mas dance scheduled to get underwho invade Alumni Gvmnasium to- way at 9 p.m. tomorrow.
Tinker Baggarly and his OrchesMost observers believe that this tra will furnish music for the
will be only a breather for Coach
dance. Advance ticket sales
Rupp's mighty Cats. According to will begin today with tickets selling
last season's records they are right. for $1. stag or drag. Tickets sold at
The Golden Hurricanes blew into the door will be $1.25.
town last year for a two-gaseries,
They are Glenn Haagensen,
only to be weathered down to a new members will be held at the
slight breeze by the Big Blue. In the test will be presented at the inter-SU- B



At Convocation
Dr. Alonzo F. Myers, chairman of
the Division of Higher Education at
New York University, told





By National Champion


Funds Are Approved

Weaver W. Adams national open
chess champion, wili appear for a


cation audience of the College of




Annual Program

Education Wednesday that we must
develop an education based on human needs and devoted to the principle that all education is intended
to be used, "if we are to survive in
this atomic age."
In his address, entitled "Education
for Use," Dr. Myers said that too
much of modern education is never
used by those receiving it.
He said that education has been
unconsciously divided into two parts
that intended for use, and that
not intended for use. In the first
category he said vocational and professional courses had been placed;
and in the second, literature, history, music, art, ethics, philosophy
and psychology. "Education received
in the latter courses is merely stored
away in the classroom portion of the
human mind."
The New York educator deplored
the ill effects which he said resulted
in the
teaching field.
"General education is bogging
down," he said, "because too few of
our college professors feel themselves
capable of teaching general education courses on the freshman and
sophomore levels."
Dr. Myers, who is on sabbatical
leave from N.Y.U., is currently vis
iting colleges and universities
throughout the country. His ad
dress here was sponsored by Kappa
Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Future
Teachers of America, and the Graduate Education Club.
"General education must carefully
reconsider its purpose and methods,'
he said. "We nave unconsciously
divided education into two parts,
that which is intended to be used
vacational and professional courses
and that not in tended for use
literature, history, music, art, ethics,
philosophy and psychology. Education received in the latter courses
is merely stored away in the classroom portion of the human mind.

Tour Of Mexico
Offered As Class

By Otis Perkins
The University Choristers will
present their annual program of
Christmas music on Sunday in
Memorial HalL Performances will
be given at 4 p.m. and 8 p m . and
will be under the direction of Mildred S. Lewis of the music department faculty. Lela Culiis will serve
as accompanist
Most of the compositions featured
on the program are of carol type,
but church music by 16th and lttlh
century composers will also be


To Convert Field
Into Parking Lot







Ag Groups Win
In Chicago Show



Initinfpc 15 Tnniahr























1 r .1



Changed Minds, Likes It Still





josepn Iv, Howard
the extent tnat they lose touch
with their readers.
Howard told his audience that the
first concern of a young writer
should be with his subject and not
his style. "Style will come later."
he said.
Regional Subjects Are National
The speaker recommended tha.
writers adopt a regional, as oppode-- t
to provincial attitude; but he cautioned them to remember that regional assets, shortcomings,
nrnhlinni' an. i
iiis tics
iuv,uii) am vnallnj nntinnol a in uriop- ii hmwactcr and scope.
He reminded his listeners that the
South's fight against discriminatory freight rates and the Wests
public lands controversy,
commonly regarded
as regional
problems, are of vital national importance.


xx 7)


ti; Vii

Card Display rlanned
For Tennessee Game

Students Must Report



Youth Leader Visits




Lances, junior men's leadership!
society, has tapped seven men for
imtia'ion this semester.
Students approved for member- ship are Roy Hall. Shep Lowman.
Chick Watts. Walter Patrick. Elliot
Jones, Charles Patrick, and Rich
ard Crafton.
Membership in the society is
limited to junior men selected from
Rhodes Thompson. Jr.
the student body at large on a basis
of scholarship, character and lead-- j
Initiation ceremonies will be held j
Monday, and a banquet honoring
new members wil be held at the SUB
Rnotie Thompson Jr.. national
president of the Disciples of Christ
Student Fellowship, will be on the
campus to make several addresses

Articles by mcmoers of the University faculty and staff on Kentucky's leading industries, appear in
the current issue of The Manufacturers Record, a publication on industrial developments of the South
and Southwest.
Kentucky is the featured state.
The articles are by Dr. Arthur
McFarlan, head of the geology department; Dr. Leo M. ChamberUm.
of the University: and
R. W. Wild, director of public relations.




Junior Honorary Taps
Seven For Membership



Appearances Sunday

SGA Hears Plan

Poet Robert Frost Is Visiting
UK For Informal Conferences

News Experience Aids
UK Staff
Author Joe Howard Articles Men Write

For New Furnishings

Kernel Favored 'No Liquor9

Group Schedules 2

Omicron Delta Kappa, national
senior men's honorary, held a formal
initiation ceremony
at 4:00 o.m.. Dec. 5. at First Presbyterian Church.
John Anggelis .presided, and Fred
Nichols, secretary, gave the invocation, an explanation of the ODK
and the benediction. Ned
Breathitt, vice president Bob Bleidt
and Charles Whaley gave charges of
the ideals of ODK to the initiates.
Faculty members who took part in
the induction service were Dean El- heard. Five Parts T Program
vis J. Stahr. Dr. Charles E. Snow,
The program, consisting of Hve
and Dr. Dewey Steele.
parts, will open with a processional.
Candlelight Service Vsed
The service was based on the "Hrk! The Herald Angels
by Mendelssohn. Part one will inlighting of five candles which symThe University choristers rehearse for their annual Christmas concert on Sunday.
bolized the fulfillment of required clude "Fanfare for Christmas Day."
by Martin Shaw; "Masters in This
leadership in scholarship, athletics,
Hall." a carol from Chartres, "For
social and religious affairs, publicae;
tions, and soeech. music, and dra- Lo! A Heaveniy Sound." by Seeking
and "Joseph Came
namatic arts. Prof. R. D. Mclntyre.
Resting Place." by Willoughby.
tional treasurer and member of the a
I An.l.. . ...1
terofODK- in
including the Old French
song. Angels O er the Fields Were
Robert Frost, one of the outstand-- Those initiated were Jack Bell,
of Michigan, Amherst. Dartmouth,
ing American poets of this generaVtrgil Christian. Andy Clark. John Flying."
A proposal to convert the intraFor part three the audience and
tion, is on the University campus Yale, and Harvard.
Crockett, Fred Daugherty, John Gilthe Bread Loaf School of English, mural football field into a parking lespie, Harold Holtzclaw, Jim Line. chorus will join in singing the tra- now for a series of informal conriitlnnot "Th W-- v Vt1 - anrl aKm
he has lectured annually at that in- lot was submitted to the Student
ferences with young writers.
Government Assembly on Monday
stitution since 1920.
He will speak to English students
As a poet he has received the night by Walter Patrick, lower class
After the initiation a banquet was
this morning at 10 o'clock.
(highest distinction offered in this representative of the College of Arts neld at the Sua for the new mem- - ,four. Mrs. Cuius will jplay Cartl- One Pubi:c Lecrure
only appearance open to all country, including tne mntzer irize and Sciences.
Patrick said that the measure was
was at 8:00 p. m. for Poetry in'1924, 1931. and 1943.
intended to alleviate the crowded
'Adorainaa Te" Included
First Recognized By England
Thursday at Memorial Hall. ImAlthough now heralded as a great parking conditions on the campus, was answered by the initiates' re
Concluding the concert, the Chormediately following, the lecture, a
reception was held in the music American poet, American critics did and that the proposed new lot would sponse from Fred Daugherty. The isters will sing "Glory To God in
room of the Student Union Building not recognize his art until it was handle 200 cars at one time.
principal speaker was Dr. F. L. Mc- the Highest" by Pen,olesi; "Ador-tmwidely "acclaimed in England.
Te," by Palestrlna; and "The
The eight newly elected members Vey. president-emeritu- s
of UK and
Shepherds' Story." by Dickinson.
An exhibit of some of his works to the assembly and the two who honorary member of ODK.
is now on display on the second were reelected in last week's elecIncidental solos will be sung by
Frost Speaks At 10 A.M.
flloor of the University library.
Florence Bingham. Phyllis Dean.
tion have been sworn into SGA.
A change in tooay's schedule
The visit of Robert Frost is one This group included: Suzanne RogMarion Stafford, Aimo Kivimemi.
of Robert Frost's talk has
of a number of similar events ar- ers, Education Representative - at j and John Veach Rogers.
The group
announnced by the Engish Deranged by the UK Department of large; Robert S. Smith, Agriculture
which includes 33 singers, is com-- I
English, with the cooperation of the uppcrclassman:
posed of students and members of
Herbert Arnold,
He will speak at 10 a.m. in
University Committee on Convoca- A&3 lowerclassman; Gene Deskins,
uie sum ana iacuuy.
Studio A on me third floor of
The University's Agriculture Ex- preceding
each concert. Ann
Claire Hicks, periment Station won first prize on
A&S upperclassman;
McVey Hall.
half-hoA&S lowerclasswoman; Kathy Bar-ne- tt a pen of Hampshire lambs at the peavyhouse will give a
program of Christmas carols on
A & S,
International Live Stock Exposition Memorial Halls c aril Ionic belli
to afford interested persons an ad- Charles Huddulcston, College of Law
Special guests for Sunday s pro- H Tau Sigma, national honorary representative - at - large; Allison held at Chicago Dec. 1.
ditional opportunity to meet the
The Station ak won second and grams are members of Phi Beta and
ot mechanical engineers. Caudill, Engineering lowerclassman;
- s trternity
renowned poet .
.'. v
single j phi Mu Alpha fraternities,
Mr. Frost conferred with students win ummie uie loutming
W.F. Lewist Engineering upperclass- eighth places on Hampshire
lambs, fifth
and faculty members Thursday banquet tonight in the SUB: Sam man; and Gibson Downing, College single lambs, place on Southdown
sixth place on pens
morning at his opening lecture in uel T. Bryant Robert S. Garrett, of Commerce.
, ?,
James K. Hansee. Elvin E. Helms,
Memorial Hall.
Fred Nichols, treasurer, reported of Southdowns. and two place on
Donald A. Hoyt. Morris V. Johnson, to the assembly that the proposed places, and one eighth
Teacher Before
Kiss-linA teacher before he became a Gerald F. Kincaid, Lamar R.
budget for the coming year had been steers.
Glenn E. Laswell, Billy B. Nail, approved by the University adminisThe College of Agriculture's poulrecognized poet Mr. Frost has had
try judging team ranked second In
long experience with college stu- Charles E. Nichols, Warren W. Wal- tration.
dents. He has been a professor or ton Jr., James E. Wessels, and WilA committee
headed by Rusty production judging and eighth in
over-a- ll
poultry judging.
poet in residence at the University liam T. Wood.
Russell was instructed by President
Members of the team were Wil"
Johnny Crockett to look into the
possibility of obtaining a name band liam T. Humphrey. Wilbur Rardin,
for the Senior Prom, sponsored an- and Frank Williams. Prof. R. T.
Wightman coached the team.
nually by SGA.

The Department of Geography
nill onduct aan educational tour of
Appropriation of $200,000 to fur- - Mexico for students May
University of Kentucky journal- -'
nisn the Fine Arts Building was 22, 1949, under the direction of Dr.
approved by the executive commit J. R. Schwendemann, head of the ism students and other interested
persons learned Tuesday from an
tee of the Board of Trustees
jcently according to Lea M. Cham-plac- e
The tour will be conducted as a
berlain. University vice president.
class. Regional Field Observation writer how their newspaper trainA committee,
headed by Dr. 130, and carry three semester hours. ing can be of value of they decide
Chamberlain, has been organized to Students will study regional geog- to write professionally.
Joseph Kinsey Howard, for 21
study the requirements and purchase raphy by observation, lectures, and
discussions. Field work, reading, years news editor of the Great Falls,
equipment for the new building.
but who
The building will house the de- and reporting will be required also. Montana, his"Leader," magazine now
Highlights of the trip will be devotes
time to
partments of music, art. and drama-Playe- rs
crossing the Sierra Madre Oriental book work, told his audience tnat
Ucs and
ve a divisional
range near Mexico City, and then a certain amount of newspaper exbrary for these departments,
sightseeing in Mexico City. The perience is perhaps the best pos.
The buudin8 is to be ready for students will visit and observe work sible background for those who exlimited supply
use next September.
and life in rural and jungle towns pect eventually to enter the liee-lant
and then the tour will visit
Wesley Choral Group Associate Editor Named observation of the tour will be the
News Writing Qualities
of the volcano Para-cutiHe listed the professional qualMary Shinnick, freshman journalTo Carol Next Week
newspaper writing deities
The registration fee is $2.00 and velopswhich objectivity, selection of
ism major. has replaced Stanley
Wesley Foundation members will SchiU as associate editor of the may be paid now for the summer subject matter, facility of writing,
carol to various welfare and social Kentuckian, Charley Whaley, ed- tour. The fee will be refunded u humility, and training in conducting
the student deides to withdraw.
Institutions on Dec. 12 at 6:00 p.m. itor, has announced.
The Veterans Hospital. Odd FelA major problem of experienced
lows Hall, and the city Home for
writers, as well as beginners, HowAged Women are among the inard said, is inability to lay aside
stitutions which they will visit
their prejudices.
The Wesley Choral Club re"Approach your news source with
hearses each Wednesday at 6:15
honesty and intelligence even if you
pjn. in the Y lounge.
don't like him." he advised.
A communion service is held each
By Pat Thomas
Thursday from 11:30 am. to 12:30
brate the anniversary of the revival ityThough recommending objectiv-by
"We'll build a sweet little still on
as a trait to be cultivated
p.m. in the SUB Little Chapel of
the side of a Kentucky hill and let of liquor, or should weinsay the re- writers, he emphasized the point
the V Lounge.
the bathUie rest of the world go dry" was conversion of the still
Wesley Foundation also sponsors the Uieme song of UK students tub to the
fifth in the that absence of prejudice should not
be carried to the extreme of absence
a Sunday breakfast, university class twenty years ago this month.
kitchen cabinet.
and morning worship beginning a.
Fifteen years ago and according of Spoke
At that time extras were publish
To Short Story Writers
:15 am. at First Methodist Church. ed by the Kernel
staff backing the to statistics, 2,500.000,000 gallons ago,
Howard, whose short stories and
men s student council which decreed the repeal of prohibition came about,
"-- 'v
that any student who was found We have come a long way since those the
nations leading nenodiCiiis. was
under the influence of intoxicating days, but take a 'grain of alcohol" guest
Organization Requested
j liquors
at a University function in the celebration of these anniver- department's of the UK English
To Return Kyian Forms
class in short story
would be liable to reprimand, sus- saries.
The moral of this is that there is writing conducted by A. B. Guthrie
The editors of tl Kentuckian pension or expulsion.
no need to gripe when you are re Jr. Wednesday.
I K Court Established
request that all campus organizaHoward made an earlier address
The resolutions declared that a quested not to drink in the football
tions that have not turned in data
court had been established to try stadium or in the gymnasium. The on Monday at an open lectuio irt
forms for their page in this year's
McVey HalL The speaker outlined
Kentuckian, to please do so as all students charged; with violation game doesn't last long and besides
soon as possible. All copy must be of the U.S. prohibition act, and an liquor mellows as time goes by or the problems which are inherent in
given the printers before the be- appeal from the ruling of the court the older the brew, the sharper the the business of writing for a living
and described the pitfalls which
could be taken only to the Univer- twang.
ginning of Christmas vacation.
Moonshine Recipe
writers must avoid.
According to Kyian records, the sity senate, faculty governing body
Writing No Easier Today
Just in case, the days of Carrie
following groups have not turned of the institution. This establishment was necessary because of the Nation should ever come back, here
"I have been writing for 16 years."
in forms:
prohibiis a little recipe to boost the spirit. he said, "and find the work no easinfractions
and Blade, Sigma constant by students. of the
tion act
It is said that anybody with a coffee ier today than when I began. BeGamma Epsilon, Student Governseems that all UK Carrie Na- pot and a piece of ruber hose can coming a writer never caused me
ment, SuKy, Upper Class Y,
tions were up in arms about that produce himself a dollop of moon- to lost any sleep, but the problem
Freshman Y. Guignol. Cosmopoltime. Actions of the council were shine.
of remaining a writer has resulted
itan Club. Dutch Lunch Club,
An even simpler method involves a in many sleepless nights. I doubt
Harlan County Club. Patterson thorities supported by University auwho had been at a loss to crock and a piece of cheesecloth. if any person can ever become a
Literary Society. Newman Club, find methods
of enforcing the no Boil the fermented peaches in the writer unless he sincerely believer
American Chemical Society.
Troupers, Marching Band. Men's drinking rule. Trior to this students crock; above it fold the cheesecloth. that writing is the most important
Glee Club, Interfaith Council, had been delegated at the dances to When it gets wet from the steam, let work he is capable 'of doing.
violations of the rule it cool and then wring it out. The
"A common danger," he said, "is
Pitkin Club, and Omicron Delta report all their
brought to
squeezings are potent stuff, indeed. that too many writers enclose themKappa.
Repeal In December
This probably is illegal but happy selves in their ivory towers, stately
During this month we also cele- - prohibitionless days to everyone!
studies, and
libraries to

simultaneous exhibit in the card
room of the Student Union Building Wednesday at 7 pan.
Mr. Adams has played in eight
national tournaments. He placed
in 1940 and 1941, and won first
this year.
Students who are Interested in
playing must sign up at the inform- ation desk of the Student Union
Building before Dec. 15. The play- Ing fees are $1.50 each and spec- lators will be admitted free.
are requested to bring
own boards and chessmen be- cause the Student Union Club has a

Choristers Present



ODK Initiation

NYU Man Speaks




Ceremony Marks

be filled out.

points while the boys from the oil
At the time the Kernel went to
country could tally only 40. The press the standings' in the Alpha
stringers and Phi Omega "I'gly Man" contest
freshmen saw plenty of action in were as follows:
those two zanies.
Charles Gulley, Alpha Gamma
Tulsa Coach Johnny Garrison, Rho, 324; Jack Carpenter, Alpha
who also serves the Hurricane as Surma Phi, 904; "Chenny" Everet,
track coach and football scout, has Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1140; Jack
four of this last year's starting five Feierabend, Delta Tan Delta, 293;
back this season. But it seems as if "Crusty" Christ. Sigma Phi Epsihis boys still have a long way to go. lon, 999; "Mouse" Seaman, Sigma
especially In view of their
loss Chi, 1130; Glenn Haagensen, Sigto East Texas State last week.
ma Nu, 438; Dick Witt, Pi Kappa
A possible "battle of giants" is In Alpha, 1205; Walter .Underwood, Phi
the making tonight between Cen- Delta Theta, 300; Rupert Stivers,
ters Alex Groza 6 7") and John Kappa Sigma, 1271; Tommy MontPhi Sigma Kappa,
dark 6' 8"). Groza had things gomery, Bogartis, Triangle, S26;
pretty much his own way over "Long Charlie
George Sakona, Scott St. Barracks,
John" last year as he hit the cords
for 36 points in the two games. He 800; Bill Morgan, Harlan County
also held Clark in check and the Club, 213; Bill Chandler, Phi KapHurricanes scoring burden was car- pa Tau, 293; Gene Deskins, Lambda
ried by Gerald Carre ns, who got 16 Chi Alpha, 111; "Tiger" Legette.
Delta Chi, 425; and Joe Kramer,
points in two games.
If the Tutsans employ the slow Taa Kappa, 216. Polls will remain
The I'gly Man
type of "set it up and wait" basketball, which is commonly used by pen in the Student L'nion until
Oklahoma A&M and other Western noon tomorrow.
colleges, they may prove more of a
foe than the Wildcats bargained for.
However, with Groza handling the Alpho Zero Initiates,'
rebounds and Ralph Beard.
liurry-u- t
bay. taking it Holds SUB Banquet
o own --court on the fast break the
Alpha Zeta, agricultural honorary,
Olympic champs should win by a
initiated twenty students Dec. 2.
comfortable margin.
the initiation a banquet was
Beard will get plenty of help on
the fast break from Cliff Barker, held in the Student Union Building.
the Wildcats' passing artist. In last Dr. John F. Cunningham,
of Alpha Zeta, was the guest
week's opener, with Indiana Central,
Barker kept Kentucky . students speaker, and Lowell Denton, chancheering and Hoosier players tear- cellor, presided.
Those initiated were Fred Arms,
ing their hair with his tricky, deW. DeWinter Buress Jr., Robert
ceptive passes.
Crouch. John Crutchfield.
Students who have
ticket books will get to see the Big Ellis, Robert Enlow. George EveBlue in action tonight for the second rett. Ray Flannery. Ambrose Givens,
Kenneth Grizzell, Jack Haggard,
straight time. Those holding
books will see the Ar- James Hamilton, Ray Hogg, Col urn bus Letton, Carlisle Moore,
kansas game Monday night,
Moor Jr., Willis Moremen,
James Muntz, Kenneth Stewart.
Chess Exhibit Slated and Norman Taylor


Number 10




Any veteran who wishes to
transfer from one college to another must have prior approve 1
of the Veterans Administration.
It is suggested that veterans report to room 204, Administration
building well in advance of the
semester in which they wish to
transfer colleges in order that
proper forms and permission may




It'll. HHJ'I

Vets Need Permission
To Change Colleges

To Defeat Tulsa


Partly Cloudy, Cold
High of 34


Wildcats Favored



a student
to Mr" Thompson, who is University,
SuKy Circle is making plans
Texas Cnristian
set uo an experimental card section
summer for
for the Tennessee game. Feb. 8. i lour"1 on
student activuy and
Card section practices have been ""P01
m e rehabilitation of Euro-an- d
so that SuKy members
tryouts will learn how to u:,e P811 countries. He is visiting 4a
cards effectively for the football sea- - colleges and universities this win-so- n
next year, according to Charles iter on behalf of relieious
president. Dottie Miller is ship sponsored by the National Stu-i- n
dent Work office,
charge of arrangements.
He will speak at 11 a.m. Friday

For Proficiency Exams
Arts and Sciences students who
are plannin to take the foreign
language proficiency examinations
before the spring semester must
report to room 128, McVey Hall,
not later than December 17. The
exams will be given January 12,
13, and 1V



on "Youth Movement in Europe"
in Room 212 of the Soial Science
Building. Sunday morning he will
speak to a combined student church
school class and assist the Rev. Les
lie R. Smith in the Morning Worsh;,
at Central Christian

Overschmaltz VJith Pen In Hand
ISclrc- VMnfn HnU aw llPr




The girls here at UK aren't
irrewiv Kantjj. all most of ttu in using Ponds for lour years
want is a man It's the different re- - wasn't engaged yet She wonded
quircments make it difficult to find if Santa rouia scna ncr sonv. ne.
the right one Some want them Ull. cream, cream of the crop tha,
some want them lean and some
fugitive From Rorschach Tf.t
want them pudgy. Most of the juls
The most peculiar request I rr- prefer a little moola. along with the ceived was for-- different sia: skrip
ink bottle. It seems that this per- One girl told me she didn't par- - son making the request reached lcr
ticularly care about having a boy the Vicks the other night in the
hanging on her Christmas tree, but dark. She got permanent Skrip ink
she sure would like to see that ha instead.
She was good nulure;!,
didnt get on anyone elses. Yulctkielso she laid there and laughed ss
spirit, eh, Santa?
the liquid poured out on fie bed
Let's Fate It
and pajamas, thinking all the tinie
Of course we have the more prac- - .some practical joker had heated the
tical minded that only desire fur Vicks. Twasn't so. Santa, she s nocars, transportation by plare, doing maid duty in Boyd Kail, per- movie contracts and a wardrooe of manently. that is.
clothes trom Filth Avenue.
Come lne Holiday-- .
Now there is the serious side to
We can't forget Spike Joiic.'s
wants of a gal for Christmas, tie girl who only wants "two froi t
Jinyle bells
Plastic surgery was one require- - teeth for Christmas."
ment made to the likeness of Hedy and mistletoe to you Santa and
Lamarr. Why can't people be satis- - good luck on filling these largj or- fied with their own pans? What did ders. My only request is thut you
A. Euwer say about faces, wasn't put wings on the days between now
it "My face I don't mind it. Because and the Christmas holidays an-- l put
an anchor on them when they arrive.
I'm behind
One girl declared she had been




cinripnt Pr.iinhir.




Lufu"! on of nuiie. " Sprvire




Students Publish Poems


Ticket No. 12 Tonight
Student ticket No. 12 will be
honored for the Kentucky-Tuls- a
game tonight in
Alumni gymnasium.
For the Kentucky-Arkansa- s
game Monday evening, ticket
No. 9 will be good. The freshman
basketball team will play an independent quintet before the



The frosh game is scheduled
to start at 6:30 p.m.
Kentucky's scrap with Arkansas will be the last home contest
for the Wildcats until February
8, when
K will meet Tennessee.


Two poems written by University
students will appear in the Annual

Anthology of College Poetry.
The selected poems are "A?e and
Death" by Richard Shcehy Jr., and
..My Fortune" by Martin Coi'icun-coat- s,



Library To Close
The Margaret I. King Library
will be closed from 12 noon Dec.
23 until 8:30 a.m. Dec. 27 for the
official University Holiday.

� .



Page Two

The Kentucky Kernel



Dear Sir:
First of all I wish to express the

?JUclm, nd
Kentucky intercollei-- t Press Association
opinion of the
to4tre4 the 4o not neces$mrilf writer
Lexlmon Board of Commerce
themsHvet, end
Kentucky Prens Aseodatton
the opinion af The Kernel.
National Editorial Association




sincere hope that Miss McFish (and
a very appropriate name it is) will
one day own a market and can raise
her stink and get paid for it.
a time her "squirrel fruit"
letters were a source of amuse- ment, but now It is becoming a
to the attitude the public
might take to our student body's


CUf FmkUthtn ktpmnltm Y.
Vom, h.
M rcilc

""Enured at the Post Office at Lexington,
Kotxwcfcy, mm wcnnd class matter under
tlm Act of Match i, 179.


40 MDnro





Editor Reporters: Jobie Anderson, Beverly
Managing Editor
BeU. KeVl Blair, Temple Cole, Yo- News Editor lande Coulter, Joanne Davis, Wallace
Beatrice Freedman, Rosemary
Tom Diskln
Sports Editor
Allen Terhune
Business Manager umm
nan, Marilyn Kilgus, Wilfred
William Mansfield, Dottie Miller,
Rubye O rah am
Society Editor
Dorothy Neal, Mary Shinnick,
Herbert A. Moore ..
Marian Stone, Bruce Owens, Robbie Robinson, Pat Thomas, Simp.
Frank Cassidy
son Tomkies, Ann Tracy, Ann
Vaughn, . Barbara Ann Warren,
Wilfred Lott, Charles Erck5. and
Jane Webb, Kenny Wood, Charles
Joan Cook .... Advertising
Feature Editor
Mary Bert McKennt
Assistant News Editor
Circulation Ben Reeves
Rusty Russell
Proofreader Joan Cook and Monte R. Tussey
Associate Managing Editors
News Desk: Betty Bogcess, Nell Kent HoUingsworth and Dudley
Saunders .. Associate Sports Editors
Helen Deiss

Harry Green
Sue Wsrren




Busy Bees Flit Over Campus
"Are then

rough good woiks to go around?" The honorniembcio i.
"We'll share that wealth of golden deeds!" (heir fighting
proxy thundered."
And thus another honotarv'gioup is sent forth to sleuth around
for "worthwhile campus projects." which may range from carrv-inbundles for aged l.tc nil y meiulx is, to organizing a safety patrol
on rollersVatcs.
In their desjxration to find something, anvthing. that can 1r-listed as a project, many of the countless campus honoraries, and
clubs, too. clash over who is to gel what. It is not unusual to find
two or three such so ieties vying for an outstanding campus event,
or asking to share a successful project with another group.
An example of wasteful effort is the honorary that works all
year to obtain a set amount of money to send a delegate to the
national fcmi vein ion each summer. That is all it docs, and it goes
these same jxiinilcss efforts year after year.
If there is no artmil serii
for ml hnnnrarv to rwiTiimi
can t it just remain an honorary, a recognition lor certain a (Tom- lishments.
Why does a club feel that it justifies its existence with some
unneeded project, such as picking up candv wrapixrs from the






Fmei'c 1fCff
lxcated in


K.ar a grcal many





as thev are, UK students'

do not get to
outstanding persons speak during undergradu-through



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A woman approached the pearly
gates and spoke to St. Peter.
"Do you know if my husband is
here? His name is Smith."

"Lady, we have k's o them here.
You'll have to be more specific."

"Joe Smith."