xt7fqz22cn63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22cn63/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Harrison County--Directories Kentucky--Harrison County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Harrison County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Harrison County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7fqz22cn63 section xt7fqz22cn63           »wmImm»mm~mmmmIM                
; ; ,; § a was wswvaa F I {   _
  , g     GUIDE TO   I  
  A I I Compiled for A
j- A   if A IN KENTUCKY _  

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 .__C_}__UIDE TO
I War Services Section
‘ Service Division
_   IJ.r`orl<: Projects Adminisisration, ·   _
Louisville, Kenizucky »
October 1942 `
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 if The Harrison County Defense Council is Affiliated
y with the Kentucky Defense Council
J Frankfort, Kentucky
L Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
Q Chairman
JQ John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
é Civilian Defense
El John S; Linehan, Chairman
l J 2  
¥* Charles Hutchins James M. Carter
éi Tmlter Hood Wendall H. Cason
lg Dr. H. Todd Smiser Thomas T. Wilson
¥i Wyles Myers Rev. E. B. Wooten
iQ · R. Harold Poindexter
ig This guide is prepared for the official use
gd of the Defense Council of Harrison County and
§ other >agenCies engaged in defense work .
Ef It should not be made available for cmmmcr—
I cial use. Additional copies can be obtained
l only at the office of the Harrison County
J Defense Council.

` ._ • ‘ _  
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 z  °" 1 "'
g AMERICAN LEGION, STEPHEN B. NHALEN POST=#Q7 (National American Legion),c/0
Q James Am erman,~Batt1egrove Avenue, Cynthiana. Founded 1919. Commander,
Q James Ammerman. Telephone 5802. Adjutant, Henry J. Luig, Pike Street, Cyn-
; thiana. Telephone 280-TL Terms expire June, 1945. `
Q Membership: 90. Qualifications, World War veterans having honorable dis-
E charge. _ _
6 Committees: Executive, James Ammerman; Child wblfare, Harold Ingles; Ways
g and Means, Joe Pressman, all of Cynthiana.
§ Purpose; Rehabilitation of veterans. Foster and perpetuate true Americanism
Ԥ by precept and example.
E Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Community Chest end Veterans Hos-
Qi pital.
R Defense Activities: _1ntcrested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Harden Service,
, "'|""'f1"‘£"'*" ·- '?‘*"“*t"‘*?"*'* . `.4 .y . ` •
Civiiian7n1rcraft·earning Service,-nuxiliary F re Protection, Collection of
{ Scrap hetaI$ and Other Metals. · ‘ . , · . .
Local Publications: None.
{ n§;RIC4N LEGION AUXILIARY, Stephen B. Whalen Unit #27 (National Lmerican
g Legion nnxiliary), c/b Mrs. Frank L. Duffy, 259 North Church Street, Cyn- ·
“— thiane. Founded 1926. President, hrs. Frank L. Duffy. Telephone ?O4-J.
f? Secretar"‘ yrs. E. H. Lui Pike Street Cvnthiane, Terms ex irc June,
 ,_, J: E: s .
sg 1945. -
Q hembership: 13. Qualifications, wife, daughter,.mother—or sister of legion-
Ei naire. . `.
in Committees: None reported. _
QQ Purpose: To assist the Legion and participate_in_all`patriotic programs.
3E Normal Civic Lctivities: Cooperates with local Health Department.
ii  t'i Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
§ inqs, Ped Cross nssistance, Discussion Leaders.
t Local Publications: None. _ _ A
§ LVERIC;N RED ences, xinnxsor CCEETY CHQPTER (American National Red Cross),‘
Post Office Building, Cynthiena. Founded l9l7. Chairman, J. S. Whaley,
Cynthiana. Executive and Home Service Secretary, hiss Sidney R. neviland,
Post Office Building, Cynthians. Tomas indefinite.

 - g - 1
American Red Cross, Harrison County Chapter (Continued) {
Membership: 1368. Qualifications, annual subscription of one dollar or over. ng
Committees: Surgical Dressings and Production, Mrs..Stan1ey M. Recs; Sew~ S Q
ing, Hrs. Sadie HoIIvnin;·Knitting, Mrs. Jno. Linehan, all of Cynthiana. ig
· Purpose: Service to the community. ‘ ` Q
Normal Civic Activities: Emergency aid in the event of disaster. Cooporates E
with .e1fare League and Health Department. ‘ 5
Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, First. S
 """’°"‘_"‘   ff
Ald . j  
Local Publications: None. _ l. pi 3
c/o O. L. Howard, 506 Bridge Street,‘Cynthiana. Founded l90l.’Exalted Ruler, f
John L. Cummins,(U. S. Armed Forces), Esteemed Leading Knight, Herman Moore, Q
Route<#C, Cynthiana. Secretary, O. N. Howard. Telephone 524. Terms-expire Q
March, l943. t gt
`~ Membership: 143. Qualifications, male american eitizons_21-years of age n fj
and over, ·* ~ ¢Z
{ _ Fg,
Committees: National Defense, John H.-Terry; Community Welfare, EL L. Case, =§
Both_of Cynthiana. ~ _ _ gg
` ‘ ~  
Purpose: To tough and foster Americanism, “ , _ EQ
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperate with Community Chest, Aids in clothing gg
indigen, school children, Also cooperating with Hazlewood T. B. Sanatorium, f§
Louisv llc. . fg
Defense Activities: Interested in Luxiliary Police, Air Raid werden Service, `Q
 —   - . . · S .  ii
Civilian nircralt 4brning Service, motor Corps Service, Collection of Scrap Q
Metals and Other Metals, Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and §
Othe r s . . ‘  
S Local Publications: None. ‘ C YS l~ I -i,_ ,$
BOY SCOUTS OF AIERICA, TROOP #58 (D. S. A. National Council), East Bridge gi
Street, Cynthiana. Founded 1934. Scoutmasterg Fred T. Atkinson, 116 Elmarch {
Avenue, Cynthiana. Telephone 315. Term indefinite. Secretary, Joe Craig f Q
Smith, North Church Street, Cynthiana. Telephone 265. Term expires October, ;
1942. Exccutivn Secretary, Robert Fope, South Elmarch Avenue, Cynthiana. l'
Term indefinite. · {

 _ i
  .. 5 -
t Boy Scouts of Lmcrica, Troop 58 (Continucd)
Q F ~ .
_ yi Mombcrship: 56. Opcn to boys 12 to 18 yours, ablc to pass Scout tost and
`Q milling to comply with oath and laws.
Q` Committcos: Harrison Council, Robcrt M. Popc; Camping, Gsrnctt Arnold;
g ~i_*_ ndvanoomcnt, J. M. Hartor; Troop, R. H. Poindoxtor, all of Cynthiana.
¥. Purposc: Building oharactcr and citizcnship, training in outdoor activitios,
T "ET"*’T"'”. ._p, . _
s 9, iirst aid, lilo saving ctc. ·
, Normal Civic nctivitios: First nid and Lifo Saving with local Firo Donart-
, Dcfcnso Activities: Engagod in Rod Cross Assistance, First nid. Training
; for ;uxiliary Firo Protoction, First nid. 'Intorostod in nir Raid Thrdcn
g Sorvicc, Civilian Aircraft Warning Scrvico, Zmorgoncy Ropair Sorvicc, Lmbu-
` lancw Scrvico, Oporation of Ccntocns, Signal Sorviccs, Touching Classcs in
Mocnwnical Skills Ncodod in Dcfcnso lndustrios.
Loca? Eubliactions: Nonc.
..,.. -.,.1.I,, -,,.. - . ., ’ ., _v ·T . . _ ,.,_ ._ _ , . /
Bbolnnso nnN‘S CLUB CF_ClNTHln§n (United otatcs Chambor of Commcrco), c,o
J. M» Eartor, 515 East Fiko Strcct, Cynthiana. Foundod 1920. Prcsidcnt,
Q. S, n rton, East Plcansant Strcct, Cynthiana. Tclcphonc 5lE-R. Sooro—
tarv, J. M. Hzrtor. Tolophono 45%. Torms oxpiro Fobruary, 1943.
Mcnbcrship: 250. Qualifications, civic mindod businoss and prcfossional
. x©1n°unito and of good roputation. '
Committwos: Youth Work, Chas. E. Smith; lmprovomcnt and Publicity, Davis
C‘ T. ijiorvcyg Civics, R. H. Poinioxtcr; Rural-Urban, Whltor NcCouloy; Bub-
— lic Qi?;irs, Rcv, E. B. Wooton; Public Hcalth, C. L. Caso, all of Cynthiana.
{ Furposo: To promoto highcr bnsincss standnrds and bottcr spirit of coopcr-
, @‘ ation among businoss and profossional mon.
is Normal Civic Activitios: Ctudont loan fund; Emcrgoncy nir Fiold; Pronoto
L Tublic Building; Coopcrctos vnt}1Cornunity Chost; Fublic hcilth Sorvico
; and othcr civic organizations.
Dcfonso nctivitiosz lntorostcd in guxiliary Firc Jrotoction, Rod Crops
Assistancc, First nid, Radio Oporation and iopuir, Tublic Spcaking, Sig- - A
nal Sorviccs. _ . ‘
l Local Fublications: Yoarly Pxnphlct. ·
COLORED TGLFQKE LEnGUB OF H;1DlQOK'LCUTTY, o/o Tilliam Nichols, Hill Strcot,
Cynthiana. Founiod 195c. Prosidoit, Y. I. T;tson,‘“;tcr Btrcct, Cynthiaha.
Sccrctary, William Nichols . Corus cxoiro Octobcr, 1943.

 Colorod Uclforc Lcuguc of Harrison County (Continucd) .
Fcmbership; 25. Qualifications, nonc othcr than intcrcst in community wol-
fare. 9
Committccs: Civic, Chas. Robins, Maple Strcct, Cynthisnd. _ '
· Purpotc: To promotc wolfdre and raise living standards of the colorod mon-
bcrs of tho community.
Norm;] Civic Activities: Obtcined wstcr and scwmgc systcn far Ncgro section, -
Sponsor public playground for children ot Bonnokor`High School.
Dcfcnsc nctivjtics: Interostcd in nuxi1iurY.Policc» Air Raid Whndcn Ccrvicoy V
Civilixn nircrcft Thrning Scrvico, Auxiliary Fire Protocticn, Emcrgcncy Ic-
poir Scrricc, Collcotion of Scr;p·Qct;1s’¤nd’Othcr lwtsls. V _.
-Loc21 ?ub1icctions; None. 4 ·' Y *
CYNTHl;Y; CCUFTRY CLUB (Kontucky Fcdcrstion of Womon's Clubs), c/o`Mrs. J. §
B. Why,-Zillorsburg Pike, Cynthicnu. Foundcd 1902. President, Hrs. U. T. `Q
Ybrns1l_ 209 North rain Strcct, Cynthi;ns.‘Te1ophonc 708. Socrctsry, Mrs. Q
A J. 3. UEy.~Tclcphono 299. forms cxpiro Tay, 1945. 4_ . ~ g
Ecmbcrskio;_50. Qualifications, by invitation and eloction. , . .‘ {
Cmmwittces: Pr¤grom,‘Irs. J. W} Switzor; Rod Cross Qcwinc, Mrs. J. R. Jones; $
Thr Lo; ·‘`» s and Stamps, Mrs. Jn;. KoKinncy, all of Cynthiano. Q
Purpose: J Iitcrcry club. Educational ndyonccnent of members and working for 5
civic irnr‘vor;nt. ` · » ·; ·__,
Normal Ciric Activitios: Coopcratos with Ped Cross and various civic groups.
Dofcnse Activitios; Engaged in Rod Cross issistnnce, Scwing and Frcpnrntiont -1
of Srrgicul Drgssings. i
Decal Tublicotions: Yccr Look. _i·l " " 2
l CYHEHlnT@ YOUTH COUTCIL, e/o Jénes G._Wilson, 108 Church Strcot, Cynthionu. Q
Fcundod 1957, lctinc Prosidcnt Rev; 0. E. Turncr :South hillcr Stroct Ci- *
b _ J s I _ J _,
ntnisna. Telcphonc 244. Socrotary, J@ncs‘C. Tilson, Cynthiann. Tclophono Q
249-J. Terms cxpirc Juno, 1945. Dircctor, T. D. Graham, 125 North Church .§
Street, Cgnthiano. Tclcphono 561-I. Term indcfinitc. . §
, 4 · >  
Membership: 20 . Qualifications, 1 dcfinito intorest in youth scrvico. §
Cmrwittccsa lone r;ported. ‘ · . Q
· ' 5 
rt i?

Q Cynthiona Youth Council (Continued) ·
Q Purpose: To provide recreational facilities for youth of the connunity,
~§ I particularly the underprivileged. · `
fg Normal Civic Activities: Conducting recreation programs, cooperating
_; with Community Chest and other public agencies. F
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in Recreation; Interested in First Lid, Coll-
. i cetion of Scrap letals and Other Metals, Library Service.
’ i Local Publications: None. ,
iq  ,
>.   .-l _, ,,,.,.__   .. ., - ., , ,. l
y FRLL Hgn l;G;$TnD FnSOnb, oT. LjDRE!S~LODGEg%l8 (Grand Lodge ef kentucky,
2Q F & 4. I.), exo T. Robin Tecdvine, Reynolds nvenue, Cynthiana. Founded l800.
—  » -· .~ . . . . · .
ig ~ Master, Jenn n. neith, Reynolds nvenue, Cynthiana. Secretary, T1 Robin
f§ Tozdvine. Terms expire December, l945.
§ Membnrship; l$6. Qualifications, white male adults of good character.
fr Cefnltteesz None reported. ‘ _
JQ Purpose; Fraternal and charitable.
EQ Bernal Civic Activities: Cecperates with Community Chest.
¥¥ A Defence Activities: Interested in nuxiliary Police, Air laid Norden Service,
  ‘—:——:·‘.···;—-·-·——;··r·-———·r···.   . . . r,. _ . _ _ _.
Q Civilian nircraft Thrning Service, nuxiliary hire Pr tccticn, Collection of
QL °ScrQ>Zbiels and O@un·Lbtnls. . l
5 Local Publications: Nene.‘
Ԥ HUFTTYOJ COUNTY FQRM BUFE;Ui(;meriean *amn Bureau, State and Fatiencl), c/o
» ‘£ `Rotert Miggington, County ;grieultural·ng;nt, Cynthianu. Founded 1929. ‘
" f’ President, Joe Ucbaniel, R. R. #8, Cynthiana. Telephone 23ll. Secretary,
{Q Einnie E. Martin, Cynthiana. Telephone 45. Terms expire January, 1943.
,¥ Eerbershipz 82. Qualifications, required te be either Barn owner, operator,
ix  --·—·-.-..-..·.--»_ ‘ ”
cf or tenant. ’
f Committees: None reported.
  — W V · * . ~ —I . , · . M. , rh ·- 7, — `
Q Furpose: To encourage, prcmete ana inprevo agricaltur l moth es in the county.
i Ycrmal Civic nctivities; Coen r;tin; with University ‘T Kentucky ngriculturc
q`   V
Q, nxtcnsien Service.
Defense hetivitics: Engaged in Public Boo¢king, Consumcr‘}r¤tccti¤n QetivitiCS·
  --$--·---—- _, ` , ,   ,   _ _._ ,.~___'_
Interested in Collection of Scrap nctils and Ctncr -et ls, Discussion Lu.Qklo.
[ Local Publications; Bene.: T · · ‘ ‘ " 4
tr E V ` l `

 - 5 -
E;RDISCH COUNTY 4-H LEADERS COUNCIL (Agricultural Extension Service, Univer- M
sity of Kentucky), o/b Robert Tngginton, County Agricultural Agent, Velnut ;
. . »·¢ ·` . · _ I __V_
Street, Cynthiana, Founded 19oa. President, Mrs. H. D. Marshall, R. R.~#5,
Cvnthiana. Secretar Beulah Marsh R. R. @4, Cinthiana. Terms ex ire Feb~
., I P 3 4:
urary, 1945. Executive Secretary, Robert Wigginton. Telephone 45. Term in-
definite. ; 1
~ Lembership: 8. Qualifications, limited to active 4-H Club Leaders, one j
_. council member from each club. · ‘ »
Club Leaders: Buena Vista, Miss Beulah Marsh; Oddville, Miss Dorothy Armold; I
Renekeriwlrsl George Lemon; Connersvillo, Mrs. Shirley Kearns; Sunrise, Mrs. -
G. F. Trice; Derry, Irs. Robert Dremel. ~
Purioaez Sunervision 4~H Club vmrk. }
_______A I . .
Normal Civic lctivjties: Supervising club members in carrying on agricultural `T
and hoc: economics projects. p - - - g
Defense Ectivitics; Engaged in Consumer Protection_Activities. Interested é ‘
- T··—······T ········•~* <;#···· —·r—·**···=:··<:···· . '4 7   - _.   I
in Sewing and rreparation ol curcicul Dressings, Rod Cross Assistance, Pre- g
paration and Serving of Food. c V Q
Local Publications: None. G I ‘ - _ ?
HARRISON COUITY HOD3l&KIDS GRUB (Extension Service, University of Kentucky), p
c/o Hrs, Joe WcDaniols R. R. $6 Cvnthiana. Founded 1958. President Mrs. T
. 4 ’ JI : L _ __  __   s I.  
Joe IcDaricls. Telephone 25ll. Secretary, hrs. Robert Jennings, R. P, j6., l
Cynthiane, Terms expired September, l94E. _§
Icmbership: S2. Open to rural women seeking to improve their knowledge of _;
economic nnncwaking. Q
Committees; Citisenship, Irs. Douglas McLoney, R. R. fl, Cynthiana; Foods, Q
_ Intcriom Ducoratirc, chairmen not ro ortod. . ` _?
O 1._
_ Purpose: To encourage and promote better farming and home economics. S
Norm l Civic Activities: Cooporatinp with A. A. A.,·Rod Cross, Bundles for or
Britain vnd W. P. A. school lunch programs. Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Discussion Loaders. Interested in Sewing i
—~——7r—·:1;1——·- r——~1——~·r- · - . v———~———-—-——· . 4
ind irupuiation 6T Surgical D1oscin,s, Bod Cross Assistance, Preparation g
and bcrving of Food, Public Spcakiné. , 3
Local Publications; None. - _ f
QARXISON ZGUYTY YZDICXZ SCCIYTY (Kentucky Medical Sooioty;n.N.A.), Q/0 Y. if
2. hoorr, N.D.,Doctor*c Building, Cynthiana. Founded IQOQ. Prcsid nt, R. L; is
Loftin, M.D; County health Department, Cynthiana. Telephone 42l. Secretary, S
ZL B. Moore, h.D. Telephone l58. Exccutivc.Sccrotary, H. H. Moody, MQ D. i§
South Thlnut Street, Cynthians. Tolophonc 145. Terms cxpiro December, 1942. Q

 § - 7 -
" Q Hdrrison County Medical Socicty (Continucd)
Q Ncmborship: 16. Qualifications, grdduotc of un dccrcditcd mcdicdl collcgc,
  -1--——·· . . ,
Z in good standing and liccnscd by tho Stdtc.
? Committccs: Nonc roportcd.
i EPT?9S" Adyanccmcnt Of medical RHOWIGQC, Gwmnunity scrvicc and goodwill of
{ mcmbcrs.
’ Q Nurvil Civic Activities; Cocperutcs with Public Kcalth Scrvicc, cspcciclly
‘ if in c,ro given to indigcnts. A
; · Dcfcnsc’Activitics Intcrcstcd in.Ambul&ncc Scrvicc Hos ital and Clinical
 2: ‘ ........ £......-....., -.....-.7. ,......-. ..   ,
gc _ Acsistdncc nod Cross Assistdncc, First Aid.
    ( ‘ " T` 7 ‘ I" ·pT'
gg Loccl ruslicitionsg none. _ _
f Lodgc'l. O. O. F.O)» C/0 Ollie D. Turncr, CYnthiand. Foundcd 1902. Eoblc—
QLV V G1‘¤n, c/o HGV. ' O. E. T\1I‘11GI‘, 1].2
South iillar Street, Cynthiana, Founded 1959. President, Rev. O. E. Turner.
Telephoye Dia Secretary, Charles Iarshall, Farmers National Bank, Pike _
Street. Cyntnlsna. Terms expiredduly, 1942.
Memberslio: Be. Qualifications, open to business men of good reputation and
by 1pp.¤val’oV ncmbership. · ,i · _ _ . ‘
Committees: Health and Ueliare,'Sight Conservation, Civic Improvement, Cit- S
izenship and Patriotism, Safety, Finance. Chairmen not reported. *
Purpos * Service to the community and recreation For the members. Z
Normal Civic Activities: Sight conservation (provides glasses for indigent
soho l children}. C operates with Youth Council, Community Chest and other
civic groups.
Defense Activities: Interested in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other _
Mrtals, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking.
Local .’i`lf_1O]_ f.c=*.",f ons : Nolte . A ' I
NUTRITION CCQIETEE CF HLRLISOE CCUNTY (State Nutrition Committee), c/e Mrs.
Prank L. Duffy, Worth Church Street, Cynthiana. Founded 1941. Chairman,
Mrs. Frcrz L. Duffy. Secretary, hrs. E. VL Brumback, Pike Street, Cynthiana.
Terviis i;;d—. finite .
Iembcrship: 1%. Open to individuals desiring tp participate in-the nutrition
program of the county. , ., y
Committees: Exhibits, Hrs. Hubert Hutton; Canning, Yrs. Frank L. Duffy, both C
of Cynthixna. · _
Purpose; Prcmete interest in and bctter'knowlcdgc of Nutrition through axh— `
ibits, discussion and fend preservation, ,
‘· s

 - 9 - ‘
. Nutrition Committcc of Harrison County(Continucd)
Ebrmol Civic nctivitios; Sponsoring cunning demonstrations and cunning for
3 schoolulunch progccts and indigont familics. Cocporatcs with W. P. A.
~ pcfcnsc_Activitios; Engcgod in Prcpcrotion and Sorving of_Food, Discussion
Lcsdcrs. lntorcstod in Public Speaking, Consuncr Trotcction Lctivitics.
4 Local Publications: None. _
f ORDGK OF ELSTERH STLR, CYHTHI4NA CEnPTER=#l@2‘(Gr:nd Choptcr of Kontucky,O.
E. A.), c/b irs. isrry McCsulcy, Baptist Pikc, Cynthiano. Founded 1300.
· Worthy intron, Krs. Rico Fryman, Sclcm Piko, Cynthiann. Tolmphono 838—J~l.
,» Socrctury, hrs. harry McC¤ulcy. Tclcphcno 79l2. Tcrms cxpirc Scptowbor,
1945. . _
E _ Tcmbcrshio; 90. Qualifications, ag; 18 yocrs or ovcr olcctod to ncnbcrship.
g Conxittoosz Nous roportcd.
qi Furooscz To m·omotc civic wolfurc and ur toot thc intcrost of widzws and
_ -.-;;.;-1* A. L
_; orpncns of masons.
f Fcrinl Citic Activitics: Visiting thc sick. Czopsrstc with Community Chcst,
_§ Pod Cr ss, T. B. Lssociotion.
g‘ _ Dafousc nctivitics: Engaged in Rod Cross Lssistanco. Intcrcstod in Scwing
g , ond Qrogdrmtiwn of Surgiccl Dressings. ,o _ T _
Locil ?ublicotio1S:_Nono. i
at EjRj*T—T1iCE£R ;S5OClMTlOU (%t;tc and National Congrcsscs P. T. g.), c/J
, Mrs. I. Y. Trumbdck, EOS Pik. Strcot, Cynthiun¤._F>undcd l9Q5. Prcsidcnt,
s Hrs. YQ ”. ''.' Erunbuok. Tclophono 46. Sccrotari Hrs. P£l,h Lcslio, Ruincldu
4 - » =
_ Avenue, Cynthicuo. Tulcphonc 469~R. Tcrns cxpiro Hoy, 194U.
°t .;brbcrship1 25. Opcn to touchor, pqrcnts ord other individu ls intcrostod
i; thc wmlfcro of school childro;.
€ Committcos:Progr;n, Mrs. Kcixcth Froy, Elntrch. -—
1 v ~ ~~.. »~»—4»~ ~¤ #t— —~d. ~*¤·d'v~ ood ~r¤¤~r*tinr bctwccx tzuohbr
, lu1p·..c. Pr--n..·ti.,- ,i bbc tr u-, .,rssu._li.iU ..,_   L, . , J , x
. ocrcnt ind pupil.
Yi H,rm;l Civic gctivitics; Cocpcr.ting with C;r@unity Chcst in providing
` °""""‘*"”"""""""*··‘*"·‘“""¤"""¥""' · ., · ,_ ..,.:.4 .   .,,. ., - W- .— ~~' ,· » ~· _-.~ 'F,
. School lunch for indigont childron, nlsi with tht $n;buCLI ccsqui~CcntcA1i,l
-   Pr" grim.
E Dofcnsoinctiviticsz Engcgod in Ergo ratio; and Serving of Food, Discusciox
L L-»•r~¤·· ¤ ·* r·r··` r—···* ·1 w, o · ' ·
 . Q.rr,ti·;;1 of Surgical D1ossi:1L::, {hoc Ci usc n...il.;,t .-.oc, Child C·..rc.
j Local Publications: Nono.

 , - 10 ··
ROTARY CLUB OF CYNTHIANA (Rotary International), 107 North Main Street,
Cynthiana. Founded 1925. President, Loren Case, Cynthiana. Telephone 22l.
Secretary, E. B. Wooten, 107 North Rain Street, Cynthiana. Telephone 75.
Terms expired June,l942. .
7 Fembership: 56. Qualifications, owner or executive of some distinct bus-
iness or profession. o
· Ccnmittecsz Club $ervice, J. G. Wilson; Community Service, E. I. LcCracken;
Vocation ..». l Service, Walter Wood; International Dervice, J. V. Lawrence, all
of Cvnthiana.
Purpose; To forter the ideal of service in all relationships sustained by
Normal Civic ”ctiviti#c: lt is a cooperating organization but no specific ~
`a7?E?H*EiZ{E"7,._`§?"?ep  c
Defense Activities; Trterested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Service,
Civiliin Aircraft Larning`EZrvicc, Auxiliary Eire Protection, Hospital and
Clinital Assistance, Entertainment, Lecreation, Library Service, Discussion
Loaders. Public Speaking, Consumer Protection Activities.- 7
Local Pwblications: None.
70LlM'S CLUB OP HLIHISOE COUNTY National Federation of Wononls Clubs c o V
J 3
‘ Mrs. L. C. Scott, 525 Pike Street, Cynthiana. Founded l9l9. President, Mrs.
John E,.  iigli. Tsglephone 570, 'jT·3r1;n·;;xpires lviay_,_’l9/L3. Secretriry, Mrs, l‘;GHIl•·•
cth C. Ur¤,, llt Elmarch Avenue, Cynthicna. Telephone G45»H. Term expires
l.-{air, 1”}j F ., _ ·
gpnooriigi; lol. Qualifications, intelligence, character, reciprocity. _
Committjys— P·cgrum, Yrs. J. hickran McKee; Music, Nrs. E. K. `*." Eitkins, .
Lucy Dtvts; Aiericen Hom;s,.Mrs. Robert Wigginton; Kcmbership, Mrs.
Ruth Cox, gll of Cynthiona. _ , V
Purpose: Vocational ern recrvational activities io; underprivileged girls; y
Coop rotts with Community Chest and city school programs. ‘ ‘
Defense rotivitios; Engaged in ind Cross Assistance, Consumer Protection T
» Activitl.s. Interested in Sewing one Preparation oi Surgical Dressings,
, Preparation and Serving of Bord, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. *
Local Publication; Your Book. I
l  A

 _ ~ ll —
_ Air Laid ~ardcn Scrvicc V _ ‘ C
Ambulcnco Sorvioc ‘ ‘
Auxilixry Firc Protcction
Auxiliary Polioc
Chilc Caro
r Civilian Aircraft Worning Scrvicc
T Collecting Books ‘ _
_ Collcction of Scrap Motels and Othcr Mctols
Consumer Protection Activitios
Discussion Eccdcrs
j Drafting
·_ Emcrgcncy Renoir Sorvicc
I Ente 1 t or izmc nt » l
` * Family Social Sorvico ir lndustiriul Arcos
Q First Aid
i Hospitcl and Clinicil Assistanco = ~
¥ Tntorprcting A _
Y lntorvitwing
Q Library Sorvico
T Motor Corps Borvico `
€ Cporction of Cantcons
g Preparation ond Scrving of Food T
* Public Sjoaking
C Radio Ckcrction and Ropoir `. T
E “ocrcation
*5 Pod Cross hssistanco · ' C " A
5 Rosoorch.Assistnnco
A Solvogo Dcrolition Scrvico · ·
C Sowing ono Preparation of Surgical Dressing:
Signal Sorviccs · A
} Touching kmcricmnizntion Classos for Alions ind Cthcrs
li Touching Classcs in Mcchnnicsl Skills Iccdod in Dofcnso lndustrios
i Tcncbing Clossos of Lap Reading and Stotching
j Touching Litoracy Clossos for Alions and Othcrs
Teaching Spanish ond Pcrtugucso
€ Typing and Other Clerical Assistancc

 - 12 -
American Legion, Stophon B. Whalen Postg$27, l '
Amoriocn Logion Auxiliary, Stophcn B. Whalen Unit¤f27, l
mnurioin bod Cross, Harrison County Chmptor, l ,.
Bonovol nt Protootivo Order of Elks Lodgo #45C, 2
Boy Socuts of Jmgriou, Troop=#58, 2
Businoss Mon's Club of Cynthiana, 5
Colorad T@l§d:o Ln@Q*o of Harrison County: 5
Cynthiuna Country Club, 4
Cynthiunn Youkb Council, é
Froo and iocooicd Mxsons, Et. Androrm lmdg©·#l8, 5 ’
Hrrrison County Form Burouu, 5 ‘
Hrrrison Cornhy 4-H Lcmdors Council, G V· - `
Hsrrison County Xomomakors Club, G
H;rrison County Jedioal Socioty, 6
. Indoponlont Ordor of Odd Follows, Cynthicna Lodgo Jl27, 7
Knighis of Pythims, Quimby Lodgo #68, 7
Lions Club of C nthianu 8 V
Hutritio; ucnmjttoo of Harrison County, 8 4
Ordcr of ixstorn Stir C nthion: Cbuwtor¢¥l42 9
9 .. .. :
Purcnt—Lrx»k~r Lsrooidtion, 9 l
Rot;ry *lub of Cyntbiano, lO C - C
Uomur's Club of Yarrison County, lO
} .

 "‘   -•A  
Explonotion of Symbols: A- "Engogod in", B~ "Training for", C-
"I1i’corcsi:od in".
Nmmbors following LL, B, or C, imdiooto pogo ontry i:1 Dirootory.
_ fuioriocii Lzgiow, Sizophcn Yiiholozi Post #27, C-=l; Bonovolozrb Protootivo
Crier of Elko, Loclgo {,458, C»·2; Boy Scouts o17`j;morioa‘., Troop   58, C-2;
CoL.or<..·i T`Zoli“o.r., Troop #58, C-2; Harrison County ljodiool Society,
C··G; lQ;'ig;11·b:: oi Pyizliios, Quimby Lodgo ¤,,=58, C-?.
I Jrurioa?.21 Logioiu, Stophogi B. Wiaxlozi Post #27, C-l; Bonfxvolozfc Protooizivo
Croor o? Elks, Lodgo gy-458, C—·2; Boy Scouts of IJHC:I`j.CC., Troop g,¤5S, B-·2;
D‘:.Fi‘1oss Blows Club of Cyii’o]1i;;;1o., C·=5; Colored T?oli‘ of ?if=.rr~·
· · · w .. I'. w ·
isozi Couzfcyr, C-5; Froo and i-oocpi;od Masons, St, lrndrows Loogo mlb, 0-5;
l€;1igl1Jcs of Pytzhiuss, Quimby Lodgo g"¤5Y3, C··7; Ro·i;c.ry Club of Cyorchirszii`., ‘
£.rU‘3=`, IL I. fil PO LI CE
i`xQ;lY"l`I.OT.;'l Logiou, Stophov:1 B. `;7Hrx:r.lie11 Post Q}27, C-·l; Colorod ‘.’T<;·lf€·.ro Loag-
1;.e of H0.rris<»;i County, C-=5; Froo and ¢··CC£."O'i3<3€I Liscms, 5*0. lk11o»ui..J of ...mJ1ioo., lroop Moo, C ri,
Colored T·Ic.li‘r.ro Lboguo if lErrriS;»t1 ·3ou;1’cy, C·-5; E1 or nwuo uoocptoé _»-Mcnsozzs,
° Sr. Qrxidrows Lodgo {,fl8, 0-5; T·’i11i;:h“ms   Py·i>h1c.¤, Quwbiy Lodge 1,-58, (3--7;
Rotary Club of Cy:ii:hi:.n:i·., C-lO.

 - 14 -
Liens Club of Cynthianu,—C—8.
nwerican Legion, Stephen B. Whalen Pest #27, C—l; Benevolent Protective
Crier of Elks, Ledge {458, C-2; Colored Welfare League of Harrison Cou-
` nity, @-*3; Cynthiana Youth Council, C-/lg Free find Accepted Masons, St, .
indrews Leduc {18, C-5; Harrison County Form Bureau, C-5; Knights of
Fythias, Quinby Ledge #68, C—7; Lions Club of Cynthiuna, C-8;
Nutrition Comuittee of Kcrrisen Ceunty,C-6; Rotary Club of Cynthianu,
C—lU; l»l` kmxn's Club of Iarrison County, L»lO.
nncrie n Legion Auxiliary, Stephen B. Whalen Unit j€7, C-l; Harrison
Ceuiiy Par; Brrouu, C-5; Harrison County Henemakers Club, A-C; Lions
Club oC Cynthlana, C-8; Nutrition Committee if Harrison County, n~C;
P;r;rt·le1chor Association, A-9; Rotary Club of Cynthiana, C-10; Vom-
;n's Club of Harrison Czuity C-lC.
¢1E»]l?.CET‘F”`1`  ll} `S?¥]ll/`TCE l z
Boy Strut: of nmeriea, Troop {ss, C-2; Colored Welfare League if Harris- .
on C~uity, C—5,
ElUFGHi‘jV$ '_l“l LV?
let ry Club if Cynthiane, C-lO.
Hey Ee uts of umcrien, Troop f6C, n-2, B-2; Business hen's Club of Cyn-
` thi na, C~6; Cynthiana Ycutb C`u1eil,.C-4; Harrison County ledieul Sce-
iety, C-6. I {
imuyicxn Red Criss, hirrlsin County Chapter, C-; Harrissn Cvunty Iedieal
Sxeipty, C—6; P¤rent—Te;eher ussreirtien, C-9; Rotary Club if Cynthianu,
P1 'N

 N 15 -
Cynthiona Youth Council, C-4; Rotorv Club of C nthians C-lO.
J s
Boy Scouts of Amorico, Troop¤#58, C—2»
Harrisoi County l—H Loudors Couuoil, C—6; Harrison County Homomakors
Ulrb, C~G; Nutrition Committoo of Harrison County, A-8; Ordor of
7 y r · f' p,. _ Y, · · -
bastorn Stir, Cynthiono Choptor yl4o, C-9; Puront-Tooohcr Association,
A-9; Voman's Club of harrison County, C-lO.
Busiuoss Mon’s Club of Cyuthiono, C~5; Harrison County Homomokors Club,
C-6; Lions Club of Cynthiono, C—G; Nutrition Committoo of Harrison
Countv C—8; Rotor Club of Cvuthionu C-lC· Tbman's Club of Harrison
C J L, s s
Cougty, C—lO.
Business Non's Club of Cynthiano, C-3; Knights of fythius, Quiuby Lodge
#$2, o-7.
Cynthimro Youth Council, Q-4; Rotary Club of Cyutbicno, C-lO.
l@DRJ%fbMBD&@ `
Lmoriomn Logicu Auxilicry, Sizpbon B. Kh V x. 2"`f

 Tliis book may be kept il
A {